HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-31, Page 3al 18 tel ad 'e• he 'or ry. of 'he ral or- al- tea r•all- tad Pe. aVe Rt. Bag ten- .T. un,L reed xer-..,• tub• hue - the ars, sow tors. 'tree W, ,lilts nen for ices, re. 'nom and lora• 111911 nem cook orge etch- hne• of ars i .kepi holm ,hne- r„ r.: tr VA L &,5 ?y�l UPWA:DS W. G.i Leach Jeweller --- Brussels ADVERTISING RAY6i Classified Ads (cash) 26e Over telephone or charged Hilo bought daring ibhe year. The in Memoriam 600 Missdonary stool Maintenance report' The report slnaws a balance. on 'Card of Thanks 600 was given showing alnvoet $1.00.00 hand to start tilts nenv year. :Berths, Marriages. Deaths Pros incrase over last yeas. Rev, Teazle -Mrs, Wm. Humphries gave the report of the Sunday school: num- WALTON THE BRUSSELS POST wood gave 4he Sawston Repoli show. irg a total membership of 277. A vote of thanks was moved to Mr. and Duff's United Church Mrs Hazlewood for their ;vat•k true- ins the yea r. Several Rents of The Annual Meeting or Dalt q lee ineee were eatnpletc d,one being TJnited Church, Walton, was held ort ; Ila, r 11>rt.ian ut Mr. CR J. Been,tlt bo I Monday afternoon, Jan. 22, Thera :he Iirela•1 of Stewards. Idru filling was a Band attendance and the t111' place left vacant by Ila• eentrval reports from I,be various orp'anisa• ny 114.r. Roble M.Ftxlzenn fens the titre were very groat'yfng. Tho viein'ltY. D111'ing the meeting. meeting opened with a wors'lap- ser• linut1r,r were gluon by moo^1ilrs of plc,• emeleetegl by the minister. Masa the, vn.iious mgardzations, tili+y in•`. Fred Wilson. was appalltted seci•e• rtudotl a reading by '.Mrs, W. C 1:cry for 1111' meeting and the 'lunules Bennett, a solo by Mrs. De Lawless or the previous year's meeting were accannpanieal by Mrs. 1T. Brown, a le ea. The repots of •the Committee ewe by Margaret McArthur end Ala() or .Stetlavcle. was given by Mr. ,toren Sholatee acocmpanied by 10mm11a T,ec--ming slaowIng aid bills paid and Sanderson, e duet by Mrs. Nelson D snlwlantial balance on ha.nrl, me Reid and Mms. E. Hakwell acoomp• Sendlt) School report given by MMrs, erred by Mrs, Roy Bennett. and a n*`r-Icy I1ekwell showed a macer tele by Shirley Bennett, Marie Ben - attendance for the year, 0118 pupil 11011 and Helen Jahr'etotn, At the Mae Wieldier. having attended 46 the ladles served a delirimee Sundays out of a possible 59, Mrs. Innen ,Tohn McDonald gave. the report of St. George's Church the W.A. In elle absence of the treasurer. Mrs. 'Welter Davidson, 'Sloe annual vestry meeting of St. The .secretary, Mms. Nelson Reed George's Anglican March was held •nlsn gave a resume of the nesocia- cn Frdrtlay, Jan. 20th in the eleerch hones activities during the year, the et 8 pan, The rector, Rev, ee 8'. main Items being the redeem'a'1ng of Oldham presided and opened the the church and Clue sending of 'loxes t'eet:ing with Psalm 122( and prayer. to the boys and girls from the The minube.o of leash Year's rneating church who as in the forces, The were read and .adopted. Plae rector report of the Young People's 'Paden Rev. M, F. •Oldlesln gave his report, we., given by Mrs, Douglas Lawless. pns,boral oa•11s made, 55; number ,of Mach erodtht was given to the Moung rani{lies belonging to church, 14; People to rbheia' contribution 02 adults not dncluclecl in families, 7; 3200.00 toward redecorating fu".d total number of souls, 63; subsratb- and $10:0,00 toward .the purchasing of choir gowns. Shirley Bennett gave the report at the Gle.nr10r Mesion Band wb1ch iudteaterl that the Band head been aobive •dulsng the year. Mrs. P. Wilson gave 'he report of the W.M.S. whIoh vhotved that the iSociety bad .a very suecese- 9114 year, having 1ex,oeeded its allo- cation of $400.00 by over $50 00. The secretary,. Mrs. 'Rollet. McMichael outlined the work done during the yeas which included many worth- while activities, The ,ehoir ;sport, given by Mrs. Harvey Brfown, show- ed tibat char gowns had been OLD VIRGINIA PIPE TOBACCO It's a real pipe smoker's tobacco CLASSIFIED ADS FOR SALE-- -� I p Pigs ready ]o wean. Tun Ovington Phone 7.3 r-13 WANTED AT ONCE— ISO or woman for help with lig,t h..ueeltea ping, • Phone 85. House and Lot for Sale ----^ = = - -- Corner Queen and Albert Streets. ApP'y Cies., Annie Smite.ben on roll, 13 ;average attendance, ¢ Phonal 43-r-25, 11 Lent. offering, $2.03; spa ret on Sunday pelmet. papers and supplies, SAWS SHARPENED -- $9.51; another's day offering, 12e; Cross cut saws put in A.1.con• Boren College bursary 25e, sash on hand $3.71; The Women's 71111112 repent given by MN, Won, Hunt - melees in the absence through ill- ness of the-lreasnrel firs. Bert Anderson, showed exeelient progress by .the organization. 8:1 w given by true Guild' to the0157,churchas h•easurer, A speudid balance is on TENDERS WANTED— luand to :le the Year's work. The Tenders will be received by the WANTED— minuet bazaar in November b"unglut it derslgned 14 to Feb. 15th, 191111 for in $183.80; meetings have been eels ee cords of hard body wood, beech earth month; Mrs, Harry Bolger ane? maple 12 er 14 inches lo'tg, '1e. give the report of the W.A. This he delivered to Duff's United Church organization has met each month. et Walton .also 1 cord of dry cedar and met and fulfilled all obligattnna suitable for kindling. with a balance of $5.70 on bane, A John Marshal, Sec. hearty vote of thanks was extended to lteq. M. F: and Bins, Oldham, '.Mrs. urs to parish Punch 23; actual corn- M. R, Oldham and to all the church nnmuaante, 24; burials, 2; n;inaber ofdedatls and officers and members of •Sunday services held, 51; total of the orgao1zations. 1'he foliolo eteenclanee,' 836; .average attendance i,tg offloers wale appointed rm 1046. at services- 15; public celebrations of Rector's Wanders, Mr. 1Iaery Be Holy Ooiunsundo,n , 13; largest num- teen; Wanders, Mr. Bert ..nolgd-er•r; hes of camin'unLoatuts im one day, 21; ='en; Vestry Clerk, Mrs, Bert Ander- bei. moth 5; service was held nnsone Lay Delegate to Synod, Mr. Holy Thursday, a aorporale Com- Hsr•r'Y Barger•; Substitute Lay Dele mullion for Woanen s• GuildalulWeee gate, MIYs. Harold Bolger; Auditors, Ad r. Harry Bolger presented the Mm. Wan. Humphries, Mr. George financial lament, This was very Pollard; Board of Management, The gratifying. The eeetorls• stipend was Vita:tens, Ms. Wm. Humphries, Mr paid in full, the 1Syzyod assessment Harold Bolger, Mr, George Pollard, enol $47 on Misbsonary Budget, rho Mrs. Wm. Humphries, Mrs. Bert Algoma Appeal was. pe4d le full. Anderson, Mrs, Norman Sanderson, org'a1112t, Miss Emma Sanderson; cereltker, Mrs-. Norman Sanderson, The rector closed the meeting weth tate benediction. dltfon, also hand saws: Leave them at , . , The Brussels Post. WANTED— • Mae with car for lltawleigh Route Trwnivhips of -Morris, Grey and lTewicic, if Interested write or nlloue Rabt, A. Engel, Brussels. tiGf Oilii1 1bot hill R� ldle.tf /e1 Se.,411 i ►tet" lh ��r.:•=�.- URAL R 1;0 , WAVING be su eYtDV+0± Hydro is U G you can Actually, i se as fast as possible fission of � 1944, lie r yds otwn er Com io rural working is Y kleettie p°vf an nitres in 1944r the Hl0 times as many Ontario constructed943 40 miles of rural lines as in approximately In 19t13r there were °pl' ® were approximately 400 miles of rural lines con lines constructed. In 1944 tbstructed. 1g43 numbered 225' Consumers added in 1944 numbered 9':materials Consumers added ►n of manpowerand 94m er an shortages expansion es are in the armed yt►arple, even greaterH Hydro employ telae tech- nical some n an O Y Government for special con- cramp on loan to`tlte materials needed in co- rces on many aired in the ng its akar v✓O of Hydro lines are alsyou! tired Is electricity con- struction War weaponsonditions to provide manu- facture of existing rural best under 1 gervices, for new to essential out 8000 applications that will al There are have been possible. However, there acute services as soon delays because uses as a result e acute e as p connectedbefudher seem that probably of Inions. If the and lines shortages in our Farm, please Termone tN less wartimeduly • conditions. s slew o getting while bandicapp e Commission to serve you. �..� doing its utmost 'THE HYDRO - ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO FOR SALE 100 Acre Farm, close to school, on Provincial highway, abunaanoe rf water, good buildings, good soil, being North half of lot 16, ate con, of Morris. Apply on premises. Edward Nichol R. R. 4 Brussels MAN WANTED— Good Rawleigh Route now open nearby. If welling to conduct Home Service business while earning good living, write immediately. • Rawlelgh's, Dept. Ley. No. ML -]52 46:4, Montreal, FOR SALE - 1 Roali Durham Heifer - with calf at foot ,and 4 Durham Heifers, springing, oleo 10 head of Poll Angus and Hereford Steers, rising 2 yea.ns old. Stewart Turner Phone 20-r-15 TENDERS WANTED- -for supplying 11 cords of body r• oocl. Maple and Beech, and 3 coeds of cedar, to be delivered at the Ethel Public School: Tenders to be. addressed to: Wm, T. Spence., See: Treas„ S.S. No, 11, Twp of. Grey Box 13, -Ethel, Ontario "I have never been • so pleased with a flock of birds." •says one Kitchener Big -4 Chick customer, Others write of early laying, good evedght, livability. Agent hese will save your time by quoting prices, taking. aider. Advise early contact to save disappointment, R. S. War. wide, Hill Top Ranch, Brussels. Have your EYES Properiyeared for NOW F. F. Homuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harriston Livestock Men Meet In Toronto, Feb. 12 to 16 The week of February 12 to 16 will see a great influx aif the leading•liye• steak breeders of Ontario into To - ionto for the annual meetings of the various purebred livestock es- sooiations, both provincial and national, All the meetings are to ho held at the Royal York Hotel, and from Monday morning to Friday night there will be a constant round of business sessions, consisting of meetings of Boards of Directors and Vie annual sessions' of the w arioua otganizattan1, P 1 L E se±diitrers si! bleedlht.g and protruding plies should know Bonkers Herbal Pills treat the cause at its source. Money back it the that bottle does not satisfy. Buy front your druggist, b', R. Smith, at The %iexa1l Stele, ,Sruseels, E,dr;,,,.,1 . Jara;ir)• 1118t. 1941 Here's the situation: Makers of telephone equipment have been busy on orders of all kinds for the armed services. For them, the time to start reconverting still lies ahead. Even after war needs have been met, these manufacturers must make a major changeover before they can resume normal production of supplies fir civilian use . .. Which means that we must continue to defer many requests for telephone service, awaiting the day (we hope it may not be too long delayed!) when materials in adequate volume and skilled manpower again become available. The applications se oar welting list will be Med as promptly and fairly as possible, on ■ first-eome•fit'st•eerved basis. 04/4e9 0.14# 60-410 • • BUSINFSS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Prone31 "The Brussels Post" and they will bs looked after immediately, For Information, etc., write or phone either- 5t-,•.13 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. a. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. - Aiso 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 pm. Chas, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE $7.r•2 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in Hurun and Perth Countleos PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION Gl1A tANTEED For Information, ate, write or phone Harold Jackson phone 12 on 658 Soetorth R.R. 1, 31uc.field Make ar"•angen eats at The Brussels Post ar Eimer D, Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. 1(D. .l' RANN Furniture FUNERAL kVeb AMBULANCE SERV Ii'E. Licensed Funeral Director and Embai?e3er PHONE 3S or 85 —"-- — BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 - P.O. BOX 1 - TURNBERRY 5T. ---x— BRUSSELS, ONT. - Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUARANTEED — PRICES REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 11 "The Brussels Post», and they velli be ?coked attar Immediately - For information, etc., w lie or phone Lew. Rowland 0110444 al, Seaforth; cr write R.R. 30 Walton: - W. S. Donaldson —'• Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 — Atwood Ont. for the Counties of Huron and Pettit All sales promptly attended to -- Charged moderate Por Engagements phone 31 "The Brusels Poet" and they 0w— fell Will be looked after immediately. lrto