HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-31, Page 1USSEL 'POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Theabie / ,4 e S THURSDAY, FRIDAY, SATURDAY 2 Shows 7 and 9'08 P.M. Matinee 2:30 Saturday Bing Crosby as "THE STAR ME1V' With 99 Talented Boys and Girls 6 Hit Tunes 10. Old Favourites A SPARKLING MUSICAL EXTRAVAGANZA MONDAY, TUESDAY, WEDNESDAY A Breakout in a Blackout As Terror Strikes MIL IF ,t•O A M` ''SfffGZ with James Craig ' Banita Granville Leo Errol Comedy -"Puss in Boots", gorgeous color cartoon Henry -Henry Alderich ! ! COMING SOON FOLKS Cwen Sound Orphans And IT'S CR6SBY AT THE COZY Centalla Flyers Draw Yes the Inimitable Bing Crosby, iNINGHAM, Ont., Jam. 31 -Con es "TIM STARMVIAIUSR" opens -on ttalti¢l•. P1yes ;end Owen Sound Orphans battled to a 7-7 draw last Tuesday'. night before a capacity crowd it their breervnectiiate fixture. Owen` Sound oail, Hyslop; de. fence, Hayward and 'Sargent; cen- tre, entre, McArthur; wings, Nichols, Smith; slparei , Deleon, Shears Fos- ter, Mceeeascity Wender!, • '-,Centralia-goal Young; . itelcnee, Br'aceland, Malloy; centre, Wilson; wings, 1-Ia:lvke, Forst' lite; spa,res, lytcAtee, Andress, Shaw, Slterr'itt DANCE at Brussels Town Hall Friday, February 2, t 194:1 Music by Ken. Wilbee & his orchestra Dancing from -9:30 to 2 Refreshments Admission 40c $2 Cash Door Prize tidiszinidisedidingislidanosnactionisist "Come unto me, all ye that F labour and are heavy laden, 4 ,o and 1 will give you rest!' St. Matthew 11-28. (teeg Keel "eek'.ietee le e'd eteet_ retie emlee Melville (lurch Rev. Samuel Kerr, B,A„ B.D. Minlster 4 kir i,N. 10 A. M. Sunday School and q Bible Giese 11 A. M. Morntng Worship , Mr. McCarron of Molesworth will preach. °- 7 P. M, Evening Worship The Rev, Hugh ,W!tson oi °F " will preach. Louts D. Thompson, Organist Choirmaster. O Come and Welcome. 1 lett Bela etEliK4a'le +F'tR;t6i4fK+Ktlii'iaFtti'�eie United Church Minister -Rev. Hugh C. Wil... 11 A. M. Morning Worship 11�� 1 "Worshipping The Lesser o� Gods" Junior Congregation 12 Church school and Bible Class 7 p, M. Worship Service In the aMeIS!Ile Presbyterian Church. EVERYONE WELCOME 'lktEteiat('att?iw ,,,,,,,,p iP,t&imKilCt1:R1 Church of England land g Parish of Brunei, Rector, Rev. M. F. Oidhm Septuagesima Sunday February 4th, 1945 St. John's Brussels-- 2 russels-2 P. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 7 P. M. Holy Communion anti Sermon St. George's Walton -- 3.80 P. M. Sunday School and Sermon ' 1 P. M. Holy Communion anti Barmen St, David's Henfrya- 1.15 P. M. Sunday School .lid Bible CIa'P 2 P. M. Holy Communlon and Serr' ' Preacher --The Reotor 5 '7ittsday at the Cozy theatre Biussells 7-3eee's a ltioture that ensiles with hunnau interest au.d hit songs. Bing at ,his best singing aud dancing, eongts, old and new, The story is ,about a loveable character Gat •salines talented children on the first ruing of the ladder to stage sulceess. You love every minute of this down to . earth nuovee. When you've seen "Tire Steruwaker" we knew you'll proclaim et the finest 1 lednesday, January 3lst, 1945 Hockey, l ants 'ONews By Ot!Ver Riley : ° c v. 01, b'riday night.' 00 •exhi:)Lion gaunt• wae pIaYe:tl in the 13ruseele Arena when Brussels defeats 1 CGerrie 7.4 111 a bard fought game, Gorrie opened Lh.e .scoring when Neilson. drove a beuutitul shot from I, the blue line and had Gillis beat completely. About five minutes !later 1.). Willis tied it tip front a pass from J. Lowe and 0. :Riley CLolile welt ,ahead again when Perri eh seer ed on a ecru ;nib] e in Trent .of The goal. elle period ending well Gerrie out in front 2.1. The second period Inc. node:' way and shortly after it started D. Willis scored for his second ewe of the game, The teams were battling on even (51.105 a:nd were trying hard to score. Near the end of the game Riley got 'a breakaway on _t i,iaaa from Willis and Lowe and shot tate puck in the right hand corner to give Brussels a 3-2 lead- which they helve till the period was over. Thele tee One penalty and that to a member at, the Gorrie team, Tit :the third period Brussels went. to town and banged in 4 goals to Genie's 2. Shortly atter the boll Riley steered on ,a pass from J. Lowe to make it 4-2. Gorrie fought'baak end Netison scored on another shot from the blue line and thait matte it 4-3. 'Then Riley came right hoed anotia and made it 5-3• on as pass )tom Willis and ,Lowe. Garvie still kept on passing and were rewan•dett ,when Parrish took -a pasts hone his brother *rid made it 5-4 Dor Brussels. The Brussels teaso again carte to life ,when M. Baeker scored on a ease from J. McDonald to make it 6-4. A few minutes later Rile) aalne back again for his fourth goal mt a pass, from Lowe and J. Prost to. snake the final scone 7-4 for Brussels. Although Brussels won Gargle played Crosby Mature :e,ver made Showing a real game of hockey and were at the •Oozy Thursday, Friday and just es good as Brussels. The three Saturday atane - were, 0. Riley, Don:. Willis and D. Neilson. Both goalies lidsyed Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday,,, -0 wonderful game at hockey. and, Binds .au"'tbe screen at the Cozy a the snare aouid have been much Picture that's packed with dynamite larger but )they kept them out. . ens tw.o desperate Criminals ; m'ako a Line Ups: bleak from the dreaded Alcatraz GORRI'E--goal, T'iendeeson; de. fence; Abram, Irwin; centre. Irwin; wings, Neilson,, Nickel; alternates P:,,,ni•ison, Parrish, Parrish, Hynd- menl Watteon and Zinr,werrnan. and Zimmerman. BRd1SSELS-goal, Gillis; defence, Prest, J. McDonald.; . centre, 0. Rl'ey; wings, 1), Willis, J. Lowe; alternates, D. Duncan, I3. McDonald, 3r. Baeker and G. Nichol, t k • prison, They manage to escape to a lonely lighthouse where they threat- alt the Maslen' with deride and attack Ms daughter. Thrill piled upon teia`t11 us ,this fast moviug story unravels, Starring James Oreig and Bonita Granville. Along with this outstand- ing program le a I -Riotously funny comedy featuring Leon Errol and gorgeous color emttoon entitled' 'PUSS IN 1300TS." Here s 'a pro- giam thavt will keep you completely •etetertainenl from start to finish. Dant. miss "7 MILES FROM ALCATRAZ" at the Oozy Manley, Tueclay and Wednnesdsy HENRY HENRY ALDRICH 1 COMING SOON FOLKS! BUY WAR SAVING STAMPS NOW! r ti; CNf';rgigic#igi„�,gtr_.;tgitW6'iK4Kle+K+4 f'sEGEN1 THEATRE Seaforth, Ont. NOW SHOWING- 1 Thurs., Frl., Sat., Feb. 1, 2, 3 Smart romantic comedy TWO FEATURES - .1 Marshal ' Loraine Day In Bride By Mistake Smart Romantic Comedy ALSO Gloria Jean Donald O'Connor y -I N- i,,:f1,6+f+.ri41.k ll fltia<I6�7 • INTERMEDIATE RURAL LEAGUE ein Friday night a meeting was held in the Arena. and a hockey league'. was formed with Gorrie, 'Trowbridge, Ford -Melt and Brussels. The, schedule is as follows,.. Tan, 25 -Trowbridge at Brussels Jen 29-Fordwioh at Gorrie Feb. 2-Pordwtch at Brussels Feb. 2 -Trowbridge at Gorrie Feb, 6-Brussole at Geerie Feb, 7 -Trowbridge at Foi'dwueh Br•rlssels Jeb. 9 -Gerrie at Feb, 9-laarcdwiah at Trowbridge - Feb. 13 -Brussels' at "I a owbel.clge e. 1 it 0 Feb.. 14-Gaivdo tut P rdnv c Feb, 20--Gorrie at Trowbridge Feb. 21.-13irusisels dt Pordnviclt * * .. Mon,, Tues., Wed., Feb. 6, 7, 8 '1 WO FEATURES - Sydney Greenstreet Zacharay Scott Mask of D.hnitries A flee melodrama with vividness, and a esnse of Mystery. ALSO Fired Wife starring Robert Paige Louise All Britton Next' Thura., Fri, Sat, TWO FEATURES Fibber McGee di;' Molly -IN- Heavenly Days ALSO HEAVENt,V DAYS CMINO-. The Bridge of Co Monday night the. Intermediate Rural Leag,ale was opened when Toowbrkdge played iu Beuaeels and the game ended in. s• tee 0-6. The game was feint and plenty of excite- ment es the game got pretty reflex et timele in the first period . Trowbridge opened the scoring . when 'Johnson scored on -a, Bass from Viallan•ie. G. Ntedtol soor8 on: as pane from Prest and Baeker. The. game opened up and the players were meally trying hard to score but tfue goalers, played -a fine gnom* of duoekey and held them du,t, 13111 King broke the dead- lock ,anal etui: Brussels .a8taad i1 The fleet period ending with 13rnss.els out in front 21. The •seoond ported gel: under way and it wasn't long until Den Carrie put otne poet Hamilton. to make it 01, Both teens anent piayleg their beet and were ;robbed on several vele, Before tete 'totted ended itttilee made it 4-1 001 a. past* from 0, Willis, end Retiree. In the third period! Trowleridgs eerie to life and before malt min• udetied Was oa e w s tent s r e eel's goes ,e 4.4 B, A4atn,s and lit Mania were the goal ,Sctntteiis with the tatter Ran Luis Rey getting tetee Bat it Waiting long 511231 Brussels Contributes Red Cross Dance $200.00 To Bible Society March 2nd else, 11. G. Wet there s(etre tary 1't:asureV of the British and Foreign Bible Sapte:ty, Brussels, stent $ JO.00 to heart office in Toronto for 1144. The executive wishes to thank the eel' Hers for thele faithfltl wank dining the year, The calleetion in 1.1143 was $17.5.00 Laws To Assure Dog Reroe's Welfare Stirred by revelations of ueelese cruelty, dog lovers arcurging Conglees, to prirlect. 1{-9 veteeane. `, u, e n ira's valiant canine eoldi,tre, from vivisection. •Get. this Sunday's (Feb. 4) Issue of The Detrol: Sun- day Tin -nese; bringing you -The ^nlerican Weekly, with an a.ttcle OD these dog heroes -and man;- 11100e es:tusive features... FO.Archie Henderson Arrived •Hobe Flying Officer Archie Hendersou arrived homme, unexpectedly, in Sa.turclay night aetena two years oti ereeae with ele ,R;C.A.F. Archie, in spite al many anomie% 00 5ervic5i iii the Middle Fast, looms halo. 'and hearty and his Jtomen aoivn` folk are glad,•to welcome him back, Members of the Local branch of the leg'un called At leis home on Mende.y even- ing to spent a socIIe1 hour wittt him, 70. Hencleelson .enlisted four years apo, ie Ja,nuarry 1941. Be received his training ,at Tonon:to, '•uelpn, Fingal and Brandon befon'e going arepeeas in 1043. Archie who was with the Coastal Command as a, a:dlo ;operator, served in, Fngland, Af"lea ,an:d Itatly. I•Ie receiver) hie commission on the island 04 (torsion it April of fast year, He suet 'Srm. Palmer and Louis Herrison in England .and (feorge Galbraith while in Africa, P0. Henrleson will report at Trenton at t,te end of February. At The Churches United Church "Open and Closed doors" was the subject of tth.e morning sermon ,n the United Obtiroh. Mr. and Mes, Alvin Gregg Were reoelvttd info membership b7 cenrtifdcate, Au atvthean Rows sung by the choir. In the evening Rev. Mr. Kerr had a" his subject 1110 question., "'.('00 Young To Diel" antis had parttcu, 1 it ,applticat,bion to the life of Christ whose life -work - was completed though he died at ,tltit'ty;three, Melville Church The sermon 'ea Melville Jhureb 9: The based ' on the Parable of . he Rich Pool. Jeans was asked to inter- fere in -a 'family quarrel over properby, . He refused Ito, be drawn into tilos. Then after wanting the people to bewanle of oevebeeseess-- that a mat's life is not to be measur- ed by Whet be has, but lel what he i;•. He tells this very • Challenging 14t:ll,e story, ' The evening eorvioe was )held in the, 'United Church, • - C l Brussels went ahead when Relies banged 111 ar.,othor from Willis, - G1 -!lis in the Btinsseis Mite tllityed am onbstanldting game and was kick lag them. oat at all eagles. .4. mew secondee before. the hell rang Trow- bridge tied it up and the team hid to play ovetitinee when Smith scored unassisted. Tr the overtJnve Bt^ueeels Went: ahead an, a goal by 1), Willis from pollee and Riley but ,Trowbridge ober officers and committees were asked to roathete, The m2i,titag closed with prayer by Mr. Pi, Dennis. .00,1 1.51. 111.• eiebi , 11ae'li dnd fol a tla nee staler the au=plc as m 111,. 111 r,n-r <onrn,itts(' 05 the 1 n:.,1- 11, ,rev, There will ,also be an.li Ua 51,5,1 donated by D. N 101)"n,atd. 11'a1t'h for full 1._etletilees later. _..._._....� Annual Meeting of Howick Fire Insurance 'IT unmet! tne.tine of the policy lin ld t•s . !he 11'wi,•lc Fire Irlsur vete t'tnupany will be held in r•,:1. n Rttday. February •.6th, c'ceel. for the purpose of receiving the reports of the direr- n•s en -1 e ,roti•*Ir. tad dieeoeing of ,.arise; for the ePitlen of niilcere. ei.d any Leber let -Ines. that may unit h:•t i 1t • 1115«wing. Th- two rot feint; Ililenter•, are Jolla A. P yon, and Norman electing both pep -ills for re-election. Brussels United Church Congregational Meeting 'The animal tweeting or the Tsruss-els petted Chureb hell on Friday evening, Sanitary 26, was r.Ull atteneed, At Sievert o'clock the members of the congregation ,vele 'bountifully served by the ladies of the Wtsnan's Aesoriatiom, Following the supper Miss Carrie Hin e:40n lett in the singing of a number of favorite Gospel Hymns. Ran', MMr. Wilson led in tete devotion - 0 exercises and anted as. chairman. Mr. Carl Hemingway was secte'ary. Reports from all orgsnieations were read and the varlans depart- neart•• trrpd• plea Pell to repot all allocations alttained and t'ever:ible balances en bend, air. W. C. Illacatt reporescn for the Session and Mr. Clifford ltrsehlin responded with a trombone solo, Mr. Cousins reported fnr the Boone of Managers, all oblieratians .1,01 and a very generotia r.•,elmse allocation for the Missionary and etre •notlpeateno., alit Se .1 11,,S Maintenance Fund hes been reale attal the money forwarded Miss Luella Mitchell 1'e1lc.ted for the ,Sunday School and the response was made in a rivet by Some and Joyce Themes, ars'enlpaltietl by Nh's. Sullivan. Mrs. Speira:n gave the report ter the Woman's Assorietton. 'Mrs P. Nurse anis Mrs. le B. C.,115.111,, responded in a duet welch ,.. Nnlse cc amp e1, her a'. ells, M. Roil -Mean reported for lbs- R nuimt ' Missionary F eety encl Mee Ceu,lns 50110 "When bleb Eros • e Smiling'." Miss P'.tva+s Stele -en repented for the Mission Ilamd anal Meureen and Dm•e ley Sul -1 than responded in a deo. The Young Paopl. 'e report was- given b? Miss Tleralley Donnie and Vise Thelma lerotdtees responded with a piano solo. Paderew.sici's "Minuet in C;' Mies Hines -ten reported for the choir The response was made to Minces Thelma Brothers, Dorothy ri nnCe and Ruth 'tt'il on who 0it'r„ a trio acronym -AM by Mr H. port Trustee's r cr Themes.T he Sac given by Messrs. Adrian ITc• I ngga't reel 11. B, Cnueine. The election resulted tee ,dlotvs: 'en the: Session Mesays, W. Jardine and el. i1Ta,mdn„g; to tee, 130et':l of Managers Messrs, W. G. Leitch, D. A. Rants and Melville Dennis. Audi- tors Messrs, R. Sullivan and Neiman Demeter, 73005'ds of appeeciottdmn- to rho pastor anal his family were sleeken on behalf of the congregation by Mews. Walter Hnggan and Adrian McTaggal't, Cornmlents• Were also made in praise of the church tr•ea,.',0- or, Mr. R. 13. Ctnrsins. At the meeting of the Official Board which Dollowed M'. Car t•1emiegway wee elected Recording Steward titd Mn'. R, A. coushls. Church) Teresnaaer, Mr, Waiter kfuggtltt Waif elected Presbytery atna Conference Representative with Mr. Fulton as alternate. All tied it 15-15 on a goad by S'n ilIli. The game ended in a tie 6-6, The three sta.ns were Eallee, Gillis and 5niteh. The Llne•upe: TROWBRiIDGE - goal. 3, Hamel• tee; defemce Valiance and Woods; eemire, ,Smith; Wines:, E. Adams and Simpson; aulternetete Trucker, Tabor Johnson and B. Adrnnna, Brussels, -goal, GSlitsir 'deetnce, J Pteet, J.' MOboneld; ,oemtre, Rollos; wings 11tle'y and& Wili1g; alternates, Peewee*, It1ng, Lowe, Currie, NI. 'Seeker, H. MoDtmald„ G. Niohol, 1). Duncan. - GREY • BRUSSELS, ON T ARID. Annual Meeting Of Melville Pjresbyterian Church Tee alumni, lu•,iness - niecce.g of el el vine Pi'esbytcrlan Chu' (.11 seas 1;, iii i1, 1hu Sunday School room of lr. church on Fritts), evening, Jan, eE,h. -Attrr liev, I.'.onal exere•l'ee had been conducted by the miui•tter -Rev. Kerr. • Rev, -S. Kens wee appointed chair man and It. J. Bowman •uci tt: ry. !,charts of the various teri,au,c,tlut.s were presented azd we -re very to 1t ulagili . The inentleership of toe. ,tiarc•lr now stands a9 ,1,'i, rite 1 r'nt,Wing is -a summary of the 1101 raised by all erga,'Izat:t:ns' ntvral Fume ..i' -li 111 --;•til' 4 t.1 . :AI. S.' 311, :fon Iland 4ihbott School Ladies' Aid Se.seion Fund Y. 1'. 5. (iinese Relief T'unl Green Ftnntl 3,41,1.37 eeetie ' J79,47 21.74 176.96 417:47 `see eleee '11.5, 1788.00 Retiring Managers Wea, 'tics. Aerr, L. 11'. ltckmier, John Work. W. W. 'Smith. and Walter C. Kerr. On motion of L. W. Rokmier and Jahn Work, Harry Champion was elected a member of the board for 3- years 1., take Ike place of L. W. Eckniler and also John Wank and i., W. Eek) vier Jacob Fischer was sleeted e member -et the board for ; years to take the Melee at Soht:i Work. The outer three retiring member.; were re-elected for a period of -3 wears. Tetters and Stewards for the morning sen•vire D. M. Mc. 'Saris,e, W. .C. Kehr, John Work, ,iobn Yui'll, L. W. Bele-mien For lets - evening service Graham Week, James Made, James Iceland, Bartley' Piseher, Auditors, D. 1T. Mc- Tavish ,rill W. C. - Kerr_ Record See., Mrs. J. C. ilaeker. Miss Grace Stewart was appolntd to louk after tite booklet -'Everyday" A. vote at tbaanks was tended Miss Lewe.t'y for supplying and arranging flowers Tot chhurcil service. The rneetine wa closed by the Itev, S. Kerr with the Benedict/lea. At a meeting o4 the Board of 1 a•ogers held afterwards 13. J. Boo ntan was appointed .chairman of ,he Board and .5. A. Lamont, sere .reasarer for 1945. OLD TIME STUFF By An OLD TIMER Do you remember when The Pntf" was founded Perhaps eo,r.e c'e.. I do not.. However weunder• eta.nd the paper Was first published lv' the McGillicuddy Bros„ Dan and 'ram. Later Dan became owner and editor of the Gotlericth Sigu:al, - end when put to it could .thtiow a mighty wicked pen. - If we ':recall - correctly• Tom Followed the nesys3alte- and publishing bustiness in Toronto When we first anew "The Pert" the plant woe located in a wooden huiidli,utg behind the Graertm block antl tete' late W. TT, Kerr was owner. edltoa' sand publisher. Well the paper prospered and the s the semis Ps New hu. einem atutgt'ew p acronunodattdon sae $,scared i a the Garfield block, about tite second floor nettl,h, As the eimonititiou grew 193e drudgery of tanning the fly wheel of the press. by hand. also grew so a steam bailer and (melee 4 hm., were installed alone with outer new equipment. The iesee of frost paper Troon "Tete Post. Steam Jab Printing and Pnhliisltl:ug House" was .en .event of considerable the nor mice - One day when ebonit to transfer the 'type Dom ,the Violas' to the forme, it w,aaa 4011152 that • soma new brass strips: tehice melee - the lines between 'the colleens, were an inch - and a half tee long, A. messenger 5'510 hustled neer to the Wilson foundry 4,o have the strips rut. to the required length. Bolt the order ,vas appareitly nnisumde1atooir for thie strips came back out - up into nieces ,alt inch and ,a• half tong, Later the Post Office was rentoaretl from ,blte Graatt hdeelr. ,rand the "Post:' toolc ue quarters there, wher•1, it Still opetiates. Bet "The Post" ens flat always 11ue only paper the village ,tan- The gaintg got et little tough and publi cation ceased after a: rea:son:able Probation. During the lite or the eecelld• paper a )local. wit, in ' an to , eat wn abort ' current events. article sit, et started that 'When :a pl3alee Is 'tied to a "Net" so long it is hard to t;Rntdget", . Net bad, The 'Herald' tat emends, its aspeera,nee'anti• after a Bain niativedl brief period tc1detl Will and Nil's, Smith, 5,111 con„ and children were visitors last weak in Elora, when. Mrs. Stab met her brother Rev, Wm. Burnett, who tae been a Chaplin overseas for a tee years. He was also awarded, a Ner braves% The many MOMS of Mals, Norman 4'Toovet' ]lope theft ,she Will 'soen be 0* the best of health agaikt.• - Thursday Afternoons Remains Half Holiday rt res will r-utaitt elased Tan raul torturous ieocns. tat 111e half holiday wee open Wolin -vette -3' evenings- during. . Inv ntottrlts of July end August, as - Lae been' the eusknu in past yeere. • This decision was made at a meat of the local businessmen's ttesuelteiou held in the library au Monday Light of this week. The p,eeddent of lite ause:oeiwtio4, L. W. Beknner. presided, Secretary J. 341: )IkTat isb rend the minutes of the - 0:...vitals - meeting, which were adopted as read. A auotfon was c.'rrieel that lrusines's plaees be open -..ly abaft 1:30 p.m. until 1.1 o'cloo>S on . Wednesday nights instead of opening ,.at 7 O'clock in the evening: After the dierusison of several utlter matters the meeting ate jc•ui'nefl, WALTON Red Cross Notes The January meeting of the Walton Rei: Crnae was held on Jan, 22re ire the C:omntunity Hall, The minutes of •th,e previous meeting were read and approved. The following anomie reports were given by the coir venot's•; 73espital supplies -111113. N. Retie: dressing gowns 11 bed jaeicets 19 pyjamas 42 abdominal bandages 45 covers 24 Ilanil lirernl1Se1:11 106 babies' 'nighties 8 tewele 10 pillow oases 14 ladies' nighties 19 ted socks 41 Doatars' boots 20 sanitary pads 30 personal property hags 35 diapers 25 Quilt Report -Mrs. Humphries tops made 25 tops donated 4 r* (peke donated for bon letere civilians 1 quilts quilted 35 quilts came in ready for. S eaforth 24 total quilts for Seaterth 59 value 9114.50 quilts donated to snake money 8 British Civilian Clothing Report -Mrs. tri ngl an d bales. 8 bays' coasts 17 boys' conlbivadiona 40 girls' eombina(ioas 12 rompers 24 diapers 25 ladies' bloomers 21 ladies' nighties 85 ladies' dresses 1 ladies' coasts 2 Knitting Report -Mrs. Hazelwood seamen's sacks 9 pr. service socks 42 pr. gloves 8 pr. sweatme 12 alternative caps- 17 aero cap 1 ribbed helmets i8 4 scarves 5 girie' sweaters 9 toe carps 16 6 Treasurer's Ttepoet-Mins. A. ()ouittsrr Collections pane -Wins Receipts Sale of Quilts Baking -.solea and literati -aotuntere. Jean project Euchre and d;anoe Bal. on :heard Jen, 1944 Total Expenditures r,eafon'th Reid Cuaoes, Actovmte paid Castle on. - band - Total 9 89.fTii' 197.'1:5 1.09.Sd 30.55 9G4B 42.0 14.70 6583.60,. $5115.49 28.0 35.86 9;85.85 - BORN POLLARD -in Scott Memorla Hospital, Seakorth, tin Yea. 17t1s, ten Mr, and Nims, Geo, Pollard -a teem, 9Cennetli George; MIDDLE BEST SPOT The world will be sailor, it lie- claimed, if the 'Germano are cosy Hoed to the other. Side of the Renese• tlf 't'auldt e d sot feel more, soerre itC Ato were toth1ned 40 the tntAllltea of the R,itine