HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-12-22, Page 1•
POST PUBLISHING HOUSE Wednesday, December 22nd, 1943
0,,,a,,,wevowoomismovoistomocoetemeamottorivemormovvoromocomeetco gmroz,vv.,,,wockm,g,44-fma,e.,c,,comawveNcAtommatevvvegavocionvoatoommorozoom eAtmegvivomeommetwstomotogrw.eametvcomeimgmmasommoctoromcoopoormeaveroser •
May Christmas of 1944 See Our Boys and Gnu in the /Limed Forces Home ec,gain
etegefermeteiceeleiceceediceeteligiesgeegteleitetteeetelettlfeltetteseleveletieleteteeeCetteetteeigeffeitteelgteleliVetescedleelteleeelekeeeleeteiteesiteteueletteeleeetteetreeteigtelgieleteleteeeeletestleteMeeeleteleteieeMeltetleetieeresemiems etenergeseesiseeetesegetecteggeeteeeteletweregistereateletetecetteeleteceiceeleieeneteteigerreteeParee,
ViitteititAtneMAKaNUMaittMR69..,''AC7). Warrant Offieer- MaChan
Killed -In Action I
i ObituarY Wedding Anniversary
lo New: ..1t.,,ms ,,,,, . ,, _ 4' * * * Celebrated Silver•
On, Wednesday or lust week ........„
'fanned .OffIcer, Willie IIInok Ross
ollficlal word was receive(' tha
Mr. William II Wright and family WINCHAM, Dec 10-4, et' G,',
CARD OF THANKS Gets Cornmssion
A life-leeg resident of Ode vicinity,
Christena Learmont
meal Cardiff, 7th concesttion of Grey
TOWnshie, e'athered at the herne Of'
relatives of eir and Mrs. Wm 3 D
On Friday evening., Dee, 17, quite-
* * 44 * * * ,1: II: a large eamber of the trioxide and
the Azores region, AilaeLie Ocean
Meehan had been killed in action In ' ' '
Co 'the many kindneeses . exteedee he Royal Canadian Air Form, b as Dee. 15111 10 b or wish to -express their allereetation Northwood, on duty in Canada with rhflaterta Leal'77700t• paasea
84th year at the carom.
e Meier e ma tiler, 11fre. Jas.
in honour or their tIVestitr.
Willie was ,the eldest son of Mr. for the many kindnesses extendid lime of her niece Mrs. Louis Hel- firth wedding anniversary,
ebiPirt ogiellaczterteeti ItiSfseDanimitoisn$Imolf lira,
and Mrs..Stanley E. Mahan, 12th reavement.
linger, Morri
0. Northwood of Wine•hain. Grey TownsbeTownsliln. Born in Ta.ken completely gy surpriee, Um •
eon., Grey and was born on April
----- -e-- , Des. 8th , 100a, th_ b s
cou9le were overvelielined with Con.
14, 1922, He attended public sebool CARD OF THANKS - daughter of the late Thomas Lear- gi,areiatlens and geed wishes for
at S,S, to,, 10, and later Continuation Mr. and Mrs, Stange), leen:ham and Notice._.-
To 001' customers i.,1 the 7101111tY ' the future, Euchre was eejoyed yy
of Brussels -Please order mont awl IVfargaret Stewart, the
Sokool at Ethel dor two yam, In family wish to thank all *who have your faleleneua;me was the last survivor of the all with hire. Harold CardiT winning
SannarY 1941 he enlisted as Wireless extended sympathy to them in
Air -gunner in tine B.:(1.A.P. and oom recent sad bereavement, these
"r nicks now, We have Installed a and a member of Knox the ladies' prize end 'Mr, Bride
1 • Church Cranbrook, Rev, S. Kerr
menced training in June at Manning inessag-es of comfort,. and kindneseincubator and will lie batching
Depot, Toronto. 'Three months later shown. will never be eorgotten, I 111,000 chleke a' week, at present
some hatches are all seoken foe. of Brussels conductel the services prizes being won br Mrs. R. 2,...,
. Pafl- Downing and Mr Walter Wintanz- -
. t a men a The booby •
CARD OF THANKS bearers were joseph Bewley Leslie
al the tents and erevesde, I all
Holmes, Wm. Hollinger, • Clifford
Shuffle, Frank son.
he went to Guelpb .whore he gradw -------- •
Walter Rose Poultry Farm
Durieg the course ef the evening -
Our sincere thanks Is extended to
Egg Grading everyone gathered . in the deelmge
all the neighbours and friends for
Machine Installed Appleby. Interment was made in ' . .
Sellers and Samuel
room, where Mr. and Mrs Cardfle
of sympathy during our bereaveinent been i ns t a lied at : b e Das t Huron the family plot In Brussels cemetery
' archway of pink midi white stream -
the mauy acts of kinduess and wares Another egg -grading machete has —...._e_ seated under a beautifully decorated -
Hope, then to Defoe, Seek. Soon
and. to Rev. S. Kerr. It will long Prod uce Dinporiern. This makes me, were the yecIpiente of. a lovely
after be went to Debert, N.S., a,nd
be remembered, „ • three of these efficient neidern silver tray and boa bonedish.
was 00 active * . • Mrs. -L. Hollinger machines that has been installed in de
ervice delete coastalLewis E. Altiworth
Mrs. jag Bryans read the address -
patrol, He went overseas in March .
this plant. Lewis E. Aidworth died on Salm-
and Mrs. Jas. Arm:drone' presenieir
wae made Flight Sergeant, PrOM
of this year and a short tine later
and Family
--- y at the home o is so s - ,
f h* n *n law
Mere he went to Gibraltar and the Morris Hen
Christirstas D
In Firviseis Town H 11
on Christmas Eve, Dec. 24th
In aid of & G., Cigarette Fund
:Muilic by:—
The Huron Ramblers
AratissioN 35c
3141.4um..9 0166,01c
Candlelight Service Held
‘At Melville Church
'The morning service in Melyl
tChurch expressed the message
10eristmas in sermon and song. T
:minister preached from the wor
"Thou shalt call his name. Jesus, f
Ole sivae1 save his people from th
sins" Two anthems were render
by the ,eboir:"Glory Lo God in
ated with his •wireless aparks, follow -
'Highest,” by Caleb Simper and "The ing he was sent to Macdonald, man.,
'Wonderful Story" by S. Matthews, where be got Ills wings and Sergeant
!The evening service took the form stripes. He returned to 'Ontario and
,a Candlelight Carol Service. For was posted to Bli•teh and Mount
Ole •Mis service the Church was bee,uti-
ef fuely decorated A large number of
Ile candles were in USG, and the illum-
inating effects very pleasing. The
°I. minister was assisted in the pulpit
elf by the Rev. Mr. Wilson • of the
od Uneted .Chuech. The programme
the followed in this service was,
Come let us adore Him
,Christ the Lord."
Melville Church
Rev, Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.O.
10 A.M. Sunday School and
13151e =Class
11 A. M. Christmas Message
and ChIrstmae ielusie
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster
7 P.M. The evening service
will be held in the Welted
Organ prelude; opening Hymn
168; Carols by choir and congre•
action.; Sceepture reading; Anthem,
a "Glory .to God in tilt Highefit,"
el Cooke; Pray*r; Organ solo "TM
.Thy of Man's. Desiring'," Bach An-
them "And Did Those Feet in
In Ancient times"; Carols by choir and
A congregation; Solo by Mrs. Roy
Cousins, " Christmas Chimes" -
Hamblen; .Scripture reading. Solo by
kir, Win, Spier, "Teach me to Pray";
Announcements and Offering; Re-
! marks by Rev. S. Kerr; Anthem,
"The Wonderful Story," -5. Mat -
haws; Solo by Mrs, E. Insane "The
Holy Child," -East/lieu; Closing
Hymn. 171; Benerlict1011; Organ
United Church
Hinister--Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
Junior Congregation 1 I
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Fit 11 A. M. Morning worship
"Keeping Our Enthusiaern"
etr.„Wqmweeqsalgamotattqwelgiga g
LeslieBeirnes of Morris township
ganiftds'etre. W. J. D. Cardief •
Lays "V" Egg after an illness of some months, He zthlre
Dear Bill and Mabel:
A hen, on a farm In Morris Town was in his 87th year, The departed
It is said' that the three most
ship. expreseed her confidence in an man WEIS born in Goderich town -
important events in itte are, our -
Surviving the loss or n dearly Mr, and Mrs, Leslie BeIrnes, I Predict hle defeat '
by laying an egg able, a eon of the late Williams and
- retired to 1178 with Mr. anti Mrs. we have no contrcl or choice.
Allied Victory birth, or its beginning, marriage, oz.
with a perfect "IT" 10 raised relief , SIISEtt1 Aldworth anti was a resident
the fowl , find Hitler a foul and ing farmed on the Bluewater High-
way tor 44 years
of that community all his life, hese love's fulfilment, and the end,. or- '
atter whin he here. Over the first and last events,
ou the larger end of the shell Even • extinction of life, as we 'Meow- It
son and brother are his par.
enth, one brothel', Ralph at home, .
Red Cross Notes • Leslie teirnes, His wife preeeeesea Whether or not we merge our leen--
I ''
Sisters and Brothers,
The Red Cross shipped the follovv- , him in 1924. Surely:1:g are two with that of another is of our ower
sons, Fraek and Lloyd both of choosing,
(Jean) Mrs Earl Dunn, .Oranbrook;
(Lois) Bank of Commerce, Listowel Book Dedicated
Memorial Prayer
ing articles on Dec. 15th. 10 turtle Waterloo, and four daughters, As this event makes or mans.
, neck sweetens, 10 ribbed helmets (Rube), Mrs. Dempsey of' Goderich life of the persons involved, it is et
and Glenne at home,
the utmost importance that Veer
On Sunday, Dec. 1Dth at 11 ain prs. snobs, i.z yrs. tang stockings: township; (Pearl) Ifrs. Beirnes of
in St. aohn's Church, a large Desk
ers. mItts, 50 sheets, 30 hot-waterows be taken only after the most
Morris township; (Laura) Mrs. Al -l -
Canadian Prayer Book was dedicated! 10
by the rector, Rey. 111 , 5. Oldham. chiefs, 5 girls' junipers anti waists, efuredd ivrWrearznerni, et Genode(relxly ) teorwRnsehylapl. ' seTriiovueentznyseldeyreaatireona.g
16 women'sblonses, 4 .Oak, Mich. happy dayin the lives Qoftot-icivoaypweoaBeil:
• bottle covers, 150 khaki handker.
This book is in memory of the late
years a devoted and faithful mem-
Whs. Fanny Emma Dames, for many quilts. The funeral was held from the stvithi.somevvegneinhgave ogiiiititihma•eiddatyo whilonrut
United Church Service residence of • 'hIs son-in-law,
bar of the church. The book was
----- MinaThe
Church was in charge 'of the Leslie Beirnes at 2,:an. p.m, Monday, h,71aemleesveD:nffidewiclor jedalrydlgtfeodeendeonwezdlab.till
,Dec. 20. Rev. S. Kerr of the Pres -
The morning service M the 7J 't 1
given by her sister, ,miss mit
Rogers or Mount Foreet. It Is used 1 the iSllzabeth Bruce, who, in return for
op the prayer Desk for the regular minister who spoke from the : text
"There was no room for them in the services. Interment took place in
byterian Church conducted
value received pledged to heves
services. It Is in large black print lime honor and obey, the man of her
The choir sang the anthem 33aylield cenreterY.
and the rubrics . are in red I "Arise seine
by Maker and Mrs. R. choice all the daye of her life.
type. The rector preached on the 73. Cousins in beautifut voice sang _
So far as we have been able to.
Christmas theme, ' The leather sent 1•"Ile shall feed his flock," from the judge, the vows taken on that diee-
the Son to be the Saviour of ' the ; Messiah. Mrs William Wright
have been kept, and life has been
World,' I John 4:14, He mentioned i In the evening. the congregatinn There passed to her Eternal re- one of happiness Pee' accord in each
aboat the splendid ilfe of the late I met at Melville Church and partici.. ward on December 18, 1943, Resina other,
Mrs. Dames and the iniportant place And now you hays reached YOUr
patecl in the Candlelight Carol serv. Wheeler in her 64th year, beloved
she tilled in the chump life. Christ- • lee. silver anniversary.
-- -- --- wife of Willie an.H. Wright; William
Street, Brussels bile leaves to Your friends • here assembled, ex-
mae Hymn's and Caeols were sting% '
Thera was a good attendance. ' one tend heartiest congratulations to
!Mr. and Mrs. Wra. Speirs mourn her lose, her -husband;
• Celebrate 25th Anniversary daughter Elizabeth of Toronto; one , .,,
Anglican Church Notes i son Henry of XamestOwn: and a "Alts a memento at this happy event.
we ask you to accept this silver tra.o '
daughter Dorothy of MoKillop
whieh comes to you heaped up with.
Township and two grandchildren. A
daughter Wilma, predeceased her best wishes for your future limed -
nese, and bopes that many of ole -
twenty-four years ago. Four brothers
here tonight may aloebe present at
three sisters also survive. ,
your golden anniveeSarY
I3orn in Turn.berry Township, her
The sun be warm and kind to you
parents being the late Henry
Mrs, Wheeler. She The darkest hours, some star shine- .
Thomas and
celebrated her 4rst wedding anni through,
The dullest morn
versary on December 3, 1943. She
A radiance brew.
lived for some time in Grey Town-
ship, near Wingham; Morris Town. : And when dash comes,
in.oved seven years ago. She was a
ship and finally Brussels where she God's hand
To you.
member of the United Church. , Signed on behalf of:
The funeral took place from her Mae Bryans. Ada Armstrong;
late residence on Monday. Deoem- Addle Cardiff, Adeline Campbell.
ber 20_1943 with Bev. H. cl, Wilson Mr. Cardiff made a very suitable -
reply on behalf e himself and War
officiating at the home and grave-
side.. Interment In Wroxeter °eine. bride of twenty-five years ago, Ma
tery expressed the wish that they word
She WAS a 'eying mother anti all he permitted to be together -
loved by a great host of friends, twenty-Rve years .hence.
The dower.b6s.rere were Mrs, H. Mrs. .Harold Campbell; their Olattr
13. .Allen, Mrs, Maurice 'Aycock, Mrs, daughter sang the appropriate cribs.
Wesley Speiran and Mrs. Ben "I Love You Truly',"
Whittard. A delicious lunch, was served:116v
The pallbearers Were her two gneets.
brothers -hi -taw, Mr. Wesley Sermy'n, Mrs. Cardiff cut her beautiffelfr.
Mr. Frederick Hogg and •previous decorated wedding cake, and th.
neighbours, Mr. john Snell, Mr cake and' ice bream was served,
Charles 1VIcCutcheon, - Mr. ,Catneron After thanking their hostess eves -'Adams, and Mr. Twines Vancantp. elle departed to their' 'respective'
homes. . .Guests. were present front-
s s * * * * * * * • Brussels, Atwood and Walton.
Azores and before nia death bed Our sincere thanks is extended to
been promoted to Warrant officer, all neighbors and friends for the
Willis had a genial, cheerful dis• many acts of kindness and words of
position and had many friends sympathy during our rdaent bereave -
wherever he went. He took an active ment to those who loaued ears and
Part in the work of 'Union United to Rev. S. Kerr, it wfil never be
Churcb .of which he was a member, forgotten. '
I cannot say and I will not say
''hat he is dead, He Is just ewer-,
With a cheery smile and a wave of
of the band
He has wandered into an unknown
Postlude. land,
And left ue dreaming how very fair
:e le needs must be, since He lingers
A Christmas Dance there.
will be held in Think of hire still as the same We
Brussels Town Hall say
He is not dead, He is just' aWaY.
Under auspices of Morning Star
I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of Reeve, and Four Council -
will provide the music.
Wednesday, December 29th
Rebekah Lodge
The Victory Orchestra
lors, to serve the Township of
Admission 35c each. Morris during the year 1944.
will be held at the
hurch of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
Christmas Day Sat, Dec. 25th 0
St. John's Brussels -
9 A. M. Holy Communion
10.30 A. M. Morning Prayer
Holy Communion and Sermon
St. John's Church, Brussels --
Sunday December 26th
2 P. M. Sunday School
7 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Soloist Mrs. E. Breslin
8t. Georges,, Walton -
3.30 P.M. Sunday School
4 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Setimon
St. David's, Henfryn--...
1,15 P. M. Sunday School
2 P. M. Evening Prayer
• and Serinon
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday,' Fritrays .eeeirdey,
Dec. 23rd, 24th, 25th
Fred Astaire Joan Leslie
The Sky's The Limit'
The sparkling story of a Flying
Tiger on leave . .. who only wanted
to dance and play ... for fivemagioal
Manhatten nights! ..„
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
Deol 27th. 211th. 29th
1. Gene Tierney Don Ameche
Heaven Can Wait
(in Technicolor)
A visual treat! A romantic comedy!
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
Dec. 30th, 31st, Jan, lot
John Hale Marian Mantes
Just glimpse Into
Arabian Nghts
In Technicolor
No magic carpets • • Just sand
and romance
First show starts each evening at
7.30 p.m. When single features
such as these are shown all patrons
in 1,y 9:15 will see complete show.
Matinee each SATURDAY and
holiday at 2.30 p.m.
, in accordance with the British tradition and to fall in line
with tavtit surrounding Brussels. .1' hereby proclaim
Boxing Dayolteivic Holiday
:• ••• . ..•
Asking!the citizens of Brutiels to observe it es.tuicii,
• ,
' iloVerien, ,
OillipaltAlt-0100111COIWOOV,MIlltMalle s
At 12:30 P.M. to 1:30 P.M.
if demanded a Pofi will be opened
at the following places on
Polling Sue -Division No, 1
At School House S.S. No, 1
Polling Sub -Division No. 2
At School House 5.8. No. 9
Polling Sub -Division No. 3
At School House S.S. No. 5
Polling Sub -Division No. 4
At Township Hall
Polling Sub -Division No. 5
At Stone School House S.S. No. 7
Polling Sub-Divislon No. 6
At School House S.S. No. 10
Polls to be open from 9 oholock a.m.
to 6 p.m.
Geo. Martin, Returnin3 Officer
R. R. 4, Brussel*
I hereby give notice that the Nom-
ination of Reeve, ,Deputy Reeve,
and Three Councillors, to serve the
Township of Grey during the Year
will be held at the
At 1:00 P. M. to 2:00 P. M.
If detbanded a PolI will be muffled
at the followins places on
Polling Sub.Divislon No. 1
At School House S.S. No. 4
Polling Sub -Division No, 2
At School House 8,8, No, 1
Poiftn Stilbaivision No, 6
M School House 8.8. Not 2
Polllhg Sub.ffivisfou 'No. 3A
At A. O. U. W. 14a9, Walton
Polling Sub.DIvIelon No, 4
At Community Hatt, Moncrieff
Polling Sub•Olvislon No. 6
At Township Office, Ethel
Paling Sub.DIvislon. No, 6
At School House, 8.6, No, If
Foiling Sub -Division No. 7
At Community Hall, Cranbrook
Polls ,to be.epen from 9 &clock tom,
to 5 p.m.
J. HI, Fehr, Returning Offietr "that
About 25 friends and relatives
Commencing on Sunday, Dec. 26 gathered at the home of Wm. 0,
and lasting till next April Sunday , King on Saturday ravening. Dec, 13,
School In St. John's Anglican Church ' to congratulate Mr. and Mrs, Wm,
will be held at 2 pen. and Divine Speirs on the event of their 2515
Service each Sunday at 7 p.m. All wedding anniversar7. A. social
members of the congregation are : time was spent in playiug cards for
requested to take notice, a short while and then Mr. and Mrs.
1,Speir were presented with a silver
Services will be held In St. casserole and silver cake plate.
John's Church on Christmas Day, Mr. and Mrs, Speirs thanked their
Saturday, Dec. 26 at 9 a.m. and 10:30 friends for their good wishes and
am. The Christmas sermon will be gifts and hoped they would all *meet
given at the later sereice, again 25 yeah hence, Lunch was
served by the ladies.
,On Sunday atternoon, Dec. 19 at ,
the regular service itt Se. David's
Si. John's Guild
Church, lienfryn, a beautiful Honour The annual :meet -lug' of St, John's
Roll donated by the Dept, of Nation, Church Women's Guild was held at
al Defence of Canada wets unveiled the rectory on Tuesday, Dec. 1411-1
and dedicated by the motor, Rev, M. at 2 pan, There was a good
L. Oldham In the presence of a well attendance. The meeting was open,
attended congregation. The follow- ed by singing the Christmas Hymn,
ing are the names on the Roll, Ray. "0 Little Town of BeNehem"
mond G. Hanna, Norman W. Hanna, and "the National Anthem, Rev,
Gordon Milne, Ross Milne, Charles M. F, Oldham read the Scripture
Milne, Ida Milne (C.W.A..0,), Henry Lesson and the opening prayers,
Verheye, William Laidtave Monies Mrs, GeD1'ge Davis, president was in
Whitfield, Cecil J. MoCreight. charge, Mrs. Wm, EleCutcheon,
MUNICIPAL NOTICE secretary, read the mlnates of last
I hereby give notice that the Nom- meeting. Mrs. Harvey Bryan,
'nation of Reeve, Four Councillors,
had a
gave a report which
Three School Trustees, and One showed that the organization has
ad a very successful year. Amount
Hydro coMmissloner, to serve the "Ind; san.". 1"eme5 s
Viilage of Brussels during the year The rector complimented the kwo-
Men on this good report rad than eti
the officers and members tor co
MI, be hold at the operation and help Mrs, A. Morrow
COUNCIL. CHAMBER, BRUSSELS gave a sploadid paper on the
Nominations from 7 p.m. to 8 p.m,, easel:ins of the W,A., lteld in London
MONDAY, DECEMBER 27th, 1943 also a enanenary of tlie various
If demanded a Poll will be opened addressee and reports given. The
at the following plebe/ an same officers' were appointed for
MONDAY, JANUARY 3rd, 1944 next year:- Hon, pres,„ Mrs, M. F.
Polfing Sub-Divislon, No. t . Oldlimu; vieepree., Mrii. LaYeetAtt
Joe Wilton,. D,11.0..Mr. ' P., Arista, trim recently Mrs, Clifford I3raY-a son.
Sec„ Mrs. Wm. McOnteheon: Treas, t ,
Polling Sub -Division 14o..2 elusion' of. the meeting Mrs. M. le, me favourably.
inderwent opera:ion. Is
Ben Whittord, Poli Clerk Mrs. Harve
hoopiial where she was taken Wee
y Bryan, At the 0011,
, . Jewell s serlouaiy Wednesday morning atter thE hut
Rob*. Patrick, D.R.O., Oldham, hostefusserved tasty a. toniss
Mrs. Wesley .speinan, simper sada vote or thanks vas • the misfortune to stip and fat la 101- •
Poll Clerk, given to her. 'Mrs'. C. Muldoon 'will
Pelts to be open train 9 &Coca Lei., be the bootee's ter the JannerY
to6 ihirlit * meet
nnnointed 'dee 'Dke,t, to tatt' 1-10'
ing. Mrs. M. ,Lityeock. was
Wt4rwicki' R-401051 late Mix C. 13ard66,
' Ont, place
PlanS'onf,ertheemade. tor the thinditi
School Social on Dec, 21,
* * * • *
Miss Evelyn Cinningbam, NITHITTARD-In SL Catliartutra,
Brantford, spent s few days this General Hospital to Mt. and M.
Week with her parents' Mr, and Herold Whittard on Tuesday* •
mm's. D.R. Cunningham, December 145, a gift of a .sest,
Mrs. M. Beet and Mies 19. Best are -gieheses Wayne.
spending the Christmas vacation in
Detroit, DRAY -in Clinton hospital, on Eint.,-
rte. Ned Rutledge In home, urday, Dee. '18, 1949, to Mr. sant
MISS M 4iotta, eue • si/ g home, breaking her Ann tilt
the Christmas holiday with Mr. and ,
. . .
D. Cannizighain. * ,
Mt*. Fergus ConnorlY GU1!P10... ' A. 10. 'Kennedy, Stratford'
visiting friends -It ,• at the horde 61 her son It. W. MW • !
Mta. Wht, lirOCtot Its )r Clinton Yfr8, X=8101.04z,