HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-10-6, Page 2re's the New, Easy ay to Healthful Fa fly Me IC "I'OMEN everywhere acclaim "Bat-to- Work- to -Win"*, authoritative ,new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical... time -saving . easy to use! And there's a copy for you FREE, simply by walling the coupon below. Authorities realize the importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale—to help keep them fit, on the job ! So learn the easy way to "good -to -eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of"Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today! INDU57R THE BRUSSELS POWI r Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests of nuaidon and health as an aid to Victory. Menus for 21 breakfasts . 21 luncheons ... 21 ® dinners. Balanced . delicious ... timely. FrlHtl nutrl 1000001 atatomeate 10 "1,'^at-to-work-to. ppwantaan 00)rPonalone0 roil rlNatIouallnroleaUtl, Ottawa, 000 tlo Cumuli= Nutrition Pro 0!mina MAIL THIS COUPON "NUTRITION POR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please sendmemy1REB copyof"Eat-to-Work-to-win",. Name Address City Prot, Howick Fall Fair Held At Gerrie ti„lorrie. U.tc a"r aril. -- 'fl.e S4t11 mannal tall- lair of Hawick Agricul- ture Socitey was held here an Sat- urday.. Walkerton• Ladies' Band led the p't 'a'.lt ri s;nl children. "owirh as well as Gorrie hal ? displays worthy of meat- „< 1-Itrwiclt garden bri- llibit. 1°, oinc:'s Institute was the only entry for the thrift booth, l •lt was to show the uses of e is e atuo —wheat and oats. made were'. • te-II Ll.�.i .lyd especially so in the was'a rine showing of rat' ,,,niklreu's work entered frnnl the a .. -li-cp and the classes in E1 wick schools. Mr. J. H. Nell had were better filled than last life antique display with a total year. The entries of grain, however, ;umber of 126 articles, many gather- were poor, due to the unseasonable edt from pioneering days in the town - t" nractunacemarsowarmwmusaser,.......=.5.....c,saantanamammence* BUSINFSS CARDS -WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, — — ETHEL, ONT. DennisDuq ette — Lincene.s Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after im.mediatety. For Information, etc„ write or phone either 51.18 OR 41•X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC'.ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Laxxaont Agent for—Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy icor farmers, Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donab'1sen - Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 — Atwood, Ont. for the Courtles of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO —CHARGES MODERATE— For Engagements phone 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., Physaeiaa and Surgeon Convener Office Hours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.rn. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays—Emergencies and by appointment only. Horne calls in 'nrenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. C'.l as, T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF AutolnuTbile: and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Ca, 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87.r-2 Harald Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in Hurun and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For infol'mation, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson, phone 12 on 658 Seatorth R.R. 1, Brut: ifield Make ar'angen ents at The Brussels Post er Elsner D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D. c RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERViI2E. Licensed I•unetal Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 -- -- BRUSSELS, ONT. 8 JAMES McFADZEAN Howick. Mutual Fire Insurance --also— Hartford Windstorm Tornado Insrurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNSERRY ST. --x-- BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Licenscti For Huron County) SATISFACTION GUAI,ANTEEd — PRICE,S REASONABLE For Engagements Phone 01 "The Brussels Post" and they will be 'oohed After immedaitely For information, etc„ w lie or phone Lew. Rowland 884,•24 at Seafertit; 'se write R.R. 3r Walton. �ati,.,ardr:; u1 7:.'. u c t. i c. n Sale Premier King Hopes No Election Necessary: Primo llittiotot .ilat'laetlaie icing an -Monday night told a dinner gathering or •elose to 400, National t.iberal ,Federation members ut Ot- tawa that be holies there will be no necessity of 0 general election in Canada until "the, houratwhich we may look forward to welcoming batik to their homeland" those Can - adieus who survive .the War over seas. - Farm Stock and Implements North %2 Lot 29, Con. 10, Grey Twp., WEDNESDAY OCTOBER 20th at 1 P.M. M rs, Frank Hackwell, Proprietress Wm. Scott, Auctioneer CLEARING AUCTION SALE Farm ,Stock, Implements and Household Effects tHURSDAY, OCTOBER 21, 1943 Comrneacing at 1 P.M. t Lot 4, Concession 7, Grey Twp. 11,4 miles north and 1 mile east of Brussels. HORSES - 1 Clyde Team, 12 years old :'lyde Gelding, 7 years old .'iyde Mare. 8 years old g Mate 7 Yeass old CATTLE— (All Durham Cattle) 1 Ro-an Cow due May 15 1 Red Cow due May 18 1 Pied Cow due January 10 r 1 Farrow Cow 7 Heifers rising 2 years old 6 Steers rising 2 years old 5 Spring Calves •PIGS - 10 Pigs, 140 lbs. 6 Pigs, 125 lbs. 7 Pigs, 9 weeks sold POULTRY - 85 •Sussex. Hens, 1 year old IMPLEM.ENTS- 1 Deering Binder, 7 -foot cut i 1 Massey -Harris Fertilizer Drill j 1 14 -plate "Bussell' Disk 1 Deerirg stiff -tooth cultivator, 8 -ft. 1 Riding Plow 1 Walking Plow 1 Gang Plow 1 Scnfrler 1 Steel Lard Roller 1 5 -section harrows 1 Deering Mower, 6 -took 1 Deering Hay Loader (new)" 1 Deering Side Rake (new) 1 Sulky Rake 1 Deerirg - Manm•e Spreader (new) 1 Farm Truck Wagon (new) Hay Iltack, 15 -toot, Roller Rack 1 Set of Sleighs (naw) and rack 1 Rubber Tired Buggy (like new) 1 Steel Tired Buggy 2 Portland Cotters 1 Stone Boat - 1 Fleury Grain Crusher 1 set of .Scales, 2009 1hs. capacity 25 grain Bags Delaval Cream Separator, power drive -14 H,P. Motor Wheel Borrow Quantity of Lumber Fonts, Shovels, Wbiffietrees, 100 -ft 3Oxtension Corti Neckyokes tend Other Articles HAY AND GRAIN - 35 tons of mixed Hay 200 bnsbela Mixed Crain (1942) 1000 bushels- Mixed Grain (1048) Quantity of 'Mangles & Potatoes • 2 Set of Baolt-band Harness 1 Set of Single Harness Several Horse Collars 1 set of Stewart Electric Horse - Nippers 1 Set of T•Tand clippers HOUSEHOLD EFFECTS -- 1 McClary Range . 2 Extension Tables 6 Dining -room Chairs, • Side Board 1 Arm Chair 2 Dressers and other bedroom furni- ture TERMS—CASH No Reserve as Farm Has Been Soid, Harold Jackson, Seaforth Auctioneer Mrs, Alex. I. Armstrong, Proprietress Robt. Patrick, Clerk. :bass t8on' Sale Farm Stock and implements SIA of Lots 54 & 55, Concession 1, Morris Township About 1 mite West of Jamestown TUESDAY, OCTOBER 19th Sale starts at 1 p.m. Sharp HORSES - 1 Clyde Gelding, 9 years old 1 Black Percheron Gelding, 4 yrs. cid 1 General Purpose Geeing, 3 -.yrs. o1d broke single or double 1 Belgian Gelding 1 year old 1 Pe'reheron Gelding, 3 years old CATTLE - 1 Durham Cos', S years old fresh, rebred „ „ , 1 Durban Cow, S years old bred A:ng. 29th 1 Durham Hereford Cow, 0 years old fresh. 1 Din -ham Cow, 5 years old Buy War Saving Stamps Aug, 10th 1 Holstein Cow, 5 years old Aug. 7th Holstein -Durham Cow, old bred August 41,tth 1 Ilnt-tein-1iei''etoT•d Cow ODDS AND ENDS bred bred 5 years • tlWOZatla UOV4onwstx7tr.,.,m WjV •.rye3ssac�ttt - -_ ..__-,...,,:�,.,,, s+asslvuaues�sat s�.�o� '"wlvnwwk uM..w�MrwYsb'w{ TO THE HOLDERS W DOMINION OF CANADA 5% BONDS. DUE AND PAYABLE AT PAIL OCTOBER 15, 1943 AND 4% BONDS DUE OCTOBER 15, 1945 (which have been called for payment at par on October 15,1943) t Your holdings of these issues may be converted into Fifth Victory Loan Bonds dated November 1, 1943. Bonds of these issues will be accepted at a price of 1001/2% in payment for Fifth Victory Bonds. This conversion may be arranged during the Victory Loan with your Victory Loon salesman, with your Bank, Trust or Loon Company from whom details are available. DEPARTMENT OP FINANCE a:^72P MIIN7Vr,L'7a.,at,a, E x. •.".." �ItaaocTIMI IZIE aAMIMAR3c4W:orrxSMI,nr+Y=nr.vi, a,t7#'"M"ME/4172=97.''''' -'c,w_.r.,.-•;,..u_+:ya,ccs.v„_a..,om.:.,m,,.m*.cu..yi�vn;,,w.,.a,am.cM,i„,mm, e.e.]:lf�'=.=_:�eaaA- f;Gr-'r.. 4 years old fresh and robred. 1 Hereford Cow, 8 years old, fresh rebred 1 Ayrshire Cow 0 years old fresh, rebred 1 lit-di:loin ('ow, 6 years old, fresh, rebred 1 Gat'nsey Cow aged, fresh 1 Holstein heifer, 2 years old, bred Aug. let 1 Brindle Heifer 19 months old, I 'bred Aug,' 28th 9 Durham Yearlings • 1 Ayrshire heifer, 1 year old '7 Spring Calves 6 Fall Calves These are a choice lot. of Young Cattle. P1GS— •elwaod Breeding 1 Yor6cshire flog, W 1 York Sow carrying 'second litter, clue to farrow Nov. 26t1 r^'� 2 York Sows carrying second litter due to farrow Dec. 22 5 York Sows, pigs just weaned, all rebred 1 York ,Sow,, with. 9 pigs 3 weeks' old 14 Pigs, 9 weeks old, 6 Chunks about 100 lbs. 13 Pigs averaging 165 lbs, 10 Pigs averaging 180 lbs,. 34 Pigs all around 7 weeks old ' IMPLEMENTS— 1040 Ford Fei°guson Tractor on rubber with Ferguson plow, in A-1 shape Pulley for Ford Ferguson Tractor Bissell double disc in -throw and out - throw, 14 -plate Spring -tooth Harrow, 3 -section 1 International Suring -tooth -Qunt1• vator 1 Massey -Harris 13 -dice fertilizer Drill - 2 Crown Going Piow • 1 Walking Plow yearly new 1 Deering Spreader 1 sot Harrows 16 -toot 1 Massey -Harris Mower 6 -foot cut 1 Massey -Harris Hay Loader nearly new 1 Massey -Harris Siete Rake new this Year- 1 International Dump Rake 1 Cockositutt truck . Wagon, nearly new 1 Deering Binder 7 -foot cut 1 Blizzard Cutting Box, 12 -inch mouthpiece with pipes - 1 Vessott 10 -inch Grinder 1 Belt 26 -feet long 8 -inches wide, 6 ply, new 1 set Bench Sleighs with Rack 1 steel -tired ,Buggy • 1 Trailer with stock Packs suitable For use with tractor, equipped with 32x6 tires 1 set Double Ifarness - 1 Car '34 V-8 Deluxe Sedan HAV— elou.t 25 tone o£ Mixed Hay TERMS—CASH Arthur Ruttan, Proprietor Thos. Miller, Clerk - - - Harold Jackson, Auctioneer We should do everything possible to make our carpets last longer these day:. So, when you switch furniture around far the sake of a new decorative effect, don't forget to turf: your rugs around too. This MI only improves the appearance, but reversing rage also makes them wear more evenly, Traffic is dis- tributed over the entire surface, and unsightly worn spots that might develop in one place are avoided. Grease and dirt ou walls or other surfaces to be painted prevent new coats from adhering properly. Such surfaces should be thoroughly clean- ed' with soap and, water to which a little ammonia has been added, then CLEARING AUCTION SALE Of Farm Stook & implements Colbourne Township 1 Mile East of Benmiller TUESDAY, OCTOBER 12th at 12:30 o'olook Full line of New Machinery, induci- ng Tractor (riibber• tired), Combine, also a full titre of other new machinery, Also 40 head o£ cattle. Everything 60 be sold as Proprietor has sold his farm, - TERMS—CASH Wrn. Snyder, Harold Jackson, Prop, Auctioneer rl'.uTvnA Lo dry thoropghly, Home economists now look upon the practice of scrubbing linoleum as distinctly out of date. The appli- cation of linoleum finish to the floor eovering will not roily protect the pattern Irani footwear, ;lint also make it possible to clean the surface easily by slmply mopping 1t, 0111 glass rye droppers that are ua to ger required for their intend- , can be used in another way. There are often hard -to -get spots in the family sewing machine or other household articles that need The eye dropper, used as a miniature oil -can will do the triek in a, jiffy, • oiling. When detaching a cord from an outlet or appliance, lane hold of the plug so as to avoid fraying the cord, exposing or melting a loose oouneotion, Letters from home aro sure-fire . morale boosters for the armed forc- es. Letter writing should rate as a number one war job for Canadians. Wellesley Plowing Match Oct. 9th— The annual Wellesley Township Match will be held on Saturday, October 0111, at the farm of Mr. Edgar Tittnimond, 1,3„c. utiles west of Crosshill, Approximately 8400 will be awarded in prizes this year and it promises to be one of the best in the history of the organization. Be sure to keep this date in mind, w=111111 TOUR Duro dealer is at your 1 service at all times. If your Pump is not giving the service that itshould, have the Duro dealer check it over, make necessary ad- justments and, if required, replace worn parts. By doing this, your Pump will be kept in good working order. Production of Duro Pumps this year is limited and makes it nec- essary for all present owners to do everything possible to extend the life of their pumps, as replace- ments are not available. WATER SYSTEMS Anikatiir 1 -J l.�Jl FMl:el Loddon Should you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided 'you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm use and essential for increased crop produc- tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime Prices and Trade Board approval. Elnco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new bathroom or renovation• -of an old one: The Emco dealer in your vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles now available. '1 Buy War Savings Stamps and terilfkaies Regularly Wilton & Gillespie MS EMPIRE BRASS MFG. CO., LTD. Hamilton Sudbury Toronto ` Winnipeg Vancouver