HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-9-29, Page 1111irJ ta,, POST P'UJ3 LX SHJNG HOUSE R U;SSELS mod same*wraamoosow4::::•,ang Wednesday, September 29Th :1:943 Stores To Close Eleven Q'Cloek Saturday Nights I l mus decided, at .5 .well attended ,ateatirg or the local business nieu, that, commencing en'cing this Saturday night, ()etcher and, the stores here wild rlose at eleven V'clocit every ,Saturday nigkt, From now on they will not be open 00 Wednesday nights but the Thursday afternoon closing will continue until December 15th. L. W. Eckmier, president of the Business Mrn's Association presided at the meeting wbtch was hold on Tuesday evening at the public library. The minutes of the previous meeting were read by the secretary D, M, McTavish, AOter a lengthy discussion it was passed that to aid In the conservation of fuel the stores will'close all day Thursday during the months of January, February and March. DANCE A No. 6, re At S.S.SG FRIDAY, OCTOER Grey Victory Orchestra Proceeds Go To War Work Admission -25c Booth REGEN1 THEATRE, Seafrorth, Ont. Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Sept. 30, Oct. 1st, 2nd Rosalind Russell Fred MacMurray Flight For Freedom The romantic story of a woman who took off on secret military „mission aoross the vast Atlantic. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday— Oct. 4th, 6th, Gth Tyronne Power Anne Baxter Crash Dive Technicolor A record of life 'on a submarine packed with suspense and excite- ment. —x— Thursday, Friday and Saturday— Oct, 7th, 8th, 9th Franchot Tone Anne Baxter Five Grave To Cairo COMiNG— Something To Shout About —s— First show starts at 7,30 each even- ing. When single features such as these are shown all patrons In BY I 9:15 will see complete show. Matinee each Saturday and holi- day at 2;30. Youd Church Needs You. God Needs You? You Need Him. ,r4.• pl•IPMEN.110 Melville Church Minister Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., MD, 10 A.M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A.M. Morning Worship 7 P. M. Evening service with- drawn in favour of Harvest Festival •Service In the Angli- can Church. Louis D. 1 nompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP United Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 10:45 The Session Will Meet 11 A.M. Morning • Worship The Holy Communion 12 A.M. Sunday School and Bible Class The evening service is MO - drawn that we may Join with St. John's Anglican Church In the Harvest Home Festival. EVERYONh wwrLiNME Church of England Parish of Bruesels Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham 15th Sunday After. Trinity Brussels— St. John's Church, Annual Harvest Thanksgiving 8.30 AM. Hely Communion 10 A. • M. Sunday School 11 A. M. Mernig Prayer and Sermon 7 P.M, Evening Prayer and Sermon L n L Preacher l4ev, C. Langford Rector David's, ' of Mitchell Parish St, Henfryn- 2.15 H enfr n— 2.16 P. M. Sunday School 8 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Preacher RLangford - ay. C. L. St. Georges, Walton— No Services on this date. Blood Clinic Held l;Il Here Donors of Blood:Clt+nic No. at Brussels Jack Millar C'lareuee J3orlro Ebner Jamieson Arnold Marl Mrs. Norman Thompson, Mrs, Dave Hastings 1) ori s N icDo;n 1 ail Howard a c cowing Gerald Gibson D. A, ltann Mrs, Wm. Porter lova Mc Cracheu Helen Cox Florence Buchanan \i'dldford Cameron Orville Gillis Albert Kitchen R. J. MaiLauc3hliu Win. Stephenson Leslie Oliver Mrs. A. Bird Grace Stewart Allister Bird Mrs. Wiunlered lada'ar laturiel McDonald John iia u Y and Mrs, }I. Manning Mr's, G. Best Mrs,. E. Anclers:on 'Gordon K•nig'ltt Ralph Shaw Mrs, II, Thomas Archie Moses Mrs. 0, Martin. Harold Jaeklin Jack Wheeler Ross Tarvey Mein Hall James S. Smith Gilbert Raley Mervyn Pipe Dennis Duquette Miller McArter Joe 'Hoboes Jbe Wilton Dorothy Tuck Cliff. Ifernaghan Ken Bray Tions Cunningham John. McDonald Donald Buchanan - George McNichol Wan. Harman Doug. Lawless Mrs. A. McKorcher Victor Young Wm. Crosby Mrs, Ed. Jaeklin Alex Clarke Garr Henderson Graeme Scott Blood Clinic No. 1 was held in Brussels Public Library on Ttiesday forenoon, September 23, 1043, under the supervision of Mrs. R. W. Jackson, Nurse T.echnloian, assisted by Miss Wright, Mobile Unit, Tragic. driver. Receptionist: Miss Elizabetli Down- ing. Aoting Doctors: Dr. Jamieson, Con- venor, Dr. Riclunonc, Dr. Vokes, Dr, Donnell. Acting Nurses: liars. W. D. S. Jamieson, Convenor, Mrs. Laugh Wilson, Mrs, Samuel Kerr, Mrs. Chas. Armstrong, Mrs. R, W. Whit. field, Mas. Fleming Grainger, Mrs. Thos, Dills, Mrs. McCurdy Lowry, Miss Alice Blake, Miss Grigg, Mace Staff: Secretary, Mrs. H. 13. Allen; Receptionist Nurse, Mrs. B. G. Walker; Assistant, Mrs. W. 'S, 'Scott; :Stenographer, Miss I [Lowery; Chart Cleric, Miss Hattie Downing. The Snook i3ar was very capably convened by Mrs, J. Gibson, and assistants, Mrs. Ranu, Mrs. Laycook, Mrs. Bu'schlen, Mi -e, R. S. I-Iamilton, Mrs, C. Backer, Mrs, 0, Matheson, Mrs, G. 'Semis. Mr, L. D. Thompson 'presided at the piano and his music was very , much appreciated by both the donors and stag'. •Mrs. Jackson commented on the Clinic as being of the highest degree and wished to express her appreoa Won of the splendid cooperation, given by •tire 1-lloepi'taI Staff avid:; Donors, t Those who have donated theft, • bloodfor f the third tunee roc ive a Pin, from the, ;Lied Cross, While this I was the first clinic held in Bha tale I several front this district have gone to Blood ad Catlin ins held In other 'laces and and on Tiles:lay morning 'Made tkeir third contribution and 'will receive theirata. i They were: Arnold y IIr ,1 Gerald • Gibson WiiIforH 'Cam, eron, om• eron, Elwell 411411, Dorathy' George 1VOnNicllol'' •'and "Douglas Lt wloss. Two•eth ' ors 'D, A. Bann and Oila Crvi i 1 ills' day 'a a ' sl' n t d their bi•rsad for the seooitdltlrne?' •' Rally Day:41Z The United Church 1 [.3 • _Ai13r, la- 13. Ouusk, sonerinyenclent Of tite Sunday alahool was In charge of the Morning, Tally DaY Sea•ttice 10 ritlaY United Mao*. heti, Campbell 'J'avener of lllttevafe, was the /guest sneaker, ,'.n very intra=el#.;,rg and 1telpfel" ord- er of wurshit, tws s followed, 'The . i L,ldr n''• hymn, t AI. World73,itt o e His Father's ,' et s 14•oiai „ v it • , h , was snag by •the Beg itin We (tts,s acceml)e led 'by their teaelie•a, t Mrs. Nurete, 'Read- . '1,11V•,s were given 9r3 Phyllis ahallivan, Re.ii Thomas ai 3- Jolut Wileman. Miss Joan Speiran gaveane Lessor; .Story. Mi„+ Thelma Brothers sang very ef• festively "Thr Stranger of Sa,.TJ;lee." Pte„ list of prometeins - was nea,d 3>b' Mr, 7ousins. Members o•t tate -.Sultana SehOot are to go to their mew classes next , 'Sunday morning, 'ivyeen the Sandal," 'School session will -tallow the rep r ular•t`hurch Service, The evein servic us; g e -was pond t• i•eil Iry'Rev. Mr. Taz'ener. i Ross McKay E 'Polio 'Victim , aaaa tllr%9fi3a Dancc, fat la3GstoW1) I-T51',I , in aid of tltt; llrtrssels Logien Chnistfyaa,g P01.001 lotto}del, ply 'Ib 1.rsday, Oct, 1.: ,rt 1 it +'rl:i 1 a• i>( •' b"011:. ll.'. • I Aclt Blase Mclieoy, 19, ,qf Toronto, 35 01.e ,qf three members .-f. the Roy- al aleil9.rlian Air Force ,yvjio have tiled i' a'mrouto of polioAlYelitis. -tike the two other v3tial?e, Air- crealtaap ,WcKay •had bosh ,stationed at the Trenton RR;C'.A,ir, eta4kia. He was transferred to Toronbe ,about ten ,Lays ,age and on Wedneiday,last was taken j1. A skin of .Mr. and Mrs. 1),aua1111 J• McKay, 863 Woolwich Street, Janes was born In ..Chatham on July .34411, 1984, anal mune to Guelph in a,93$. He graduated atom the Collegiate - Vocational Inst3,tu•Le, and enlisted .ou November 29 1L.st year. He waft called for trainitrg in March, and was at Manning tool, Toronto, nail Winnipeg, belbre he west to Wen- ton renton about August 7„ He was a mem- her of St. Andrew's EChureh here. A brother, John, 9p in Chatham, and a sister, Mrs. Grainger lives in in. Montreal. The fuiteval was 'held at the E. F. McIntyre fungal home at two o'clock Wednesday, with inter- ment in Woodlawn cemetery, 23e was the grandson oS :the late M,r, and Mrs, William R,lttJ$age of Morris. Annual Harvest Thantssglvitig Services of St. David's ' Church Menfryn 'hire Annual' Harvest Thanksgiving SCrives at St, David's Ohuroh Hen- fryn was held en Sunday, Sept, 26th with ideal weather and good attend- ances, The Cantrell was nicely' dec- orated for the occasion with flowers, fruits and vegetables. Rev, A, H. 0 Neil, B A N B,D. Pri n nei al 0 0 P f Huron College London, and a former rector of the Parish 19:29-1036 was the special speaker for the occasion. He, expressed his grate -Lal appreciation awl happiness on being present for. the o:coast--on, and delivered af111Aa sermon on Psalm 116:A -'What, shall I render unto the Loll for His benefits toward me?", . Misses Jean Laidlaw .anti Donna Ludrore. sang as a duet "There Wer,euNinetl' and Niue That Safely Lay." .The evening service was conducted •by the Rector Rev, ]y( F.; gidl>am.aiwbel, preached on Aots 14.17,"Nevertheless' Ho left not Himself, without witness in. that Ole did. good, • ;and • gave: • us grain t1•oin , heaven, :and fruitful seasons, filling our: hearts- with food and gladness." God manifests Himself in: the gifts of nature and provides things for daily sustenance, The offeling was a very substantial. ..sum, the largest in many years, Mrs. "T. Mrs. D. McCroigbt;,auld- Mrs. ,0. 11, Richmond. offieai;ed st the ohgan, ';visitors were, present from,: outside places • •as far as Harriston• Mr,4 T�1lit+tt' Cyl'aik isi'fir the ''Sea, forth Htlspttal wle ate he is under- going5 treati✓lw'4Ptr ' B©RAi h n it fig , • ,,, -ci l • 'P n .. •` P<' 4 t1_ tat lit el DAVDSON u do o Shu Se t, 27th, ftp Mr; atnd i Jrs. o. .' Da n. 'el V � 9 G� 'f;.0 ,` Jt.l .1 %. Vii. C �'. 1 s "s' r Krimti'i'1• 4i'vIr' antll. illrsa Ria,,irertt, , ICiclr l ' 1 re It 3r to a 0i 1h . � It >?i1 .1,- Lir .. j� it'r t ,tai+ Y st '54,. w I de p 1>'1 t " 'id •• p ,tl ) Stev? is � , nf•Q , �, t h Stolz Ji>.,>�•• �iiwnshi �1at y il.. '. _n Sul t {: S ti' k4 •' Br raft e v^ ,� Id . ra ews lte-ms (CARD,OF THANKS New $ota3cs f:At ,�•'W��� Local !Library 'ih.e,:Ser:itt.Family what 40 e1prass • The Pfabl!t• tlht•ar'ylits received 'tires1 heartfelt ibetnks :af,t,i .deep a his week, ;t•igltlaata lu boats from ayiueictihll.an to :rte many friends , I.lie Toronto TLxveliing Library and 'who ahnwod , shell beatttiilul .exprea- : the Huron dCinauty Library Associ- i'ioaYs, oJ' ,5ysn1at13y .in their t'e enc . adieu. In trYis collection there at s: and Pisetrenv(ataeeit. lketiou, nmtdiiotion :and <ahtldteita, 4s'oks. Thar public: is timed . to make full are <af.thear+ new bonne. Saiuraay els Sa,$'v.a a AY There w111 ibt :a sali*age collie -tion CARD OF TI•iANKS' • this "Doiturdg?, Oct._2n8. Ile ergo to ' 11 wiah to tate tll4i, oliportui0itY•;to- have 'our :salvaged articles out 'tbtb tc the rtut>etaYere ''anal )`01st' ready for the .collectors- when t,4i0) 1'00.11511119 Coiieefl far the lovely call. Tarma !lomat that fats, .bo7'ss, 'itv t;, watch which they sent to etc., are ozrgnaltly'veede*l. I pgi'eclate this ,gift •adry Georgie Albert, „Kreuter, 300_ Tomatoes .Grow RCN 6 3. On One ''Pins' ,toe Mersa bas .been ,spending •his•:Badly Day at !lieieille S..5.. :apart time lately eioutt•tin'g Up •the ; In 141;3h^ill,, Churea :Ctally --Day wa,s -j iniber of taoatfais on a vane at his ' arbnarve6 e,4 the noi'iting servile ln'ine, and'ihe :outer clay ,lie an. ! 'Phe seirs'on eabieci wus '"God in eaunced the anal ,awaits: 301, First Plate,' The praise ,was led .-:Seaforth News .7.y a lunµvr "choir' iof ':tw4atty-tiva. voices `•Ne'rer' airy God • to Theo" 'Windshield Stickers tr;,s sung a' an ' ienthLm. ;Ta .the To Replace New;Plates ev-ining -the 'sermon cebjeel was Geooge H. Faucet, Ontario itiha• "C1'rletian • Liberty" and,' -tbe ;text inter of I-Iighnvlays; :announced .ghat ,,was taken from Galatians 5:1, no 'naw licenses 2>lattes will ;be issued Ito moto)'ists' lin •tltis province "Drip Dates } or. next •y.ear becatese of ;the steel "Reayt:jon Cogppns, shortage, "Vehicles will carry e aVjraclaltield Coulrt ,s 'good aur the purehasU of sticker to be atiplilied wlae2 the 004imiecl oaiiaxi00lIb's are: {icenae are purchased," he said, A11 •emitting 'sugar ,Veupons; all sig- adding that. 1943 plates would he ar conpone in boolc`2; number 14 to used, "neoeseitating a change ;tit ii'6 inibhaev'e vii. Book 3. the systean 4-.1: issuing permits." ... lea -coffee coupons numbers one to 1.i i a hook '2 -and a. Preserve coupons D1',' EL R3.Bingo and 'Dance Meat ,0011pone 1u' Go inusiv e. A:'suocessfui Dingo and dance18cJ was held in the Town Hall on Wed- Bukte'r oonpans 24 to 29 111411411'e' nesd'ay evening of last week under, Milker contains 24-to'27 inclusive the auspices of the local branch of and meat cou>Lrons 13 •ta 16 incursive the Canadian Legion. The proceeds expire Setltaen0s4r 30: fnotu the affair are to be used • to i+novide tends tor aid Chrsetmas Honored_By Friends paisels to Brussels, Metrlq ;and Grey On Thursday evening,, Sept. 23, the boys now onactive.,,setvleq;,:Oven choir. of Melville 'Church were wel- seas, - The Bingo .alone ettared 645. corned to ;the bam3 .of Mr. and, Mrs. A rt reshnrent both was,. ,well y, i 1Tlt,oinpsou. whea . they mei to patronized. Dancirtg, was enjoyed by' honour Miss Mgrie I¢ing, who is to a Large crowd 1 '--- -., be ,married shortly,,, ;flee,; attractive..141 looms bad boon prettily „decorated . 3RUSSELS, ONTARIO NOTICE r-iuron County Organized Thi auntie), Schnot of the 13rassele 1 F'or Victory Loan Drive t'nitlNl f hureb will be held ai' 12 i' lte.,verend Y A, I3serroft, 'general o "1""lc 1n4tea4i ed 30 d'i loi<li 401111. moo ing 1131', •Sunday,: October tlyd bO •rhaaien 01 rile lri0tli lfictcirg Laan, line" been very busy vrihlt'thil' di'galrlsc-. urs a»Poimtln 'oliairnir'n ',dad conn' ()h tDYar), -, xult>t'ie'" rnembere throughout ache • 'Mrs. Robert aSooilt ,' 1+a•:., !I':P(tolrntlt::.<: Mr. 'ldeeurodt 'r'a t(1'ts that ,'After 11;,Ib7+gthy Illness chi rr+ Pasb .lie, i5 very >;) trifled to into at exl•nwaY We+dnesday`moinii)h, .SgUL- pi'aetleallyova ry 00e Of the old cliaihrilttn 'end Coin hitteb`'rmembers Irate=aglaed"tn act in Dile" 'campaign. .Iii accepting' these iesilbnsibilitiea >a�' 111 lit v lIatYey M00Cutebfo>n,.,,Slle,, the,;voluai4.aa'y rommatteer.mentiber;P • nate ..in bar •71sT, .,trear.1y.,,1 •;rrv,,r onikit>,g; il.,:ven,.'.ga'eat; contribution to tt'he jrite Mrs, Scott *as born in e,;,yu, ass, o'f the V etR y; au andllan'ria Township and was the young- l 1. to. Canada's wit effort as this work L a dattglitn; of the late•J)a-1d ,8std l' neai l's 0.'gl•eat' d ea ' 'of" time and his°ilia ,Ii:atigllt :+r . :eatft1116e'•'011 `the part of these_ msaa •.. cvxie ls:asirrvlvsr] b Y 011;5 9 oar+ Rolrarts1•.vv7thria:bsolutely vo,?rijrauueratloit'"' w. McMillan Scott L' Ifticilk>p; ve.lt. .. pia•, Claflriei Sau i'zels 0i, oodea3oti and three daughcere, Misses Jean 1 is again beading .the ,Publitii<y'Ognx and 'Het en- • of 'f'oronfn•^•^rand l4rs 1 glitfie or GIx'i CanhtY,; a11d'l{4r a1Tr: Harvey V[,0Cutehson1 )(Florence), ;07 C;. Althidge,;''G•0ttcrictl;..fa ' dttairman tilorrls Twp; also one tlnly<•.,sis4ar it -the -Om)miltee', ce citing the Mrs, Autet McLaughlin. , 4„til+p.l0yea..-,euuzaas4,.,.Mta. Gx.Par. The ii000tal service was co/abided •-tions of (1•oderich is chairman,of the Friday, 'September •24th by, Rev. ]1'1r. I Special Nonles<•,l Ooh>ritiitteed'TWA • Kerr, Mr. Loiita Gckmier sang Ooniariittee is responsible for the 1•t ' a[ Well with - t1i t ." Y 1 S•oa Thu coverage of large - industries ,vrJie,,, pa1'hearers were neighbors. should be in a aeaftitti to Wm, Bernard, Robert Smith, Wen, pucaiiase.: MF'CuLcheoo, Lorne Nic'tol, Frank 2'Phe loi over.. The following gentleman are apt", lig as Vice Chairmen of the County i'rrrber, 22nd. .a respected reeii"ddnt of 11cr•ti3s !isflwmi'lii S ) i Il :the e' 1 p rsoaln'ef �+ kFn' La; Y ag •it t , , F he•'lao me % of her llany bearitifui floral tributes ' COtnmittee —Robert Bowman. •txL„, Brussels; Dr, A. R. Campbell of Mrs. Robert Henderson Hensali; Frank Fingland K,C„ oif A :lifelong resident of Brussels 'Clinton,; James Kinkead of Goderiela passed away her Koine Mechanic H. C. o6DrMcLean of Wingham, and ROSS • '1St, on Thursday September 23rd, in SW Warden persona of Mrs, Robert Henderson Warden .Benson W. W. Te Ooi is She was in,her eighty first, year and Honorary , theman for the County_ leaves lo rltolirn her loss, throe Mr. Ilsley, Minister of Finance,_ cliildrsn, Belle (Mrs.. Harold Spelt), - has just announced that the issue of Brussels; 0%iiilam et Ssnithville will be made up or two maturities. and Jolie of Toronto; and ,eight 3% Bond due in 15 years an195L. . grandohlldren, months maturing 1st January 19b9,. tsert received: She was born en the 5th line' of and :the other maturing the 1st et' Morris ,arid' itteveiI'to Brussels .when May 194.7 1(y.k% Bond. Both Priced at' she was eight years old, and has F1'O6. 7Yhis will make the interest: resided there ever eines, on the 3% Bond payable 1st January She made a hest of friends as and July. Hp?'ders of Dominion 0t Oaaadat testified by the beauti;iii"floral .1x:1 fonds due and payable;, October 15t3i,,. butes which Melirded a, SillICti' from - 1946' fainjlg; sprety from her grand, 1945 and 4% `33onds due OctoDez children. pillow. Prom - the neighbors,- 15th, • •15 e whi'afi1 )rave been' called for payanent at' 7rar nowt -October spray from the staff of W'ellesley; t r+v++ viii be permitted to convert • uaeu• holdings, info T`iftli''`Piouory Mrs: Leeds Smtthville; basket feon.1. - r, and Mas. 'Ken. Sliulaie ,.•,azld Loari'iesaes tit a prune et 100 ,ha, and. Mrs, John Sburrle; basket '.fao>.1te lTr, Ilsley ellerasiss •hone all hoidohs of lite` ehrlier issues 'would take 1)1ole Huhunozra'ansI,- si$ters;...bas'k0At Prom Mrs. Long and Winnie•''audi advt ecii ing the a version offer. bou0vet^faom Mr., soda. 1?rw :Itus� .,_ Desoribrn - tae....pew .lona as,. _`":a orrance, McKlilop. gree •Bleu• io be s•truok at1-- pOirer The funeral service was,eandaeted' fui enemy' by •Oanadiane at home,"»',i y Bev, S 1Fc'ef'ervc i : tlt$]le' Presl' ' Mr"tlisley:grayed all ion -,the : bonne a tr-ttr nse.i1roit110- 1113ri the :Bonds•• da fire .'ir yteilau df'itfdh�'Jr Wlifc�r she vias P"g es• ,ntmgat at their;ubilityce so that we .l• ueurbei. Internet 'EbSkt Place le russels'CB11Tetery. " .. r.. ->r'ia.Y-trltSpaelT leve -the. slogan of. -..the 11 The pail7r'earecs were, 7`M-essei•s:- I. Loan—'"Speed the. victory."'', ivio Logan, Frank-r:Mar'trft,.,i a'Yeorge Dupflcate Invoiices :on ,ie with, Rink. �gad,.white,,streatuers and,, Eggs 'Must he; Kept •lar r •',•- a lovely pin :at:ad nvTa4te..parasol ,was, Under tilt- `Yegtilations oovsii,ig I susW.41- 'ed ih tile. arch. • ._ maximum prices'; wholesale "'ceding' 'Miss Kdnig 1vas. ,given s..;" l0vely.,;D prices of egg's are governed `lid chi (11ystal..flowea ibeewl ,vvith:-caudle Iodation of the buyei:•'ilnel'hof'af`t'fi( • etic'14s 10 o sl,ali•,•.,. b seller. A "> t'eebnt, 'order' fi1fif `t tile' Will}„14r..a holnns'on ,a,t,;t1 , lniaua, b l le vicea of eggs permits nio4%efnetits' the gi,ests ei<joyed ;a ,clog-song,.•'and r from nroduoing'arc's 4,61 bon'sainins later,, nizrnbeli:;or ,tutereeting •and' areas by recluoit'g'th'e idiot;"tne-`halt' amusing „aines.:}t�ere;antrpduoed:by to ohti•• cent'•'in' producing ceiitres;'' Missesf,..;SJorpt,lly„ Ballantyne :and A and, dnoreDLs1e-g it by one-half18ent'fa Jessie Little. . consunilifgli'i•Fartliers',•'' as" *ill' ds' ALtefila s el:Woes .lunclji Misa.Kiug°: other eggia:tibaie"S, who sell'"eggs ' was inylted ;to; sit .• %g a::.:speoially . lei ilec0•'ated• chata, and -Urs;, Wm, S- sir who]esale mustaebvei> each'sile'with k,. .>.. P L 1 P 11 7^: ), ad r 1..0 d al tl _ sss. ll.w 3. '' i• 'the S. g a: dti iliofi te•' ' iitree ce sliowiv S 1 g ,name'ttnd atldi•essad'liuyeS 'an:d seller ' •• the elate, grade alrtl`ptiice, and as a' Dear lierie;r,, • t: - separate item. any charge fol. 'pack-''F•or w,eeks„e;oej ye,eks ,the • ru'mours- 'tng in cartons. 'fiVa^t`abq$y of the dew, •,Invoice moat las lfe'ft en'' ale' for a We-sslfiskil0p,ad 1135Y weirs: hot true.i 'period of one year.' " '' Y•onr,.W et voice .,ailed.. our hearts. ii.u.... c. n'' ,, wttll �9Y,;• ..i. - . 1Veve; we -t0,,lpse, you to a• boy?! lliott, Robert Bowmah;'intarn'' Gillespie, and James. rRrisis{rorig. 1vta,g.to 111 1teelth, I am unable an l e at i FIawer-bearers Goicloie r R1a1.e ` 64 lit - y P rug until further.' notice cols Blake4rlI)aa9raliitSp'ceu .nod 1i9ao., R F •jqpwning, Petr. _.+sraz then, a • 'Prog'ran - m»1 rates' a THURSDAY— .. 10.00 a,m, A:l,MAaaTAG. News : r 11,3.0 Betty l4 Bob 5,45 p,m. LONDON ARENA SHOW 9:00 Pastel's 'in,alieiodya' ..1 F-RtDAY— a ,e' 7,30 tam, 'vai'teatly: Ttolg , 8.30 Ex -port Old 6,211 .15' , Lists IA1IM .M 113513 P$" 7.00`'pietorY Loali Speaker . •. . ,9.38 /61.14i )H ATID MINH SA'I`D R,D AY— P11,00' tan Satmclay,341oiniug Frolic elk --:George Gear: S.Ot' .6Kii ''' `1tA tli DANCE SUifJDAi�=,' ni:, i, 3.00 P.,111'.1 A•.bADilgit' AWARD :PEA'S:. 1\v,4fl�a5 Bil}: 113oattY=•-•'�.4� & ,10 pint 9,811 h,'1JcXiiJ(0 h I e1fP 7 I MO.1dDA"lf 1.,1 , 5.80 pair. (I NX OADJ9TS 18 �� orts nd,d'er li 0 •• 7.1 , al 17t� ia-tr,� .^t a 11 8.00. Lanett�=,j;$ri o raLWld n,,: TUESDAY --y.. 8,50; . t'in,l,4rj! oa'th Serenader;. . ' Sloth 7:a4 Secret Sexv]•ne S til , W tr.¢NESD'AY—: 7�,, ti-- o o r . lt�m 1J A0 lJ„ P y g in '�r x5 With Ladies • m t 1 fiv BI•tOAI?CAT F PfYMi — , !'411615S01' .DAY. AI ate. 0. m�cl` n lit rat a 'Y 7. ,Q llii}r, ,iYi r >i: S; .�10 g a l.l. bend 88,30„..TEN„,11601119I7Joaltre. ,,,,,$: g,.1" But Jkow :Ole,.; lli:1DW ,the, day is set, Those foolish thongllts We all forget. WO wish you 'happin•ess, galore! And all the joy .earth holds in store, 'Our gift, 00, you brims. with good. wishes, ' 'We Agee. you'll , like it :with -, your dishes, May, it, gleam •and. sparkle • in your Ana welcome yon ,back.where e'er yon r0am',; , .. . Well miss your cheery, jolly seg.. In aaot we fear, we're "on the shelf,” We •hope that B,elnore realises, That, Carl ,,has • one of Brussels.' pl'iz.es. ,So we,sonil, you,.pff on your tourney, neSv„ With sonletlting old' •and .,soapething 4 ,. ew Mny•,joy and gtadatees yoar Hearts inssaare Are ,the very 'nest,wishee.rp6' Malvtkte 1Leir, C he Attn.eLl, J• 3radtn . !resented 4 g'i:lls ,15114 Miss acing than ked the Rev. 9, ohofr.ln 'a flew . we ads, Korn s3ohce ba'iefie of Mite. Elaag's e and las the church. a Malarial E'eT•V!CP t e rl SO tilts!has t axil kos toqs for Char d S Mr. and 'dor .i laositat 1 Tonlpsmn, poker assuring the, their, the r 1 wre theY Pnl4yed ' 1em ail rt . h u e o air rig ,4 Mise '1..alogaii, lgvely Veloe: will pe greatly anissed• in Melville (35xewih, The Army That•Isii't' • i`• ' Scratching Anymore 16"''•'aFP? At last science, has found a way to blitz the "cootie," pes'klee`t • pest the 'doughboy has to fight, Read c rT In Tile Antericran Weekly With,. t4iis'' Sunday's (Catcher Taal 4sdt%e"kit The Detroit Sunday Times . , .vbibout this discoverynieatts so"much 13 our: soldiers, who, in contrast Rev; Norman McKay of Mitchell - m of World War 1, won't have to ' Special rnueac by the choir. . n'niv'ersary Services —OF- -Knox Presbyterian. Church, Ethel Wit!. be held on , „Sunda,,+•;Oct.,; •3rd„ Morning seretooe at.1t:%,a.m. , _,Eyening.. seirvicres. at.-8.:p'.m, G05st -Speaker will be be Scratching enost of the time.. Got, The: Detroit Sunday Times this week and 'every week! ' Red Crass ?Baton' The Flan:ace Comithittee 35.' havlyig' BINGO AND DANCE to•be held in - WALTON COMMUNITY Ham,' Oct. 1st at 9' Van. Sharp under attaiices of - - Walton Unit of Red Cross' its annual lilile-of-Coppers on Satur-1 Proceeds to provide Christmas %o day, October 9: You lnay^'bup yolir coppers'at the booths '• Com4- and give this good' 'Cause your s'DPPosrt• A donation •51: Ten Dollars 'frbin 5.51 NO,6, Grey' is' a:citnbwleclged with titmice. ..... . , .. _.. ><xa��ngl� Sale GREY '. - A l+lie of8asars' re.11y for Past Intron SATURDAY, Die,triet Women 11 Institatos 10 th be AY, OC been iR 9th Lewis Rowland'has been ineM'uoier8^ Velli 'on Oct. 6, 7':i,nd-'8•tli; Maiestic.' 'to ` soli b 'auctlah `the fol b and Ethel t Meet g . . y I win ii— e itu e . aa: to Jn s eet d yet o Rubber Tired Wagon;; .,,iNc¢ormlelS!: Binder Imptementa, ..Houschoid...Ef•. fegts, Machinery, . Tools of all Winds,.. Lows, Calves, Vourig Cattle, }tersest„ Htiee'Foi•d' Bull, 4 Heifers with Cal. • for Boys overseas ,Admission Adults' 25c - Children 15 Ticket entitles holder to one freer.' Game Bingo ' Oct. 6th aa the amine, of Hain Ta a i?a.vidson, tirusseis, i'oxctst :;,aticT Blueval 311 titute B e s s at luevale o Oct. 7th and Gorrie, ,1?•lutnailiii! and' Al Pope's Barn,, Brussels'` At 2' p. m:, Sharp on Pordwicho o at rd.tvi h o P n Oct.-• 8,, •. Ilng (Salves, 3 Gond' GoeMc Mrs, Ciarencet:I ayos"of'Georgetown I s,2 Y ar Stoves, Plgs,.Sheep ::a'nd .misty tither things- that may come In to be aunts - toned. i:' '4' An ors '`c.. tln* 1fVt Yp th nt a iii n to selA' Y 9 brlii g -'•1t In ; bart Y and eebr e YAU1 number^ ,, TERMS, STRICTLY 0 -ARM F o Futl f I`. I n 1 , , ot`rt'iat On tall thiR„ ,'•... Hbndhreon, P,oge..Ot?11' k, it 3111 Listowel fiospital 17ia1?'E'U.-. 1151i .Ji kTJ,tynnea, Lewis !ts•wlett4. rectally stkder'ylelll :o>QeraliNal., , I Ole k, , x glia,. r 11at r R t• . ,r,Kjl4ttAllibit 4 IR .l I t: 1 ^ ley OXiSn:6fftOFi+IA Y"i+",,0i,lYMn-"'"»'-'-'• ,NaN,W,Ib11l1tYYJt94AWOM.4.0a,W01P,ryak, e,5,.PAXCNbYYR'tS,". Tt9lwwetGRC:.,1MV,w,,,. 15 its conduct the rallies e-nt- the sessions eve from. 16 A`M'Jto :' 0or11r iay, �ny lady lmttire te d R f:ettellie 7011In:eleftt:1 r°a:1: '. Yilc Tae s iiiaPtutee ere co dulli r ymnd, lrletso >ltimg _:gout,, nh 4 i MlC•.+ tl , 5 M'af y < s w