HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-24, Page 2You'll enjoy our
Orange Pekoe Blend
ll * NM. 1M..Ai1f
E tom'
Hello Homemakers, City paths
are country lanes have been knee -
leen in snow, the appearance of
names is quite different. It looks
es if eptton batting had beee ten-
derly tucked around each House to
Protect the human sonic from eta
tering — suffering from lane 'e ,.ti
At this time the folks entitle
your house or the next door neigh -
boua' may be eheeercl by a cup of settee.
itl•aot, flour.
stimulating tea and tasty (lough -
at the tgt till eery sight, add
nuts. t1 t::,a.r and when tome add the
By the way, have you tried msk :e .,ted shortening. Sift the baking
Ing fresh doughnuts or fritters re- powder, salt and nutmeg wen one
Gently. They do save the butte, 1., cuP of flour and stat' into first mix-
asmtich as this motioned prattle: is • • • •-
,,r.r with the ,ethic. Acid
the lemon flavoring avid just enough
flour to links a :soft dough whiea
can be handled. Roll out three-
fourths inch thick on a lightly
floured board. A. soft dough makes
light and.tender doughnuts when
t"olced. Fry in deep fat (360 deg.-
370 deg.), and drat, o111 ungleeed
pe per
Apple Fritters
tut an iugiedient of the batter, nor
is it necessary for serving with these
cake or scone substitutes. Those
who are shy of butter will want to
illy these tested recipes.
Sweet Milk Doughnuts
tbsps. shortening, 1 cup of
sugar, 3 eggs, 1 eat) milk, 3
tps. baking powder. 1 tape salt, fen. ,tar.^ ;•, 1_. tete 1em ;n
1 cup milk, 2 egbs; 1 tsp
sugar, salt, 2 cups flour, 1 t•bsp.
baking powder, apples,
To the lnillc add the wall -beaten
egg -yolks and the ,sugar, then the
flour mixed and sifted. with the bak-
ing powder and the salt. Then fold
In the stiffly beau whites. Add
sliced sour apples, being careful to
get the batter all over them. Drop
1 spoonfuls into deep fat 1360
deg. -370 deg.) and fry two to three
minutes. Serve with pewdeerd
ger cm foamy sauce.
Banana Fritters
6 bananas, 2 times. sugar, 3
tbsps. orange juice, :fritter bat-
Peel bananas, cut each in two and
PPM each half. ,Place the pieces in
a bowl with sugar and orange junkie
and let them stand for one hour.
Drain the fruit, dip in butter and
try in deep fat (360 deg. 310 dog.)
from two to three minutes. Serve
grated nutmeg, 1 tsp. salt,
Cream the shortening. Add the
sugar, then the well beaten ' egg,
Sift the baking powder, nutmeg and
salt with oae cup of flour and adtt.
alternately with the milk to the
fret mixture. Add additional , flout'
,ter make a dough stiff en71tge to
handle. Toss on floured boards, roll
one-half inch thick and cut into
strips. Twist and fry in deep fat.
(360 deg. -370 deg.). Drain on un-
glazed paper and when oold roll in
powdered stager, This. recipe mattes
.about three dozen crullers.
Take A Tip
To shape and Fry Doughnuts—
Put one-third mixture on floured'
bland, knead slightly, pat and roll
1101 et inch thick, Shape .fritha
doughnut cutter, fry in deep fat,
take up on skewer, and drain on
brown paper. Add trimmings to
half remaining mixture, roll, shape,
and fry as before; 'repeat. Dough-
nuts should conte quickly to 'op of
fel, brown on One side, then be
tnriied to brown on other. Avoid
turning more than once (except
sour milk .doughnuts). The fat innst
be kept at a uniform temperature
(370 deg.). If too cold, fou ,hm.ts
will absorb fat. It too hot, 9uttgdl
nuts will brown before sufficiently
Sugar—Cool doughnuts and
roll in powdered sugar oe put sugar
ir. Raper bag. add doughnuts, 2 or
3 at a time, ante shake until well
coated. ,
InteAllan invites you to '.,vrite
to 11cr iu care at The Post. Send
in your suggestions on laomeinaking
problems and watch this : nhimin
P::r repljes. <ca
w ih powdered sugar or
le, cup shortening, 1 eup :f
Fug*, 2 eggs, 1 cup milk, 3'%
tsp, baking powder. le tsp.
WedlleadaY, January 24th, 1440
Rev. William Des'tahore, Toronto,
was the candddttte who preached at
Knox Pnesbyterian Chtui,oh and at
Mediu on ,Sunday. He based his
sermon on :lessons to be learned
from the Parable "Feeding the Five
The morning senvice at the
United Chureli wars conducted' by the
pastor, Rev, J. W. Joh'tuso1, Mrs.
Howard Johnson, Toronto, sang a
solo. The (Sunday school superin-
tend -nit, W. J. Johnston, presented
framed diplomas to ,Shirley Sialitis
and Cassie :Sieling for perfect at-
tendance et :Sunday school for a
period of seven years.
The evening service at the 'United
Church was oonducted by Mrs,.
George Hetherington. She spoke on
the theme, "A New Year Gam -
den," Mary Darling mead the set :p-
ture and led in prayer, Shirley
Sieling gave a reading and George
Hetherington read an article by
the late Jack Miner, "Ii1tertering
With Nature:" At the close of the
meeting all jollied int a singsong of
"avoidte hymn.
Personals; Mtr, John Messer is
a patient in .the Wingham General
iloapital; Mrs. George Gannett, al-
so a patient in the Winghem 'Gen-
eral Hospital, suffered a fractured
hip; there were sleveral applicants
fOP the duties •of caa'eta3cer of the
Blnevale eahool. The contract wee
awarded to 'Ws. Fred ISieling who
has held the office for a number
of years; Mss, J. C. Higgins has
returned ;from visiting her sister
in Toronto:
>�i9�/CiY�S' HgliE�C4!/
Ol�E,P�'fASr19A/L, ..,
parcels have started serious fires. Think
what this means. Thousands of bags con-
taining letters and parcels lie deep down
In a ship's hold, lurching in a rough sea.
if matches or lighter fluid take fire -AND
THEY DO—that means that brave seamen
must go into the smoke-filled hold and risk
their lives. Thousands of parcels may be
destroyed—thousands of men disappointed.
We know that you would not knowingly endanger
lives and mail. So think -and the don't put
matches Or lighter ,fluid in Overseas Mail.
twod by the authority of
Good. For
All Kinds of
Phone 6
Butcher Shop
Overseas Letters Received
By United Church W. A.
The W. A. of the United Church
have received the following lettere
of thanks tor Christmas panels
welled to boys serving oberseae.
s * *
Dear friend,
T received a parcel frown you yes.
toide,y. The contents were good as
the dray they were packed and
really do hit the right spot. When
we hs.ve 1011011 in the evening we
enjoy the tasties very much, besides_
manly load:memories et where they
colpo from.
A Merry Chnistln'asand klappiest
New Year.
Moors appreciatively,
L. Sanderson
P.S. We'll soon have Jerry broken
in his hole.
• s •
To the W. A. of the United Church,
Just a eouliie of lines to let you
know that I received the parcel you
sent, and to tell you how much et
was appreciated. There is nothing
like a few parcels this time at year
to sort of cheer us up, besides lta.ving
some good Canadian food again, I
don't believe most of us appeeciate
all the things In Canada we were
able to have, when I think of some
of the sen earls there used to be in
the church it just malcee a person
v ondar bow long before we can get
bacle. to those days again. l )wetter
a parcel is a great help, •the diifereut
ra•ganieat'ons are sure doing a good
job of looking after the boys over
here, it will never be torgotten
Everything is going along pretty
good over here and with gond luck
we should be seeing you all nest
Year by this time. So again many
thanks, I remain.
Your; truly,
S. It, Glassier
* * *
Deer Miss Down4ng:-
I am sort at dubious 01 to how to
start or even finish this letter so
waatever I 'write teem here on
please do not 'hold It against me. 1
received the parcel tram the Church
yesterday and I mast say it was vary
Moe. T can 1101 express• my thanks
ri .ougli for it and it -is deeply ap-
preciated. I 'do not knew what we
would dp over hem° if it was not for
1,e mail gaud parcels which we
receive over 'here. Tt sort of brings
home a good deal closer to ua now
especially since Christmas Is so
rear. I•t gives you sort of a lonely
'feeling to be so many miles t1'om
1ntr•e when Chriserav-s. is jest around
the corner.
It looter: as though I will be spend-
ing Christmas in Ireland and being
as I am oven .here I hope 7 do. We
find. Ireland much more like Home
than Scotland or 317ngland and the
people a're a great deal friendl,er. 1t
is e very good country though I
,ef;e11 wonder when the rale storms
vrc have been leaving for' the last
month and a half is going to stole.
Foul of ns are 'crowded around our
111 tie stove writing lett ere and
listening to a ra'dio which my chum
owns, There is now a Canadian
program of (Christmas. Carols on and
tee boys are just remarking it is
shite a place to be heari$•g them.
T really do not know just what to
say as there is very little happening
aver .bene that you do not know over
tllhre. I have no boys Droop around
tome on this telt but .on my last
station I was with 'Ceoege 13aelcer.
Wo spent quite a flew nigiite to-
gether and IL was really swell to be
able to go out with someone tram
hyena I also met Ansae Danis and
Murary Zapfe also hut it is about
three months ago now.
1 wish -again to express my thanks
for that lovely box and for renlelm
bering us boys over here. Although
some of ns as yet have not seen
nnlcli action we sure•'can-app_eciate
I what the ehalps who have been over
here for three or tour years had to
put up with.
Well 1'11 sign. off,
'Yours sincerely,
Toe Stiles
The Annual Vestry Meeting of
St. David's Church, Henfrya, was
held in thea Church on Wednesday,
Jan. 77 at 2;30 pen. The rector. Rev.
M. F. Oldham was In charge and
opened the meeting with Scripture
Reading and )Prayer. Mrs. Thee
Kerr read the minutes of last year's
sheeting. The rector gave his
report as follows: Number of faro•
flies belon.gimg to church 20; Adults
not ilroiuded in. families 5; Total
rinnber of s-onla 109; Baptisms, 5;
Postoral calls, 79; Burials: 1; Sun-
day services held, .53; Average
attendance 113; Number of celebra-
tions of Holy :Communion, 1J .San-
Stunday school -enrolment, lee Fort roll,
9 Mr. Lester McCreight gave the
flearlcial report which shows that
the church has had a good year.
e'otal receipts $404.77. Total ex-
penditnres 3430.70; Balance on
Land 120 07. The Algoma Appeal:
017.30 was paid in full; Missions,
327,00. Mrs. T. NOM gave the financ-
ial report 'ae .the iSunday school:
Receipts and offerings 333.170 Ex-
penses 313.00; Balance on :land
319.65; Missionary offering was
315,45, The S. S. :though not large
carries on . each Sunday.
Mrs. Melvin Carriocban gave the
report of the Women's Guild. Tills
crganiza.tion has quilted 31 quilts in
year. Receipts, 363.99; Bxpendiiures
361.09; Balance on hand $25.91.
The following officers were
appointed for 1945: Mdndtsei's Ward -
,n. Mr. L. McCreight; People's
Warden, Mr, 'nos:, J. Hurst Jr.;
Vestry Clerk, Mrs. Thos. Kerr; Lily
Delegate to Synod, Mr. Wm. Baker;
.Substitute Lay Delegate, Mr. hies,
Kerr; Board of Management, '1'he
'Wardens and Messrs. T. Karr,
3. Wilson, M. Carnochan, 0•
Herdeeson E. Pane's, Wm. Baker
End 'T) Kerr; Organist, Mrs. "Thos.
Kerr; Assistants, Mise' L. Thomp-
son, Mts. L. '.McCreight, Mrs, M.
Carnoehan and Mrs, J. Wilson,'
Votes of thaanks were given to the
seetcr,an•c1 all ovha 11010 oDice :hlrin•g
the pact year. Tile meeting Weed
;vitt the Itenedictien larounoulsced
by the rector. The church has lied
a good year and has a ereeditable
balance to start the new year; .
Posf Offices Sell Them
lANU • Post omit
OSlMAkftelHT ITOiut • 11NNY001$TI
0106111 • TOIACCONilrf
itiCief *kW eied sew ei3A11. STORM
Dear Miss Downing:
Many thanks: 'Dar the most wel-
come parcel I received the ether
day. T send my appreciation 10 •
you and the other ladies of the
Wcenen's Aux., of the United Church
rt Brussels. And I am sure the
other boys do that are over neve, in
the forces from Brussels. We ate
Mining next Christmas, we are ail
home. And will be ceetbratdone our
Pest hone Christmas for quite some
time. At Christmas• time we all think
of home, because I think that is
one time we do feel a little home•
sick But next Christmas we are
nil 11000ng it is eat home. Our Chitst-
Ines in Holland was very good for
conditions vee have here. Our unit
gave the children .of the village a
levy nice party, which the chillren
really enjoyed themselves very
much. They were given oranges
candies, cakes, chocolate bars and
other things. It is the first time
they' saki' the stuff above In the
letter, be sometime. Well this al all
few now. 7 would lithe to write
more, but I gin afraid I. am only
good in writing a short letter. So I
well say ogod bye.
Yours sincerely,
Charles Doll
Hand Saws,.
Cross -cut Saws
Any kind of saws
If you want yours to really
cut as 7t should • .
Leave at The Post
Printing Office
Telling Them
An invitation to, slaw -paying rus-
lemons he.e been prominently dis-
played by a country shopkeeper:
"All persons indebted to our shop
are requested to call and settle All
irelebted to cad* shop and n,ot know'
nye it are requested to call and find
nut, Those knowing themselves in
debted an not wishing to call are
rerluese to remain in one place long
enough for us to catch them."
Fewer Farmers
Produced More
Analysis of Agricultural uureau
statistics reveals even more spetca
ruler farm prosperity than over all
figures indicate, says Newsweek,
The largest crops on record --1943
and 1994 — were produced by a
fawn population some 20 percent
smalls than ire 19e0. (About a tooth
at the workers .eunter'ed the armed
services; most of the rest went into
war industries). Thus not only has
farm mall income increased by
3101004,000,0, - or madly 120 per'
cent, 'between 1940 and 1944, but the
1 increase is .silhared by only 110 per-
, cent of the former number of
"Grew ria eltly developed ani.
torinly", "Started to lay at 41/2
month theta.' what customers say
of Kitchener Big -4 Chicks. We are
agents here, can quote prices, ' take
your orders. We advise you order
now to avoid later disappointment.
R. S. Warwidlt, Hill Top Ranch,
DEAD or •
removed in Sanitary truck.: PLowe vittlttt+'Cignacollect; ' '
W ;Hiatt Stone Sons Limited