HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-11-3, Page 3SOLD IN ek Lia rood Voir Ail Kiwi BRUSSELS AT r Bran,. Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels map ETHEL t 1 THE BR JSSEl S POST the worth 'blsat'the bride -t .4e eras, Weai16606.Y. Nevetribor 3ra, Iin her home community and extend- ing best wishes for continued ess :0 the envino�•tncnto of her `new home was fittingly and feelingly ucknowiodgoil by the reo1pit:M. In nencluston t'lie future bei innker intimated that the latch string would always be on the outside of the door 11 hen friends, lk•terlaiu:ment for the belanoe,' oT tIcu evening was• given In games and contests, community singing end a Pc nett wedding, the bridal -being .in burlesque ulusqueh'ade gave no encs of fun, Much credit and many thanks are clue • Ma'a. Elwood Me - Taggart and MSS Rnth N'ic'Donald as promoters of the entire schedule. went on to 'Meanie to visit there, The lunch provided was a veritable. Week end guests: Mr, and Mrs. leeltivaL Bert Lake and Miss Dorothy; Miss Preparatory service will be held i Elizabeth Barton; AC. ' Wm. Me. in the Presbyterian Church Friday ' Creath, Mr. Cannan Richards and evening at 8 o'clock, C'ommuniou liar. Manley 17ck,niler all of Ham - will be observed on ,Sunday, , Nov, Ilton; LAX, Stanley 'Alexander of 7th, at 2:80 in. the afternoon. i of Trenton at his home; Mr; ,and -The annual Thank -offering meeting Mrs. Maurice Iiewitt of Ripley of the Presbyterian W.M.S. was ,ill°.l on friends on Sunday. held Tuesday afternoon, Oct, 26th. The wedding of Miss Helen Bate. Mrs. McCarroll, of 'Walsworth was nl,an. and Mr. John Coghlin of At - guest speaker and delivered a splendid address on "Prayer", Mrs, MacInnes, president, • was hi the eller. Scripture was read by Mrs. 18. S. Dunbar; Prayers were given by Mrs. A. Dunbar, Mrs. Geo. 1)un- bar, Mrs. R. Campbell and Misses Ann McMurchy and Elizabeth Fear, Several hymns were sung and Mrs. Glenn i:ckmier favoured with a solo. There was a.good attendance Sev- eral being present from Crdnbrobk, We hope to have thepleasure of hearing Mrs. McCarroll again soon. The Presbyterian ladies held a quilting at the home or Mrs. J. T. Nicholson last week. Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Miller of Guelph :are .getting settled in the house vacated gy Mr., Hewitt. Mr. Miller will begin his new ditties as station agent on Monday, Nov , 8th. We wlecotne them to our vicinity, - Mrs. Har] Raby and son Irvine of Kitchener visited with Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Baker on Sunday. The, were former residents here. ' Mr. Raby being blacksmith for some time. Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Dunbar and family also Miss Ann McMu'•ohy spent Sumlay with Merits at Kintail. Mrs, 88, C, Wilson, of Saskatoon was renewing old acquaintances here over the week -end, She was form= erty Miss Maggie, Osborne, and left these parts sortie 48 years ago, but — visited once during that time. -She met several of her old friends and wood on Saturday, Oct, 36th caused Cohn excitement in the village. The nhng to]:k enjoyed decorating their car, • Mr. Harold Widnheyer of Marton who has been relieving agent visited his sister in Palmerston recently. tire, Percy Stephenson is visiting in Hamilton this week. We are sorry t0 hear her slaughter Mrs, Jas, Hampson has been ill, bit t,•nst she much we have appreciated having is improving, you as friends,' To each and everyone of us you. Ethel Bride Elect Showered I have been a helper in time of trouble, you have readily cooperated in all concerns and have given freely of your faculties as the neces- sity. arose. In all our social activities you have been a leader and have greatly contributed to our happiness. _ In all these we will miss you very much. We do not wish to say farewell but sincerely 'hope that you will frequently return to pay us a visit and renew old aoqua.intan-0O i To you alt we wish, every success. a bright and happy future, full of health, wealthand all that goes to make life perfect. As a more tangible remembrance of tie all would you please accept these gifts. 'Signed' on behalf of the neighbours and friends. address extoling They were presented with two occasional chairs, Dorothy and Isabel, mirrors; Joyce and. Gloria, • PRESENTATION Friends and neighbours -gathered at the home of Mr, and Mrs..Norman Walker on Wednesday evening of last week to spend a" social evening with them before their• -departure -for their new home in' Stratford. The following address was Teal by Dr, Harold Moffatt: - Dear Myrtle; Norman and .git 1.;, It is with deeP regret that we recently learned of your departure from our midst. More now than ever, do we i'ealio that we -do not val:tie friends until they sre no longer with us and so to -night we your +heig'i- bours have gathered in your • home, to take this privilege of extepdiug to you in our own humble way . how A wast without exception the ladies of the entire populace of the -Waal, anrl ninny others further re- moved from this center, participated 'ncesday, Oct, 26, In Ethel United (Mardi' at a miscellaneous shower, tendered to Helen Gertrude Bateman mem, to her weddingthe following Saturday. The proverbial umbrella was featured on the -occasion, ,art- istically decorated under which the guest of honor was placed to receive lbs donations to many of which was attaclied humorous .appropriate comments and suggestions. -When read in Helen's native distinctive. manner was mirth provoking, 'The gifts, nunierous, practical and at- traotive, were essential for eon- variance and comfort in setting ,up housekeeping. The presentation of the gifts and the V -r D.URO WATER SYSTEMS DEALER /.; Q EXPERT _. SERVICE OUR Duro Pump, like any other piece of machinery. - or equipment, requires regular lubrication and atten- tion to ensure satisfactory performance and long life. The motor and other working parts, such as the diaphragm and control switch, should be checked regu- larly. Parts do wear and require to be adjusted or re- placed. The Duro Dealer whose name appears below Is well qualified and experienced to do this for you. Keep your Duro in good running condition for long and efficient service. This year our production is limited and sales are restricted to farmers who can qualify. ' If you are a farmer without running water, the Duro Dealer may be able to secure a•pump for you, provided it will help you increase production, but you must first secure approval of its purchase from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. , Enna Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are still obtain- able. If you are remodel- ling your Bathroom or Kitchen, your plumber will be glad to show you the range of styles avail, able in the Emco line. Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly Wilton & Gillespie 24 / tT . EMPIRE BRASS M�'G , r LIMITED crops . and saucers, titter which Norman made a fitting 'reply for their kindness. The remainder of the evening was spent in dancing. HONOUREDiBY FRIENDS On Tuesday ' evening, Oct. 26th friends and neighbours gathered at Union school to spend a social ,even- ing with Mr. and Mrs, Colwell •Speiran and family prior to their leaving Dor bheir new home, Atter a short programme the following address was read by Mrs. Richard Robinson and a beautiful silver tea service was Presented by' Mrs. Leslie McDonald. Dear Elvelyhi and Colwell,- '" It was with deep regret wo learn ed of your intention -to leave this ne,ghibonhoocl and we felt we could- nt let you leave without spending, another social evening in your oompany. You Colwell have lived your entire life at Union, you pt your education in this school, and you stili ,retain your interest in it, as you have served on the school board for several years. Tll®chairch will miss you tote as you are an elder and - assistant superintendent of the Sunday school and you have been generous in your glvlege and in helping In the choir kind other organizations. When you carne ]here as a, bride Evelyn we weloemed you, and In the Fourteen: yeare yen have lived here, yon have trade many friends, Yon have also been a great help in the W.NLS. where yeu very cap- ably filled the position :of secretary. Thu held a similar position in the War Workers lncilia,ry last year acid you have always been wI1•ling to give of year ,musical talent '. when- ever requested. Your genial disposition has made you an ideal bostess'ahtcl the very massy friends who have enl{oyed your lhrneIpitnlity will long remember IL We ask yeu to accept this gift as a token of our esteem, and we hope as you use it in your new, Noma tit I 40 50I Men,30 Want Normal Pep, Vim, Vigor? Try (latex Todd Tatddt#, Crabs 011trd, ttriagb , d n 'd Lac nn,rinsani+Isrq'xia,4s w. D, dP ad, bid Wltih ver. x4111) tf,m d hn(A, I1rrO)l,Venn I 1,, • .,01,1118 nes, V11n,v15er, lit Ili' 81100 !n(rmllot�0cy 911.8 0/111 - 15, 1 ndu 110115 60)11114 b„1114)4 Dn11MUN,051i(i' 0'e 811.q 0,3111 110)14(1114 911106 (1141.05 h1sl1e1'rl111 DAT WILL CO the up when tit 1S b. colour of n ..- a clay 0.11ur place , and uax ex na 1 back ° on the tiquarter. b.ig ears,to a the.whe e p� � � n P°0 isles a x' 11 want been freercku vow hose Angus calves y up °n 1, check me about." compared to telling-me ,e7.ling ' e ting � old round here a t looked clikecompared waist ttVo ohs'sbut farms 1 say one e on x ghway'e�cT er like a ens MacbTeg 0 place the lT dance 1n the. barn." ed to drive the rains tractor by then. t0 do 1 have,the ogoing to Put. to paint 1011 Dad d lit if we're Think wet 11 have Mom tbe Wet pasture e e, Eland ut in electricng ity t it an'Ywr Y he h°ug$' alts falx tn� n tl all 'Seems so fa ougb.1 r al tla Oral 3 ust how." ow.„ , irie tostarty 0rty winks � d I Still het writeaia W e dldntsnob. sleep ithe rt (censored) days coming whad tt ince t burt,s ath10 b arrived, t with MontOpomn• n Be $cern% Ion d WHAT IS A VICTORY BOND? A VICTORY BOND is the promise -of the Dominion of Canada to repay in cash the face value of the Bond on the date of maturity with half -yearly interest until that time. A Victory Bond is the safest investment in Canada backed by the entire resources of the Dominion. Canada has been - issuing bonds for 75 years, and has never failed to pay every dollar of principal and interest when due. A Victory Bond is an asset readily marketable at any time. Yes, a day will. come ... when he'll be back, ready to take his place in a Canada he helped make safe for all of us. To speed that day is in our power. We at home... in factories, in offices, on farms ... work long hours to hurry it along. We go without, and lend our. savings to provide what he needs to win quickly. This is the least that anyone can do. And when that day comes — you'll want to welcome him - and to help him make his hopes come true. To speed Victory, plan to buy as many Victory Bonds • as you can. dq 4Iro°"111CTORY 1VitHone/ War Finance Committee to D 5-4 will remind you of your • friends at Union. We are glad that you will uot'be so far away but we can still vielt hank and fourth. We trustyou will ul3 very happy in yolll' neiv Surroundings and we sheet always be Interested .in your welfare. - SI!gred oat behalf of 'inion Cont- munity Richard Robinson Leslie McDonald Robert Baker erey Ward 131117. Bremner R,Cl.A,F, Mr. ISpeiran thanked the friends, and neighbours for ,their kindness. Lunch was served and the remainder of the evening was spent in dancing, Ou Thitt'Sday, Oct, 28.th. the teacher and pupils of Union School held a Blallowe'!en Social and presented Ivan and Graeme Sple'eih'an with Tesltetnents and.;,I'uversharp pencils. The following address was read by ,Glenna Machan and presentation by Hilton Wards Dear Ivan ancl. Goethe,- ' We, y0tie Union echoelm tee Are having 'this little gooddbyo peril in your honour. We are going to be very sorry to seeyou go aft yeti both have ]team very 1*b4tlar 111aylnates and meristic Workers. wife, formerly Mist; t4lltan Beton You ]have always been ready t•e drett, and two daughters, Sark, help In Red Cross pragrotnt and Mrs, W. Sinith of dolt and Rl111, °iniatm -s concerts and 8 ant . sure we are going to miss your talent a.ollg that - line. - However we sincerely lope you will get clorg real well at your next school and that you find lots of etod playmates and friends. So as a little remembrance of yom' Union's pals and teaches we use you to ;sccept these sanall gifts and we hope you will think of us when you Pse them' Signed by— Jean Little - - Glenna Mme Machan Mextne S,peiran Iva Spelran ' The boys thanked the teacher and school mates for their kindness. 1..1111011 were then mead.. ' BELGRAVE W1111nsti Cole died suddenly at his home In I3elgreve on ' Wednesday oveniiag following it heart atincit: 1Je w,ac in his '88th year and had beer In failing Health for -seine mentltsl but was around as usual, en Tues- clay. Mr, Cool was the only son of the late 141r. nod Mrs, John Cole of ticlgthva, He Is survived by his Mrs; Neil Montgomery of London, and three grandchildren. The Belgrave Red Cross - Society held their m011511y busithe1 s tnontiug in the work hwonhs on Friday after- noon, oonduoted by the President, C. R. Coulter. In the absence of the secretary, Rev. .G. H, Dunlop, 'Mrs. John Anderson acted as secretary and wail the minutes. The treas- urer's report was read by the pres- ident. - C'heletmas boxes have been sent to 21 local boys .overseas and were packed under the direction of Ml's Gordon Walsh and her committee. This committee has now bean ad- cled t:0 the Canadian box conitnit.tee oY whielh- Mrs, 1'Iariy Octhnpbeil wale: named convenor. It wes decided to hold the Weekly work meetings in homes In the village during the winter mouths in order to conserve fuel and Mrs. 0. Legan, Mrs. A. Manning and Mire, N. Keating were appointed to make arrangements, Social Enjoyed Tli pupils of Beigrave seise et and their,tea:'eher� Miss. IOditil Mc- Clenaglhnsl, held a Hallowe'en Soc- ial hi lbe ethonl Friday Of_telnoon. Lloyd, Anders -on acted as .chairman Tor the program. Prises for ccs. thine spore 'Wohh by 1)orls 'Ynung end Catherine • lteatltig, Retold Crump won the apple -eating con- test and Billy Cruahi.P won in a ;retching the ball„ A short play was given by Mar- jorie Macltenzde, Alvin Pingally, Raymond Bennett, Mtn'iel Drydgell and. Lloyd Anderson. Other num- bers were solo, Irene Logan; Hallow- e'en story. Muriel Brydges; song, Donna. Anderson and Catherine Heating; piano solo, Irene Logan. Keeps Birthday - - Mre.. Robert Stonehouse celebra- ted a birthday on Friday and a chtclian dinner was held is her honor et the home of her son T.,ew,tl3 anis Ms's, Stonehouse, Friday evening. Guests included' 11Vte. and Mrs. R S1oeeltoitse, Mr. - tact Mrs. H, MoG,tire and fatosty, Mr. and Mrs. It, 81, Caultes and family, Mr. and Mrs. - R., Walker and fatally, Tile evening Were spent to games nett conversation. ' Huron County Victory Loan Ctuotas Announced truss els 70,501E Blyth ....... ,,. 46,6011: Howicic Township 320,508. Morris TOWnshtp 01,000, trJingllanl ...... . 188,000. 51'ey Township ,.,.,..,,, 11(1,000 (Hinton ,,,,1. ... , . ,...... 1134)00(1.