The Brussels Post, 1945-4-4, Page 3PJTE LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you zell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or ,,you can bring them to is. Ex p ort PHONE 70x acvers THE BRUSSELS POST W...efea lea April 48h. 1945 LD CHUM FOR PIPE OR ROLLING YOUR OWN CLASSIFIED ADS WANTED— , A girl to help with farm work, apply at The Post BRUSSELS • FOR E— RENEWAL OF UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE BOOKS oar Te 411 Cospliyeia: All Unemployment Insurance Books for the year ending March 31st, 1945, must be ex- changed for new books. Kindly communicate immediately with the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office if you have not already exchanged your employees' books. { There are severe penalties for failing to make Unemployment Insurance Contributions jar your insured employees and for failure to renew the Insurance Books as required. To 411 emizloyees: -es If you are an insured person protect your benefit rights by seeing that your Insurance Book has been exchanged. ' UNEMPLOYMENT INSURANCE COMMISSION. HUMPHREY MITCHELL, Minister of Labour LOUIS J. TROTTIER R. J. TALLON ALLAN M. MITCHELL Commissioners. DW 45-3-E WANTED— A vita to help with house torte. .apply at The Poet FOR SALE— .1. llve-roomed bdck house, atable and garage in the village of Ethel For further particulars apply to J. M, Bray, Listowel 130 p.m. with e good atteadance. Braker Solvers adorned the 011ancel and Cominunloit.Table. The Hely Communion was celebrated by 'Jr rector and as appropriate Plaster e•ermon given. The Easter efferleg gal.01111/411 to 534,20, T. I:Cerr was organteL AUCTION SALE FOR' SALE— OF HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS A •colony house 10 x 16 also a cb ern and 1 good horse, general Purpose. Pllone 28-r-23 - Angus 13rown FOR SA L — — Purebred Shorthorn bull, 8 Months old, grandson of Mayflower 5011. No. 32980]. with a milk production of 8800 Tbs. and 350 lbs, of butter fat in 306 clays, phone 15-r-4 Earl A ad ers on at the residence of Mary H. Kerr, Turnberry $t., Brussels on SATURDAY, APRIL 14th Sale commences at 1:30 pan, 2 ferneries 2 book cases 1 antique occasional chair 1 brown velour chesterfield chair 1 what -not 1 mantel clock 1 (metope clo k 1 Occasional chair 1 music cabinet AUCTION SALE 1 oak library table Property & Household 'Effects' 1 chesterfield table In the Village of Ethel ' 1 davenport SATURDAY APRIL 145i 1 china cabinet 1 s Cobbler Potatoes, 00 00 sharp, the following — phone 56-r-10joe Thtveli 1. lawnmower, 1 scythe 011 kinds ree garden tools Victory Day Service service. iSt. John's To Be Held at Melville Church thet ,evening and$p.rn. Rev. C. Wilson, S. Werr ano M, T. Oldham neat In Brussels Publdic Lfixraty on, 'Dhatraday, March 22nd at 8 pan. and made plains for She Victory Day iService, 'Wheneve, the newts of Victory comes, on that dial a special comonanity service will be held at S p.m. in Melville Presbybeirlian Church, Brussele. Rev. S. Keirc pastor of the church will be in charge. Rev. H. C. Wilson of the United Morrell will assist in the service anvil the sermon will 1)8 given by Rev. M. P. Oldham of St. John's Anglicism Church. A masated choir of 'all choirs of the village will be led by L. D, Thomps.on, organist of 1Viel1100le Ohurdh. It is ,anticipated that between 800 and 1000 peipple will take part in this service.. The Brastsels council will plan a civic celebration for ate, tal. FOR SALE—, 4 -year -Old MECO. phone 36-r-4 Sam Alcock FOR SA LE—. Car of mill feed to unload abon April 7th, D. M. McTavish FOR SALE— Cartier oats, vanguard oats, Alaska oats, apply to phone 49-r-10 Richard Robinson WANTED -- Cattle to pasture by the month for the season. phone 42-1,26 R1011801 Garter FOR RENT - 25 acres Dor crop and the balance is. pasture. apply at The Posit • N OT 10 E— Holtis the t 'lane to have your painting clone. First class work reasonable prime. Phone 39x W. G. Tucker FOR SALE -- One oil burning brooder, one, two— wheeled Nailer and one riding plow. also a guantity of good potatoes. phone 25-r-2.6 plank W. MItoh,ell TENDERS WANTED— To point the .outside of United Church at Bluevalle, 2 ttoats. Tenders to elos.e Amal 7611. •.a.PPlis to Sperling alotaistori, Sec. Trustee Board FOR SALE— Alaska Oats and O. A. C. No, 21 barley mixed, Mao Dnban oats ay. Nothant barley mixed. phone 43.r-2.5 'Gordon Knight Lot;17, 0011. 14, Grey WANTED TO BUY— Old Glassware, Colville, OId Plates, 1 Coal 011 Lamps, Old Brass, Orna ments, etc, etc. Apply to Box 50 Brussels Posf 0, bell will be rung FOR SALE— of the service at 7.30 ,Seed oats, Vanguard et 6,ic per .1 bus.; Alfalfa & Timothy hay at 511.00 per ton; one colony howl*, : phone 437 or 44x ' John McNair SPRING FURNITURE SALE— at the Millamay Furniture Store, 12 Pedroom Suites 'at 574. 589; 10 Cheeterfiela Vest; 8 good need Piattos Feee ,clelineeny. Schnell I anti Sou, Mildmay. • Enroll Now As A Blood D.onor Have you donated your blood that is so vitally heeded? Now that our , ren awe engaged in the deotsive battles, of Germany we at, home can. 510 less, than. give the blood that means reviving life, to OUT gallant waunded. T941,8neat clinic will be held 111 Brussels on, Friday, April 13th, If you have not already enrolled as a blood donor -do se ,at once. All those 11.110 WW1 to contribute blood an that date, ether those who are enrolled or who wish to become donors, are asked tic give their names Bit once to the Sharelary, Mrs. H. B. Allen, Enlist as 'a blood donor now—your blood may soya a life, 10 x 12 ft. Terme Cash FOR SALE— . Orders. POT May delivery of Kitch- ener Bic.4 Chicks and pangs being ; taken now Sorry none available • sooner, But for immediate de" livery they have 000kerels, clayolde ol d sten..ten; These will soon go. Order now. Agent—R. S. Warwick, FOR SAL E— j Chicks- from famous., pedigreed stook imported from B. B. Ferment - D or ' Manta d f Rh d laud A N 1 11/11 A . I. S DIDIESABLED '" elareda. This bspiterealnar 'Ls won Island laying contests than any other re- . i.buicidy removed in Clean Sanitary truck.. ' Phase collect. cordless of breed, holds official ‘ World record 551 eggs, In 357 daye. 12 BRUSSELS . 90 introduce this etratn I have 250 fatal) ladder large range Beatty eleotric washing machine Raymond sewing machine drop leaf table electric raogette, like new sideboard cebinet electric radio, good Quebec cook stove oak buffet, like new extension table 12 kitchen chains 4 rocking chairs number of small tables carpet sweeper copper boiler :tat 240 lb scales electric iron, new attest of drawers, walnut 2 sets quilting frames 3 beds, springs and mattresses dresser with large mirror and wash stand toilet set organ Aarnanster rug 9 x 12 linoleum to ooyer room 15 x 15 quantity of kitchen utensils 'quantity of sealers PROPERTY—One and one half atom trick house, 7 rooms and kitchen; half acre of land MOTS or less, garage, hydro thanighollt. Thia. is a choece property in good state of repair. Low taxes. Estate of the late MARY SMALLDON Terms on chattels, cash Terms on property made known day of sale. HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer JOHN KRAUTER, Clerk For further particulars apply to W. J. SPENCE, Ethel chicks. April 17; 2,50 ebtoks ApS1 24. .. V% ;Wan, Stone Sons Lintited , At popular prioea. , phone 19x R. S. Werwiek 7— .---------- -. —... ...: ...,..:_rz--------,----------------,e, ,....."...= ' -- —. ,.....,— .........- Have your EYES Properlyeared for NOW F. F. Homuth OPTOMETRIST HENFRYN A Good Felday Service was held in St. David's Church at 11 axe. with a fine .attentlance. The reetor, Rev, M. 7, Oldham conducted the service and preached the eermon. An Baster Day Service WEDS held at Phone 118 Harriatise 41' 1 Atwater Kent Radio 1 leather chair and foot stool ; 1 occasional ellen (rocker) I 2 walla mirrors ; 1 Brunswiek Vietroia and number of records 1 Hoover Vacuum Meaner . Drapes and curtains 2 sets bookshelves 3 covered bedroom boxes 1 grass chale 1 rocking chair 1 antique chair 1 hall chair 1 Podding cot and mattress 1 walnut dresser 1 walnut chiffonier 1 set shelves 1 flower stand 1 Masa beds spring and matatess 1 wash stand and mirror 1 covered bedroom chair 1 ivory dresser 1 fern stand 2 parlour tables 1 bedside table 1 bed, spring and mattress 2 mirrors a number or pictures • large number of dishes fen ther tick 1 coal oll stove and oven a large number of books Tudhope electric range 1 dresser 1 wood box on casters TERMS—CASH MARY H. KERR, Proprietress LEW ROWLAND, Auctioneer ROBT. PATRICK,•Cierk JAMESTOWN Mr, and Mrs. Walter Hamilton and family have moved from the Santee Coutt farm, 2nd cons to a farm in the vicinity of Idatowel. Mrs. G. Workman of Weston visited with her parents, Mr and Sirs. Fleur Grainger over the week ea d. Mist; Gertrude Payne, Hanover, a neat with Mr. and Mrs. B. Payne. Wm. Graiinger, Toronto, with Mr. ate Mrs. Mervyn Grainger over the bolidey. New% the eltuetlem Mikes et satishesse sgiehelow Wes hese Way as mem al all kite he dm armed sanlms. Foe thee% she time to dm reconvaating still lies dna Seem attar war needs hive been met, these inenufactumat must mak* a ma* change -over before they eau Mama productlou ot a:implicit for civilian Whiah mama that we meet continue te &tar many requests he 441417khte lard44114444dIal the day Oro hope It may not he ow uug delapsill) .his amoorkele la adequate volume and ANA malvaieer Nola beams avallalslo. The getgleadean oak foie welds llst le111 Is IWsas peesseety ustask ae real% ad a Illsoiaiitoditoseerood holo. -thir°1$ • You might he the ma victim of fir' -re ass sem quickly destroy your hosts, your business, your property, your whole life'a work. Lea Pilot Insurance accept the risk -ready and quick to per any just claim, The cost la very low. We write Pilot Insurance to cover selected rialto In Automobile, Fire, Personal Property Floater, Burglary, Plate Glass, Pub- lic Liability and other general insurance, ETHELMr. and Nrs, Alex MoltaY, highla esteemed residents of Atwood cel' A pretty wedding was. solemnized brated their forty-Pourth weddin Friday, March 23 al 7 p.m. at tbe anniversary ad their home over 111 home of Rev. R. C. Munn of Central week end of March 23n51. On Silt United Church, Hamelton, when day frieads in Atwood called I • Margaret Elizabeth Barton, dang,is extend felioitations. Members ' ter of Mrs. Percy Stevenson and the late Mr, L. Barton was milted in marriage to Douglas William Jess SOC of Mr. and Mrs. Williain Jess of 225 Tiadele St., Hamilton. Mr. and Mrs. James Hampson attended the bride and. groom. The bride was charming In a clove blue wool suit and wore a corsage of American bullet, roses with forget-me-nots and rose freisa. Mrs, lasimpsan, sister of the bride was attired in a brown wool suit with & corsage ef Talisman loses with yellow Prelate.. Following the ceremony the happy couple left CM a short wedding trip to Toronto and Ethel, home of the bride. They will reside in FlansMon. . A epe:vial servide was held in the Ethel Presbyterian Church on Good Friday. Rev. Ivor McIver took charge of the worship servile, assisted by Rev. S. Brenton who gave as his text, "The message of the Cross". The choirs of both chureltes rendered a pleasing anthem, "A. place called Getheem- anec" Ross . Cunningham gave a splendid sofa entitled, "Thy Will Be Done." Miss Margaret Rowland, Miss Jean Cocheane and Miss Helen Pearson have returned to their homes here for the summer months. Zeigler and son Bill are spending* a few days in Norwich. 0.4e1, Ronald Love of Hyacinthe, Que.. is home on a two 2is wee`t fur. 21. Brenton. Vasitorns: Miss Muriel Kreuter, Ottawa, with her parents; Hr. and Mrs. J. Kranter. Miss Eltizebetn Fear, Woodatock, with her parents. Mr. and :Hrs. H. Fear; Mr. and Mrs. their -tom tly and other relative entertained to dinner on Sunda. were: Mao. Isabel Wallter, Toronto hir. and Mrs. Roy Cleland arta Josie of Guelph; 1V1r, awl Mia Sam Frazer. Gerald and Laura Burford; Mr. and Mrs, John Mc Eaohern and Irene of Heepeler. Mrs. Dodd of Galt; Mr. and Mrs Rose Patterson of Hamilton; Mrs Duncan McKay 0,f Stratford; Mrs of 1VI John Howard oncrieff; Mr. an: Mrs. Percy Stephenson and ;Mau o - Ethel and Mrs. Elgin Dewart. I' was also the ocoasion of the fort:- second wedding anniversary of M. mai Mrs. MeEeetern, On April 122011 at 2:30 Mrs. I3rentor will be hostess to the ladies of 01r Women's Institute. "Geology" 8811 ba given by Rev. S. Brenton. A goo, attendance w,111 be appreciated, Miss, Darling is spending he vaeation with her parents it Miedmay. The Crokanole party scheduled tc be held on 'Tuesdlay. April 3ra In the United. Church has been postponer .1118011til Friday, April 6th. A successere cia.nce spousorea b• the Women's Institute was held. 0" March 2238011in the township hall The prize given for the best squar dance set and donated by Mr. Tar McDonald was won by the IvIolee worth group consisting of Mr. en, Mrs. Watson Brown, 1Vfr. and Mr: Bill Campbell, Bill Bremner and Mese Marion Smith, MAC Smith an' B -wa • lough. Mise Ricky. , al1 13owes tiba winner of the quilt sold b Dutch Auotion, while Miss Edit, Speirau held the Maley ticket, draw' by Mrs Carr, fOT the quilt madelv the ladies of the latb. grotto. 710 E. MOTaggart with Mr. and Mrs. I were sold by the village group whil, from the various section Jim Lamont, IVIllverton; Mr. and ladies stem.a.tt ReThry, wingim with supplied the Iamb.. The ladles o 1 the Women's Institute are ver: MT. and Mao, AlthCIC Henry; Mr. and Mrs. Bert Lake, Dorothy and Dawn, Hamilton with Mr. and Mrs. Camer- on Cochrane; Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Hunt and eon John of Durham, Mr, Norman McWilliam of Mt. Forest and Mr. and Mrs, 3, MeValliam of Nit. Forest with Mr. and Mrs. Alex PC ELT$011: Pte, ROT Wilbee and Pte, Bill Dobeon of Oamp Ippeoreash at their respective 'homes; Mae Alava Paitereon, Reg, N., of Listowel with her parents lair. and' Mrs, Wm, Patterson; Masi. Jones of Hamilton with her daughter Nile, Stanley 1,irlds.on: Yvonne and Mervin Godlier; with their grandpaprents in St f:rat- Oapt. and Mrs,. Gregor Roy and son Robert have returned to 051.0.11 Borden atter spending a few days evelle Mr. and, Mrs.. Bert Vorlden. Congeegatione of Unean, 211811 and Ethel United Oltnavalves will gather in Etliel *Install Bandar, April 8th at 11 aan„ villie;re 'a Tadio will be installed to listen to the Heron Presbytery 'United M81& Service. Rev. jesse H. Annnp, tit.A., 0,0, Moderator of the 'United Church of Cenedet Will .a.diaresis the entire membereetip, Misdating With the service• Nile be Rev. G. G. Burton, M.A.. B.D., chairman of Hinton Presbytery, Rear. rt. a, colsittna, Tu., president of London Confer- ence end Rev. W. A; Beeoroft, B.A., Bn.ra ,cpastor of Gs/Ingham "United ehii A large oengeegallon enjoyed the sumacy evening aerviee at the Unit- ed March when the choir rendered their Oantate, "The, Easter Guest.," Wine George Menges presided over 11.te reading period while members 00 the choir gave ValSelte, apppro- prints hymnssolos, a duet and a number bY the male quartette, 'Elle Servioe was eetteltaled with "The 1 1410183" Stud the triettediction by Rev, grateful to those who heaped making this dance D. success. ADVERTISINGRP Mb Classified Ads (clash) .„, Over telephone or charged fib In Memoriam ....... . .......... et Card of Thanks Births, Marriages Deaths Frr MAKE fait pRoupro SHOW HER trAmp • *Mak .The PROUDEST 47NAME les ' Difun° l..Buy this ring with confidence --knowing it is guaran- tecdflawles When words fail this etc - Aden will 75 'won' scgret, k A best seller and no wonder% It'S perfectl " W. G. LEACH 4 I 8188110 1 1801,i