HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-24, Page 3111416 UPWARDS ELIZADETH 43 $2475 41 W. Gari Leach Jeweller --- Brussels GREY Ed. Saeklin, who has been ser- iously ill 111. Listowel hospital has been removed to their home in Wroxeter. Friends and neighbours gatherel at the home of Mr. and Mrs. E. , PM ifiggine, 4ot 8, COD. IA, Grey Olt Friday evening, Jan. 112/th to epend Ia eocial evening with theta and wish them "God.speed" :before their removal te their home recently Pert:lased in Brnesela While the accompanying addleess WAR tread by ' John Alcock Mr, end. Mrs, ellgeltut were pnesented with a beautiful . lamp, an iron ant a comforcese THE BRUSSELS POST 19t9 te If Alai Alex Ill e e eeu o 0 ea. Werth who was .eleeted Warden of Huron Counif,Y, The township half reason to be prowl of the apnciut. meet as it is 29 years, since the lece Robt. Livingston held the stone t I Jan, 12, 1944 Dear Minnie and 12d: ' ee Ides, Art Henry spent the week We, your friends and neighbours. end in Winglutm 'with Stuart and hnve gathere0 here tonight to wish kin. Henry, you "God-speed'in your departure Mr. Claire Michel and Mr, Pute from our community, Dobson. spnet elle week end at their We are eorry that you, nud it homehere, neeeslory to make your heme else. ! The Ethel Bridge Club met at the home of Mts. P. !Stephenson on Mon- day eveneng, with twelve members present, Six games were PlaYell, atter which a dainty luneh was served by the thoeteee aseisted by not be severed. Mrs, C. Cardiff, We have alwaYs found you brith Alex Pearson event two days to be the veeee! best of neighbours On Toronto last week attending the. when we rejoiced you rejmeed 'With Annual Looker Storage Convention, UR, when we were iu. sorrow yon • Mrs. P. Stephenson and Mrs. 13. sYmmethised with us and when in Vocklen spent .Scettenday with 'mends need yon helped us, yeitir ,place in in Stratford. Mee reied.ylin he hard to. 511. :Gar. Fred Cole is a visitor at the bene of 111r. and Mrs, Q. ,tobson, ETHEL where, but we are glad you ,are not going en far away but What' we may continue .to, _nova you both ainongeour blends and that the , associations we have formed: emed As !a entail token of our esteem and „regard, we ask you to accept tees° small gitts, may the larao lighten your way with beams of ' light and triendlyfeSt the fen ani (net all the Wrinkles' and Milks which earde in every life and this eomforter warm your hearts as you use it with kind thoughts cf your old friends and go labours. May God bless and prosper you both, and give you the hest of pbiyed by Mrs. 0. Richards followed bY the Call to Worship. "A Poem," by IViee, Brenton. Hymn 070 was sung. Mrs, C. Midlands. reed the Scripture !mem, token trent' john e3.11eark-I6 fel/owed by "Tie Morn- ing Meal." Mrs. Brenton led in Prayer. Hymn 571, "Standing at the Pullet" was followed by a "New ssrs Meditation," read by Mrs. Beet Godkien, Minutes of the last meeting were read and approved end the rob melt was enseveree by g feetetnite verse, The following re. Ports Were given, The Friendobip secretary showed 18 houcie and 3 leospital cells, Treisurer's report sheered 8135.00 sent' to the Breneb Treaeurer. 'On motion of Mrs. Q. Dobson and Ma's, Olea,yer. new group leaders were aPPointed. .Thuee appointed are Mrs. M. Arnee, Mrs, Alex Pearson, Mrs. C. • Riehards, Mrs. Jae, ?meson. The toptc,."They look to the Church" was taken by Mrs. M. Ames, emneh .was serest' alter which •Plans were laid for the Annual Cluerelt Banquet to be held 1"eb. leth. Mrs, C. Rechards offered her home for the next meeting. Calvin Krauts!: has gone to Ham - One. Cole is enjoying a thirty -day mon. 4eave atter miming two yeses over- seas. His many trienels welcome him home. The regular monthly meeting of the Women's Institute was held at the. home of Mrs. Q. Dobson, with the preledent, MTS. Alex Pearson, presiding. The eoll cell was answered by bringing your "favour- ite kitchen gadget" The Ureic, ealth. ' "How to make Sunday , interestiug Signed on behalf of your old for the children?' was taken bv Mrs. nr'lghbons's, 14. Cockier. An excellent suPPer dish was demonstrated, and later The recipients expressed ibtir eerved by Mrs P Stephenson. and (leen appreciation for the gifts end ' • ' wirlS. C. Miller. Mrs. P. Stephatrion good wishes. The evening was en - will be hostess for the February joyably spext in playing CRAP and !meeting. dencing., • CARD OF THANKS Cpt. Bryan Antes returned to elockcliffe Saturday after spending a furlough with tie niother. Pte. Fred Cole of !Strafeferd has returned from overseas and is spendieeg a few days at the Irene ot Quest Dobson's. The Young People of •label held n skating party in the firuesets nrena, on Tuesday, Jan. 161h. Twenty-severi of the young people attending. 0n the return they were invited to the home of Mrs. Alex Pearson for tench, aftee whittle the venerig closed with "Taps." Mr. C. Richards of Hanle:ton lames and Mrs. Hogart from Ray- mere S, sk. are visitors at the home spent the week end at kis home Somewhere in Italy • of Ken, and Ma's, iShurrie, 12en con., lere" The regular meeting of the W,111.S and also ,Stanley and Mrs. Wheeler, ! was held on jam 9th at the home ot Mrs. Roved is a sister of the two , Mrs. P. ;Stephenson. The 'president, ladios, Mrs, S. H. Brenton presided. TO e Grey township wishes to complete- meeting opened with quiet music 1 lirussels Legion: wish to take this and thank the Brussels the cigarettes they sent me. They were very much ,teppretated. 0. H. Riley • oenortunit Legion y ARE V011, 100, WAITING POR HYDRO ORA r‘ SERVICE? If so, you can be sure that Hydro is working in your direction as fast as possible. Actually, in 1944, lite Hydro -Electric Power Commission of Ontario constructed IC/ times as many Mi• les a rural b In 1943, there Were approximately 40 miles of rural lines as in 1943. let 1944, there • were approximately 400 miles of lines constructed. --, • fund lines constructed. .. Consumers aded in 1943 numbered 2025. Consumers added in 1944 numbered'9776. Wartime shortages -of • manpower and materials , prevented even greater expansion in 1944; as an example, some 1200 HYdro employees are in the armed fortes or on loan to the 0oVernrnent for special tech- •nical work . . . many materials needed in the con- struction of Hydro lines are also required In the menu - facture Hydro is d a war weapons . : '. your oing its best under the existin• g cortditions to provide eledricity There are now about 50_00. applications for neW rutol to essential services. services which hove been approved that will be connected as soonas possible'. However, there will probably further delays Isecauta of be the acute shortages of manpowei and materials as a result of wartime conditions. If the Hydro lines seem unduly slow' in gentno to vont. farm yiease understood that the Commission while handiicapped is none,the less doing its utmost to serve you. eeleACHAreali 44/ THE HYDRO -ELECTRIC POWER COMMISSION OF ONTARIO OLD • 1161111i1 PIPE TOBACC.4) It's • reel ipe smoker's teb c a fa CLASSIFIED ADS House and Lot for Sale— Corner queen and Albert Streets. Apply to IVIre. Annie Smite, Phone 43,r-25, WANTED AT ONCE— Girl or woman for help with housekeeping. Phone 05, light SAWS SHARPENED Cross out saws put In A-1 con- dition, also hand saws. Leave them at ... The Brussels Post. WANTED— Girl or Woman for general house werk. Good wages for capable peteon. To eammence Feb. 101111 Apply to Mrs, T. H. Gilmorl, Wingham, Ont. TENDERS WANTED— Tenders will be received by the uneersigned ttp to Feb. 1511, 1945 for 140 cords of herd body wood, beech and maple 12 or 14 inches loeg, Tr, be delivered to Due's United Church at Walton also 1 cord of dry cede' sellable for kindling. John Marshal, Sec. FOR SALE - 100 Acre Farm, close to school, on Provincial highway, abunctanee "cf water, good buildings, good soil. being North half of lot 16, 6tk cone of Morris. Apply on premises, Edward Nichol. R. R. 4 Brussels MAN WANTED— Good • Rawleigh Route now open nearby. If willing to conduct Home Service business while, earning good living, write immediately. Rawleigles, Dept. Key No, ML -152-45-A, Montreal. TENDERS WANTED— for supplying 11. cords or body N, nod. Maple ard I3eech, and 2 cords of cedar, to be delivered at the Ethel Public School. Tenders to be addressed to: wen. T. Spence, Sec.-Treas., S.S. No. 11, Twp of Grey Box 13, Ethel, Ontario Keen your eye on the poultry mar - Rete 5 or 6 months ahead Veen egg and poultry prices are higher. Plan fpr these markets now with Kilteben- er 13Ig-4 Chicks. Order through agent, Poultrymen all over the country sing the praises,. of Big -4 Chirks. R. S. Wareviele, Hill Toe 0 a r rh, Brussels. Have y EYES Properlyeared for F. F„ flomuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 Harrison ,LOOK OUT FOR YOUR LIVER Buck it up right now and feel like a 1171111cra Uwe tka is the hugest organ in your book sod moat hopettant to your health. harms eat bile to digest food, gets rid of waste, supplies new energy, allows proper nourishment ts ranch your blend. When your liver gets out el order • food decomposes in your intestines. You be- come constipated, stomach and kidneys ean't work properly. You feel "rotten"—Iteadschy, • backachy, diuy, dragged out all the time. For over 35 years thousands have won ptompt relief from these mu' erieswith Ftulta-tives. So can you now. Try Fruit-e4ives—you'll be deryhted how quickly you'll feel like a new person, happy and well again. 2Se, 50e. FRU ITMIVESCsodat 1 t\1011k %°1 0.-14st Ion. s014°' sta0" 014 6`**t Trw°13° IA00400041 14'14001Am touisa eltemtoasy eleeeeer. tm.eoeeetoyeieoett 15;1\t"eertla‘t"C!:'JeOt%it ert'e2T4'we4r;e0,1 %leo' Re. ; et el°10140i)seeotro,lee "letodlolbotleb(' t 50'7yee.' tieloo„reereetro,;euet,g efe itifuel'vedme wadi 196: • op t klv% 046 10e TO°5 Its ot eeetorwevace eeabet eeewee, leo etet*..1 Weduesdiv, January 04tn, 19 l5 41400 ovi iti-lajorsie— Here's thee situations Makers of telephone equipment have • been busy on orders of all kinds for the armed services. For them, the time to start reconverting still lies ahead. •Even after war need; have been met, these manufacturers must make a major changeover before they can resume normal production of supplies for civilian use . . . Which means that we 'must continue to defer =my requests for telephone service, awaiting the day (we hope it may not Ise • too long delayed?) when materials in adequate volume and skilled manpower again become available. The applications ea our waiting list will be filled aa promptly and fairly as posaible, on a firsteomairstmerved basis. BUSINESS CARDS Dennis Duequette — Licensed Auctioneer (Fop{ HURON COUNTY) For Earomements Peon° 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immediately. For Information, etc., 'trite or phone either st,..14,,pjt 41X Pt Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFACTORY lelANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. • Allan A. Lamont Agent for—Fire, WindstoJrn' and. Autornobile Insurance 1 Get particulars of our SpecialAutomobile Policy or farmers, Queen St. • Brussels 'Phone 657 W. D. S. iantiP.son, MQ., C.M., L.M,C,C, Pkyncian and Surgeon (Coroner) Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergenctes and by appointment only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 6 p.m. Chas, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT, RESIDENCE 87,--2 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES • Licensed In Huron and Perth Countieej PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUreetANTEED For Information, ato., write or phone Harold Jackson phone 12 on 658 Soctiorth R.R. 1, anoat.ld Make ar.'al10511 eats at The Brussels Post or Eimer D. Bell, Barrister Offlce, Brusssis. (•••••••.M.••••••••........k. Furniture Director and Embalmer D. I'. RANN FUNERAL TWIT Licensed Fuller al PHONE 36 or 85 410•••••, BRUSSELS,, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance —oleo— Hartford Windstorm •Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST. --x— BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Itewlapd (Licensed POO Huron County) SATISFACTION CUARANTEED •-e- PRICES REASONABLE "or Engagements Phoneeedafter i t003kl"TheErmuarneselLtePloyat" and the/ *II b For Information, etc., w Ite or phone Lew $004.44 at Seaforth; cr write R.R. 8, Wait's. •"."' W: S. Donaldson — Licensed Auetiotteei. Phone 35443 • — • Atwood, Ont, for the Counties of Huron and Perth AB sales promptly attended to Cheirges moderate For Engagements phone 31 "The Bernels Pose' and they ow—fdl will be looked after immediately. Mks IMPROIMAin...1.10101111