HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-11-3, Page 2THE l RUSSE1 5 POST - � I dress and an appeal fee loyaI Can. MORTGAGE SALE r war Urfdlr and by virtue of the mean o -day, 'as always, the `Salado' aalians to e10 their purr, wo• label is your guarantee of a uniformblend of fine quality teas. 'SAL or Wecl, lesdlty;. Miro m ' be gra, 1948 Red Cross Meats WALTON . ot11V1 were shown, o2' sale contained In a certain mor•t- Bev.. le; Floyd formerly: of Pete Mage, which 'will be born and; now R,C.AF,I Chaplin produced 'oduco t at the BUuevale Red Crass unit met at ttme of. sale, there will be offered at Clthton was in charge of the ser- • the home .of Miss Duff on Thurs- for sale by public auction vire in SC, Geotgo's Chnr0)i alt Oct, flay afternoon with sixteen present, on Wednesday, the 24th day of Nov That ti 8 p• m,: and preached an tn- The president Mrs. W. J. Johtreton, ember, A.D. 1943, spiririg sernvon. presided for a short business period. at 1.30 o'clock in the afternoon spiv i 7tes iu Saud 211,01 1 it P. 011 d +ritti r. of $233.1 was gratefully et the premises. hereinafter mention. Sltn'dity Sa14U1' 2:30 P', N. 00 l0 I' M. 1 t rceived front Mrs. Russel Bone, ed. the Yellowing lands, nalleelY ALL Ireilsmrer of the S.B. Clubiin Morris, AND SINGTJLAR that. certain parcel en norm' Roll will be dedicated. Mrs.. Mary Dresset Hove' i school and a quilt front the Women's 1 lying and being in the Township, of and AW. 2 Areria Ennis, Toronto + County of Huron, and with] her parents,. Mr. and Mrs. tired E.- nig; Mrs. Hugh Fulton and grand- , daughter, Mrs, Fred Young with Mr. Andrew Bruce in Grey Township . and'•relatives in Brussels; Mr. and Mrs. Neable with Mr. and Mrs. le. Ennis; Miss Mary Humphries in Toronto; Bert Kelley and George Jackson have returned from the West; Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Vitae and fancily, Gerrie, with Mr. and Mrs, Charles Pollard. , a quilt from the pxtr 11s of 1#I le • or toast of land and premises situate personals. Institnte. Mortis ea the Con Y t , I During the afternoon a quilt was , Province of Ontario, and being _ „t.,n, ,,,x,„,,„,gnlltea 't'h'e. coma -malty responded' composed of Farm Lot the Westerly _t,„„2,„,,,,,„„_...-.., _� „ nobly toward the Ditty Bag Fund, 1 Half or the N itherly half of Lot the United Church on Sunday morn-; 4th concession of Turnberry $21; j -Number Six, in the' Sixth Concession Ing and was addressed by the min-, prestlryterien Ladies' Aid $7; Pres-. of the said Township of Morris, and aster. Rev, Campbell Tavener, He byterian Y.PS., $3.50; United containing fifty acres be the sane based his missionary message ou the Ckurch> $11.60; Women's institute, ;more or less. text Arts 15:'26: "Lien who have $q; a total of $50. i. The said lands are of good clay hazarded their lives for the name 131uevale and the adjoining district loam. and well situated, being on a of their Lord Jesus Christ,” MOS. wns well represented at the 131o0d ' County Highway, 80 rode from a Alex McCracken sang a solo. Donors' Cattle held in Winghoul on ' school and close to market centres. Theervfce at Ivroi Presby.etta ' Wednesday, Included in the donors Sheeted thereon there is said to be ,,..a a ducted Rev, F.' were: Miss Emma Johstau, 2nd; a good barn and a comfortable 1 t erreb was con1 3 d• (Merge f[elh_r 1 e, �1 C Fowler His Subject wee "The r .ire- ss of Sir.” from the Prayer. Mrs. R. Elli,tt and ellen Ramsay sang a duet. 1 . mectin1 in the iutere-st' n= the i, . can was helot 11 tate • t ,1. nom of the 'P Presby- ,. - z• . '-ursday F%.eartg ,I I ; -I- i man II. C. MacLean BLUEVALE Mr. .and Mrs. Robt. Aiteheson of Ripley are spending a . while with Mr. Robt. MoClennan and fancily. We were sorry to hear Mrs. Robt. McClennan, underwent an operat'on in Wingilam hospital. last Thursday and is getting on flee. We are glad to report. Mr. Spens. :,11111' non o the bank staff at Waterloo sire t Lite week end with his parents a' Blue vele. Miss Janet Robertson or Brussels visited over lite weep end- with her mother' and brother ou t1ie le line WHAT'S WRONG so a cirillecI well. One of the first salutations of the Week MFRS "Why don't yon have something interestblg in the paper?" and 'while this .. is not the best Monday morning Pave, it Is a q,•.ectinr which lnerig6 attention and for which an answer must be pro- s vided. The question is the counterpart to the trite expression, "There's nothing in the paper this week." Feed bei in€•, - r ; •" inns , . ingtan. 4th; Mrs.. ' Stewart Mc- i The lands will be offered for sale Naeghtou, Miss Florence bowler,f subject to a reserve bid and other Mrs. Stanley Moffatt, Mrs. Stanley , couditions of sale. Perlin. 2nd; Mrs. Will Mundell. 1 For further particulars apply to the Eldred Nichol, Sperling Yen, Oran 1 untlerstgned, Riehl. Earl Hamilton, Walter . le. FINGI 4ND. I{.C., Clinton. Ontario lrl•'•' and Donald Robertson, i Solioitor for the Mortgage ,ears, George 1Hethertegtoe and WILLIAM MORRITT, Mrs. - Carl Johnaten assisted the Auetioneer. Don't forgot P,ruwn.taivn Chtl•:tma-n 'i' qq' of nu Tree on Dec. 2 nd. Adele, who nutl`.necf briefly the cost Mrs. David lIci:.emulu a l of war equipment and the urgent purses. *Cardiff', William *eampbell, John Campbell, 'Bolls' Coleman, Iden. *'Coleman, Bill *Davidson, Cleve *Doll, Charles Do11, 0, Dunn, Irwin *llllliott, 'W. R. Elliott, George 0. 0111ott, Orwell S. Elliott, Dick * Elston, Wm. .Lagar, Harvey Farrow, Jack Fischer, Howard Garniss, C. 11. Gore Ise, Thos. Glassier, Fred. *Glassier, Stuart *Gowing, 0. 13. *'Fox, Russell Fuller, 8. S. *Gat'niss, H. M. Garton, Ed. *Gillis, M. Gordon, Jack Grainger, Stanley F. *Hall, T. Deb. *Hall, W. R. * Hall, Gordon Hamilton, R. C. Hamilton, Allan 0;. *Harman, J. K. *Hastings, Dave Hood, L. Hood, S. Eloy, Lloyd, Wm.. Just what some readers oxpec , WO 0 MORRIS Hunter, Glenn A. Siren Spies , , , , , carnet say. Perhaps thein ideal is *'Hulley, G. R. ter spent a day last week will Mr. Back in Vogue "hush" or it may be the "Northern Kerr, Stewart Township were in attend Mr, and firs, Claude Johnson sod Mauer;' not that there is any *Lamont, L. and Mrs. Robt. Mr lletrnan, acre A short program was en,inyed { is Natters "Ugly truckling" s and and stew Harry Goll and 12r• 81 V. Pym and Mr. Sib- hi+'ed to get results. Read "Back famfiy Toronto, are vilgitiug at the s'.milarity between the publications. *Lowrie, E C nMrs. Stewart McClennan attend- -tett by Aga'u to. Siren Spies", in The Ameri- ]tome of 12r. and Mrs. Frank Little. Bach, however, has its appeal to' a 1e ofMrs, and Mrs Nick ce Lodting, Wm. aft the funeral of the late Mrs, e'etn1 and Mrs, M. blathers of Blue- can Weekly with this Sunday's )]wart :1Trl�archer on Sunday after- A. Beecroft Huron (Nov, 7) issue of The Detroit Sun- Machan, Rosa to certain .1 ,„1 t t.i.r 1 ! v menet. The salecmer 1001 .stain group of people, 0 weekly newspaper must confirm standards and must have er hese of appeal to the Farm Stock Lot 1, Concession 5, Hullett, Twp, general public if even a faMt z ur e Readers son. North of Seaforth •1 name WEDNESDAY, NOVEMBER 10 that a paper worthy of its Sale starts at 1 p.m. Sharp merely records and reports the news, FARM it dons not manufacture. consists of 100 acres oR land good How many of the people who ask - clay Ioam 20 acres, fall plowed bale ' ed the question or provided the e.nee en stay and pasture, good brick answer we have mentioned have house and bank barn anti drive 1 ever macre any contribution even in shed, hen house in the barn, never the form of a personal item to make Pa.ilirg well with windmill. it possible for there to be "Some - HORSES thing” in the paper? -Kincardine 1 agricultural mare 6 yrs. supposed News. to be in foal to a Belgium horse. 1 agricultural mare 7 yrs. supposed FOR SALE - to be in foal to Clyde posse 1 Buggy, 1 Cutter, Set of 2000 lbs. 1 agr cult(rral filly 2 yrs. old 1 Scales and other articles also dining 1 general purpose mare with colt by room suite in oak and other house - aide, George Dorranoe's horse. holt articles too numerous 'to ment- Alex Bryans, Belgrave COWS 1 Phone 13-0-10, Brussels. Lowry, Steck EPV. . P0011. day Times, Hitler thought his - MauII, I]Idon The Women's Missionary Society "Y chairman, was the guest F & Implements AUCTION SALE a. broad kMcCau, L. E. iter and delivered a forceful ed thantc-offorilig service was held in it "rely Duckling" or "Potato Face' spies were something super -slier: but they proved a dismal failure. Get this coming Surday's Detroi'. Times and learn WHY. - •2% miles West and 2/z miles meas of success is to attend h Id remember, too, BUSINFSS CARDS WIL.-e <&AM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. -- 1321111111 a t,11 :`? ,''. ii:'.1e'.11 4.11271Oi1'.er (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after Immedlately. For Information, etc., write or phone elther 51•,••18 OR 41X tet Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC'Z @D tN A SATISFACTORY MANN!R. MODERATELY PRIBEL Allan A. Lamont - Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donaldson -- Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35.1-13 - Atwood, Ont, for the Courtles of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO --CHARGES MODERATE - For Engagements phone. 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., Physician and Surgeon Comnner Office Hours -1: 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays --Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87.;-2 Harald Jackson SPECIALIST 1N FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed In Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, eto., write or phone Harold Jackson, phone 12 on 658 Seaforth R.R. 1, Bruc =field • Make ar"anger eats at The Brussels Post er - Elmer D. 1351,, Barrister Office, Brussels, 1J. .I' RANN Furniture ,•,.,esfNes,1MM,•b1r ,nwR.l,are, ,.p,r,s,rv,.� < • FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERVICE. Licensed Funeral Director and Embairritr PHONEeamown.36 or 85 ,.m„ •. -BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES MCF'ADZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance • --+iso•-- Hartford Windstorm Tornado insurance Atttornobile lnsttrance PHONE 42 P.O. 130X 1 TURNBERRY ST.BRUSSELS, ONT, Lewis Rowland.' (Ltcens« i Ver Huron 0ounty3 SAT1SFAOTtON OIJAAANTEED .... PRICES REASONABLE gar Engage,notits Phone 31 "The Brussels Post', and they wail be looked after immedaittly For infer talon, etc., w ate or phone LeW, Rowland B800'44 at Seafcrthl or write R,1#. 3, 'Walton. ibiereidioemintasoweivoiliiimin AUCTION SALE Farm Stock and Implements• Lot 16, Concession 3, Morris Twp. 31/2 =nates South of Bluevale These from a distance 'are welcomed for dinner. THURSDAY, NOV. 25th Sale starts at 1 p.m. Sharp H 0 RSES 1138.y Horse 10 years old 1 Roan Mare rising 9 (Team) 1 Bay sHprse rising 5 I. Ibay Mare rising 4 (Team) CATTLE 1 Fresh Cow 1 Gow to freshen Nov. 18th 1 Oow to freshen Jan. 2&th 1 Cow due in March 1 (Jersey Cow) milking, carrying 2iid calf 1Cow dry 2 Roan ,Steers 2 years old 2 Gray Steers 2 years old 1 Gray Steer 2 years old 2 Poll Angus Steers 1 year old 2 Poll Angus Heifers 1 year old 2 Blue Roan Heifers 1 year old 1 Hereford Heifer 1 year old 1 White Helfer 1 year old - 1 Bull 11) months, eligfli'le for regis- tration 8 Poll Angus Calves 6 Young Cattle, yearlings PIGS 1 Sow with pigs at foot A number of shoals Contents of House Trailer, including 3 Violins suitable for orchestra, 1 Tent 7x12 (new), Blankets, Dishes and eta. Other articles, tools (ear equipment) too numerous to mention. IMPLEMENTS 1 White Engine 25 -horse, sultable for saw mill or heating plant 1 Tank (capacity 11 barrels) 1. Suction Pump complete with hose Beatty Make (new) 1. Circular Saw 1 Deering Binder 7-11, 1 Massey -Barris Mower 6 -ft. 1 Massey -Harris Manure Spreader 1 Internatioual Maure Spreader 1 Seed Drill 1 Root Pulper 3 tllolxo.eghlin Cutters 5 CMetliam Gutters 4 Wm. Gray Cutters -8 extra set of Shafts 2 set of Sloop Sleighs 1 sat of Bench S1eigiie 1 Truck Wagon 1 set ed Scales ]Massey-Httrt'is Com,binatten Rack 1 top Buggy 2 sets of Double Harness l set of doable Bridles Tarpaulins suitable for trucks 1 T;abgdt spoon 1 Power Drill 4 Cutis suitable for hay rack 5 Rock 'Llai Tongues A quantity' of Lumber A. number of Cedar Poste 1 pile aI Dry Maple Wood TERMS CASH Lewis Rowland, Auctioneer M,rs, Jos, 'thynne Jack Thynne, Administrator 1 aged mare, good worker los. Durham cow 6 years old in calf to Durham bull due' in January 1 Durham cow 6 yrs old due in Feb- ruary 1 white Dunham 0051 6 yrs due in January 1 Durhanl.cow 5 yrs due in February 1 red cow 3 yrs. due in March 1 red cow 8 yrs. due last of March 1 Hereford cowedue time of sale 3 yrs. old carrying second calf 1 oow 6 yrs. old due last of Nov- ember 1 cow 5 yrs. old due last of Nov- ember, YOU NG1GATT LE 13 Heifers rising 2 yrs old 12 steers rising 2 yrs. old 5 spring calves PIGS 6 pigs, 180 lbs. 9 pigs, 135 lbs. 7 Cihunks Of Pigs 70 lbs.' 1 sow carrying second litter due last of December : IMPLEMENTS consisting of rue' line of machinery: 1 water tank of large ealiacity HAY•AND GRAIN - 25 tons of good hay • 60 bushels of wheat 025 bushels of mixed oats and barley, sutta/le' for seed 50 bushels 2 -rowed barley suitable for seed The farm will ..be ,.offered •.foe .sale' subject to a ..reserve -..bid. -.Terme on farm made known the day of sale. TERMS ON CHATTELS CASH Everything must be sold as the proiriptor le in 111 health. Lew Rowland, Wm, Mason Auctioneer - Proprietor Ross McGregor, Clerk GET YOUh PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLER8 THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and 81.78 and $2..$11 Including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, 82.50 and 85,00 including Angler wove and shampoo Seep treatments with steamer very beneffatal for dandruff, dry 'hall', ally hair and eto, 8 Treatments Including Shampoo and Finger Wave $5.00, . Telephone 56x tar an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S REt!'!'AIJRAN'i 1 nose marked with * are o1erseae BRUSSELS In the Army - Alcock, "Buster" Alaock, Eric *Alcock, Thos. J. *Alderson, J, W. Barnard, Rue. *Bell, E. D. Bell, W. H• 'Bid" Bell, Harris Brothers, Lyle Bray, E. C. Brewer, J. *Bowler, Harry *'Cassidy, Frank *Cardiff, Cliffordf 114 E' AV A MAN'S FARM AIN'r)CISr A BIT; OF TM' COUNTY ✓IT'$APART OF H I S COUNTRY/ 'tr g Platioiggeouts McCreath, Ted. McCutcheon, Frank *McDowell, M. H. *McFarlane T. N. *McFarlane P. Walter McKay Archie 'SMcLaughlin, K. McLean, Arthur *Mitchell, Jack *Myers,' C. A. (Dr.) Nichol, R. Gordon *Palmer, Jim - *Palmer, William *'Pierce, .Roy *Riley, Clifford *Rooney, Leonard *Rutledge, Frank - Rutledge, Ned *Sanderson, J. L. Bateman, R. McLean, Scott *Smith, David Butes Smith, Jas. E. Stephenson, Mac "Dick" Thompson, A. *Thompson, Mel. Thomas, H. Thompson, David Tunny, Chas. Walker, Leonard *Whittard, Ross V'. *Whittard, Earl Wheeler, Glenn *Wilson, S. W. *''Vorinnam�, Lloyd *'Young, Elmer *Young, Norman R. *Young, Er•test in the R.C.A.F.- Baeltei, Alfred George Black, Bert Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell *Black, Don A. Campbell, Stanley I. Olardiff, Clarke *Cardiff, Frank G. Davidson, Scott I'lerrow, Frank Galbraith, Bowman *'Galbraith, 3. George Gibson, Harvey *Hairison, L. W. *Henderson, Arehte *Huether, H. L. *Meehan, Willis *McKay, Allen 0, McRae, Donald Mitchell, Frank *Parker, H. S. *Prest,'T. A, Plum, Carl Pierce, Stewart Prest, W. M. *Prost, R, .H; Russel, Lewis . *Rutledge, Jack Rutledge. l4'artley Scott, Frank Senors, Elmer W, Snell, Verne *Spier, John Spear, Rennets Stiles, ,ioe Stretton, Herb ' Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. Ward, Leonard Ward, Wray iWilson, Russell Woodrow; .lee Young, ,Archin , In the Navy- *r Prost, JIM Cihespmau,. Jus *D01l, Donald M. Smith, Blz ii Mustard, Stanley Stiles, Buster *Workman, 8: G. (Canadian Women's Army Corps) Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, .Merle Rejected - Fischer, Wm. Gillis, O. Crosby, Wnt. J. Hoist, Eddie - Harman, G. Harrison, . Marshall Hawkins, Herb. Henderson, Garfield Jamieson, Jack McDonald, Harold McDowell, Jack Pearson, Ralph Plum, Ernie Pennington, J. Pollard, Geo, . Stewart, Clarence Thornton, Thomas NOTE -The following are. really - Brussels boys 14110 had not resides here some time previous to enlist nlent:- Ballantym , Arckie. :x Backer, George Gamins, C. G. *Jermyn, J. R. *McIntyre, Bert *Parish, Jim Parish, Earl Yolleclt, Harry Yolleck, , Ben United States A.A.C.- Balmier, Wm. D. Best, Gordon Reserve Army 99th Battery-, Backer, Mac Lawless, Ross Pl.etch, W. Mitchell, Ted Riley, Oliver Sanderson, Gordon Seott, Mac Sullivan, Bill Willis, Jack Willis, W. E. ETHEL Alexander, Stanley Ames, Bryan ` Bremner, Billie Bateman, Cecil. ..Beer, Chas. *Brown, D.:S. *Cole, Fred *Cunningham, Lawrence 'l'Duebar, Jack Evans Lyle A. Franklin, Allan Hamilton, Allan Q. Haig, Norman *Henry, Stuart ' *Hewitt, Wilfred *Hewitt, Frank *Sardine, Lorne Tones, A. J. Keifer, Halbert " Kreuter, Albert *'Kreuter, Calvin - Krauter, Gordon Michel, 'Willard *Mills, Jock *Patterson, John Patterson, Mise Alma (Noise) Perdue, Everett Rally, Mervin Sapwell. E. Speiran, (Elgin Spetrany Veraoa 'I'Sleightholm, J. A. *Vofiden, Lorne WALTON In the Army *Bendall, Charles N. *Bendall, T. A. Bennett, Rose Bewley, Walter Bryans, Harvey *Cautte, W. J. *,Crawford, A. *Farquharson, W. A. Holland, .Gordon Humphries, Stewart Humphries, Steuart Kelly, William Marshall, Barry Murray, Donald M. Nichol, Wilfred *Miohot, G. 5. Niehol, Mao Nichol, Lloyd *Ritchie, Ifenneth 'Shannon, Wallace Travis, A. " ' in, the R.C.A,F. , Marshall, Frank Ennis, Wm, Gomy Bryans, Stuart *Murray, i[, In the Navy Coutte, Mart