HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1945-1-10, Page 1'POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
Wednesday, January 10th,
eol#TIteQ e mei
January llth, 12th 13th
Popeye Cartoon - Larry Clinton & his band
January 151.11, 16th, 17th
a piclrire packed wth thrills, chills and shivers
Jungle Jaunt -Framing Father. Full Supporting Program
(Children under 16 positively not admitted alone).
The Ladies .Aid of Melville
Church will hold a sale of
Baking in the basement of
the Public Library on Saturday
afternoon, January 20. There
will be a Tea -Room and a
Rummage Counter.
Proceeds for sending boxes to
boys ;overseas.
Brussels Town Hall
Friday, February 2, 1945
Music, by
Ken. Wilbee & his orchestra
Dancing from 9:30 to 2
40c his fans will acclaim it the finest
Refreshments Admission
$2 Cash Door Prize rale lie las ever had.
The picture for Monday, Tuesiey
and Wednesday at the Coy,
Brussels, is certainly a film for cool
rerve•s and strong hearts for in
A colonel of the old w1100 wag• every sense of the word it's
adlressing two guilty -looking
MI -"WEIRD." The picture is "THE
vales, whose clothes were tor` CAT PEOPLE" and tells the story of
and ragged• a beautiful woman (Simone Simon)
"Look here, yrs fellows," he ex- who, in the bie.cirness of the night
claimed. "I'll have you know that is transformed into a massive via -
1 simply won't tolerate fighting in' cions cat to prowl and strike
my regiment" clawing it's victims to death. Yea
rill be held breathless as each
enletsea7415M141.5541:4lEilame'votwoM terrifying and eerie situation
"Doomed Caravan"
First Class Film
Once again we take our place at
the reporters seat for a press show-
ing of the ,filen currently showing ut
The Cozy Theatre in Brussels. At
Lrst glance one would take "Doomed
Caravan" to be strictly western fare
and perhaps we might even, call it
this but if we do it's with the strict
understanding that it's western of a
different type. "DOOMED CARA-
VAN" is not all bang bang and "Put
'sur up" bort is a strange and excit-
11,g mystery story of the western
lands, of the pioneers Bill Boyd 05
Itnlolong Cassidy plays a superb
part and we are sore that many of
"This day Is holy unto our
Lord: neither be ye sorry, for
the Joy of the Lord is your
strength." Nell. 8;10.
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A„ B.D..
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"What is True Greatness?"
7 P. M. Evening 'Service In the
United Church •
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
Come and Welcome.
ttEliliste Fl6wt6'iGtteeensissei sessisteKtSt4
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship
Mission. Band
12 Church Schuoi and lass
Bible C
y P, M. Evening Praise
Rev. S. Kerr, B. A., B. D.,
will preach.
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector, Rev. M. F. Oldham
2nd Sunday After Epiphany
January 140, 1945
St. John's Brussels ---
2 P. M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Prayer Service
and Sermon
St. George's Walton
3.30 P. M. Sunday School
and Sermon
4 p. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon
St, David's Henfr $c„ool
1.15 P. M, Sunday
and'Blble Class
2 P. M. Holy Communion
and Sermon.
surpasses the next for "THE OAT
PEOPLE" without a doubt the
most "Sbockifying" allow slum
'King KONG" and "Frankiusb;tn"
and believe us after you've seen
"THE CAT .PEOPIL)" you won't
want to go home alone Don't worry
its only a picture• and HUGE black
cats- with MASSIVE GREEN E11109
won't had you friends , . . , OR
Editors note: Children under six-
teen will positively NOT be ad-
' mitred alone to see "THE OAT
PEOPLE" and the management of
the COZY advise parents that this
is not a children's picture and can
not, he responsible for any children
that are brought
Dr, you remember 7—
The day a farmer, who lived on
the loth concession of the township
of Grey, was driving a bunch of
eattle to the weigh scales at the
town ball, when something Pune
unusual happened. The cattle, used
to the quiet restful green pastures,
appeared to be much confused and
excited bY the buzz and activity of
mein street and kept looking from
aide to side as if for an opening
lh"ough which to escape. One at
the head of the group espied the
alley immediately south of G. A
Deadman's drug store and dashes .n,
followed by several others. Three
big steer's, a little in the rear, saw
their mates leave the street and
resolved to follow. But they did net
have the right number and entered
the dreg store. The attendant in
the .store, the late George Rogers
faille out of the hack shop to wait on
tL•e "customers" he heard enter.
Was ho astounded?, and why hot?,
to see three big horned steers in
his store. As Mr. Rogers could not
tilk their language, no sales were
made. The customers made their
way to the end of the counter, turn-
ed around the row of display tables
.,ncl cases with little or ro damage
and headed for the door. However
they also wrecked the entire store
front when two of them tried to get
out of the narrow door at the same
time. The proverbial "Bu11 1,1 a
China. Shop' 'allegory pales into
insignificance when compared with
the actual happening "Three Steers
in a Drug Store." Well the farmer
had lots of help in rounding up his
here. and from then on all went well
Sometime later Jim Fox, who kepi
a drug store in the next block, also
bad a rather unusual "animal ex-
perience." At that ' time he was
heed agent for the Dominion
Express Company. The goods were
carried by the Wroxeter, Brussels,
Seaforth stage route. For the most
part the freight consisted of easily
handled packages, but one Saturday
night the driver, from. Wroxeter,
arrived at the Fox Drug Store with
a hog in a crate billed for Sestort11.
The •animal was of enormous size
and weighed nearly halt a ton, Weil
Jim Fox had to board the monster
over Sunday and T do not believe he
was a bit pleased about it. In fact l
do know he was very much "peev-
ed." It took all the hands that could
be gathered up on anadn street to un-
load tie big fellow. You may be sure
Mr. Fox did not allow his wool end
"guest" to miss the 9 o'clock stage
for Seaforth on Monday mo.ning,
ii anyone knows of shop keepers, in
aiy line, who have "animal stories,"
1e connection with their busiaoases,
1.' beat the two referred to above,
We would be glad to hear about
Local News
Mr. Robert Clark and relatives
t-ish to extend their sincere thane
to the neighbor's for the beautiful
floral tribute and special thanks to
the Reverend Mr. Oldham, also the
people who loaned their cars.
Somewhere 1n En5l'n:l
Brusesds Legion,:
1 wish to 1110911 the members of
ac Brussels Branch of the Canadian
Legion for the carton of cigarettes
they sent me,
George Elliott
War and Marriage
Why sloes war send the divorce
rates soaring? How does it "change"
civilians and servicemen alike, with
marriage the chief casualty What is
to be done about it? Read 'War and
-Marriage," "hy Genevieve. Parkhurst,
noted research authority, starting in
The American Weetkly with this
'Sunday's (Jan. 14) issue of The
Detroit Sunday Times,
Motor License Plates
Go On Sale Jan. 10
Ontario's 1945 motor
license plates will 1101 go on sale
until between January 10 and Janu
ary 15, due to manufacturing delays,
.(3eorge H. Doucett, minister of high-
ways, said last. Friday, ' It was
originally planned to start sale of
notes Tuesday, January and.
About 680,000 plates -bine with
o bite figures -are being menu 'ac-
ta ed under an easing of steel
restrictions by the Federal a,eel
u ot,troller.
Cars will this year carry one new
y'late on, the rear, and the 1943 plates
and 1044 uindshield stickers will be
Rations For
School Lunches
Country teaohers who prepare a
hot beverage or serve sandwiches
o their pupils at noon in wints.' can
register as quota. users to get extra,
sugar•and butter rations states the
Wartime Prices and Trade Bo,urd,
Applications •shonild be mate to a
branch of the Ration Administration
by the. school principal or one of the
teachers.. Arrangements will be
made only for those who cannot
get home at noon because of di:;
ta,noe, bad roads or weather cnn-
ditIons: _ v
• * * * * * + * •
* * -. * * *
Mrs, D. Ferrier who spent Chris`
mas and New Year's with her sister
Miss Mary Lott has returned to her
home in. LuCknow.
Misses Eltzabebh and
Downing have gone for a
Flirt Willlem, Winnlpegi,
and Medicine Het,
* * *
Mr. George Garton of Leanrlagton
spent a week with Mr. and Mrs.
John Rutledge, he is also a brother
to Mrs. John and' Mrs. Stanley
lin ttedge. •
* * 'k
Little Miss Barbara Allen, younger
daughter of Mr. and 'Mrs, 31. 0.
Allen, has ben seriously 111 at her
home here.
* *. *,
The many friends o1 Mrs, W H•.
Kerr 'rill regret to know that she:
ruffered a slight stroke last !''ridaY.
We are glad to report that she Is
I a: * *
Mr. end Mrs. William Galton,
Li ydminster, „Alberta, spent the
Christmas and NOW 'Year's hllideys
with Mr, and Mrs, John Rutledge, '1
Is thli'ty4btlr years since Mr, .and
MIS. Garton left Ontario, Mia,
alio and Mrs, Manly ltiitledge are
isters o.f Mrs.. Garton.
metato tc-tStM14toommt rttR vevetutdmoo
'71'(7,ENT 11-1 ATE. r,.
enffortl'r, Ont,
Eddie Bracken Ella Raines
Hail the Conquering Hero
4 comedy funnier than "The Miracle
of Morgan's Creek"
trip to
Ce'g try
At The Churches
United Church
The morning worship to the
United Church was conducted by
Rev. M. Oldham, B,A,, of St. John's
.?ngiiealr Church. His address was
s suitable New s'ear's Meditation
The choir sang the anthem "Near to
the heart of God"
Mr. Oldham's kimduless to tak•ng
this morning service was greatly
Anglican Church Notes
l:cserve Shrove Tuesday, 7^c1,
13113 for the annual Pancake Supper
4t John's. Church.
The annual Vestry Meetings .1.
ht. John's, Brussels 8 pan. on. 'I'ltos-
:ay, January 10th and St, Geargc'a,
\Veno,, at 3 p.m.
Sgt. Ross Elwood Machan
Of Moncrieff, Missing
A'P\WOOD, Jan. 0.—Mr, and mil,
James E. Machan of Monerieff have
been snaffledfrom Ottawa that their
inn, Sgt, Ross Elwood Machan was
reported as missing in Italy Dec. 20.
lir, is 23 years of age and enlisted
ohms( three years ago. Be has been
overseas 1'or two years and in. Italy
eight months.
Clinton M. O. H• Resigns
After 50 Years Service
CLINTON, Jan, 4—For more than
]calf a century medical •oftieer of
health for the Town of Clinton. 173',
A. W. Shaw tendered his resignation
to ibe town council tonight. He gave
notice of his retirement along with
his official annual report for the
year 1944, Council accepted the
resignation with expressions• of ie.
€'ret and of appreciation of Dr.
Shaw's long public service to the.
Dr. ,Shaw, as a young man, resided
in Brussels and taught school In
Ethel and at ,Smith's school No. 3,
Grev, Ids father the late John Shaw
v.as principal of Brussels school frit
.,any years,
St. John's Guild
The J•anuray meeting of St. John's
Women's Guild was held at the
Rectory on Tuesday, Jen. 9th at 3
p. m. There was a good attendance
and the Pres, Mrs, George Davis,
presided. The meeting opened with
the Epiphany hymn, Songs of Thank -
(illness and Praise 'followed by the
Scripture Lesson. Roman 12;155 and
Payer by the Rector, Rev. 12, F.
Oldham. Monthly fees and duos
rare paid. Lunch will be served at
the Annual Vestry Meeting held on
Tuesday, Jan. 10Th at 8 p. m.
It was decided to hold the Annual
Pancake Supper on Shrove 'Tuesday,
Feb. 13th and plans were made for
Mrs, M. F. Oldham served a tasty
slipper at the close of the meeting.
St. John's Rector
Appointed To Wingham
Rev. M, F. Oldham
His Grace the Most Rev, 0, A.
Seager, M.A., D.D., Lord Arch -
Sahel) of Huron Diocese has ap'
pointed Rev. M. F. Oldham, rector
of St. John's Church, Brussels with
St. George's, Walton, ,St, Davit's
Henfryn and St. ,Alban's Atwood
sirce July 1, 1942 to the rectorship
of St. Paul's Church, Wingham to
take effect Feb. 1, 1945, Mr. Olditarn
wes the choice of the Parochial
Committee of St. Paul's, Winghas
and the Archbishop of Huron has
appointed him to said Incumbency.
Melville Church Injuries of Russel Fox
At both serviles in r\felviile Defined More Fully
Church the praise, and the messages Mrs.. David' Hastings received a
centred' In the New year, In the letter from, her brother Tpr. R. C.
morning the text was from Isaiah Fox, written on Dec, 18, just 4
8:22 •and 9:2, There are two re- days after he was wounded In
spouses to life one is pes5lmi5m action, The letter in part read:
issuing so often In despair and the Old Jerry has put me• away for a
olher Is faith, A solo, "I Need Thee long time. Its very difficult writing
Every Hour, was sung by Geral,l because I am flat on my back unable
Gibson. In the evening the sermon to move, as he put a large piece of
dealt with the Journey of'Elijal and shrapnel through my right hip.
191isha 'before Dlijabstlftn lation tearing ligaments and maybe in
duet, "Come Roly. Spirit," by nig the hip joint as it passed right
Jerome, was sung by Margaret tbroughs so inp walking.days may be
Cardiff and Mary Lou Mal ariene. aver as 1t may be stiff after it heals,
7'1'e choir sang "Come to our Hearts 1 was Ex -rayed and then operated
ar,& Abide," and the solo parts were or,. Tite shriapnel passed through
taken by Gerald Gibson and Tic, t
from the back and then opened 01)
L. D. Thompson. la cut to front of my leg about 4
inches in length. The piece of
shrapnel was about two inches long
and one half tan square so it
rips an ugly gash, The nurse in the
operating room is. from Hamilton,
Ter. Fox landed in England on
Oseernber 14, 1942 and was wounded
on December 14, 1944, Just two years
to the very date. He is now In a
hospital In. Southern Italy;
I Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Veronica Lake Franclot Tons
The Hour Before the Dawn
Hi Diddle Diddle
Neic ,
t Thurs. Fri., Sat.
Claire Trevor Albert Dekker
CThe Women of the Town
Hand Saws,
Cross -cut Saws
Any kind of saws
If you want yours to really
cut as It should . • ..
Leave at The Post
Printing Office
He is a native of Chatsworth, Ont.,
:: Owen -Sound district, an] re•
ceired his schooling there and High
S.hool Education at Riverdale
Collegiate Institute in Toronto, Ile
rr a graduate of Wycliffe College,
Tr.•ronto and was student assistant
to St. Clement's Church, Riverdale,
In Toronto City. Was student et
'tipley and Pine River. Ordained by
the lhte . Archbishop Williams of
Duren Diocese in 1928, his 'first
Parish was St. Alban's, Atwood and
St, David's, Heufryn, tieing rector of
this parish the second tirne wh
he has been rector of Brussels.
Was rector of Dundalk Parish, then
Christ Church Tara and Holy
Trinity Church Chesley. Before cora
t'g to Brussels was rector of St.
George's Church, Clarksburg and
Ti:ornbury with Heathcote an'l
Ocllingwood Township.
50th Wedding Anniversary
Last Sunday, January 7111, i:ti5i,
the Ileth wedding anniversary lam
Mr. and .Mrs. Thomas Ryan, Si,.
resitting in Graham's Survey.
During the afternoon 0 few :rt
!heir neighbours and friends called
on them t0 offer congratulations.,
and present a wool blanket, . towels
and a beautiful wedding cake decor-
ecor-aled In Ml's, K. ,Sthurrie's best style.
The sample were taken enlirxiy
by eui'prise but. were clelighted that
theh' friends bad honoured them 3n.
this way,
During conversation they .s'site
they were monied in at. Columba'a.
Church a few smiles east of Sen -
forth by Dean Murphy, They drew&
tnere from Beachwood in a douhist
cotter on a day very much like las,.
.Saturday. Their attendants 'i:e
still living. The bridesmaid va
Miss Minnie Ryan now Mrs, Geo.
Arkson of .Toronto and Pat Ryan,
cousin of the groom was hest mar-,
row of Goderich.
The roads were very much like
this Year only no snow plows or'
automobiles, There were no 'p:wries
then nor of course radios or aero-
The wedding dinner was held at
the home of the bride's brother in
Beeebiwood and only a very few or
the guests of fifty years ago are sae
Mr. and Mrs. Ryan had three sons'
and three daughters one daughter
led in Detroit about -eleven years
Before the neighbours left ass -
address was read and the gifts
Presented after which the hostess
served a cup of tea and cut .bei'
wedding cake that all might sira'•e
in its goodness.
Following is the address;
Brussels, Ont., Dec, 7. 1945
Dear Mr and Mrs, T. Ryan:
We, your frinds and neighbot:rs
feel that this honorable celebration
should not pass without us showing
our highest esteem for you both.
Wehave found you both very kind.
and ready to help us.
The memories of your fifty years•
of wedded life will be treasures lie -
gond coat. No doubt there has be'pra
trials and tears. but there has arra•
been pleasures and smiles.
We ask you to accept these small
tokens and trust as you use them
you will think of us all,
May you both enjoy many male
years of peace and happiness,
Signed on behalf of your friends.
and neighbonn•s: Mrs. H. 1111lle f;.
Miss i Elliott, Mr. and Mrs. Roy
Tlruelll, Mr. and MTs: Jolin Speirs,
Mr, and Mrs: Earl Cudmore, Mr. ants'
Mrs. •Ohas. Lake, Mr. and Mrs, Herr
Sherrie, Miss M. Shortreed, bliss
McNab, Miss Flo. Buchanan, 5dcw
Strachan, Mrs. Pratt, Mrs. Engler; .
Tin', Joe ThuelL
Before departing they wished the
bride and groom of 1895 many more -
happy useful years.
Mrs. Oldham is the former Mita
Agnes( Henry of Chatsworth.
Mr, Oldham Is the son of 0 medical
family, his father the late Dr. T.
Oldham was M.D. in Chatsworth for
thirty years, his . brother the late
13r. M. Oldham, was M.D. in '.Cara_
His mother, Mrs. M. R. Oldham and
a sister Mrs•, R. E. VanlRuekirk rt4e
in Chatsworth. During his student
days he worked in Diocese of Fred-
ericton in Northern New Brunswick.
During his rectorship the loral
' d
Anglican parish has made decided
Progress. St. John's, Brussels and
St, David's, Henfryn have been
oompletely redecorated' and all
branches of the church • work have
been strengthened. The Sunday
school now in Brussels numbers 64
members, He will preach his tare•
well sermon on Sanitary 2Sth. Unfit
another rector is appointed he will
look giber St. John's, Brussels in
conjunction with 'tis work in '
Ililcle "So this is the young hone,
fill, eh? Why, i looked Just lik3 hint
at that age. 'What's . he crying
Little Mete: 'He rang hate heard
what you 5atd."
An ,: u al Meeting
n Red Crossanadia
Brussels Branch of the Canadian
will be held in the
Library Friday, Jan. 12th
at 8 o'clock P. M
A good
attendance is asked fore
Freaident. 'Treasurer
(By Oliver Riley)
Th.e Ontario Minor Hockey League -
which recently has been forme:
opens in full swing on . Fric7ar
night when Blyth Midgets play]
at Wingha.m. Brussels has also
made tap a' team and they Play their
first game on Wednesday, Jar, 17.
This section of the league comp•ises,
Drnsselis, .Blyth and Wingluarn. 'Yam
teams have been practicing and are
in tip-top shape and will show a real
cines of hockey. So all you hockey
fans don't forget to come out and
support you' home town team and
St. John's Sunday School 1 cheer them to .a victory,
Sunda Jun, 17th at the)
Don't forget Jsnriaryy 17th—B'1'th
On Yp'„lYa at Brussels, Ganite starts at
regular' session of. St. John's 5nadaY 1 8 0,elock sharp.
School at 2 pm. the attendance Tilers is a doitblo schedule, Pita
award prizes for 1944 Were liven, I fist half of the 'sehedue. is as The following attended 01 sandal's follows:
in the year, and were each given a 1 Jan, 712--13lyth at Wingham
beak tor a prize:
Miss Donna.Cudmese
Jacit. Coleman
Kenneth Aloocic
'Phe. second Prize, a pin with gold ,
plate and enamel on which ' are
inscribed St John's C. of E. S. S.
is ere given to the following gcupils
who attended 52 Sundays:
Esther Raymond
Winnie Raymond
Betly Aleoelc '
The prizes weer nreeetned by the
1112101', Rev, 1v1. 7, Oldham and Mr.
M. 7:aycock, Supt.
The total attendance for 1144
amounted' 10 1635 and the offerings
$111.79. tSitrllt'a.y School was• held
.c',ery 04lnday, There . wers 78
names on 1116 ro11, Average attend
lthoe was 36,
Zan. 16—Wingham a,t Blyth
Jan, 17 --Blyth aC ,Brussels
Jan, 19—Brussels at Wingham.
.Ian. 22-11russels at tilyth -
Tan. 24—Wingham at Bruselefat.
Jan, 26--13lyth at Wingltamt
Sitarban-1n Toronto on Sunday;
January 7th, 1945„at the home of
her daughter Mrs. 0, 'Soott, Aunts ,
13allantyne, beloved wife of tlto
• tate Alexander Strachan,
F•ttneral service was 11010) from Vol,
v lbo Presbyterian Church Iii ANIS,
0015 on Wednesday, January 10th,
Serrate at 2.36 p. tn. htterntant'
wars mane in Brussels eelitetcry.