HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-12-1, Page 4• Fa tfa eiv 1 Peg e 4. eau�r . t �� y Flee w its A BIG ASSORTMENT OF ATTRACTIVE PACKAGES At 25c, 35c, 50e and 65c Also the large; Packages at $1.00, $1'25 and $1,50 iVlore killers are water' these days, than perhaps'ever befo so a au:., ut stationery as a gift is sure to be appreciated. LEATHER BILL FOLDS For Men a-nd Women AT VARIOUS PRICES Some New Numbers have just been passed into stock; and to see them, is to want one. Our ry^.t71 ispi"y- iGri stRds Cr1N1 n Ready Good Values in Boxes of Cards from 25c and Up New Colors and Wordings in Wide Selection of Cards at 5c each, 10c each and 2 for 5c. The best choice is now, while the Stock is at its best. Dennison's All the popular Decorating for Crepe Paper colors including Reds and Greens Dialogue and Recitation Books for Entertainments. If interested, look through them. FIRST EIaLE PRINTED IN CAN DADA The presses of the Uui e I l llttrrh l nhhaum, House The 1''!y 131iII ' ling 399 Queen St West, roronto ,i ri are now It \Turk printing the Bible.I a On Wednesday. Oi'i. 37. ,tt 3.00 P. m., the first pages ealue oft the press, .5 The 11 ole has never before been 01 printed in Canada. The cunyri:Cht kit for the Holy Bible is vested in the ag ling. 'rhe Ding's Printer in Great a Britain, Eyre and Spolhswo,uls, have the rights of publleation. In ag the course of time these rights were 1 A ` granted by the Crown to the. two bg great Engltsh Publishing Houses Oxford and Cambridge, anis later A j the privilege were extended to the Collins Publishing House of Scot- oa 15 4y a na io rl� 'ass dI na 0 9 10 ® , Yi M ITH rELEPHONE NO. 62 'ate–`'s2lQG1 n i and 'g1 STATIONER f.ttt--- TELEPHONE NO. 62 aNa ;F. '` M .snickIy removed in Clean Sanitary truck.. Pbose colle.-t. 72 BRUSSELS .ms,' DISABLED DEAD or iiiiam Stege Sons Limited. .101 i :ALL kik dENSON BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,-B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Servicer Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) 1 ETES RIGHT With Reid's Glasses EYE STRAIN causes headaches, weariness, no pep, drousiness SLURRED VISION makes it hard to thread needles, read the paper, sew in comfort. If your eyes trouble you, have them examined in BRUSSELS Dy R. A. REID, R. O. Stratford's leading Optometrist for 25 years. BRUSSELS OFFICE ---MISS HINGSTON'S STORE WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON, DEC, 15th, 2:30 to 4:00 Phone 51 For Appointment .•11•11S1 .1111.1•1111, ssasisiampssissaissirsiossrm We may never again be to offer values like.. these 1940 Ford Coach (heater) 1936 F•:ard Coach (heater) 1934 Ford Sedan (heater) 1933 Dodge Coach 1933 Chevrolet Coach 1932 Chevrolet Sedan 1920 Model A Coach Used Wallis Tractor onesemiano G. E. NURSE At- The Cities Service Cad Station BRUSS Lei iY a ', ONTARIOIN "a land. These are the only Houses up to the present time permitted to Publish Bibles in the British Empire. Now however, The Oxford Press is unable to get material and- help in Great Britain to sleet the de- mand for Bibles. So they haus con- tracted with the United Unveil Pub- lishing House to Perot Bihles, There are 30,000 -in the first order. -They are being printed from imported plates. r<. ed FOR SALE— A quantity of Bard Maple Wood, phone 15-r-5 Joe 1,101111es WANTED— A small Heater, Ed. Henderson, Phone GSx-r 33, FOR SALE - 4 little pigs ready to wean. phone 23-1-6 Elmer Ellacott. FOR SALE— A. good '32 Model B Nord Cea.ch. apply at The Br11sse:5 Post r EXPERIENCED AUCTIONEER— Sales conducted anywhere. Phone or write—Matt Cn.ynor, phone 24X, Lucknow NOTICE— Car 5X B.C. Shingles arrive next week. ORDER NOW. phone 77 D. N. McDonald WANTED— Child's Kiddie Car, without pedals. Most have metal, not 11 ooden, wheels. phone 33X. -r-3 Mrs. W. FI. Porter t'tt)R SALE— Two good Durham Cows, one due in December, one cine in March. Roy Patterson, Lot 29, Con, 13, Grey Twp, FOR SALE— Set p1 light sleighs in hood con- dition; with flat rank, good shoeing, neck yoke and whiffletrees. Price ten dollars. apply to phone 41-r-7 Cecil Raynard, R.R. 1, 13the1 SACRIFICING— Doctor's residence, Hydro, Furnace 3 piece bath, Beautiful lawns, Garage. In town of Brussels Owner overseas. Got to. be sold. Small payment down. Balance arranged, Apply to J. A. Willoughby. <02 Kent Building, Toronto 1, Ontario. STRAYED— Roan heifer has had one calf, from the 0t11 line .of Grey, Anyone knowing the whereabouts of this beast—apply at The Post LOST— About 3 weeks, a black steer with white marks on belly and white on inside of tail, weight about 200 lbs. phone 42 -r -I6 Mark Cardiff Have your EYES Properly Cared for NOW * * * F. F. Homuth OPTOMETRIST Phone 118 1-larriston Met,0,0,51 Want Noma! Pett, Vim, Vigor? Trp ()strap., Tonto T;ibieta, (JAhtsfoe tesla, ,s,m + bene, iron,vttetaib n(, Wapitiill, D5OSDlloryn alar!to norma] par. vim. vtgor,vinty atter ab,' X10. ar De. Ibtrolluatary tau only ata 1rl10111enppptea W1tIF rmu1le 011Dr5 Daok0Ce, maker formes 1a0 Dyes. at ail doog(l u. atar6 Lahlug DatYdt(TdUiotn Ealtay, Wednesday, Deeember lets 1943, ackson Motors Lt Phone 16'1 Listowel, Ont. CARS 1940 Pontiac Sedan 1933 Ford Coach 1933 Oldsmobile Sedan 1933 Pontiac Sedan • 1931 Ford Coach 1929 Plymouth Sedan All these cars are in first class condition and if the car you want is not in this list we are in a position to get it you. Keep in touch with us for your used car as stock changes often - that for our FIVE NEW FORD FERGUSON TRACTORS and PLOWS on 10 -inch rubber with starter, expected any day. • Genuine Ford Parts and Accessories. Repairs to all snakes of Cars, Trucks and Tractors- , 1 - ANTI -FREEZE. Three different kinds of Anti -freeze. Don't Wait. Puy now and protect your car. HORSEs Choice horses and they are selling at a price that it will pay to buy them and feed them. Five driving horses, that will work or drive - Nine choice work horses. LEIVIENTS One good Piano Box Cutter One Massey -Harris Drill with Fertilizer attachment. Used Cultivators, plows and hayrakes. 1 ICS .ANNOUNCEMENT On December 1st, 1943 we take over the Massey -Harris shop in Listowel and will operate under the--LISTOWEL MASSEY-HARRIS SHOP—operated by Jackson Bros. We will receive our quota on December lst• Get your permits and orders in early far your Farm Machinery. You Don't Have To Go To City For Decorators Work Of Re -Decorating The Sacred Heart Church Completed The interior of the Sacred Llear Church now presents a much im- proved appearance as the work of redecorating it has just hem-, com- pleted by Smith anis Williamson of Brussels. To appreciate the splendid 1lppila•- nnce of the interior one -should see it, The. walls are of an !tory tint, and the ceiling a robin egg blue. tati The rafters are a deep Drown and there axe touches of green on the wall surfaces for trimming. Probably the most olitstanciia$ 01 all the decorating done is that, of the Altar which is. white with gold trimming. The alcove wall back o," the Altar is a. lighter shads of blue than that used on the ceiling .The floor is a. buff shade, Mr, Smith is no h.ovhce et such work as he had be010 working at this, trade for the past r,1) years. He ,is now 7-8 years of age and 'still full of pep. ILe worked fol' 1i short 191 hen m Listowel • .h�7 c _ gLgso -EAT AT — 9 Weston's Restaurant Home Away From HoAnei - Good 7For Ali /Kinds o Baking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Baeker Bros.' Phone 6 Butcher Slip Brussels :man To. our many customers. Many of you were disappointed last Chr a tori by not having your portraits taken before the closing date, do not; let it happen gin year. Please tape note, pot'tratts faker! after Dec, 4th cannot he ipeoanased for Christmas delivery. The Russell Studio Lk$TOWw:lal, fTHED/FFERENCEPlR/MMff4 ANYVtl r s EGGENA MEAL - $2.80 cwt. PIG GROWENA. - S2.85 cwt. Sold By BRUSSELS CREAMERY Lilne in Wtngham about ! hirty years ago, 210 Lhat time doing the fancy decorating on the buggies made by the late \';'m. Dore, Mr, Smith's partner is his nephew and he also spent his entire life at this bust - J105 S. 14lr• 'Smith says that he has the contract for re -decorating several churches at present stating that war does not seem to slow up tine line I of work, —Wingham Advance rimes Flit •> zi VAA`''sO , Misses' and Women's, Pure Wool Pullovers and Cardigans, - all sizes; $2.98 up. u'a 3340 arc .a as n 10 Men's Brush Wool Sweater Coats, W ind breaker style, zipper all the way,- all sizes, -3.95 and 4.9.x.. A11 Wool Grey Blankets 4 lbs. each. Men's Black and Brown Pigtexs Gloves. nicely lined, all sizes, $1.49 pair. Men's Airforce, and Khaki Pure Wool Gloves. .•—erre,, Men's Railroad Blue Overalls and Smocks $1.98 a garment. Men's and Boys' Knee Rubbers, all sizes in stock. A Large Selection of Men's Women's and Children's p Slippers in stock. a Donal: forget to ask for your sale -slips --For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. eJ apt(c?tti(atrwtetvose.:v-Av georets +pitcryo 1 1"1-1117 RO a VI .�TORa Phoran 431 NI Brussel& Ont. I've, Store Wide i3argai -ss for the Whole-Farnily *c:FARgotemolv,AlenttAvoltem: moweliel NEG. LECT .CAN STEAL YOUR BUSINESS ' • No bushes eon afford to Lao risk' which should be covered by molt. once. -Let us' amble your needs, .:plata bow insurance eau prot.et your bashes' from Lose tai many wase and anande plan. and Pilot policies to eaves ail eventualities. We wrlui Pilot Laurance to error ia4 tined risks In Automobile, Faro, Personal peray poster, Burglary, Caw, Eleva. tortie' LiaImmbility, Fidelity anPlato Glass, d Su�retyBonds, PI[OTINsup(E <O«PANY inat Thr Hyd VIII 1944 CO No MC If M Poll Poll Poll Um Pro PEto t+ 11 0