The Brussels Post, 1945-4-4, Page 1THS :'OST PUBLISHING HOUSE, SSELS • POSE' Wednesday, April 4th, 1945 Thole Jnr lel Closed for Re. sea ting Open Tue., April 10 TUE.. WED. ABBOT and COS T E LLO —IN— "Pardon My Sar.ang" FRI. •_ SAT. HUMPUREY EOGART "SAHA.iRA" Two Shows Nightly 8 and 9:30 PM. Matinee Saturday — 2:30 DANCE in Seaforth Armouries On Thursday, April 19th to the music of Bert Worth & his CKNX Ambassadors Dancing 9:30 - 1:30 a.m. Admission — 50c Coming— Jack Thynne's 5th Annual Concert and Dance In Brussels Town Hall - Friday Night, April 6th The Kansas Farmer and His Hired Help , Featuring --The Tuck Sisters In a 11/2 hour Coscert Dancing Afterwards Admission—Adults 35c Children 20c Proceeds for Patriotic War Purposes "SEEK JUSTICE" Melville Church Minister Rev. Samuel Kerr, B. A, B. a 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worship "The Unknown Saviour,' i P, M. Evening Service in the United Church. Come and Welcome United Ch:tllrch Minister Rev. Hugh C. Wilson' 11 A. M. Morning Worship A Radio Broadcast Service Preacher ' RT. REV. J. H. ARNUP D. D. Moderator Of The United Church Of Canada 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Praise Rev. S. Kerr B. A., B. D; will bring the message. Everyone Welcome. Church of England Parish .of Brussels Rector Rev. Maurice F. Oldham 1st Sunday After, Easter April 8 St John's Brussels' 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Evening Prayer and Service Anniversary of Battle of Vimy Ridge, Brussels Branch of Im- perial Legion will attend 'this Service. 9t, George's Walton— 3.30 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 4 P, M. Evening Prayer and Sermon St. David's Sohn! Henfryn-•- P. M, Sunday 1,#ishof and Bible Claes 2 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Board of Health Notice Due to the early season the co- opeeatian of all .citizens isasked in getting the town cleaned up as soon as possible; The saniitary inspector and the Mee H. will make 'an sally 1.11- neaten- of the .town and issue a report to bhie Board of Health on conditions in general and on individual cases needing • a,teention, All andmal hr vegetable refuse must now be burned or burled. Ali outdoor toilets MUST be cleaned out before May lat and well attended to thereafter. Those having barns or stables. must reaidze that iblrey have •,e can forma with town regulations and not that of country din:iots in the disposal of manure ansa the sanitary conditions of their premises. Board of Health. The Progressive -Conservative Association for the Provincial Riding of Huron and Bruce Nil) hold an open Convention. In the Town Hall, Wingham on Thursday, April 12th at 8:30 P.M. To chose a candidate for ;the forthcoming Provincial Election. Special Speaker will be • The Hon. Geo. H. Chailies Minister without Portfolio and Vice Chairman of the Hydro Electric Commission of Ontario. .ALL ARE INVITED TO ATTEND R. J. Bowman, Pres. REGENT THEATRE. Seaforth, Ont. NOW SHOWING- George Formby Much Too Shy George goes to Art school and starts a riot. Mon., Tues., Wed., April 9, 10, 11 Twc Features Ann Neagle Richard Greene Yellow Canary Thls.woman hated the Ile she rived - hate followed her! Also— • Maria Mantez Jon Hall Cobra Woman In Technicolor Primeval priestess of a temple of terrors;- - as quick on the kiss as the kill! Next Thurs., Fri, Sat. Two Features Linda Darnell Lynn Earl Sweet and Low Down Benny Goodman and hie band. Also-- Stith lso—Ston Laurel Oliver Hardy Big Noise COMING— The Keys of the Kingdom i1e u * * ** * w w Radio Service In Easter V is it L Ys i ems i The United Church V BRUSSELS, ON s,ARI0 * s. * * s. * * * .-. Misses Wilma and Janet Watson wlt'b their mother Mrs, 0, Watson. * * >k Mr. and Mee. Archie i'lolines and children, Brantford, with Mr and Mrs, E. Somers, • * * Mr. and Mrs. Araluie Engle, Stree- ford, with relatives. * * * Meiss• E. Best, Hamilton with her mother, Maes. G. Beata * * * T. eleelttlzean at this home. Capt, G. R. Campbell, Toronto with his wife and daughter. * * 1. Miss Mary Helen Barmier, , London, with her parents Mr. and Mrs. L. W. Eckmier. 0 •• r 1 We wish to express our :sincer CARD OF THANKS geatetude and appreolation for every landhess drown, also floral tellnttas, In our meant `beepavement, do our recent bereavement, Miss: Geo, E. McCall and Family Engagement Announcement Mn'. and Mrs. R. JI. Meleinnou, Bluavale, announce the engagement of their only daughter, Marguerite Ia.abe! to Mr. John Icing MacTavisth eon of Mr. and Mrs, James Mac- Tavislli, Bluevale, the wedding to take place an AprtI, PEOPLWE KNOW Miss Melee*, of Buffalo was visit • Mg ,her grandmother Mrs. Chas. o cry, 73e land, l•olicwdng the supper a short pro. Mies Garvie McCracken of Toronto gram was enjoyed, which ' was as is home for Easter vacation, tnlle.wee A musical member by Mess Miss Alioe Stiles, Toronto, with M7 K her parents Mr. and Mrs.. W. H. Stiles. a • Engagement Announcement e 31i. and Mrs. fired Smallsion wish to announce the engagement of their eldest daughter Helen Jean to Keuu,e41 Wilbert eon of lair. and MTs, Bert Bray. The wedding to lake grace in April. W.A. Serves Supper In Md of Red Cross On Thursday evening the Woman's sOC4att]on of the United Chu served a supper the proceeds, whih cwere ,t4 go to the Red. Oro A longe number attended and generous meal was served by the Iodides. The .committee in charge was; Miss Margaret Roeenson, Tal I i•nktr, Mrs, alleAetlrur, Mrs, Sanderson, Mee, Gousins and M. i•ch of as Easter Messages On Sunday moraine; a service of unuerual interest will be held in the Uuited ,Cl neelh. A reale will be M- etalled in the church and the ,r;nngregation will join in the religiaws ,service broadcast from ;ilinghr:m, The Mosleratbor of the United' Church it Canada will be the preacher, The president of the London Confenenee and the chair- man of the Huron Presbytery will take part. All meanbees and adherents os the Unified Church are ,Waged to atttend fund to join In this special warship eterv]ee, Mdse M. Gilson, Toronto, at 'lame: * * • Miss Ann, Carroll at her homeWatford, * * Mr. and 'Mrs. S. ;Herringway daughter Toronto, with relatives Mrs. G. Lowry .and �, Toronto, with relatives in * , * Mrs, L. Clark, with he Mrs. Sellers, Morris, • * * Mrs. E, Bredin and ehildrtin,. rondo with her mother Mrs. Galbraith. son Le Morris mot • * * Mr. ,and Mrs. W. Fischer, Brill port with reitaUves, a * 0 Miss 'Janet King, Wingham,. her come, he Mies Bates of Tolonto is visiting her parents Ma. and Mrs. 3. Bates. In • * • Mr. and Mrs. Russel, Zimmer and anemia and al'ary of Toronto were and at ,their hose here. * * * AtBrusselsChurches M1ra, G• The Unitel Church ra, In tlhe United Church at the moraine. eervioe a large congrs- getion listened to the easter message which was given in two appropriate anthems. "Christ Being Raised From the Dead" by Semper, Mrs D. A. Bann taking the Obligate and, 'Welcome Happy Morning," by Wilson. The subject of the morniing sermon was "Tice Power of Has Resntrreceion," Melville Presbyterian Church Easnher Sunday was celebrated in Melville Chorcth in musts and message. In the morning the sermon text was Coninehdans 15:20, "Now is Christ risen dim the dead and become the first fruits of them thait slept.." The 'choir sang two anthems, •Hal1elujial, Christ is. Risen" by Minsdrall, Land "The King of Kings" by Caleb Simper, in whish the solo avant wesa takers by June Work. A solo, "There is no Death," 'by .lefties O'Hara, was :rug by etre. Bradlee. In the evening the sermon was preached by Mr. Wilson who brought an appropriate Easter message, The King of Icings" was again sung, by the ohofr as an anthem, A seemed anthem, "'Halleluiah, now is Olinisit nines," was sung, in. which June Work sang ,the solo part. A quartette composed of June Work, Margaret. Oardaff, Wialisan. King and Gerald, Gibson sang, "In Dreaming I3rours" by Ina Wilson, On Good Fnida' morning a serviee was held in Metvlile 'Yhnrah, with ihe United Church Joining with Melville tam Cubs special service, In which the sacraanenitt of the ford's Supper was celebrated. A solo ora entitled "Into the Woods my Master Went" was sung by Gerald Gibson, 1. John's Church Hely Week .Services ware held In t. Johns Chnunah on Thursday nd Good Friday .evenings. On Thursday evening there was a elebratpton of lite Holy Communion nd an app*oya'taae address by the star. The service -on Good Friday as in keeping wills the day and e sermon was lased an she Cruel - Ion as remade by Chapter 15 of . Mark's Gospel, A set of Lantern es showing views of the Alaska glievey were shown after thervioe. Good melee/apneas 'marked the aster service for the Sunday sol in. 511. J011,11% Church at 10 1, when the Lent Missionary nes were :received $18,05 and en dente on Exeter given. by the ester. At the 111 am. servtce, Helly Communion was ad- eistered and an appropriate ten sermon given on St. Mark. ielpter 16 by the sector. The 'choir dewed an Baster ,selection "Ho Mena Daffodils. adorned the a melanins' 'Table, The Beater ardng axivolinted to .over $1CO3 s. 0. Wa con was organist, Mrs. John B. Smith is • P site, \,ries; L Parker in Kincardine, Dr, Jolla McNaughton of Pennyan, tl II"' N.Y, was calling en old friends in e Brussels, * * s d To• The Huron County Junior As . SO C1- ation of Toronto will meet at the Royal York Hotel, Imperial Dining Room, Wednesday -evening, April ge 13th to enjoy a social evening et a. dancing. All Huornttes Junior•and Qi at. Senior are corddally invited, • * . e1 Miss Helen Armstrong of 'l'o:onto me spent the week end with her parents ge 1140•, and Mee Jas. S. Armstrong. - e;p * 'u * leo -r. Master Jimmie Armstrong was ,•R la visiting friends In Tornio tits week. we .'0. • ▪ 0 a on Baster visitors at the home of G Mr. and Mrs. H. Meaning were Mies e Bernice Manning of Vanroaver, the Bast B.C.; Mr. herb Cunningham ane I. d•tughter Dorothy ,of Palmerston, I e Mrs. C Sluobirooke and Mrs. A. C. 1 Knox of Hallett Twp. Thelma Brothers and Mr. Clifford Basohdin; a duet "Whispering Hope" Ivy Mcs. R. 13, Cousins and Mrs D. Nln`SP; a piano :solo by Miss Thelma Brotlr�ers; a solo by Mrs, B. Nurse; a three-part barnuony by a group of Young ladles, Danelda Wallis, Betty Cousins; Marjorie ,Sandersyn and fyllls Sullivan, The thanks if the athemin'g was expressed to the adios and Mus. Sullivan, the press- euk, made a .sealable reply. The venting was closed with the rational Anthem and' the sane. lotion. * e. • Wm. Anent, Gateway, at his ho here. .. * Mrs, L. A. Rueeel and (taught Pamela Jay arrived last Week fro Quebec to vrsdt at ,the home of M1 Florence RuaeelL * .Miss Margaret Russet and Mds Loretta Gallagher spent tee Bas holiday with the former's mobile r Mrs. Florence Russell, * • • Miss Mary Hearer of Leaemingtop is the Easter Holiday - guest of. her adster Miss, 'M. le. ,Oldbatin at St,. John's rectory, * * * Mr, and Mrs, Harold Agee .and shy son and Sgt. Arley Agar of tradford were week end \neitors nth Mr, and MIrs. krry Robb Brussels Legion Honours Men of War No. 2 A banquet in honour of Wien who SE, in War No. 2 was held at theneenis Hotel on Tuesday night, Al yard with a large attendance, Oe Wine berg of the Arcade one Presented every man with a mine leather wallet. The guest Baker of the 'evening was A. M. rhes of London, his *dant ma chabili:tation and Pens)ion," He e presented with a fountain pen behalf of the Brussels Legiur-r by omnade Bill Rowland, The following are the names 01 returned men of War No. 2: Win. Rowland A.. Henderson 0, Doll H, Thomas G. Holland I. Dunn J. Prest Geo. Galbraith el. McDowell H. TunnyT. Prest E. Lowry L. McCamley J. Ohepnran S. Henry S w] $ m e OpL Bill :Bokoniter from Sioux Talks, .South Dakota, is viefting with bis parents, air. and Mrs. L. W Bekmler. Mrs. J. A. H4ngston of Winghunrt, WS. Edward Hawkins of Toronto and Mi, and Mrs. T. Oruieksihanks of Wroxeter -were Baster guests of Mise 0. Iaingston, • . • Miss Elizabeth Backer of London' with her parents Mr, and Mrs, Cleve Backer. * *. .ae Mise. Idea. Bryanod London was visiting leer .parents. Mr, . anti Mrs, Jas. 5, Bryans, s * * Miss Jean 'Sadism with her mother Mns. Wes.Sp elran, e • • Miss Lois. Phan of Toronto Dodd. ca] School and Mrs. A. J. Utlyott of Taman and Erste Mae of Stratford were Banter guests wetlt, Mee, Ernie Plum, * • * Ma B. G. Welker has purchased the home of Mary Helen Kers, • * * Mines Edith and Isobel McTavish are" home for the Easter holidays: * * w Dr, and Mrs, W. A., Spence of To• meta and Mr. and Mrs. 11. J, Rani of Jtnoxeter were Bastergu'estg� od' 114r. and Mre•, D. A, Resin, * * lease Margaret Gibson of Termite hate an Becher guest with her par - etas Me, anal Mrs. J. Gibson, * * M Mee. F, M, Sante, Martex, Janet Wald Path -foie were 'letting Mr, end Mrs. le, McLean of Wirtig1tat i for Eager.* w tY Mere Mery Lott o visiting her sitar eras, Perrier of 7JriekjtoW, JAMESTOWN Mrs, Cameron. Adams and Mrs MCKercher, spent a clay recent- ly in Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Wesley Moblachern of Galt, ,and Mise ,Mina Baker of Cranbrook, were guests of Mr. and Mrs, Russel B•radisivaw on. Saturday. ale, Willison Gratnger of Weston, was home for Baster, Mr, "and Mrs. Kenneth Sellers and daughters of Kitchener, were week -1 crud visitors at Mrs. Sellers, Dcr,'t Forget To Buy That War Bond. Special Patriotic Service Marking Anniversary of,the Battle of Vimy Ridge Stn John's Anglian Church Sunday,April 8th at 7 p. rn. Preacher—Rev. M. F. Oldham Brussels Imperial !Legion with any visiting Servicemen will meet at 'Town Hall at 6:45 P.M. and parade to the Church. All Legion members are urged to attend wearing berets. 'SEED SEED Get our prices before buying. We have the following lines in stock:—Alfalfa, Red Clover, Als�7ce, Yellow Clover, 'Timothy, Etc. Permanent Pasture Mixtures. • Meadow Fescue, .Brome Grass, Orchard Grass, Canadian Blue Grass, Kentucky Blue Grass Etc. Also a good supply of Dutch Sets We can supply won with Oil Cake. SPECIALPaint Offer •,.,••.,,,..,.,10.•.61.6••••• 890 qt. PE ARSON J. ARSMilN PHONE 22-r-7 ETHEL i 5 5 a 0 re n• tit fl. ct all FR E sob a.t bo aur man the mph Bas Oh nen Is C off leer NOTICE Teniiers will be reoeiwed by thr, undersigned till 2 o'clock on Seitnr- dag, Anne 7th tar- creeping to y, mall nn'l hauling 7000 or more en, yds. of ,gravel in the township of Grey dunning seamen of 1945. A ceirtifled ahene for $250.00 frust aetRmpany tender, The Thereat or any tender not mieeeantelly anceated, 1 T 1i, Fear, Clerk • TENDERS WANTED Teaud•e<'s fair the entrant of snpplytnlg, ravelling and delivering approximately 7000 cu. yds, of Travel In meals' Prwnaabip Will he received Mail 2 eat., April 9. 104.5. ttravel to be, mashed to not more than al; Seth In tete, A certified &Mpee for $200 nate l000nihnny eat h tetldre(+', Lowest et any tender notneeete eatery aeoepted; (3eo, 0. Martin, 'Clerlt, Have You Enrolled As a Blood Donor? The day of Victory 10 not far off— must men en then - needlessly die becnnse we alt home breve failed to the e blood that would leave meant life to them! Decisive battles are beiag fought, - battles that mean defeat for our enemies and the homecoming of oar loved ones, These battles', fierce and ccetly take a toll of dead and wounded. 1f there is life sustaining blood plasma at hand there 17111be fewer dead. It is up to us at home to enlist as blood donors. The next .clinic will be held in Bruseeds en Friday, April 13th.. Give your name now to the secre- tary. Mrs. H. B. Allen. Give That Someone Else May Live. Brooder Owners Given Coal OTTAWA, April 2—The Munitions Department yesterday announced a new order, effective immediately, requiring poultry brooder operators to place .coal orders early and accept theca' coal whenever dealers are able to. deliver Ota The order, issued by Goal Con- troller E. J. Brunating, said that lyee cause anthracite is received from the United ,Stones on.. a menahly grata, paulltmy brooder operators must tplace orders as soon as pas- sible after April 1 far the tobaj quantity of antlmrarlte dies require• for the renvaender of the 1940 brood ing season and as mon as possible after July 1 for 1946 brooding_ season requirements, Operators are not permitted to use for any ether purposesi onal they obtain for use in a brooder, and unless a permit is greeted' must bialy coal fromtheir regulate caviare, Wroxeter Couple Mark Anniversary There was a very happy even;, on: Friday, March 23rd, at the home of Ma•, and Mrs, Benjanrdin Hislop, on the ocoasdon of .the celebration of their Golden Wedding _ Annivorsare; although carried oat a . few days early in order t'hsut the family' circle. would be complete as a daughter la leaving soon for :her /home in Sas- katohewan. Mr. H4slap, son of the late Mr. and Mrs, George Hislop, Howiolr .and Mrs. Hislop, the former.Susan. Savage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Berney Savage, of Grey Townshipa. were united in marriage at Ethel, Ontamie, Apnil 10i15n, 1655 by Rev. W. J. Waddell cif the Methodist Olturche They were attended by Mrs, T. R:. Bennett, -a. ,sister of the beide, and George Hislop, a brother of the groom, both attendants being pres eat for the annivereary occasion. To this union were born seven clrjidaen, all of whom are living and. ,spent the tray with their naarents,. Laurence, of Listowel; George D. of Brussels; Annie (Mus. George Grdffltlr) ; Gertrude (Mrs. Melvin Finlay); Evelyn (Mrs, William Hart) ; Eileen (Mrs. Roses Sander- son), all of aerometer, and Li11a. (M7r•s. Sim Sanderson) of Rose- town; isask., also fourteen grana ethilde n, Many cards, messages ani gifts were received: by tide worthy couple, Presented by the eaonily was a gift of 50 new one dollen, bills, A boaugne' of lovely . spring flowers ',vas a. tribute from the grantchtldren. During the afternoon neighbours and friends called' to extend eongratni-• • latione ani. geed Wisihes and pi went- etc an occasional chair and a flower ing" plant. Tea teas served, the table - being centred with a weddOng rake in gold and white. Later evening dinner Was ;served to about toa'te gusts including the family attd relatives',' • Those from a dle4aiaee attending were, a raster of the groom, Mas. Thomas Savage, else Mr. and Mi?s- Clarence Covens, all -of Dunnville; Mor :and MIs, Thoanws Meeenife of Witrgbam; Mr, and Mrs, tela. Genesee 'Morrie Twp.; MM, and VIM Walter Savage, Grey; Miss Mildred Grefffith, Toronto anal Mr, James 1nndsrsten of lebeetown Sock., win eerIved On Friday for the 000aelon, Mr, and len. ]lenjamin Hislop have resided .at their fart. hOtne. smite at Wooxeter the entre e0 . years of ntiarrled Mts. As abbe eiefeette, neighbours anti frtensi,a they ha.'re Made a very worthy eradeilirc- floe to titre lite at rate eotheriltnity Taeierrya tee, will join iii Wash* for thein', good health, elet tlntfsd leepet- beetd and many tflirb weddle*: envie et sa ltlere.