HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-2-7, Page 2r� rriday c/a/! ell yaw- Man anS THE MIXING BOWL Is? MINE AKIN Mabel IN.. leaseotbt Hello Honnemalaesis! A Valeo. tine's Day Party may be hi the offing at your bonne, cit which case you will already be thinking cf special menus. To any homemaker The ,success of a party depends to a large extern on food — carefully pisniued and prepared If you are eoter+taining the "Teen-Ageis" at buffet supper, here are some fend fancies we especially like. becauss they are se decorative and so e" •silt' prepared. Potato Salad In setting up Potato Salad for Valentines Day we use b ;ets far a basis, Slivers of cooked beets are steeped for 20 mins. in hot vinegar to which a bag of whole spites has been added. When ehi15ed, put In lettuce cups placed in heart•shaped design on a platter. Press potato salad around bo keep the lettuce In • pesitton. The salad could he served i'n the centre of a la,ge platter sur- rounded by assorted oald cuts. :bread each slice of meat with cheese filling (use cottage or cream cheese mixed with salad dressing and seasoning), then roll and secure with toothpick. Relish Tray This platter could ne accompanied with a relish tray made up of small gherkins, celery cotes dipwail in p"prika, and thin triangles of 'white t'•rnip, Chill in separate containers in the electric refrigerator for one• it:tlf hour before serving. tate pan so that when finished It looks like a piece of rather amateur mending, Bake in a hot electric area for 15 minutes, then reduce the heart and finish batting. Invert wh[le still warm so that all the buttersootheIt mixture glavee over the square. 'Serve warns. lt's- quite lovely —the golden glaze, the Hark prumes,the bright red cherries. * * s Take a Tip 1, Candles won't drip if chilled several hours in an electric ref'+ig• era,tor before lighting. 2 Wipe piano keys with cloth slightly dampened with denatured a.eohoi—soap stains ivory. Glaze For Rolls If you want a riot glaze to dress up ordinary rolls, measure y cul butter and 1/i cup corn s•yrnp into a saucepan. Boil Our 3 minutes then pour over the rolls. This gaze will top 12 rolls. Cherry Petal Squares A n upside-down Prune Square, served hot, is just about the pret- tiest hot bread we make. For the glaze beat •together 2 tbsps. hurter, 2 tbsps. brown sugar and 2 tbsps. corn syrup. Grease an 8 Mob. x 8 inch pan and spread the bottom with the bubtersoobch mixture. Into it press alternate cows of cooked, pitted prunes and mara- schino cherries, cut petal -wise. To petal the cherries, drain well then cut up toward the centre Into 5 petals. The cherries and prunes should make a regular pattern Roil out two 8 inch squares of lough, eV -her tea biscuit or bread, about ? inch thick. Out each in four drips. The first four strips lay crosswise of the pan; the second rout Strips weave lengthwise c,, qhesNApOJ GUILD WATCH YOUR COMPOSITION 97 For better pictures—think before you shoot, TO MANY camera ,fans- "picture composition" is of terrifying ex- pression. To them it seems to imply learning books of rules, delving deeply into artistic theory --indeed, all manner of effort and trouble. But, as a matter of fact, picture composition 18 simply a pleasing arrangement—an arrangement that satisfies the eye. And, in taking plc• tures, a little thought and common sense are better than a wltoie ency- clopedia of rules. After all, every picture subject is different, and no rule or get of rules can cover all subjects perfectly. When you choose a picture subject, Simply aelt yourself, "What arrange- ment will be most pleasing in the print and what Iooation or view- point will make the most attractive picture?" Visualize the picture idea clearly, then decide on the best viewpoint, :.Let's brlely consider our iilustra- tion. Ire a good example of what was aceomplished when a photdgra• pher changed his position and ob. tamed sn appealing,well composed Dieters of an attractive young lady Net before she -••-acid the'smart snap bltooter--got down to the lttteiness of siccing, There Was notliingattraotiveabout the snow -cleared road which passed by this small grove of spruce trees and to take a picture of this pert little bundle of femininity standing on a barren concrete highway, all set for skiing, just wasn't the thing to do. The solving of the problem was very simple- sitnple because the photographer had an eye for com- position possibilities. He had the young lady walk far enough into the open space in the spruce grove 90 that she 'would be more or less "framed" by the trees on each side of the clearing, The more distant trees served as an excellent back- ground. As a result of this planning. or arrangement of the picture, the eyes are directed, or led to the prin- cipal subject ---the girl. This is a good example of the results any amateur photographer can achieve if he studies the possi- bilities for attractive locations, ar- rangement, or composition before he shoots. Spend a few extra mo- ments planning o-mentsplanning your pietures,That's the feuridation of good photography and it yields better pictures to send to friends and relatives in the Ser - Vice, f.. Jdltn van WNW •• THE QUESTION BOX Mrs, C. E. asks: Can you suggest n agent to .remove mildew from shower curtains? Answer; If they are made of cotton or canvas soak in soapy water, then, without rinsing, dip them In a solution of copper sul- Mate (get this at your drug sbora). This simple :treatment protects fabrics again mildew even aftr.r home Laundering. Anne Allan invites you to write to fuer in 'care of The Post, Sand cut your suggestion on homemak- mg problems and watch this column for replies. THE BRUSSELS POST PEOPLE WE KNOW * * ok ,A •' * . * Pte. Ted Mitchell has been borne on leave. Clinton Spring Fair Changes Date • • Mt^s; W. 11. 1851r oontiuues In a serious condition, * * * M, Carlton was a business visitor In Toronto this weak, le WIMr. and Mrs. 3Gibson are Toronto visitors this week * * W. G. Leach was a bustnees visitor in Toronto last week. * • * Mrs, W. D, S, Jamieson was a weekend visitor in Hamilton', „ • • Mm. William 'Stiles and son Stewart ,have been visiting in Toronto. * * s Mrs..G R. Campbell is in Toronto and will attend the Ice Follies waffle there. Flight Lieutenant Wm. Rowland of Iiagersv)lle was a weak end •visitor at his home. * * * The many friends of Mrs. 118, 'Parker, Kincardine, hope she will The Annual Meeting of the Clinton Spring Show was held in the Agri- cultural Board Room, Clinton Saturday, January 27th. wI^]t Roy Pepper, Vice -President in the chair. A. S. McMurray gave the Treesur- er's report showing a bank balance of $283:03. . Correspondence was read from various prospective exhibitors •rc the change of date sand Most of them were Jae favour of holding the fair at a later date, A vote was taken at the meeting. It was decided to hold .the fair the first week in June in the Park at Clinton, the date to he decide; by the Executive. The ,..slectuon of officers resulted ars follows: Zion. Pres.—John Mcrariano, Sr., 'Humphrey ,Snell, Wm. Mcllwan, Frank Powell, Wm. Lobb, Hiphraim Snell. John Innes Presklent—Roy Pepper. First Vice—Dick Jacob. Second Vice—Wes. Notit: -Secretary—J. B. Matheson. Treasurer—A. J. McMurray. Directors Hallett Wm. J. Dale, Howard Armstrong, W. L. Whyte, Aloysius Shanahan, 3obn Freeman, John Armstrong, 3101 Snell. Tuckersimlith — Arthur Nichotson, Lewis Tebbut, Oscar 'Switzer, Jack Turner, Wellingbon Crotch. God•eribeth—Geo. Groat, Alvin Bet 'toes, Ben Bothwell, Wilmot Heacke, Oliver Jervis, Fred Middleton. Stanley—Amok Pepper;' Jack Clegg, Marvin Hanley, Win. Sinclair, 'Stewart MOEwen.. Town. of 011mton---Dr: J. W. Shaw. Wm. Perdue, Nelson Trewartha, Victor Falconer, Rueben Grigg, Mongan Agnew. Audbtcr—Gordon '.`:eanesduy, February 7th, 1940 BLUEYAI E Plan Repairs to Parsonage Mrs. George Thornton opened her home on Thursday afternoon for ,he monthly meeting a. the Women's As- sociation of the 'United Church, (here was sixteen ladies present. The president, Mrs, M, L, Aitken, presided. Prayer was o0Gs ed by lbLrs. Alex IVicOrackin and Mrs, ROA, ( ,Straw read "The Good Shepherd," I front SSI. John's Gospel. The acorn- bers are knitting blocks for an af- ghan. Following the reports oL the Parsonage oonnnittee, a discission was held regarding necessary re- 'paftis and improvements. :,ioney making schemes were also dimmed Mrs. George Thomson conducted a Bible quizz. Mrs. George' 'Thornton read an article en Robbie Beans entl Miss Duff read "The Coward'' by Ro- bert Service. The hostess were Mrs. George Thornton, Mrs. ,Tames Peacock and Mrs, William Nicholson Former Resident Passes Word has been received nere of the ,death in Toronto of Robert Hutche- son. Mr. Hutcheson. was• married over thirty years ago to Harriet (Creech) Sanderson, a former ,s aeon be enjoying better heath. lue vale gird, 12r. and Mrs. Hutohesor. • • * Sgt. William C. Browner of Grey spent almost every summer since received' his flight engineer's wing thew marriage at the Sandorson bone here. The Suneral was held Miller, at recent . graduation ceremonies at Flight Engineer's School, Minter. * * Mins. W. Porter and daughter ,Shelia and Mrs. F. M. Semis were •in Toronto ehle week to sea the Tee Follies. • * * Mr. and Mrs. John Bowman, Miss- es Jean 11ioDoneld, Knuth McDonald, Helen McCutoheou, Luella Mitchell ,Gibson Willis. and Bill Icing attended on Tuesday afternoon, interment Ln Mount Pleasant Cemetery. Mrs, Raymon Elliott, spent the week -end in 'London with her father, Mr. John Messer, who is a patient in Viktoria hospital. His condition 11 considered favorable following an pperatbon Mr, and Mrs. 7. Mssalhall and two the :Stratford Normal School daughters' of Listowel, spent Sunday "At Hoene" on Friday night, at the hoarse of Mr. and Mrs. George s * * Thornton. 'Our :sincere congretnbations are Mr. and Mrs. Donald Robertson of extended to Mr, and Mrs. Da✓id Cunningham, who on Tuesday, Feb- ruary 12th, will reach the fiftieth milestone of their marriage. 'Choir Cheese Is an Important Export AND Provides a Market for Milk CHEESEMAKERS AND CHEESE FACTORY HELPERS ARE URGENTLY NEEDED. . To respond to this call is to meet a patriotic need at pleasant work and good pay. Details may be had from J. R. BAIN, 107 WYATT BUILDING, LONDON, ONT. or any EM'I'LLOYMEIVT AND SELECTIVE SERVICE OFFICE Wrngluam were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Davidson. LAC. Arnold Lilyow, R.C.A.F. of Camp Borden, was a week -end visit - boat' of friends wish for them many or at his home here. more years of health and happiness Mn. and Mre. W. Mann are not together.' enjoying good health at the present * * * The services o8 Mins Harris of Ford- Mrs. N. McCauley, while visiting with have been secured as )rouse her daughter Mrs. W. Cardiff, Strat- beeper and nurse. ford, bad the misfortune to fall tWa. Edward Barnard is a .0atlent down the basement stair of a in the Wingham General Hostpital, frieisd's home. Ste was take'. to His many friends hope for a speedy Stratford General Hospital for ex. , improvenveut in his' condition. Day examination and it was found :. site had suffered a fractured oligo' AN EARLY EASTER • The Easter season this year is some what earlier than in 1944, Good ,Friday fabling on March 30th as corn- pared to April 7111t bast year. In a great Many Instances the belief pre- � vails that an 'pearly Easterr also means • en early Spring. 'Citizens in general hope that this will be the ease in 1945 as ,an early breakup of the Pre - 'veiling severe winter would, be more .than welcome in these parts, An airman had to take to bis parachute awing •to engine trouble. On hi away through apace ha met an old Lady floating up. "Hey!'"' 'h'e shouted. "'Have you noticed a Spitfire going down' "No,' replied the old lady. "Have you seen a gas -stove .going all?" der blade as well as a bad out in the stead which required .a number of stitches, and was badly brtused and shaken up. She was renleved to i the (home of her friend 0, Barkley where she is Improving fairly well. Confirmed In Clerkship During the January sessions of Heron County Council, Norman W. W. Miller, who he* 'been acting clerk smogs bite beginning of the tear, when Clerk J. M. Roberts was given Leave 'of absence to join the R. C. A. F., was 'apipointed pertruanently to the clerk 'ship. Mr. Roberts has in the meantime been appointed to a position with the Provincial Depart- ment of Welfare Mr. Millae, having had five years' experience in the office, is now thoroughly conversant• pith county afllains', and has proved himself .a oa.pable and courteous off , JAMESTOWN A successful auction sale was held at Mr. Edward Jaokiin on Tuesday, ,January 30th, Mr. and Mrs. Jaeklin are residing in Wroxeter, their home - hold effects were moved there ,e- oently. The ladies on Telephon Sine 20 intend holding a quilting each week daring the winter. Last week's quilt - :Mg was held at the home of teas. Laurence Willis, A tew from the community attend- ,ed tyre shower Flyddtey night in. the Wroxeter hall in honour of Mr. and Mrs. Adamm. Miss Lola Willis has gone to Lis- towel, where she has accepted a pos. Rtes. r#oER 13A' Backer Br 1 Gooey For All Kinds of Baltirtg SOLI IN BRUSSELS Al. phone 6 Butcher Shop Brusseiu �...'�tenn. _..4 O4ct t.(� D Vo L tfi;' FOR THE GROOM: s6doo Perfectly matched —and the en• gagement dia- mond is flaw- less. —And For HER ATTENDANTS A SIGNET RING Handsomely $1 550 Istyled. 10 kt. gold. W. G. Leach Jeweller --- Brussels roc aa#r.0 EAR -RINGS Dainty Hearts and Bows de- sign in Sterl- ing Silver. LOVELY PENDANT 61° Two•tone loveliness in Sterling and Silver gilt. $300 ;~• ►aEAD or IMA .: DISABLED .jssi,:kly removed to Clem Sanitary tench... Phone collect. T2 BRUSSELS Vt Stone Sons Limited When is a Dollar Not a Dollar? When it won't buy a dollars worth of goods! For instance, compared to present-day standards, your dollar of th.last war was worth, not a dollar' -... but sometimes his these.. Housewives, who went =rioting in 1917, had to port with Cftip fir a four -pound jar al jmtn which you buy to -day for Dais winter underwear est him bock valle.tkives oompar.d who he eould bey itforto-day. Yw geta lot more foryeur money NOW El ... because price ceilings and otheranti-inflationary measures have keptthe value of your dollar HIGH That's why if will pay goatees* that selfish spending never undermines price eosin! i. Canada. Ramembec yew whit your dollar" worth when you woe your money wash * who you pay offdehts "" ... refuse to buy needless Iwwks...givo Moak mark*m.ihs. Mo h,th ...ad doathoard 9 oods. I promise to silo ay support to heroin the eat of liming dswa. I will buy only what I reed. 1 wHI observe the ceiling buy oe .a ion goods or Mevices. I whether �lt= of old debts, sew for the future, Arrest it Vey Roods sad War Swings Certificates. Acrd I will eappoet taxes which help lower the ogee et Hart. tee, �"aa PoteglLthaNq,F, Published by no BREWING INDUSTRY j NTA1110) «dost n/Ka«« t« Or* «ti dM Mei* of Ohs t1«al«tl,. M help rerattl the d.««ha. th«r i«a