HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-3-21, Page 1THE
eogy `Awake Belt
For the (nvenience of Out of 'Town Patrons
3 SHSAT, 7, 8.30 an 10 p. m.
SHE'S A • 1
Winding Up the Winter
Season We Present This
Outstanding . , . ,
"bEU "
(The .Ginger Rogers
of the Ice).
Never 'Before so Stupendous
a Musical Set to the "Swish"
of Silver Skates.
2 SHOWS AT 8 and 9.30
Charles Bayer Hecly LeMar
Now Playing To Capacity. Audiences. in Detroit.
Coming—Conrad Veldt Vivian Leigh
Blood Donor Clinic Friday, Apiri lath
Don't forget to :drape an appoint-
ment to give your blood th.ut same—
.one else may live, •
poARw-s, A►es* l-0reneestQ tc teletN
IYield yourselves unto God as ss
those that are alive from the /I
eeteleielnitene m " czn ,lets
M •Vil t:Ch t i• C h
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A„ B.D.
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
1 A. M. Morning Worship
A Palm Sunday Message
7 P, M. The evening service
in the United Church.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
Come and Welcome.
tereermetP,a'eteterese{siie>�e re
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
10,45 The Session will meet
11 A. M. Morning Worship
The Holy Communion
Sermon Subject
"The Magnetism of the Cross"
12 Church School and
Bible. Class
7 P. M. Evening .Praise
Rev, S. Kerr B. A., B. D.
will bring the Message.
Ic ictote tetras �ictoueiweiF4 eveicial
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham
Palm Sunday, March 25th
St. John's Brussels—
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class,.
7 P. M. Evening Prayer
and, Sermon
"The Triumphal Entry"
8t. George's Walton -
3.80 P. M. Sunday School
and Sermon
4 P. M. Evening Prayer
aha Sermon
St. David's Henfryn
1.15 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible dtae'
2 P. M. Evening Prayer '
and Seri, •
Wednesday, March 28th
ot. George's Walton -
8 P. M. Evening Prayer, Litany
and Soignee. Special lioiy
Week Service.
1111 BN 1001 1100100elrsilaLrW
Wednesday, March 21st, 1945
Deanery A.Y.P.A.
Service and Rally
In St. John's Church
The Deanery of Huron annual
A. Y. P. A. Lent service and rally
tvi11 be held in St, John's Ohurch on
Friday night at 8 ,o'clock, The
' chaplain of Huron Deanery A.Y.P.A.
Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector of St.
Joint's, will he the speaker far the
oceaeion and will he assisted '1n the
service: by ,other clergy or rhe
deanery. Special nitrate will be
sung by eight young ladies, Misses
Betty Thuell, Doneltla Willis, ;Doreen
long, Marjorie Sanderson, Marjorie
Mrs. Mary Smalldon
Buried in Brussels
Theme Passed away on StmdaY,
Many Brown, of Ethel, widow of
Henry Snnaltidon, at the age of 70
years. The funeral was held on Wed -
day -with interment at Brussels
Of Household Effects
Of the estate of the late Margaret
Duncan, Turnberry St. South on
Sale Commences at 1 P. M.
Terms Cash
Cleve Baeker, Executor
,Robt, Patrick, Clerk
Lou. Rowland, Auctioneer
War Stamp Dance
Locai N s Items
Drew Large Crowd
The dance in the Town Dial; on
Friday night, sl Y
...,.,.,„�,„�..,...,,.,...-....:,"'�...." w- �>onsora.d h the
Brussels Breath or the Canadian
Airs. H. 0. W.allte• and Kenneth I wish to express nay sincere Legion, the admission tc wa.elt was
wash to express that' sincere appree- thanks 'to ..all the neighbors and 'lit purchase at two war ravings
d o helped me' in any,way stamps, Mac; a splendid success.
ffit'ieat to Opsin frim is for the coria- friends wh. p d
Darting messages of symipath, and during sickness and bereavement "se sate or stumps amounted to
the kdndmesb shown them la,.very also Rev, Brenton or Ethel and eo 4162.00, The wale a£ Utltc,s o:7 the
way, 711 thele rmcenrt. Sad beroare- the Ladles' Association of Roe's drew for the blankest donated Cy Ai.
10ent2, (.hush for the flowers.
Yawls sincerely,
Mrs, Telford Sellers
11 fneber g. War:. $ 51.00. To,,, sum
of $13.37 was donated to the Cigar-
ette fund when the Legion Flag
A 'donation of $10.00 from the
was p^assed 2,r un1 or a •ilvex
"Sodality girli" is acknowledged CARD OF THANKS collection, TheMeeks,: was wen
We wish eo express our eineere by Donnie Currie t;+hcn 111 1 rc• ty
with thanks.Ltcktet was drawn b F:, Si'.
Tncitea', Dolmaua Spalr, Marie Drll and The ladles are asked to remember
tlrrtuks to our friends endtsighbors. Y
Geraldine Stratton. Following the the Revd Cross ilea i the library on also Rev. S. H. and Mrs. t}rentoe Rowland. Dancing ava.s enj.Loy'd tnto
service a business and social meet-, ;hatch 2S1th within w 11 be put on by Por their acts of kindness sluawn 20
the music of Ken Wilber! and bis
Mg, presided over by Deanery, she lades o£ Rebelcai lodge. us during our recent sad aereave_ soc+hes'tra.
esident Harald Shore. stent. Also those for the icvely
of Goderioh will lake place iu the Odd Appendectoguy tat de -roc rived. These will never be * r * a *
school room of the .church, An
Fy Dr. Amaral, Spook Obituary
inspiring anti interesting tally is Alone tar a loolaed and reeled room Mr. and Mns. Bent Evans • a
atntiOtpated. All young people of in Buten, a patient was operated and family.
the deanery are urged to attend. upon successfully - - but was 11 by a
surgeon who had.died 19 years
before? 1See, anitdcle about this
amazing opena5tion dm The Ameri-
can Weekly width. this SunrlaY's
(:March 25) issue of The Detroit
Sunday Times.
Mrs. Stan. Alexander and children
spent the weelk end at the :Lame of
her pan•enits Mr. and Mrs. W. F.
The Ethel Bridge Club held 'their
final game of the season Monday
evening at the home of Mrs. B.
Godcleen. High ,scoring honours
went- to Mrs. J, Wilson ,and Mr, Q.
Dobson. Suytable prizes, were given
after width lunch was served.
Visitors. •over the week end at the
home of. MT. and 1'Lns. Q. Dobson
Included, Tate. Bill Dobson of Camp
Irpet•waush Pete Dobson of London;
Dr. Gocllfrey McKee. of Moura, Dr, and
Dens. ;George McKee amid Sally of
Owes Sound, Mr.. and Mrs. Norman
McKee, .Sheila and Rosemary of
Scattlremptdn and Glair. Fred Cole of
The monthly meeting of the Ethel
young people Man (held Match 10th,
at the United Church.. Arnold Earl
presided oven' the woaathlp service
art or wlydtcf1 Rev. Brenton, took
change of ibhe disaousdsion tierlod,
using els hia topic "Wby be a Clr;Oroh
Deenslter.' Games were then
played. The meeting closed with
"taps." '
A joint ,service will be held in the
Peesbylten•tan Ghalar0lt, Gond i1tijday,
March 80211 et 11 am,
'The service will he conducted by
Rev, T. McIver with Rev, S. Brenton
slving,the aclidresaa.
Mas. J. McKee and two girist
Joyce and Cenral have been spending
e few clays with Mr. and Mrs. et,
Addty, -
A ,snnccessl2ul caoleincle party wee
held In the basement of the United
Church on Friday, ,March 16th.
Quest Dobslon wan the prize for high
scoring man of the evening. It wee
clenIded to hold 'another party some-
time doming the Easter holidays,
Notice to
Our Customers
March 31st h the end of 1944-
45 coal year, Government Rul-
We will only deliver coal to
customers who have their
account paid in full for the past
D.N. McDonald
Get Rid of ,That
Awful Sludgel
Save your inserts and
rings by having .
Gord. Sanderson
flushyour motor with
o Solvent
and refill with a good
heat -resisting on.
MONDAY through rtRIDAY
at 7:15 P.M. over CPRS
St. John Ladies.' Guild
A very pleasant social evening In
honor of Mrs. 'Robert Prert, who
as a war bridle recently ,arrived from
England, was held by the Ladies'
htloch at the
home oe Mr. and Mrs Roy Kennedy
Guild of St. .TeeS
on Feiday, Marcel 1&b11'. The guest of
honor was presented: tv'Lth a beautiful
comforter Brom the Guild and
congnregation. Mrs, ]George Davis
and Mrs. Harvey Bryapns making the
l resenitaiblon. The rector, Rev, M.
F. Oldham, ant behalf of the com-
gretgatlon welcomed Mrs. Pre;t and
h oped her sojourn here would be a
happy ,one foe hien', Community sing-
ing was itvdmflgecl en. Contests by
Miss A. Carroll and Mrs. H.
Strrebtou were hueld, the captains
being Mrs, M. F. Oldham and bliss
A. Casiroll, Piano imtstruanen°ala by
Rev. M. F. Oldham ell helped to
spend a veiny Pleasant' eveniiig.
Lunch was served at the close and
a hearty vote of thanks given to the
hostess, Mae. Roy Kennedy, for tette
use of her home.
At The Churches
United Church
At the morning service in the
United °bunch the minister spoke
from the text ' "What shall I do
w ith Jesus .which Is called the
Christ?" Attention was cadet to
the mistakes made by Pilate in an-
swering this question The choir
rang the anthem " We woull see
Jesus" in which Mists C. Htngston
and Mr. C. Bus:eh.'lin had solo parts.
Following the sermon Mr. Busritlin
rang .appropriately and in excellent
voice the 0010 "What. will T in with
Jesus. Anuounoennent sees diode of
the Satciranment service to be hell
next Smud.ay 010111ing.
Melville Church
The senviee Sn Melville Cisurrb on
Sunday morning wes Sn charge of
the minister, wise took for his
sermon text St, John 8:42 and the
wordis there, If God were Your Felber
ye would love rhe," The anthem
stung by the choir was ' Sonde
Bleseed Day" by George Nivel:, The
seta part was sung by Gerald
Gibson Tm 14he eveauing Mr. Wilson
preached Pram S. Jahn 18:26 and the
- ords, "Did .sot I see thee in the
Weeders with him " Mr. W. Tuekte
eons a. ,nolo, "Ilow lovely are Thy
dwetllingsV by Tiddle.
The 10111101 meeting of Walton Red
Ctoas mitt be held on March 97411
tar the Walton ComnnunitY Hall.
,Teariclers will be received by .the
mdien^signed till 2 o'clock on Salter -
lay, APmii 741, for oruslhing to re inch
nee handing 7000 or more cu. yds. of
grvrvel In the township of Grey'
111111 11 aieeso0 of; 1945.
A scalded eiie011 for $20.0,00 must
accompany tender,
The 10weet or ea ¢stiller. not
necessarily accepted.
.7 H. Fear, Clerk
Seaforrth. Ont.
March 22.23-24
Two Features—
Anne Shirley Dennis Day
Music. In Manhattan
The season's gayest scandal
Diana Barryn)ore, Robert Gumm411ga
Betwen Us Girls
Card of Appreciation
ht's. Orval Harrison takes Ibis
means of extending her thautcs and
appreciation to friends who so
kindly visited, remembered her
with flowers, cans and fruit, also to
the fa-iencis and neighbours who
helped at home while site was a
patient in the Listowel Memorial
Hospital. The kindness of the
doctors . and nurses also is
W;M'S. of United Church
The W.M.S, held their March meet-
ing at the Thome of Mrs. Harold
Thomas. Mrs. Nichol, the president,
presided over the meeting. The study
"Tide Church in Burma" was ably
taken by the committee in change,
gins. Thomas, Mt s, Speiran and Mrs.
BuscbLint TheY gave interesting
papers on this country and its
People... Mrs. Cousins offered her
Borne for the, April meeting,
Mon„ Tues,, Wed., March, 28, 27, 28
Jack Benny Joe E. Brown
Andrew Sisters
Melville Church W.M.S.
The W.M.S. of Melville Church
held a, successful Expense Tela at
the home of Mrs.-L„D- Thompson
on Thureday evening, The program
woe Iitisli in dhatradter atnd consisted
of soles by Sane Work and John
Kenrr and a contest under the
leaiclenship of Mrs. •0. Matheson,
Miss Ann ,Carroll gave a very
.interesting talk on the Woak in
wheat she has been engaged for the
past: five years,. Her subject was
"Ciutistian I5ellows'hip among Stu-
dents,” She stressed its itnportarrco
and asked tfhe ladies of the W.M.S.
to remember the work in their
prayers. A dainty Darnels was served
at the close of the meeting, the
committee in Marge, being Mrs. S.
Lean•, Mass R. Thomson and Miss
Mary Lamont. Mrs, L. Eckmler
thanked the hostess for the 1,55 of
hes lsome for the tea., the proceeds
01 which amounted to $20.55,
Sr, John's Church
• Tho service in St. John's Church
an Senday evening was of special
interest tc students when Mies Anne
Carroll B,A,, of the Brussels Con-
ttnuatlon So'ltool staff ,ave the
sermon 011 the subject '+Christian
W01111 An0g Students." The
spehleei• was."tiigaged In this work
for a, ntnuhehrsi't'roars and has had a
great axper'ietioe'• • in this line of
wonit. She ,>;,,i%lette'ti her own ex.
Holywood Canteen penteneee wilt ill were very interest-
all star oast ins. The ad eels 1155' inspiritrg and
An exciting musical packed with she Urged all stnldeuds5 to take 0
comedy and romance, The keen interest . in spirituel things.
Greatest entertainment and in the e.gteusdlom, of Christ's
on. earth! R1110,0[111, She urged tiueln to read
SienKptures vegrititLrly and to pray
Neat Thurso Fri., Sat.— dally, Her, class of students, which
Joyce Reynolds Robert Hutton she insttrnteto and teaches weekly
were present There was a splendid
attendants fait the senwio0.. Rei'. M,
F, Oiddrarte eeeducbed, the serve :e ,and
intvcdnced 0115. welcomed Mies
Carroll to ,the pulpitt of the church,
Grey Twp.
Hugh Oliver Walker
The funeral of a former resi'it•rut
et this village Oliver, (011ie) Welker
mon of Mrs, E. and the late Samuel
Wacker, was held en March lath, A
shone servile was held at Elmvele 011
Wednesday at 11:00 a.m. after
Which the remains were brought to
Brussels for burial, Rev, H. C.
Wilson of Brussels United ('hunch
tconduoted services here. Pall-
bearers were W. 'Cenrcliff, J. Logan, C. '
Backer, W. Willis, M. Jackson and ,
W. Somers. Flower bearers were
C. Bryan, L. Osowe, D. Whitfield, :.
L Wheeler. L. Vedder', V. Speiran
aunt B. Johnston.
The late Mr. Walker died sudden•
ly at Elnnvadle, Ont., on Tuesday. t
March 13th. Bonn in Monrts Town-
ship the spent most of his life in I
Bruseesd land vicinity. For years
he was engaged in eatuning and as a
drover. Recently he op.en'ared "The
Clack House," a popular summer
hotel at Wasego Beach, and spent
his winders in Eimvale.
The popularity of the deceased
and the high esteem in wallah be was
held in the community were iedicat-
ed by the +abtendnnce, at his fu neral,
of a large numtlaer of his former
friends and neighbours,
He realms to mourn their loss, luis
"1dow, farrnuerly Beartrice Whitfield,
two sons,, 1n0. Donald with the
B.C,A.F. overseas and Kenneth at
home also his mother, Mas. Samuel
Walker of Sarnia, :two brothers and
a eded5en', David 0. .ef Stratford,
Everet 0., Rgdna end Mrs. L. L.
Humphrey (Minnie) of Sarnia.
William H. Bennett
A much respected 'and life-long
resident of Grey Twp., William H,
Bennett, nesse(' away alt his home
in Ethel on Sunday, March llth,
1945, in his 77th year. Although Mr
Bennett had not enjoyed good health
Por several years he was only
confined to bed for one week.
A aon of the late Robert Bennett
Ma,rcl Cil ire was born Jemmy 26th, 1859 on
Doi 31, croncessilon 6, Grey and lived
Marek 8141 1945 on true form whew he was horn
Court of Revision on the Whitfield until 19'26 when be moved to Trow -
Drain was adjourned 4111 April 7th.
The engineer's report on the
Alsnstnong The Knight and 'rhe
Silver Corners Main were pnavision-
elly ,atclopted and the clerk wee
instructed to have Ole By-laws
printed and served.
The engineer's report on the
Inglis Drain was provisionally
adopted and the clerk instructed to
prepare a Byelaw pro rata with the
report of John Roger, dated' at
.1:itaheih March 1721, 1913.
A petition was received requesting
the oonnucii to notify the muulitp,allt-
iee of the Town of Brussels andthe
Township of Morris. to have-:Mei
part of Blue Tnuglina Drain put. in a
proper shake of repair,
The council decided not to
accept .m7 tenders on trucks or
snow mows as ,received fort• March
The council Is ,asking for tenders
forotnuslttug and battling 1003 01
MON cu yds, 02 gravel,
The modal shrpt, wets instructed ter
write to three companies for
eeetoons on caterpillar tractor
and mares plow equipment„
The tax collector" time was
t icten 554 to April 7th,
Tti9e following acooutsts were paid
Roadacconnits • 4108
13, E, P. C. 555.5 wl,..,,;:e ..5;555 10,53
!Ethel Village 16,25
Setrools ' , 200.00
'Rae t 1 a ,5110,00
Address Unkowtt
Switigtune :dues
bridge ,e,flter four years there, be
retired to 101bel where he resided
untd1 the dune of This death.
Snvivihtg are Isis wife, the former
Elizabietib, leen Muncioelt of Trow-
bridge to whom he was wedded in
1903. One son Robert A. Betnett
on the bottle farm, lot 31, rencessi'on
ti,. Grey and one grand dsueliter
maple Bennett.
The late Mr. Bennett was a mem-
her of the United 011s1aon. His
1mni.stter, Rev. S. H. Brenton of
Ethel, conducted 111ue Panama Tues-
day afternoon, Marcia 14Th from the
family rersidence in Tilthel. Mrs.
Brenton and Mr. Quest Dobson sang
"Have you heen In the Carden?'r
The beeu'titful floral trilbute , were
carried by John Cowley, Sam .Freirnes,
Neuman Betimes, •CSarrence. Clarke,
Ea.r1 Mills end Cart McDonald.
Tire •caisivet heanrees were Meuers,
1107 and William Bennett of Walton.
Cleo, Denison' and Robert Halter of
T tTteI, B.
McCormick of 'Listowel
and Nelson Mitchell of Molesworth.
Interment wa0 made in 5ltdtel
Legion Ask Co-operation
In Revising List
The local branch 02 the Ott Bell re
Legion are revising the lint of
111440e5 obf, 4111050' overseas to whom
cigarettes ane sent and we a• ould
like the people in this conlluunit:'
to cheek the master list at 0. Doll's
Shoe Repair Shop for errors :n
mattresses 2,115 tor 'anyone's name
fhat isabsent from the list,
11. C, :ThAupoon
S Glass'ea
IS, B. Wiltittard
14 C. Fox
If. W. Garinies
T..1. 11. Edgar
J. R. Jermyn
1S, J. Salem=
1'. D. Hall
O H, Men aces
H, Bowler
D. Hastings
W. 1. sr:'Filelame
S i n1t'e
A. Crawford
J. Campbell
S. J. Campbell
.1. el 1..;e.y
G. F. Glassier
F. :rt. peenson
P. G, Backer
B Gxlhnaldh
C. 0. -Doll
D. AL, Doll
L. S. Lamont
W. J. Elston
3: P. Williamson
K. Spells
0, 'Thompson
D. M. Dturney
D. B. Smith
K, Coleman
E. McCreadrh
R. M. Duncan
G. Baker
G. 0. Mott
0. S. ellliett
W. F. 'Soatt
H. G. Rutledge
W. H. Bell
J. G, Workman
0. H. Workman
W. R. Elliott
T. G.L. Al000k
W. A. Golesnan
F. Rutledge
W. 13. Dillow
J . N. Stiles
J. W. Black
' H. H. Fisoher
J. E. Bremner
R. E. Innes
A. 3, McKay
C. R. Lewis
Myers, Dr.
E. F. Hood
J. Alcock
E. R. Hulley
C. W. Cardiff
L. RooneY
W. M. Cardiff
E. Young
E. G. Young
C. B. Gosling
N, Young
J. IL. Sanderson
J. Palaver
B, Wilson:
J, R. Mitchell
F. 13. Cardiff
B, Yolieok
D: A, Black.
J. IL, Tlanrrnon
Cl. G. G+arnis's
C. R. Davison
101rmea t Eederattioit 469',.00
My n3 olplal 15ttm inns
>s` 70.00
P50el tor Mince 19:80
Next mooting on A:prti 7th,
B. Fear, Clerk
Daylight Saving To Continue
State Secretary Announces
Ottawa, Manch 19--HState Secre-
tory McIarty amuonnced last night
that the government has given con-
sideration to the plossibility of
reverting to Standard Time but
has de'cid'ed that Daylight Saving
Time motet be comdttnnued for the
present because of watilnle demands
tor electric power end other tactors.
A statement from Mr, bfetaitiec
office said Dayldgi'ht :caving
was adopted in .1942 to conserve
)?ower and synerontze Canada's
time ivitt11 the Mos time which was
then iadloiptted hi blue United %tatess
for reason of tranrlrpontation attd
added that those requirements still
appiy with "0111151 or even greater
"It' must be bonne in mind at all
times that 'ulmis is pur'e'ly a war
r,easutre, and we must bear in ).mind
we are still engaged In two wars,"
the statement continued
"It is not the intention of the
government to matlntaiit (My-
llgbtt Time) any longer than the
nceeeLadtites '2,i '1y'ar demand, but to
revert to 'St'andard 'Rinne at the
Present time 'trends be tali atoopir
sante of afact that Is not ter
linmely, that the necessities of war
are •not nte pressing tared not as' de•
mauling' ars they Were three 'yoSSRl
Mailing ,List Revised
'11110 mailing list. has been revised
Ther Mack, if 3„011• label does not
h.ar the correct date let us' know
about itt. 01fr 211,anint to ell those wit)
have renewed theft. subscriptions. We
asit those who one, .in arrears to pay
their rsilibsoriation in advance at thei
earlietatt oonvenieneae,
'.i"b a T3lrtnear'els 'Post