HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-11-3, Page 4Page 4, THE BRUSSELS POST Wednesday, November 3r1, 1943 i EEK Thursday, Friday and Saturday November .4th, 5th and 6th Our A.'' 'uai Re tali Onz Oent Sale ThefrigivaI Rexall leSale Coming just at this time a real opportunity. for Thrifty Buyers as many items are need- ed in the home. Here you can Save by Spending. Mark your Calendar for these days. Thursday, Friday and Saturday November 4th, 5th and 6th Sale bills have been sent out and if yAu don't get one call at the store and ask for one. Please Note—When purchasing Tooth Paste or Shaving Cream on this Sale, it will be necessary to turn in one used collasplble tube (any kind will do,) for each new tube purchased. ? SMITH TELEPHONE NO. 62 • Last Minute Progress .Of Fifth Victory Loan Witb Monday Victory Loan salee t reported at $72.251,400 the cumulat-I ive total at the end of the 13th C8n•' rising de, reached $917,662,400. • v .'UGGIn f end STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 The National war finance committee announced today the corresponding figures for the fourth loan were $40, 532,320 for the day a cumulative tot- al of $320,902,400. Pubftc Relations Section National War Finance Committee, BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Elmer D. Bell,- B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Serelcor Wednesdayaftersaooais) aturday BRUSSFi.S OFFICE HOURS & BENSON Daily from 9:00 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) ICOBAC y�r P Ta FOR A MILD, COOL, SMOKE eassified Ads For Sale— Raymond Sewing Machine. Phone 88x Angus Campbell FOR SALE— Large Alexander Apples, Garf McDonald Phone 24-r-6 .FOR SALE— One )arge Quebec Heater, new last fall, apply to Mrs. 13. \l'hittnrd Phone 64•r-5, LOST— One Masonic Apron, finder please leave with, Clarke Matheson Phone 16. N otice— Leaveyour potato order at Eliiott's Grocery, Carload of Prince Edward island's. to arrive shortly. FOR SALE— A few bushels of Spy Apples. apply to Leslie Oliver Phone Brussels 23-r-11. FOR SALE - 550 White Rocks and Light Sussex year old; lyear old Filly and 2 year old Gelding. Mervin McCauley Phone 36-r-15 1 EYE STRAIN causes headaches, weariness, no pep, drousiness BLURRED VISION ..3�w makes it hard to thread needles, read the paper, sew in comfort. If your eyes trouble you, have them examined in BRUSSFl S by R. A. BEIM, R. O. Stratford's leading Optometrist for 25 years. BRUSSELS–OFFICE—MISS HINGSTON'S STORE 1st and 3rd Wednesdays -2 to s p.m. NEXT VISIT WEDNESDAY, NOV.,.17th 1 The Home of the Better Used Cars 1.Ifi'r'•4O Ford V-8 beL,oxe Coach 1940 Ford -8 Standard Coach 1933 Dodge Coach 1933 Chev. 'Coach 1932 Chev..Sedan 1930 Model A 'Coupe Vied Wallis 20-30 Tractor 10" Plate (good) mapper OmW11 311 ► G. E. NURSE At The "Cities Service Gas Station BRUSSELS • ONTARIfl FOR SALE— A Driving Horse, weight about 1200, .well broken, single or double. Phone 20-r-16 Russel Knight, Lot 17, Con. 15, Grey Farm For Sale - 100 acre farm, good buildings, spring creek and drilled well; 7 acres of bush; 2 miles from Brussels. Mrs. Lillian Clark, Brussels, Ont. Phone 70-r-11 GREY ,b l� Havel Your`ji EYES �g c1RkiF� 'k sawN.� .y F.A$P.Cwiu'+laiga--str-....x? vin j:, Reconditioned 6forlWinter The Dull and long Winter Evenings put aei added strain an the Delicate Eye Mechanism. Why not have your Eyes Examined NOW and have them put in good condition, thus reducing Strain and needless waste of Vital Nerve Energy. I expect to be in Brussels all day and Evening Thursday, Nov. Ilth to give expert Eye Examinations and to supply Glasses where required. Phone Brussels 26x for appointment. Frederick F. Hornuth Eyesight Specialist Harriston, Phone 118 Brussels Phone 26x Jas. 1\Tair, Alban Mair and Lloyd Wheeler returned on Saturday night from Western Canada. Jim and Lloyd were in the Re.ymore district and Alban et Raddison. Little Miss Marion Morrow is in the Listowel hospital having had en operation for appendicitis. We hope for a speedy recovery. Mr. and Mrs. Win. Smith and fancily spent Saturday with friends at Blyth. Frank Cardiff, R.C.A.F. of Cen• Valle is spending a few days at his home, Sth concession. Mrs. John Jeffry Goderich spent last week at the home of her parents Mr. and l'Irs. Wm. i;llacott. On Friday evening a Hallowe'en Frolic was held in S. 'S. S.1 6, Grey, The concert was given by pupils from S.S. No. 3 and No. 6. Grey, assisted by local talent: Mrs. Nurse. Idella Bryan, •wean Speiran and Mrs, Harold Campbell, Mr. Brenton was a very capable chairman. ,After the concert the judges gave their decision about the bee costumes of the evening. A dance was held. music supplied by the Victory Orchestra. The evening was in charge of the teachers Dorothy PA1lantyne and Jessie Little. There passed away Tuesday of last week Alexander McOosh in his eightytirlst year. Ile is survived by his wife who was formerly Miss Mary Strachan, a daughter of the late John and Mrs. Strachan of the 3rd concession and one 500 Dr. Robt, A. McCostr, Kincardine and two grandchildren, Kenneth and Mary. 1/7111 and Mrs. Turnbull and family and Geo, and Jas. Turnbull and Millie and Grace McFarlane attend- ed the funeral of the late A. D. McOost Thursday of last week in Kincardine. Colwell and Mrs. Speiran and family have moved to the farm i recently bought from Mrs. A. Arm- strong, Sth conceoaion• Lloyd Wheeler, Jae. and Allan Mair have returned home from the West where they helped in the harveet fields. A social time was held last Tues- day evening in the town hal when Mends gathered and presented au. ford 31 ad Mrs, Cardiff with s rola• cella.neoue shower. A very peasant eventng 1V418 [100114 and lunch was served. MORE `Ii#1PS, MORE` tEA AND' RATIONS ilP Ih. Judo a year and a month atter nnioningeomrameed the were- meat is side to raise our allow- snosoftea etut third. A' Tee -lovers will rejoice; 'AA:* happy turn of emus tat sow they can ,get A 1b. et .their isvourite tee every ate week* instead of every eight, - t The next meeting of the Huron County Council will be held in the Council Chambers, Court House Goderich com- mencing Tuesday, November 16th. at 2.00 P.M. All accounts, notices of deputations and other business requiring the attention of Council should be ;n the 'Auras of the County Clerk not later than Saturday, November 13th. N. W. MILLER County Clerk Goderich ,Ont. (hoice Privatelyx r' Owned arr^L'..�+:'� '�."ni iux,IKErsEc',,«:i .. ;�� v: �<"•", ,.wp'Y,w.c..�• •-�,:1.cniwA'!.'.tt7ix'r. Used (ars For Sale 1940 Plymouth Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1940 Pontias Sedan 1940 Plymouth Coupe 1939 Ford Coach 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1936 Ford Coupe 1933 Bodge Coach 1933 Ford Sedan 1933 Oldsmobile Sedan 1928 Chev. Sedan L.. and w..-_.. Jackson Mot�rs Ltd Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. ANIMAL DISABLED DEAD or •.itdckJy removed in Clean Sanitary :• truck.. Phone colied, 72 BRUSSELS W Mimi Stone Sons ALi nlitad FARMERS AND FARM WORKERS If Your Farm Work has Slackened for the Winter, You Are Needed Elsewhere in Essential Employment Highly essential work—very important in Canada's war effort and for the welfare of the Nation—is threatened with shortages ofworkers. One of the few sources of men available for other high priority jobs is those men on the farm who will not be needed at home during the Fall and Winter. Heavy needs must be met in many lines— producing fuel wood and other neces- sary forest products; in base metal mines, in food processing, in railway track maintenance. If you live on a farm and are not needed 'at 'home during ' the Fall and Winter, you are urged to answer this national appeal. Farmers engaged in essential work during the off season will ' be allowed to return home when needed. Also, those on postponement under Mobili- zation Regulationsr `ziill iontinue on Postponement while in ap'p'roved essen- tial work during the slack on the farm, Please, answer this vital -call NOW. 'For full inf ortnation please 'apply in one of tie• f olloaving: The nearest EMPLOYMENT AND SELECYUVls SEa'oca Opiucm or The nearest PRoVINcIAL A4rcvt.'rustax REPRESENTATIVE Or X'oua Loom. Reiss Paonucrwar COMMTJ'IEE NATIONAL SELECTIVE SERVICE iD R T MON T $rinarn 1 Mrrcrmwr MMkar .f L.imef L'B d MAeNeiw n, Ditletw, N tioe.,t Selective 1sniko MO -,A1 NOTICE. To Cream Patrons Creamery will Not be Open on Saturday Evening's After October '30th. BRUSSELS CREAMERY om. Int .4/11.110 AreYou Prepared For hinter? Women's and Misses Tweed Coats made of men's all wool heavy tweed cloth in grey, green and brown sizes 12 to 40 Women's fur -trimmed winter coats, well made' all wood cloth, sizes 14 to 26%. Girls' all wool cardigans, sizes 8 to 14 years Boys''brush cotton Combinations, sizes 26 to 32 Special •. , .... _ $1.00 Women's 10%• rayon hose, Special • nice shades 9 to 59c Women's rayo nhose, nice shades 9 to' 101A • • •• ••• Special •• 39c Boys' Penman's' wool and cotton golf Bose sizes 8% to "10 / • 50c a pair ;