HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-9-8, Page 1IPOS " PUBLISHING HOi SE ecinesi y, Siteptember 8th, 143 BRUSSELS, ON ARIO St. Marys Grecer . Injcred In Fall ST. MARY'S—Alex Sperling, SL Marys grocer, spent his Wednesday half holiday helping Thomas Dunbar. Downie township to .thresh. About 0:00 p.m, he was on a ladder which broke and tbus injured his loft bip. Dr. R. H. Latimer, St, Marys, Who was in aLtendanate, , Hatt the in- jured inn taken to 03iratfnrd Gen- eral .hospital for :c -ray :examination which revealed 114x. Sperling's left hip is:fractured. Mr, Sp'el'ling is chairmen of the baord cif trustees of St. IVIerys pub, tic sc1100133. Clifford Goes All Out On Shell Production GUIOLPIL Sept, 3—WilliamRies Sr., of Clifford, is the mond 'owner -of a Barratt Rock pullet, hn:tehed last March 9, which laid three. eggs In half an flour. Mr. Ries drinks that at this rate of egg production, Canada's quota to Britain will 'be filled in a short 'time. DANCE AL'S. S. No -^6, Grey Friday, Sept 17th Victory Orchestra Proceeds Go To War Work Adnussion-25c Booth REGENT THEATRE PEOPLE W KNOW k 0 * 3 * •R •. • , ..Mise Verla Fischer, Iiespler, is l holitla.ying el bey hone hers. * u: :Mr, and Mrs. Archer Grewur and salts spent the week end boliday In :Toronto, * * * Misses Janet and Wilma S3raksou, Toronto, spent the holiday week end al Biasseeis. ie. m a. Mr. null Mos. M. Wineberg were week ensl holiday visitors with rela- tives Is ,l.etmington, a: ,e .. Mr. ang1. Mrs. Herb Glazier and son Gordon of Stratford spent the week end at Brussels, Plying Offeeer Bowman Galbraith Is home on leave after returning from duty over1eas, Misses Dorothy Armstrong, Gene ;3andersbn and Thelma Little seen the holiday week end in Toronto. * 33 Mee. F. W. Burchell , and sous, Scott, Peter and Joe, sof Perth visited at the home of Mr. P. Ament Inst week. • 4 * Mrs. A. Riddick and children, Niagara, reiurued home 011 Sunday after a visit with Mr, and Mrs. Alex Anderson, ;, 0 * Mrs. Min. Wilkinson has returi:ed ETHEL The 63)011 anniversary 0t the Melees ,menet Presbyterian W.M.S. will bo ; held Thursday, Sept, 9th, aL the hour 01.2:30 pan, Mr. l'anl itulnbie vet ii riled missionary will be the guest speaker, will give nn ilitlsirat. ed address. 1!aliy Bey will be observed an1 i 511uday, Sept. `LGth In the Prtasrby j !erien Church, 1t is expected that ( she tlev. Norman MIc1 ay of MiLelield will conduct the e11111versary service es S'.uplay Oct, 3rd at 11 a.m. ani i S pen, Mr. and Mrs. Al Judd from the ' States ,arrived last Friday to spend a holiday w10h the letter's eausin Mrs, Gee. Kreuter and Mr. Kreuter. I'te. N..Goltie• and Pte. B. Cap's - iron of 1NOmipeg, who are stationed at Listowel at present, spent tate week end with Rev. and Mrs. Br, • Mrs.sntonA, 'Ziegler, her mother and son Billy spent the holiday week end with Mewls in Petrone. A.C. Bryan Ames of Ottawa, is home on a visit with his patents ivfr. and Mrs, Jos..Anees. Mrs, Maurice Hewitt has returned from a pleasant 1.0 -day holiday with Mirs. (Dr.) Richmond at Sharbot Lake, Mrs. Alex Pearson and iALLle son have returned home from a 2 weeks' vacation with her parents Mr. and Mrs. McWilliam at Mount Forest. M1'. and Mrs, Stanley Wilsop and friends of Hamilton wore here over :r. home after visiting with her (laugh- the week end with Mr. and Mrs, John Wilson. Seafoi'tn, Ont. ter, Mrs. Helot and Mr. Helm of Thurs., Fri., Sat , London,, Sept. 9th, 10th1 lith El * * * My I+rien'd Flicka 1 Mrs. Para Sevington, Mr, and Mrs. In Technicolor L. Schott and Miss Edna Jergens of The simplicity of the tale, and the' Cleveland were week end guests at beauty of its telling arouse emotions the home of Mr, and Mrs. H. B. from tragic ..heartache to ..hilarious Allen. comedy. Mon., .Tues., Wed., Sept. 13, 14, 15 Betty Grable George Montgomery Coney Island A Musleal in marvelous technicolor Beautiful' Entertaining. Thurs., Fri., Qat., Sept. 16, 17, 18 A Night To Remember Loretta Young Brian Aherne Matinee each Saturday at 2;30 First show starts at 7:30 each even- ing. When single features such as these are shown all patrons in by 9:15 will see complete show. Righteousness exalteth a nat. Ion but sin Is a reproach to any people. Melville Church Min later Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. 1t A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A. M. "Life After Death" 7- P. M. "Faith and Progress" Louis O, Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP iJ 111E Church Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 10 A. M. Sunday School and. Bible Class 11 A.MI Morning Worship "The Sacrament of Baptism" "Junior Congregation" Sermon Subject: "Looking But Not Seeing" 7 P. M. Evening Praise "Religious Contagion" EVERVdNE WELCOME Church of England Pat'Ieh of Brussels Rector.•Rev. M. F. Oldham 12th Sunday After Trinity St. John's Church, Brussels - 1 0 russels-10 A. M. Sunday -School No service on this date. Harvest Thanksgiving at Walton at 3 P. M. Service at 11 A.M. on Sept. 19 St. George's Watton— St Georges, Walton— 2 P. M. Sunday -School 3 P. M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Annual Harvest Thanksgiving Peeacher, Rev. R. S. Skinner Rentor of. Chesley and Tara Rural Dean of Bruce. SC David's, Henfryn— No. service or S.S. on this date Harvest Thanksgiving 11 Atwood. • 33 •. Mr. and Mrs. Wallace McLeod, newly-weds visited Mrs. John E. Smith over the week end, Mrs. Smith having a few in for tea during Saturday evening. The couple will reside in Toronto. 1 . :l: • Mfr. and Mrs. D. Reid, Mrs. J. Cox, Miss H. Alderman, Mr. W. Brown of Toronto, guests at the Baeker- Homuth wedding spent the week end at the home of T. C. and Mfrs. Baeker. • s s .. Rev. M. F. and Mrs. Oldham re- turned home at the end of last week after 8 weeks' holiday at G41 - ford Lake ,Simcoe. Mrs. M. Re 'Old- ham retul?ted borne with them for a visit, r ' 33 Mrs. Andrew Hamilton, Mrs. Finley Cook and son Finlay of Ool- lingwood, also Mr. and Mrs. James Wilson of Atwood were visitors on Tuesday with Rev. M. F, and Mrs. Oldham also Mr. and Mrs, George lenehel of Oranhrook. —C X Prograsta —r`' - PGM III -hies week of Sept Stii, 10343 TH URSDAY 8.00 klynu1. Time - I3. V, Pym 1'9.00 ALMANAC News• 6,26 Late FARM 1VIA.1lJiETS 7.80 Lone Ranger 9,30 Songs by ,Sarah FRIDAI', 7.30 Eveready Time 8.80 EXPORT EARLY BIRDS 1,16 Army Interview 9.45 Dunhill MYSTERY TIME SATURDAY 9.80 Kiddies' Studio Party 11.00 Sat, Morning Frolic 5.46 London Arena Show 5,00 CI{NX BARN DANCE SUNDAY 1:2.30 WEEKLY NEWTS REVIEW 1.16 Gene Autry - Songs 8.00 ACADEMY AWARD — play 6.45 Sunday News Seminary 9.80 3010]) INDIAN 'SHOW MONDAY 12.00 FARM'4301Nth1 HOUR, (de 1.45 Claire Wallace • 6,80 CI%NX , CADETS 8.30 Moods in Music TUESDAY 810 Seaferrth. Serenade 11,49 I-fanover Cleaners ,Hand 0,39 FARM MARKETS — daily 7,16 Shorts — Bud' Gerald 3,30 RANCH BOYS & CORA WEDNESDAY 10.30 Church of Air 11..46 Daly' Grange Hawaiians 132.25 Neve --• Bili Beatty. 7,00 Marching Along Locall hiews Hair Dressing Parlour Closed The Fall Fair of the Proton Ar.r1•' The Ilan' dreseillg mushier oe 1111,36 cultural Society, scheduled to be 1. Pease will 1133 :nosed Iruet Monday, bele In Dundalk on S'eptonlblir 28 Sept. 13th until 11101111ay, ;epu-niuvi' and 29, was cauesiled. The reasons 8111 while Miss' l'eaae is uu vacatiou• give r are sca'r'city of help, ration restrictions and lack of Interest ow- ing to good tithes. The best fairs are held when money. iq net pleetifnl, it in. claimed. � ,** ems I ... . Dundalk Fair Cancelled No Paper Next Week There will be no paper uext week as the staff of the ,le'ussets Post tvi11 Lake their anl:ual holiday week, .Correspondents are asked to send in their uetvs items as usual. Engagement Announcement Mir, and Mrs. Robert Turvey ah• no11111133 the engagement of their daughter Helen Dorene to Norman Eldon son of Mr. and Mrs, Me10111e Goering the marriage to take puce in September, FALL MUSIC TERM Louis D. Tennyson, arg:eat. of Melville church, Brussels, will resume teaching—P1,,no, tinging and Theory -Tuesday, Sept. 9113. Will pupils kindly c- aur; at their usual time. Telephone 70x No Christmas Trees To 'Be Cut This Year A joint statement issued by the Prices hoard transport, labor and munitions departments, recently said shortage of labor and transportation would result In no Christmas trees Mr. and Mrs. John Allan or Ham being Out this year. Ilton and Mr. Ernie Allan, Misses School Opening .lean Allan and Betty Greed of Waterdown, also A.C. Jbhn Allan Of The fall school term commenced Gait ere visiting Mende in Brussels on Tuesday or this week with three and Ethel during the week end new teachers en the staff here. Miss holidays. Raymer and Miss Cook replace Miss Mr, and. Mrs. Earl Cara•Oo'nan of ,Slni4h and• Miss Jabklin in the eon. Kitchener .and Mr. and iilrs. Win. tinuation school and Miss Janet Carnochan of Linwood were visitors King tills the vacancy created by with Mrs. Mary Gill during last the resignation of Miss Margaret week. ' Downing le the public sebaol. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Harrison and Miss Lola Mayberry and Mr, and Mrs. Ralph Mayberry of Windsor. Church Notes • Were weekendand holiday visitors 'Rev. Arthur G. Hewitt. 33.3.., orf with Mrs. Mary GillBelmore, took thee • services last Mlesare. Lou and Jos. Nieboleou of 'Stmday morning and evening in the Toronto were visitors with Mr. and United Church. Mrs. J. T. Nicholson and Mr. Wm. N.ext Sunday morning the mem- McLeod's, leers of the Junior Congregation Friends here or Mre. Eva Brown of Hamilton will be sorry to hear that :site' Kaci the misfortune to fall lately and hurt her arm, in St. John's Church was appropriate Miss Ruby Jonas has rete iced' for the Empire Day of Prayer end from a holiday with friends at also the Sunday before Labor Day. Gerrie, Molesworth and ICurtaviile. Rev,M. F, Oldham was in charge Mrs. (Dr.) Richmond and sous and delivered a sermon nu Nehemiah have returned from their holiday 4:15, regarding the building of the with friends at Sherbet Lake.wall, We am to take a keen inter - Week -end Personals— est in our work. On account of Mia. and Mrs. L, J. Sinclair and Harvest Thankoifering in St. George's, Walton, next Sunday. Sept. 13th at 3 p.m„ there will be no service in St. John's Church, The Sunday school will meet as ueuai at 10 a.m. will meet for their first service of the fall term. The 11 sem. service on bept. 5011 Barbara of Hamilton. Misses Eliz. Barton, and Isobel Tmrnull, of Hamilton and Ada. Wa]'dlaw of Ajax. Mr, and Mrs. Stan. Spolren and sons also Cr and Mrs. Wm. Flood of Brantford. Miss Majorie.Bateman oI Lis'owel, Miss Jessie Cleland of Guelph tvdth. iter met airs. Percy Stephenson. Mrs. J. H. Skeoch of Brantford with D. S. and Mrs. Dunbar. M1'. and Mlrs. ]]vo1'ett Wright o1 St. Catlleriues with Mr. and Mrs. las. Wright and Mrs. Mae I{night. Me. and Mrs. Robt. Brown and faintly of Listowel, In the village, • :Pro. Kenneth Thompson and Pte, Vince Vaughn of Brampton were 'visitors with Mr. and Mrs, 10,wyn Thompson. Mrs. Cecil Bateman Listowel ante Mrs. John Snell and' Larry James- town were visitors with their pais ents Mr. and Mos. Jos. A•nles. 011 Sunday. BAKERY RESTICTION:S OFF UNTIL OCTOBER 11 Ottawa -- The Prices Boated all' nonnced Tuesday that . the effective date of its order eliminating manic facture of a wide range of smelt beltery items and the iaitig of Calces has been postponed from September 13 until October 11 "to provide for a 1x11 and lair review" of :certain 031350 ions from 14*151s in , various parte of Canada. •Belgrave School Pair will be 11e1(0 Tuesday, September 14111, Penile Speaking and Singing Cempetitian w111 bo held 1 ridiey Evening, Sept- ember 14411, BEL G't. , ;" VE J3elgrave school Fair will he hold Tuesday, September 14th. Public Speaking and Singing Competition will be held Friday Evening, .Sept- ember 24th. Local teachers leaving for their schools for the fall term included Miss Myrtle Yuill.to Harireton, Miss Fen•rol Higgins to Galt, Miss' Louise McIOenzie to Hamilton, Mise Barbara 110,chie to ooncession 6, Morris town s111p, Miss Mabel Coaltes to Blue - vele, Goldie Wheeler to London. Personals: Mr. ` and Mrs: John Howard, Toronto, with friends; Mr, anti Mrs. Kenneth Howard, Toronto, Robert Ring, Toronto, formerly of Blnovale, with Mr. and Mrs. .7, A. Geddes; Mrs. Stewart McGee, Winghaan, with Mrs.. Robert Nichol- son; Misses 'Dorothy Wade and Shirley Nothery have returned after spending seven weeks picking frnit at St. Davids; Misses Myrtle Yttili and 0err01 Higgins enjoyed a beat trip from Olden Sound to Mant- toiiidn and .Sault Ste, Marie; Mrs. Lesdte and niece, Mi3s Jones, De- troit, with the former's brother, James Grigg; Seines McCrea, To. ronto, wltb his parents, Mr, and Mrs. 12. McCrea; Mr. and )ars, George Johnston with relatives at Blnevale A proaoher dialed long distance in order to Ca11 a clergyman friend 911 a distant tom, "%Do you wish to place a station to station 'call?" :inked t110 operator. "N,0," cane° the answer, 4arson to pareell, ,pieasll," Business Men's Meeting It was decide(' at tate business men's meeting on Tuesday eve.ling, that the ilusiless places would re- main open Wednesday evenings until the end of September. The uloeleeg was very poorly attended, There will be another meeting on Tuesday, a: a :r. WEDDING Seeker • Homuth Tali standurds of gladioli termed the setting at the nettle of Mars. Jim111 Ilonluth, Wingbam,- on Satul, clay afternoon, September 4th when h, r youngest daughter, itarg;u'al Mary, became the bride of John Thoio on Backer, Plsm.13., son of Mr. and Mos. J. C. Beaker of Brus- sels. Rev. Kenneth Molt an .ofacial- ed and the wedding music, was played by Mr. Harold Victor Pyre. The bride's gown was of whit brecada with a yoke of point desert and fitted bodice with touches o pleating. The bouffant skirt ended 1. a Miele (rain. Fier can e•7,-f1gLl veil was held in place with a Dutch cap headdress of shirred net edged with steed pearls and she caroled a Reopening and OId I-lome Service of St. Davids Church, Henfryn Ou Sunday, Sept. 5111 et 3 p.m., St. Dav:d's Anglinaa Church, llenfryu wile re -opened alter .. c.11npheto re- deeoration and repuirs, with au alfendauce of limey old frit -pile and inhabitants of the dfatrict vehicle filled the Church to capacity. Itov, 311. P. Oldham, rector of the Church was in charge • and WO1002.ned all visitors and parislliol:ers and deity Bred Ira approprfatp serMon on Bt. Luke 4:16 "Jesus came to Nazareth where Ile. had been brought up: and 0:- ill.. custom was 1ie went 1310 the synagogue on the sabbath day, and { stood up for to read." A0 the service was dedicated a beatatifui Sept. 28th and the business peep,e or I shower bouquet of Briaaecliffe roses the village are urged to attend so (anti bouvar<]ia. They mad eepross their eptnions iu [ Mrs. Howard Bedford, as her the matters discussed, sister's matron of honor, wore a floor -length gown of Baby Pink sheer — —� trimmed with lace. Her headdress �q 9Y 5A R L>dETE� carried a bouquet of Briareliffe i was of relvet flower petals, and she E+ l roses and Cornflowers. The regular monthly melting of The groom was attended by Mr. the Women's Institute was held at W S. Brown, Phm.,B., of Orange - the home of Mrs. B. Sanderson The vale. President, Mrs. D. S. MONau.ghton, , After the ceremony, a reeeptio't presided. During the business was ,hold at which the bride's period e. letter of thanks was read mother received wearing a dress of for the donation of money sent for triple sheer crepe in navy blue with jam for overseas. The roll call wasaa emsage of Better Time ros.la. The kit, by displaying a first aid groom's - s mother also • received wear- ]rit. );rich was to hold what were in a wine ensemble with a r0rsage considered 12 most eseentia.l articles or Johanna Hill roses. needed. Mrs. MleNaughton was the Following the reception the bride winner for first prize and Mrs. Ser_• and groom left for Muskoka, the demon the second. Current events bride travelling in a Nile green were given by Mrs. Munro. Helen wool dress with brown accessories Sawtell favored with a solo. and wearing a I0olinsky Ytar scarf, The chief topic of the afternoon the gift of the groom. On their return, Mr. and Mrs, Baeker will reside at 394 Avenue Road, Toronto. was a review of the "Home "lu1 s ing Course" recently taken up, u.. der direction of Mrs. Sanderson. Demonstrations of first aid work were given by Mors. Denny, Mrs, Hart and Mrs. Munro. At the close lunch era sserved by the hostess, as- sisted by Mrs. Rae, Mrs. Scherk,- and Mrs, Sellars, Visitors for the holiday: Mr. and Mrs. A. :Schatte and Miss Edna Jergeus, Cleveland, Obi*, with idrs. levington and Mrs. Stott; William Fyne Wingham, with J. S. 'titan; Mr. and Mrs. James Rae, Brentford, with Mfrs. A. Rae; Bert Martin, ITalnilton, with Mrs. Martie; Mrs J. Smeityer, Saskatchewan, with 11'. and Mrs. J, Fitch; Mr. and Mrs. tried both at his home when he Norman Patterson, London, with was first bothered and at the in - relatives; Mr. and Mrs. A. Gold and stitution, but attendants yesterday Bobby, Mrs. H. Gold and Robert said they weren't sure what finally Paulin with Mr. and Mrs. George cured him. They left ''rather sud- Paulin; Misses Yvonne and Pauline denly." one attendant explained. White. Toronto, with Aire. White; 'Fria condition was never cote, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Sproal, Exeter, sidered serious by his physician, with Mrs. H. Special; Mr. and Mfrs.IDr. L. DeWitt Wilcox, who ex- 1 Ross. Pope, Centralia,' and ales. Iplained tent the annoyance or - Doan, Biggar, ,S ask„ with Mr. andc.rlaionally stopped at night; but wee Mrs. Lorne Ranke; Mac Allen, To- I renewed daring the day, :onto, with Mr. and Mrs. George , wilb Rev, and rMTS. s. W.J l' I,. Foster;; Miiss O NCJL ,1EFF Jean Gowdy with friends in Toron- to; Mr. and Mrs, Harvey Reidt and family; Mr, and Mrs. Jack Gibson and family, Dr, and Mrs. Scherk, Mr. and Mrs. T, G. IIemp1t111 at Dyer's Bay; Mr. and Mrs. G. A, Wearying at Point Clark; Mr, and Mrs. Jackman, Toronto, with Mr, and Mrs. T. Brown; Miss B. Howe left on Sunday to take uP her duties as teacher at Leamington, and, Miss. Rona Van Velsor to Weston. J. A. Schinbein Home From Hospital At London J. A. Schinbein, of Listowel, who entered St. Joseph's Hospital with a bad case of hiccoughs a week 309 returned to his home Thura31 ty 111g+ht. The hiccoughs actually stopped Sunday night, but as an extra pre caution he spent a few more days in hospital, Several remedies were Cigarettes Received The following letter expresses appreciation Por cigarettes having, been sent by Ml', .7. Shlels through the Brussels PIA and' Game Club, ' Dear Sir, I received the parcel of cigarettes that your club so ldndly sent me, so tem taking this opportunity to say "Thanks: Wards seen so inadevuate lop exipeeeeing my real thoughts end ainineciation, but it is my only avail- able, paeans. I, was not what one might say well known i`t1 ilrtt`ssels, tliottg'le I know quite a nenber of folies. tliore,but was both surprised and delighted 00 get them. What'you and our fellow 'members have 'done for the boys over here will never be tally eppt'as,lated until we Come marching home again which, we hope, wilt not be long, so until then I remelt sincerely yeti's A39050 C•Fur. A.. G. Matddocke 37t11 Meld Sty„ 7th Arany Fid, Regt, Can, Army Overlies; it`'M.A, The Heart and Hand Mesta Band held their Autumn Tbanitefeer- ing. with a good attendanace Hymn 605 was sung to begin the program, Verna ,Carmichael oneeeu prayer. The Scripture Lesson was taken in 4 parts by Lillian Smith, Rhea Mann, Margaret Inglis and Clayton Mama.. A solo entitled "Heavenly .Sunlight" was sualg by Verna tearm4cnao,, The special speaker :of the evening was Miss Clare McGowan, a Mission- ary from China. The various things she brought from China were dis- played and 111e story she told Were enjoyed. by all. Rev. Hazelwood gave a few re marks thanking Miss McGowan for giving snob a good address and entertaining so splendidly. Olive Speiran sang a solo accom- panied by her mother at the piano. The offering was taken by .Keith Meehan and Jack Whitfield. Delores Meehan gave a delightful reading followed by Hym1i 614. Prayer was given by Rev. Ha/01- wood and the meeting 010501 by singing God save the Icing. Canadian Women's Amity Corps CeST A.C. 2nd .Annieersaby reports Shoes the women are responding fine to release A-1 meet tient •Race work 'and driving but still seed plenty mere, The new class for 17 -yeas old boys for trade eehool le about ready to open, See Bee Posttnestete braes altar stand to hold the large prayer book, This :stand was derated as a Hirt from Mlr, and Mrs, Audrew ITamilton at131 daughter Irene 1111rs. Finlay Cook), for many - years members of the congregation, and now residents of Collingwood, Ont. Inn. lig the 1•eceivirg 03' the offer- ing Mrs. Alex Brewer of Brussels, 'sus. a very pleasing solo. "thing Home." Mrs. T. Kerr and Mrs.. Lester McCreight officiated at the organ. Beautiful baskets of gladioli• adorlted the Chancel and Communion Table. The offering amounted to $169.00 which will meat all expenses in connection with the repairing and 'redecoration. Many old time friends were present from distances as far as Co13i.ngveo0'I. The church presents a very beautiful appearance. Harvest Home will be held on Sept. 26th, MORRIS Mr. and Mrs. Chas. ,Sellers visited over the week end with friends Alan Mair, 2nd line, left for Sas- ieatoon Saturday on the Harvesters' excursion. Miss Isabel Fowler, London, else; ad recently with Miss Ruby Bone. MT. and Mrs. Percy Armetr ong and sou Donald of Toronto spent the holiday week end with Mr, and Mrs. Wm. Ireland. Mr. Norman Hoover has been engaged as teacher in the Anderson school. Mr, Hoover was a former teacher in S.S, No. 6. Mrs. Quintin Anderson, 3rd line, has not been enjoying good health for the pest few weeks. Mrs. Jas. Brown of New Liskeard spent a few days with her parents, ;lit, and Mrs, Joe Shaw. Mirs, Harold Barris visited 'with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Ed. John. sten and attended the Anniversary •1i tite 1;1111e11 Church. Mr. Chas. Johnston spent the week end with his father and uncle on the (00 line. Mr, and Mrs. George Johnston tiis'tea with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Johnston on Sunday afternoon and attended Bluevale Church Anniver- sary, Mir• and Mrs. Silas Johnston of Walton took in Bluevale Church Ain uiversary and visited with friends • Sunday afteraoos. MIr. and Mrs. Arthur Brooks and family of Toronto spent the week• end with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Ma- clennan and family took in the Unit- ed Church Anniversary. The monthly meeting of the Wo- men's Missionary Society of • Knox Presbyterian church was held in the church on Thursday afternoon. The president, Mrs. Raymond El- liott, conducted the meeting. Mr R. F. Gaarniss read the sbriptul lesson from Hosea, chapter 6i at Ml's, F. G, Fowler led hi a spec) wartime prayer, It tvas .arranged to have Rev. F. G. Fowler give a missionary thankoffering message at, a rem- lar morning service hi October. Mrs. Eldred Nichol had the chap- ter hapter from the atucly book, "The New Oahedian Loyalist,' dealing with the Italians, showing them to be a race anxious to become Loyal Can- adian. citizens and 'interested in education. They have captured al- most full bontroi of the fruit bush nese, she pointed out. When hale entered the war the majority of Bailees in Canade. remained true to Canada.She traced the lite did work 08 Beckwith, a loyal Chris• tlan, to the present °Beeltwlth Memorial Italian Church" in Ment. real, Mr. N. Clumnien, '06r. and Mee. It. W. Kennedy and sons visited °vet 1the weeix end holiday with 0113 tetuwer's 3106°t' lit Letitni>rgtttir.