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The Brussels Post, 1943-8-25, Page 4
Page 4. THE II:itWSSE'LS POST. RVeduesday, August 35111, 1942 F inesi Quality O CE': Lowest Prices s Owing to gasoline and tine restrictions, R. A. Reid will be at his Brussels offuse, in Mass Hingston's Store on the first and third Wednesday of each month, instead of every Wednesday as formerly, The sante high-grade expert eyesight service 'will be Main- tained, and all work is guaranteed. High gttailty glasses at low prices to all.a• "See Rett and `See Right': NEXT VISIT—WEDNESDAY, September 1st ®Aa %EID9 Leading Eyesight Specialist for 25 years. Brussels Office—Miss Kingston's Store, lst and 3rd Wed- nesday afternoons 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Phone 51 for appointment l' tI The Home of the Better Used Cars 1940 De Luxe Ford Coach 1940 Standard Ford Coach 1937 DeLuxe Ford Coach 1936 DeLeuxe Ford Sedan 1936 Standard Chev. Coach 1930 Model A Ford Coupe 1930 Model A Ford Coach 1929 Model A Ford Sedan 1941 Case AC Tractor on rubber2-furrow Tracor flow G. r'.• NURSE At The Cities Service Gas -Station RUSSEL$ ONTAaIOI i al Car +o Wheat Half C r 'Oats Qn Hand O MO MacTavish Phone 46 CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FiNE FOR CIGARETTES Clas i led Ads Wanted -- A pianis:t for modern- and old time music—Steady Work ---Must Travel. Write Box 22, 13uussela, Ont. Passengers Wanted -- Going to Toronto on P;iday Morn- ing returning Satur'daty night or Sunday morning. apply at The Brussels Post 1 Workers Wanted— Steady work at finicking chickens or poultry, machine. Very good wag- es. appty at The Par_kdale Poultry Mitchell, Ont. Phone 152, MENU IT'S A SELLERS' MARKE1. Here is your chance to cash in. If You're aggressive, are military ex- empt and have a car or other means of transportation yea can make real money es a Watkins Dsaler. Due to scarcity of materials and containers many established concerns are going oat of business to -clay bat WATKINS MISN are setting all-time highs in pales and profits. 'c`hat's because of this Company's international buying power which makes it possible for Watkins representatives to offer a wide range of Every day Home and Farin Necessities and auc;s ouistand- i ung values as a pound of Prepared Mustard for 10c and 11 ounces of Menthol Camphor Liniment for a dime! Don't pass up this big oppor- tunity. Established rural routes available. For full particulars write today to The 1. R. Watkins Company, -Dept, 0-B-4. Montreal, Que. Change Made In Fertilizers For Use During Fall „ • Due to reduction in the amount of potash available for us. in Canada during thee fall of 1943 aad the spring of 1944, adjustments have been made necessary in the fertilizer mixtures available for mannfa.ctttse and sale, it is announced by the Fertilizer Administration Branch at the Par- liament Buildings, Toronto Mixtures which may be used during the fall season have geen designated by the administrator, and the federal government subvention will be paid on these at the following rates; Mixture 2-12.4—$3.00 per ton Mixture 4.12-6$3.90 per ton Mixture 3-1S-6—$3.60 per ton Mixture 6-14-7—$3.15 per ton ,Superphosphate — 63 00 per ton Some manufacturers, it is stated, have supplies on hand of the M2-6 mixture, on which the subvention will be paid as formerly. All chemi- cals heretofore used in fertilizer mixture, such as Superphosphate, will be available and eligible for subvention, but it will pribably be more difficult to secure supplies of Ammo -Phos, in which case a 3.13-t mixture is recommend:ad as a substi- tute. Owing to labor shortage In ferti- lizer plants, there may be some dif- ficulty in shipping the required ton• nage this fall, so farmers are urged to place their orders as soca as pos- sible and spread out the shipping season over a longer period of time, In order to qualify for the gov- ernment fertilizer si vention, farm ers must apply fertilise; to one or more of the following crops: 1. Grass and legume pastures, an- nual pastures, suoh a;. rape. fall rye, etc. 2. Clover, alfalfa and all other hay crops, 3. Silage crops auoh a scorn or le- gumes used as silage, 4. Cereal crops such as oats, bar- Iey, wheat, corn, flax or peas and soya beans, or other =;rains to be used as livestock feed. 5. Rsiot crops such as mangelh or turnips. GET YoU1 PERMANGPIT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERL!E8t5 THERMIQtIE End Gurle $1.25 and $176 and $2,2E Including Shampoo Permanent 02.00, $,2'.SQ and $5.00 Including finger wave. and *hempen Scalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff. dry hale, ort$ hair and etc, 6 Troatn1el?td including Shampoo and Fenger Wave $5.00, Telephone b5x for an Appolatmetlt IRENE PEASE nidi DROc"T01 Us stsdr wtANT ., _."- ",_ -:._;+,.�,? a 1 .....***,.....**••• �-..mw...rr. , w . F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Corningg:to Br°usse s 1Jc' ."f ' .F�►`feti4'r tes.arr}RG.a .rm iThursday„,,8ept. ,9th Take advantage of this o'nportuinity to have your Eyes and your Children Eyes Propc.,,:ly cared for. Write, or Phone 26x Brussels for appoint- ment. P� Id - -�r—V.z..� .—:,,•.�r��ssr WALTON Personals; itir. and Mrs, William Perrie and family, Mr, al.d 11r,. Charles Pollard in Goderich, .Mrs. Hugh Fulton at the home of the Misses Driscoll; Mr. aril Mrs. Nor- man Sanderson, Desna and Grace u'4th Mrs. Sanderson's sister, near Bayfield; Mr. and and Mrs. Garnet Cummings, Wingham, with his parents, Mr. and M" Laurence Cnnvn•iegs;1 Mrs, Moody Holland and Barbara in Bouton; Mrs. Alice1A1len in Blyth. 911 BE ARCE NEXT WINTER r Prepare your home rtow for adequate warmth with smaller fuel consumption TO SAVE COAL CHECK THESE POINTS HOW TO GET MORE HEAT Pipes and furnaces must be clean, and grates is good order. If one or two rooms are hard to heat, you are wasting fuel; A minor adjustment can probably remedy this. Have a competent man check your heating system, and make necessary repairs. lasudate your furnace and pipes when necessary: Y HOW TO AVOID HEAT LOSSES Storm windows and doors must fit snugly and be weatherstripped. Lack of storm witldows can cause as much as 20% heat loss, Caulking should be done around windows, doors and in cracks in brick work (some hardware stores have caulking guns for rent). Broken glass should be replaced, and loose panes puttied. Small expenditures on such work will save much fuel: HOW TO SAVE STILL MORE You can save fuel and money by having your home properly insulated. It is a proven fact that in many homes lack of adequate insulation (in - dulling storm windows) results in unnecessary consumption of fuel—up to as much as 50%. Watch for later instructions on how to fire your furnace propetly: HAVE YOUR HOME INSPECTED FOR HEATING AND INSULATION DEFECTS Get advice nowt Skilled workmen and supplies are scarce. If you delay in getting your home ready for winter you may not be able to get the services you. need. Saitolhi • mow THE.: DEPARTMENT OF'`*MOTIONS AND SUPPLY HON.•C. D, .HOWE, Minister mom satotor SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Backer Bros. Rhone 6 Etstclier ante Brusist s Go 6, For 1izti Serve t des of ars Genuine Ford Parts and 'a full Line of Accessories. Everything that yon need for your car, Six Choice Used C;:?,rs Fames Special Atrention Two New Tractors wl4 be in this week. One on Rubber and One 011 Steel. 10" Plows. HORSES FOR SA At all times. nta L. 3 EE « Yui' r '� v.•u� . n<s+�v.c'vv.=au.m (tic ttS0 Mtor Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. PUMA . A CHOWS BRUSSELS CREAMERY itlAL0DISABLED DEAD or giddy removed in Clean Sanitary truck,. Phone collect. '72 BRUSSEiS ‘V,f4illiam Stone Sons Limited Fail enist,p Specials W omen's all season T weed Coats, chamois lined, sizes 18 to 242, $29.50 W omen's Fear Trimmed Coats, sizes 14 to 261, $35. up tp $65. Come in and look these over and order your Coat now *as the Stock Is Limited. Our Fall Shoes for the whole family are in stock. Boys' Brown Grain Boots, rubber soles, good sturdy boots for school, sizes 1 to 5. Grey Wool orad Cotton Blankets $4,95 each. Indian Blankets, in arse bright shades. 1 to a customer while ; they 1plast. Special $2.98 Don't forget to ask for: your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. HE ARCADE sTORE Phone 61 –' Brussels, Ont. Store. Wide Eazgains for the Whole Family �f. The ! Store e111 c eo (Y Gleans and Whitens r� CllkaysWhite ShoeClealle8 Whke shoes 25e _ jj j_ �np Horliek'S Malted ilk FooduDrlinke 'rytl0c SaccharrnTabletsSave sugar 25cVial s Briten Tooth Paste For Whiter Teeth 2 J c Bisnla-Rex Relieves indigestion Discomfort 75c Quik Bands A First -Aid Ready Made Bandage 25c Nottingham Health Salts English Style 50c Vitamin B 1 Tablets slTea�lets 75c Air Mail Writing, Tablets b 35c 1N� li Moths and 7»sects bottles '117-s7ly Destroys Files, 60c bottles Razmah f©r Hay Fever 50c and $1.00 tY O �'. '�a s SMITH A { 1.41ZLI xGaz f and R iii;:,,,,f,C4,(4!/SeartiV STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 — TELEPHONE NO. 62 F inesi Quality O CE': Lowest Prices s Owing to gasoline and tine restrictions, R. A. Reid will be at his Brussels offuse, in Mass Hingston's Store on the first and third Wednesday of each month, instead of every Wednesday as formerly, The sante high-grade expert eyesight service 'will be Main- tained, and all work is guaranteed. High gttailty glasses at low prices to all.a• "See Rett and `See Right': NEXT VISIT—WEDNESDAY, September 1st ®Aa %EID9 Leading Eyesight Specialist for 25 years. Brussels Office—Miss Kingston's Store, lst and 3rd Wed- nesday afternoons 2:00 to 4:30 p.m. Phone 51 for appointment l' tI The Home of the Better Used Cars 1940 De Luxe Ford Coach 1940 Standard Ford Coach 1937 DeLuxe Ford Coach 1936 DeLeuxe Ford Sedan 1936 Standard Chev. Coach 1930 Model A Ford Coupe 1930 Model A Ford Coach 1929 Model A Ford Sedan 1941 Case AC Tractor on rubber2-furrow Tracor flow G. r'.• NURSE At The Cities Service Gas -Station RUSSEL$ ONTAaIOI i al Car +o Wheat Half C r 'Oats Qn Hand O MO MacTavish Phone 46 CUT COARSE FOR THE PIPE CUT FiNE FOR CIGARETTES Clas i led Ads Wanted -- A pianis:t for modern- and old time music—Steady Work ---Must Travel. Write Box 22, 13uussela, Ont. Passengers Wanted -- Going to Toronto on P;iday Morn- ing returning Satur'daty night or Sunday morning. apply at The Brussels Post 1 Workers Wanted— Steady work at finicking chickens or poultry, machine. Very good wag- es. appty at The Par_kdale Poultry Mitchell, Ont. Phone 152, MENU IT'S A SELLERS' MARKE1. Here is your chance to cash in. If You're aggressive, are military ex- empt and have a car or other means of transportation yea can make real money es a Watkins Dsaler. Due to scarcity of materials and containers many established concerns are going oat of business to -clay bat WATKINS MISN are setting all-time highs in pales and profits. 'c`hat's because of this Company's international buying power which makes it possible for Watkins representatives to offer a wide range of Every day Home and Farin Necessities and auc;s ouistand- i ung values as a pound of Prepared Mustard for 10c and 11 ounces of Menthol Camphor Liniment for a dime! Don't pass up this big oppor- tunity. Established rural routes available. For full particulars write today to The 1. R. Watkins Company, -Dept, 0-B-4. Montreal, Que. Change Made In Fertilizers For Use During Fall „ • Due to reduction in the amount of potash available for us. in Canada during thee fall of 1943 aad the spring of 1944, adjustments have been made necessary in the fertilizer mixtures available for mannfa.ctttse and sale, it is announced by the Fertilizer Administration Branch at the Par- liament Buildings, Toronto Mixtures which may be used during the fall season have geen designated by the administrator, and the federal government subvention will be paid on these at the following rates; Mixture 2-12.4—$3.00 per ton Mixture 4.12-6$3.90 per ton Mixture 3-1S-6—$3.60 per ton Mixture 6-14-7—$3.15 per ton ,Superphosphate — 63 00 per ton Some manufacturers, it is stated, have supplies on hand of the M2-6 mixture, on which the subvention will be paid as formerly. All chemi- cals heretofore used in fertilizer mixture, such as Superphosphate, will be available and eligible for subvention, but it will pribably be more difficult to secure supplies of Ammo -Phos, in which case a 3.13-t mixture is recommend:ad as a substi- tute. Owing to labor shortage In ferti- lizer plants, there may be some dif- ficulty in shipping the required ton• nage this fall, so farmers are urged to place their orders as soca as pos- sible and spread out the shipping season over a longer period of time, In order to qualify for the gov- ernment fertilizer si vention, farm ers must apply fertilise; to one or more of the following crops: 1. Grass and legume pastures, an- nual pastures, suoh a;. rape. fall rye, etc. 2. Clover, alfalfa and all other hay crops, 3. Silage crops auoh a scorn or le- gumes used as silage, 4. Cereal crops such as oats, bar- Iey, wheat, corn, flax or peas and soya beans, or other =;rains to be used as livestock feed. 5. Rsiot crops such as mangelh or turnips. GET YoU1 PERMANGPIT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERL!E8t5 THERMIQtIE End Gurle $1.25 and $176 and $2,2E Including Shampoo Permanent 02.00, $,2'.SQ and $5.00 Including finger wave. and *hempen Scalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff. dry hale, ort$ hair and etc, 6 Troatn1el?td including Shampoo and Fenger Wave $5.00, Telephone b5x for an Appolatmetlt IRENE PEASE nidi DROc"T01 Us stsdr wtANT ., _."- ",_ -:._;+,.�,? a 1 .....***,.....**••• �-..mw...rr. , w . F. F. HOMUTH Optometrist Corningg:to Br°usse s 1Jc' ."f ' .F�►`feti4'r tes.arr}RG.a .rm iThursday„,,8ept. ,9th Take advantage of this o'nportuinity to have your Eyes and your Children Eyes Propc.,,:ly cared for. Write, or Phone 26x Brussels for appoint- ment. P� Id - -�r—V.z..� .—:,,•.�r��ssr WALTON Personals; itir. and Mrs, William Perrie and family, Mr, al.d 11r,. Charles Pollard in Goderich, .Mrs. Hugh Fulton at the home of the Misses Driscoll; Mr. aril Mrs. Nor- man Sanderson, Desna and Grace u'4th Mrs. Sanderson's sister, near Bayfield; Mr. and and Mrs. Garnet Cummings, Wingham, with his parents, Mr. and M" Laurence Cnnvn•iegs;1 Mrs, Moody Holland and Barbara in Bouton; Mrs. Alice1A1len in Blyth. 911 BE ARCE NEXT WINTER r Prepare your home rtow for adequate warmth with smaller fuel consumption TO SAVE COAL CHECK THESE POINTS HOW TO GET MORE HEAT Pipes and furnaces must be clean, and grates is good order. If one or two rooms are hard to heat, you are wasting fuel; A minor adjustment can probably remedy this. Have a competent man check your heating system, and make necessary repairs. lasudate your furnace and pipes when necessary: Y HOW TO AVOID HEAT LOSSES Storm windows and doors must fit snugly and be weatherstripped. Lack of storm witldows can cause as much as 20% heat loss, Caulking should be done around windows, doors and in cracks in brick work (some hardware stores have caulking guns for rent). Broken glass should be replaced, and loose panes puttied. Small expenditures on such work will save much fuel: HOW TO SAVE STILL MORE You can save fuel and money by having your home properly insulated. It is a proven fact that in many homes lack of adequate insulation (in - dulling storm windows) results in unnecessary consumption of fuel—up to as much as 50%. Watch for later instructions on how to fire your furnace propetly: HAVE YOUR HOME INSPECTED FOR HEATING AND INSULATION DEFECTS Get advice nowt Skilled workmen and supplies are scarce. If you delay in getting your home ready for winter you may not be able to get the services you. need. Saitolhi • mow THE.: DEPARTMENT OF'`*MOTIONS AND SUPPLY HON.•C. D, .HOWE, Minister mom satotor SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT Backer Bros. Rhone 6 Etstclier ante Brusist s Go 6, For 1izti Serve t des of ars Genuine Ford Parts and 'a full Line of Accessories. Everything that yon need for your car, Six Choice Used C;:?,rs Fames Special Atrention Two New Tractors wl4 be in this week. One on Rubber and One 011 Steel. 10" Plows. HORSES FOR SA At all times. nta L. 3 EE « Yui' r '� v.•u� . n<s+�v.c'vv.=au.m (tic ttS0 Mtor Ltd. Phone 161 Listowel, Ont. PUMA . A CHOWS BRUSSELS CREAMERY itlAL0DISABLED DEAD or giddy removed in Clean Sanitary truck,. Phone collect. '72 BRUSSEiS ‘V,f4illiam Stone Sons Limited Fail enist,p Specials W omen's all season T weed Coats, chamois lined, sizes 18 to 242, $29.50 W omen's Fear Trimmed Coats, sizes 14 to 261, $35. up tp $65. Come in and look these over and order your Coat now *as the Stock Is Limited. Our Fall Shoes for the whole family are in stock. Boys' Brown Grain Boots, rubber soles, good sturdy boots for school, sizes 1 to 5. Grey Wool orad Cotton Blankets $4,95 each. Indian Blankets, in arse bright shades. 1 to a customer while ; they 1plast. Special $2.98 Don't forget to ask for: your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. HE ARCADE sTORE Phone 61 –' Brussels, Ont. Store. Wide Eazgains for the Whole Family �f.