HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-11-17, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
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rums . hetiCross"
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In t ,- Town! H :i' 11 n
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TR . ,,.53'�fC�>4,".1A�8'aRta..R� aiDer
Frm rf
gr Nov. V
Donated by D. N. McDonald, will be made.
Good 'Music— Lunch 'Booth'"will .be provided for.
(Under the auspices of tha.Finance .Committee)
%eduesday; November 17th 1943
BRUSSELS, ONTARIO..� , - ._._.
Obituary --�-- ,
;under auspices of Walton
Red Cross Unit
Proceeds for
Blood Donors CIinic
' A quilt will be auctioned.
Lunch Bar In The Hall
Admission - 25c
an the
at 8:30 P.M.
In Aid of the Sunshine
War Workers
Admission — 25c
Ladies Bring Lunch.
In Cranbrook Community Hall
,.,.�. , NOV. 26th
Whine by :Victory Orchestra
Booth in Attendance
Help send smokes to
the boys overseas.
A Concert, under the auspices
ed the choir, will be presented in
Duff's United Church, Walton,
on Friday evening, Noy. � 19th at
Program consists of solos,
choruses, vocal and instrumental
numbers, etc.
Come and enjoy an evening's
Admission 25c and 15c
Mrs. H. Brown, choir leader
and organist.
"The Lord is my light and
my salvation."
Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., 155.D,
10 A.M. 'Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning Worship
The minister will preach
The evening service le with-
drawn in favdur of the Educat-
ional Service In - , St. John's
United .Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wlleos
11 A. M. Morning Worship
"Guarding The Good"
Junior Congregation
12 Ohurch School and
Bible Class
The evening service is with-
drawn In favour of the Eduoat-
tonal .Service In St, ' John's
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F, Oldham
21st Sunday After Trinity
8t. John's Church, Brunei, -
10 A. M. .Sunday School
7 P. M. Evening 'Prayer
and Sermon
Annual !Educational Week Ser.
vice Scholars of Centinuettor
Schoolwill be present,
St. Gedrgeei, 'WOW -
445 le, M. Sunday School
3,20 P. M. Evening •Prayer
Land Sermon
et. bdvid'e, 1'eeafryn- e
1.16 P. M. Sunday Sohool
2 P, M. tiven•ing Prayer
chill eerie -ion
ogeeeagee,x w..w..+++•+wr..w,wsx wr.,.Ka�rCw.a+r
Dedication Service of Honor
j Roll Held at S•
t.. John's Church
On Sunclay, Nov. 144,h at 11 a.m. a
solemn and impressive service was
conducted In St. .John's Church,
when the Rector, Rev. M. F. Old-
ham dedtcatted an Honour Roll with
88 names of young Ivan from the
church who are serving in His
Majeety'e Active F8roes. me
Hyenas, Senipture Lessons and Pray-
ers were all in keeping for the
oceasion. The sermon was on
Psalm 08:30-- ."-Scatter Thou the
people that delight in war," Mention
Was made of the Great War 1914-
1918 and the present one; We are
to remember always those who have
made the supreme sacrifice. We
are ever to uphold by prayer and
;support those who are now serving
wherever ]ring -and Country call
them also their families at home.
The following are those on the
roll: -
• Clifllord Aleck
Heid Alcock
Thomas J'. Alcock
Ruasel' Bryan •. . .
Clefforil Cardiff
William Cardiff
John Campbell
Roberts Campbell
Kenneth Coleman
Williaan. Coleman
Oliver Doll
Merles D011 -
Donald'M, Doll
Ross 110llliott
?Carl Goering
Maurice Gillis
• John Harman
Gordon Hulley
Robinson Hamilton
Lorne McCauley
Frank Mc0utcheon
Thomas Prest
Wdllianu Prest '
;Robert Prest
lama Prest
Leonard Rooney
David Bruce Smith
Sohn T. Smith•' -
Herbert Stratton
Ross Whtttard -
Earl Whittard -
Lloyd Workman
Gordon Worlunan
Seaforth, Ont. -
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
Nov. 18th, 19th, 20th
Two Features -2nd show starts 8:45
William Gargan Margaret Lindsay
+Enemy Agents
Meet Ellery Queen
When Nazis meet Ellery—they
meet their Waterloo
William Wright Dick Powell
Reveille With Beverley
with Ann Miller
Bob Crosby and his band:
The Radio Rogues
Frank ;Sanatra; Mllla Oros.
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday
2nd show starts 11t15
Nov, -22nd, 23rd, 24th •
Mary Grant Lorraine 'Cay
Comedy $taiinnt,ledu
g vith palgnant:
love and tlremo
Thuireday, Entity end Saturday
Nov, 26th, 26th, 27th
Two IFeaturest, 2nd etow starts 61;45
Fterteliglhrt Ghttrflarur
Vengeance of ilhe West
etriingae. .
w A.-
Kra show starts et 700 cosh teektUrIfi
Metieee Mach eatueduy at We
,Mrs. William 'Wilkinson ' -
A life-long resident of this dielri
Plilatboth Ann Brewer, widow
the tale Win. Wilkinson died at h
home In Brussels on Monday mor
:ogre November 15th, after being
with pneumonia for the 'past thr
Weeks. e .. The deceased was baro 0
1110 Ch concession of Morris Tow
ship on Sept, 9th, 1905, the claught
of the -late George Brewer at
Klizabeeh Cook. She was- unite
10 marriage fifty-four years ago 0
Sept. 11th to William Wilkinson wit
predeettaser1 - his wife three . year
ago on Oct, 10th. Three years ag
Mrs. Willrinson moved to T3rtisse
Where she has since resider!. S2
leaves to mourn their loss, f
daughters, Mrs. A. J, Helm (Mae
or Lender; Mrs A, Dark (Lila
-Wingham; Mrs. A. Woodrow -(Trete
Btmssele. and Mrs. L. M. .Blanch
(Mina) •Stretford. The funeral wa
bold from her late' home, Smiles St
on Wednesday, November 17th wit
Rev. H. C. Wilson of the Unite
Church of which she- was a memh
in charge. Miss Carrie Hingsto
gang a favourite number of Mrs
Wilkirson's, 'Once T Thought
Walked with Jesus:" Pallbearer
Loca News, iternis
of ' Nati
n: Will those In arrears for match- A good crowd Was present ai Lee ; Women'e Institute. Thr: openin
Legion Dance Well Attended
Bazaar ?tanned The Flag
By Majestic Institute what 'does our nab moat_ to ust
iin-r it 'a special significance for tat
1117. 1.".art Hemingway "Ka:. 110'510MS
'r ��We see it utiftirlod or have we,
monthly meeting of the. Malrgt ct. all our lives, aeon It treated six
on Thursday afternoonfor the
in le:melee in the Elmo, Centre Come- lit uisele town hall to enjoy the exereiscs and business were co
. tel„, kindly pay same as soon a4 Arndelict• night dance .held by the ducted by the president 11x4. lien
Meal n possible and doable the trustees to t al irraurin of the Canadbtn Legion, Sherrie. .The members detected no
n- pay the caretaker and other account, Music for the suceeesful affair was 10 ask for the Leglsiativ+ grant
a casually ar.d -wi/h such lark of
rrepeet, 11101 it has hecome, In the
n- ; worth` ut the old poem, joat "act old
t piece of bunting, an aid coloured
rag?" In these bloody days when
the gallant men of our armed forces
are (ighiing anti dying to preserve
tht :Ling, of whieb 11111 oag is the
synthal, the freedom which exists
wherever it flies, it should he treated
wllh all the respect date it. Our
rhil1ren, and all peopie. should he
lmer1501d by the right ami proper
us0 of the flag, the thing, for which
it stands and the respect CHI which -
11 should be regarded. If civic
oflctals treat it, in a :iglu cued
slighting manner what else ran we
expect from others? There is a
proper time and place to fly the flag,
a proper way for it to be displayed.
Are the .flogs flown on than public -
buildings of our village sur,, to
inspire respect and deference,
Would a youngster' s heart swell with
pride as he raised his eyes to it
rippling in the _.. breeze, would he.
think it worthy of the sacrifice of
'his father or brother? Now 'when
our flag means so much to us ire
want to see it proudly unfurled --not
torn and bedraggled- Can we not
have such ones raised here?
14Ir. and Mrs, Angus Brown and
Mng. Whitfield desire to thank their
many friend and neighbours for the
beautiful gifts received also for
assistance given daring the past
couple of vweeks.
poor they were forced' to land.
The weather tnrn1ig.,•ntuch colder
Thur•sd<ty morning the planes were
b1 0
a ttake off
e quite •. cagily and.
proceed on their way.
P1,. for tee year 1943,
J. 19. I-Ianiilton, Treasurer
n Notice
P511od lw Arthur's Orchestra of ; Printed Farm Forum materiel was
Wingham, ; dealt with. Mrs. Frank Nichol, dole•
— -- ; gate to the area convention at
CARD OF THANKS ! Guelph presented a very tem tete
o all my irier<ls for their kind ' report. Site mentioned the high -
O There will be a. bazaar iu the enquiia.e during my recent sickness, lights or the addresses - by the
e downstairs of Cranbrook Community my sincere thanks also ,k the Busi• 1 speakers and the ouwtanding points
o Hall on Wednesday, afteenoou, Nov noes :Hen's Association for the bon- emphasized by the convenors of
le emger 24th. Lunen will be served. (vete of flower's, all were Set ! deeply ; reportrg committees. A war t to
The bazaar is being heir! under the appreciated. report was completed and sent to
1 Aries Mary Clark, saperinteudent,
Toronto, of the work done icy- the
auspices of the Ladies Aid of the W. G. Leach,
Cranbrook Presbyterian Church,
T U!d Ratron Books Expire members ' thet
valid for purch�nse of sugar, re. • ; we're appointer and final
a Mr. anal
111r -S, Edgar :Jewell ,plans aceto for a bazaar b
Thew rat on coupons which bear Library, Dec. Alh
11 eldest daughter Grace h7loise (Jerry) Mrs. Dan Glassier gave a list of the
d to Harvey Wesley Stephons00 10th no expiry date will become invalid arfleles packed In the 12 boxes sent.
ere conessioai of Grey, son 01 Mr, and Ott December 31 and thenceforth all.i to the boys oversees. Birthday ••reet-
n Mrs. Wesley . ;Stephenson, The No.
o r8ases will he made ;ram boclr •I lege were extended to Mrs. ~Jahn
wedding Lo take place the latter ; Speir and Mrs, Carl l einingway,
I part of the month. "'"" I The National Anthem broughi the
s 9 Laves of World's Most . ; nreetirg to a close.
Engagement Announcement
Coupons in ration boob No 9 :fill 00711.'0110M tet pas six nrnnths,
coffee will expire with the year 1943.' to a held
announce the engagement. of their in the Brussels
were -six nephews; Wm. Brewer
Duncan Brewer, George Brewer
Herb -Wheeler, Jesse Wheeler an
Wilbur Proctor, Interment tool
place in Brussels cemetery
Lawrence Addie, a forme:: residen
of Grey Township, died in Parlrwoo,
Hospital, London, at noon` Frida
Nov. 12th, after an illness of two
years, Born in. St. Marys, Mr. Addis
was ason of the. late Mr. and . Mrs
David Addle. Hp was 71abyears old
-on October 8th. 41 the age
three months he left -St. Marys andv
moved c1 w ick his parents to ;Stratford
where he attended Stratford schools
In 190:5 he left Stratford to farm neat
Brussels for a . mi nber of years
.:enter he moved to Iaetroft'where he
lived for 22 years before he re-
turned to Canada to a farm in Grey
Township where his wife, the formerAgnes Anderson of •S'tratforcl cried
about five years agog Shortly atter
1Rm. Addie went to ,take his home
with his sister Mrs: Donald Ander-
son of Shakespeare, He was , a
member of the Presbyterian Church.
He is survied by 'one sister. Mrs, D.
Anderson of -Shakespeare and two
nephews, Alex. Anderson, Little
Ltvkes and Charles Lamb, 307 Albert
St,, Stratford. The body was brought
to Brussels where it rested al the
parker Funeral Home -until Sunday
noon when it, was taken to the home
of . his sister. Mrs. Andereon of
,Shakespeare. It remained there
until noon on Monday when it was
taken to Shakespeare Presbyterianun
Church where feral services were
1101d at 2:00 o'clock with Rev J. H,
Moore in charge. Interment ' was
maclein Brussels' cemetery,
• '1
Educational Service to be
Held at St. John's Church
d for Tgnatns Timothy Trt.bitsrb•
r The An utm Educational Service Lincoln, master espionage agent
will be held Re. St, John's Church, who ulasctueradetng as e flritish
Brussels, on Suhidap,:Noventher 21st, Member of Parliament, Missionary
Double -Dealing Spy 1
Is "death" just another disguise
at7 p en, The High S'0heo1 students and Buddhist" Monk, betrayed friend
will attend the service to a body. and foe alike? React about hint 111
There will be a students' choir under The American Weekly, with this
t the direction of their ' musical in- Sunday's (Nov. 21) issue of The
stream', M. Laycock, : The service Detroit Sunday Times.
will be in charge of the rector of the .......-.—
church assisted by the other clergy United Church Services
o4 the village. In the morning service at the i
United -Church the Minister's sub-
ject evae "Successful Failure." The
ai i More Pork For Canadians story of David's preparation to build
The restriction on 141 slaughter- the Temple formed the background
ing of 'hogs for eensul4tiln to Can, 101• the sermon. In the evening Mr,
• ads is being lieneoved. There may be Wilson spoke of the various Clouds
some restrictions from . the Prices that are spoken of in the Bible and
•Boae'd,'*0 .eatgrcemeat ira:tioming, but -the necessity of "Cloudy Weather"
orders for such restrictions will pro- for comp/ate and abundant ^living.
vide for an increase in tite quotas en
United. Church W. M S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the WADS. was held on Friday after-
noon in the achooiroo t of the
church, The president, airs. I4ttmil•
ton in charge. the meeting opened
with the National Anthem and
prayer, After the minutes and
business part of the meeting, hymn
3182 was sung, Two very interesting
sketches were given under' the
direction -'of Miss Hattie Downing
with Mrs, Baoker, Mrs, Nurse, Mrs,
Wilson and Miss 10. Downing taking'
part. (Between the sketches Mrs; 13.
Thomas sang a solo. The meeting
was brought to a close with, the
singing of a hymn and the mizpah
benediction, -
United Church W. A.
The meeting of the W.A, :net at
the home or Mrs. Bnsehlin on Tues-
day ev911111g, .Nov, 16th with twenty.
seven of - 1011 attendance, Mrs.
Hagan opened the meeting with the
singing of one verse af. "All the way
1117 Saviour leads me," Mrs, Wilson
led 'in prayer followed lis the Lord's
Prayer in unison. The 23rd realm
was react In Malden. Minutes • of
lest meeting were road and atlantad,
The troo,sttrer's report was given,
nollection was taken,'.The Meeting
closed With eingIng of "God Save the
Ring," :1a1.1owed bat alizpeh bene
dioticee. A defghteel pre rannne.
Waal put on. 14118e Carrie 111tti;ston
sang a sale; a comes* by Mr0, 1iliiza'
belch DOwrn:ieg; a lw1torrous reading
by Mos, 31, Darlene tint: a contest
be- Mrs, tee 3)07ivtttg, A s0115]
iteet lions Wee iatijeyed,
the elariighter of hogs for domestic,
eonsuanption, The new prices for
bacon equalize the export rates with,
I the domestic ceiling prices. The re-
l salt However, will be that less beef
aivd more pork will be cen,unred in
Canada. -
Minutes of council meeting ]held
November 8th, 1943.
The following changes were made
at the Court of Revision: '
Pt. Lot 14, Con. 4, assessed to
Jelin Falconer at $1,000.00; Mr,
Siemen $30.,011 off buildings but
added to land; Bert Johnston, .Lot
7, Con. 16 reduced $400.00; Alex
Mann, Lot 85, Con. 14 reduced
$300,00; Geo. Whitfdold Lot pt:, 23,
Con, 9, reduced $100,00 business
tax; Irene 'Musser, Lot pt 24, Con,
8, reduced $400.00 as buildings re-
moved; No action taken onother
appeals and the roll as tevieed will
be the assessment roll for 1044 -
tIngineer Geo. A. Mc0ubbin was
tnstrncted to examine and report on
tbe area of the Armstrong Drain and
to extend same as per petitlon
The engineers - report on " the
Ba]llie' Drain was provision sits,
adopted and the clerk instructed to
have theeeneceesary by-laws printed
and served.
1engineer wee inetrueted to ex-
amine and report on the area of the
Turnbull Drain,
The assessment of Mark Cardiff
on the Baker Drain wag reduced
from 50 to 25 acres.
Aeeounts for Michel anti Sander
Drains were ordered to be held in,
full be Graham & Graham,
Da', W, D. S. Jamieson of Brussels
Was apPointed Medical . Officer ' of
Health for the Township.
Reeve Wilson was instructed to
,take arrangements . at the. Tex Stile
at Goderich,-
Phe 1Load Superintendent; was In•
structed to have .till snow renes
greeted by Nov, 20t1.
All approved accounts were Order-
ed 'tined end council adjou*ned 10
meet Dec. 4th,
Lobe :;&lowing accounts wipe p:
Rends ,,,,. $3074.77
Meolleepal Drains ,.,, ,,,, ,.:. 1200,40!
'Schools .....e ..... ... . ...... 1780.00`
Sheep 64,00
O. V, ,.,,,,,,, „ ,. , - :18,00
1:etiaf ," 76,44
()Moe sopo110)1 4441141041. .. ”4/i 14.:1
l'nerli1111 7,70
tear, f`lec'k
At-enisti;ce Day Service
Held at St. John's
A line and impressive service for
Brussels community was Meld in St.
John's Anglican Church on Armisti4e
and Remembrance Day, Thursday,
Nov, elta at 10 am. There was a
good attendance, Members Ot the.
Lniperlal Legion and Reserve Artny
paraded to the church atm occupied;
the front seats. The Service was
in charge of the Rector, Rev. M. F:
Bifem Rev, H. C. Wilson of the
United Church read the Scripture
Lessons and gave ' an impressive
sermon on the subject of "Remem-
brance," Two minutes silence were
observed at 11 am, The people
then went to the Soldier's Memorial
when the wreaths were depbsited by
Mrs. N. Gerry and Mr. Joseph Kolly,
Red. Cross Notes
The monthly tea will be held in
the Workroom next Wednesday,
Nov, 24.
i During the year the 'Workroom
has given parcels to twentytllree
toys and two girls from this com-
munity who are in the armed forces.
Our quotas ter capture parcels has
been completed with, the shipping of
26 ribbed helmets and 45 prs, socks.
These -knitted comforts are sent -in
the first parcel given by the Red
Cress to p1'.isoners of war.
Hospital quota jest received
•50 sheets
200 rolled bandages -
60 hot water bottle covers
330 prs. men's pyjamas
00 men's dressing gowns
St. John's Ladies (7uild
The regular meeting of the
Wornen'e Guf,d of ,St. John's Marren
Was ;:held at the honle of Mrs, Harvey
Bryan oe Tuesday, Nov. 9th with a
good attendance. The president,
Mrs,. George Deeds was i n
charge, The meeting opened with
hymn, "Go Labour On," font/Wed gy
the Scripture Lesson and Prayer by
Rev. Ili. F• Oldham, The members
Of the Guild will write copies of the
letter written by. the RertOr, Rev,
M. F. Claitaan and send a copy to all
the men serving lar His $9ajesty'a
Forces overseas, temtend of a
hornoanstde belting sale each mem.
Mor will make a cash donation, Rev
M. be. Oldham and Miss Geraldine
St eet-tic gage plana Instrumentals
W1111581 were much enjoyed, At the
cinch Of the meeting the hostess
assisted by her eland,daugh.ter, Miss
Gerel&thti Strettet served a hefty
htnolt.''4 hearty vete of tfitt It vrtts
.weal Virh, 'Brynn for hes hesoltellty.
Don't forget the Bazaar in the I
Library on Dee, 4 sponsored by the I
Majestic institute. Watch for further l
!Aeroplanes Land
At Blyth In Storm
BLYTH, Nov. 13 -- Pl,cni was
(Mite a flurry of excitement when
three Tiger Moth planes. after
circling the village, landed in Jack '
Fairservice's field without anY this-
hap Wednesday evening.
The planes were being ferried
from Toronto t0 Sky Harbor, each
haying only one pilot aboard, when
they ran into
a blinding snowstorm
in this area, and visibility was so
"What's holding
you back brother?"
THE fellows who are in there pitching at the ANIS
didn't need any formal invitation to race into this
scrap ... and they're beginning to wonder what
happened to•you. Those fellows are in the thick of
things . , . smooth -working teams of fighters . . . each
Blatt doing his part.
Besides real he•nnan action and adventure, you'll get
skilled technical trainingand experience that em-
ployers will rate highly after the war.
If you really want to Bull your fair share, and If
youre At, there's not a thing in the world to hold
yon bark, You 00n go aircrew today. You out wiry
your wings in .a few short months under the guidance
of veteran sinner%'What about It:, bi'Otheri'
Btautting Cont,ea aro located hi oil rhottxinchpoh cities in ;1ewChcic..
Mobilo tem.:Ming units plait srsnllor eeuitee tottltl1Tly. "
w..•-..w,fit+ia.nwYu1�.•:vi-.,.+2.,www4.. .... ..