HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-31, Page 4THE BRUSSELS POST \i'ednetseley, Janarany Slat, 1945 : OffeairlitUMM MNIVE AtEMOW,Agafie alenti we. ' th Send a Valentine Greeting Card We have them in Cabinets of Assorted Cards with matching envelopes at Sc, 10c and 15c each. Other Fancy Valentines, in cut out designs at . . • . 5c, 10c, 15c and 25c Also for Post Office School Boxes— Attractive Small Valentnes at 3 for Sc, 2 for 5c and Sc each PLANNING A PARTY ?—We have Valentine Paper Hats, ti Red Crepe Paper and Streamers for decorating. ta P's Also gifts suitable for Party Prizes. 2 4 ti 01 COUGH LOZENGERS Pine Bos• Glycerine Tablets 15c. A. S. A. Cough Drops 100 Vick's 15c Meloids 25c Menthol Cough Drops 10c Buckley's Throat Aids 10c Smith Bros. Cough Drops 10c in d Cou h Drops lac It RELIABLE COUGH PREPARATIONS Reza Bronchial Syrup 50c Cherry Bark 35c & 60c • Melo-Rex 1 Cough Syrup 50c Syrup White Pine and Tar 25c • Children's Cough !I Syrup •25c •, Wampoles 11 Tasteless Extract • $1.00 3IV111 2 it:Nee '4 '1 fp, "V.-"laitft.31te".1..) Oa ...C.te-etelltee."esefte leIVESTOOK IMPROVEMgNTS IN !met year ae experitnentll unit was ONTARIO ...etanized In Outxio tilu r.i11 to eat.: justify the tiction taken, It can Ey W, R. Reek, Deputy Minister of now be stated that this Inctlicil of Agriculture, Province of Ontario bleeding offers the most eetunoreice: 1,3\e„...cmtwo UR/LIG:11z i STATIONE.i, A 1 rELE?HONE NO. 67e — i c.i..,..• PHONE NO. 62 a, EAVONVAVAteAlaWOWiteMMAIEMOIC WILLIAM SP1NCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE — — ETHEL; ONT. MAIN STREET, BELL & BENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,•B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Service) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Mr. Benson in attendance Saturday afternoons. Office open daily from 9—to— 5:30 ITS U4.:0 n a 3, V! LA" in the C id Sto-rage Locker Room of the Brussels Creamery. The Locker Service h Now Open For Business. BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22 20000 TONS OF WASTF. PAPER ARE REQUIRED EVERY MONTH FOR VITAL WAR NEEDS -500Ltki cc: 1 •Iu 1 'ty bee eme the petlm:tem of nItrogenoue Mole en the home. farm. The va I it ite of avellable lenieni eau he Increased growing More alfalelt nee her- ; ye:sting it carliev, by produeing eome beeue and by lidding a eew p.tes le mixed grain mixtures. Stiltrible rations have been outlined in On- tario bo Retina and should he It Set I tte guides.. In the prepare I 1)11 or belarreed diets. ul ciente 0 i Y ontetanclipg 5 tes. wl'Itl(1 ex- :des a basis for improving all Prceely fte' \r‘tttklY Pr"' (If ealtle in a given area, if the incit Ont at4o.) v thil farmere within the (onetime- sliPPort the programme. 01 -calt income of Ontario farm - reached an all time high in 1944, Pt the previous year, the last one for width delves ivas S'.1!91.42.41{11). Ot thi.: total M0994,- 000., or 72%, was .derived from the spiv of live stoek and live stock Pro. duete. Dairy products, hogs, cattle ant poultry provided the greatest volume of r,venuc and all were pro- clued In PXPP:s of domestic reeuire- meet,. A. in the paid, so in the etture. eontitiene 1" world markets v 11 have a tremendous influence 711 nrifq'. Cnn,equently all efforts F 111(1 lisiiiroef,,d towards the pro - diction of products that are enitable im sale on are- market -in the world. Live neck improvement, as the words imply, involves the Predne- !ter. of a high quality product but thiis is not the whole story. The mcdmq nun,: be produced at a rela- rely low cot, an achievement 'that eve be attained throngh the produc- tion of inore potirds of milk ow:. cow, more eggs per hen and more 'pounds of meat with the same amount 00 feed. Only healthy animals can te expeeted to produce efficientle. The most economical way of mm - live is through the use • of better sires. 'rhe purchage of a high class sire for exchtsive nse .0 a small eattIF herd is a cos%y pro (q.d.tr, Dnring recent years the technique of artificial insemtuabon has been improved and this pnczice is now widely used is various States. Hogs 'can 'also be improved through the Use of better eires. The advanc- ed registry policy for FONO5 115 ideutified the strains capable of Producing large litters of high qual- ity pigs at relativly low feed costs. These strains can make Canadian herrn famous the world over. Ontario poultry has been greatly improved in the past ten year -1 is a ret-ult of inspection and control ex- e,rise over flocks 'supplying eggs to hatcheries. Most pullets drafted tor sale today possess the character. ieties necessary for producing 200 'or more eggs. annually because ef geed recline' and managment. Perhaps Ontario's most valuable ant meet neglected crop is pasture. It provides the cheapest feed used in the production of meat and milk. Last year the Ontario Department of e.eciculteme launched ea exteusive progranime of demonstration Pasture 'plots for the purpose of oscertaining the best mixture ama 'the most suitable methods of seed - mg. The results have been most etatifying bat will be of little value tuless given wider applicatiOr. in 1145 and alter -Feed relatively rich in prceeie is necessary foe balancing any live stock rations. Milking now's, hogs end poultry require more of this irgredient than beef cattle. Protein i. neurally expensive so feeding costs cibeSNAPSTIOT GUILD • IMPROVE PICTURES BY CROPPING Here's a good example of how a picture can be Improved by cropping and enlarging. LOOK through most any collection to see if cropping and enlarging of snapshots and you will find many pictures that could be greatly improved by cropping, What's cropping? It is simply a method to eliminate unessential or extraneous areas surrounding the main subject in a picture. If you could always get close up to your subjects go that just the main point of interest would 4111 the negative area, eloPPing would seldom be necessary; but you can't. The illustration above showyou how snapshots can be improved by cropping and enlarging. The loWer picture was made from the full neg- ative. Notice hoNv your attention is attracted from the main subject (1:lie terrier) to the interior of the car and the steering wheel to the right, lout look what happened when the picture was °topped and enlarged, as shown in the upper picture, The perky !title terrier le the main at- traetion and you have a picture that brings out all his personality and one ,that yoil and your friends will admire.. The nett time you receive prints and negatives from your Photo - finisher study your picture carefully • . . will improve the picture. When you look at flue photo- graphic Illustrations in magazines and books, remember that in every case a,photographer saw the picture first through the camera. He coin - posed It in his ander and snapped the shutter. Chances are, hdwever, that he cropped, or masked, his neg. ative to eliminate objectionable areas when he made the anal en- largement for reproduction in the magazine, A convenient and easy Way 10 study a picturefor croppingis to cut two "L" shaped --pieces about an inch wide from white paper ot card- board and then use these two pieces as an adjustable frame to mask out the objectionable parts in your print. When yott find an arrangement that pleases you, outline it with a pencil and your photolinisher will follow the Instructions for cropping when he Makes the enlargetnetit, , Look Over some cif your old Prints and negatives, ton are pretty sure to Lind niany that ean lie tranefermed, by croPping and enlarging, from ordinary snapshot caliber to excel. lent examples of good photography, John van (Pander In any live stock improvemeat pro- gramme health of animals should oe- 0,1V number one position. At the: present time about hall' the etittle in the province have been tester for tuberculosis under some federal plen and live stock owners in the resit of the pnovince are anxiously tureiting tests, Bangs disease is being tackled by individituvl hveedere and farmers. Some have attended the bleat test .and slaughter plea while 0,1ers are using the calfhood vac. oblation method. Mastitis le evas- ive dairymen much eonceen and en- ANTr: LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can' bring them to us. Export Packers PHONE 70x BRUSSELS fortunately no effective 0010 has i been devised. The spread of the disease Can be reduced - by good;,--rlguemoyeaiweoittemoiteAqeaivmawa.vifoiitct,. dairy husbandry ,and the application of sound sanitary practices. Para- sites cause high animal ioeaes In Mir bog, sheep end poultry herds aad I flocks. Tnfectious digeases play hnvoc - with ',Tinter farrowed lilt t s -of swine. Research .and experimental 1 NOTICE! COMPLETE EYESIGHT work is being Conduoted. at the SERVICE Ontario Veterinary College with. a View to developing effective treat- ments for these ditsea.see. In the final analysis 'au ounto of Prevention is worth a pound of mire," and it practised systemati- cally will go a long way towards lowering the cost of prodneing live etock and live stook producte. But :he application of good live stock RIGHT HERE IN BRUSSELS. EYES EXAMINED — — GLASSES FITTED 1VIr. Reid has been coming to Brussels for 10 years and con give you perfect sadsfaction and eye comfort as he bar dam for thousands of others in this district. "SEE REF/ AND SEE RIGHT." R. A. ItEID Stzatfc.rd's Leadlia °Pt°131.friat Over 25 years. management costs money, So many • farmers plannirg for post-war im. a. Phone 51 Miss Hingston's Storeafor Appointment. provements are buYing VietorY Rands and setting them asido for the provision of capital later. Then CalltAlialitAfaWMAKM01111161eAteNt.At they will be able to make those im Movements. bhey can't make now be- aigalV.M5*_,DRIVAtealitt.M.64VMAS afiritalito cense of materiel and labour avert. ages. BELGRAVE The anneal meeting of the congre- gation of Knox 'United Church was held in the schoolroom of the church 1 on Tuesday afternoon with a good ti endance. The minister, Rev, G. 10. • Dunlop, was in the chair and was I assisted by G eorge Martan„ as sec- • rebary. Seventeen new members were re- etived daring the year and there were no deaths.. An honor 11 was niveiled bearing the names Of Di youlig men of the eongregation. A. vote of thanks and apmecie, lion was extended Mr. , and Mrs. Dunlop, followed by an invitation to remain another year, • 411 organizations and departments", reported a very suocessful year with all showing an increase in giv- ings, including the general Jund and inissione, Sunday Sehool, Wo - 011 -5 'Missionary Society, Women's Association, Young People"a Union Una Mission Band. Iraproventents made during the year includel the painting of the exterior of the church and shingling, Tt was decided to have electric lights installed in Ilia chorea .and 'he Board' -of Stewards and Wo- men's Association were put in charge .ef this work. Martin. Gniasby retired from the Session -and Albeit Vincent was an. Pointed' to replace him Pour ,uew members were..added to the Hurd of .Stewards, They are Louis *itone- hoes% Harold Vincent, 'George Mar- tin and a 11.. Coultes. Plate collec- tors are William McCisnaghan, William Manning, Stanley Hopper mitt Jack Higgien. "Grew quickly developed mu. rcrm1Y", "Started to lay at 41/4 month" thate' what customers say - of Xitchener Big -4 Chicks. We are agents here, can (mote prices, take your orders, We advise you ordei row to avoid later disappointment. R. S. Warwick, Hill top Thatch. Brasses. Look At Your Label really 1 I cut as it should , . If you want yours to SAWS SHARPENED Hand Saws, Cross -cut Saws Any kind of saws Leave Ai Tge Post Pre -Stock Taking SALE eirtUiCiCtMelevrea'Clatcfteietei Dresses at Half -Price Regular $5.95 - $3.00 7.95 - 400 12.95 - -6.50 14.95 7.50 pot All Women's and Misses' Winter Cats In Stock 25% Off Regular Price Only a few ref htis5es' Alpae,,. Skirts regular $2.98, to clear $1.98 No war .savings stamps will be given with above' items. Dress Goods Prints, Seersuckers, American marp- Dimity, Cotton Plaids, and Ginghams --- in the 'newest spring patterns now in stock. Men's Heavy Mackinaw Coats All sizes $8.95 up. Don't forget to as for your sale slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamps Free. THE ARCADE STORE Phone 61 '1.11111111111.1.11. Brussels,"Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Prinfint sowarakostoiwagwakosbniowAket