The Brussels Post, 1943-11-24, Page 3.0, THE BRUSSELS POST • Wednee, y, No vem e r 24th, .11 I q,4; lies IVia(le and Carried by C.P.R. 0.1 tfr, 'Or itYV:11'4< - *S'ile • ewe. r eV,. - Az44 v•i,'" .' LT elping to meet the urgent need 11 of the Royal Canadian Navy for main marine engines and condensers to be used in escort vessels the Canadian Pacific Rail- way's Angus Shops in Montreal now has a steadily increasing flow of these "tools of war" coming from that section of the big shops which earlier completed the manu- facture on schedule of more than 1,400 Valentine tanks, mainly for service in Russia. The marine engine, pictured above on a .C.P.R, depressed - entre flat car, prior to being pee - pared for shipment, weighs 89 fons, with condensers and bed - plates included. Its size is demon- strated in the picture on the right eef the workman, who is dwarfed Tay one of the huge connecting sods. Handling of the engines to efr destination conies under the 'Abed of "high and wide" trans- portation, with special advice from the Canadian Pacific's engineering aptiftrilr' department being followed to squeeze the loads past bridges and other permanent installations. As was the case with the Valentine tank ii the inmate engines are being made at the same time as Angus Shops handles the greatlyincreased repairs on loco- motives and cars necessitated by wartime's heavier transportation load. All the jobs are being done without new buildings or extensive additions. to the existing plant, a further d,eroonstration of the versatility of the department headed by H. B. Bowen, chief of motive power and rolling stock. To reach marine engine produc- tion as early as possible machin- ing of parts and fabrication of sub -assemblies was started while the tank work still was proceeding at the big Canadian Pacific shops. As machine capacity and floor area were released from the tank contract theywere utilized for the marine engine work. The first 10. ton engine bedplate was laid down a little over two weeks after com- pletion of the last tank hull on the Valentine contract to earn the complithent in an official report that "the very best effoxts were put forth by all persons respon- sible for this work". Banquet Follows Farm Federation Meet in Clinton Agriculture Minister, Hon. T. L. Kennedy, Guest Of Honor; Introduced By President -Elect IRONTON, Nov. 20—With Hon. T. AL Kennedy, Ontario Minster of Agriculture, as guest, of honor, the Hama County Federation of Agri. culture held a banquet in St. Paul's a. prolonged ovation: as he rose to parish hall .on Thursday evening at areak. For half an hour he stirred ! which 150 members and guests were the assembled farmers to enthus- served by the St. Paul'' Ladies' !este as he outlined reforms la the Guild. W. L. Whyte, 1943 president making for the betterment of farm of the federation, Presidet3.' life in the matter of conveniences 1 and eointorts as enjoyed by urban 'rho President-elect for 1944' dwellers, Others spoke briefly, in - Harry L. Sturdy, Auburn, eluding L. E. Cardeff, M.P., Brussels, clued Mr. Kennedy, who eris given t w, H. •Golding,M.P. Seaforth, • Have your DURO Purnp expertly serviced by the ery, your ' DURO LIKE any other piece of PUMPrnachinneeds atttion from time to time to ensure continuous satisfactory performance. 'Working parts may wear, requiring adjustment or replacement and regular lubrication is essential. • • 'Until the war is over, it is more necessary than ever that present owners keep their pumps in good running order, because the produc- tion of new Duro Pumps is limited. The Duro Dealer whose name appears below is fully experienced. He will be glad to inspect your pump, adjust it and instal new parts if needed. Should you be requiring Fixtures or Fittings for Bat4room, Kitchen or Laundry, demand Emco Quality Fixtures and Fittings. Although its range of styles and sizes is limited, due to wartime restric- tions, Emco can still supply requirements for the average home. War Savings Stamp and Certlfreattes should be bought regularly Wilton 8t Gillespie EMPIRE BRASS Kra* CO., LM/TED .49 Lstdo Hamiltofl Sudbury Toronto Winnipeg . Vancouver/ Dr. 1 H.00)8 Taelee, M L.A,fo Smith Huron, and John Minim, IAA. for North Flui•on, A troupe of arilsiee irom 'Toronto enter. I al"ed the gathering, and by kind perteiselon of the otticer -command- ing Clinton ii.C.A.F. School, deli 3. 10. Cardiac:1e "The Myslic Marva.; gave an exhabition. The vote of thanks woe voiced by A W. Morgan, fle*sail, past president of the fed. eratlon, and a vote of appreciation on behalf of the guests, was exteed- cif by Hugh MU, Colborne, An Impromptu feature of the evening was the auctioning of dam dressed chioleens left over from the banquet. The auctioneers Were Time Lobb, L, ID, Cardiff, and W,i. Whyte and the proceeds, $20.60, were presented ..to the Ladies' Guild WALTON A Meeting of the UJ'.W.O will go held nt. the honle Of Mrs., Herb Kirkby on Weduesclay, Den,let, This is the beat meeting of the year., everyone please be present. BLUEVALE The Sunday school room of the United church was filled to capacity on Thursday evening for the presen- tation of the three -act comedy "TWO Gauntry Mile," presented by mem. bers of the Young People's 'Union, Walton, under the direetioa of Rev, • W. G. 'Hazelwood, of the 'Milted church and .01areace Grainger, principal o fthe Walton public sohool, The play was humorous end ex- ., tremely well enacted, each play taking his respective part in the gest manner. Thw. entertainment was sponsored The Ethel WOmen's Metitute held by Miss Nubia Coultas, teacher, in their Family Night on Thursday aid or the Junior Red Oros 3 S'oeletY evening, Nov. 18th, in the Township whit hevill benefit to the extent of Rail. Stover was served 'at 7:30 to about $1.e. Choruses by the senior about 100 chnsisting of members, pupils, interspersed the acts. W. T. Iheiir families and gueete, After Johnston acted as chairman. atlas supper Rev...Mr. Brenton the chair- Muriel .Smith,' president, of the man, presented a program causist• junior Red arose Society, express- ing of eolos by Miss Olive Speiran, et thanks to all who had assisted Mr. Charlie leaks: reading% by Miss 'n making the entertainment a euo Ella iPearson, Mrs, Breeton and eess. °I've Speiran, duets by :Marjorie The Y.M.S. of the United Church Speiran and Glenna Micheal and held its regular meeting In the Sun. Mrs. Glenn Zeltmiee and .Mrs. day School room Monday afteraoon. 13renton. A play "rumors wanted," The president Mrs, Johnston, WRS presented by Ming People from presided for the opening exercises Union. After God save the King was and, business period. Mrs. George sumg, deeming .was enjoyed for a . rail had eharge of the devotional eouple of hours. Every pet son went service on the theme: "The Bible, . the Foundation Stone of the New Order." Assisting the leadee were Mrs. George Thornton, Mrs. Ed- ward johnston and Mi'P. George Hetherington. Scripture passages on the eubiects, "Thie Visions of the City of God," "Building on Sure Foundations" and "The Prom - lee of a Naw World Order." were read by Mrs. Artheir .Shaw end Mrs. Alex MoCrackin. Prayer was of- fered by Mrs. C. Tavener and Mrs. W. J. Johnston. Rev, Campbell Tavener gave an son Cpl. Lyle Evans, telling of his interesting introduction to the, new safe arrival overseas, Friends of study book, "The Bible for All of Pte, Allan Franklin also received Lite." Mrs. George Thornton word that he had arrived safely in closed the meeting with prayer. England ETHEL home feeling tha1 they had enjoyed one of the best suppers and finest entertainment of the season. John Krauter and Mrs, C. Richards sup- plied the music for dancing. • Mrs. ;Carl McDonald, 6t1t con. spoilt a few clays with Mtn.. Maurice Hewitt, at Ripley ° Mr. George' Roy or London has been enjoying a few holidays with his father and friends. here. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Evans were glad to receive a cable from their The Y.P.U. of the Milted Church .0.ur .,,,sympathy goesee„pat to the held its weekly meeting in the sorrowing widow and Om, also other church. The president, Fleming Johnston, presided and conducted the worship period, reading a Scripture. passage and leading in responsive -Scripture reedit g. number of favorite hymns were relatives of the late George Michel, of Craubrook. He was well and favourably knewn here, Mr. Clifford ,Speiran of U.S.A. has 'been visiting his mother Mrs, Hartwell Speiran and other relatives this past week. Mr. and. Mrs. David MoMurchy of Comma, Alta.., Lias been In Toronto attending their daughter's wedding and visited With t sung with Mrs. W. J. Johnston as The greatest honor to theca,' be OP any tialePiece—* ht oze CANADIANS TELL TIME •Nc) by BULOVA k,;} than by any other fine watch! 0* , dome products never reach the top—some ar- rive for a short time—but only a product of marked superiority can maintain its leadership throughout the years. . . Unquestion- ably, Bulova is superior in smartness, in dependabil- ity, in Value! MISR MR WARDEN 11 Jewels 13915 Save 25% Oil your Chrisitnas Gift to yo..zr Soldier Boy Overseas. A Watch or Identification Disc a Ring or any'other dit to a soldier overseas can be sent without payment of 25% Sales Tax if sent by us. Let us pack and send your gift for you and save you money. W. G. LEACH WATCHMAKER and JEWELER PHONE• 91 • MUSSELS, ONT. t A=. spoke on the topic "The Rands .of Christ," which dealt with Christ as , a carpenter and also as a physi he ferater's sister Mrs. Geo. A. Dunbar for a Cewclan -when He healed by the laying days. on .of Ills band. Carl- Johnston, , .Residents of the village shall miss very: Tinnier, .1. C. Higgins and the friendly greeting of "Nero" the Allan Ramsay contributed a guar• big Sewfoundland dog, belonging to tette. Mr. J. H. Fear, be haying died last week. pianist. Mies atargaret Curtis ed a call by the local cengregation to fill the vacancy caused by Rev. D. 13, Crain's going to the Tees - water charge. Mr. Fraser had been minister of St, Andrew's Church Wyoming, for the past 11 years. le new church was built in 1902 during, Mr, Primer's ministry there. He preached hie farewell sermon in Wyoming en Sunday, Th I d i Service The community was saddened n u t on again on Mouday, to hear of the At Dutton Church death of Mr, Jesse Wilbee, 6th con. DUTTON, Nov. 19—Rev. Thomas Our empathy is extended to the Fraser formerly of Wyoming, was bereaved. inductZt1 into the charge of Knox Mr. and Airs. John Craig, White- ' Presbyterian Church, Thursday church visited with E. L. and Mrs. 0,,renjog. Conducting the Induction Jardine, Monday, was Rey, Thomas J. Watson, an, Mrs. Hari Bowes and little Marilyn of New St. James Church, London, are visiting her brother Mr. Stanley moderator of the London Presby - Wilson and Mrs. Wilson in Hamilton tery. Rev. T. R. Maxwell, Wallace - this week. ' town,. preached the sermon, while Rev. MeConnei of Laeknow preached itt the Presbyterian chureh. Sunday and declared the pulpit vacant. We hope to obtain a new er!nieter soon. Guests with Mr, and Mrs. .Alex, Pearson on Sunday were: Mr. and , Mrs, McWilliams of Mt. Forest; Mr, and Mrs. Ed. Mint and little son of Durham also 1VIr. anti Mrs. See. I Turnbull and son Keith. "ilere's the New, Easy Way Rev, J. K. West of Alma Street Presbyterian Church, St, Thomas, addressed the minis ter --and Rev, A. C. Young, of Glencoe, the con- gregation. • Mr. Fraser was veceutly extend. November 14. Mr. Fraser took his full share of the work of the presbytery, holding •the position of moderator ' twice in the 11 years, Ris Sent. tisk humor and his knowledge of Scottish history, will make kbA Popular In his new charge, at Dutton. uality counts most —for that rich, satisfying flavour which only a fine quality tea yields, use.. CLERK'S NOTICE OS ma,. POSTING OF VOTERS LIST - Veters' Lists, 1043, Tesvnallip of Grey, County of Huron. Noveinter, 1048.. , • Dated at 141101, lkth daY a I NOVICE is hereby given that 1 have complied with Beetion 20 of the Voters' List Act and that 1 have nest- . ed up at my office, Ethel on the 10111. day 'of NoVexiber, 1940, the nit of all persons entitled to vote in the muelcipolity at Muni-01pol Elections and Elections to the Legieloalve Aeserably arid that such Est remains lila' there fee inspeetlen, And 1 Itmeby earl upon ati voters to take' immediate proceedings to have all errors OP on:lesions 001. meted aecording to law,. the last day of appeel being 4th day of NC,. ember, 1-942. PIPitt, Clerk. Healthful Family Meals" 'WOMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat -to - v • Work- to .Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical ... time -saving easy to use And there's a copy far you 1TREE, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of smolt:ion for health, as an aid to Victory. Yee recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Pethaps per family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help keep them fit, on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good.to-eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy Menus 101 21 breakfasts ... 21 luncheons ... 21 e dinners. Balanced . delicious . . timely. "2' 0 nutril0nnI0t1t0 MID ..E4V,40•W0rRet0 Aritlen Bervtens,2,0 ile.r.rgrthir°11mrtittpainn0014, uttiMbhrtnaramma "qe"15 lin1.10f1A1 TICAlth MAIL THIS COUPON rmiompltrMgrowerimisiMmmdmkr,AmiNI,W*IgNowwWwiNimm... 0 `IitiTurriON SOR VicTOIVY", BOX 100, 'TORONTO, CANADA. of"Sat-roiWork-no-Virin"todayi PIcsitcsanditoinyitenacetwormsete.Wotk.to.Wie. • SPootheed by TH .1311.13WINO INTAISTRY (IMIT41110) fates interetts of nenition mei heath ILI an adso Vittar. *to