HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-12-29, Page 1T
POST F'UBL1S11JNG HOUSE Wednesday, December 29th, 1943 .....----BRussEcs
iprinowttogtfoccoomoremtovestmemvocioveitetwovamewwmgiazwemsicvimlum avccevockmiminlmvrAcgoome.mcmpeAmmozzigvgvesate.v.,04mcgttocicommirenwe.„.,Q ev,,,......-4,,,N,:,,,,,:mommatcpcoewor4,,,,,vo, m 41 Kuscoostottmultmomicoall'
The „Pest Takes This Opportunity f Wishing Our Readers And
ON, f,;S,
.41, i.' +,
4y ??4ew
Anglican Church Noes Red Cross Notes -* * * * * * * * *
Christmas Day aerrietl in Si' The woritroOM will be open again
John's Church were held at 9 a.m. on January 5, There Is much * * *
end 10.39 a.m. with the rector, Rev, knitting and sewing to be done and
M. IP, Oldham In charge, .4.2 the Elizabeth Little
workers are urgently needed,
latter service the ChrIstmas sermon
Our firmed forces eve expected to There passed away in SagInew
WOO given, The 1101Y
c'mvri-1-111-1°-11- mane it greet effort to 00(1 the war 10 Michigan, 1st 2700 Lapin Ave., on
nvas administered at, each service. Durope in 1944,' Let the women at Deo, 1711 Elizabeth Little, beloved
On Sunday, Dec. 26th service was home do their part In providing wife of Gideon Hood. She had been
held at 7 pan. This• date neleg" St. knitted articles for the services, in Minn health for a number of
Stephen's Day. The sermon was bas• hospital supplies and clothing for years,
ed on the ilre and teaching of this refugees. . The deceased was the claugliter 00
saint. Ole was one of the linst Come to She ,workroom Wednesday, the late Win, and Mrs, Little, She
seven Deaeons of tbe Christian January 5.
was in her 85th year, Born in Morris
Church and was the first Christian : •
township, where she resided until
Martyr, her marriage in 1835 to her now
Mrs. M Bredin sang a Christmas' bereaved husband. She was a
solo "'Twee the Birthday of a King." orns Twp. Council sister of the late John Little. A
Mr, L, C. Thompson was• ac-
comcganist. Re-elected For 1944 sister (Mary, Jane) Mrs. Robert
Henderson passed on a number of
im'c''"4•74'"'''''''mwm.'''''''''''''"""`cosowl. Lack or interest in the again or'Y'SO113 .age. 'Besides her sorrowing
REGEN1 THEATRE, Morris Tow,nahlp Was &v1acd*hen husband slid leaves one grandson.
An only... child (Manii e) Mrs,
. the smalleet attendance,' in yearn
Sea or Ont. was on hand tor the meeting held in
the Township Blall ou Monday
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
anternoon for nomination and to hear
December 30th, 31st, Jan. let
the financial statements for the
2nd show starts 9:16
John Hale Marian Montey
Arabian Nghts
In Technicolor
The 1943 Reeve and Councillors
were the only candidates nominated
and were declared duly elected by
No magic carpets Just sand
• clerk George Martin as follows:
ana romance
Morris Twp Council for 1944
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Cecil Wheeler, Reeve, moved by
January 3rd, 4th, 6th Mar tin Grasby seconded by Jas.
Two Feature, 2 show starts 8.45 dierk.
William Holden Robert Benchiey 0. R. Coulles—counelllon. moved
Susan Hayward by Jtobt. McMurray,' secondd by
Young and Wiling Wm. Brydges,
—Also— jamas Miehle—commillor, moved
The greatest thrill of all by Jas. Clark seconded by Martin
Jacase Grasby.
Feared by everything that breathes! Harvey Johnston--councillon
ed by Gilbert McCallum seconded by
Thursday, Friday, Saturday, Wilmer Outhill.
'January 6th, 7th, 8th • William Speir—oounellices moved
2nd show starts 9:15 by Thos ISIlIs eeeonded by Wm.
Pat O'Brien Ann Shirley Brydges. • .,
Randolph Scott
The first speaker was the present
See the bombing of Tokyo before
Reeve, who is also reeve for 1944.
your very eyes.
He explained at the outset that he
woutll complete his remarks pretty.
much to County Council matters and
the councillors would report oa their
work. He said in the nrst, year -at
Godericb it was difficult to get
familiar with what was going on as -
matters were done Meetly in com-
mittee. He had carefully studied
the minutes however and felt he
would be in a better position at
First show starts each evening - 7:30
Matinee each Saturday at 2:30 p.m:
"So teach us to number P„
our days."
Melville Church
Rev. Semuel Kerr, 13.A., esto :
10 A.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Moring Worship
A New Year's Message.
Louts D. :Thompson, Organ!
and Choirmaster
7 P. M. Evening Worship
The Rev. Hugh Wilson
will preach.
United Church
Minleter—Rev. Hugh C. W11909
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"New Year. 'Profit
or Loes"
Junior Congregation 1
12 Church School and
Bible Class
At ,Melville Presbyterian
Church of England
'• Parish of Bruise%
RectornRev.• M. F. Oldham
• Second Sunday After
Christmas, January 2nd, 1943
st. John's •Church, Brussels -
2 P. ht. 'Sunday Sehool
M. Holy Communion
. and Sermon
• St. Sweets, Walton—
• 3.30 P.M. Sunday Schoo• l
4 P„ M. Dedication of Mem.
oriel Prayer Book, Holy Gem -
minion ari0 Sermon, •
82 Davldrep Henfryiss-
105 P. M. Sunday School
i4. Holy Communion
••" and Set/non •
.John's Brussels*
• ThUrsday, Jan. Min 1944 •
.8 P, M., Annual Week Of Petty.
Rev, Se Kerr, B. A,
Janes O'Day predeceased het! in,
• The funeral Was held from her
late 'residence to Forrest Lawn
Peter MoNab
Pinal tribute Was -Paid to Peter
McNair ata funeral -servise held in
the Melville Presbyterian Church on
Thuradays • December 23rd. Mr.
McNair, who was spendins the winter
in' Montreal died In the. Homeopathic,
Hospital of that city on December
21st after a eomparatively Short
Mr. MoNab, second son of • Mr.
and Mrs. William Mnalab, ,was born
in MaKiltop Township, 'and while a
young man moved with his family to
Grey Townsihip. Pnr the past forty
years he has resided on his farm on
the Oth line of Morris.
He is' survived 'by his daughter
Mary Elizabeth (Mrs. A. H. Robert-
son) of Montreal, also three brothers
Duncan and W.11llam of Stratford and
john of Brussels. 'He was predeceas-
ed by his wife, Catherine Ann
Knight nine years ago.
The funeral services were eanduct-
ed by Revered S. Kerr of the
Melville Presbyterian Church. In-
, torment was made In. Brussels
cemetery. Pallbearers, old friends
and neighbors of long standing
were Sam Alcock, Ernest Smith.
Harvey McCuteheon, Ivan McArier,
George Aleock and John Kelly.
Local News
.tercmowenswo.,,,,,',.\.::::,f,NureAvot, Grey Rem
1 Christmas Visitors council &
Sgn. Harris bell at his home. There was qui'
the riontinatio0
Mr. and. Mrs. Walter IL, Hugon, ,,,,
Miss Thelm:13:others 10 Toronte. Township Hall.
wish to thank their many friend's: forp', %.0,41f,ntWo 1.91xlivali.'e'ssFr' 2111110'111g.htupan":1.eefianttaliolnY
uttertoon or Una
Utah. meny kind wishee and gine. ....„ ...
rea vemen t. I CaPta1n G. * * *
ror'''tha many kindnesses extended
while IVIrs. Haggai) was 1510.up,
with a fractured shoulde'r. . to them during their recent be- ' borne, R. Campbell at his ith'' John P0"
man and COOOUCI
We wish to thank all those who
helped in any.' way in our recent
nereavement; especially those who Mcislial3—To the many relatives and
lent cars and Mr Kerr. Your kind- friends of the late Peter McNair.
tress will ever be remembered.
who remembered him with floral
Thee, anclradzean tributes, and wbo paid their last
Robt. Meradstan respects at the fueeral rites. Mr, and
Mrs. Shaw ard Ethel Mrs. A. a Robertson, wish to
express their sincere tItanks,
• Skating Started
At The Churches
The 'first skating of the season was Keeping alive the enthusiasm of
on Friday of last week. Tile lovers grpat occasions, was the subject of
of skating reported that the ice is in the morning sermon in the United
excellent shape, brussels should be Church. The minister spoke of the
Proud to own such a good rink for danger of patting away the Christ -
the young as well as the old to mac .Spirit with the Christmas dec-
provide healthy recreation for all. orations. At tlie 'Union service in
the evening Mr, feenrtook his text
„,„ w . "Emmanuel" Matthew Mr. L.
• ariung 'Wheeler took the solo patlit-40the
Children were observed an the ice evening anthem,
on the river just west of the bridge .At the morning service iu Mel-
on Wednesday morning. It was ville Church music and message
definitely not a safe place for them centered in the Christmas story, The
to be. The ice was very thin with minister preached from the words
running water just a fenr yards front "Por unto us is born this day in the
where the childern were seen. city of David a Saviour, which is
Parents should caution' their young- Christ, the Lord." The three words,
Eters about the grave danger of "Saviour," "Christ," and "Lord"
being on the ice at the.present time were stressed, with their large
and warn them to stay off. meaning for llfe Mrs, Bredin sang
"The Birthday of. a King," by Neld-
linger. The anthem by the cboir
Premier Churchill was "Glory to God in the Highest"
by Cooke. The evening service
is Now Out of Danger
vras held in the United Church
LONDON, Dec. 29—A statement
from 10 Downing street said last
night that Prime Minister Churehill,
stricken with pneumonia in the Morris Couple
Middle East recently, "continues to
make very satisfactory progress." • W
ie not expected that any fluthelMeoriid 50 Years
The statement added that it 1, '
it . and‘er'ari.Mrs, Aaahant Procter,
bulletins will be isseed"—a
s township m
celeettd their
indication that the prime Min- ! al 1 .. wedding anuiversary on
iter 'sons •as entirely outdanger. o
of I g ( en
1 Monday at their home en the 3rd
county council in the following year. William McFadzean, concession.
He said the bridge at Ethel was 1 1 A dinner NVOS held. in their honor
only given a temporary fix as it was I The commuuitY of .Walton iVtle, at noon and during the arternoon
necessary to build the Cunningham saddened by the passing of one of • OXETER , and evening they received many
bridge. The Gonne bridge was also its life-long bitizens, William Mc- , old friends and neighbors' and were
As far as. possible the roads will had been in failing health for some Mr and Mrs. Harvey Tram and
built as it was washed out. readzeann Although Mr. McFselzean rest -pietas of beattlirul gifts and
meseagar of congratulations, At the
children, also Mr. and Mrs. Lluyd I,
be plowed this winter. A new tractor time he was able to go about until Felker and family, spent Obrdinner were members of their ram-
istmas !
; ily, Stewart and vete, PrIl
octer, ar-
snow plow and a tractor had been Sunday, when he WeS 001110000 to his
Day with Mr, and Yee. Homy Timm :
added to the equipment. tIe said bed until he passed away suddenly at Listowel, , old and Mrs. Proctet of blorriS
Mr. and Mrs. G. A. Wearring, : township, Red Verde., Men Bert
there 10010 about 397 miles or on Monday afternoon .
County roads. His loss is not only feet in the Agnes and Margaret spent Christmas Armstrong and Mr, Armstrong 00
The reed committee haXaurcbased family circle winch is broken 'but and tbe week -end with Mr. and Mrs. 1
, Wit:ahem; their seven gransichll-
i dren with the exception of A.C2
$46,000 in Vickery Bonds aknt the also In the community where 'he took A. R. 'Wells, of Toronto.
General Account ' an active part in affairs as long as \so
we,.... Be,aibly of. the .a.o.A...e., is I Charles Procter who le in training
He told of a visit to. the C asnty be was able, He was a life-long on leave and spending the holiday 1 w1t11. 'the R.C.A.F. at Lachine, Que.
Home and reported it a wonderfully member of Duff's limited Church,Miss Eliza Proeter of IVIorris
well kept institution. A aew pastertirs serving first as a Sunday School season at his home here. Ile Prod.
township, cousin of Mr. Procter,
jzation plant had been installed, a 'teacher and for over forty years as' Hembly of Toranto spent the holiday '
ans, brother of Mrs. Procter who
and Di',' R. L. 'Stewart of Wing-
onisporeh and side -walks .built this a -member of Session. While in good with his family,
Miss Rona Vanvelsor of Weston,
Year. Ire ,said the Durham cows health he was seldom absent fromis spending the vacation with her were bridesmaid and groomsman at
were a fine herd, there were also 6 Worship on !Sunday and his church
the wedding 60 years ago. Mrs, R.
parents, Mr, and Mrs. M. E. Van -
L. Stewart, Mr. and Mrs, J. A.
heisteine. 124 pullets which were meant 'much to him
laying 90 to 106 eggs per day. ' l'olonving a short private service velson Miss Lois EMU, 11. N., of Womens Geddes, of Belgrave, Mrs. - Geddes
He told of the convention et at the nom the funeral WSJ held '
beteg a guest at th ewedd1ng Rev.
College •Hospital, Toronto, will epend
G. H. end Mrs. Dunlop of the Bel -
County Home officials held at from Duff's Church, Waltou, oonduct-
part of this week and the New Year
Goderieh this year and that 'they ed by Rev. S. Kerr of Brussels ' in
with her parents, Mr, and Mre. Rtay- grave United Church of ' which Mr.
1 had visited' the County . Home, the absence of his pastor Mr, Hazel -
mond Elliott. and Mrs. Procter axe members,
Centralia Airport. and Greed Bend. wood, His influence for good in
Mr. and Mrs. D. 5. Mceraughtno
A . The table was decorated with
The townsbip eountril are not the community was born testimonyrd joint, alio Man, I ft Wade,
gold and white and centred with a
allowed to give war grants he said, to both by the minister and thelarge weddieg cake which was also
spent. Ohirstmas Day with Porwich
but the county had given 1 mill, large number of &lendswho gather* friends, trimmed with gold,
$80,500 to the Red •Cross and other 20 to pay their last respect, Friends Mends here of Mr. Mr, Procter, who is 77 years ofr. T. A, Gibson •
war societies, aleperts etc. He said and relatives' were present from
of Fordevich formerly of Wroxeter, 1 age, was born on the 4th Concession
a deputation had visited the council Toronto, fBarrie, Seaforth and
win be pleased to know he Is much' 1 of 1‘5°fff0 township where he lived
in November regarding the use of russels, . improved front an attack of pee
... until hie Marriage, when he settled
health nurses 'in the eouaty. This Mr. MePadean leaves 'to mourn 1 on the farm where they still reside,
was left to the Warden's committee his passing oneson, Thomas James , -
Miss Viola Thacker of 411 line," es ,
._ 1 He was a member of the Morris
to bring int anreport, elle 'War said of Torento, two brothers, James of. snowing the vacation., et her home I. township council for a number o
' that he was not yet in. a position to Brueriels, and Robert at home, and
near Teessv•ater ' • years, also of the Session of the
matter. He said the Provincial nesetims Ise was precleceaSed bY' bre
, Miss Eleanor 'Sstederson, Toronto. 1 13°1g4uve Uilit°"11"rell'
Mrs. Procter, who is in her 761
say hew he would vete en this one sister, Mrs. Janet Shortreed of ,
health ' schelne . was reported in wife 'in 1.880. Two brothers, John spent the weeleend, with -her mother health
: year, Was born In Bluevale 5
detall in the 'December issue of the Mrs, Prank Sanderson .and uncle, Mr,
nee been VI active member of
alunielpal World. . ' ead and' Thomas also pretlecerieed
bita. . . : Thos. Ritchie. Wom en's • Missiouary Society
He thanked the column for, their s hils,s Gertrude Sangster ot Detroit,
Women's Association and a
co-operation during the' year Mr. McFatIsean was born in the1050a holiday visitor with her PM'
werker tor the 11.62• Cross
said he Would do the best he could tina 'year' 1869, 'ori the 'farm where he
enta, IVIr. 'and Mrs, James Sangasi.
. Both Mr. and Mrs. P
in the interests! of the township :I resided until his' death,. the third son
Mrs..161,1 Bolt _spent Chrtstnruts Day
enjoying fairly good heal
the corning year. . , ' • • •I3 of Thomas McIredzean .an.d nanet
with Mr, and Mrs. WM, Bolts
lowing the dinner Stewav
• " James Patehle . Lamble ' In 1016 he waft milted in
350212 Meahen of the R. N. Toronto,
acted es master of tette
Mr. Inichie regretted the poor at- ge to Bessie MoDonald of
Silent the holiday with his parents,
a short Pregrani. Rein
leads:nee. /Waal& he had heeit four The pallbearers were immediate
Grey Townskil). Mr, and Mrs. A. Merthen.
lop brought green
Yeat-5 Mr' the %tonne% the longest ,Of '
-• --- Belgralie Milted Cl
bbard,llead •got 'along well together
neighbours:- Henry Beiger,,, Geo,
antl' las. 'Clark. • , pillow, Tont; spray, brothers wad
scored Wine a 13
an tif the present counelllors. The Ranan, nitro* Bailers, RoSt Sennett Mr. end Vire,
an didwhat they deemed beat H. #66, 'floW4r bearers were three sister and MM. Shaw and • family: thin inemeaaxt
regretted that there are So Aims' niei1esever1 'Then, -Stortreed. Wilfred rtpray, II, Sellars:: :and fentilyn sprags, qtr.:wen !pros
that at preterit- these eboubi be 'Peld elartreinl, Alv'itn, 5205)05510 and Walton 'Britten 'nfhtiseents
'Tiaternient 'ine.nat itinthe" faunly plot 'ark: temille
menthers of
beak Same about 48689100, He felt 'r
Gerold Ofileoun -,
mo" Pm34417'• Ili' dell "ilie Oliange The beautififi tributes' inOlUded, a in lbefistele. earnMerre,
Dantinued en beide Page
* *
Mrs. M, Wineberg is 111
* *
account of the
The members a
Mratilrans LpollusmP.lum, with ace mother,
e * *
John McNair
Norman Thompson, R.C.A.F., position of ex
Toionto at his home. road pardon
Mrs. H. Parken
r with hie mothet, maill of a
David Parke
* *
form o"
A, G. Pox, Brandon, Mart„ with sented
his brother S. Pox. ' to adds%
▪ *
Mr. and Mrs. Clarence nerho with nalic
his parents in Teeswater. Th
* *
John Logan, with his daughter s
MIs. A. Sperling, St. Marys.
* 5*21
Mrs. Jno, Oliver has gone to
Detroit for the winter months.
O *
e Mrs. E. Jewell, who 11 seriously 111
Inresheen taken to Clinton hospital. ...
• * 9
R. H. Porter of Manitoba
visiting his motifern..Mrs. H. Porte
Miss Phyllis Sullivan is spendir
the Christmas holidays in Searor
• *
Sgt. Wm. Prest, n..c.A.F., of Deb
N.$., was home for the Chris
* *
Mee Pearl Banker, Toronto,
bel' parents, Mr. and Mrs.,
* * *
Mrs. J. E. Smith left last
floreehr*sley where she will s
* * *
Ms Wilma Lowrie of
spent Christmas holidays
Miss Nora Lowrie of
spent Christmas holiday
home. „
Mies Mary Helen Eckrt
with•her parents L. W.
Miss G. Rose and
Blain, Toronto, with In
D. C. •Ross.
very saasfactory
Reeve T. 1'.
ting 1 Reeve Alex Aim
work of the Coen
Mrs. Brothers in tat
Son Lyle Brothers el
'awl Mrs. Brothers.
Misses Aileen
Gibson., Toronto, w
Mr. and Mrs. 5. Bib
Sgt. 3. A. and
arid Mr. and Mrs.
with Mr. and Mrs
Mr. and Mrs.
and Miss Ellin
with Mr. and 31
Leslie Le
several day
mather, Mr
Mr. an
Miss M
with .