HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-9-22, Page 3a. it if s. to d• : •a ;0 r - .t of 'et 's 5 nl ed nUlt\RITIrr Cry' MDA2f1 n1, r volume of credit fere tter�s n tui a1' of , i h n ��a °."' 1 Vii' :" iet R ' ry policy. Canada's Chartered Banks exist to perform two main services: 1. They receive the savings and other funds of the public, who thus build up bank balances in the form of savings and current accounts. 2. - They advance money to communities, enterprises and persons to serve their legitimate needs. Along with these main functions the banks, through more than 3,000 branches and sub -agencies, render a large number of other important services related to local and national needs —services which have greatly increased as a result of the war. But the quantity of money in existence in the country at any given time, and the volume of credit,_ are matters of high national monetary policy. The nation's own central bank, the Bank of Canada, determines them. The Bank of' Canada makes ex- tensive use of the Chartered Banks' facilities in giving effect to these policies. The Chartered Banks' responsibility, clearly established and regulated by the Bank Act, is in the realm of commercial banking—that is, to receive deposits and to serve the needs of trade and industry, WA THE BROSSELS PGb a r'• F wept Tllaulisgi1'illg in St, Johns after the anriversajy. Hymn 300 wee sung, The meeting closed vr'th God Save the King and Lord's Prayer. Regular nteet+ng of the Waite:: Red Cross will be held Tuesday, Sept. 281h. We hope far a good attendance, and those who have not already sent in their donations for the Riga and dance to be held in Walton Community hall Oct. let, please do so at this meeting or leave at T3ennet's.Store. Those donating fowl- please give their name to Mrs, Joe Campbell. At this meeting we are also asltetl to bring inour gifts for soldiers' Captnre Parcels, Letter `Recei'ved . From Sicily A welcome letter from Sicily re- ceived by IVIr. and Mrs. N. McCauley from their son L. Op. L. E. McCauley. Aug. 16th, 1903 Dear Mother and Dad,— I am sorry to say•that is has been some time in facts weeks, since I have had the opportunity of writing to any of you folks so dear to me, however I sincerely hope you have all been well and have not worried too much, Yesterday I received from you seven letters. So you see it has been a. long time since f ]heard from hcine the first letter was dated May ;Orth and the last June 12th, and this j le August 16th. I also received let, tens from Marion, Mervyn and Bill as well as 8 others, I have not re• ceived the boxes you ]mentioned in those letters as yet. As you perhaps know, I tun roasting in the fruit laden, sweltering island of Sioily 1 say Mut laden 'because fruit is so plentiful. We see miles of o1' chard' where nrgenes, !cions, grail• es te., abundant, .Sweltering, that is the uuplrnsant aspect of this trop irttl isl,•tnd, Day thne brings the tem- perature to approxiarutely 120 dr green. One of our titeemnirleters was broken and now We aura. keep them to alcohol, The evenings are cool and 14010e mornings it et chilly too, I have a beautiful tan which does net :top, the flys' they arc very bad, they not only bite but kick as well, which is often dangerous if roe are not 010 pe'cttng it, we don't swat flies ):.ere we runt 1110111 down along with the ferries. I give the Mos more credit though, as they tnokie you in the day time. Starving clogs and children aro frenuently seen in this country; al- though now educe eve :have occupied the country they at least holt: what they have, Before, tt was all taken from t)tenl, Except foe the odd pro - dimes' left to keep thein alive, it is really pitiful to see the Integer in the t'tilians fame, especially the bloat. el children. Sanitation is crude and /tenni:these 11110001 nil,. Flashy ,dress is often seen both on work- itvinta.ls. mules. doniteys, oxen and horses and people, They work hard especially the weeten and receive little profit from the rocky mountain land. 13y tide way there Ss one :Wive voltam° Ma %key a:ciize Iizzards and ants the exits aro hotic'ring lee now, Active Gertne is are almost e:Cttnet and unlike the 011111, 0011'1 bother any, Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Servlee was held in St. George's Anglican Church on Sunday, Sept. 312t11 at 3 pan. The church was nicely decorated with Rowers And ,the products of the harvest. Rev. ;R. S. Skinner, rector of Tara and Mosley and Rural Dean of 13race was in charge and delivered au appropriate and inspiring sermon on Thakfulhress and Christian Service. Miss Mary,Ilnmphries officiated at the organ. There was a good attend- ance and a substantial offering. Mrs. Richard Hoy was hostess to Women's 'St. George'sW.A.' G g W. and V'; neo s Guild on Thursday, Sept. 0111, Mre. Wee Humphries was in charge of the meeting. After . the routine business time was spent it quilting, The hostess served supper. Divine 'Service was held in St, George's Church on Sunday, Sept. lath at 4. e30 p.m. Rev, 10. 13. Caldwell, rector of Gerrie was 1n charge. On account of services in Duff's next Sunday, Sept. be no service in St. Also on Oct. 3'rd the anniversary United Church 26th there' will George's Church. on account 0f Brussels there will be no service in St, George's, Walton, The next rviee will be on Oct. 10 at :30 P.m, Mr. and Mrs, J. H. Humphries nI :.'miser spent the week end at the home of Mr, and Mrs. W. J. Humphries Leererce Armstrong anti sister Martha of Windsor called e11 Air. and Mrs, W. J. Humphries Labor Day.', The W.PT 0. of Duf'f's Church belt: its regular meeting with Mre. Kirkby presiding. The meeting opened with roll call to worship and i.Tvrnn 1:6 The roll 0011 was an - cowered by 11 members followed by minutes of last meeting and treasur- er's report. 'hese Knox of the 14111 of Grey group took charge of the topic "Fos M1 of Lite" with Mrs. John hee'Donaltl, Mt's. Smith and Maty McDonald taking part. Hyann 377 was suing. The meeting closed by reading hymn 3'42 responsively. The W. A. meeting Was held fel, lowing W.M.S. meeting with Mrs. W. C. Bennett presiding, Psalm 708 was read responsively 'followed by prayer, 'Secretary treasurer's reports were .given, It was decided: to hold a chicken pie supper Sept, 27111, If we cast out only one IPls@ll®essential lily IJ� —r..., 9,�io� ilealtY HALF A PAI WON would make way for TIONAL WAS „P, ILLSA i 4y 1'r lel & War calls :oust come first .. . which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum. Present facilities oamiot be increased; your co. operation is needed if war calls are to go though, promptly. `t, Please remember that the wasteful use of 'telephone time can hold up war business ...and,that every second you save counts. eletejeg Se44,k r esemewassas heir a1,% 11!011= 111'all'114 111e a hart' V1 P1 1 ha ve now neon the lel ion 1 v..1'1,10,1(11 10 :1"', it 15144 het,n 11 111110 10031 11111 ,i LlutAA'i 111111 time, 110 iine, wasted end nit' training ct Ivor! :are reined the HIum, 10111' 111L:155' finle 55ci atter dinhtl 1 hate the ('111em(, to n0 ! r n ltledlii til"1^illi `,114111 LHt1 11 11111 be it 11131e realer and 1 wl!1 01,1-+11 this Jett, 1', exrase p111150 '451,!71 after •1 lovely swim, and it cool breeze is -blowing and I 1' -1 very gene. In the mummer lune. un ihle l;ala1i4 Ws harp 10 go I.0 Ibe clnt.rr, as water 1100er 001045 10 us, It duns rot rain for perhaps 3 or 4 luauths. 1 unrlea•sanii in winter it (':anus :nest el' the time. I have just read over some of your oldest lettere and they sure were full of 115105 tu1011 vary Iteteresting. Thanks a 101 Crathe lovely maple leaves they sure look good to me and again I say Hitt 1114 a million both for them and your 1iloaghlfulness ;n seeding them. Well l will write again soon and Answer seine of those tetters. God trilling so I will close new, give 111y love to all at )some, l will write them separately soon as I can and re. member 111e to all those who 50 kind- ly ask for me so toodle-clo. Love and Best Wishes, Lorne McCauley 120 Pairs of Socks Knit By Walton Lady foogratulaWire to Mrs, Marry Clark of Walton. She has knit 101 pairs of ordinary 1;.acks and 4 pain of Seaman's socks for WaliPoil Red Crass, a branch of Seeforirh Red Cross. ETHEL O71 Sunday, Sept, 26 Rally day will be observed in the Presbyterian church at 2:10 p.m. There will be no evening servloe on that date. Mr. J'os, Fiavelle of Toronto was guest speaker in the Presbyterian church last Sunday evening and delivered a good sermon on "What do you think of yourself?" Mrs. Glenn Eclsinnier favoured with a solo, On Sunday, October 3rd: will be the Anniversary and Rev. Norman Mac- Kay of Mitchell will conduct the ser. vices at 11 a.m, and at 8 p.m. Mr. Curtis, who is relieving agent at our station spent the week -end in St. Mary's, Mr, Mamie° Hewitt bas taken over his new duties as station agent et Ripley. Weare sorry to lose Mr, and Mrs. Hewitt from our village, Mrs. Mary Gill attended the funer- al of her broth -in-law, the late Mr. Boyd of Seaforth last Wednesday. Congratulations are extended to Pte. Janes and Mrs. McKee of Lis- towel (nee Annie Franklin), upon the birth of a daughter recently. .:Mrs. Maurice Hewitt and Miss Elizabeth Fear attended the wedd- ing of Miss Kathleen Barrett at Newton Saturday afternoon, Miss Winnifred Hall R. N. return, ed Monday to her home in Mt. Mor- ris, Mich., after a 10 day visit with relatives and friends here. She visit- ed her uncle Mr. Stanley Hall 111 Wingha.rb 017 Thursday, •L,.A.C. Stanley,Alexander of Trent- on was a visitor over the week -end at hie home here, 'Pte Allan, Franklin or Camp Ipper• wash was a week -end guest, with friends, Miss Elsie Franklin Is spending an irdefinite time in, Listowel, assisting her sister there. A very large gathering assembled on Wednesday ,Sept, 18th to witness the church wedding or Miss Jessie Pearson and George Wesley 707114. Our beet wishes are ,extended the y0u.ng couple. iter, Bob Cnmtingllam ie 1'eeover- tog from a tonsil -operation in List- owel hospital last weelr. We are sorry to report that Dr. C. R. Richmond and family are MeV- Big to Picton to reside there in the near future, . 'm• (ititendetl for last week) The Women's institute held their regular meeting on Sept_ flip at the Monte of Mrs. 0. Ttuanter, Mrs, J. Widaob presided over the mooting in the absence of the President, ' Mrs, L :'rake, The minutes were reed and approved by naming a. vege table or weed anti telling its medieina1 va.lne, The Topic, "TTeali:h on the nmrcb' was tauten+ by Airs, G. Menzies. The current events were in charge of Mrs. Richards. It wns decided to 11ave n uiltin at the Ilex nteeli the quilting t ng -at 11 beenti of Mrs, VTm• Bremner. The meeting closed by singing "Gori Save' the King" Lunch was served and a metal Hour spent, Rev, NOrnlnll McKay of Mitchell 111111 preach Anniversary SerVicte en the Preebytet'ian Church 011 Sun- day, Oct, horn at 11 a:nt, anti 8 p,m, Wing Commander John Colquh0ue and Mrs. Colryuilrottn left on Friday loot toe Dat'tleottth, Nova Stotts, rr,••."3 te, Seat. 22nd, 1943 "PMP0i@444P9400W@Piteeelee@ga4d¢.4,:44V40:a-ay4P:46y69lP4*L:yet@Oae.:44:44.4,4:PP�+444.4vi4;:11- ;FW4M:4.4:4410,4,42,iP1:44,tit 4$a Pa +:40 4 ♦4 4,4 ' pipa 4`4 4:4 1`•4 :«4 4:4 40 4g4 a`4 4+4 1.ta.mr 444 44 • 04 44-0 "+9 y. 4�a ktR 44 ta� A° 41' oe 4�+ 4�t 4.42 e:e ate •r 4 see 4. 44 4e 444 D4 tits eta b+4 44 es 2 4. e4 4Y4$ar4`04:4'4:4 0:04ao•4•®4 d,°44064-i°44fia4^r@4404•isd4*44p6:4:+@ @4446:44444Pa44,44o4w,�Q,a 4,"4"p4:4,D 44�a.4ap4®444@44�14�4 ►tel 01,A3- . L •- after a visit with Mr. and Mrs. J. H. Group Active For .50 Years by the vlee president, Mrs. D. 7I. Fear. Campbell, as all present joined in Miss Whenifred Hall, Reg. Norse, Molesworth Presbyterian singing the doxology. of Mt. Morrie, Alin., is spending W.M.S. Celebrates Anniversary a vacation here with Mr. and Mrs. MOLDSWORitH — The 50th anni- 11oy Hall and other friends. versary of the Woman's Missionary Pte, Allan Franklin of Camp Society of St. Andrew's Presby ipperwash, spent the week end with terian .Ohuch, Molesworth, was his sisters and friends here, celebrated with guests present from Mr. and Mrs. Stuart Macinnes and Listowel, Atwood, Gerrie, Ford little Sharon of Galt visited over the wick, Ethel, Trowbridge and 'Wen• week end with Airs. Wm. Macinnes, eter: 10th con. The program, which was presided Ali. Joseph Flavelle of Toronto over by the president, Mrs. McCar• was the guest speaker, roll, featured an interesting address in the Presbyterian church Sunday on Japan by Paul Rumble, of Price, last and delivered a very interesting vine, "His talk was 111ustrated with address, - slides. Mrs. Ramble, who served blisstlargaret Darling of near with her husband as a missionary ei els ieee'ee, •:.•-'._.s ntSoutili Western 0Fk to Bo flee— ms's' F U cost of living soonus., rd and lodging available comp ..nys boarding ho , se at a gheidoUAars p:'r ,,_ eke Ory g!raw-- Apply atyour nearest Selective Service Office. �p ice. Refer to CR 50. GREY The regular meeting of the Majes- the Women's Institute was held at the home of Mrs Dan Glassier on September 9. Tile roll was Current Events on Institute work whioh proved very interesting and was answered by a large number of members. During the business period a corn• luittee was appointedto pack boxes for boys overseas. Plans were made for an officers rally to be held in October. A well prepared paper 011 Midway has liegun her duties as to Jamul, gave a •short talk on "Democracy" was capably given by teacher here for the coming year. Korea. Mrs. James Armstrong• the convenor Mr, and Mrs. Leonard Kreuter of A history of the eociety, whioll of citizenship. Another very inter• Monitore were visitors recently with was Pounded in 1893 by Rev. Mr, estirg paper "Uses and Abuses of Mr. and Mrs. Welland Kreuter and and Mrs, Stevenson, was presented the na 'was given by Mrs, Will other friends, by Mr's, Heibein. The names of the Erns• Several from this district left on (quieter members and or life mem. , A. 00ntes1 was won by Airs, Ind. the excursion to the West lately. here or the society were read by the Uiggtns for inghe g Messrs. Win. Machines, Russell secretary, Mrs. Cameron Stewart, 0011111 1' of mtlele.shaviu t:ler h3pUhes11Se, Wilite°, Quest Dobson, Norman Greetings (rout the+ presbyterial. Arrargentents were made for the Stephenson, CM] Es'ltntier, Darla and from Mrs.. Leggett. a former next meeting to be held at the home Hall, Earl Dunn, 13111 Dobson dna Presitlen4, were also read by the of Mrs. James Armstrong, Fred Keifer, secretary, Lunrh 101114served by the hostess Belly Daywill 1)0 observed on Alts• Thomas Simpson gave a re- and the committeein charge. Mrs. September Nth in the Presbyterian port on home helpers' department, Higgins, on behalf 0f the institute Church. vet Aliss M. Mitchell reported on crag lirx. Glassier for her end guests; Mr. and Mie. Band work, Prayers were `Week kind hospitality. 31,neke Michel and Tierce of Gerrie ofeero1 by Miss Nellie Dolg and Dir. and VIrs. Calvin Cameron and Mrs, Thomas Marponabi, and awe een0 Revs aiel Alex, , have returned inti the tenter z 00 the offeringMis. to %e'1ndeer after silctidiug, a couple Jean Campbell caul Mrs. A, 'Mc7)oti- of weeks' 11 0 1 11147' While Calvin with Mr. and Mrs. Belt Votlden; Mr. and Mrs, Mervyn Grainger. Bemire and baby Barry of armee, was here he :tad his tonsils rom0vad town with Mrs. Wm. Slentnou; Airs. Alli elle- s' a deet. 1t the r.enolnsint of the service in the Ifitehenee-` ilterloo Hospital. Jeerer, M0IS.0e and little Joyce of tnflmshmenis were served in the ' In a recent electric storm two vel. Dist meal alae visiting with her aunt noble catEle i)elongilt to Mae. Card• ATrs, George Addy; Mr. E. L. Jardine, church basement. The large birth- g day cake bedecked with 60 tiny i1'f were killed, and aim John 'Yeill, Ajax and Miss lienee Jardine 0C :Indies wheel were lighted by mem,gravel read and John Bryan, Morris leets 1'f the mR:trizati0n, was bei Towtship had a similar loss through Toronto nt .their home here, 11?r. and I3amiltnlr Ml's, TviCh1110Rd Sr., Of wlih Dr. and. Mrs. Richmond. Mr, ami Mrs. Daniel Stewart and Mre. Scott and 1tLEle. daughter ' Kathleen of Plattseille; Ieasc and Mrs. Tante spent Sunday with Mrs. Wm King. 011 Satttrday, Sept, 111h at 11 par, �� ltev. MTe . . Oldham baptized Tton. 11et1 Rowlands the infant' son or Dr, i end : bis, Richmond at the parent's I liceue, Ethel, Rela.tivee were present j from Hamilton, The sp01ta0ra were Mrs. E. Hewitt of Ethel, and Mr. Kenneth 1i., Richmond or Hamilton, . Ont, ...ods-.-., .......,.......»2„a_..o...m.).... lightning. o -day, as always, the `Salada' label is your guarantee of c* uniform blend of fine quality teas.