HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-9-29, Page 2F &s the New, Easy a eiiihfuI Family Y t ea's" WOMEN everywhere acclaim "Eat -to- " Work -to -Win"*, authoritative new booklet that takes all the guesswork out of good nutrition. It's practical... time -saving easy to use! ,And there's a copy for you PREB, simply by mailing the coupon below. Authorities realize the , importance of nutrition for health, as an aid to Victory. Yet recent Government surveys show that the diet of 60 percent of Canadians is deficient. Perhaps your family lack proper foods to build health, stamina, high morale -to help keep them fit, on the job! So learnthe easy way to "good -to- eat" meals that provide every food need of the body. Send for your copy of"Eat-to-Work-to-Win" today! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the Interests of nutrition and health as an aid to Victory. THE BRUS$I71 G f'OS"I r FALL FAIR DATES Paisley Teeswater Walkerton 6.3 Ar Menus for 21 breakfasts . 21 luncheons ...21 dinners. Balanced . delicious ... timely. The nutrl loua1 statements In "tat -to -work -to- Win" aro acceptable u Nutrition Servicee. De - pertinent d ofonnt Programme.gtata. ohCananNut O MAIL THIS COUPON "NUTRITION POR VICTORY", BOX 600, TORONTO, CANADA. Please send me my FREE copy of"Bat-to-Work.to•Win". Name Address City ..Pros 20, 21 5, 6 Nov. 24 Arthur Sept. 39, Oct. 1 Bayfield Sept, 23, 29 Dungannon Sent 30, Oct. 1 Orrie Oct. 1, 2 leateehell Sept. 28, 29 TFount Forrest Sept, 20, 30 Owen Sound Sept 27, 29 ..Zurich Sept. 27, 28 October 4th to 16th Atwood e. 9 Drayton 21, 28 Marriston, 23, 24 Listowel 22, L ueknow 22, 23 led - woman whose husband had .--- calico! up for service saw him at the station. As the train left !tee burst Into tears. When the state:masher tried to cheer her an by saying that her husband would probably come back all right, she raid: "It's not him I'm crying about --,'s them poor Germans. I know what my Bill's temper's like." 11 BUSS F SS CARDS WTI I.1AM 9PENCE Estate Pwcnt Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - ETHEL, ONT. Dennis Duquette Linc used Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked after immediately. For Information, etc., write or phone either 51-,'.18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC', ED IN A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. . Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Dcnale:d51-.0. Licensed Auctioneer Phone 35-r.13 - Atwood, Ont. for the Courties of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO --Ci-IARG.ES MODERATE - For Engagements p#ton+' 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. Jamieson, M.D., C.M., L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon C•rtener Office Hours --1 - 4.and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a,m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays -Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in Forenoons and 4 - 6 p.rn. Chas. T. 'Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance • Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE. OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT. RESMEN..E'87-r•2 Haid Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in Heron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, etc„ write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 658 Soaiorth R.R. 1, Brun !geld Make eraangen eats at The Brussels Post cr Elmer D. Sell, Barrister Office, Brussels. D. i': RANN Furniture FUNERAL -ltNl AMBULANCE SERV)i.E. Licensed Fundal Director and Embalmer 'PHONE 36 Or 85 -. -- BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES McFADZEAN How -ick Mutual Fire- Insurance -also-- Hartford Windstorm. - Tornado Insurance e = : - Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O, BOX 1 TFJRNBERRY ST, --x-- BRUSSELS, ONT. Lewis Rowland (Lleerect' For Huron County) SATISFAC"T"ION- GUARANTEES) -- PRICES REASONABLE Pop'"'Engageiflents Phone' 21 "The Brussels Post" and they will be !coked after tmmedaftely Fee 1nTOrmation, eto., w !te oe phone Lew. Rowland 885 r24 et Seeforth, cr write R.R. 8, Walton, IN .MEMORIAM lit loving memory of ,loyee Keys, who paeeed away sem 30, 1042. Today is 0 day of rementbratev' With mat .y a sad regret A day we will always: remember • WCheu the rest of the world forgets. Always remembered. Norm and full McNair IN MEMORIAM In memory- of ;Payee Isobel T ey.e who- passed away Sept. 30th, 102 She is gone, blit not forgotten � Ard, as dawns another year In our lonely hours of thinking 1 !rays of sadness will conte o'er us ' Prierds may think the wound is • healed But they little know the sorrow That lies within the heart concealed. Lovingly remembered by Grandpa and Crranchna. • IN MEMORIAM KEYS --In laving memory of our dear slaughter Jbyee Isabel who passed away Sept. 30th, 1942. To -day brings hack sad memories Of that sad and bitter day. That was cast upon our householn 1 Just one year ago to -day. rwuction Sale tit Farm Stock and Implements, at North 1-laif Lot 5, Concession 9, Mor- rie 'township, one and one-quarter m,1es north and 1 mile east of Blyth, ON'SATURDAY, OCTOBER 2ND at 12.30 sharp: HORSES: Grey horse, 3 years old; Red roan horse, 5 years old; Black mare, 9 years old; 3 -year-old Agricultural mare, CATTLE: Reg, white cow, 6 years oltl, with calf at foot (Marigold), 31aui:ing & Woods strain), bred Sept. 12; Reg. red cow, 3 years old, bred July 12 (Mina), Snell strain); Reg. red roan 2 -year-old heifer, bred Mar. 11 (Marigold); Blue cow, 10 years old. bred Aug, 1; Iced Cow, '1 year old, bred in August; Red whits *poi- raw. S years old, bred iu June; Ligiu red raw, 3 years old, bred Aug. 10; Red cow, 7 years old, brad July 31; Holstein Jersey cow, 4 year old, b 1 :]y 5; Red cow, 6 years old, bred June 15, Red cow, 3 years old, l -ed June 1; Red cow, 3 years old. bred May 19; Grey cow, 8 years old, bred :n May; Roan cow, 3 years Old, byre! July 22, Grey eoty, 4 years old, bred May 11; Light red heifer, bred June 5; Jersey heifer, DurhamCross, clue Oct. 6; Reg. (Marigold) red roan bull, 1 year .old, serviceable age, planning & Woods' strain); Reg, (Lavender) dark red bull, 16 months, (Kerr strain, Ethel, Ont,); Reg, red heifer, 1 year old (Mina); 6 steers, 2 years old; Heifer, 2 years old; 2 Jer- sey Durham heifers, lei years old; 0 yearlings; 10 Spring, calves, PIG+S: 8 pigs, around 190 lbs.; WVeldwood sow, due Oct. 12. ItIONt1S: 200 white Leghorn pullets, 6 menthe eld (laying), - 1.lIPLE2IIdNTS: McCormick binder 7 -ft. cut, nearly new; M. -I3, Manure spreader :early new; i4LH, side rake, nearly. new; McCormick -Deering 13. disc fertilizer drill, new; M. -2i. oil bath, 6-21. cut mower, nearly new; M. -H. low service truck wagon, near- ly new: New 1642. hay rack, cam - piste with ladder and movable hay rack; al. -H, drop-headhay loader, good as new; 111,-14, spring -tootle cul- tivator; 2 -furrow gang prow; Me, Cormick -Deering scuffler, good as new; M. -Ti. 14 -plate onthrow disc harrows;. 1 4 -section barrow; 1 2. section spring tooth narrow, nearly new; 34rum steel roller; Cutter; Buggy; Stone -boat; Wheel -barrow; M: H, 7-13 walking -plow, nearly new; Set sleighs, with rack, Gravel box; Colony house, S'xl'2', double floor; Jauresway electri c brooder stove; Chicken equipment; 2 Chicken shel ters; Chicken fattening crate; 2 sugar kettles; .Steel grain trough; 32 -ft. extension ladder; Sap Pan; 100 crap pails, sap tank; 100 feet snow fe"re; Cross -rut saw; Scythe; 40 Cedar rails; 200 Cedar posts; 100 stapes; Fanning still; Barbed wire stretcher; 4 Sling ropes; 1 .Sling chain; Tray fork; 11feConnnickaDeering cream separator, nearly new; Quart• er horse electric motor; Set back- hand team harness; Set plow hex - 0055; Set single harness; Roll barb- ed wire; Self -feeder for pigs; 2000 - lbs, set scales; New logging chain; Chains; Collars; "Wltifflefreee; Pig crate; Becrrele;" Boxes; 3 -bus, grain heg,s;' .Lumber, Milli veils; bite. GRAIN: 1510 bus. *heat; 400 'bus, Cartier oats; 160 gas,' No. 1 Western barley; 200 bus: year -oke 'mixed grata (Bahner & Barbey) for feed; 4 bus, Timothy. seed; 156' lbs. Aleliee; Peta- o'tby and Alfalfa; Mangi.11s; POW - 'sea: 1 barrel feeding molaodes, PERMS; CASH. - No reserve as Farm is Sold. Torrence 3lun0clae, Proprleor, Harold Tarkeon, • AuoStoneer.' Buy Wear Saving Stamps We often sit and think of you, And think of how you died; To think you could not say good-bye Before you closed your eyes. .Sadly tuissecl by Mother, Daddy, Murray and Jack. Auction kale Farm Stock and Implements Lot 15, Concession 12, Grey Twp. First Farm West of the Village of Cranbrook on FRIDAY, OCTOBER 8th Sale starts at 1 p.m, Sharp HORSES 1 Gelding Perrheon, 9 years old 1 Clyde Mere, 8 year's old CATTLE 3 I'hu'ham Cows, clue to freshen 2 Durham Cnws, with calves 1 1"at Cow 4 Durham Heifers,2 years old 2 .Steers, 2 years old 1 Steer, 1 year old k 1 Heifer, 1 year old 5 Spring 'Calves PIGS 4 Chunks 1 Sow, due time of sale IMPLEMENTS 1 McCormick -Deering Tractor, 10-20 in (1-1.' condition 1 2 -furrow Oliver Plow 2 Disc Tldirow, in and out throw 1 Stiff Tooth Cultivator • 1 Ridirg Plow 2 Walling Plows 1 Gang Plow, 2 -furrow 1 McCormick -Deering Binder 1 McCormack -Deering Mower 1 Cocksltutt Drill, 15 dise 1 Steel Roller 1 Massey -Harris Drill 1 Side Rake, New International 1 Hay Loader 1 Set of 4 -section Harrows 1 Set of 2 -section Harrows 1 Seuffler 1 Fanning Mill 1 Root Pulper 1 Set of Sleighs 1 Set of Scales 1205 lbs. capacity 1 Gas Barrel • 1 Gas Pump 1 Wagon and Sliding Racic 2 Light WOSor.,s Gravel Box Buggy Stock Rack Gravel Box 1 DeLavel Cream Separator Daisy Churn HARNESS ;1 -Set of Breeching harness 1 Set of Light Fparnes's Number of Horse Collars Forks Shovels Sling Ropes Chains. Whippietrees .Aced Numerous Other Articles TEIRMS-.CASH Eveeythlt4g will be sold as proprietor Is giving up farming, Mrs. Cecelia Huether, Proprietress John Kreuter, Clerk Harold Jackson, Auctioneer Did You Ever Wonder? How The Bicycle 1 ail -Lamp Serves Soldiers? Among the mere Wtan,200 peace- time Westinghouse lamps that have been pressed into military service is the bicycle tail -lamp, which is now being used on parachutes. A lannlp and a small dry cell fast erred to each au'go parachute make it easier for paratroops to locate exp- 1 epee dropped to thein at night. '1'110 same lamp and battery cone bination fastened to a life preserver, aids a swimmer to find it in the dark, • If Any of the Stars, Besides Our Sun, Have Planets? One astronomical fact, which would seem offhand, to be quite ion• powelitle to aedertain is that of the existeaoe of a planet 1.OVolving around one of the pird,nini:e of light that we call stars. However, evidence has been Miro dined whiolt indicates that a certain double star in the Northern Crass hao a planet ' with a masa about 16 times that 'of Jupiter. lirWI?s observed that •' there were irreguIaritiee (Perturbations) ]n the orbits trawled by the two auris Haat Wednesday, Sentomber 29112, 1045 via- 132ruZ.5611wsx 451.3,1111 kt set 1241 key ®a1M..1 man EFFECTIVE SEPTEMI3U" 30, 1943 Preserves rationing gives the consumer a number of choices both of products and sines of containers. Because of the wide range of container sizes and the variation in buying habits across the country it was necessary to put the system into opera- tion and then make adjustments on the basis of experience. Now that preserves rationing has been in effect for several weeks, it is possible to made some increases in coupon values. The new schedule is announced below and is effective September 30th. The new doubled ration allowances for molasses, extracted and comb honey will enable consumers in areas where consumption of these products is heavy, to buy more and still leave enough for districts where the total demand is light. The increased ration allowances for corn, cane and blended table syrups and maple syrup are adjusted to bring coupon values more closely into line with the great variety of container sizes now in use. Ale ONE "D" COUPON IS G.OD FOR Not Note Thi Jams, Jellies, Marmalades, Maple Butter, Apple Butter or Honey Butter - - - or Comet Honey (in Squares) - - - - or Cut Comb Honey - OP Extracted Honey or Maple Syrup - or Maple Sugar 6 FLUID OZ. One Standard Section 1 LB. NET 12 FLUID OZ. (1 LB. NET) LB. NET or Molasses - - - - -- - 20 or Coact Syrup, Cane Syrup, or any Blended Table Syrup - - - - - - - - 14 FLUID OZ. or Canned Fruit- - - - - - - - - 10 FLUID OZ. FLUID OZ. (1 PINT) Sugar - - OP VI A Id CI 1.13. NET N +i'W EC®l'VALI >:' SE' TEM 'ER 30th The validity date of these coupons has been moved forward from the original October 14th to September 30th. This has been done to accommodate purchasers of some items which at this season of the year are normally bought in Targe units. Coupons 0-6 and 0-7 will become valid on November filth and the original schedule will be continued from then on, with two coupons becoming valid every four weeks. RATION ADMINISTRATION cexats .oceseetemasenstemeennoteaetent0warreerreasooterotorne make up the double star. The only explaaatacn for these deviations from the roma] expected path in which the two suns circle about one another would be the existence of another celestial body near enough ani! heavy enough to pull one or both suns out their orbit by the force o.f gravitational attra.oi:i•on, Tints one of the suns 'malting up this particular .Amble stun must have a planet. The planet like those in our own solar system, is non-luaniols, and it is rot likely that it will ever be seen with any type- of telescope now in use; but from the actions of its parenteon astronomers have com- puted its orbit and find that its "year" is equal to 4,9 of our earth yours and thatit travels a very lop- sitle6 path. How Much a New -Born Elephant Weighs? Acco'tlirg to the National So. ological Park, an elephant at birth weighs from 160 to •200 pounds, proximately, ap. SPCED ,,IE Know BLUEVALE Mr, and Mrs. Will Peacoek and son and Mr. and Mrs. Jas, Peacock spent Sunday afternoon with Mr and Mrs. Jack Wiekstead and took in Browntowu anniversary services, prised o8 Mrs, Alex MoCrackin, Mrs. George Hetherington, Cherie& loathers and Ross Smith. The choir from Belgrave Dulled Church rendered two' anthems at the even- . hag service. Beautiful fall flowers decorated the church. Mos, George Agar and daughter of Stratford spent the week .end with Mr. Chas. Agar and other friends. Mrs. John L1ike of 13r'usseie visited with Mr• and Mrs, Harry Bosman and took in Ebenezer anniversary services. Mr. and Mrs, Earl Hamilton and daughter visited on .Sunday after- noon with. Mr. and Mr's. ' ,Sparling Johnston and family. Miss Dmula Johnston visited with friends in Toronto last weeds. Mr. alit!' lip's, Wilson Thornton,: and Mr, end Mrs. George Thornton visited on Sunday afternoon with Mr. and 1VIrs, Melville 1liathers and faint*. Mr, and Mrs. Alex McCracken visited on Sesnday . afternoen with Mr. and Mrs, Harry Goll and daughters. 74r. and Mrs, Cooper Nothery 011d daughter spent Sunclay ,afternoon with, Mr, and Mre, Rtebard Johnston An ideal fall day addled to the ..aces of the anniversary .services '04 Ebenezer United Cluireh on 'Sun- day and large - - cotbgregations assembled.. 'rhe gueet speaker, Rev. H. 0, Wilson, lertt•ssels, delivered Iwo 3mpeessive sermons. most emit a:ble to the occltstan and to the existing 'conditions throughout ' the world. . ('Ile .music at • the' ' morning" sere. ice was supplied by members of the Ttitlevaie .choir, and it ryuartotto Dorn. Rally Day Service. Rally Day service ,was observed in Knox Pa'•esbytet'iatt Church. on Sunday morning with the • assistant superintendent, Ars, Eldred Nihol, leading in the responsive readings ,icon! scripture, Scripture verses were repeated by members of , the primary class, under the direction ,of Mies Jean efelliott, Mr. • Allan Ramsay contributed a solo and special music was rendered by the - choir,, Rey. O, 0, Fowler gave the address on,tile theme, "God in First Placa." The oa'dtraues of baptism eves ob- served when Kenneth Harold son of Mr, and Mrs. Harold Grant, and Douglas Bernard, soil. of Mr, mild .M's's, Bernard'. .Thomas were bap- tized. The offering will bo tiled ,to .help needy' Sunday Schools sand to ,promote,. ,generally, work amnodg ,boys aatcl'git'ia, Gieven Appointment,. /miss Lois ISlllott, 'Toronto, is with her psr•ents, Mr. and Mrs•, itaymonnd I011tott, Miss; Elliott has completed titer training at the Women's College Hospital Ioi Toronto, and has been 'appointed to the .staff es assistant Istjpervisior of the public obetorical ' de»arttnsut. While home Mljls Elliott acted as bridesmaid at the ntal'asiago -el her frietut, Miss Mair- gavot '(t hour ' to Dfnlald Camp- bell, of. Molesworth; an Saturday, ' Buy War Saving Stamps