HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-10-13, Page 3POST PU1LT SING HOUSE
SPEED the 7G "T'e�14"'fir
i Obetaar'y
1iMiss. Katharine McCallutne
On Wednesday morning, October
the 01.11. Mhos Kato McCallum passed
away at home of Mrs, 1Jan' McOallutn,
Welton. Miss Istetiallnm was spayed
t0 a good old age. She was born in,
October. in the year 10152, in the town-
ship of Yarmouth, near St. 'Phonies,
IIeJ' father was 0110 of the early
ptoteete,.aatnd the partly cleared three
di1'fermi l farms, Una these fart
wits on the second couceseien
Only 'lbwmsliip, and wins forme
owned by 1.1dwar1 Iiryuns, FIo suit]
there .111415; al 0 later date 1
salved 10 the 4th "concession' of Mo
, is '1'awwslnip, 110-1 later still, heel
clit:0used 01' the farm, hi moved
the 111 c01 evasion or Morris Tow
s11,p,: where be lived until his cleat.
Mr. YlcCallum, the father of th
late }Mss Kale Mo(..ttllum, In also
01101 w ti otliet 4 established a Pro
byter]an congregation in Moleswo t
The 7 J sale Presbyterian chum:
had, its beginning's in 1854, and 112
AICCallu,tr drove the students wh
c'of:clueteal the services, to 1Vlole
people n1
e hl
I those days had t
through the bti.4h to a small 1p
barn on the 2nd 00' cession of Grey
Township, where the services were
held. It wars in this building that
Miss MoCallum was baptized,
The students always found a warm
welcome lu Mr. M'cCaJ1i m's hone
He was• afterwards one of the first
011,(100 elected les the Brussels
Peeshyteriat• Church,
The late Miss McCalhun was a
very faitallul member of Melville
Church, enol was always in her pew
morning and evening, as long as she
was able, The clnurolt, its work and
well-being• lay at the centre of her
1'1e, !Sire (merited no saetrfice too
groat for the church. Within a short
time of bar death she was in her pew
on Sunday '1aorEing and evening,
and she was tree so frail she had to
be helped to her seat and out again.
As was fitting the funeral service
was hekl in the church she loved so
well on Frllday, October she 8th at
2 P. M. The service was conducted
by her minister, and by a former
ni4nieiter of Melville Ohurcli, Mr.
Fowler of Bluevale: Iter passing
marks severance of a link with early
pioneer clays.
Mrs. E. Bretliw. sang an appropriate
She is survived by one sister, Mrs,
,lamie,eon of Delo'aine, Manitoba
and nieces and nephews.
Interment tools place in Brussels
Pali'bearere were: Menno Jackson,
Prank 13e11, Frank Kelly, Jack Worn:,
D. 111. McTavish,' and Jas, McFad-
As chairman of Huron County War ,Finance
Committee I send out cordial greetings to every citizen.
Theraising of this 5th Victory 'Loan. 'is the biggesttask to which the people of Huron ever set their hands.
It will he one factor in• our final success if we begin with a
full realization of the , vast and difficult responsibility to
1 which we are committed ,arid match this challenge with
the earnestness and de • '
te trrtlnatiln that is the very
stuff of Victory. r
There its good news that our armee] forces
are mov;ng forward and' that news should .lift our spirits
to a high 'level of eagerness and enthusiasm. But there
is no news that the war is just about over and that we
may relax •our efforts. The prospect is not of war tapering
off to a quick and easy finish, but of a war rising to an
increasing (10104 crescendo• of stubborn fighting.
" Something tugs at our hearts as we think of our
boys caught in this fury of battle. What can we do
for them? The
est thingwe
do o
for them '
S to
the we
weapons, ahs an
p abundance
f weapons - or rather 1
the .best things .we ,can do for them is to buy Victory Bonds --
with our Victory Bonds the weapons will be pro-
For the sake 'of all our Duron County boys
To speed the Victory --
Out of Huron County's great prosperity-
,- As your answer to the call of duty--
As an act of Thanksgiving -
Yours faithfully,
W. A. BEECROFT, Chairman.
Huron County War Finance Committee.
Wednesday, October 20th
In Aid of Brussels Legion fo
Parcels for Boys Overseas,
Admission 35c
Miscellaneous Auction Sale
Youd Church Needs You. God ;I
Needs You? You Need Him. ,
1V1 Zvi e thuyol
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
10 A.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A. M. Morning 'Worship
7 P. M. Evening Worship
The Rev, 0. B. Cram of Tees -
water will have charge of both
Louis U. '1 nornpson, Organise
and Choirmaster.
United Church
Minister -Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A. M. Morning Worship -
"All Things Are Yours'!
Junior Congregation
12 A.M. Sunday School, and
Biblel Class
7 P. M. Evening Praise -
"Unassuming Disciples"
Church of England
Parish of ' Brussels
Rector: Rtv. M. F. Oldham
17th. Sunday After Trinity
Children's Day
St. John's Church, Brussels-,
10 A. M. Sunday School
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Holy Baptism -
St. Georges, Walton -
1,30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2.30 P.M. Sunday -School
St. David's, Henfryn=
2.15 P. M', Sunday -School.
3.30 P. M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Auspices Canadian Legion
Concert by Shorty ,Campbell,
Canada's famous •rope artist.
Dance music by the Kansas Farmer
and his hired help.
Date to be announced later,
Everyone Welcome,
will be presented under auspices of
Grey Township Federation of
Agriculture In
at 8:30 p.n1. sharp
Thi�will be followed by brief
Victory Loan Program,
in Moncrleff Hall an Educational
film will be shown for Grey twp.
schools Tuesday afternoon, Oct.
19th, at 3:00 p.m. sharp.
The filers will be shown by - Mr,
Nicholson past' president of Brune
County Feodration of Agriculture..
Everybody' Welcome.
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday -
October 14th, lbth, 16th
-Double Feature-
2nd show starts at 8.45 p. m.
Blondle and the Bunisteads
Its A Great Life
The newest and funniest of all
Blondie hits I
Charles Starrett Russell Hayden
(Pad Men of the Hills
Monday, ;Tuesday and 'Wednesday
October 18th, 19, 20th.
2nd Show Starts at 9.15
Bing Crosby Dorothy Lamour
' Technicolor -
The story of Black -faced - Minstrelsy
from its beginnings
Thursday, Friday and Saturday '
October 21st, 22nd, 23rd
and Show Starts at 9.15
Brian Donlevy Walter ,Brennan
Hangmen Also Die
omic .Moon Is Down
First show starts at 7,88 each even-
ing. When . single feat`Ilres such its
these are shown all patrons In by
S:15)1.0011 see complete show.
Matinee each. Saturday and boll.
clay at 2;90,,
Wednesday, October 13th, .--
osi FI� .ri, v'�,y�c.
do 1101 leave any more - N. B. .Cobbler Potatoes. New
he repaired at my 0110p, Be- lunge! Arrive next two weeks at
poor heulth t aim unable to (',1'; i1,- Ssatien. Leave
11,11 worlc, u e your 0111'
tvi':b .l 1110' (;rc-11x1 plaolca v,
ti11018 to
fames of
coitb: ue
115 " Holes In Road
Filled Recently
o '1'!n 1111 i} ;t..ti t.urth of Iiruasr•!s
r was patched up 00.tii1 by the 1•Itlrun
c ('(11111'3' I c
n -
•`t58,90 Donated To
Christmas Parcel. Fund
The dance 1he1cl ' last Thursday
night in Jamestown, hall was very' •
fell attended: Sponsored by ' Jim
Warwick and Mac Johnston in aid of
the Brussels Legion • Christmas
Parcel i'nncl which was .swelled b3
the sun of 958,00 being handed over,
The " Huron Ramblers" orchestra
played for the dance and furnished
excellent music 10r both modern and
olcl time dancing, Worthy of
Iner'tiOn, le tile fact that, although
newly 01•ganiaed, this orohestl.• rates
among the finest and Is all: home
talent. Anyone wishing to stage a
dance would he well advised to give
then( a trial, •
A 41000('4 .contest was held
clewing the evening and the winners
were: 1st, Alice McKay, the prize a
box of chocolates donated by A,
Gramm; 2nd, James Johnston, 4
pats' of cigarette- tobacco donated
by Stanley Rutledge;. -31Y1, Hugh
Campbell; a bag of flour, donated .by
Clara RtlaseiL
Proceeds at danbe 950.25
Guessing contest 3,65
Amount (1oo1sIied t"o fund: 953,90
The Ethel United Church is hold.
potluck supper on` Oct. 21st.
Supper at 6:30 In the basement
followed by . a good . programme,
Adnroiedion - 35c and 25c,
In the Morris Townehip Hall on
afternoon at 2 for the children
evening 8:30 for the adults,
Special Speaker, W. L. Whyte,
Seaforth, 'Ont.
Other speakers for the avenin(}
These pictures are educational and
entertaining and are sponsored by
Ontario Federation of Agriculture
The McCallum, waft) wish 1
thank neighbours and friends to
their many k.tidnesses; to Miss Kat
Mc1C'alluur and for sympathy express•
cel at Ilii Buie of her death.
Deanery Meeting
Annual Autumn Deanery (Meeting
in St, Thomas' Clntr;h, Seaford) un
Friday, Oct. 13611 at 10 (1.111, Special
she rl er, Rt. Rev: A, Fleming, D,D„
'Bebop of the Acetic.
Truck Overturns
On Satarday elterneori a truck
owned by the Export Packers,
Brussels, etruelc loose gravel and
l 7110 three OCCnllalltS
were not Irju eel, The cab and rank
of the 1ruelc were badly damaged,
The Brussels Legior, sincerely
thank Miss Mildred Turnbull and
Mrs. Plant, sponsors of the dance
held in the Jamestown Hall on
Thursday, Sept. 10111 the proceeds
of which amounted to 919,30. Also
Mac Johnston and Jim Warwick
who sponsored the second dance,
held oil Thursday, Sept, • 30th, the
proceeds amounting to 953,90 which
were donated to the Brussels Legion
for the Overseas Parcel Fund,
• Amazing Number of Feces
There were three thousand seven
hundred and, seventy-six tires in On-
tario i1 the three' months' or July,
August and September 1940
Do yon think you could replace
your buildings now? -
Have you carefully Inspected your
chimney, ie it in good condition and
-Sim Farmer's Mutual Fire
insurance Company
Local Boy Returns
From Englanl
Pte. al4ac McDowell. was greeted
at the station by o group of his
friends when he stepped off the train
Here Friday evening after three
years with the Canadian Army in
Eingland,. Maic, who served with
the Ordnance Corp, was In the
London Blitz, While ' overseas he
met a. nennber of the 1oca1 boys,
among them, Jim Palmer, John
Campbell, Cleve Davidson; Jack Rut-
ledge, Frank Rutledge; Russell Fox,
Stewart Glassier, L. Jardine of
Ethel ,and J, Cardiff, Mrs, Mc-
Dowell of Glasgow. Scotland, will
join her Husband here in about a
month, --
B.C.S. Literary Society
- Held First Meeting
The rinse sheeting of the Literary
society of Brussels Continuation
school for the fall term took the
from of a weirer roast and program
at the school on Friday evening, The
new 1'010X101'*, Graeme Scott, was 111
charge, • The program included
piano solos by .lean Speiran and'.
June Work: duet by Pyllis-Sullivan
and Rath Jewell, popular sing -song.
by the group,
'lhhe main event on the program
was initiation of first form students,
It lues oouductetl by Jean Speiran,
Josephllse Van Norman, and Helen
Armstrong, The program was held
In the school. .lunch was served
by the tire outside.
At The- Churches
Onl Sunday the services in, Mel-
ville Ghurolt were Linked • with the
Thanksgiving Season. In the morn-
ing the minister preached from the
Gospel of Mark, charpter- 4, verses
26.21), and stressed the mystery of
life. and growth in . nature and hew
Jeans in his.tlhcnght or:, the .Kings
dem of God, ROW the mysteries of
that Kingd'ott lillistrated in the
World, of ntai.nre, At '-tdris service
the choir sang "I will „feed my
fleck' lute -a +Shsp:heed" by Caleb
Simper. 1n the evening the sermon
text Wee talten from Psalm 159, and
the' opening worOe of verse 23, and
theme worde. of the •p,ssxnl'ddt were
linked With •tlae great ministry of
thaniksg:iving in if Mean life today.
The choil' sang, the anthem; 'tPlees
the .Land, 0 hay 'Statin," talteti frean
the Itnss1ani Laitithtgy.
Jett. there bring
tome bad hole's wlta, 1t were pretty
110111 on tire,, especially when
mo181•1sLr 'lava t0 Waleil their Gres
aur the duration of the war: We
Irapa they 01(11;' a good job so it
trill t ::cl t,j1 beat' than the Iasi
tY gh School Field D
i o ay Officers instailed
lapse m a year Lilt, r�dn.y 01011104, Oct.Ck•t1.,21 11 1141'11•
untrue! I"Iok1 (lay 1.50 11e1c1 at the "=g ilio' 1531(1 511 �ti.o,lg,» (rend In•
u'sihiy 501» , 7.' 'I'Ilec .inti+(lull art 1:,6100(:+ fan' 111,3 rotning
i 111tH 1',,' rthet;oiupa- `'rale.Ijmdgii;t 53{uur the tat 0,110X' Marguerite 111tizier .anti 11Pr
' Lot about 714'5 of :lie students tools ' staff rru111 Lauth I1odge, Stratford
- .�'. i 1a 1 .1- or 1,11 a events, tbi, Installed the following officers inn
.,1(•'1108 14'aS a derided 0000,,0a 1lit.1' (-(10(01 in 0 sp;e, diel manner;-
( 11• )t,+t (11(1111.0 110,0 thus, set by J. l•', N. G.--'Sis. Winarifred IAigax
Set:to• Mae Baeker 1n jumping e-• C'.^'B(s, Jean Kittle
Ir t i1 the rat ni1151 high jump, and V.
G. 'file, Janet R('d)ertson
11,n01lt 101vteer in retiring broad Rcc,,,iec,--+,Sts, lforiei Alien
Jo01pi,,g 110.0.1 511,h in an. Pin -S.•(..---.S's, Ada ,Armstrong
fnniar girls, i s ',•• 511. Laura Williamson '
'Warden Sis. Marie McTaggart
"Is evel1ta ('01('111! tot .S'is, 117'°z fianleron
R S.N.0 . Sis, Addle Stewart `
r u:> 01 tilt.
Were as 1'01101103
Senior Boys
at.hndin'g I3r°ad--Gr•A,.m0 Stott, i_ 1 t, • Ri ,SS.•v.•U..- --s45. BMay ISJ1uNph1tl0onna
tim, :t luw'se -•1k. Annie Gemmelunion
-- i JI tr}; firoiui• -(Star Buelrer 15d'r:ct L G, -Si Ethel Long
u i,,.clres. Graeme S'(1(11 Gordon , (` Rte. 4',''011 Thomas
Trousseau Tea c i d
Lli�ses mei 19. Downing-, cuter- Blake. Mn,drian -.Sts,
ued t f yard dash --Graeme Scott, Mac I.if t e in
Bucker. AlAi the close of the inoeting a
delicious lmeltenn 11•(10 ct«feed under
( yard dash --•Graeme Scott, Mae the r'nven00s1ip of Mrs, 0. I3aeker.
B e ei'
A b.
High jump -Mae la iVi'
P ac Iiaeker 0.1'x0(, ("d;•e1! 'g'nvrAai'hip Boy
Gratme Scott, Gordon
tan J a (1011$8001.1tea On 'P11u0S-
0oy for the 1 niece, Margaret Adeline
Downing whose marriage - to Ken-
neth Camerae tet
On 1'yP,]'nlall takes Ji •
1 ace
:nom Meek, The 'r
41'0010 were received
by inns E, Downing assisted by Mrs.
It, F. Downing, The tea table - was
covered with a lave cloth centred
with pi'lt end white GAdetias, Glad-
ioli and Mums decorated the tea
room and liv;ng room, Mrs, M. Lay-
cock and Sirs, J. Wilton poured tea.
Assisting in the tea 1•oot> were Mrs,
O. Dahidson, Mrs. J. Bryans, Mies
Addie Ca.J•Iff, :SL's, A. Rants, Mrs, J.
Cameron and Miss Betty . Best,
Others, assisting were Mrs, J. Gibson,
Mrs. R, S. Hamilton, Mis, W. Will-
iamson, Mrs. McCurdy Lowry,, Miss
Doreen Long and Miss Jean Wilton.
Holidary Visitors
(hiss Baker with her father Geoh:ge
Mr. and Airs. L. Adnatms - with
friends hero..
W. J. Stewart, Fergus, at his
Mise R. ,Slhmrie has gone to
Mise J. VanNonnan, Fergus at
her home,
Miss (Margaret Pearson. Fergus,
at her home in Grey.
Mr, and Mrs. D. C. Warwick,
Owen Sound, with relatives here,
Miss Shirley, Moser of Stratford
was a week end vfs;tor with Min%
.itssi.e Little.
Miss Violet E1lacott was a week
end holiday visitor with friends at
Wa.ltan and Seaforth.
Mi'. and Mrs, Ira McLean and
11'Idren, St. Thomas, with Mr, and
Mrs, I31, B. Alletn,
Mrs, C. Kreuter' a11(1 Miss Made -
Hue Kreuter, Kitchener, with Mr
and -Mrs. J. W. Fischer,
Miss Louise Stiles has entered
Ohatliasn hospital as a nurse -in•
training. We wish her.success In
her c'liesen profession,
Mr. II.' G. rller'r of SeaJorth con-
ducted services in St, John's Angli-
can Church, Brussels and :St. David's
at Henfryn on Sunday,
:Via a; el Mrs. Arthur Bayne and
daughter Alma spent the holiday at
the hein•e of Russ,ei and Mrs, Currie.
Mr, N. Chapman, Mr, and Mrs.
R. W. Kennedy and .sons and Mrs.
A. R. Ifennedy with Mr. and Mrs.
C. Topltaan at Fordwtch,
Mr, and Mrs, George Gregg of
Calgary were guests at the parson-
age over the week oral,. Mr, Gregg
was formerly int• business in Ford -
Visitors over the Week end with
itir. and Mrs. Gordon McDowell were
Mr. ant? Mrs. Wm, McDowell and
dauglhters. J'oau and Anne of' Toron-
to and Jack McDowell of London.
.lacik McDonald', son of Mr. and.
Mrs. 1), N. McDonald underwent an
ovulation.: tor appen(ileiti's. in Sea -
forth 11001,9:01 on' Friday of last
week. He is doing favourably.
Mr, and, Mrs, A. K. Zapfe and Miss
Betty Lou Zapfe- of Toronto and
Flight Sergeant Murray 0, Zapf,*
and W,O.I, J. 13. Ashbourne of Ver-
mouth, N.S. were guests at "River-
side" with Meese Robt, Thomsen,
.Ret. M. 7, and Mrs. Oldham spent
Saturday iii Owen. Sound and attend-
ed the Wedding o8 Mn, Linton Andel„
son and Miss Marie ' Sutherland.
Tiley sipeatt- Than;ksglving Day with
friends and, relatives In °Wen Sound
send Chatsworth.
The Thankagtllu:g meeting of the
Belgr'ave W ,nent'S tuetihrte will be
held a,t the home of Mae. Jas, Alicllfe
on Tuesday, Octebsr 19th at 2:30.
Roll salt "Oire thing I (lave to be
thankful ter"
It " 1- S,Is. Elsie Tinlell
!12-1b. Shot Put -Graeme Scott 29 -
Killed In Action
t -et s-Mehes, Mae Baeker, Gordon Pilot (never Allan Charles N10K'ay,
fBlake, J_1.63., Royal Canadian Air Force,
H.p-step-and-jump-Mac Baeker 31• was killed in action: on September
feet U-anegbes, Graenre Scott, Gard. 30 aid laid to rest it, Borough cem-
ent Blake, eters, Canibrid' e
g Engined, on
Sr. Champion- G's 0 Scott 29, 2nd October - 5 aceoldie:; to o lloial
Mac Backer 24, 3rcl Gordon .Blake. word receivedby h}s family.
Intern. ediate Boys The youngairman was the son of
Standing Broad -John Spivey 7 -feet
kr. and Mrs. Hugh McKay lot 26„
6% -inches, Jim Cameron, Hartley e'U110essl0n 15. Grey townsh1p; and -
Fischer. was born on January 20, 1917, in
High juanp--John Spivey 4 -feet 1• Grey township, He received Ms
inch, Hartley Fischer, Jim Cam -
at Avon ' public -school
anon. and at the Stratford Collegiate-Vo-
f2uuning broad -John Spivey 14 -feet cactonal Institute and in- civilian9? -(niches, Hartley Fischer, Jim life was employed at the Dome and
Cameron, Hollinger
gold mines alt Timmins.
8-1•b. Shot put -Jelin .Spivey 20 -feet Enlisting at Toronto nn February
S3_ (101100, S3arFiselier, Ross 23, 1942, Pilot Officer McKay train -
ed at llifln:.Ing Depot in T
.220 yard Basil -Harney Fischer,
an initial training 001001 at Bali
John Spivey, Malcollleym Pease. ville, Jarvis, Aucienne Lorette in
110 yard 1(1101-H. Fischer, J. Spivey, Quebec and received' hes bombs aim -
M. Pease. er's wings and courmissi,on• as a
tn(ermecliate champion -Jelin Spiv- p11 -at °'Ricer cn Britain ,enter 4, 1948:-
ey 26, 2nd Hartley Fischer 20, &rci HA 11001 10 Britain early In Tanit-
Jien Cameron.
aryoef this year.
Junior Boys Surviving besides his parents are
Standing broad -Wilfred Spivey, 7- two brothers end one caster. vTitey
2110 -inches, Don Sanderson Jack are Trooper Archie McKay over -
Cardiff. seas, Duncan at home and Florence,
High jump -Dan Sanderson 3 -feet Mrs. Howard McNaught, at home.
1139-fuckes, Wilfred Spivey Mur-
ray Matheson,
ituntti g broad -'Don Sanderson 12- '
feet 734 -inches, Wilfred Spivey,.
Jack Cardiff, Presentation
On Monday afternoon., Oct. 4111,
8 -iii. Shot put -W. Spivey 29 -feet 7- Mary Lou McFarlane and June'
:itches, D. Sanderson,, M. Mathe- Work, representing the I:eigllbors
sou. of the community, called at the
100 yd, dash -W. Spivey, D. Sander- : home of Mrs. Alex. Armstrong, 711,
son. Murray Matheson. : 101. Grey.
.I!mim• ehaaupiodn ! On behalf of ne]g' 1's and friends
24, 3rd Wilfred: -Don Spivey San21,erso3rd in the community the resel:ted her
Murray Matheson.
' with a basket of dahlias (1111 french
goys (Men bicycle rate -D. Sander- marigolds in the autumn. shades,
Ted. Mitchell, Ross Knight and a llulm'a go:d wrist watch,
Senior Girls - ` arctnlipauied' by the following
Riiuning high -Mary McDonald 4- address:
tart 2 -inches, Jean Speiran, Idella 1 Dear Belie:
Bryans. 1 We your neilh?,ors and friends
:loaning broad -Joan Speiran 11 -feet 1 wish to express our 1'04('0( at your
3 inehet, Josephine VanNorman 11- 1110111 •a ('ram 1111' [n:do•t,
lett 3 -inches, [della Bryans. From earliest .childhood your
Hop-step-alnd-jump-L Bryans 25• home pas been in this district,
feet, Jean Speiran., J, VanNorman, Throughout the years, your - spirit
Soft ball throw -Jean Speiran, 1, of good will and co -Operation, has
Bryans, Margaret Bell, 1301011 an inspiration not only during
Standing broad -Jean Spelran 6 -feet • school days and in .Sunday School
9-luohes, I, Bryaus, J. Von_ 1 worn;, but also in all social activities
Norman, 1 of this community. We will always
100 -yard dash -Margaret Bell, Mary cherish fond memories of many
McDonald, J, Speiran. happy hours spent with you and
Senior champion -Jean ,Speiran 22, Alex around your fireside and wi
.2nd, Idiella Bryans 13, 3rd Mary hope to have many opportunities o
McDonald. returning your - land hospitality
Intermediate Girls-
With our heartiest goodwisheshesw
Softball throw --Bluth Wilson, Doris ask you to accept this wrist watch.
liowmau, :tsabello Bowman, In. remembrance of your many'
Iligh Jump -Lillian Gibson 4 -feet friends. Mrs. Armstrong Would
like to thank , everyone for their
hind thoughts expressed In this
tangible way. The neighborly good
will that has existed through all the
2 -inches, Veronica, Blake, Ilelen
75 -yard sl959i Ruth. McDonald, Jean
Hull, Av'eline Mann. -
Standing broad--J'ean Hull 6 -feet 4- yoar5 has been much appreciated gy
inches, Laura Speir, -. Isabelle both her ,and her late husband;
Cardia These kindnesses will long be;
Running broad -OA -flan Gibson 11- cherished, • -
feet } inches, Jeatt hull, Laura
Spelt. -- BORN
1'50 yard ciaslt•-Ruth M(;Donald, DAV IS In '13rihseets, on !room,
tsab0lle Cardltf, Jeau Iltill. October Mb, to Mr, and 1GIri.
]nt5i1ttedlll.te o11083»os--Jean , II(t11 James Davis, 5th con, of Morris --a
.1.2, 200 Ruth, 1UlaoDonaltY, and son.
Lillian Gibson, 30 each,
Junior Girls
75 yard dash -Doreen Comtel, Ruth
Jewell, Dorothy Fraser.
1•3igh jump -Dorothy Fraser 4 -feet
14(,1,1 , Audrey Atlderson, Marg-
aret Worlfnta*, ..
Softball blhrow-'-Rrrtli 3'eWeli, Marg-
aret Workman, Doreen ,Coutts,
Startling 1,01(11-,llernthy. Irttilaer ti- ` Jowedi 9 each, 4th Margaret Work,. man..
feet 7 -inn 11ee, Doreen, Coutts, 'Ruth
Jc wail, ,
it.unning broad --Dorothy Fraser 19-
feet 11 -inches, Margnr°t Work-
man, Clolttte Fisher:
Junior ckornp'.ton-JDohotl>s,' Prasgr
10, 2nd 'Doreen 13otuts and 328th