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The Brussels Post, 1943-9-1, Page 4
Page 4. THE BRISSILS POST Everything High School Books��� Attractive Values in School Supplies Work Scribblers, Exercise Books, New Covers Loose Leaf Note Books and Refills Well Bound Note Books, good smooth paper, plain covers in Black, Green, Red or Blue Public School Books Water Colors Art; Brushes Drawing Portfolios India Ink MViathernalieai Sets School Bags Rulers, Crayons Drawing Pads Art Pencils Art Gum Rubbers Coil Bound Note Books Thumb Tacks , Bristol Board Lead Pencils Mechanical Pencils Erasers, Rulers Examination Tablets Pen Holders Dictionaries Fountain Pens The Stere Sto 1 SI atzpV/Xerh, SAW TFI„F:PHONE NO. 62 ---• T a:a U Gl it and STA'T'IONER TF.i,FPHONE ?O. 62 , ' i nasi Quality Lowest Prices Owing to gasoline and tire restrictions, R. A. Reid will be at his Brussels office, in Miss Hingston's Stareon thed of everyf iest and third Wednesday of each month, ' r; Wednesday as formerly. The same high-grade expert eyesight servlee will be main- tained, and all work is suaranteed.High quailty glasses at low prices to all. "See Retd and See Right" NEKT VISI?.' -WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 15th E. ,® t `AID,, A. o • l i Leading Eyesight Specialist for 25 years. Brussels Office --Miss l ingston's Store, let and 3rd Wed- nesday afternoons S .00 to 4:30 ]p. m. Phone .51 for appointment's -_ ,--.• :1........... _.-..r 3 .ter ra<,'-- ithe Nome of the Better Used Cars 1240 De Lute Ford Coach 1940 Standard Ford Coach 1937 DeLuxe Ford Coach 1936 DeLture. Ford Sedan 1936 Standard Chev. Coach 1930 Model,A Ford Cenpe 1930 Model A Ford Coach 1929 Model A Ford Sedan 1941 Case AC Tractor on rubber2-furrow Tracor Plow Ga E. LIRSE At The Cities Service Gay Station BRUSSELS a ONTARIO nimotterommamenamierp • .at, .�,od For 1AIUUi Kinds of Balking SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Baeker Biose Phone 6 Butcher Shop Brussels TREASURER'S SALE OF LANDS IN ARREARS OF TAXES COUNTY OF HURON. PROVINCE OF ONTARIO To Wit: BY VIRTUE O1' A WARRANT under the hand of the Warden and Seal of the County el )halon bear.ng dale ill'' :lilt July, 1943, and to hi8 directed commanding nln to levy upon the lands men- tioned in the following list, for arrears of taxes thereon titgethe*' with ell rue Is rnrnrrod, 1 'Witt):; Aar(' notice that unless the arrears 0.:x1 costs etc satin,-% paid, 1 shall proved in Neil tin• sa.4 1stili pr ae utueh thereof as shall be eutAoient to dis '.arge urrcars or tuxes and charges thsreoL, at the office in the Court House in the Town of : ,. '+ by p01110auction ou November 9th, 1943, at the hour of two o'clock in the afterhoonl in courptianee with the statutes in that behalf. Notice is hereby further given that if any of the said '."+l. remain ensolf! ni: adjourned sale will be hell or November lit7t, 1943, at the same time arc' •!'Itch the Municipalities may reserve the right to purCilase any of the said lands. TOWNSHIP OF GREY Name and Description - Margaret Livingstone -Pt. Lot 1, Con, 7 love McDonald --'Pt. Lot 22, Con. 8 W. Kolrles-Pt. Lot 17, Con. 18 t's in Arrears 1940'2 1810.41 19411.1-2 TOWNSHIP OF MORRIS Taxes Costs. 3.10 2.25 17.30 2,44 17,35 2,44 Total 5.35 19.80 19.79 Joint G. Nelhery-°W. R. Patterson ;.12. li Lot 2 & S. 1,1 Lot 3, Con. 3 1948.1.2 331,07 10.25 313,36 Margaret. Fear ---S 1,r,, of 9, ?ti Lot 10, Con, 7 .. 19411 15.36 2,45 20,51 VILLAGE OF BRUSSELS Sala M Caprin --Lot 52. 8,1111 St. 1910.1-2 Mary Davidson --Lots 284.9 Walnut st. 992.5 Cypress St. 191114.2 Grey Bruce 011 Co --Pt. Lot 6, Mill St. ,,,,, . ...... ....... :910.12 All of the above lots are patented. Dated .)lily 16111, 19.48. Gotle,'iah, Ontario, July loth. 1943 Published in The Ontario Glr..tt, CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE SOT FINE FOR CIGARS 1 3 'ill;"t +v WANTED--� A pianist for modern and old tante �( music -Steady Work--Maust Travel. 34 Write )lox 22, Brussels, Out. 107.78 4.95 243,55 8.10 75.31 3.89 11.1'.73 261.05 79.20 A. fl. ERSKINE, County Treasure. :wits) 7th. 194.3 lone insertion).. Ontario. Liquor Ration Is Again Reduced TORONTO, Sept. 1 -The monthil' liquor ration ter the individual c.o.:- sumer in Ontario will bt retitle, d from 58 to 40 ounces effective today For Sale - 10 Chunks of Pig,, amine. 60 lbs. phone 34-r-58 Leslie Earl For Sale - Good •Oheor Range, in good condit- ion. deep fire box. apply at the Yost, Wanted - Chicken ptnners, machine operat- ed. Good Wages. Apply National Selective Service Office, Listowel. Refer to File No. 642. Wanted - Experienced chicken kilter, Good wages. Apply to National Selective Service Office, Listowel. Refer to File No, 543. Property For Sale- -The property of the late George Edwards on Mill St. A bargain if W. pnrellased at once. Any on? Interest- ed communicate with Mrs, 1., E. Churchill. Mitchell or G. N. Edwards, City Hall, Stratford. Ey r 2F MEN! IT'S A SELLERS' MARKET. Here is your inane: to cash in. If You're aggressive, are military ex- empt and have a ear or other meant, of trassportation you ran matte real money as a Watkins Dealer. Due to scarcity of materials and containers Many established concerns are going out of business to -day but WATKINS MEN are setting all-time highs in ;;ales and profits. That's because or this Company's international buying power which makes it possible for Watkins representatives to offer a wide range of Every day )tome and Farm. Necessities and :neat outstand- ing values as a pound of Prepared Mustard for 10c and 11 o1.111Ce3 of Menthol Camphor Liniment for a dime! Don't bass up this big oppor- tunity, Established rural route; available. For full particulars write today to The S. 11. Watlth's Company, Rept. 0-13.4, Montreal, Que. BET YOU* PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLE8 THERMIQU'E and curls $1.25 and $1.76 and $2.25 including Shampoo Permanent $2,00, $2.50 and $5.00 inoluding finger wave and ehempoo Saalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff, dry halr, oily Mair and etc.' 6 - Treatments including Shampoo and Finger Wave $5.00. Telephone 55x ter an Appalntrnent IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESEAURAh t .:,-. Look At Your Label -y Wednesday, lieptnlii©r 1st 1943 but the beer quota of 36 pints will remain in effect, A St. Clair Clanton, 1 chairman of the Ontario Liquor Uo: trot Board announced last night Ile said the reduction was made to an. site equitable distribution of avail• able supplies. � F5 i T H O�,Y:a 5+!l g'! etris9. ai.i' -rani . ..- Wbet a &al ming to brussels h rsday Septa -9t h • ry cared for. Brussels 'far e.. See . C1 ,1G$t Sfllt�r tI? t"„V.-.. 12'ro if11ly �li.'ISati It can and it will happen here -perhaps in your very home! If you allow foaled stave pipes, flues or chim- neys you are courting with such disaster. Do you know that practically every farm house fire is the result of faulty heating equipment or chimneys? An ounce of prevention NOW may head off irreparable loss this winter. Clean out your stove pipes and replace any poor ones. Clean out your chimneys and make any necessary repairs. Clean out your stoves and furnace -tidy up the cellar. Never quicken a fire with coal oil or gasoline. Never light a fire in a hot water heating system or in a stove with a water front if there is any chance of the water pipes being frosen or clogged -it may cause a fatal explosion. Make every member of your household a fire warden. Never before has the need for fire prevention been so urgem. Remember that buildings are now next to impossible to replace -that your loss is the Nation's loss now. ems aUvyG ixa b fie THE FOLLOWING coMkAN 4jEShl' 41,14 TA9 1f EQUIPMENT Servke to Ali w °C4 ,rs Genuine Ford Parts and a full Lille of Accessories. Everything that you need for your car. 5.121 Ch ice use cang Farmer's Special A rrention Two New Tractors wire he in this week. One on Rubber and Use on Steel. 10" Plows.. gel i NIn J11 'S 1114; iat� i)ALE t81st t +n otors Lt Phone 16'1 Listowel, Ont. U •, altDatznita» DI)= ` a ly engin Boys Heavy Boots, rubber soles sizes 1 to 5, $,S.15 a pair Boys Sweaters a 75'up to $2.49 t Boys Overall .- 1,15 up PURINA CHOWS BRUSSELS C11A ERY Girls Dresses •- $1.23 up to $2.98 1I , ' t t`' ileitir3 ilii A NI A i,�,lidkly removed to Clean Sanitary truck... 72 BRUSSELS DISABLED DEAD or Phase collect. Wt 'Maw, Stone Sons Limited � � R II School Opening i vi' is Boys Long .pants, all sizes, 1 3.95 Boys Oxfords, sizes 1 to 5zi 1.98 um Boys Heavy Boots, rubber soles sizes 1 to 5, $,S.15 a pair Boys Sweaters a 75'up to $2.49 n• Boys Shirts - 75c up Boys Overall .- 1,15 up Boys Running Shoes, all sizes Girls Dresses •- $1.23 up to $2.98 Girls Black Oxfords,' sizes 17 to 3, $1.98 Girls Running Shoes, Oxfords and Sandals, 79c up Don't forget to ask for your sale -slaps -For $1.0.00 worth of these we'give you A Was Savings Stamp Free., ogivcoproommrtgoginuotrovettempeopmeimotworotmct�ta�sie�s�i .. THE ARCADE STORE Phone 61 --- -... Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family