HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-17, Page 4'i 1 NIVRitaIN RIN-0400-1,01119cArafie OUOIlb-eAt THE BRUSSELS POST AVOWONOWAIMIICAVOIVAZAVAit0110 To Control Colds 1 VITAMINS -- Halibut Liver Oil Capsules ' , • . .... $1.00 ABD&G Capsules • $1 00 Yeast and Iron Tablets, bottle of 100 796 Multiple Capsules .. $1.50 Percod Capsules • .. 75c Plenamins, contain • Iron and Liver Ext. . $1.75 Puretest Cod Liver Oil • • ... 75,.: bottles Cod Liver Oil Emulsion Large Bottles $1.00 ravor.snammoommo.....oronem.lagamommais COLD PREPARATIONS— Cherry Bark 35c Bottles Bronchial Syrup • ..... 50c Vick's Vapo Rub • 50c RexallNose and Throat Drops . 25c Chest Rub 25c & 50c Green Cough Syrup 50c Tasteless Cod Liver Compound with Creosote • $1.00 Medicine Chest Needs Hydrogen Peroxide . • . 25c Tincture Iodine 25c and 35c Lin -a -Septic Lin ent .. • 50c Absorbent Cotton 1 oz. pkgs . Gauze Bandage , . •. Adhesive Plaster 1/2 inch x 5 yds. . • . 15c —77 - 10.,C , 15c HOUSEHOLD NEEDS — FOR COLORING— Heavy Wax Paper 50 ft. Roll ••• 17c Four Square Furniture Polish 45c Floor Wax ....-- 454: tins Pure Castile Soap .. • 2 cakes 11c Diamond Dyes 15c pkg Tintex . 15c pkgs Rit • .. • • • 15c pkgs Dyola 2 pkgs 25c Sunset Dyes • 15c F. N., SMITH SetraPtii TELEPHONE NO. 62 1.:1RUGG1., I and STATIONER TF.I.F.RHONE NO. 62 WILLIAM SP1NCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL; ONT. BELL & BENSON BRUSSEL, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elsner D. Bell,-B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Servi-" Wednesday Afternoon BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS ,tom 900 until 12:00 and frons 1:30 Instil 6:00 t,:::cept Thursday from 9:00 Instil 12:00) BABY CHICKS and Ihrom!agermermomminm,midorm Started 'Pullets -- up to 4 weeks Large S. C. White Leghorns Stock 100 per cent blood tested. Walter Rose Poultry Farm --Phone 38x r3 Reeve of Grey Township ' Honored By Members At Opening of New Session aDDIDRIC13., Jan. 17.—Reeve Ales Alexander of Grey Township is the yew Wriden 01 Hurox county. He – wa elected at the opening session of the county council oft Vaes11a7 afternoon, after being elsoSen In a caucus of Libert,I members. , Reeve W. J. Baker of Goderich was a close runner-up with Reeve N. R. Dor- ranee of McKillop in third place. Warden Alexander, in addressing the council, said he hoped the county would continue the pay-as- you-go policy. He congratulated the county • on the succss of its patriotic efforts and Its record in Victory Loan campaigns He said he would like to see preference given to returning members ot the armed forces when appointments to, gOvernment or other posNons are made. He introduced the new members, and asked for the co- operation of all He expresse1 his appreciation of the honor, and said it was a source of satisfacti )11 carry back the wardenship te the township of Grey. He referred feelingly to tha re - (e: t death of Stuart Mason. who had for 14 years reported county council meetings and was held in high esteem. Escorted To Dais. The newly elected warden was escorted to the dais by last year's warden, Fred Watson, of Stanley who introduced him to the coumnt and presented him with the key of F• EED by Watt's of Palmerston Choiceteria Laying Mash •••• • • • $2.75 Hatching Ration Choiceteria • • •• • • • • $3.30 Hatching Concentrate, 32% protein • $4.,90 Local dealers Walter Rose Poultry Farm --Phone 38xr3 1111 DONN 10 ZERO In the Cold Storage Locker Room of the Brussels Creamery. The Locher Service' is Now Open For Business. BRUSSELS CREAMERY PHONE 22 20.000 TONS OF WASTE PAPER ARE REQUIRED EVERY MONTH FOR VITAL WAR NEEDS is a °liar t the countY. The oath of office was adminis. fermi by judge T. M. Costello, who after congratulating the warden, stated he would be head of the council 111 probably one of the most historYmiaking years of the 0510- t1.10Y. Last Rites In Brussels For Mrs. Alex Strachan Funeral service for Mrs. Alex Rtrachan was held 'in Melville Pres byterian Church Wednesday after - room Mrs. S'iraelian passed away 7 14u11 clay evening, Jan. 7th at tile home of her thiughter, Mrs. J. O. Scott, Toronto, where she ha:l gone to spend the winter, 'Born in Brussels, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. , Thomas Ballantyne, she had spent all her life in this vicinity, taking an active part in church work. Pre- deceased by her husband in 1933, and one son, William B., in 1944, there are surviving her daughter, Mrs. Scott, in Toronto; a grandson, James, overseas, and a grandclaugh ter, Marian at honie: Interment was (0 the family plot in Brassels emetery. Rev. Samuel Keil. of Melville Presbyterian Church of. ficiated, Pallbearers were: R. J. Mt Lauch- lin. Alex Anderson. Roy Gousins, Cleve 13aelcer, Thos. Strachan, L. W. .Teektmier. BUY WAR SAVING SVAMPS. Post Offices Sell Them WANTED LIVE HENS AND CHICKENS also GEESE and DUCK FEATHERS BEST PRICES PAID Before you sell any poultry phone the Export Packers. We will call at your place for any quantity or you can bring them to us. 141111110f Export Packers PHONE 70x ° BRUSSELS ,.......,_ ailitmosvavemmoitemaitemAtemmo i " NOTICE ! 1 1 -COMPLETE EYESIGHT 1 SERVICE RIGHT HERE IN BRUSSELS. EYES EXAMINED — — GLASSES FITIT.D Mr. Re$d has been coming to Brussels for 10 years and am give you perfect satisfaction and eye comfort as he ba* i done for thousands of others in this district. "SEE REP) AND SEE RIGHT." ! R. A• REID Stratford's Leadng Optometrist A. Over 25 years. ) 1 Phone 51 Miss Hingston's Store for Appointment. BANKS • POST OPPICIS DIPAKTMINT HMIS OlUOOISTS CROCUS • TOBACCONISTS BOOK STORES and .d.., SITAR STORES 11131=005, 411111=111111111111ffil ....uvairacesaccapmels When if won't buy a dollar's worth of goods? For instance, compared to present -dog standards, your dollar of the last war was worth, not a dollar 4k... hut sometimes less thanCt.. Ileownvives, who went marketing in 1917, had to part with 6r o (our.posud jar cfjam which you butte -dog for aw,„... Doh winter underwear set him bock sigkb cloves compared iethe 0,4E0, beseuldbuy itfor to -day. You Iota lot mem for spar money NOW win! ... become price ceilings and ether onfi-infiationanj measures hove keptiho value of your dollar HIGH! That's why it will pay gouts:es thateolfish spending (Pt war undermines prise Nobel is Canada. Rommel.; yew tem your dollar's worth when you ow your money wisely * who you pay offdolito ... refuse to buy weedloss luxuries...I* Meek esetlado a wide loartli .. end don't hoard goods. Akaid. Z4e 70.Ar/ ert4'9:. I promise to give my support to keeping the cost of living dows. I will bay only what I need. will observe the ceiling whether buying � idl- ing goods or services. I will pay off oid debts, save for the future, invest la Victory Boods and War Savings Certificates. And 1 will support taxes which help lows duo met of living. �w4 AAA Aloe 44/ Er110b 4 CrIlW %RIO issidisbed THE BREWING INDUSTRY fONTASUO) et held Arita! tIzei &Mon diet lii.di. t11.110016111i. 0111, dtt Iptioidt of die Ideas& ~Walk' OWAVAVONMAWAVAValte Ab:M.AVOSVa%904VaWOli*PWRVACIi Pre -Stock Taking S LE meezemeivzs-wam-v.tz•mov 15 Women's arid Misses' All Woo! HEAVY TWEED COATS regular $32.50, Special $25.00 All Wormen's and Misses' FUR TRIMMED COATS 25 per cent Discount 9 MEN'S OVERCOATS sold regular up to $27.50, in meltons and tweeds, Special $19.95 Girls' All Wool Snow Suits with zipper jackets, 2 to 6 years, regukr $7.95, Special $5.95 • Girls' All Wool Snow Suits with zipper jackets, sizes 8 to 12 years regular $9.95, Special $7.95 51 MISSES' CREPE DRESSES and Alpine cloth, some 2- piece at Half Regular Price 37 Miss's' Alpaca Skirts regular'$2.98, Special $1.98 No war sowings stamps will be given with above items. Women's Fur Trimmed Cossack Style Velvet Overshoes, sizes 4 to 8r/2, $4.95 Don't Miss This Great Sale! Don't forget to ask for your sale slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War -Savings Stamps Free. T IFTE Li tr.. C.A DE 00 •• Phone,61 — Orwesiciet Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Alb011011111031165311110111040,40140A011100031110