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Wednesday, September 22nd, 1943.
Blood Clinic
To Be Held:Here
Tlie fl,jret Red Cross :Bloch • Clinic
In Brim:eats wiil .b0 :hold in .t he
Public Library on Tuesday, Seta
Wainer 28111. Those oo the Blood
Donors list .w.ho :are being called
for the .Sept. 28111 clinic .are Going
notflied by the rsecretapy. .If tkey
are not adds .to attend they are
asked to get someone to talce their
place or notify .the •secretary in
plenty of 14100. It :is not enpectsd.
that repeaters :will be called :this
time. Those .Whose names are on
the lists acid ,are .not -called for
this clinic mull .be .called for the
next one.
Yon are still .urgently needed ar,
a blood 'donor, Won't .you give
your none to fire secretary, Mrs. H.
B. Allem, at once The miracle .of
modern blood trausfu0ion makes it
possible for us at home to save lives
on the field of battle. 'Would you
deny any one of our fighting inen a
chance to live? Have your name
added to the Blood Donors 'list now.
At S.S. No. 6, Grey
Victory Orchestra
Proceeds Go To War Work
Admission -25c Booth
Seat rth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
September 23rd, 24th, 25th
Double Feature — Second show
Starts at 8.45 p.m.
Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy
—also --
Chester Morris Jean Parker
High Explosive
Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday—
Sepjt. 2rth, 28th, 29th
Walter Huston Ann Harding
Mission To Moscow
The •thrilling story of former United
States Ambassador
Joseph E. Davies
Znd show starts at 9.1.5 p. m.
'Thursday, Friday and Saturday—
Sept. SOth, Oct. let, 2nd
Rosalind Russell Fred MacMurray
Flight For Freedom
2nd Shaw Starts at 9.15 p,m.
Crash Dive
First Show tarts at 7.30 p .m.
'Matinee eaoh Saturday at 2.30 p.m.
Where there is no vision
the people perish.
-'Melville Church
Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D.
11 A. M. Rally Day Service
The Sunday School will meet
at 10.45 and will woship with
the, congregation. •Praise led
by .Junior Choir.
7 P.M. "Christian Liberty"
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
United Church
!Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wllsoe
11 A. M. Rally Day Service
Make This •An Every
Member Day
Guest Speaker,— .
Rec. C. P. Tavener, Bluevale
7 P. M. Evening Praise
Rev. Mr. Tavener
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector.•Rev. M. F. Oldham
14th Sunday After Trinity,
St. John's Church, Brussels-
2 P. M. SundaySchooi
3 P. M. Evening Prayer
and, Sermon
St. Georges, Walton—
No service on this date, Spec-
ial Anniversary Services In
'buff's United Church,
St David's, Henfryn—
Annual Harvest Thanksgiving.
1A A. M. Sunday -School
11 A. M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
Preacher, Rev. A. H. *,Neil,
Principal HuroeCallege,
London, Ont.
7.80 P.M, Eveni.he Prayer .
Prcaohor, The Rector
Cowing - Survey
A .quiet wedding was solemnized
at Wingleaui United Oburch manse
Suturilay, September the eleventh at
-3:30 o'clock when Helen Dorene,
youngest (laughter o'1 Mr. and ,Mrs.
Robert Turvey, Morrie, was united
in marriage to Norman 2llwood
second son of Mr. and Mrs, Melvyn
t8owiug of Morris. Rev, W, A. P,ee•
croft, officiated.
The bride was attdrecl in brown
alpaca trimmed with gold and
accessories to match.
Mies Helen Sellers, Morris was
bridesmaid wearing gold crepe with
brown • accessories, Mr. Howard
Gowiug, Morris, was his 'brother's
.est man.
Followleg the ceremony the young
couple letlt on a motor trip,
For travelling the bride wore a
two-piece wool dress of Kelly green
avail brown accessories.
• MacLeod - Ross
' 'KINCARDINE - The lime of
Robert Ross, Kincardine, was the
setting 'tor a quiet wedding, when
his daughter, Gladys Elizabeth,
became the bride o? William Wal-
lace MaeLeod, of Toronto. Rev.
Stanley M. ,Scott, of Knox Presby-
terian Munch officiated,
'.Phe bride chose a green figured
sheer crepe redingote dress, with
red rose corsage bouquet and
brown accessories. As matron of
hon or, the groom's sister, Mrs.
Ward Dusenbury, of Highland
Park, Midi., wore a self•emhraider-
ed two-piece ensemble of green
tivoo1 crepe With a corsage bouquet
of red roses. Harvey doss, the
bride's brother, was grammarian.
For traveling the bride wore a
brown wool ;coat with matching
accessoriee and silver fox scarf.
Me. and Mrs. MacLeod will re-
side in Toronto.
Thornton - Golley
The chancel of St. Paul's Anglican
'Church, Vrngham, decorated with
gladiolas, cornflowers and whits
tapers was the setting for an early
autumn wedding on Saturday, Sep
tember 13, at 2:00 P.M., when
Dorthy Laureeu, eldest daughter of�
Mr. and Mrs. Robert D. G'olley was
united in marriage to James Wilson
Thornton, son of Mr. and Mrs.
George Thornton, Bluevale. The
rentor, Rev. E. 0. Gallagher ofOciat-
The bride given in marriage be'
bee father entered the church to the
strain of "Bridal Chorus from Lohen
grin" played by Mise Elizabeth
Mills ot Blyth. The bride 'wore a
floor -length gown of white .chiffon
(with full skirt and 'bishop sleeves,
fashioned' with an Elizabethan
bodice deeply embossed with white
embroidery. Iger veil was of floor.
length silk net with white Ilonal
satin applique and held with a halo
of orange blossoms. She carried a
white prayer book with white satin
streauieis and rosebuds. Her only
ornament was a gold locket, set with
pearls, worn by 11er mother on her
wedding slay. Grace Golley, sister
of the bride, as Maid of Honour.
wore a floor -length gown of Dawn
swiss Organza with French lace
plaiting and matching shoulder yeti,
held with pink velvet rose petals
She carried a fan bouquet of Butter-
fly hoses. Darlene Ann Golley,
Bowel River, B.O., cousin of the
bride, and Eleanor Smith, Bluevale.
niece of the groans were wineonte
flower girls, carrying shower Mee,
gage of cornflowers and roses, . They
Wore shatter 'floor -length taffeta
dresses; made in, princess etyle with
toadies' of lace, lane oolouial bonnets
and lace gloves. The former wore
lace-glovee. The former wore
yellow wibh mauve and the latter
I pink with blue, The groom w52
attended by Charles Mothers
Bluevale; Following the cereniouy
at the altar and duringthe signing
of the register, Mrs, Jack Wick•
stead, slater of the groom sang,
"0 Perfect Love.
Following the eeremopy, a recel-
11011 Was held at. the 'hore of the.
bride's parents. The bride's moiler
received the guests in a two -niece
nieces of ltoeesvood crepe with a
corsage of Johanna Hill, roses. -Sha
ways assisted by the groom's mother
Who were a wine ensemble with a
coinage. er Johanna Hill roses,' Der-
ing the reception Dr. Robert Cassele,
Iticnnen, Michigan, uncle of the bride
sang "Ile Days Gone Be by
Chitvers. A buffet luncheon was
served. The dining -room table, was
centred with the wedding cake,
Width Tata en the same plate as the
bride'ei mateantal grandmether's
'., atit alit, ; s
wedding cake over seventy years
Imrmediately alter the reception
the grille and groom left. 011 it motor
trip to Muskoka and Lake Shame.
For travelling the bride chose a t'wo•
piece brown corduroy velvet suit
wlt'k mateliing accessories and
brown wool tailored coat.
On their' return they will reside
on the groom's fai'4l at liluevalo.
Guests were present from 'Romeo,
Michigan; Toronto, Eneter, Burch,
Listowel, Blyth, St. Auguetlee,
Wroxeter, :and Bluevale.
Habkirk - 'Turnbull
A very pretty wedding of 'wide
'interest took place on Saturday.
.Septemiber 18th, at the home of Mr.
and Mrs, Wilbur Turnbull, Grey
Township at 3 p.m. when then'
daughter I-7elen Jean was muted in
marriage to George Earl Flablcirk
son of Mr. and Mrs. Bail 'Iiabicirk of
McKillop Township
Rev, R. G. Hazelwood of Duff's
church Walton, performed the cere-
mony in the presence of their friends
aril relatives. The bride was given in
marriage by her father and chose a
floor length gown of white sheer
with heart shaped halo and veil.
She carried a pretty bouquet of
White eater and red roses. Miss
Dorothy Turnbull sister of the bride
was the bridesmaid and she wore a
pale blue sheer dress, floor length
and carried mauve asters. Miss
Jean H•abkirk, sister of the groom
played the wedding- tussle and Miss
Margaret Ilalikirk, sister of the
groom sang a -solo. The wedding
dinner was served at the home of
the bride's parents immediately
after the oereemeny and later Mr. and
Mrs. Ha,likirk left for northern points.
Friends were present from Montreal,
Seaforth and Brussels. They will re-
side on a farm near Mitchell,
Joynt - Pearson
White cancllee and tall standards
of pastel gladioli against a back-
ground of ferns made a beautiful
setting at Ethel United Church for
the autumn wedding on Wednesday.
Sept. 145, at which Jessie Musgrove,
daughter of Mr, and Mrs. James T.
Pearson, Ethel, became the bride of
George Wesley Joynt, only son of
Mr. and MIs. J. W. Joynt, Lu,ckcn'ow,
Rev. H J. ,Snell, Auburn, officiated,
assisted :by'Rev. S. Brenton, Lithe].
The wedding music was blayed by
Mrs. Be Widbee and Mr. George
Pearson, cousin of the . bride, sang
"Because" during the signing of the
The bride, given in marriage - by
Her father, wore a gown of white
satin made on princess hnes1,__yith.
full skirt and ,s,weetheart"' neckline,
and trimnned with heirloom Brussels
lace, the leg-o'-mubbon sleeves tap-
ering to points over the hands. The
Root' length veil of tulle, caught to a
halo of matching lace and pearls was
fashioned in Mary Queen of Scots
style. Her only ornament was a
necklace of pearls, gift of the groom,
and she carried a bouquet of Butter
fly roses and bouvardia.
Miss Margaret Pearson attended
her sister as maid of honour, wear-
ing a floor length gown of turquoise
Diane sbeer, trimmed with matching
lace ausl headdress and muff of lace
and American beauty roses. Misses
Edythe and Florence Pearson.
sisters or the bride, anted as brities-
maiils wearing gowns fashioned
similar to the maid of honor, the
former wearing apricot and the
latter oreliicl• They wore matching
flower ensl net Irate and oarried
nosegays, of cornflowers and bouv-
Dr. W'm. Joynt of London was best
man and the ushers, were Hugh Peak
son, brother of the bride, and Ross
Cuanilghtim, cousin of the 'bride,
The bride was pi'eoented with a
white 'bible on the occasion of itdbe-
103 the first: marriage in the church.
The reception following the care•
m•ouy was held at the home of the
bride's. parents. Mrs. Pearson, mo-
ther of the bride, received, wearing
a dress of embossed chiffon in grape
wine with black aeeeseories and a
corsage ot Johanna I'Iil1 roses. Mrs.
Joynt, mother of the groom, also rn
vetoed, wearing a dress of sheer
crepe in seeircanl green, bleak acces-
soriee, and wearing 0 (savage of
Talisman roses.
Follo'iwg the reception the bride
and groom left for Malt.on wkere
they boarded a nine fol' Montreal
Med points eatet, *lie bride travelling
in a brown wool snit with white fox
Cellar, brown and natural aeceeso'-
les, and wearing a corsage of Jath,An-
ne 11111 roses,
On thole return they wile reside in
News Items
,Engagement Announcement
The, engagement is asnoureed of
Ruby Marie, elder dangatei' of Mr,
and Mrs, '181u. C. King o2 Brussels,
to Mr. Carl Richard Douglas only
son of Mr. Roy J. Douglas and Blia
late Mrs, Douglas, e3elnnore, (Int,
The marriage to take place on ant.
urclay, October 204, at Melville
Presbyterian Church, Brussels.
St. John's Ladies Cutld
The September meeting or St,
John's Women's Guild was held in
the Ohareh Vestry on Tuesday, Sept,
14111 with a good attendance, The
Rector opened the meeting with
scripture reading and prayer. Mrs.
George Davis was In charge. It luso
voted 1101 to have the annual fowl
supper tins year. The wardens are to
arrange i'or a canvass o1 the congre-
gation. numb was served at tbo
Melville Church '
In Melville Church on Sunday Ilia
Sacrament of the Lord's Supper was
celebrated at the -evening service.,
The choir sang an anthem "The
King of Love my -Shepherd le." At
the evening service the sermon was.
preached by Bari Moore, a stuslent
for the ministry in the Presbyterian
Okurch. Next Sunday will be
observed as Rally Day for Sunday
Scbool and Congregation at the
morning• service.
Overseas Addresses Wanted At
Once At Joe Kelly's
Service Station
Members of the Brussels Branch
of the •Canadian Legion ask that the
addressor of Brussels, Morris and
Grey boys who ars 011 active duty
overseas be handed in to Joe Kelly
AT ONCE. Boxes for Christmas
have to be mailed earlier this year
and if tele boys' are to get them the
Legion Must have their addresses as
soon as possible. The families of
the boys who should receive lroxas
are asked to answer this appeal
Wrong Use of Saccharine
:Housewives who use saccharin as
a substitute for -sugar at any food in
which the saccharin is cooked are
courting distinEere The saoeharin
must not be'beiled if its sweetening
effect is to.be retained, otherwise I
it has the effect of causing a bitter
Taste; a.
nplesa'1do, foe example, may be
ero8lsecl- and -the• saccharin added
afterwarcls.-If saccharin is in Tablet
form it may ;be crushed. Sacccharin
must not be put in applesauce or
other foodstuffs before they are
St. John's Church Notes
Service in ,Sit, John's Church ou
Sunday, September 26th at 3 1'. M.,
S. S. at 2 P.M.
.Aunuil Harvest Thanksgiving See -
vices on October 3rd, both morning
and evening.
Rev. 77. M. Caldwell of Gorrie was
a guest at St. John's -Rectory on Sun-
Rev. E. M. Caldwell of Gerrie COT).
ducted the morning service in St.
,intro's .Church on. Sunday, Sept. 19111,
Rev. M. F, Oldham was in charge or.
the Harvest Thanksgiving service
at 11 A.M. in Trinity Church Ford-
wieh and in the evening in St. Jamas
Wroxeter in the afternoon he offici-
ated at St. Stephen's, Gerrie,
1 wish to take this opportunity t0
thank ail those, who during my re
centillness and convalescence, seat
flowers, fruit asd otne'e gifts; also
those who tallest to see rte. These
kindness are deeply appreelated.
Sirs. Bart Somers.
Somewhere in the hills of Sicily,
To Brussels Fish and Game Club:
I received your parcel Of cigar-
ettes and they were greatly Mined.
Med by myself and the boys in the
section as wo were right out of them
Yours truly
Pte, Clittford • Riley
I wish to heartily thank the Rate-
payers and Council of Grey Town-
ship for the splendid gift of a wrist
watch, also the Ethel War Workers
Cunt, for their gift of knitted com-
forts. These were all greatly
Gordon Kreuter, R.O.N.V.R,
Plan To Attend
The Jamestown War Workers are
planning to hold a dance- in the
Jamestown Iball on Thursday, Sept.
30th, The proceeds are to be given
to the "Christmas Parcel Fund" at
Brussels to beip buy boxes to be
sent to the boys serving overseas
from Brussels, Morris and Grey.
Trousseau Tea -
Mrs. W. 111. Turnbull of Grey Town
ship held a th'eaassseau tea at her
hone on. Friday, September 10th in
honor of her slaughter, Miss Helen
Turnbull. The guests were weleom•
ed at the door by kettle Flora Turn-
bull and Mrs. Gordon McGavin and
Mrs. Geo. Henderson poured tea
'while Misses Margaret and Jean
Hab'kirk served the guests with a
dellghttul lunch. Mrs. Win: J.
Turnbull and Miss Dorothy Turn-
bull were in charge of the
Celebrated Birthday
Mrs. A. Leitch Sr., •of Brussels
celebrated her 36th birthday on
Sunclay, Sept. 19Th. with all members
of her family present but two
daughters. Mr. and Mrs.. Dougal
Leitch, Mr. and Mrs. Jack Leitch of.
Norwich; Mr. Ivan Leitch and family
of Otterville and Mrs. Mabel Ma
Laren of Norwich; Mrs. A..-. Ziegler.
and Billy of Mel. Mrs. 'Ziegler
made the birthday calve. Mrs. Leitch
M in very good health and enjoyed
the day very much, She received
many gifts, letters and cards. - We
trust she celebrates many more
ane11 occasions.
United Church W. M. S.
The regular monthly meeting of
the W.M.S. of the United Church
was held in the church on Friday
afternoon, Sept. 10. The meeting
opened with the Doxology and
National Anthem followed with
prayer led by the. president Mrs.
Hainilton and the Lord's prayer in
unison. After the business portion
of the meeting, hymn 26 was song
and responsive reading as given in
the Missionary Monthly followed by
Hymn 1'39.
The new study book "For A11 or
Life" was then introduced and a
short drama given.
During the meeting Mrs. Nurse
sang a pleasing solo,
Mrs. -Harvey 'Brown, Organist
11 A.M. AND 7:30 P132,
Special Speaker Dr. Richard Davidson
President of Toronto Conference, Wilted Church of Canada
Past Principal Emmanuel College
Special Music by 'intone and Gruffest Sincere
&, Concert. Admiselon, Adults 50e
Huron County Chairman Named To 'Deliver An
For Fifth Victory Loan important Message
Ft was announced today by the Premier George Drew, following a
IHuron County Victory Loan head. Cabinet 117etaiug beld today, au.
quarters that the Reverend W. A. /minim(' that he would give as
1 J3eecroft or Wtngham has keen account of the otewardehip of ; his
named chairman of this County Pet Goverment to the people or Ontario
the Firth Victory Loan,
in a radio address on Friday eight,
'Phe Reverend W. A, neuron bas
taken a very active part in all
former Loans, and the success of
these campaigns hare been due in
no small meast,re to his untiring
Mr. H. J. Vandewater will again
be organizer for the County.
....Med by J. A. Lumsden of Strat-
ford, and B. K. Marshall Of Toronto.
Mr. Beecroft aril the organizers
attended a meeting in Toronto on
Friday, .September 10th, which was
addressed by ' Graham F. Towers,
Coverer of the Bank of Canada and
Victory Loan 'C'hairman of the
Dominion of Canada. Mr. Towere
has sacceeiled the former chain
near. Mr, G. W. Spinney.
The national obdectve announced
by the Honourable J. L. Ilsley, going to gel trutniCle.fe action.
1?mister of Finance, for the forth- , The address will he carried over
coming Loan is One Billion Two the Ontario Regional Network of
Hundred Million Dollars, an increase the Canadian broadcasting Corpor-
ation, One Hundred Million Dollars, an and will include coverage of
irat-ease of One Hundred Million 'the entire Province.
Dollars over the Fourth Loan IThe address will be carried locally
objective. • by CIcNX.
The aliening day of the campaign
will be October 18th and continuing ;
for a period of three weeks to Last Rites Held
November 6th. For Henry Mooney
Last rites for Harry Mooney were
Honored By Friends conducted Monday afternoon at the
Marie King, bride-to-be, was en Presbyterian chart] with the Rev. L.
tertained at the home of Mrs. H. 13 P. Warford officiating. Interment
Allen, where the hostesses, Mrs. ' was made in Greenwood cemetery.
Douglas Hemingway, Mrs. Norman Harry Mooney, a resident of this
Hoover and Mrs. Allen had planned • community for the past 30 years,
a. social evening. passed away early Friday -morning
She was surprisingly greeted at at the Bemidji Lutheran' hospital
the deer by her many friends who following an illness of about two
ustared her to an artistically decor- years.
ated chair. It was placed beneath He was born in Ontario, Canada,
an umbrella of delicate pink with .Sept. 15, 1869, and came here from
September 24th. The Premier, whose
Cove rttuneet has been in office a
little over font' weeks, bas created
a precedent and a great deal of.
public interest by the announcement
of his radio address.
Prompt action has been taken by
the G•overnmeut to implement the
twenty-two point prognamme an-
nounced by Premier Drew during
the election campaign. It is antici-
pated that the address will deal with
matters vitally affecting the grates
of the Province. No time has been
lost by the Premier and his Cabinet
in getting to work. The conference
of four bundled farm leaders held
in- Toronto two weeks after the
Drew Government took ofdce
demonstrated that the Province is
stras,neeva flowing to the floor and
laden: with confetti which was
showered on the guest of honer
after the reading of the address by
Mrs. Hemingway.
Marge, quite overcome, thanked
her friends for the beautifanl walnut
gate-leg table and sauce pan of
flame -ware.
The bride's book which passed
through the. mages of life of the
bride and groom'tobe's okildhood to
40 years of marriage was cleverly
prepared by Margaret Smith.
The remainder of the evening was
apentoln playing many interesting
games and the evening ended aeltb
a sumptuous bunch, Mrs. D. A.
Rahn, Mrs, Win. Spear, Mrs. Mc-
Curdy Lowry and Mrs. Dr, Jamieson
helped the hostesses prepare and
serve the lunch.
Red Cross Notes
A tea will be held in the Work-
room en Wednesday, September 29,
and a good attendance is expected
At the- last tea the sum of $18.05
was raised.
September Shipment
N.4VF 20 Pre. long stockings
7.0 prs. socks
10 long-sleeved sweaters
10 sleeveless sweaters
10 tuck -ins
10 prs. mitts
35 helnnets
15 prs. socks
10 girls' sweaters
20 boys' shirts
13 p1'e boys' shorts
20 girls' dresses 8o bloomers
Will yon read carefully the follow-
ing extracts from the September
bulletin of Ontario Women's War
Work Committee; We hope that you
are putting every bit or pressure
possible on your knitters to produce
Air Force and Navy and Grey
Turtle -nook sweaters, Army sweat-
ers and gloves during this season,
The call for them are overwhelm-
ing. We realize all Lire difficulties,
but beeeeeh you to put forward the
strongest appeals. Newfoundland
la in urgent need of Navy and Grey.
Tdrtle•neck eweaters.
"We realize you are busy with
your capture parcel (uetes and
those mast stand, but we hope the
newsno,pers in your vicinity may be
Persuaded to give space to this
Urgent appeal, Eatery woman
should entteavour to knit at least
Ione Turtle -Melt stweater
KZN{0X---1n Clinton hospital on Sept.
l'1th tr letr, eted lairs, A. 0. Knox
(nice - Green 'Manning) n tort
Jai5oe llldward
Nokomis, Sask. He had been married
h1 1500 at Walton, Ortaria, to Mary
Jane Grimoldby.
Mr. Mooney, a stationary steam
engineer, had been a member of the
Odd Fellows lodge.
Survivors include his wire and one
son, Lisle of Wilton. Mr. Mooney was
She last member of his family.
Anniversary Services
Knox Presbyterian Church, Ethel
Will be held on
Sunday, Oct. 3rd
Morning services at 11 a.m.
Evening services at 8 p.m.
Guest Speaker will be
Rev. Norman McKay of Mitchell
Special music by the choir.
to be held in
Oct. 1st at 9 p.m. Sharp
under auspices of
Walton Unit of Red Cross
Proceeds to provide Christmas Boxes
for Boys overseas -
Admission Adults 25c
Children 15c
Ticket entitles holder to one free
Game Bingo -
will be held at
at 11 a. m. and 7.30p,m.
The speaker will be Rev. Mr. Bren-
ton of Ethel circuit and Revv, Mr.
Trask of Atwood.
An Monday evening following the
Anniversary A play entitled "So
Vetere from Missouri" put on by
the young people from Kurtzvllte.
Admission — Adults 25c
Children 16o
Refreshments wilt be sold from a
booth. -
Mrs, Will Speiran, Pree „ W. A.
Community Sale
At Pope's Barn, Brussels
At 2 p. m., Sharp on
Saturday, Sept. 25th
Lewis Rowland has been instructed
to self by auction the folhoWiute—
Rubber 'fired Wagon, McCormick
Binder, Ifnpiements, Household Ef.
fects, Machinery, Tools of all kinds,
Cows, Calves, Young Cattle, Horses,
Pigs, Sheep; and many other throes
that may come In to be Ouctloned.
Any person with anything to sett
bring It in early and secure your
For Fuil Infot'matlon 'Coll Ed.
Henderson, Phone 68ic.r48,
Jack Thymus, Lewis R6Wlafd,
Clerk, Auctieneot';