The Brussels Post, 1945-4-4, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, April 4,11l1, 1945 All for the Home Martin Senour Pure Paint Floor Enamel Multi -Use Enamel Quick Drying Varnishes Wood Lac Stain Neutone Flat Paint St nworthy Wall Paper Needed at House -Cleaning Time Moth Proof Garment Bags Red Cedar Flakes Formaldehyde, 8 oz bottles • • • , 25c bottles .. Four Square Glass Cleaner .. ... ......•. 50c 30e pkg 20c Four Square Floor Wax • • Four Square Furniture Polish .. • • Tintex, Sunset and Rit Dyes 15c Dolly Cream for Curtains • • • • ' . • 75c bottles Moth Control Liquid ....... • • - " ' y -Kul, Moth Fume Killer Crystals, Cedar and ��vGum Camphor Fly-Tox, 45c bottles 15c pkg F. R SMITFI DRUGG111T and STATIONER d'^' Stals» TELEPHONE NO. 62 -- TELEPHONE NO. 62 WILLIAM SPEACE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, -- — ETHEL, ONT. Cozy Theatre Will Re -Open April 10th 'rhe Cozy Theatre is closed at present while 115 opera seats awe being insta led. It wi11 re -open n Tuesday. April lOMr with an out- snow bucket, V -plow and angle standing lineup of pictures in store for its patrons. mese will include a er. en hase. a g9udpmrsepowes the loveable Bumatead Series, George Formby with hisnonsensical purohased in Toronto at a cost of fun and such popular hits as "You ;15,626. Were Never Lovelier, " "Crazy Houser and marry more top notch The council is also calling for n- tenders age collect - successes. Remember April the and ion. Thisrsystemy wasbinaugerated ink dater eslay' hours 8 remember the change in one year ago. o'clock and 9,50. Wingham Council Buys Tractor and Snow Plow The Wingiham town council have announced the purohaase of a D-4 caterpillar with excavator shovel, BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Beit, B,A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Mr Benson in attendance Saturday afternoons. Office open daily from 9—to— 5:30 F. F. HOMUTH OPTOMETRIST Coming to brussels Th.rsiay, April 12th 9 A. M. till 9 P. M. We will have all the most ,'13,1'• r..+,r<..:.. Modern 'Equipment and can b" iii ^ ,..t,:a: i .„ ' assure you the very Best Eye -Service. Avoid disappoint- ment byl telephoning Miss Maudey Bryans Phone 26x Brussels for an appoint went. Another Hydro Rate Reduction For AI Rural Consumers A further Rural rate reduction from 4c to 31/2c per kilowatt hour on the first block of energy used in any one month by Hydro Rural consumers, will go into effect on all bills rendered on or after May 1st, 1945. This Rural rate reduction will mean a saving of approximately $300,000 a year to Hydro Rural consumers. The New Uniform Rate Structure Will Be: 3 and 1-2c. per kilowatt hour for first block . of energy. (formerly 4c.) 1 and 6-10c. per killowatt hour for second block of energy. 3-4c per kilowatt hour for all additional energy. No service charge on Farm Service ... a service charge of 56c gross per month on Hamlet Service. The more Hydro you use the Less it costs on the average per kilowatt hour. Increased use therefore brings lower costs. The important revisions in Rural rates, made effective in January 1944, have resulted in a greater use of energy, enabling the Commission to further reduce the cost of electricity to Rural consumers in Ontario. THErHYDROR-ELECTKICLPOWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO BLUEVALE Easter services were enjoyed at the United Church on ,Sunday morning conducted by Rev. J. W. Johnson. Special music was :endured by the ,choir and Miss Isooel Mc- Kinnon and Mrs. George Hethering- ton sang a duet. The ,evening service was in charge of the Y.P.U. The presi- dent, EQlienilintg Johnston, presided• Mrs M. L. Aitken read the s crip- ture lesson. Easter readings were given by Mrs Carl Johnston, and Miss Shirley Selling. Mrs. George Hetherington read a sermon oy Rev. Charles Malcolm Ross Smith t Mrs, Alex MoOraoiain and Mrs. Here is an open letter to the voters of Huron and Bruce .. • As member for Huron and Bruce for the past eighteen months it is my intention to seek re -nomination in the coming Provincial Election. It is my firm conviction that much can still be done for the rural and urban population of Huron and Bruce, and if given your support, I will, in the future, as in the past, have their problems and interests first and fore- most at heart. e Signed J• W HANNA Red Bard Stoile PHQNE 12 - BRUSSELS Lake your Spring Cleaning Easy by Using Javex ..• .. D. B• Paste ..• • • • Rinso •. Sunlight Soap S. O. S. Scouring Pads . Handy Ammonia • • .. • . . • Gillettes Lye Bon Ami cake or powder Hawe's Lemon Oil . Satina and La France We have a special variety of McKenzie's garden and flower seeds, Bulk peas, corn and beans. Dutch Sets and Multiplier Onions. - per bottle . • • 15c 2 jars ..... .. .. • 25c large 25c Giant .. 53c • •.. 3 bars .. . 20c .. .. • • each • 15c per pkg 7c 2 tins .,.,, 25c 2 tins •• .. 15c Large bottle .. , : • 25c Clara. F. Russell George Hetherington contributed a vocal number. At. Knox Presbyterian Church, Howard Neable, Toronto, delivered an Easter message. Appropriate music was rendered by the choir. Allan Ramsay and J. G. Higgins, lilts. Harney Robertson and Mrs. Donald Robertson slang "The Old Pugged Cross.' ' Two prayer services were held here last week. The first one wa;s bald in the united Church when Howard Neable, a student, who has beat eonductdng the Sunday ser- yices in Knox Prestbytetdan Church, delivered the message. 0a Friday evening Rev. J. W. Johnson, of the United Church, spoke on the eruct• fixion of Christ. Mr. Neable con- ducted the service. Easter hymns were sung and ,appropriate auric was rendered by a noir composed of members from the two local con- gregations. E -Y -E -S R. A. READ ° EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Coming to Brussels Former patients and new friends welcome! An exceptpional opportunity to have your eyes examined and proper glasses fitted by an expeprt, well-known all over this district! Complete eye. sight service to all at moderate cost. Mr. Reid comes regularly to his Brussels office and has fitted thousands of people with glasses, giving peprfect satisfaction and eye comfort to all. Wednesday Afternoon, April 1 lth 1.3O to ^5:00 p.m. Office in Miss Hingston's Store Please make appointments with Miss Hingston, phone 51 "See REID and See Right" Visitors; Miss Martha atalme, Mars. Pearl Koine and son, of Jerrie, C with Mrs, Richard, Johnston; George Thomson and Mist Helen Thomson, London, with their pas, encs, blab. and Mrs. George Thorn. son; Miss Jennie Molvoa, Wing• ham, with Mr. and Mas Earl Ham- ilton; Miss Rhoda Robertson, To- ronto, with her parents, Mr. and .Mrs. W. J. Robertson; Dr. and Mrs. Petheniogtom, Brampton, Mr. and Mrs. ,Straniley Gallacher, Btl1,f and Berns, Wroxeter, with their father, C. He!theaingrton; Miss Jean Mo Barney, Toronto, with her patents, Mr. and Mrs. Tames McBurney; 551,ss Lois Elliot, Reg.N., Toronto with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Elliott; Mr, and Mrs. Edward John stop entertained their family on Sunday; Mr.. and Mrs. Sparring Johnston, Mm. and Mrs. Carl Johns ton with their families, Mr, and Mrs, Robert Turnbull and family of Byron, Mrs. Harris and two sons, Holstein, Mrs. Harold Harris •and two sones of , Mount Forest; Mui Edith Gornbss, of the Clinton Hos- pital staff, os.pitalstaff, with her parents, Mr, Mrs. Mrs. John T, Ciarnlrrs; Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Messer and daughter, Betty, and Charles Messer of To- ronto with their father, John Messer, who 1s quite ill at present; Norma and Irene 'flail VIM g. 11am1, with their parents, 1Tr, and Mrs, Gcrdron hall, THE W. C• WOOD CO. LTD. GUELPH, ONT. Manufacturers of Electrical karst, E1quipntent Grain • Grinders, Milk Coolers, Milking Machines, Electric Fences, Oat Rollers, Feed Mixers and Farm Refrigeration. Local Agent— Staul'eyrL .M ach a n Phone 26-r-8 R.R. 3, Brussels, Ont. s Do Your Spring Shopping N ow! Misses' Harris Tweed Coats in Brown and Grey, sizes 14 to 20. Women's Black and Navy Coats, sizes 14 to 26% Women's and Misses' Jersey Dresses in one and two-piece in the latest spring patterns sizes 16 to 24/ Misses' Spun Rayon Dresses in one and two-piece in the latest Spring shades, sizes 12 to 20 We have a large assortment of Dress Goods in new spring shades at Reasonable Prices Men's Work Boots. leather and panco soles with solid leather insoles, sizes 6 to 11 ' • • • .. $3.95 Growing girls' Brown Tie Oxford with cuban and flat heels, sizes 4 to 8 • $2.49 Misses Black and Brown Tie Oxfords and Straps, sizes 11 to 3 • $1.98 up Don't forget to, ask for your sale slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give,. you A War -Savings Stamps Free. THE ARCADE STORE Phone 61 -- Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the 'Whole Family