HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-10-6, Page 3c�ea v IYtAe2r
The meelleg, of the \roller's
Assedation of the United Church
wits held in the Sunday school room
on Thursday afternoon with the
presiclont. Mrs. AUK MoQi•acklu iu
tire chair. After singing "Work, for
the Night is coming," Mrs. W. J.
Johnston 0010ced Prager and Mrs.
Edward Johnston read a passage 00
Scripture. ;Reports were heard from
111e secretary and the treasurer's
statement showed a good balance 1 A .Po•terlield and S. Procter; oom-
on hand' nlittee to clean up hall after sale, '
The society accepted an invitation J: McGill and H. •Black; convenor's
from the Women's Institute to art- 00 dillerantt MIAMI: Morris 3, J. M.
tend as oellicers' rally, conducted Coultas hurl Mrs, Robert :Coultes;
by Mrs. Clarence Hayes no George. 4, Howard Wilkinson and Mrs,
town, next Thursday. A reading \Willbun McMurray; 5, Wilbert
was gives by Mrs, George Hether- Procter anti Mrs. J'olrn McArter;.•
David Armstrong, Aire, John Aid r.
:sun, Mrs, Georges Macao and Mrs,
I4n.1•ry Alutit1Jr'e,. The meeting cies•
ed with God Save the Bing.
A mooting or Clic ()nano commit-
toe was also held when It was
moved by A. Porterfield and S.
Procter that a Produce Sale be held
in November and the 'following rep,
poinbrents made; to secure an (me-
ti0rleer, 0. 11. Coulees; to engage '
hall, J. Michie; clerks, 10. Higgins
and Alex McBurney; advertleing,'
ington. East Wawanosh 0, Melvin Taylor
Mrs. W, J. Johnston, Mrs. T,, G. and Mrs Orval Taylo'; 0 West,
J.urvey, Mrs. Carl Johnston, and bTa:vin Robinson and Mies, Stewart
Mrs, Edward Barnard were the ltic.Bua'ncy; least, Leslie Vincent and
hostess. All repeated the Lord's Mrs, john McBurney; 10, Lloyd
prayer In closing. iWoigonery and Mrs. Hersin Ir -
Mrs. Edward Johnston is spending win; 12, Allan Pattison and Mrs.
a few days with her sister. Mrs. Alek Leaver; tielgrave: Harry Mc.
Whitfield, Carrie, who is suffering f>uire and Airs, Harry Caiiipbeil:
from the etfccds of a .recent acct- Holy Communion was held in
dent; MISS Florence Fowler accom- Privity Anglican C]nirclr Sunday j
Peeled by friends from Seaforth is 1'("rr'no when the rector, Rey. P.
spending the weekend at Toronto: ITIy, Streeter, preached from the
Mrs Joseph Curds is at London, words "Seek ye first elle Kingdom4
Mr. eV(' Mrs. Carl Johnston and of God and His righteousness and
riaughter Marie with relatives at al ]fhee:e things shall be added unto .
- tt Collumni0on. was also held • in the
,° g l r>t vr, United church. Rev. Cr. H. Dun-
jsliel>ji i i .e l.lp chose as Jtis text deletions 4, 5:
Mr. and Mrs. Clark Johnston, ore ''Po redeem' there that were under
of season's newly -married couples, the law 51101 the might reecive • the
were presented with a beautiful adoption of sons." Robert Grasby•• j.
array of gifts at a reception and sang a. solo, "Thor you I am praying."
'Mende held in their honor in the In the Presbyterian church, Rev,
Foresters' Hall on Friday evening, S. herr spoke from tine words - "We
The large crowd enjoyed modern Preach Christ 'Crucified."
and .01d time dancing to music . Personals Mr. and Mrs, Lorne
supplied by Jacksous orchestra and Harmer, P'ull'arton, and Mr, and
a group from Lsngside. Following Mrs, H. Campbell with Mr, and Mrs.
lunch, Abner Nethery, acting ou Themes Smiths; Mrs. W. Smith and
behalf of the gathering, called. MIr. ' daughter, Slriella, Galt, with the
and MIrs. Johnston to the stage and fra'mer's parents, Mr. and •, Mrs.
read an address of appreciation and j WV.l1ianz Cole,
good, wishes and asked them to l
itecept e
replied onn behalf sof his bride t and j GREY
hlmselL, after which all joined lar Friends and neighbours gathered
cin ng• "For They Are Jolly Good at the Monne of Mr. John Steles and
Fellows," after which dancing was Mr, and Mrs, George Evans to spend
resumed. Mrs. Johnston was form- a social evening with them before
erly Miss Arclyce Brown of Lang- they leave their ionic on the ninth
side. concession to tako up residence i11
Word ltas just beer received of the Brussels A doligheful evening was
death in Vancouver on September 2 spent in 'games and dancing during
of Dr. Robert Agnew, formerly of .the course of which Mr. L. Porter
this locality in his 73rd year.
Dr. Agnew was a son of the
late Mr. and Mrs. ,7olu1 Agnew of
Concession 9, East Wawanosh
townelalp andwas born and raised
on the farm now owned by Mr. and
Mrs, Janies „Scott.
For a number of years he taught
and Elmer McQuarrie presented Mr.
Steiss with a smolatng stand, Mrs.
Drans received an ele'cti•ia toaster
and Mr, Evans a clock, The
noaualpanyjng address was read by
Norman Hoover; -
Dear Mr. ,Steiss, team and G-eorgo.
t It was with feelings of deep regret
school in Morris township, later that we learned some tune' ago of
graduating as a dentist and prao-• Your indention to leave our neighbor_
ticed iu Clinton. Twenty -Sour year's hood, For the past fl@ty years you,
ego he moved to Vancouver, He]Mr. Stelae, have been a good friend
survived by three sons, Dr. Alex M., and neighbour to all in; the cou-
ohn ass Marjory; also four broth- nd Stewart; and one daugh- annuity. You boo, Elsie and George
have always beenready to helpany
ars, Dr, T. Ii„_ 'Vancouver; Drs. good cause with
William, Jaes and John in Ohio your Music antJames
song. The latch -string of the Steiss
and three sisters, Miss- Mary, Van
couver; Miss Anna, R.N., and Mrs, alma was always on the outside to
all and everybody who chanced
Walter Hail, Pasadena, Calif, along and we all fondly remember
Leve, GAoibson Ar:mstrong,' Cal-
gary;AC1 Jack, Centralia, Mr. and .many happy spent
here in'
chat, genies
Mrs. Cecil Armstrong, Thorndale, and musts speant here ill' the Bast.,
We ,shall all miss these evenings
with Mr, and Mrs, David Armstrong;
after you have
Mrs. Norman Geddes, Miss Cora your now home and
Williamson, and Ales Styles, Tor, so to -night we telco this last opport•
cubo with Mr. and Mrs. Joha Mounity of again spending' a happy
hour or two with you.
Gill; Miss Laurette Jlohnstmt, Lon•
don with Mr, and Mrs. Georgi•As a token of our esteem and as a
reureunbranlce of the neighbors on
Jellnstot. 9th and 10th ;Concession of Groy,! we
The Belgrave Teed cross _Society
present you with these gifts. We ask
met in ;monthly business session. on
F1 iday evening in the work room you, Mr. S'toi'cs, to accent this smok-
er, In yotti lorsure time as you use
with a good attendance. The presi• it anti the snloice mugs curl upwards,
'dent, 0. R. •Coultas, was in the chair
01111 opened the meeting with a hylrut may yon have .:many pleasant
ihnrghts andmemories of your 21111
and tite daily prayer, " y,..;zrs slpeat In thin neighborhood. .
Minutes of the last meeting were bWe ask yon, ]71sie and George, to
read by the secretary, Rev. G, FI• accept this...toaster and clock. We
Dunlop. The treasurer's report was Nolle that whenever yon use the one
read' by the president, The nor-
respondence inruded a letter of Mole at the ether, 'they w111 re
call to your mind happy memories
thanks from Ross Anderson for a or y0ti1' old home and friends on the
gift o ]t• Ming. Preliminary plans 01h rot cession.
were matte for sending Christmas
Signed, on bsOta.lf; of our neighbors
boxes to local boys overseas. A listy
of 110010s and addresses of boys a d friends.
Eimer MirQuars.Ju
0110(1, arkl In Caned% was 0011117I T oy1L Porter
piled, ; Norman Hoover.
II/0.1 decided (o hold a sale - of , The recipients all expressed Weir
baking at the Produce Sale in Nov- ' p s t.
omller and the .following contntittee , tharhsrior the gifts, Lunch was
was appointed to take charge. Mat.' served,
ualitycounts most or that
rich, satisfying in flavour which'
onlya fine quality tea yields, use . .
ill coma, when I'll Vand see alk
colour i° l
up the
' .- a a .i o£ our place, e South quarter,ears and
.. w eat showing °n; a rub his,
t the buckskin pony,
en lake I'll want
been •.
find down t° the oalve5 you've the u Angus
check up on those
tel me about."
d to
ling e tiny, compare old
looked like the
farms round here ar
r, he one that 3 . 2,111 wan ed
T t lace on Highway:No. e used
-ours, bu � saw o the Ha�gregcr`s like w a
Macgregor p in the barn•
to driveor the Saturday dance
£ by then,
to opdo pad will have the a gong to put have - t
to pain
t,Hos It need it if we're Think well tricity for Mom
W suture into d put in ale g about
po t it
Phe house, and
fun thinking
seems s0
L .
although „
away just now. d I
grab forty winks t lie
have to Write x
"Time to
t e Fa ,� the last
didn't get mace coming here 50 d
d day ince
we've° had a hot , time s a,thri e e be
we but it cry's men•
ri it with Montgom
Be seeing. you •--" u
A VICTORY BOND is the promise of
the Dominion of Canada to repay in
cash the face value of the Bond on the
date of maturity with half -yearly
interest until that time. A Victory
Bond is the safest investment in Canada
backed by the entire resources of the
Dominion. Canada has been issuing
bonds for 75 years, and has never failed
to pay every dollar of principal and
interest when due. A Victory Bond is
an asset readily marketable at anytime.
Yes, a day will come.. when he'll be back, ready to
take his place in a Canada he helped make safe for
all of us. To speed that day is in our power. We at
home ... in factories, .inoffices, on farms . work long
hours to hurry it along. We go without, and lend our
savings to provide what he needs to win quickly. This
is the least that anyone can do. And when that day
• comes - you'll want to welcome hien. - and to help
him make his hopes come true.
To speed Victory, plan to buy as
many Victory Bonds as you can.
National. War Finance Committee
tl nt1niber• of St. George's Anglican
congregation. attended the Harvest
Thanksgiving ;Services in St,
John's Church, Brussels, last Sunday.
;Divine Service In. .91. George's
Church en ,Sunday, Oct. 10th will be
held at 7:30 p.ni, Mm, H. C, Meir of
Seaforth will be in charge. ,Service
on Oct. 17th et 1,30 pan.
1''el'sonals: Mrs. ,T, Balfour and
daughters, Mire, Mla.rguerite Fawcett,
Mrs. Charles Thorne, and son, Gila
Bert, 151. Catharines, and "Toward.
Douglr,erty,i Fort Erie, with Mrs.
Hugh Fulton; Air. and Mrs. Glazier,
Clinton, with Mr, and M15. Leather -
land; Mr, and Mrs. William Hoy
find dangdater, Ulster, Have. moved to
Goder•icil; Me. 11111 Mrs. Russel
Kreuter and fondly, Listowol, with
1111; 0,110 ' MIS. James McDonald;
12r. and Mrs. George b. Pollard and
Yvonne, in 1121milt80; M1'. 1111(5 Mrs.
James McCall, Victoria, 13.0„ with
their brother gild sister in 'Morris;
Air. and Mrs,. Henry Last, Welland,
with the latter's sister, Mrs. At W.
Ploy; Joseph Carter, in Welland.
(Intended for Last Week)
The 78th anniversary eorvices of
1)21(11'0 'United Church, Walton, were
held on S11nda,y last eit 11 a,in, 011(5
7:30 pm, Dr. Diehard Davidson,
President of Toronto Conference and
Past Principal of Emmanuel College,
was' the guest sneaker.
Dr. Davidson took for his morning
sublet "The Church." FIe said„ that
while the church, which is: the body
of Christ, depends upon Its head,
Christ, yet Christ, the head, needs
Ilio body just as the human head
need's et human body to do its work.
There are three fields in ' particular
where the church must do the wort
of Christ as prophet, as priest, a5
iciltg or shepherd. -
The choir, angler rue direction of
Sirs. Drown,' the organist, sang "The
Cord is His Name," and a male
rluarteite .from Brussels sang, "Just
As 1 101," and - Ml•. John Bates sang
The Lost Chord."
At the evening service Dr. David»
sou spoke en the subject, "When God
Says No,' 'dtsaussing the limitations
within which we must live Our lives.
The choir sang, "I Love To Telt the
Story' "end "One .btvoetly SolOoll
and' Mrs. T. Strachan rendered "7/17
On Monday evening the W.A. pro-
vided a e11i0Tten•pie scupper end a
ooncert o0llSiating of local talent was
Dre8en•ted. The concert was in the
form eat a travelogue, representing
the different countries Which the Al-
lies are against the forOes' of
despotiein. '
The offering amounted to over
$700: front hetit Stinday and Monday,
The .many friends of Mrs. Robt.
Barr were sorry to hear she fell and
broke her hip. last Wednesday and
is now In'Listowel .''Hospital. We
wish her it speedy recovery.
A large crowd attended the Pres-
hyterian annives'sary services on
Sunday laat. Rev. Norman' McKay
(:1' '111'z11ell, being guest ..enealler'and
delivered two. fine : sermons. On
Sunday, Oct. 10th church service will
be held at 2:30 pan. No Sunday
Mr. Rain, Gibson pi' Mitchell was
renewing aequainlanoes around here.
nn ,Sundsly. He being a blacksmita
here years age. -
.Dr, 0. 11. Richmond telt on Satur-
day for his' new Boone in Platen,'
The "Star Movers" from Stratford,
taking his household effects the
sante day. We 'Malt hien success,,
Air. ard- Mre. Angus Graham and
101311ly of London are living in . an
tip-to•dat:e trailer home in our village
while Ayr. Graham ns 'employed near
there. '
The Village war workers completed
Pour quilts ou Friday, in the town-
ship halt, 7
The community' was saddened 14
hear of the death of Mrs. Maud
181nittling of Detroit recen4,iy from
pneumonia, Sbe being a sister of
Ws. 'Wen, M•01 1r, now of Ham,
Mrs. J. Hone and Mise. Isobel Reid
also Mr. and Mrs, J. Carnochan of
Atwood visited with Mrs, MIary Gill
Wednesday evening.
Mrs, Daniel Thiel, Preston,
is visit -
rill; her sister Mrs. Wes..Somers and
other relativ e8.
Mr, C. Fruthinson Is moving this
weekInto the house recently . Pur,
chased from Dr. Richmond.- Week end enol visitors; Mr. and Mrs,
Ilan Hallenh11ck, Misses Doreen and
Marjorie 02 Stratford with Mr. anti
MrA. E. .S, Dunbar
MTr. and Mi'a. Mervyn. Eckinter of
Pine River with Mrs. -Sarah bokmter,
Miss Betty Dunbar of near .Ford-
wich'at her home.
1hir, 'Maurice) Hewitt of Ripley with
Mrs, Il:etvi#t. They intend to mbve
their furniture within two Weeks to
their new lessee ,
Annti000raary Services will be herd
in the Ethel United Ch511'bh On Oct,
50111 at 11 am. and 7:30 p.m, 1505.
George Minta-ly of Motllttbn will be
guest speaker. Spsciel music by
the choir.
We are Mooted CO state Mr. `Wsn,
IT, Love is druprovittg in health these
last few d.rtys,
Mr, 19. L. Jardine has 101111'nel
keine frown hit petition alt Alas
Rosusts of Hoist
Calf Club
15es11115 of the heron H010101
Calf Club held et: Seaforth, 0n
Friday, Sept. 2411, 1942.
Purebred Heifers,
1, W. 1), Clntlon, (loderielz
2. Edward ;f'letLi n. Gaderioll..-
3. Jelin Caaighel1, Hayfield)
Carol Campbell, J3aytield) Ile
5. Norma Leaning, Walton
0. items Leeming, Watton
7. George Tinton, Goderich
S. J. T. VanEgmond, Clinton
0, Donald Pryce, ,Seaforth
Grade Heifers
1. I9etly Feagan, Goderich
2 Hugh Feagon, Goderich
The Holstein Black & White May
Bull over 1 yr. old -
1. Hume elution, Goderich, H R. 5 -
2. .E W. Vanhgnrond, Clinton, It, 1
Bull under 1 yr.-,
1. 1 000arg Leeming, Walton
2, Leonard Leeming, Walton
3. Colin Campbell, Hayfield
4. J. W. VanEgmcud, Clinton
5, E, B, (roadie, SeoJoo'th
Champion Male -
Herne Clutton
Reserve Champion Male --
Leonard Leeming
Cows -,Mature-
1. Hume Clutton -
2, Hume Clutton
3. J, W. VanEgmond
4• E. 13, Goudie
5. 4lolin Campbell
0. Leonard Leeming
7• Pr'Yce, George Seaforth
8. 10. 13. Goodie '
3 yr. old Heifer -
1. Leonard Leeming
2. J. W. Van:E`gmond
J. ,I•htnte Clutton
4. Fiume Clutton
5. 'Leonard Leeming
2 yr. old Helfer-
'. Hume Clutton -
2. E. B, Goudie
8. Hume ` Clutton
4. Leonard Leeming
5. Oolin Campbell
2 yr. old Caif Club Calves -
1, Hume Ciuttoa
2. Iitnne Clutton
3. Leonard Leeming
4. Colin Campbell
Helfer under 2 yrs. -
1. Leonard Leeming - -
2. 3'. W. VanEgan•ond, Clinton
3. Geo. Pryce
4. 18. 13. Goudie
5. Colin Caanpbell
5. Colin Campbell
7. Leonard Leeming
Jr. yearling Heifers-CalfClub
1. Colin eampbell -
2. Leonard Le•eaning
Heifer under 1 ye. --
1. Hume Clutton
2. J. W. VanTig*mond
3. Hunte •Glutton
4. Wh. Turban, Goderich, R. 6
g Leonard Learning
6. tl,eonard Leeming
7. Geo. Pryce
8. Hume Clutton
9. E. B. Goudie
10. Geo. Pryce
11. Oolln Campbell
12, •Colin Campbell
13. Geo. Pryce
14 Colin .Campbell
Get of Sire -
1. Hume •Clutton
2. Hume Clutton
3, Geo, Pryoe
erd-1. Mune Clutton
2. Leonard Leeming
3. T. W. VanEgnaond -
4. Geo. Pryce
>. Colin Campbell
0. E. B. Goudie
Potato Prices
Legal maximum prices which may
be charged by growers selling to
consumers of potatoes in the West-
ern Ontario region vary slightly 114
different asetoilte, according to W.
Harold Mdlehiliipps, primes and
supply representative fisc the . West -
0111 Ontario- region. This variation -
is brought about by the fact that the
gl'ow'er is entitled :to the legal.' .,
wholesale price and n, mark-trp. The
legal 'wholesale prune Is dependent
o11 freigh't` rates, The - hark -up for
the grower to the eenstuner Is 49
cents on a 100 -pound beg; 80 cents
on a 75 -pound bag; 25 Cents for
60 pounds; 15 cents for 25 pounds;,
12 cents for 15 pounds; 8 cents for
10 ponrds, tend for entailer nitantities
ole -eighth calm per p0untl. Growers
scllirg direct to consumers shay
determine the legal wholesale price
to retailers by applying to the
Board's regional afileo,' Legal
prices to grower to - eonauniet in
various markets of the reg1ouo
13rarutford. Galt, I{itchener, *0.14 h
hag; Guelph, $2,13) Stratford, Wood-
sibnkq London, $2.15 a hag; Chat-
ham, SO. Thomas, $11.10, Windsor aid
,Sarnia, $2,17; Owen Sound, $2,19.
The price per peels is 49 cents he 01
the above listed markets elt0150
devetr Sound, where it le 50 0ent44,