HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-24, Page 1THE BRUSSELS POST
Wednesday, January 24th, 1945 BRUSSELS, ON TARJO
`TI ea/iie Buf4leId
2 Shows 7 and 9.08 P.M.
Matinee 2:30 Saturday
Proudly announcing the most outstanding
picture in screen history :
with such oustanding actors as
Hugo and many
An outstandingby
A Stupendous play,
A magnificent silent film,
Now a bigger and better spectacle than ever before!
Murder, romance, comedy and •thrills run riot
as fiction's smoothest super -sleuth goes into action!
as -•
Leon Errol Comedy
• r— Sportoscope
Mrs. F. Wilson was hostess to the
Walton W. A. group of Duff's church
on Thursday afternoon. The new
presid,enit, Mrs, E. Haekwell, presid•
ed and. the Meeting opened with a
hymn followed by prayer by Mrs. W.
Hackwell and a missionary reading
by Mrs. ,Silas .Tohnston. The minutes
were read by the secretary, Mrs.
D. Lawless, and .the treasuror'e re-
port was given 'by Mrs. Dougiae
Ennis. During the afternoon a quilt
was completed. Lunch was Reeved.
Brussels Town Hail
Friday, February 2, 1945
-Music by
Ken. Wilbee & his orchestra
Dancing from 9:30 to 2
Refreshments Admission 40c
$2 Cash Door Prize
..The day is thine, the night
also is thine: thou hast pre-
pared the light and the sun:'
Psalm 74:16.
?i�6t�'te;-��-�1�, �.Or•�r�,'d1��?.�tP,-lPft�Y
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A„ B.D.
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"A Clever Man and A Fool"
7 P. M. Evening Service In the
United Church.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
Come and Welcome.
1t eleeliel[kOEleginieletelVR,R elel
United' Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wllses•
11 A. W. Morning Worship
"Open and Closed. Doors"
Junior Congregation
12 Church Seh.oi and
Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Rev. S. Kerr B. A., B. D.,
will bring the message.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham
Septuagesima Sunday.
January 28th, 1945.
St. John's Brussels—
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
7 P. M Evening Prayer
aro sermon
St. George's Walton -
3.30 P. M. Sunday School
and sermon
4 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
St. David's Henfryn—
1.15 P. M. Sundays Scheel
and Bible Mass`
2 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon.
Magnificent Picture
At Cozy Theatre
Well it's turned told again friends
but you'll he kept feverieh• with
excitement at the •Oozy Theatre
'f'nursday, Friday and Saturday
when the "Hunchback Of Notre
Dane" will he shown. Here's a
film bhat every appreciative picture
:goer will adore. Charles Laughton
pls.ys the "Hunchback" an:1 never
in screen history has there been
a diner performance, his acting is
perhaps even better than Lon
Chaney's silent version. We
guarantee you will be swept away
ti ith this. film that took yeasty to
make. Completely enthralled with
the artistry of Sir Cedric Hard
w.icke, Maureen O'Hara, Thomas
Mitchell and Alan Marshal. if you
never see another picture don't miss
"The Hunchback of Notre Dame" at
the Cozy starting (Thursday. The
management of the 'Cozy suggest for
your added pleasure that you
attempt to see this filar from the
start and >zor your convenience
every endeavour will be made to.
run this programs close to schedule.
The first .showing will be at 7 P.M.
sharp and the next complete per-
formance at 9:08 p.m.
• * * * *' * * * •
Rupert Bedford. of the CKNX staff
Wingham, was a week end guest
With Mr. and Mrs, M. Carlton.
• • •
Mrs. L. Rooney, who recently sold
1 er home here to IE. Higgins, of trey
township, has, moved to London.
•y, °,,, e
Jaok Rutledge of the Canadian
Army, who hes' been stationed en
the Weat coast is halve on leave.
• • •
Ira McLean, a former barber here,
who has been barbering at the .St,
Thomas Ate :Retool far the past few
Years, is now conducting .a barber
business in Wroxeter.
RCaCeMtR'S• lelelete:e ce+ecen level vee
Seaford', Ont.
Thurs., Fri., Sat., Jan. 25, 28 27
Joan Davie ° John Hubbard
Beautiful But Broke
A comedy drama filled, with
laughs and song
Cowboy Canteen
Boogle.woogle fills the range.
Next Mon. Tues., Wed.,
Jan. 29, 80, 31
Basil Rathbone Nigel Bruce
Sherlock Holmes and
The Secret Weapon
An exciting drama based on the
' story The Dancing Men •
This Is The Life
Donald O'Connor
Next Thur.., Fri,, Sat.
Alan Marshal Loraine Day
Bride By Mistake
OMING.—Mask of Dintitrior
I •
night a West
Ontario Midget League game w
On ern .�.�� .....,��
as Melville Church Red Cross Note
Hockey Slants Local 1ews Items.
By Oliver Riley
, played in Brussels when, Wingha
flew In from the North and flew n
again with an 8-2 victory, T
score didn't indicate the play
any means as both teeing we
evenly matched although Wingba
passing plays' were far more out
standing than Brussels.
Tirefirst period ending 0 for
Wingham. Win•gham scared with
only a few seconds left to pla
when Whitey Edgar mot one in pas
BobI Jewell.
MurrayffMathesonY wa
lin the penalty box when they scored
Both teams had plenty .01 apportu
,sty to score but the •goaldes kept on
keeping them out.
in the second period Brussels gc
badly disorganized and WIn;haS.
m Rummage and Baking Sale , A donation of $43 from the B. 13
by iThe Ladies Mei of Melville Church
held a very succeslsful baking and
"'rummage sale •on Sat. Jana 20, for
bones I boxes .for overseas, $80. were
realized during the aflternoon, the
Aid wishes to thank everyone for
the efforts. Mrs, W. C. King e the
y l
t Floor Show And
s Dance Postponed
The f
loon i
and dance which •
,mete to have been held in Ethel on
Wednesday night, Jan. 24th has I
been postponed undid Wednesday,
nJan. 5ist beoause of the unfavour•
u of Browntown is a,ckponledged
with thanes,
The ladies are asked to remember
lthe Red ('oras tea. In the Library cn
i Wednesday, Jan, 31st.,
• Large Crowd Attended
B. C. S. Dance
II About four hundred guests attend-
ed the Brussels Continuation] .School
dance held in+ the Town Hall on
Friday flight, Dancing was enjoyed
tbe music of Bert Worth wend his
•CKNX Aenbassa1ors. The prize for
1110' Elimination dance went to
Misses Doreen Coutts and Jean
Wilton and Miss Gloria Clark and
Alvin Price won the Spot denim.
'1^e hall was appropriately decora •
ed with the school colors.
Morris Twp. Child
Severely Burned
Larry, 18-month-o30',son of r. and
Sacramentrs. Laurie Scott, 8th concession. of
Morris, met with a painful acci
ent Satun:da.y when he upset a
ail of boiling •water over his
boulder. He suffered severe pain
15, Scott had drained' potatoes
Ito a small pail, when her young
son grabbed it up and upset ,it.
D1'. Hodd was, ,called in and .al.
though the little boy suffered in-
tensely, the burns are not consid-
ered serious.
Annual Meeting of
Elma Farmers' Mutual
The annual meeting of the Polley
holders of the Elma Farmers' '-Mtn
al Pire Insurance Company will he
held in the Foresd•er's Hall, Atwood
or Tuesday, the loth clay of January
1945, at two o'clock, for tbe purpose
of receiving- the reports A the
clireotcrs and auditors, and dispos
ing of same; . for the election of
officers, and any other business that
may come before the meeting.
banged in 6 goals to give then a
7.0 lead, The goals were scored by
Kress 2, Celle 2 and Haroourt 2,
There were no penalties In the
second period.
The ,third •period• opened up and
Brussels canoe to life and played
neingham to a standstill outscoring
them 2-1, Brussels got their flint
goal when Dan `Bun' Willis scored
011 Johneton who played a brilliant
game of hockey throughout the
game. About five minutes• later
Willis made a solo, rush and accred
again with a klazinlg shot which
Johnston .had no chance to step.
Shortly afterwards ,Celle took a
pees from Kress and beat Jewel'
cleanly for Wingham',s 8th goal
There were 3 penalties, two to Mc-
Kay and one to L. Cousins tor
Three stars were Celle, Johnston
and Willis.
Referee Johny Brent from Wing -
The Line-ups:
WINGHA,M — Johnston, g'nal:
McKay and Thoms, defence; Kress,
centre; Celle, Edgar, wings: Alter-
nates, Lockeidge, Ernst, Wild, Har-
court, Stainton and Benininger.
BRUSSELSeseBab Jewell, goal; L.
Cousins D. Willis, defence; Don.
Coleman, centre; J. Jewell, H. Ryan,
wings; alternates, Bob Wheeler, Don
Di1ey, D. McDonald, M. Math.sor„
• • •
League Standing
Won Lost Played
Wingh•amr 2 0 4
Brussels 1 1 2
Blyth 0 2 0
Monday, January nand
This ganie which should have
been played in Blyth but was played
in Brussels owing to the fact that
Dlyth has an open air mink.
Brusseis ,Midgets came tli.rougn
with flying colours and handed Blyth
a 6.5 setback The game eves' well
played. and there was plen'y of
excitement all the way through.
The first period ended 3-1 in favour
ref Blyth with Kyle, Murray asd
Phillips scoring for Blyth. D. Willis
scored for Brussels on a penalty
shot. There was one penalty and
that went to Kyle of Blyth for
tripping, In the second period
Brussels found their bearing and
tied the score 3-3 when Willis and
B. Je'Teil scored, Blyth calve hank
and scared two goals., Kyle •gerting
his secaeid counter of the game and
Cowan his first, The second period
ending 5-3 torr Blyth, There was one
penalty to D. McDonald of 'Brussels.
In the third period Brussels put
on the power play and outplayed
Blyth to a stand still. Willis again
scored two gone to tie the game up
and with but 30 seconds, to play L',
Jewell drilled.. home a beautiful' goal
to win the game, There was one
penalty and that to Phillips of
The stars of the game were D, Willis
wild scored 4 goalie, B. Jewell with 2
goals and Kyle of Blyth with. 2
goals, H. Ryan' of Brussels oleo
played a ma.gnigcent game of
hockey, So don't forget to came
out and the boys will treat you to a
real genie of hockey.
The Llne•ups:
BLYTg goal, Marritt; defence,
Watson, Kyle; o'entrey Phillips;
wings, Cowan, Johnston.; attenuates,
Murray, Pollard, Sibthorpe and
BRjUiSS 8t1S+--goal, J. Jewell; de.
fence, L Couelns, 15. Ryan; centre,
D Willis„, wings, D. 'Coleman, 13.
Sewell; alternates, D, Riley, M.
Matheson, P', Whittard and D, Mc-
able weather conditions, Dorf'(
forget the date—Floor Show and
Dance ncext Wednesday. Jan,. 31st.
At The Churches
United Church
The Sacrament of the Lord's
Supper was administered at the 1 r
morning service in the United s
Church. The seminal subject was , M
Going from the Lard's Table:*
Miss C. Hings•ton, Mrs. R.: 0'. Down-
ing. 1Virs, •R, B. Cousins, Mr. Clifford
Tsuschlen and Mr. William Procter
sang special parts in the morning
anthem, Miss Dorothy Jardine was
received by certificate of member-
In the evening the union service
wee held in the Melville Church.
Melville Church
In Melville Church on"Linden
morning the sermon text was St.
T-uke 10:13.15, .Tesms, at the end of
11is Galileen ministry spoke these
searching words.. The measure of
on: privilege is the measure of our
resiponsibi•itty. The anthem sung by
the chair was, ':A Sang of Hope and
Peeve". by Gertrude ISans4Souci. In
the evening bhe sermon was preach-
ed by the Rev, Hugh Wilsr o, who
took far his. text 'the ,parable of the
great supper in St. L1nke 14, Miss
June Work sang a solo ,agtitled
"Evening and Morning" by Sir Her-
bert Oakeley. The Choir sang the
anthem, "Coque Unto Me" by Bowles,
the solo part was sung by Mts.
United Church W. A.
On Tuesday evening. Jan. 16. the
W, A. of ,the United Church held its
first meeting of the year at the
home of Mrs, P. McArthur antis the
new president Mrs, H, Sullivan in
'the chair. There were about thirty-
one present. Following the first
hymn the Lord's prayer was re-
peated and the ,Scripture reading
by Miss M. Robinson, Min'.rtes of
the last meeting were given by Mrs.
Rowland who also read letters of
.appreciation fro• boxes from boys
overseas including Joe Stiles., Stew-
art Glassier, Lloyd 'Sanderson Ches.
Doll, and Rev. Chas, Lewis. The
reports of 1044 :followed: Secretary's
report by Mrs. Speiran, Treasurer's
report by Mrs. Bell, (Parsonage report
by 1Vers. McArthur, Kitchen report by
Ml's. Buschlin, Visiting report 13'
Miss Robinson, Flower report by
Mian °ardlgf, It was decided to
have a Pot -luck supper for the •con-
gregational meeting. to be ne?:i on
Friday, Jen. 24th at 7 0:0.
The following committees were
appointed nor 1945: flower cum-
rniitee, Misses. Cardiff, Wilson+ and
If. Dawning; Good cheer, Misses
M. Robinson and P. Buchanan; Par-
sonage, Mrs, Nurse, Men McArthur,
Mrs, McDonald, Mrs, Sanderson;
Kitchen, Miss. M. Robinson, (Vire
Rpeiran, MTs. Williamaon, Mrs. H.
Thomas, and Mrs, Manning; Cburcli,
Mrs, W. Huggan, Mrs. D. 4.. Rant,
Mee. W. Bell and Miss. Robinson.
After the committee appointments
report of the Friondsllip Clab was
given. by :Mrs, Buschlen, It was
decided' to have a birthday oaks to
whleh each one drops in, their birth•
iley money as It comes due. The
Holiday Bells. will be used again this
Your as they were a decided success
The second part of the evaning
Was given over ,to a program: read.
ung, Mrs. iaNcArthnr; duet, Mrs,
Couth,e, Mrs, 10'urse with guitar
reenompanirnent; Current 5:centre
Mises Robinson, solo, Mrs. Themes
ace enpanled at the pinto liy Mrs
Sv11lvan; quiz conducted by Mrs.
Manning. A tasty hutch was then
Flying Officer W. P. Speak
Wins D. F. C.
On January 19, R.C,A,F. head
quarters announced the award a
Distingniahed Flying Cross to FO.
Speak, citation follows,: This officer
has completed numerous operations
against the enemy in the conree of
which, he has invariably displayed
tbe utmost fortitude, courage and
devotion to duty."
Flying Officer :Speak has returned
ft•nfn overseas and has been mend-
ing his leave with his wife and
daughter at the home of the former's
parents, Mr, and Mrs. Joseph Ryan,
3rdssele, Ont,
moon at Qualieum Beach, V. I„
followed the, November 12th cere-
nlnny uniting Lillian Margot, daugh-
ter of Mr. and Mrs. H. H- Forrest
of Roberts Creek, in marriage to
LAC, Harvey John Gibson, sou of
Mr. and. MTs. John Gibson of
Brussels, Ont,
Rev. J. B. W. ,S'nawden, officiated
et the ceremony, which took plane
ht St. Aldien•'s, Church.
Given away by her father, the
bride chose e white denten velvet
gown, styled on princess. lines, A
flowered Juliet cap caught her veil,
and she .had a corsage of red roses,
Miss Mary Jean Feistiest was her
sister's attendant.
Mr. Ray Summer, RAIN.,
best man.
Parliament Meets
January 31
Rumors that, no matter what the
result in Norh Grey, Premier King
will not call Parliament, have been
010361180 by the prime mio180/r.
bt la s. and Senators will assemble
an Jan. 31, .as planned, But the
meeting is expected to be brief. It
is probable that Parliament will sit
for only s day or two and then
pi o'ogu.e , until after the by election.
Whether or not It will 'meet again
before a• federal election may de-
pend on the outcome in, North Grey.
11 is known that the prime minister
wsatlts. Gen. McNaughton in the
Comolnns where he .Care give first
hand inforination to the people's
eleoted representatives. The north
Grey vote will be tale first pre-
roencement by any Canadian exec-
.tors on •the reintoreeanent issue
which parliament considered dnly
A . few weeks ago. An adverse Vote
in'ght !be 'eonstdared by the govern-
ment as jttstitying am appeal to the
Catadian 06o014 as a whole.
DUNGANIN$ , Jon. 20111 --- Th
death orc•nrred at his hone, con
4, Ashfield township, 11// mile
west or Dungannon on Thursday
of Joseph Andrew ,Killough, we :ll
known and highly esteemed farm-
er, at the age of 70 years. Born
near Brussels he was one of two
sons of the late William John K11 -
lough and Agnes Catherine S1a1'
ling' Killough. He was marrien9 s4
years ago to Miss Annie McDow-
ell. of Westfield, who survives.
u1•viving aiso are three daughtere,
Mrs. . te,le
Kelly, Seaf ,t
Mabel K11100511, London; and Miss
Eva. Killough, Reg N Toronto,
T'lere is one grandson, James
Kelly, Seaforth, Mr. and Mrn Kit -
lough ,purchas'ed the farm of the
late' Thomas Harris, on which they
continued to reside ever since. Mr.
Killough was a veteran of the Croat
War and was in: training at Camp
Borden, until he suffered an acci-
dent to one of his knees, which in-
capacitated him for further service.
He was actively associated with
the Dungannon United Church, and
was a member of the choir as well
as holding other offices in the
CGlurch. For many years, he was
secretary -treasurer of the scbonl
board of S.S. No. 6, Ashfield.
The Short Courses tan Agrieulturec•
9 h the North of tile ('ouniy wiI1 be
• reswued on Moud'ay, January 28111.
s al the fololwing places•,
, , Carlow an:euary 20tH and :f04h
Wingllaul. ,.,,. January 30th and Snwt.
Brussels January 31st end Were nee.
Conte ,,,,,.,.... lltebruary 1st and nail
111e courses to date have had seri•
good turnouts, and many lively and
interesting discussions have arisese.
It is hoped that as many farn•ers
els possible will avail themselves ins
opportunity ` of attending one ort
these Courses,
e program ddscuss'ed is •0'r;:
First Day:
le; 00 a,m, to 121;00 noon—Sails
1 •p.m. to 1:45—Peseta:es and Pastare'
45 to 4:30—Soils end. Manageruent•
Second Day:
10.-00 :a.,n, to 12.00 noon -Faroe
1 p,111, to 3;00•—Aninnal Diseases ane..
to 4:30—Farm Mechanics.
If par ehanoe these courses 'oval
be, called .off again, announcements'
will be .made Omer the local radtce•
station CKNX.
Celebrated 25th ,
Wedding Anniversary
The borne of Mr. and Mrs. (las.
Lake was the scene of 's happy
gathering on Monday evening, Jan.
15th when a number of tiren• neigh -
hers and friends gathered to help
them celebrate the occasion of their
2.111 anniversary. , The evening
was spent in playing earns, games
slid contests, after which a short
Program of humorous readings was
given, Then the accompany'. 05
address was read by Mrs. J Speir,
and Mr. and Mrs. Sake presented
with an Aia.ddin lamp, casserole
and a beautiful three-story wedding
cake decorated in white and silver :•
Dear Mr. and Mrs. Lake,
We, your friends and neighbors
have gathered Allis evening :o spend
a social time and help you celearate
the happy event of eaventy-five years
ago and to tender to you oar sincere
eongra.tulations and best wishes
fes' many more years of happy
married lite. We're all hoping we
can come and help you celebrate
Your golden wedding anniversary,
We .haven't had the _pleasure cf
knowing you all your lifetime but
while you've been in our neighbor
hood we have found you. both
splendid citizens, always ready to
lend a helping hand in time of need
and to share our joys and sorrews.
As a slight token of our esteem
we ask you to accept this gift In the
hope that it may bring you pleasure
and happy memories of your
association with us. May each ot
yru enjoy many years of health,
happiness and prosperity,
"As sunshine lights a garden path
Old memories! light this day
And liming to mind the many ; '.ya
You've known along the way.
Upon the path that lies ahead
May sunshine linger too,
And every day be bright indeed
With many joys for you,." '
signed on behalf of your neiglhbors
and 1lriende,
Mars. Sherrie, Mrs, Cudmore, Mrs,
H..Seeir and Mrs. J'. .Speir.
Mr. Lake on behalf of himself and
Mrs. Lake made •a brief reply,
thanking .those present not oaly for
the lovely gifts, but for the friendly
spirit and good wishes expressed.
The ladies then served hinoh atter
which the company despersed mesh:
ing Mr, and Mra Lake many rn.,re
years of married life.
* * * * * * *
Chronos yf
Dr. Frank C. Neal
i'eterborough, Jan. 19,—Dr. Frank
C. Neal, 67, died suddenly at his
hone last 'llhnlyday while examining
a patient,
Born in B•rdseeis, Dr, Neal was ' a
graduate of Toronto University and
dict posit -graduate wont in Loudon.
Eng, He was •a fellow of the Radio-
logical Society of North America.
Ito practiced 40 yeare in Petee'•
He 1s survived by hie wldew, the
fleemer ,Bertha ttoyeraft, awl one
ton, Allen Neal, of Baltimore,
D,: Neal spent .hit boyhood 111
Welton where ,his parents nonductei:
a general store, He recelved hie
high seheol education is Seafettt,
lite brother William died Solite years
A meeting was held in the mermen
01. e. evening - recently for 1niss
purpose of organizing a Y.P.S. Thep,
followingconcede were ele:1e4:
President, Mrs. Lloyd Michel; Vice
lets Mrs. Cliff. Kernabhan; See.
T1•eas., Miss Helen Smalldon; Cera-
venom were appointed as follows=
Devotional, Rev. S. D. Mciver, Edn--
otional, Mrs. L. ,Gonion; Social,.
Mrs. -Earl Dunn. The nest meeting;
will be beld on MVIonday evenings,
Jan. 20 in the church basement .A.
social time will be .held and lunch
served. A good attendance is hoped'
Pte. Jack Gordon, 14th con, is
name from RC., for a short hale -
before reporting at Toronto.
Word was received here of the
death in Regina on Jan. 19 of Mess,
Richard Cardiff, the former BRfza-
beth Menzies, Mrs, Cardiff was a -
sneer of Mrs, C. Engel and sister -fu -
law of Mra M, Pennington and
I'Iark Cardiff. all of Grey twp.
Mrs. R, K, McDonald . had tier
misfortune to dislocate her shoulder-
but is recovering nicely.
Otto Schnook. 12111 con„ has beers
a patient in Clanton hospital for the -
past week. We hope for a speedy -
The Wonsans Missionary Society -
end Woman's Association of Kno:c
United Church met in, the school:
room of the church Wedneedov
afternoon with 13 ladies present.
Teemeeting was opened with de-
votional exercises by the presidents,.
Mrs. J. Michie, after which business-
was ,tram.sacted. Arrangements were --
made for the World (Day of Pryer.
The annual ,report was a'eceaved and
asopted. Mrs. J. C. Procter gave,
e reading, eA Challenge for the -
New Year." A New Year's nee'
sage 2:'oan the president to the^
Auxiliary members • PTAs, also re-.
celved. Roll gall was responded: Le.
w'th payment ,of Rees, The 3rd line
group will be, in cha,nge,af the next-
Mrs, H, Campbell took charge•
of the worship service as outlined"
in the Missionary Monthly. ' The •
Kingdon, of God 1n this Cammun--
i'•v" was the theme, with Mrs. BL',
Wheeler and Mra. T. 'B. Johnston
offering prayer. Mrs Dunlop gave
the: 4th chapter of the study boak.
The Woman's As4cociatian then
took charge under the leadership-
eadee is1 .of Mrs. Robert 'doultes, Letters<
were read Blom even in the ser-
vices, The use of holiday hells for
another year was disouseed. Her.
15, H, Dunlop, closed the meeting;
with prayer. .
Livestock Men Meet In
Toronto, Feb- 12 to 16'
The week of February 12 to 16 Wilk
see a great influx of the leading live -
stook breeders of Ontario. int* 're.
Panto for the annual meetings el
the various purebred livestock as-•
sedations, both proeinet;il and
national, All the meetings are tee
be held at the Royal Ylonk hotel, and
from Mcnfilay morning to Friday'
night there will be a constant roan&
,of business semitone, conaltting
meetings of Boards of Direetol's and
the annual ses.lons ot the variosi>lis