HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-12-1, Page 3THE BRUSSELS FOS'' Canadian Pacific Women Till Enlisted Men's Places r3jTi. Invacling such predominantly masculine strongholds a,: loco- motive shops and maintenance of way gangs, women have been helping to take up part of the slack caused by the enlistment of 16,286 men in the active armed forces from the Canadian Pacific Railway. At the first of Septem- ber this year there were 675 women employed by the Canadian Pacific in positions normally filled by men. This layout shows some of the women' at work. Giving the final touches to the top df a locomo- tive in the roundhouse at Sud- bury, Ont., are Olive Kennedy cleaning tip the number plate and Jennie Neil doing some other cleaning. Smiling Vivian Constant, at the 'phone and silhouetted against the engine crew call board, is call "boy" for 77 crews in the locomo- tive shops at North Bay, Ont„ while Mary Lemieux, pictured chalking up directions as a car checker, also works in North Bay where her father, Joe Lemieux, is a Canadian Pacific trainman. Father -daughter combinations are not unusual now as demon- strated by the railroading Sauves of Sudbury in the picture where T+retl Sauve, company boilermak- er, sees how close he can come to his daughter, Lucille Sauve, an engine wiper, with a bit of grease. The list of women. doing men's jobs shows there are 294 on east- ern linesand 171 in the West in the mechanical and operating departments while the communi- cations department is using 210 girls as telegraph messengers, Did You Ever Wonder? is quite commonly practiced in Great sible to hay Lakes shipyards and in ohiabuilcling single set 0 Why Some Ships• Are Launched plants located on narrow ricers, cline track Sideways Instead Of Stern First? stretching f One reason for sideways ltunch- Ships, as a. rule, are launched Ing is that there would not be suf- water) each stern first, However, they have been ficient "water way" in a narrow construction launched upside down in sections water being e a series of craft on a f groundways (broad in- s of heavy timbers rom the land into the in a successive stage of the ship nearest the the one nearest to and sideways. liver for the more orthodox stern. eomlrletion The sideways rnetho launching method. Fuirthermore, in of launching the side -launching` system it is pos- i im 11 another advantage s seen Have your DURO Pump expertly serviced by the T IKE any other piece of machinery, your DURO PUMP needs j� attention' from time to time to' ensure continuous satisfactory performance. Working parts may wear, requiring adjustment or replacement and regular lubrication is essential. Until the war is over, it is more necessary than ever that present owners keep their pumps in good running order, because the produc- #ion of new Duro Pumps is limited. The Duro Dealer whose name appears below is fully experienced. He will be glad to inspect your pump, adjust it and instal new parts if needed, . • Should you be •requiring Fixtures or Fittings for Bathroom, Kitchen or Laundry, demand Emco Quality Fixtures and Fittings. Although its range of styles and sizes is limited, due to wartime restric- tions, Emco can still supply requirements for the average home, War Savings Scamps and Certificate . should be bought regularly j Wilton & Gillespie' EMPIRE BRASS MFos CO., LIMITED. 11"1 tendon .Hamilton Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg Vancouver easternearanenteennartrierasimesnot I , r,el ti I •bins ins fa�ur .gin„ Per- 1,11i1,1'4;`. er- J t.. 1,11)11 tl til, hip (111 111 evr'II 1 9.'1,1 I.I ru l,nnuhad Alps are necee;arily built ell a shun . im in, lvhC•PFS t tt o ning all mole members at an angle. ,i. 1•'b't.'.1'lil; has [Illi. 111 s• eihle the lautichhng of auhnturinc's for triode Scum fur 11111nd, where the 1-flalneee of enemy 1133111'k 1I1" at Su mittie 11111, Al Manitowoc, Wi4..for 1,1,1 1 c'1'. ;ulv.,lar'Itrs are built in 15 A-st,f 'Ili sec bone are senna foto place one at time hY ret:^ 50.1 on cranes and welded to- gethr-r, When the assembly is com- plete the undersea craft is finally 1‘rt Imbed sideways into the Manito- woc River. .1? especially ingenious Lorin of selrway lalniehing has been devised which eliminates the clanger 01 capsizing which otherwise: attends this method and limits its use to ves- sels that are not topheavy. A 1'ge two -Might lock, similar to a canal lock, is usecl. The sessej is constructed in one basin. 'Water is then pumped into the leek and the hull is floated to the other basin to be fitted out. The water is then lowered to river 1'vel. and when the ship Is completed the lock gate is opened and the ship can sail forth into the river channel w'thout Anther "launching." ALTON .Service in St. George's tlhurch on Sunday, Dee, 511, 12tH 'lucl leth at 130 P, M. Sunday Velum/ at 2.00 P. 1T. 01• De^.. Lith there will he a cele- bre"-" cf.' the Holy Communion. On ', 1,'.ay, November 20tH the 01' :t Duff's United c•hurah at 11 n1., 0, r , ''"orge's Angllc' n, at 3,30 pm. w'r,' le the intreeste of the Ulmer Canada. Bible Society. Tho r ".sentat1ve Rev. Walter McCleary was the special preacher at each service. He paid a tribute from the oeiety to the great work and loyal support of the late Mrs, Margaret Shannon, who for many years was the treaurer of the Walton branch Mr. McCleary also told of the work of the society all over the world, and especially among the Armed Forces. His sermon was very interesting and a place for worthy support of this valuable organization was given. Rev. S. Hazelwood was in charge of the service in the United church and Rev, M, F, Oldham 111 the Angli- can Church, The euchre and dance held in the Walton Community Hall on Novem- ber 941)i, in aid of Blood Donors Clinic was a real success. The prize winners were, highest score, ladies, Mrs Wm, Humphries; gents, Mr. ,Tos. Dalmage; -most lone bands, Mr. Jos. Dolmage; consolation, ladies, Mrs N. Schady; gents, Murray Dennis. CLERK'S NOTICE OF FiRST POSTING OF VOTERS LIST Voters' Lists, 1043, Township of Grey, County of Huron NOTIICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 20 of the Voters' List Aot and that I have post- ed up at my offiee, Ethel on the 16tH day of November, 1949, the list of all persons entitled to vote In the municipality at Municipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assembly and that such list remains there for inspeotion, And I hereby call upon all voters to tae immediate proceedings to have all errors or *missions cor- rected according to law, the last day of appeal being 4th day of Dee. ember, 1143. Dated at Ethos, this 16th day of November, 1943, J. H. FEAR. Clerk. i L_SI t4QM RANKS w POST CfIIGRS 3SPARTMSN! StORRS s DRUGGISTS OROC1RS a IObACCONISIS itdof Sb US mid other RETAIL. STORES GREY On Monday evening a la'ae crowd neighbours. and friends (fel tit i ('tion Stetted to honour Mr, and 71'1,8 1,t wn0ll Ward OR their recent marriage. :l1 0(111, (alt the young couple was called forward and presented with an occasional chair, - a three -shelved utility and table and other gifts. Jaelc Cox read tins fnUcw7ng address: - Deur Muriel and Lawson, We have gathered here this even- ing to wish you happiness and prosperity in your married life. We have many haPPY memories, Rawson, of the times you spent with us at school, Sunday school and in our Young People's Society, Your PIIPArfniness and willingness to help In all our uetivitles will not be forgotten by your many friends in tliis community, We eongratulate you upon your choice of a bride and may yon Muriel, always feel at home among us, We urs glad to know that you are not going too far from us for wei would like you both to feel that Union is etiil your home. As a small remembrance of ,your Union friends we ask you to accept these gifts and we hope n' you Itcc thein you will think of your 11.3 Inds here. Signed—Jack Cox, Joe Baker. Ralph Meehan, Lindsay McKay. Lloyd Speiran. Then on behalf of Muriel and himself, Lawson thanked his friends and following hunch the remainder c0 the evening was spent enjoyably In dancing. .lir. Iinrritt, Fergus, Is aeta+.tor at the home of bis daughter Mrs. W, Smith, 6th concession. Mrs. Will .3, D, Cardiff is• a Nest this week with friends in Stratford. BELGRAVE The Young People's Union of the United church held their annual meeting and election of officers on Friday evening in the Sunday school room with an attendance of 26. The program was arranged and conducted by Miss Barbara Michie vice-president and was based on the theme "Vision of Youth," or "Tack- ling Tackling Life With Courage," 'The Scrip- I ture lesson was read by Mabel Cannes "A Poem For Youth" was read by Patsy Anderson. George Michie led in prayer, An inspiring poem entitled "My Job" was given by Barbara Michie, With MCCIen- aghan' gave a paper on Madame Chiang Kat-Sirek and a short paper on "Youths Crusaders" was given by Russeil Kelly, The president, George Johnston, led a short busi- ness period. The next meeting will be held on December 10 when it is expected lienson 'Seller of Clinton, president of the Heron Presbytery Young People'e Union will be the speaker. Rev. G. R. Dunlop took charge of the election of officers which .res- ulted es follows: president, Robert Granby; 1st vice-president, George Johnston; 2nd vice-presidnt. Bar bars Michie; secretary, Ross Proc- ter: assistant secretary, Annie Cook; treasures', Mrs. Dunlop; tec- reation committee, Ruth McGuire, Mabel Conites, Mr, Dunlop, William Manning; pianists, Mrs George Dunlop, Mary Poeter; refresinnent ecnnntittee, Annie Cook, Laura 37ui11 Shirley Chamney, Lois Kelly, Mrs. .Tames Coulees, The meeting +closed with a hymn and the Mizpah bene- diotion. Trinity A,Y,P,U. Meets Trinity Anglican- church Your^ 1' E ,lnesday, Decemberlet, 13, amous for flavour since 1892 -- the `Saladac' name assures you of a uniform blend of quality teas. LAI1!! g A isek, People's Association met at the heel. of W. O. Nethery on Friday evening Mill 26 present. The pr's'. dent Clare Van Camp, cnndllci•ql the business and devotional per. lads, opening with the Vine. "Stand Up, Stand lip, 1)" Jesos." Rev. P, H, Streeter led in prayer, Minutes of the last meeting were read by Agner Ntliry, Nora Van Camp gave the financial report. AIr. Streeter reported havin.0 ('0.1.01' - ed an Honor Roll, Plans were )rude to holds Christ- mas concert in the Belgravc school ,m Derr•:,:;:+.r 17. Convenor: of the four standing committees lc ere pointed to to prepare a pr,gramme. They are Jane Armstrong, R. Proc- ter, Beth Brydges and Mrs. C. Wade, Fern Nethery announced the social program as follows: log book, Ruth 13radburn; piano duet. Norma Brydges and Ruth Higgins; Mane solo, Ruth Higgins; ,luiz, filen Van ,Camp. Lunch was served by the hostess, Isobel Nethery and Mr. Streeter pronounced tlie bene- diction. Personals. Mr, and Mrs, William Robinson, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bee- man and baby, East 1!,rawanosh. with Mr. and Mrs, Cecil 'Wheeler; Miss Annie Baker, Wingham. with Mr. and Mrs, Howard Wilkinson: Mrs, Neil Montgomery and child- ren. Jack and Jill, returned to their home in London after visiting Mrs. H. J. Cole; Aircraftman Charles Procter, Lachine, Quebec, with his parents, Mr, and Mrs, S. Proeter; Mrs. J M. Coultes with her sister. Mrs. A. McDougal, Sarnia, who is seriously ill; Aircraftman Ross An- derson has oompleted a course at Clinton and is on furlodgh with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Ander- 5011; Ma's, Murdock Ross, Londes- bore, with Mr, and Mrs, 11, McC: sa. Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Miller. Rob. lin Manitoba, with relative; after 45 years absence in the west and were accompanied by Mrs. Robert Knapp, Ferdale, Manitoba. Airs Miller and Mrs. Knapp are sisters of Mrs. Jeremiah Brydges and Mr Miller is a cousin of Mrs. 3. A. Brandon, Mrs. W. J. Skinner, formerly Miss Hazel Brandon of Belgrave, now organist and choir leader at the Baptist Church, Leamington, has accepted a similar position with St, Andrews United Church, Mrs, Skinner will go to Welland on ' December 1. The Brave Adventurers Mission Band of Brick United Church Plast Wawanosh, held a re -organization meeting at the home of WA. Leslie Wightman. The worship service was led by Mrs. Gilbert Beecroft who also told the story and intro- duced the new study hook 'Tar 'Round the Nlrorld," The officers were elected as follows: President, Eileen Snell; 1st vice-president,' Jean Leaver; 2nd vies'president, James Irwin; secretary, Eva Dow; assistant secretary, Doris Shiell: treasurer, Ala Dow; World Friend secretary, WiILord Shiell. The meet lug closed with a hymn end pray t'b + next meet'ng will be Held during the .Sunday School hoar en December 5. Personals; Mrs, Robert Nicholson with her Meters, Miss M Fraser, Mrs, J. Robertson and Mrs. Rob- - . ,0 Iil+ievale; Mrs, Joseph Little, Seaforth, with her mother, Mae, William J. Geddes; 1410. and Mrs. Bert Armstrong and daughter Mary Alice, Wiugham, with Mr. and Mrs, Stewart Procter, •a. ro * * * PEOPLE WF KNOW Mrs. 0. Anderson Toronto, was a visit 'r with Mrs, Wn1. Palmers 0 * JOe Stiles of the R,C.A.1e, now I; stationed at Belleville is home on • '..pare.. * * * Pte, Stewart Kerr, was at his home with his parents, Mr,. and Mrs. W. Herr. A George Baeker, R.C,A.F., spent the ween end with his mother, Mrs. A. C. Baeker. a' 8' Mrs. W. J D, Cardiff and Mrs. 7,. S. Armstrong spent the weep end with friends in Stratford and Tiil- sonburg. * q; Gunner Earl Whittard returned to camp after spending a furlough with his 'parents Mr. and Mrs, Ben Whittard, ., m a Mr. and Mrs John Simmons and Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Miller visited with 0, W. Simmons of Ilowick township on Sunday. 4' * Mrs., Wailer Huggan fraetured her left arm when she fell on the icy street in her way to church, She Is ill Se•aforth Hosiptal. i M1. N. Chapman visited on Sunday 1 in Waterloo, with his uncle W. J. 1 sed Mrs. Saunders, it being the Gold- , en Anniversary of their marriage, * * >t Mrs, Herbert Stretton received w lel that her husband, Sgt Herbert Stretton underwent; an operation and his condition was 'reported favorable, Flight Sergeant Frank Mitchell, R.C.A,F. received inatruoLions to • report to Eastern Air Command and. left for Halifax, N.S., early this week. * * * Mr. and Mr,s J. H. Bryan, Mrs. Herbert Stretton and Geraldine,, visited. in Shedden with Mr and Mrs, Russell Bryan; little Keith Bryan retureed with them after spending a few weeks with his gandparents. Mr, and ritrs, W J. Ste -wart left for Fergus, where they will live, en Monday of this week. Mr. and Mrs. Stewart came to Brussels from Clinton four years ago last spring, when he installed a pasteurizing plant here which was sold later to R. .B. Cousins Mr, Stewart- has been employed by the Beattie Company of Fergus for some time . Only Two of Every Five Canadians Are Properly Nourished! 407 501R11NEO RD 00/ ON BOERLINE 0 MALNUTRITION Q 200/ OEFlNITELY {�! 0 ON005050 Here's How To Make Sure Tour Family Gets the Right Foods According to Government surveys, only 40 percent of Canadians know and regularly eat the right foods. Forty percent are on the borderline of mal- nutrition, and apt in wartime to fall into the under- nourished class. Twenty percent are definitely underfed. 'Jo help you feed your family well, we offer you "list—to—Work—to—Win", FRIIEnewbooklet that takes all the guesswork out of nutrition. Twenty-one days of nutritionally -sound menus, pills facts about foods that build energy , .. stamina ... morale. Learn the easy way to meals that are as tempting as they are healthful! Send for yetar FREE copy of"Eat-to-Work- to'Wlu". Mail the coupon NOW J Let this original new booklet bring better health to your family) *The e*44'Wona7 statement iN "EaUe.t17onG.te- 1Piu" ere atrsp/,table 10 Nutrition Sel'vines, De. barlmeef of P0111040 allot Motional Health, OtIawa,to rthe Cee4dia,I Ntet rition programme. MAII. ?'NIS COUPON •ToDAy1 I "N1PrItIT1UN FOR. ViCTOItY", I 8OX, G00, TOIION'TO, CANADA, PSC89obdndtlnp nwPRUcopyof"g meAtretk-te-Wit, Name .., Sponsored by i TFIF 13RlT0I1\1G INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) S Add" . _ at 9a of to Victory, 1 GJ' o IN* io ta. on id in kW *I ik wwwwwr,� In the intercom oldnuttitlon and heath S,