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The Brussels Post, 1943-12-8, Page 2
der r9ctrie $»hvcae THOUSANDS of men and werlren in uniform will be telephoning home this Christmas. This means a lodge additional load on Long Distance facilities -especially "long haul" lines -already busy carrying essential war calls. So again this year we urge you to send your Christmas greetings by .trail. You can help the Post Office people, too, by arranging to send them early. Should there be an out-of-town call you rims/ make, please telephone as many days before Christmas as pos- sible. In this way you will help us to handle promptly the flood of sager holiday greetings which will pour in from military camps all over the country. Thank you. Gcviirq GUriags es. ZUtvzds , THE BRUSSELS POST F EL . ' E eottemawmakumme nA F.; a 9i © Gilt uta k i Suggestions • -": v r a..e.r.z sZVZVVta,4=1e-ey'taf:K',ta#'WetTRL,tP.t4a&Stam?.3 Ee4,SI The annual -meeting of Knox United C Is 't Women'e Missionary 9oeletY and Women's association was held Sn the e.rnday school room on 14'ed- nesday afte4noon, with an alten• dance of 3,8. The missionary meetin • opened with a short business session fol- lowed by a Christmas candlelight sPrrlce conducted by tht. president, 1::' J. Wheeler. The minister. Rev. G. T -T, Dunlop Presided for the elert!on of officers hs follows; president, Mrs. Janes Michie; first vice-president, Mrs. Richard Chantney; second vice- president, Mrs. G. H. Dunlop; sec - `1r'. George Martin: assist, ant secretary, Mrs. Jolt Anderson; treasurer. Mrs. Barry Campbell; Missionary monthly secretary, Mrs. Herbert Wheeler; associate 1-Ielp- er's secretary. Mrs. Albert Vincent; Missto•- Pere euperintendeet, Mrs. ii al'1 Anderson; assist:lllt., 1\Irs, Dunlop; literature secretary. Mrs. Joseph Mills; tnlperance secretary, Mrs. R. ChameeP; Crislian stew- n;•dshilD secretary, Mrs. Carl Proc- ter ; pianists, Mrs. Cecil Wheeler and Mrs. J. M. Coulter; Baby Band cnperhtlendent. Mrs. J Wheeler; supply secretary, Mrs, J. A. Geddes; auditors, Mrs. Norman Walsh and 3r Mrs. Harold Procter; press were• 'sty. Mrs. Norman IZeating. Sp For the Christmas worship sere- Oat ire a table was placed at the front j tN of the room upon which stood a large white candle, against a back, i «. grmnd of white with ,garlands of red and green. The president light- ' S^ ed the candle which symbolized the 1 � Light of the Knowledge of God as 4 received through Jesus Christ. A group of members came forward lighting their candles at the central flame and passing their light on to 1. others in the group, representing the carrying of the Gospel of Jesus Christ to all lands by mlesionaries of the Christian church. Christmas.' hymns were sung and the hymn "The Race That Long in Darkness Pined" was sung of a solo by Mrs. N. Keating. W. A Also Elects The Women's Association meet- ., -as conducted by Mrs. Stewart Prc.nter and opened with a short nhr'•=tneas worship service, et song, reading and prayer. The roll call 'g 'oras responded to with a verse on Christmas - The °lotion of officers followed with Mr. Dunlop again presiding Those elected were. president Mrs. S. Procter; first vice-president, Mrs. S. Wheeler; second vice -President, Mrs. J. M. Coultes; third vice -press. dent, Mrs. A. Vincent; secretary, Mrs, C. Procter; assistant secretary. Mrs. Alex Manning; treasurer, Mrs_ JohnAnderson; pianists, Mrs. J. M. Comites and Mrs, C. Wheelerl C'wer connutitee, MTS. J. A. Geddes and Mrs. George Jordan; dishes committee, Mrs. Herbert Wheeler and Mrs. S. Keating; auditors Mrs. Harry McGuire and Miss Edith Procter; press secretary, Mrs, N. Keating. Mr Dunlop pronounced the bene- diction. Lalies' Guild Meets Mrs. F. i:hoeb.obtom was hostess to the Lathes' Guild of Trinity An, althea church on Thursday' after- noon when the Christmas meeting was held. The rector, Rev. P, H. Streeter was present and opened the meeting with prayer. Mrs. .Sltoebottom was in charge of the Program. A. hymn was sung and the scripture lesson from St. John 1:3142 was read by Mrs. Richard Procter. The president, Mrs, R. McCrea took the chair foe the business period. Minutes were read and letters of thanks for messages of sympathy rceived were also read. The roll calf was responded to by handing in the "holiday bells" from which the proceeds amounted to $19,10. Several are still to be re. Ported. The birthday box was (mem erl and an encouraging amount add- ed to -the. treasury. In the: absence of Mrs, 0, Wath who was to have given a paper on "The Christ Child" the Paper was given by Mr, Streeter. The auction sale held at the last anoetipg ,proved such a. success that it was decided to hold another smaller one at this meeting, which also, proved very worthwhile. Mr, Streeter again acted as the auCtton- eer, Munch was served by Mrs. Shoebobbom. The annual. meeting willbe held in• Panuary in .the Orange hall When there will be a pot luck hlrclr. � KQ A BUSINFSS CARDS WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - - ETHEL, OA'T. Dennis Duquette--1,incaasetl AuctiOneelr (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone .31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after lm.medlately. For Information, etc., write or phone either 51.,'18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC' ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donaldson -'- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35.r.13 - Atwood, Ont. for the Courties of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO -CHARGES MODERATE - For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C. Physician and Surgeon Covaner ' Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Smulays-Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in Far enoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas,. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87...2 Fl arcld Jackson SPECIALIST IN FAF.M AND HOUSEHOLD SALES Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, phone 12 on 658 Seelorth R.R. 1, 3euclt:eid Make.`tmeanoen ants at The Brussels Post er Elmer 0, Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D.1' RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVI12.. Licensed i une%al Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85^ -- BRUSSELS, ONT. �-'�1{r,r77pp /7 g JAMES. MCFADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance -also- Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERRY ST. - c BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licensed For Huron County) SATISFACTION GIJA£iANTEED -• P131059 REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 3( "The Brussels Post" and they will be Locked after lmmedaltely For Information, etc.; le its or phone Lew. Rowland 880,'•84 at Seafarth; ar write R.R. 8, 'Walton. e� g,a For (hr stma$ We reserve the right to limit quantities of certain goods which are sold to us on an allotment basis. All Leather Hansbags, b'adit and brown $3.59 and $4.78 Half and Half Gloves, Leather backs, chamois .palma • • • • • $1.25 to $1.65 Pigtex Gloves, natural and beige, sizes 6 - 8 • - , . , . $2.50 pr• South African Kid Gloves, black & brown, all sizes $2.95 pr. Chamoisette Gloves, popular shades, all szes • • $1.00 pr. Cotton Blouses, popular shades, sizes 14-20 • • • $1.15 Apacca Skirts, black, brown, blue, green, wine, and rust, sizes 12-20 • • • , , • . • . • • •••• $2.95 and $3.95 All Wool Pullovers, and Cardigans, sizes 12-20 ••, $2{5 each Skating Jackets, fully lined, sizes 12-20 .. • • $5.50 and $7.95 Skating Jackets, fully lined, sizes 7-14x •••• • .... , $4.95 Snow Suits, sizes 7-14x • • • $11.95 4°. Wednesday, December 8111, 10-13 6, ] d:l fi L•;! a9 da 41 i0 as 55 3 Via tfi Popular Priced Lines of Fine Lingerie Panties and band -bloomers, white and tearose, S.D./1. L. , , , „ 69c to $1.00 pr. Oversized Panties and Bloomers 85c to $1.35 pr Suiette and Tailored, Ladies' Slips 32-40, white and tearose Quilted Satin Bed Jackets, white or tearose S.M.L. Plain colors $2.95 Flowered *21011, C1snvlus Doll, O. Dunn, Irwin 'H lliott, W, 12, Elliott, George Elliott, Orwell Elliott, Dick * Elston., Win, Edgar, Il:arvey Farrow, Jack Fischer, :Howard Garnise, C. 11, Gunnies, 'Thos. Classier, Prod. Glassier, Stuart *cowing, C. R. *'Fox, Russell Fuller, J. S. *Genies, H. M. Garton, Ed. :;'Gillis, M. Gordon, Jack Grainger, Stanley *'Hall, T. Deb. *Hall, W. R. * Hall, Gordon Hamilton, R. C, Hamilton, Allan C. *Harman, J. K. *Hastings, Dave Hoot, L. Hood, S. Hoy, Lloyd, Wm. *Hunter, Glenn A. *Hulley, G. R. Kerr, Stewart *Lamont, L. *Lowrie, E. C. *Lowe, S. Locking, Wm. Lowry, Jack Machan, Ross Mann, Eldon *McCauley, L. E. McCreath, Ted. Me0utcheen, Frank 'l'McDowell, M. H. *McFarlane, T. N. *McFarlane, P. Walter McKay, Archie *McLaughlin, K. McLean, Arthur *Mitchell, Seek *Myers, C. A. (Dr.) "Nichol. ,R. Gordon *Palmer, Jilin *Palmer, William '!'Pierce, RAY *Riley, Clifford *Rooney, Leonard *Rutledge, Frank Rutledge, Ned - *Sanderson, J. L. 'tSaleman E. McLean, Scott *Smith, David Brume Smith, Jas. B. ':Stephenson, Mac "Dick" Thompson, A. *Thompson, Mel.. Thomas, H. Thompson, DMI4 Tunny, Chas. Walker, Leonard '!'Whtttard, Ross F. *Whittard, Earl Wheeler, Glenn *Wilson, S. W. *Workman, Lloyd *'Young, Elmer *Yonng,,Norman P. *Young, Er•test 0. S, $2.00 each A Satin $3.95 0+ 1 Quilted Flowered Satin House Coats, sizes 12-20 , . • $10.95 Quilted Plain Satin House Coats, sizes 12-20 • • .. •••• • • $9.95 In the • all-important Dress • `section JUST ARRIVED SPARKLING NEW PRINTED DRESSES ONE AND TWO PIECE ALSO PRINT AND CREPE COMBINATIONS In The Fur Coat Section MUSKO (Dyed Rabbit) , • • • . , . , •••• . , .. • - • $129.50 Flack Electric Seal (Dyed Rabbit) .. • •• $129.50 to $175.00 Christmas Cheer for i Overseas Forces Ae is the established cuatenl, Can- adian Reil Cross is Supplying Christ• time gifts and cheers for all Services overseas, Christmas decorations for Mb+hsd 'Canadian military hospital i11•Steily and 1204 -bed ttc.lpital In North Africa will he new items 'en the liet this year, 1) 1.1 Muskrat Backs Striped and Sabel Blended , • • • • .. • • • • • . Persian Lamb $325.00 and $395.00 $395.00 and $495.00 Mink Scarves 2, 3, and 4 skins. These make a beautiful Christmas Gift. Trade -Ins Considered. Paris Ladies' shoppe Listowel's Leading Ladies' Wear Store Where Your Dollars Buys More. as A WALTON The annual meeting of St, George's Church Women's Guild and Women's Auxiliary was held at the home of Mrs Wm. Humphries, Walton, on Thursday, Dec. 2nd, with with an attendance including visitors of 30 persons. The meeting opened with a hymn. followed by S'cr'ipture reading by Mrs. M. F. Oldham and Prayer by the Rector, Rev. M. F, Oldham. Mrs, Bert Anderson, sec: treas., gave her report for the Guild, which showed that meetings were held once a month and after the annual bazaar and supper proceeds, a very substantial sum is in the funds. A grant of $SO 'wa.; made to the Wardens for general running expenses and $2t) to the Dlocesian Budget, Nlrs Harry Bolger. sec,- treas., give her report of the W.A. Meetings have been held once a month and a good sum is in the funds, W.A. pledges and fees were voted to be paid. Mrs, Wm. Humphries, president, thanked the members for loyal support and co- operation du•rhig the year The following officers were re -appointed for next. year:- The Women's Guild, presider t, Mrs. Wm. HLInlphmr'I4es; ,e::, -trees., Mrs, Bert Anderson. The Women's Auxiliary, president, Mrs. IVin, Humphries; sec,-treas,, Mrs. harry Bolger, A social period teas hell. Miss Emma Sanderson contributed a piano instrumental, Mrs. Bert Anderson a reading and Rev. M. P. and Mrs, Oldham a piano deet. Mrs. R. Campbell, and Mrs, C. Brown were judges for patch work designs; Mrs. Fred Scarlett wen the prize. At the conclusion of t.ho meeting Rev. M. 11. Oldham thanked the ladies for tate .excellent year's work. The hostess Mrs, Wm. Humphries served it very tasty erul deiietons slipper. On Sunday, Dec, 12311 the Honour Roll Will be dedicated at the service at 1:30 P.m, Flay entitled "A Ready Made Family" will be presented at the Walton Community Hall on b1rtday, Dec, ion, followed by a dumas, under auspices of the U.F,W.0, Proceeds for Canadian Red Cross. Mrs. Charlie McGavitt was in Toronto to see her brother Jack who is quite ill in St. Joseph's hospital, GST YOUh PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curls $,1.25 and 51.75 and 52.25 Including Shampoo Permanent 52.00, $2.50 and 55.00 Including tinger wave and shampoo Scalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff. dry hair, oily hair and 'etc. 6 Treatments Including and Finger Wave 55.00. releohone 55x tSr an Appelntment IRENE PEASE PROCTOR'S RESTAURAN, Shampoo OVER HONOR ROLL '1 „ose marked with * are oeerseae, BRUSSELS Ir• the Army- 'I'Alcock, "Buster" Alcock, Eric "Alcock, Trios, J. *Alderson, 5. W. Barnard, Rus, *Bell, E, D Dell, W. IL 'Bid - Bell, Harris Brothers, Lyle BraY, E. 0' *Brewer, 5, *Bowler, Harry *Cassidy, Frank *Cardiff,' Clifford *Cardiff, Wiillani *Campbell, John Campbell, 'Bobs' ''Colenuatl, Ken *Coleman, B111 *'DavidSon,'Cleve In the R.C.A.F: Basket, Altred George Black, Bert Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell *Black, Don A. *Campbell, Stanley, J. Clardiff, Clarke *Cardiff, Frank G. Davidson, Scott harrow, Prank *Galbraith, Bowman *Galbraith, 3, George Gibson, Harvey *Harrison, L, W. *Henderson, Archie ''Huether, H. L. *Machan, Willis 'McKay, Allen 0. McRae, Donald Mitchell, Frank *Parker, H. 8. "Prost, T. A, Plum, Carl Pierce, Stewart Prost, W. M. *Prost, R. H. Russel, Lewtr; *Rutledge, Jack Rutledge, Hartley *Rowland, William Scott, Frank Sellers, Elmer W, Snell, Verne '*Spier, John Snell., Kenneth Stiles, doe • Stratton, Herb • Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. Wald, Leonard Ward, Wray 'I Wil or, Russell Woodrow. Alec '' 1'onng Archie in the ,Navy - 't' Prost, Tim *Chap)nait, Joe 'eDolh Donald M. Smdth. Elgin Mustard, Stanley Stiles; Buster P ie Tobacco FOR A MILD, COOL,SMOKE I'I.Worleman, J. G. C,W.A.C: (Canadian 'Women's Army Corps) Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, Merle Refected -- I Fischer, Wm. Gillis, 0. Grashy, Wm, J. I-Ia1st, Eddie Harman, G. Harrison, Marshall Hawkins, Herb, Henderson, Garllald Jamieson, Jack McDonald, Harold McDowell, Tank Pearson, Ralph Plum, Ernie Pennington, 5. Pollard, Geo. Stewart, Clarence Theenton, Thomas NOTE -The renewing are really Brussels boys who had not resided here some time previous to enlist. ment:- Ballantyu.., Archie 'u Rasher. George Garniss, C, G. *Jermyn, 5. R. *McIntyre, Bert *Parish, Jim Parish, Earl Smith, John T. *Tlntell, Glen (Tud) Tlunell, Kenneth Yolleck, Harry Yolleck, Ben United States A.A.C.--- Eckmier, Wm. D. Best, Gordon Reserve Army 99th Flattery-- Baeker, Mac Lawless, Ross Pletch, W. Mitchell, Ted Riley, Oliver Sanderson, Gordon Scott, Mee Sullivan. Bill Willis, Jack Willis, W. E. ETHEL Alexander, Stanley Ames, Bryan Bremner, Billie Bateman, Cecil .,Beer, Ohas. *Brown, D. S. *8ole, Fred "Cunningham, Lawrence ''Dunbar, Jack *Evans, Lyle ''Franklin, Allan Hamilton, Allan G. Haig, Norman *Henry, Stuart *Hewitt, Wilfred *Hewitt, Frank *Jardine, Lorne Jones, A. J. Keifer, Halburt Kreuter, Albert *Kreuter, Calvin Kreuter, Gordon Michel, Willard , *Willis, Jack *Patterson, John Patterson, Miss Alma Mono) Perdue, Everett Raley, Mervin Sapwell, E. Speiran, Elgin 9peiran, Vernon. *•Sleightho:im, J. A. ''Vodden, Lorne WALTON In the Army *Bendall, Charles H. *Bendall, T. A. Bennett, W. C. Bennett, Ross Bewley, Walter "Bryan, Harvey a'Coutte, W. J. *Crawford, 11, ,Dennis, Helen *Drager, Diak *Drager„Tack *Farclulfarson, W. A. Holland, Gordon Humphries, Stewart Humphries, Stewart I'Kelley, Wm. *Marshall, Barry Murray, Donald M. *(Nichol, Wilfred `*Nichol, G. I. 'Nichol; Mac *Nichol, Lloyd *'Ritchie, Kenneth *Shannon, Wallace Travis, A. In the R.C.A.F. *Bryans, Stuart Ennis, Auna nnnts, Wm. Cosby Marshall, Frank *Murray, It. M. in the Navy dents, Sr'B