HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-17, Page 2BELGRAVE; or but as a whole I have enjoyed it. 1 1' tried my best to aeon In that Letter from,Mrs , Alex Manning of capacity as 1 am not super" at sew• be rev o e lg a who has been .War Work rnittin g or knitting, Convenor for Be!grave Red Crass It is not easy to keep this or any Branch. This letter was react at the other onganfzation running smoothly _ted Cross Annual Meeting, with no discordant note, Some Mr. President, ladies and gentlemen, Mut it harts to take advice or alilti- This year I fell I am ma1lu; me' eism but if our fighting men had not report under great difficulties as 1 accepted both wewould not be have not been able for the last six silting so comfortably today. MY „months to take any active part in eclnvietion 1hasalways been to serve the work of the branch. to cur utmost and to do that .we I have however the •figure, from must is.ub,mit to work with and eny shipping' book and these should t ometimes under someone else. speak quite celarly to the delinquent As you appoint your officers for n'embers. YYen will find in the 1945 be prepared to back them ep,. Toome today a oonnuunioation from they will only ask of you what has the Ont, Div. office, Toronto, show- been requested of them by bend - the ing where and slaw the Ont, branch- quarters. We have been warned es have failed to meetquotas set that this work will not cease .with by the National Red Cross for the the end of hostilities and 1 there - Province of Ontario If base fore wish every succees to Belgrave branches slip back as muoh in 1945, branch of the Can. Red Cross, as in 1544 the Ont. Div. of the Red:: I wish in closing to thank all Gross will have to close its doors as triose wbo helped in:any way with less than 40% of the quotas were II i= work espeetally those. who tiled in that year. canted nit' so gallantly this past Here are the figures for : 1'r c year. -three years from this Branch for 1 thank you, ]nutted articles: Mary Manning, 1942 1945 1944 (Mrs. Alex'Mannfng) 1041 698- 517 plus a few articles given to our Mrs. dames Leitch was 'hostess to .home members of the services. the Presbyterian Church Women's We shipped 116 quilts, :Leven atissionary Society for their first :more than the previous year. meeting of 1945 Tuesday aftaruoen. Sewn articles: 19433-880 articles; 'the president, Mrs. R. J. Scott, was , 1944--691 articles, both these figures in the chair and the meeting opened with the daily prayer. The scripture lesson was read ' by Mrs. Athol Bruce The Glad Tidings prayer was taken by Mrs. J. Dunbar. Min- 11tes of the annual meeting ware read h3* Mrs. Bruce, Mrs, Dunbar giving the 'financial report. The' roll call was responded to with payment of fees. Visits to the sick were reported Plans were r tide to make a quilt for a bale. Stirs. Leitch and Mrs. Scott were e appointed to meet with committees from local churches to plaa the n'crld day of paryer. Mrs. 0. G. A;tderson read several interesting items from the Glad Tidings. The president gave a chapter from the study book, "The India Stiry" which dealt with "The ,S'choel; of India." The meeting closed with prayer by the president, atter which lunch was served by the 1•estees. On Jan. 10th the Women's Mis- sionary' Society ancl Women's Assoc- iation met in the schoolroom of the united Church with thirteen ladies -include the quilts. This is not the fault of the sewing or knitting committee. It has : Iweys seemed such 0 hopeless bast; to try eed rouse some . to• their responsibil- ities, some cannot come to the meetings due to bad roads or Home ties but quite a number me just not just tntersted. Of coarse there is still going around the motheaten story,that Red Gross supplies are sold also what becomes of all the knitting?•.and so and so never got any in the .first war nor in this one.. Did you ever consider the'thous- ands and thousands in need of knitted articles and the compara- tively few knitters? What chalice have the women in Europe and England to knit or sew even it thee had the material and yet I wager "a great many of them could put us :to shaune. Our allies look to `Canada for these supplies. 'Consider our own branch, we hive ei men and women from oar own district in the services, our kuittinc convenor has 24 names on the list and some of these average one garment per year. Figure It out. I have had some headaches from my five years as War Work conven- Menet and the meeting was opened with devotional exercises by presi- dent after which business contained in minutes any any new business was THE BRUSSELS POST dealt with, Arrangements Were made for World Day of Prayer. The annualref tt po' reecived tee seed and. adopted, Mission Band report Was given by Mrs. Dunlop, Mrs, J. C. Procter gave a reading from the Missionary Ment4ily. .A challenge for the New Year," also a New Year's message from the president to the Auxiliary members. Roll Call was payment of fees, The third line of Morris to be respon- elble for next meeting. Mrs. I4. Campbell took the worship sorYiee as outlined In Missionary Monthly, "The Kingdom of God in this oom- inuaiity," with Mrs. Ii, Wheeler and Mrs. T. B. Johnston offering prayer. :tit's. Dunlop gave the Study Hook 011001er four, "West of Date Line," and with the use of the map made the tank very instructive and Inter. esting. Hymn 252 and the Lord's Prayer concluded that part of meet- ing. The W. A, then took charge under leadership of M'rs, Relit Coupes. Letters were read from several boys in the services for boxes received. The use of the Holiday -Bell for another year was ciscussed and a committee was appointed to make them. The Wo• nhee's Association have had a very successful year. Rev. MT. Dunlop' closed the meeting with prayer. WROXETER Morris Township Native Succumb hii o Succumbs .Matt t ba Mrs, Janes B Kerney received ,.P sword 4his�:week of the death ,. her brother, George Miller, at his hone at Boissevaln, Mn.,ain hie 75511 year, Mr. Miller was born in Morris township, a son of the late Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Miller, pioneer settlers, He went west when a yo,:ng man and spent the greater part of ll's life there. He was twice mantled. Ms wife survives with three daughters, and one sort. Two Mothers, - Thomas Miller, Brussels, and Allan Miller, • Vancouver, B.C., and two sdstens Mrs. McArter, Morris, and Mrs. James Kerney of Bluevale, WALTON i The monthly meeting of the Walton branch of the Red °rose will be held Jan. 23rd in Walton Community Hall The W.M.S. held . their January meeting with the new president Mrs. Scheele presiding. Hymns 508 and 509 was sung to open the meet- ing and were followed by prayer, ] Bev. Hazelwood conducted the in. - stelLation of officers for both the 1 W.M.S. and W.A. He stressed the teed- of both auxiliaries and con- gratulated them on the good work tbat is being done by them He then led in prayer. The annual report was given and the minutes read There were 12 ladies present. Mrs. Bennett gave the treasurer's report and It showed that 4;436.25 1 was sent to the Presbyterial treas- urer. The Walton group hale charge of the topic for the February ' meeting. The worship service, "The Church In the Phillippines' was taken by the McKillop group under the leadership of firs, Msrshall, were Mrs. Reid, Mrs, McMichael and Mrs. Coutts taking part. The meeting Closed by sing. Ing hymn 262 .and Lord's Prayer. The W.A. meeting followed the W.M.S. meeting with Mrs. Bennett Presiding. Hysun 671 was sung and Mrs. Hazelwood read the scripture Psalm 137 was read. Mrs. Reid gave ,he minutes and annual reports, the treasue•er's was then given. Letters of thanks was read from seine of the boys overseas that received their Christmas boxes. It was de- cided to hold the annual Imeetng in t11•>, afternoon. Lunch will be served. "lie regular monthly meeting' of the Women's institute was held at the home of Mrs. J. N. Allen. The President, Mrs, McNaughton, pie• sided. Following the minutes and during the business period lettere were read from members, of the armed forces expressing than cs for Cb.ristmas boxes. Eighteen boxes tor sick and shut-ins were sent out at Christmas and letters and verbal thanks were received. Instead of the usual music period a number of humorous readings were • given by 11Irs, H. Durst. The roll call was answered by an exchange of Breen lrattel!ns. Current events prepared lee Mrs. H. 'Wylie were read by Mrs. rlieT(enney, The topic, a book re- view. was given by Mrs. Gi,be'•t Hewes who gave a most intrest- ine talk on "Thorn Apple Tree." Following the national anthem lunch Was served by the hostess. assisted by Mrs. MCKenney and Mrs. _£aake. Husband Killed ilius. DeFontai!•e of Rauhl:toe Meeting closed by singing hymn 361 (formerly' Olive Newton of Wrox- and repeating the Mizpah benedict- 6)01') ]las received word her has•. ipm bend has been Billed overseas. Nantes you know you Can trust • • . LO ani JEWEL very watch ...every ring... every piece of jewelry purchased by us is carefully scrutinized for quality, for craftsmanship, for value That is why we so highly recommend Bulova Watches! By every test—you can be sure that the JBulova watch you buy is a Masterpiece of Fine Watchmaking — and will tell time on dine through the years 1 ETHEL. The W.M.S. of Knox Presbyterian Church met at the home of Mrs. J. 11, Fear. The meeting opened :with The Call to Worship and Hymn 199. The Scripture lesson Phil 2 vs. 1 to 11 was read by Mrs. Cochrane. The Prayer from the Glad Tidings was read. Two verses of Hymn 202 was read in unison, The minutes cf the previous meeting were read by the recretary and approved, The Roll. Call was answerers by a New Year's r,casage. The offering was taken, ""lis dedicatory prayer by the president Mrs. McInnis. Baalness was discussed. Hymn 599 was sung. alas. Geo Kreuter gave re reading, The Ealy Years and Methods, taken from 0-110 boost, .Ferns on 13r1191 Guiana, The topic, The Jhensi field India, was taken by Mrs Me Tnliis. lIymnn 697 was Sung. Mrs. R, Campbell gave 5 reading, The meeting closed wilh Hymn 559 and the Benediction., after ivhieh a testy 101,01) was served and a social. horn' spont. At the December meeting which was held at the home of lira, C.. I0511551', Mrs. Oxtoby was pre. sented with a Lite Membership Certificate • CRANBROOK 1''red "Slllallclon was re-elected seennl trustee for another term at 11ie recent annual meeting. 'airs, Mac 'Engel was hostess fur the-W.M.S. January meeting, )ors, P15 TTuether, the ln'eeldent was in the chair e.nd the ladies of ills out]) group wore in charge n5 topic, current events and ,Scripture read- ing, Psalm 64 and the National Anthem were sting, then a prayer by She president, Psalm. 28 was read hv' erre. Martin MacDonald, then the rnintites were read by , the secre- tary, Mrs. M. Engel. A verse ^nn - raining the word "worship" was used in response to roll call, 'h`hlr- 10rn ladies were present. Current events Wore read by Mrs, Celia Ifiuether, 'Mr's, Jas, Caaneron and Mrs, C. Omstead. Thar% were short discussions an the "Peace Thanks. ;;tying rtritd." "Day of Prayer ger, rice" anti "etutly books," Mi'e. Cella T''`uetlter offered her hohne for the "Testing and Triumphs" was read by Mrs. Gordon Knight. Hymn 433 and Mrs, D. Huether pronounced the Benediction, A social time was enjoyed by al'1 and the ladies in, charge served lunch, '1•lie annual meeting of Knelt Presbyterian Ohureh will be held on Tuesday evning, Xan, 23, A pot luck supper will be served in the base, meat of the church, by the ladies of the congeegation, Our school is being wired for hydro, The stormy weather and bad roads have delayed the work. BLUEVALE W. J. Johnston has disposers of his dairy business in Bluevale to George Hetherington. Personals: Mrs. Roward Johnson and son, Toronto, with Rev. and Mrs. J. W. Johnson; Mr, and Mrs. Wilbur Mathsrs and ' daughter, Helen. Kincardine, with Mr. and Mrs. James Peacock and other reia- tives, ' The annual meeting of the Sunday s,,hool of Blnevale United Church was held on Friday afternoon. The minister., Rev. J. W. Johnson, presid- ed. Miss Margaret Curtis read the treasurer's report showing doe £1, - Liens to the Red Cross, Navy League and missions, with a good balance on hand after supplies ?,or the first quarter of 1945 are ;paid. Discussion was carried on gelding various phases -of Sunday school word. It was announced that Shirley and Cassie Sieling would receive awards for perfect attend- ance. The following officers were elected: superintendent W. J Johnston; aslsistent superin+et dent, Mrs. M. L. Aitken; secretary, Call Johnston; assistant, Gordon Hall; temperance secretary, • Fleming Johns -ton; missionary secretary*, Shirley Sieling; pianist Mrs. W. J. Johnston; assistant pianist, Mrs. Carl Johnston; treasurer, Miss Margaret Curtis. , Teachers are: Robert Shaw, Mrs James Johnston, Edwarl Johlhs'cn, Mrs. George Thomson, Earl Ham Ilion, Mrs. W. 3'. Johnston: assist- ant teachers, Richard Johnston, Mrs. M. S. Aitken, Mrs Alex Mc Crscicin, Mrs. Edward Johnston, Mrs George Hetherington, Mrs. Sperling Johnston. 1 The Junior Red Cross breech, busy Bees be1c1 a meeting in the schnol room on Thursday afternoon with all members' present. The meet - nig was opened with "0 Canada." , T^ .: a teacher. Miss Coulter, ewldtrcL•. ,,1 the busir.ess. Mary Darling was ereeteel secretary to replace Patsy Stewart who has movved to Ham1l. 51,r. In answer to the roll cal: 111e mem1ers told of 0 New Year reel• lntiorn or some good deed clone. The program consisted of a piano cruet by Dolores Hamilton and Mary Darling; a sonic by junior girls and by Audrey Mann; readings by Mac Snpitb and Shirley Sieling; all re- pented the pledge and closed the meeting with the national 'tathem. W. H. McKinney ane Mrs Ray- mond 15110ott attended the fonern1 of their aunt, Mrs. Sarah licTiin• '-t:y at Toronto on Friday. Mre. TdcKihney was a former resident of dthlevale. She filed at her home en vBednosd'ay`following a Stroke cf paralysis which site suffered the day previous, Miss Olive Scott attended an -ex- o'utive meeting' of the Maitland W.M.S, Presbyterial at the house of Mrs, Donald Rae at Wingham or Thursday. Mrs. Win. Male, Kincardine, v's- ited her niece, Mrs. George Fischer. Mrs. Edward Johnston wa•1 the hostess on Tuesday afternoon- for itlr monthly reeding of the We - ram's Tnstitnte. The prograinteas eiennged by Mrs. J. 51, Smitn, home rvcnohnies convertor. The meeting 'ore presirled $ver by the preehdent Mrs. Charles Mothers, "Senethtng served to nnexpectel rel npany" was the subject Por the rnit call Correspondence concis" et er "Thank you" letters in reply In Christmas gifts, also a 'letter t'. nm .n sailor who hasreceived a dilly bag The members are' la. 2•. osted 111 the new eopnmunity hall 1,1 the village and discussed drays 0116 means of raising funds tc as - eta with the Interior deeoratinn, A Ploy was the poputnr suggestion, h committee was named, with b'ties Florence Fowler ea convenor. • Mrs. Smith gave a haver 05: 'Vitamins" and conducted 11 fruit contest, Mr's. Ssdward Johnston Thad the greatest hulnbar of cofreet answers, The rehruary meeting will be held at the home et Mrs, Gs miles, Mrs. J, J. l 1ltett Is vieitflig bel' deu•ghtet, M,'o, Oharles Matlreb8, rahrttery meeting. Fite chapter Mot'fis, els \‘1 11111/, DER Good For Ali Kinds of Baking spKr� SOLD IN BRUSSELS AI Baeker Bros. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels li First C nto n Baby CLINTON, Jan, 3,—Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Cooper are the proud par• eats of the first baby to be horn 5u Clinton'in 1945. Born at 11.455 a, m. nu January 1, seven pounds aid 12 ernces,• .Edwin Bruce, and his Proud mother, nee Margaret Jewell, formerly of Brussels, are both doing nicely under the care of Dr. J. M. Shaw do Clinton Public Hos- pital, In second place, Mr. and Mrs. Clare McBride of Zurich,' have the honor with six pounds of remitsine sunshine, namely, Gwendolyn Grace, arriving at 12:15 noon Mon- day, the first baby girl to he bore. in Clinton Public Hospital in the New Year. The former Loc'10 Ryer- ern, of Clinton, mother and baby ore both progressing favorably PEOPLE WE KNOW * i - * * r'• * P' * Mr. and Mrs, Sylvester Fox spent Sunday with Teeswater friend,. s * * Miss Dorothy Armstrong is spend- ing her holidays in Toronto and Loudon, • s r We are glad to see that Rev. H. Wilson is able to be out again after his recent Illness, * * e Harry McCntcheon Is confined to his bed suffering from a heart condition. Flight Sergeant Wm. T. Prost, with the R.C.A.152, at Nassau Inas been home on leave. ` Bill Rowland of the R;O.A.F , son of Mr. and Mrs. J. Rowland, nmv stationed' at i•Iagersville, has bean promoted to the rank of Plight Lieutenant, * * e .jack Pierce, R.C.A.F., sun of - :tar. and Mrs. Thos. Pierce, Morris Town- sh, who leas , t Sumipinersfde, is home 011 been stationeda leave. w ► • Joe Stiles. 11019 serving with the i1.C.A,F. overseas, recently re coivetl the rank of Flying Officer. F 0. Stiles Is the son of Mr, and Mrs, Wm. Stiles, e Jas. Prest, is bne of the many who have recently received their honor ante discharge Trow the R,C.A•F. 13efo1'52 joining the air force Jim was on active duty with the Canadian 115Vy, o * r Reeve R. J, Bowman of Brussels, Reeve Cecil Wheeler of Morris Twp., - Reeve Alex Alexander and Deploy Reeve Stanley Machan of Grey 1'wp., are attending Huron County Council at Goclertch this week; * s e G. G, Baeker, Fort Frances, On.. tario, ,Oanada, who has resided in New Port Richey In previous years 111t1 owned and occupied a home ion the river for some time, has put - chased the Marren grove and home on Congress street. This preparty was formerly known as the Marston pinoe. Mr. and Mos• Baeker have returned to 'New Port Riohey fur the winter months following an thsen•ce of two years. . SAWS. SHA1R'PENED Hand Saws, Cross -cut Saws Any kind of saws If you want yours to really cut as it should , • .. Leave at The Post Printing Office Presentation A pleasant evening was spent at the home of MT, and Mrs Russel Wdlbee during the Christmas los. tivities when theta• neighbours gath• exed in honour of their son, Pte. Roy Wilbee, who was home on leave, beautiful "Schaefer" fountain Pee with a lifetime guarantee and his name and number engraved was presented by Mr. Jim Turnbull and on behalf of Grey 'Township' Council Mr.- Mac Shaw presented a very serviceable wrist watch. Roy showed his appreciation by1 elueereiy thanking them for their] k'ndness and generosity. He said;; the gifts would be very useful and{. always bring hank happy memories,; wherever they went together, The evening was spent in playing, genies after which lunch was served by the hostess. Miscellaneous Shower '- Many useful and beautiful gifts were presented to Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Wilbee when a infsceltaa- sous shower was held in S.S. No. el Grey by their neighbours. Before lunch the young couple were invited to the ph -termini when the following address was sung to, the tune of Auld Lang Syne: We're very glad to gather here On this eventful night To greet you kindly and with cheer Our welcome do we plight; We wish you many, many years 05 blissful married life, With smiles and kisses and not tears Within this world of strife. 'Tis not so very long ago, Our Ken., a bachelor free, Toiled through the snow -drifts, hong and white On a romantic spree; He looked to east and he looked to west Ere he found his heart's desire Down in McKillop to be sure And flow he can retire. Permit us now to wish you both, All health and wisdom too May wealth and pleasure be your lot As the year's pass quickly through When cares and troubles bother You Just greet thein with a smile And never, never frown nor fret But whistle all the while To you, dear Grace, Ive say, "Hello" In the friendliest sort of way May we, to you, our kindness chew 511 our life of every day We hope that you will stay with us And be a neighbour true To share with 118 our cares and Joys And smile when we are blue, The time has coane to show to you in a delightful way Our wishes true we pass to WM On this auspicious day And may our presents speak to you When we shall absent be And oft remind you of your friends Where ever you May be, The groom responded in a Sew well chosen words. Despite bad roads and peer weather there was a merry crowd' and they all enjoyed a pleasant- evening dancing. In Memoriam Tu loving memory of Mrs. James • Biellop who died on Jan, 9th, 1944: No one knows Itote Inn011 we mise her. No one knows the Bitter pain We have suffered 'Since we tout her Life has never' been the same, hr our tweets her memory lingers Sweetly, tender, fond and 'true There is net: a day dear 'mother That we do not think of you Your weary boars 51121 05,70 of pain And troebleci nights are past Abd in Our achingheai•bs we know You've founts sweet feat at last. Sadly missed by husband and •• llanghter Agnes. ANI A l.' i,Iraaicltly removed at Clean Sanitary track. '?E BRUSSELS 4 illlam Stone Sons. L Jeri fled ri 1' . DISABLEP Phone collect: