HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-10-13, Page 6Page 4 THE BRUSSELS POST For Overseas Boxes A Few Susigestvons Leathe Bill Folds, Money Belts, Sharing, Sticks, Tooth Poste, Reprint Fiction, Crossword Puzzles, Eversharp Penols, Diaries, Tooh Brushes, Pocket 1Vlemorandum Books, Solidified Brilliantine, Small 'Leather Picture Frames. I9_`- GOOD TONIC FLY-KIL SPRAY Rexall 30c and 50c Tasteless Liver CompoundBottles Fly-Tox 30c • . bottles S Cod Liver Compound Fortified with Wilson's Fly Pads 10c Vitamin D Sheets $1.00 Bottles St'cky FIy Paper Fir Falb House Cleangng A Freshly Papered Room will make a big change. We have a good selection of $ rnworthy Papevs to suit all ,rooms and the prices are very reasonable Floor Wax, Furniture Polish, Wood -Lac Varnish Stain Multi -Use Enamel Cleaning Compounds s . rq � SMITH .144Ltrio 1111 6Fc^a61 C: [I'o 1 tfls*it� STA:4 iONlr:rs TFi i PHONE NO. 62 — TELEPHONE NO. 62 Hot Dog Curb Is Revoked By Prices Board 1 11 OTTAWA, 'Oct. 8—Hottlog-loving 'Canadians got a reprieve last night when the Prices, Board announced that the, order. which was to have banned manufacture of hot-dog rolls for the duration has been revoked. The order, restricting the manu- facture of certain/ types of bread, rolls and cakes and eliminating icings, was to have become effec- tive October T:1 but the board an- nouncement last night said it would be replaced by a new- order j which retains certain features but permits the manufacture of rolls for those who like their mustard- i and relish "red hots." Actually, it was the bakery in- dustry which came to the rescue of the trot -dog lovers by advising the board that it could, without any 1crmal regulations, effect the sav- ing in manpower which the , order had been designed to make, New order issued by the Prices Board retains certain features of the previous order, continuing to ban the slicing of ,bread, maintain- ing. the present simipiications of bread, wrapping and of certain , baking practices, allowing not more than 10 varieties of bread and four varieties of rolls. It also prohibits the return of baked goods to manu- facturer and distributor. The announcement said the re- volted order was drafted on the BELL P 14 8 0 x4. BRUSSELS, ONTARIO Barristers, Solicitors, Notaries Public Enter D. Bell,-B.A. C. Joseph Benson, B.A. (Absent on Active Sere' a' Wednesday and Saturday afternoons) BRUSSELS OFFICE HOURS Daily from 9 r0.0 until 12:00 and from 1:30 until 6:00 (except Thursday from 9:00 until 12:00) ; get STIC sHOIRSOPT6 SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Baelter Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels The Dome of the Better Used Cars 1940 Ford V-8 DeLuxe Coach 1940 Ford V-8 Standard Coach 1936 Standard Chevrolet Coach 1930Model A Coupe 1930 Model A Coach Used Wallis 20-30 Tractor 10" Plate (good) Chopper G. E. NURSE At The Cities Service Gas Station BRUSSELS • ONTARIONEMS ICO1 FOR MILD, COOL SMOK' recommendation of the baking in - 1100 ry advis'0r7 eununrit1ee, wilt h subsea eptly ulvised that fire economy In 1110a power whish rho 011110 1. n r::' desigt.ed to effect ruutd be obtained without n01'0101 regu- lation," Former Local .Soy Had R'de In Big .Bomber �t0111 ey A. c t l,i dent of six emplmees of ,.:, S,..f .. kraut_ ford. invited tJ hcti'r w ..... in the Lancaster Bomber tier;` 1'io1 4 IBrurt- ford Wednesday. Sept. 2141i. He has been employed with the Steel Co. 1011 4111've years as machine set-up ma-. where rivets and bolts are made for this giant bomber, in which luu (1reds of thousands are used Built by Government-owned Victor Aircraft., Ltd., at Mallon, this half million dollar bomber is the pro - duet of thousands of man-hours. Its foie' Rolls-Royce Merliu engines, of 1250 horsepower each, are imported. The. other 50,000 Lancaster parts are Canadian made, P11 e Lancaster has a crnisi.nt; speed of 200 miles per hoar, a top speed of 300, and a maximum range of 3,000 miles. t3,d FO; SALE— Winter apples. phot. e 43-r-10 Selwyn Baker FOR SALE— A good Brick Cottage with Hydro, in village of Brussels. Phone 22-r-11. for particulars, FOR SALE - 2 Durham 'Bulls ready, for service. phone 15-r-4 Earl Andersen FOR SALE - 1 Young Purebred Yorkshire Hog, 1 Young Purebred Ayrshire Bull. phone 40-t'-4 Kenneth Wilbee FOR SALE - 2 choice young Jersey Heifers, 1 freshened and the other freshens soon. phone 30-r-5 Thos. Dougherty FOR SALE-- 2 Durham Heifers about 700 lbs„ 2 Jersey I-Teife'5 bred about 2 months, 5 Durham spring Calves and 1 Durham calf 2 weeks old. phone 34-11-9 Arthur Ward FOR SALE - 1 Roan Durham Cow, due to fresh- en in Feb, 1 Red Durham Cow fresh erred about 5 or 6 weeks, off a good strain of Durham. Solus Catterson. 17th Con, of Grey. PRIVATE SALE OF— Kitchen cabinet, dining room suite. combination desk and bookcase, non- ;oleun>. I'u,gs, Quebec heater, coal oil stove with oven, tables. chairs and numerous other articles. Mrs D. Livingston, • Walton WANTED— Bookkeeper — Knowledge of gov- ernment deductions, Good wages. Refer to file no. 548 S, 13. Wilson, National Selective Service Officer 19 Market Place, Stratford, Ontario WANTED-- Twenty ANTED—Twenty Chicken Pinners machine finished poultry, Apply Refer to file no, 549, J. 1;. Wilson National Selective Service Officer 19 Market Place. Stratford, Ontario Farm For Sale - 1 mile Past of Walton; Large bank barn; frame house; good gra- vel pit; 120 acres; Price Reasonable for quick sale. apply to P. Jean Turner, Seaforth, Have Your EYES EXAMINED INED NOW I er'pect to be in Brussels all day and Evening Th rsday, 14 to give expert Eye Examinations and to supply (Glasses where required. Phone Brussels 26x for appointment. r i;: li :.n, u{ i s WC's F. Il I �`.:-t� q .i4 tiL§ 19 Eyesight Specialist H a rristcn, Phone 118 x russels Phone 26x How Crooked Gamblers • "Beat" The Horse Races nfiekey MacDougall, noted card detective, writing in The American Weekly with this Sunday's ,Oct. 17) issue of The Detroit Sunday Times, explains how horse race bookers, legal and illegal, are the victims of "sure thing" bettors whose ingenius methods of swindling make some amazing and entertaining reading. Get Sunday's Detroit Times', 1 EN Listen t the Fifth Victory Loan t ro dcasts over ila�J•11 c�l� ,may Official pent , °g by 'eretad W. A. Bee rR;ft lta r ,1.- (nroma C .: my .11111.. tl'i 8 A. It Monday, October 18th 5 4 e * There will be a five minute program on Saturday, October 16th, and each day of the campaign at 12:40 P. M. The first of these programs will be an address by WARDEN BENSON W. TUCKER SATURDAY, OCTOBER 16th. Followed by a prominent speaker daily October 18th to November 6th C S or for,. - Farm For Sale - 100 acre farm, good buildings, ! spring creek and drilled well; 7 acres of bush; 2 miles from Brussels., For full particulars apply to Mrs, Lillian Clark Bruosele, Ont, Phone 70-r-21 FOR SALE -- 7 Acre Poultry Farm, comforta_hle house, barn and poultry houses, 1 mile from Town. A real Koine, Cheap fog Cash. apply to Dave .shietls I Graham) Survey, Jia-nssels Phone 56r-16. nmmvmmeev->.¢-Tm9eG:%mum '.OftirefrffreMoREir..y laYiSaGesu nAuwUn+mQ.pL h.L Finest OTICE Owing to gasoline and tire restrictions, R. A. Reid will be at his Brussels office, in ;Miss Hingston's Stbre on the fie:st and third Wednesday of each month, instead of every Wednesday as formerly. The same high-grade expert eyesight servCce will be mahi- tained, and all wont is guaranteed. High quailty glasses at low prices to all. "See Reid and See Right" NEXT VISIT—WEDNESDAY, OCTOBER 27th, Re A. RE/ Leading Eyesight Specialist for 25 years. Brussels Office—Miss I tngstbn's Store, 1st and 3rd Wed- nesday afternoons 2:00 to 4;30 p.m Phone 52 for appointment Wednesday, October- 13111 1948 Choice Priv : tyl,a r =,gid {'sed Crao'• For S Moraesassanamo 1940 Plymouth Coach 1940 Ford Coach 1940, Pontiac Sedan 1940 Plymouth Coupe 1939 Ford Coach 1938 Chevrolet Coach 1936 Ford Coupe 1933 Dodge Coach 1933 Ford Sedan 1933 Oldsmobile Sedan 1928 Chev. Sedan = L0 rad W. s Phone 161 r ,,,..+,mea.... Listowel, Ont. DISABLED i DEAD or ti iickly removed in Clean Sanitary truck.. 72 BRUSSELS Phone collect, Stone Sons Limited Isom NotLe t '.^ Cream atr ns CREAMERY WILL NOT BE OPEN ON WEDNESDAY NIGHT AFTER SEPTEMBER 29th N ti z a to Milk Customers CREAMERY WILL NOT BE OPEN ON SUNDAY AFTER SEPTEMBER 26th. BRUSSELS CREAMERY .... -... ........ .. ... . - •tepee mom+. r n. ______ f Boy's Blue Denim Overalls, with bib, goodroomy make, sizes 24 to 34. $1.49. oy's, All Wool Blanket Cloth W ind breakers $3.95 up. . W Girls' Warm School Dresses, sizes 4 to 14 years, $1.2, up. Boy's heavy School Boots in plain toe and Inc caps sizes, 1 to 5. Misses, black and brown ties, sizes 11 to 3, Special Si.gi3 W omens' Shoes, $1.98 up. Grey, Wool and; Cotton Mfixture Blankets $4.95 each. Wool and Cotton Mixture II Reversible Blankets, blue and_ rose,7green and rose, g119.95 a pair ,; Men's Knee Rubber Boots, all ry� sizes in sfock. Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. titeeZetetelettftetteM THE ARCADE STORE Phone 6.1 -- Brussels.Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family Bu, Sul Huron We ha IT agai Invest . a perio can bu3 will cal S Piil r...rmb.wm' HOLD CONC Ausple r Concert Canada once 01;541 anc Brussels Wednesd ^'admission : .Free Dan, 'Youd Ch Needs Yt Rev. Sar 10 A.M. 11 A. M. 7,P.M. 1 Louts COME Urii 'Minister - 1'1 A. M. Woman's Than. Jun 12 A.M. • 7 P. M. I 'tThe EVER �lurc' Pal I Rector. -I 18th 9tH St. . Joh n,El 10 A. M. '''T P.. M. I St, Geon 2.80 P. N 4'P.M.I 50, D20,1 1115 P, 2 F. M.