HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-31, Page 2FAVay Spee/a// .M .
c -7n' ' yoae. QROCER
Hello H(rinemekersi Liver turf
similar meat specialties are due for
t3'e spotlight. They are ear run
to health as .well av eternally
C'anally these pieces are cheaper
than most other meats since there
is so muselr leas bane, gritlo, autl
shrinkage. There is a fair supply
e3 Diver, sweetin'eads, tripe and
"-!cart available.
s ,: al l niacin.
ti is ail this food
ctt : you may shy,
he 1'r;lliy delicious, ear:-,11ouj(1
be taken in the steps of preparation.
Take a Tip
1 Remove skin anti told gtl il••1re-
by scalding and loosening
wltjt a
Packed with health buildere, liver ,
- easily provides your daily need of
iron - the mineral which nutrition- eeeItillete::• netting 4taud jn
;Cts agree is the hardest t^ 00.1 t..l'1 seasoned liquid') in lemon
adequately in the diet. Also, they juke, vinegar, tonuwto juice, or•sour
:contain large, amounts of ether '• ream e'-hanc•es the delic'1te but
'minerals and protein, and a weatt11 . distinctive flavours.
of vitamin A, and B1, as well as 3. Grinding mattes pork liver
more acceptable for some. tastes,
4. Mikity; heat balls, stew: cas- 2 bay -leaves, 1,y lemon, salt
emotes will add goodly anisette, of and pepper, ;.' tbsps, four, 2
extra food values, Deeps. butter or fat,
00 High 11001 011141-11'ns ,11001
Cool; slowly in moist heal Split the kidneys still 051 out 'he
1. - •=i,nc.. . Irn1 ir. bakin1 ate Iliad, white suhslauc.ee and fat
vet ((ll nerd methods, from 1h( centre. Was11 thaun Droll
era soak for throe or four hours
Pork Liver with Aloe to cold water, 0haligi1g the 11'alor
R4 sten as it becomes cloudy. Then
ret the kidneys into tt graui('s pan,
red enough water to cover these
•'d heel slowly. When Mei as the
hulling point, pont' off the hot
Water and again just cover -them
with cold water, 01100 mol heating
slowly and again changilir the
nater when hot, Change the water
lu tills• way three tinges, thea 0101
tiler (twenty- minutes for small kid=
ie. Bait and pepper. Simmer lags; forty minutes for a beef
' ly until lender, about forty kineney,) ,Sed away to cool. i1 the
utes. stew is to be used for a breakfast
Ohio, this preliminary cooking must
be done the day before. When
ready to prepare, separate- all the
The ',rete Tripe - Tripe le terror t reels and veins from the kidneys,
•'id in 111e city markets already ' "sing only the luau part. Cut
„oau.e•d. if not so obtainable, wash 11110 into small pieces. Place the
well through several baling waters, , „hopped knjdneys In a granite pan,
then put in cold water and let soak add the bay -leaves, tido cups of
trcr night. water and the lemon, sliced, and
simmer for twenty minutes. 'Viten
1 pound pork liver, M. pound
=111041 bacnll, 'z cup rice, 3
thsps. chopped pare•eley. 2 or 3
ilcecj (•x1(010, 2 sliced 01110110,
alt and pepper.
Fly the liver with the hacnp until
tr.(Wn. then add the rice which has
: tleel in water Sol• /medial
teem: with . bot water or
's•k. add the parsely, carrots and
Tripe with Onions
2 penuds tripe, 2 onions, salt
and pepper, 1 01111 riot mill,
Simmer the tripe and 01140410 Ln
settee water for three o1• four
ernes Drain. Chopped the cooked
onions very flue, place them in hot
],(ilk, and season with salt, pepper
and butter. Pour this over the tripe
and serve at once,
Stewed Kidneys
3 cape veal or beef ltidrcys
ready to serve, remove the bay -
leaves, add the flour, bibbed smooth
in the butter or other fat, Season
with salt and pepper, and when
thickened to the consistency of
creaan, serve ou a hot dish.
Mrs. A. C. suggests:
Hot Milk Angel Cake
lee cups cake flour. 1 cup
005a', 1 tsp. salt, 2 tsps. bak
/Iowa Awe a9aS'EO
56;efoij$,F/kiff /iY
MAWS 40/1 • •
.....�aara;.E,... .
parcels have started serious fires. Think
what this means. Thousands of bags con-
taining letters and parcels lie deep down
In a ship's hold, lurching in a rough sea.
If matches or lighter fluid take fire -AND
THEY DO --that means that brave seamen
must go into, the smoke-filled hold and risk
their lives. Thousands of parcels may be
destroyed -thousands of men disappointed.
Ire know that you tuoalrl foot knowingly endanger
lives and wail, So thiszk-and then don't lint
rnatelset or lighter ,fluid ,yu Overseas' Mail,
Issued by rho aolherlry el
AVednesduy, January 31st, 12.15
ing powder, % cull eeeltled
feint, 1, tsp. Verdun, t egg
Sift flow, s111101, salt and baking
powder into a large mixing lapel,
:sir flolt milk into dry ingredients,
add vanilla and fold In stit'rlY
Melee egg whites. Pour mixture
into an nllgreased angel cake: pan,
belting In 'electric oven .at 351) deg,
for one hour or until ' surface
sprees- back and rake shrinks' from
(entre tube, Invert pan on wire
]holt Fro 011100- rad] 3001 thoroughly
before being removed from the
Mrs. J. S. suggests: An eco1oln
ic'al but hearty snirpe0 .dish:
Rice -Stuffed Flank Steak
2 smell flank steaks, 1 cep
cooked 1400, efi n0nnd' sausage
browned, 1 small onion, chop-
ped, 1j clove garlic, minced;
2 tsps. minced parsley, 1 :bee
minced celery, salt !and pepper,
>✓ e11p water, 6 carrots, sliced,
f onions, sliced.
Pound stens atud cat gashes in
fat aide !Spread one - with staring
made by combining remaining
ingredients except water, wrote,
and onions, Top with :second steak,
Few or fasten with skewers, Brown
i" hot tat; .add water. Cover tight
1v. Simmer one hour, until inea'
ie almost tender: Add carrot's and
sliced onions. Simmer 30 minutes
Serves 9.
41 * .R
Anne Allan invites you to write
to her in pane of The Pont, wend to
your suggestions on homemaking
problems, and watch tthie' column
tor replies.
The X:P.S, held their meeting in
the manse Monday evening, Jan.
29th, Mrs, Lloyd Michel In the
chair, The meeting opened singing
hymn 541 after repeated Lord's
Peewee en unison. The minutes of the
last meeting read and roll call
answered with 26 members present.
The offering lots reoeived: Some
b'asdness was. then discussed. The
neebing was then turned over to
1lilwolve'r, The Sciripture was
taken from the 19th chapter of Luke..
A. hymn wM ,sat -ng followed by • 'the
topic given by Mit'. Maclvar. The
treating Closed with the singing of a
hymn nand .prayer. A social evening
In the basement was mucic enjoyed
by all, closed with,' the singing of
the National Anthem, Lunch le as
Overseas Letter Received
By United Church W. A.
The W. A. of the United Church
have received the fallowing letters
of thanks for Christmas 1)001.ols.
welled to boys serving obe05ea.s.
a * *
Dear Friends:
jest Must evening I . received a
lovely parcel from you and my heart
was warmed greatly. The banana
flakes helped the cereal this moaning
end the rest will assist us in for-
getting we ane in the army a110,
1 oiiten think of you talk and your.
ministry of serVi00 to so many. The
tear has only helped to demenstl•ate
rite large number of folk who do
sincerely 100111 to nerve their Allows
However I wish we could ' do as
meat in peace.
Things go along in the regular
lnanantono us routine fashion, ' Oil
S19clay lase: I Quad. 8 services - from
t ; 30 untie 5:10 p.m, 1 had 1 yes''
tenclay and leave 2. more this week
and possibly more, However the
busier one its the less he thinks of
home ao I keep going,
Clod blase you ,all
Cbamles Lewis
Posi' Offices Sell Them
A_ 111
IANU Pe(PAIT IIsiIlkeatoo.
*Rooms . tOSACCONisii
•OOK MIS Mr/ .I ili?Alt *MN
l4 EIS
oe1 For
iN (t
va 1 11194 • . ..,»
Phone 6 Butcher Shop
Tile W.M.S. and W.A. of the
rated Church .ore holding their
meetings this Thursday at the home
cf :firs, Carman Rioharde. All the
ladies oY flue church- ere invited We
are glad to report that Mrs. Wesley
Solvers is making steady ilnprove-
nl(znt, and well on the roan to tom -
re etc I-soave/le
Rev. S. H. Brenitan conducted the
service o11 the "Church of the Alr"
CKNX, Winghaan, last Monday
morning. He was assisted ,1y MIs.
Widbee at the piano and part of the
The World Day of P.nalyer will be
observed in 111ne United Church ' oa
Feb, 16 at 2:80 p.111.. The '4..•T.S.
0f both Pi'esbybemian and United
Churches will take part 15 the Ideo-
gram. M1 the ladies -os the eam•
mtrnity axe invited.
. M.r. Hanley Eciemier and Mr,
C•nman Richards •os Hamilton spent
the week end 'at their homes here,
Pte. Roy Wilbee of Camp beer.
wash spent his weep end leave with
his parents Russel and Mrs. Wilbee,
Pte, Bill Dobson of Chatham, Qpl.
Fred. Cole of 'Stratford, Pete Dobson
of London, visited over Sunday
with Quest and Most Dobson.
Mrs, Percy Stephenson is spending
a few days with her daughter M.
The Women's Institute will hold
their February meeting on Thurs-
day, Feb. 8, at the home of Mrs,
Percy Stephenson. The tapios will
be in charge of Miss Mary McIntosh.
Miss Aileen Dilworth . and Mrs.
Quest Dobson. A welcome will
await all the ladies of the' commun-
Frank Mitchell w110 is emeenyed
le Mitchell, is home at present,
* * .x
WO. Wui. M. Press 10110 has been
home on leave has returned to his
base at Nassau.
* * 10
Mr. and Mrs, Geoege Da1•:dron
and !children Palmerston were week
end visitors here with their Parents.
* * *
11Sr. R. G. McBmtde, of Fort Erie,
this week joined the Bank of Com.
1met'r'e staff here, as acconntan t,
Rill eolith is on the sick Hsi, and
is t115011 n1,1ssed about town, as well
no loedaug kept away frons his trade
as peia,ter.
* * *
Major .Harold Kerney, M.M.. ;,pent
a fewdays re'cen'tly with his wife
end parents, Me. and ` Mrs, P; auk
Kerney, of Brussels: -
* * *
Mr's. Cleve Beeker, Banssels and
Miss Dlnzaheffir Baeker, tendon,
spent the week end with Mr. find
Mrs, Jack Boater, Wheatley, Ont,
• *
Mins Mae Burt meoeived a cable
_last week from her nephew Leonard i
Walken informing her of his sate
arnlval aver5as.
* 41 * .
Bill Wheeler and Lorne Me 1
Cudoheon, who are working to I
I(,4ohener spent the week end at
their respective homes, here,
• * * *
Miss Cam.rol, of 1113 B.C.S, staff I
seett !the week end, in Toronto,
4 * *
• ,11'. 13. 00503tts was a buslnese
visitor in Taranto iasit .week,
Adam Smith, Dazed, Matrt;oba, a
101 mar- resident 1e1'e, ,-is visiting"
relatives in •this- eommriniby,
* * •e
Mises Thelma Little of the ()a_
1011 Bank of Commle.itee Watt here ins
Listowel hospital where she
moonily nmdte evenit an aper1tien for
!1/Ionkton Ahold Der
Killed In Maly
Death in action of L, Sgt. loose
Elwood Meath i1, son 'Of Mr, and Mrs,
James Meehan, 11.11. 1, Monk^.on, is
announced officially in last week's
teeny casualty list.
Word that their son !tad been
17115sing dace .Dec. 13, 1044, was re.
c iced by els', and Mn. M(ac'_teu on
Jan, 1.2, Later a further te,'eg1'aru
was received from Ottawa stating
'teat Ire was 101-11ed 111 action 111 hely
an Dec. 13, He s eved with the Con•
t'e11 Ontario Regiment.
L. 1gtt, Machan was barn July 21,
1922, en the 16th ommessiou of
Grey, anti 'was educated at S. S.
NN1,, 9,Grey, Flue farmed before en1(sthlg,
When 20 years .01d he joined the
tank corps do Toronto, Ile •trained' o .
.t Frederioton, N.B., was 31811011/
tor .a tine alt Du•ndorn, ,,risk., urea
proceeded overseas. Ile spent five
weenie in Ragland, +ti, en went to
11 ol'th Africa where .1e spent five
months, On Nov. 1, 1944, he went
to Italy. He was a member of the
United Church, Moncrleff.
Surviving are his parents; flee
sister's, Miss Elaine Machan. Lie
tctvel• Donettle, . Monne, Karen and
Wilma. Grace, at home, and four
Prothers, Lawson, Ivan, Keith aad.
Clayton, et home,
The Y.P.U. melt in the UnitedChurch on Friday evening, The
meeting was conduotod by Darr Vies. rs. M, L. Aitken read
the scripture lesson, The secre-
tary, Mary Darling, read the
minutes. Plans were discussed for
a Valentine social early in Febenary.
Fleming Johnston, the preslcletrt,
presented !the topic in the form of
a discussion -on "What Is The
Matter With.The World "' Several
took pant in 'the discueis*ou, refer-
ence being made to book of retie!,ions teaehbng in bee homes, the fall-
ing o11 in church attendance, the
struggle of nations for wealth and
for conquest, Phyllis Hamilton re-
cited and Delores Hamilton gave
e piano solo.
The annual congnegaitionai meet.
ing o1 1311re0ale United- Church was
oelcl in the Sunday school room Men -
clay evening, The •minister, Rev d,
W. Johanson, presided and aponed
the meeting with devotional 3x81..,•
rises. Prayerwas offered by Rob'
801. ,'Shaav, Mrs. Edward Johns-
ton, esearding steward read the
minutes of !the lash meeting, Mes,
T;sthering'ton reported five SOW
mediae on :the Oradle roll azul Mrs.
Charles 13o.s1nam reported three
new names et Ebenezer, The Mis-
sion Banti, Sunday 'whoachoir W.
Wiomen'ss Assoolation and 4.P.
U„ all reported5,b0ming recoili111
and givings were inereas.511 over
Charles Johnston, treasurer for
1luevale, and Oharles ;AIatllers,
treasurer for Ebenezer, - gave 05'
pouts, Mere giving meports from
P'heneser w5T4 Milton lirasor and
Mts. Milban Pneeer, Retiring neat
hers •of session were Member':5111011
and Robert McKinnon, New mem
bests ellerited were W. J, llearoek
and !S'parliatg- Johnston, GPorga..
Thornton, at. 1:i, McKinnon., Rich. .
aril ,pohnstan ,and Ohlamles Johns'
ton were elected to 'bele board of
rewards 'los' a (term of ;three years;
James 'p,amnuett, Mea, M, L . Aitken
Arthur "Wheeler sand Thom
son. for •a two year term;' and 311, J
Johnston and Mms, Edward Solute•'
ton for one year.
N 1.�l{.,AB or
4a1eckty removed tel Clezn Unitary &tett*. Phoebe cr►liect,
' Ilia, ►tonne
sons Litti!al