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The Brussels Post, 1943-9-22, Page 2
Tempting . n , Convenient ... y :. Nutritionally !Right! yrs easy to serve healthful meals, if you follow JL the timely menus in "Eat -to -Work -to - Win". Eat-to-Work-toWin". Sound, practical, interesting -this clever new booklet does all the difficult, time - taking planning for you. And it's yours FREE. Never was it more impoatant that you pro- vide proper food for your family. For good nutrition is vital to Victory now -to health and happiness after the war. Yet recent Govern- ment statistics show that only 40 percent of Canadians regularly eat the right foods, even though seemingly well fed. Learn the"can't-go-wrong"way to tempting meals that fill every food need of your family! Send for your FREE copy of "Eat -to -Work -to - Win". Mail the coupon today! Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) la the as as aid t Vincto ry. health r Timely,.. interestins ••• heipfull Let this origi- nal now booklet bring bettor health to your family. MAIL YOUR COUPON TODAY! *'The Nutrltlonat ,tetomenta in "Eat. tosser); -to -win" era epteb o to N, rltr d klati ue,s Den Ottawa, to. slo.ea n dNian Nutiaalth Ottawe, nor the Canadian Nutrition Programme, "NUTRITION POR VICTORY", BOX 600. TORONTO, CANADA. Please send =myna coprof"Eat-to-Work to -'Win". Name Address- City ddressCity Prey. FALL FAIR DATES September Port Elgin Seaforth Stratford Arthur Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Bayfield Sept. 2.8, 29 Dnnoannox Bent 30, Oct. 1 Gorri3O ..... Oct. 1, 2 Mitchell , Sept. 28, '49 Momrt Forrest Owen Sound Zurich Sept. 27, 26 October 4th to 16th • 9 Mrs. Roht. McClennan spent a 21, 22 1y:s with friends at Moles - 23, 24 Listowel Lueknow 24, 2b Paisley 23, 24 Teeswater 20, 23 Walkerton ..... 22, 28 20, 21 Nov. 24 Sept. 29, 30 Sept 27, 29 MRI Mrs. Joe Shaw is enjoying a visit with her daughter 2 .... ,lames Brown Timmins. (•"'. matt tali •ns are due Norman - 1i+•- (low n" who were recently J Aucti©n Sale Of ratan Stock and implements, at North Half Lot 5, Concession 9, Mor- ris Township, one and one -quartet utiles north and 1 mile' east of Blyth ON SATURDAY, 'OCTOBER 2ND - at 12.30 sharp; u;ii. bis: Grey horse. 8 Years ,.,,1; Rad roan horse, 5 years old; Black mare, 9 years old; 5 -year-old Agricultural mare. CATTLE: Reg. white cow, 6 Year old, (Manning & Woods strain), bred 13 Pigs around 100 lbs. Sept. 12;Reg, red cow, 3 years old, 10 Pigs 7 weeks okl bred July 12 (Mina), Snell strain); 1 h'::w with litt9r 2 weeks old 1 r _.y:ar-old heifer, bred 1 Scar to farrow aa 11 .+Larigu;cil; Blue cow, 10 1 Sow just bred years old, hred Aug. 1; Red Cow, a HENS year old, bred ix August; Red white Mont 75 yr: cid White L.egholtl Hen; at cow, 8 years old, bred in June; IMPLEMENTS ht reit edw, S years old, bred Aug. Massey -Harris Binder 7 ft, cut "rtiE BI USSEI;.S POS MORE SHIPS, MORE TEA AND RATIONS UP 't/s Just a year and a month after rationing commenced the govern- ment is able to raise our allow- ance oftea afullthird.'SAJADA' Tea -lovers will rejoice at this happy turn of events for now they oan get 3i Ib, 'of their favourite tea every six weeks instead of every eight. Farts Stook, Implements, fray, Grain Eto. Harold Jackson has been instructed to sell by public auction at LOT 18, CONCESSION 6:"' MORRIS TWP„ ON MONDAY, SEPTEMBER 27th .The following will be offered for Bale commencing at 1 p.m, sharp: HORSES Heavy Draft Horse 5 years old heavy MattHorse 10 years old Aged Heavy Draft Mare Filly rising 3 years old Filly rising 2 years old CATTLE Hereford Cow 6 years old due Feb. Durham Cow 8 yrs old due in June Durham Cow 8 yrs old due la Feb. Durham Cow 3 yrs old Clue in Feb. , Jersey Cow 2 yrs o12 due in March Jersey Cow 5 yrs old clue in Feb, Jersey Cow 7 yrs old clue to Feb. Hereford Cow 3 yrs ori due in Feb, Blue Durham Heifer 2 yrs old trash 2 months 4 Heiler and 4 Steers rising 2 yrs. 8 Last year's Spring Calves 1 Jersey Calf ma,' 1,d. May their joys be many. s PIGSfoot (Marigold), r•:. ogee '1 I:iO lis. Atwood ' Drayton ton 41.1.21111001111911020611.191., R BUSINFSS CAR. W_ LL...LA SPENCE Estate A gent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - - ETHEL, ONT. the 01,1`11101,1`111.01,1`111.014 with slides and glare Med-await of Blyth as spenker, Letters of thnllke ecere read from henry I'atict'0,11. 1:,,y Pierre and itiehard Irwin ''or I,„,„s eeht them by the ltnxiliary. air,. t , of ;e (!napes waK nuns,) (01! vruor of a committer to .+end clenvlate0 to all hays of the con. (1(0(•11110 on active serelcc. The following committees were ap. pa'.nle-Il- e0 ammo the annual Hollowcc'e•, somal games. Mrs. 1, Iirightntau, Mrs. Dunlop, Dorot',±y Patterson, .Ides Dow', Eileen it George McGee and !,;lino tilri''ll; prizes, Mrs. G, Shiell, Mrs. G. Walker, Ml's, W. Dow; lurch, Mrs. Lierson Irwin, Mrs. G. 11011lteF`, Sirs. Snell; decorating, 0011001 children and Ilteir teacher, Miss McGowan. Mrs. Allen Putterson's group will be in charge of the worship service at the next meeting. _ Albert Baron, south of the 0111(101' on Highway 4, is building an addition to kis barn and hold a successful barn -raising on Thurs- dayafternoon. 10; Iced cow, 7 years old, bred July McCormick Dceri' g Mower 6 ft, cut 1 31; Holstein Jersey cow, 4 year old, thane Side Delivery Rake ,reel July 5; Red; cow, 6 years old, M, -Ii Loader Grain Roller It „red June -15, Red cow, 3 years old, Mall. 13 -Disc Fertilizer Drill Double Disc Scuffler ureal June 1; Red cow, 3 years old, �allaaDuquette -tinceused. ? noun nen (FCR HURON COUNTY) k For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be ; looked after immediately. For Information, etc., write or phone either 51•,18 OR 41X at Brussels, Ont. ALL SALES CONDUC': ED 1N A SATISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Eire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for farmers. Queen St. • Brussels 'Phone 657 a 0s d gay 10; Grey J y:.us old, bred in May; Roan cow, 3 years old, 0, ed Jury z:, toter cow, 4 years old, bred May 11; Light red heifer, bred June 5; Jersey heifer, DurhainGr'oss, clue Oct. 0, Rag. ( g ) • I e 3tari aid red roan ball. 1 year old, serviceable age, (Manning & Woods strain); Reg. (Lavender) dark red bull, 1.0 'months, (Kerr strain, Dthel. Out.); Reg, red heifer, 1 year old (Mina); 5 steers, 2 00 years old; Heifer, 2 years old; 2 Jer- 9 sey Durham heifers, 11/2 years old; 9 yearlings; 10 Spring calves. PIGS: 3 pigs, around 190 lbs.; Weldwoo0 sow, due Oct. 13. HEN'S: 200 white Leghorn pullets, 6 months old (laying), iMPL]SMi0NTS: MCCorulick binder 7 -ft, eat, nearly new; 21.41. manure spreader nearly new; M.H. side rake. nearly new; McCormick -Deering 13 - disc fertilizer dri11, new; M:H. oil bath, 641. cut mower, nearly new; M.-11. low service truck wagon, near- '.Iy new; New 10 -ft. hay raok, calx- plete with ladder and movable hay rack; M. -H. drop -head hay loader, good as now; M. -H. spring -tooth cul- tivator; 2 -furrow gang plow; Mc- Cormick -Deering scuffler, good as 'few; M..3i, 14 -plate outhrow disc harrowas; 1 4 -section harrow; 1 2 - section spring -tootle narrow, nearly new; 3 -drum steel roller; Cutter; Bttg'gy; Stone -boat; Wheel -barrow; M. -H. 7-11, walking plow, nearly new; Set sleighs, with rack, Gravel box; Colony house, 8'x1'2', double Hoerr; ,larnesway ele.ctri c brooder - stove; Chicken equipment; 2 Chicken steel tars; Chicken fattening crate; 2 sugar 'kettle's; Steel grain trough; 32•ft extension ladder; Sap pan; 100 sap palls, sap tank; 100 feet. snow Ser re; Cross -rut sew; Scythe; 40 Cedar rails; 200 Cedar posts; 100 stakes; es Fanningi Barbed full ai •be d wire stretcher; 4 Sling ropes; 1 Sling drain; Ilay fork; McCormick -Deering ('roam separator, nearly new; Quart- er horse electric motor; Set back- hand team harness; Set plow hat- Hess; Set single harness; Roll barb- ed wire; Self -feeder for pigs; 2000 - Set t-calos; New logging chain; Chairs; Cellars; Whiffletrees; Pig crate; Barrels; Boxes; '3 -bus. grain bags; Lumber, Milir pails; Etc, GIA,AIN; 150 bits, wheat; 400 bus, Cartier oats; 150 gas. No. 1 Western barley; 201) bus, ;'ear -Ober mixed grain (Banner & Barley) for feed; 4 bus. Timothy seed; 110 lbs. Alsike; Pota- othy and A:ifialfa; Mang011s; rota, low; 1 barrel feeding molasses. TERMS; CASH. No Reserve as Farm is Sold, Torrance i)ututas, Proprieor. ilar'old Jaelteion, Auctioneer, W. S. D na!dson. Lnce'rnsed Auctioneer Phone 35-r-13 - Atwood, Ont. for the Courtles of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO --CHARGES MODERATE - For Engagements pilon' 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S. Jamison, M.D., C.M., L,M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon Cow®ner Office 1 -lours -1 - 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 - 12 a.m. when possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays -Emergencies and by appointment. only. Home calls in forenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. Chas. T. Davidson insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF Automobile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness • Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE 92X BRUSSELS, ONT, RESIDENCE 87-'-2 Harold Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES .Licensed in Huron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 6 J9 Sr- Serth R.R. 1, B r o 'Heid Make ar'•an0elr eats at The Brussels Post yr Elmer D. Bell, Barrister Office, Brussels. RANK Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBULANCE SERV1ZE. Licensed Funeral Director and Embainner PHONE 36 or 85 -- --- BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES MCG' ADZEAN 1-lowicli Mutual Fire Insurance --•also- Bamford Windstorm Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.0. LOX 1 TURNBERRY ST, io BRUSSELS, ONT. Or Lewis Rowland (Lieerscu For Huron County) SATiSFAOTION OIJARANTEED .- PRICES REASONABLE Engagements Phone 91 "The Brussels Post" and they will he looked after lmmodaitely For lnfernratlon, oto., w rte or phone Lew. Rowland 88,)-r''24 at Seaforth; sr write R.R. 8, Walton. 7"rtes' H.. Tilton Cultivator M. H. 9 -foot Cultivator International Steel Rolle, 0-Sec:tiou Harrows Flat Rack 21 Fleury Walking Plow 18 Fleury Walking Plow Irish Fordson Tractor (completely ' and Mrs. Ed. Morrow of Grey. overhauled) t A4urra.y Smddli R.C,A.F. of Brant ford and Mr, noel Browne of Ohesley were week -end visitors at the dome of their sister Mrs. Cliff Buschlen and family. Mr. and Mrs, A. Roy McKay Have returned from Buffalo for a short visit after leaving Miss Shirley Mc - Roy to attend school in that city, CDR. J•as, Prest, R,C,N.V.R. and Mat. Wm. Prest, Chatham, New Brnrswiek, who has just graduated receiving his wings, are spending some time with their parents Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Prest. Recent guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Harry Champion were Mr. and Mrs. A. L. Cole of Goderioh; Mr. and Mrs. L. M. Pringle; Miss Pearl Hessey and Mrs. J. M. Jay all of Toronto. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Fear, Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Bozell and little grand- son Charles Garnett and Mrs. Mitten nit of Clinton, were week -end guests at the home of Mr. and Alas, H, Man - ming.. Air. and Mrs. John Simmons and Mr, and 2313. Thos. Miller, Jr., visit- ed on. Sunday with G. W. Simmons, John Simmons' brother. of. Howick township, at Wingllum where he re- cently underwent an operation, Many Attend Funeral Of Mrs. Thomas Young After several months' illness, Jane Ann McLaughlin, widow of Thomas Young, died in -Scott Mem- oriel hospital, Seaforth, in her 72nd year. The funeral was held from the hdine of her son,Laurence aurence Cunt• • Ming, Walton, on Thursday and was largely attended, Rev. R, 0, iiazle. wood officiated, assisted by 'W, J. l uy Wee Saving Stamps PEOPLE WF KNOW Bruce Moore has been holidaying with his father T. Moore. Mr. and Mrs. G. H, Semis were Toronto visitors- last week'. Mrs. Don. Black of Dundee is spending a few days with friends in town. lblr. and Mrs. Allan Garuiss of Lon- don spent a few clays with Mr. and Nye, C. H. G0101100.Mr. A. McQuarrie of Regina, Sask., le visiting with his sisters Mrs, W. Slrettou and Mrs. Pringle. Mr. and Mrs. J. A, Schenbiue and .1. ll. Sehenbine were visitor's at Mr. and .firs. Archer Greyer. Mora 1,. Glenn Gurniss and baby Patricia of Hamilton visited with M. and Mrs. C. H. Garniss, Misses .Annie and Maud Ferguson of Seaforth were visitors with Alias- es L. and H. Downing last week. Mr. and Mrs. Jack Buchanan of Wawanosh were Sunday visitors with their cousin Miss Flo Buchanan, Sgt. 3. A. and Mrs. Ballantyne with their parents Mrs. Margaret Ballantyne and Mr. and Mrs. C. H. Giarniss. Congratulations are extended to and Mrs. D. C. Ross. whose fifty- ninth wedding anniversary occiu'ed E 'Wednesday, Sept, 22nd, 1943', will make a report TO THE PEOPLE (F ©FfT 1 Sept. 24i; over the Ontario Regional Network of the' Canadian Broadcasting Corporation. and Affiliated Stations :iNX WQnghanl, CBL Toronto 'a_ T -s ^a Soelley in the United church, 'rhurs• Mr, Wan. Owens of British Colum- We. sou of Mr. and Mrs. George Ow•rrs visited with his uncle and cousins Mr. Harry Mothers, Chas_ andMr .and Mrs. Melville Mathers and his cousins in L'luevale Mrs. John e11, Mr, and Mrs, Jas. Peacock, :fir. and Mrs, George Thornton. A large number attended the Thornton and Colley wedding at ZO'ingham Anglican ahnr'li on Satur day. We are glad to la-ar Mrs.. Pari 0011E rs is home and feelit'g better, Mr. and Mrs. George Thornton are proving in to Innovate this week Corn cutting Is the order of the day nn the 1st line. Ebenezer anniversary servires will be held or Sunday, Sept. 20th at 10 am. and 7:30 p.m. Rev. Mr. t Wilson of Brussels will be the special speaker, Bluevale choir will furnish special music tor iha on Thursday, September 16th. morning service' and Belgrave choir Mr. -and Mrs. Adam Morrow and for the evening service. eon of Millbank spout Saturday with "Christ for all the World and fo; Mrs. Alex. Morrow and also with Mr all of Life" seas the theme for the meeting of the Women's Missionary McCormick -Deering 2 furrowed Tractor Plow Buggy Cutter Stook Rack Wagon Box Rubber Tired Wagon McCormick Manure Spreader, nearly new Fray Rack, with carriage Chevrolet Motor, with pulley Set of Scales 3000 lb. capacity. Debaval Cream Separator And many other articles , too num- eroUs to mention HAY About 50 Tors of Hay GRAIN 130 • Bushels of Mixed Grain, fit for seed Quantity of Potatoes About an acre of Mangsle Number of Household 17ffects TERMS -CASH Sale unreserved as proprietor is giving up farming. JOHN J. KELLY, Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON, Auctioneer BELGRAVE The Brick Church Women's Mis- sionary Society, East Wawanosh, met at the home of Mrs. Leslie Wightman on Thursday' afternoon with -a. good attendance. Mrs, S. Snell's group was in charge of the worship period based on the theme, "Christ for all the world and for all of life." Mrs. Snell presided amd nlened the meeting with singing 1 g and prayer and giving the call to worship from the Missionary Monthly, A11 the members joined in responsive reading, The leaflet Patton of McKillop, Survivink are "The Truth About the Japanese to one. son, Laurence Gumming, Wal - condo.," was used for study and . 1011; 000 daughtt'.r, Mrs, William Ins presented in dialogue form by Demists, M Killop, and three step, aeleses Ada Dow, Eileen Snell enc? • Dorothy Patterson, Mrs, Snell and Dorothy Patterson, Mrs, Snell gave a brief introduction is the new study boort "For All of Life," which the auxiliary will use rhn'illg eke coming months, ' Mrs, Wigb110511 took the chair for the busltese period, Minutes ef the rest meeting wore reed by the sec• rotary, .Mrs. W. now, and the treasurer's report given. Au Intl• !niton from the Belgrave Auxiliary join with thorn at their •thmllt. Dutton;tton; Mr, and Mrs. H. McLaugl.ln, to offering 'meeting on October 13,I,onclan; Miss Ruth Cumming, Clin- was a'ecopted. plans were made r ten and Mr. and Mrs. Garnet Cane offering meeting, which will he held Mace to Bruosels cemeoery. day atternoOn. The president, Mrs. 1',, I. 3- h,tsitnr led the devotional respor i . , reading in a service of Dedication to the Great Coutlnia- sion. ltrs. C. Tavener spoke on the department of Christian Steward. ship• a'ud -Finance from the 15th au - mutt report of the Women's. 51is- 110ry Satiety Of the. united Church of Canada, She spoke also f the work of Rev. Walter T. Cur- rie urria and Mrs. Currie who were .rot ns oris onnries to Angola, a Vertu - geese r (1101- y 011 the West ('0051 of +.1'X11 n 1``,0. Prayer was 1fl'ered by firs George I'"e11 and the Lord's Prayer repeated in unison. Miss Georgina Underwood of Sas katoon, Sash:., with her father. John Underwood. Harold Elliott, son of lir. and Mrs, 3, J. Elliott, met with an ac- cident on their farm while moving a rack. it fe11 on his toot. He was taken to a doctor where it was found that two toes crushed. The toe rails ed. Mrs, Joseph Curtis from London, were badly were ream. has returued Mrs, W. Dow, Mrs. Roy Patterson sons, I-larvey Young of Unity, Sask., 26.511ou of Cromarty, Harold Of Wal- ton; ahicl one Stepdaughter, meg Garnet Murray of Woodburn. There are also five .grandchildren. The pallbearers were N. Reid. A. Bennie, Fred Ennis, G. Storey, W. Rockwell and T. Johnston. Those artendirg from a distance were Mr, and Mrs. Milton Young 101.11 lir. and Mrs. Clifford Young, Cromarty; Mrs. ,1. Vnpng, .Stn8ta; Mr. and Mrs. Ga"net Murray„ Woodham; 1511 McLaughlin, for the aux111ttry's own thank- ming, Wingham. Interment took OUR Duro Pump, like any other piece of machinery or equipment, requires regular lubrication and often. ;tion to ensure satisfactory performance and long life. The motor and other working parts, such as the diaphragm and control switch, should be checked rev-. !arty. Parts do wear and require to be adjusted or re- placed. The Duro Dealer whose name appears below is well qualified and experienced to -do this for you. Keep your Duro in good running condition for long and efficient service. This year our production is limited and sale arequalify. restricted to farmers who can qua r y. If you axe a farmer without running water, the Duro Dealer may be able to secure a pump for you, provided it will help you increase production, but you must first secure approval of its purchase from the Wartime Prices and Trade Board. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fittings are still obtain- able, If you are remodel. ling your Bathroom or Kitchen, your plumber will be glad to show you the range of styles avail- able in the Emco line. Buy War Savings Stamps and Certificates Regularly Wilton St Gillespie EMPIRE BRASS MU CO LIMITED 24$ tonddU Hamilton Toronto Sudbury Winnipeg 'Vance tare* A