HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-9-1, Page 2TIME BRUSSELS PUS 1 FREE! NUTRITION BO':� LET! Nutrition made easy!, A "can't -go -wrong" wide to healthful family meals It's here at last! A really practical guide to meal - planning. All you need to know about nutrition, in an easy -to -follow, interesting, authoritative book. This is important to you; for recent Government surveys show sixty percent of Canadians fall short of good nutrition, even though seemingly well-fed. Perhaps your family lacks proper food for vital good health ... stamina high morale. So get in line with the "Nutrition for Victory" drive. Send for your copy of "Eat - to -Work -to -Win", NOW. Follow the new EASY plan for serving delicious, well-balanced meals. BREW,N INDUSTRY. Sponsored by THE BREWING INDUSTRY (ONTARIO) in the interests ofnutrition and health as an aid to Victory.. Send for your today py S0 got your PREF copy of "Eat•to- Work-to-WLn':'r lust sendyour name and address, clearly printed, to' Nutrition for Victory", ion 600, Toronto, Canada. >1,(The nutritional statementsiu"Eat- ta-tiro,4-to-tPin" • areacceptable to Natritian Ser. vices, Department-- of epartment-of Pensions and National Health, Ottawa, for the Canadian Nutri- tion Programme.) FALL. FAIR DATES September Elmira 8, 6 Milverton 9, 10 Fergus 10, 11 Blyth 14, 16 Clifford 15, 15 Exeter 15, 16 Hanover 15, 16 Kincardine 16, 17 Mildmay 13, 14 New Hamburg 17, 1; Orangeville Palmerston Strathroy"o, 15 Port Elgin 24, 2b Seaforth 23, 24 Stratford • 20, 23 Sept. 27th, to Oct. 2nd Arthur Sept. 30, Oct. 1 Bayfield Sept. 28, 29 Dungannon Supt, 30, Oct. 1 'lorrle Oct: 1, 2 iitchell Sept. 28, 29 Mount Forrest Sept,' 29, 30 :yen Sound Sept 27, 29 GOOD NEWS FOR TEA DRINKERS So many people in Canada drMk tea that there `will bo a genuine feeling of satisfaction that more of it Nal be available for home rations after September 2nd, Tho Ration Board has decided this ma be done because the safety of the sea route from Ceylon has so vastly improved. The millions of `SALADA' • lovers have just cause for rejoicing. , dresses and pyjamas, cut out, ready for sewing. During Lha gLeruoon two quilts were made. The attend- ance was encouraging 2.L ladies be - 1 ing present. Personals: Percy Pat.tarson, To- ronto and a former i1 nerals boy with fc'ieuds bere; Mr. and Mrs George Donaldson and miss San- derson have returned to Toronto; Mrs..Aehton has returnei to Boston after spending three weeks with her cousins at the Sanderson . stum trier home; Miss Norma Hall has accepted a position In Wrngbane 14, 13 Zurich Sept. 27, 28 17, 18 October 4th to 16th Atwood Drayton Harriston Listowel Luckaow Paisley Teeswater Walkerton ...- Nov. 24 • BUSINFSS CARDS 11 WILLIAM SPENCE Estate Agent Conveyancer and Commissioner GENERAL INSURANCE OFFICE MAIN STREET, - ETHEL, ONT. 'Dennis Duglw.tte -',incensedl Auctioneer (FOR HURON COUNTY) For Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they wfil be looked after immediately. For Information, etc., write or phone either 51e.13 OR 41X at Brussels, Oht. ALL SALES CONDUCe En iN A SP.TISFACTORY MANNER. MODERATELY PRICED. Allan A. Lamont Agent for -Fire, Windstorm, and Automobile Insurance Get particulars of our Special Automobile Policy for fanners. Queen St Brussels 'Phone 657 W. S. Donaldson Licensed Auctioneer Phone 355-r-13 -• Atwood, Ont. for the Courtles of Huron and Perth ALL SALES PROMPTLY ATTENDED TO --C=IARGES MODERATE- For Engagements p}corn' 31 'The Brussels Post' and they will be looked after immediately. W. D. S.. amieson, M.D., C.M.,-L.M,C,C, Physician and Surgeon Coroner Office Hours --1 . 4 and 7 - 8 p.m. Also 11 a 12 a.m. when. possible. Saturday evenings until 10 p.m. Sundays -Emergencies and by appointment only. Home calls in t'crenoons and 4 - 6 p.m. - ...,as. T. Davidson Insurance Agent For ALL KINDS OF AUtomnbile and Fire Insurance Accident and Sickness Agent for Great West Life Insurance Co. 'PHONE OFFICE, 92X ,,BRUSSELS, ONT. RESIDENCE 87-'-2 :'�". arold. Jackson SPECIALIST IN FARM AND HOUSEHOLD SALES (Licensed in. Heron and Perth Counties) PRICES REASONABLE, SATISFACTION GUARANTEED For Information, etc., write or phone Harold Jackson. phone 12 on 658 St tdorth R.R. 1, Bruo sf;eirl Make er"angers cuts at 'The Brussels Post or Eimer D, Hell, Barrister Office, Brussels, D, a' - RANN Furniture FUNERAL AND AMBU,LANCE'SERV.:E. Licensed Funeral Director and Embalmer PHONE 36 or 85 -- BRUSSELS, ONT. JAMES MCFAD.ZEAN Howick Mutual Fire Insurance -also-- Hartford also-Hartforci Wiitdsiortn Tornado Insurance Automobile Insurance PHONE 42 P.O. BOX 1 TURNBERPY ST. ---x _... BRUSSELS, ONT. n Lewis Rowland (Lfcenst;,l For Huron Bounty) SATISFACTION RUAKANtEE0 - PRiCEiS REASONABLE for Engagements Phone 31 "The Brussels Post" and they will be looked atter immedaltely For 'information, eto„ w Re or ghetto Lew. Rowland 880 r'24 at Seaforth; er write R.R, 3, 'Walton. 6, 9 21, 22 23, 24 22, 28 22, 93 20, 21 5, 6 BL EVALE Mr. and Mrs. Cooper Nethery and daughter visited on Sauelay- after- noon with Mr. and Airs. Richard Johnston and Emma. Rev. and :Mrs. Pavane: arrived home last Thursday after a month's holidays at Mimico leach. Mips. Robt. MeC'lennan and Jean spent Sitrday with Grderich and Auburn friends. ,Sorry to hear Mr. Ciezeuce Goll met with a bad accident so Friday «:lie helping at the harvest at :,1r. R.iohard Johnston' -s. A. bundle et oat sheaves came down the track. and fell ou Clarence, knocking hen al -own, his`leg was badly hut and the ligaments torn. He will be' laid up for sometime. Mr, Henry Matters and sisters spent Sunday afternoon with Mr. and Mrs, Melville Matners and children. Sorry to hear Mr. Fleming John: stow met with 'a bad accident Setur, day. He was, hacking the fertilizer drill out of the barn when the tongue struck him in his jaw andtwo bones were broken and his face badly `bruised. We hope to heel- he will soon be better. Mrs. L, G: Turvey issued 391 num- ber three ration books at the Turvey store. Visitors: Mr. . and Mrs George Patterson and son Ross, Toronto, with Mr. and Mrs, George Thorn- ton; Dr. Arthur Shaw and daugh- ter Barbara or Toronto with his mother, Mrs. Atelier Shaw; Mrs. ]Fred Hollenbeek and sou Harold, ,Stratford, with her parents. Mr. end Mrs. W. W. Mann; Mr. and Mrs. J. Geddes, Belgrave, with Mrs. Mary Robertson anti Miss Martha Fras- er; Mrs. Margaret Nicholson, Bel - grave, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert Shaw; Mr. and Mrs. Clete Yeo and daughter Marie of Paisley with Mr. and Mrs. Sperling ?Co, Dr. H. A, Hetherington, Mrs, Hetherington and daughter of Brampton with C. Hetherington;. (3orporal Frank Bos- worth, R.C.A.F., Port Albert, with `l21•. and Mrs. Jack Wioketead; Mrs, William Brooks and daughter Miss Doreen Brooks of Saskatoon, Sask., Edward Brooks of Hamilton, with friends here; Mr. and Mrs. Clar- ence Newmann, Doris and -Helen Mr. and Mrs. Gordon Gibson and family of -Drew with Mr, and Mrs. Stanley Darling; Miss Catherine Roberts -on, 72,tpley, and Jaolr Mc- Lennan, .I :Mail, with Mee Dorothe Aitken; Mrs. Stanley Darling unci; sons visited at mord on Sunday, and Miss Mary Darling returned home with diem after a two weeks' visit with Clifford rela- tives; Miss Irene Hall has accepted a. position in Winghaisi. Tire pi'eeldeiit, Mrs.. W. Z. 3.e1in. Ston, presided' at the monthly melt- leg of the Red Crews uirit held in the Sunday .Ramo/ of the United Church. The meeting wa.a opened with `!C Canada' 'and The Lard's prayer. 't'lie secretary read the minutes and • gave the financial statement show• ing the reeeltlt of $19.75 from the sale of tickets on a ,rug; $4,03 ,ori the hooked chair seat and $109,19 the proceeds of the recent e..ntar- tainment and 'Cliitolt auction titrte. WALTON O Sunday, Sept. 5th, esryice in St. George's Cluueh will ba held at 9 t45 am. The Sunday School will meet after the srvice. Harvest Thanksgiving will be held in St, George's Cherub on Sun- day. Sept. 12 at 3 p.m. Preacher, Rev. R. S. Skinner, Reeler of Cites - ley and Tara and Rural Dean of Bruce. Sunday school at 2 pre, Mr. Arthur .Peach or Listowel, student of Hdron Cclleue, Loudon, was in charge of the service in St. - George's Church on August 22. RAY, M, F. Oldham. Rector, was back from his holidays and offs ;fated on i August 29. Walton Red Cross Unit Plans Boxes For Troops The monthly meoting 05 the Walton eeTt=e------ Red Cross Unit was helm Tuesday with a large attendance. Two quilts were quilted end one tied. !Mrs: F. C. Wilson presided and considerable business was discnesed. A bingo will be held on October 1 to rase money Weclaceclay, Septinlme let, 1943 NATIONAL '�1 SELECTIVE - SERVICE Extension of Compulsory Emiployeiat Transfers. Ta Comp ave./a and e eed. THE 6th Compulsory Employment Transfer Order, issued under authority of National Selective Service Civilian Regulations, requires compliance not later than September 8th, 1943. After that date no employer may continue to employ any man covered - y this Order, unless under special permit. The first five Compulsory Transfer Orders listed occu- pations, and required compliance by all male employees in those occupations if (a) in au age and marital class designated under the Military Call-up, or if (h) 16, 17 or 7.8 years of age. The Sixth Order repeats all occupations given in the five earlier Orders, and requires all other men from 16 to 40 years of age (both ages inclusive) to become available for transfer to higher priority jobs, by registering at the nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. Details of the ' Sixth Order were advertised in daily newspapers at the end of August. Copies of the Order may be secured from any Employment. and Selective Service Office. If in doubt as to the coverage of this Order, or the pro- cedure under it, ask your nearest Employment and Selective Service Office. 411 men, married or single, employed in designated occupations, aged 16 to 40, are now covered by the Orders. To avoid penalties, those who have not yet rogistereti,.m.ust do so by September 8th, 1943. HIIMPHREY MITCHELL. Minister of Labour A. MaeNAMARA, Director, National Selective Service D -6B Is Your Subscription Paid Up? aWaita MILn stat • advauce or we will be forced to eat . off those in arrears and hauel them in for collection. This rule is neces- sary to comply with regulations set As already pointed out all sub-' down by the newsprint controller of scribers in arrears must be paid la the Wartime Prices and Trade for the soldiers' Christmas boxes. ,- A lunch bar was a popular spot ✓ which was attended to be' Mrs. Wil- bur Turnbull and less Willta.m Humphries. and over 515.00 was realized. Many quilt patches were put together, also refugees' bloom- ers finished. The meeting cloned with the national anthem CLERKSS NOTICE OF FiRST POSTING OF VOTERS' LIST Voters' Lists, 1943, Township of Morris, County of Huron r - NOTICE is hereby given that I have complied with Section 20 of the Voters' List Ant and that l Have post- ed up at my office, R. et. 4, Brussels, on the let day of September, 1943, the list of all persons entitled to vote in the said municipality at Muneipal Elections and Elections to the Legislative Assemhl,t' and that such list remains there for inspect- ion. Aid I hereby call uiior all voters to take in/mediate proceedings to have all errors ^ or omissions car - corrected according to law, the last day of appeal being the gist day of September, 1943. Dated at Brussels, this lar day of September, 1948. • GEORGE MARTIN, Clerk. mRih, FOR SALE We Have the Stock 10 Mowers, 5 Dump Rakes. 2 Side Rakes. 3 Hay Loaders. 6 Wagons, 20 Grain Binders, 7 Tractors, 8 Traoter Plows, 3 Corn Scufflers. 3 Corn Binders. 3 Corn Blowers. 9 Cultivators, ,. 2 Land Rollers. IAAOther Articles Too Numerous to Llst. BUY WHILE STOOK IS AVAILABL�EI Superior Motors MARK ROGER 8r. SON Palmerston Where Is -a number of little girle'llIMMINIMINIONININF Board. This new order places all subscribers ou the same footing. We wish to thank all those. who have paid their subscriptions. If there is any error or otnmission_ please notify us or phone 31, YOUR Duro dealeris at your - service at all times, If your Pump is not giving the service that it should, have the Duro dealer check it over, make necessary ad- justments and, if required, replace worn parts. By -doing this, your Pump will be kept in good working order. Production of Duro Pumps this year is limited and makes it nec- essary for all present owners to do everything possible to extend the life of their pumps, as replace- ments are not available. WATER SYSTEMS London Should you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm use - and essential for increased crop produc- tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime Prices and Trade Board approval. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new bathroom or renovation of an old one, The Emco dealer in your vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles now available. Buy War Savings Stamps and Ceriif'icates Regularly Wilton &r llespie EMPIRE BRASS M'G. CO., LTD. Hamilton Sudbury Toronto Vitintttpeq 14$ Vancouwe _ a*LJ......,_ I London Should you be without running water under pressure, your Duro dealer may possibly be able to secure one for you, provided you can show it is ab- solutely necessary for farm use - and essential for increased crop produc- tion. Purchasers must secure Wartime Prices and Trade Board approval. Emco Bathroom Fixtures and Fit- tings are still obtainable for a new bathroom or renovation of an old one, The Emco dealer in your vicinity will be glad to show you the range of styles now available. Buy War Savings Stamps and Ceriif'icates Regularly Wilton &r llespie EMPIRE BRASS M'G. CO., LTD. Hamilton Sudbury Toronto Vitintttpeq 14$ Vancouwe