HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-8-25, Page 1USSELS POST .PUBO SliiNG I-IOUSE Wednesday, August 25th, 194,3 BRUSSELS, ONTARIO The New Cabinet TORONTO --.1 tenenemher Pro- greesive Conservative Cabinet head- ed by Premier Geo, A, Drew, today was sworn in by LJeutenant•Goee ern•or'Albert, Mattltewe to admin- later Ontario in place of Berry Nixon's Liberal adminbttrailee, de. feated in the August 4 Provincial Election. The Premier will menet al:eo the Education portfolio. Following is the Cabinet, with members' ridings bracketed: Prime Minister, pres'de;tt of the council and Minister of Education -- George A, Drew iTorouto High Park). Provincial•Teea.s,urer and Min inter of Mines -Leslie M, 'Frost (Vic tor.$a). Agriculture -Col. - T. L, Kennedy (Peel). Attorney -General -Leslie '0, Black- well (Toronto Eglinton.) Highways and Pubti2 Works George H. •Doucott (Lanark.) Health and Public Welferet-Dr. R. P. Vivian (Duel -arm). Lands and .Forest! - Wesley G. Thompson (Ken•t East). Labor-CJtarley Daley (Lincoln), Provincial Socretaxy and Registrar anh Minister of Municipal Affairs-- George ffairs-George H. Dunbar (Ottawa West). Minister without: portfolio -George H. Challies (Geenvelle•Dutndes). REGEN1' THEATRE, Seafrn"th.:Ont. Thursday, Friday and eaturday, August 26th, 27th, 28th Double feature -2nd show starts 8:49 William Gargan Edtttund Lowe Flying Cadets To -clay's youth is flying high -wide and hazardous Also Damon Runyons funniest yet Butch Minds The Baby with Virginia BruceBrad Crawford -- Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, August 30th, 31st, Sept. lst 2nd show starts 9:19 Tyrone Power Maurete O'Hara in ,Rafael Sabati is The Black Swan A mighty techntcolor triunpht Thursday, Friday, Satued>;y, September 2nd, 3rd, 4th Double Feature Stan Laurel Oliver Hardy A Hunting We Will Go t -also- Frederick March Veronica Lake $ I Alarried A Witch J Matinee each Saturday et 2:30 p.m. ''-sat show starts each evening at 7.30. All patrons In by 9:15 will see complete show when single features such as these ace shown. "God Is our 'Refuge and Strength" UPPER SCHOOL EXAMINATON RESULTS (Exclusive of tarsi leave sudents,l Armstrong, Tena: lir Cnu1 . 0, Eng: Comp. 0. setup, 0, Trig, 0, 1101., C, Zeal. 0, McDonald, Jeane (outp. 2, Fr', Auth, 1, ling. Comp, C, Died, 111st, 2, Trig. 0, (Geon, (1, lint. 3, Zool, 3. 3loci tcheon, Helen: Fr Comp, C, Fr, AXuth. (1, Ring. Como, 0, Mod, Hist. C. Geom. 0, 'trig. 2, Bot, C, Zool, C. Smartt, Jean: leng.. Comp. C. Willie, Gibsoarl Eng. Lit, 0, Geom, 0, Trig. 0, 13ot, 0,"Zoo1,. 2. The standing Tor seven farm leave students will he forthcoming as soon as the certification of thirteen weeks employment has been for'war'ded to, the principal and then^.eto the, Departntotlt of Education. The Mantling ou the v:.rians sub.. jects of the Middle Sebool Depart - marital will be pu'bliehnd as soon as the Zarin leave eituatiot, is cleared up in the same way. • Principal M. Layeotk Training Camp News From Pettawawa A 'new and aerating experience ter many and for a few the recalling of memories of the days of quarter of a century ago began on Sunday, Aug, 19, 1943, when the 21st (R) Field Itegimeot ROA ander earn - mend of Lt. Col. G; W. Howson arrived in Petawawa. Camp for ewe weeks • teatilvg under actual firing conditions, Petawaws. Camp has ❑ superb set- ting overloolttng...the Ottawa river, which has for a background the Lau- rentian range of hi11s presenting a view long to lee remembered. For the training of the Reserve Units no detail of even minor importance has been overlooked. Equipment is in ebundanoa some of which is the very latest design. Specialists courses are provided for those interested 3n any particular. branch such as Di"iving awl Maln- tene;nee, Signals; Asks etc. These courses are full time and When camp, breaks they should he pro ldcient in their different dales; The gun detachments when Rest chosen were crude b114 under exper- ienced histrectors quicklyimproved and by the end of the week all will have had actual firing experience, Everything is being "lone by hose in. ehaa'ge to males these two eveeles pleasant ,and profitable. In. tractors are of .the belt and ' their ime is our 'time, whether it is during training hours or after. Melville Church Minister Rev. Samuel Kerr, BA., B;D. 10 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Glass 11 A.M. Morning 'Woship The Rev, T. E. Kennedy of Southampton will Neve charge of the service.. NO EvEINING SERVICE Louis D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP United Church • tt1inlster-Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 13 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Claae 11 A.Mi Morning Worship "Is it God's W1lI3" 7 P. M. Evening Pral"ee "Our Dwelling Pleee" EVERYONE WELCOME Church of. England Parish of Brussels Rector.•Rev, M. F. Oldham lath Sunday after Trinity St. John's Brussels-- 1'0 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon St. George's 'Waiten- 1.30 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 2.30 P.M. Sunday School St. David's Henfryrt--. 2.15 P. M. Sunday Sette51" 3.30 P.M. EVening Prayer . and Sermon The Rector At AltSete/lees • Camp Mascot and X The camp mascot is a friendly goat who quickly male himself acquainted, his chief enjoyment seems to be chewing tobacco and cigaarettes. We elan haven the unknown quantity, a fancily of cats of the white stripe 'satiety have made their home andel. Piro Station No 5 alongside of the Orderl$ Office,' To date they have, conduct eel themselves in an orderly ma.uner, probably due to the efficient manner in which Orderly O2Ocer Harley Crawford is carrying •out ble duties, NoNoah Here The day of arrival gave promises of beautiful weather but during o'er first night in camp we 'experienced one of, the flrcest els/Wiwi( storms Of the year. Tine was followed at Moon Monday by hail et01'111 worse than any eve had ever experteneed,' Adjutant Stan 91;x11 end cur M.O, Lieut. H. Voices who are. strict on detail and allow no exaggeration measured ono : which covered one and three -quartos tonal,' ole the ruler. So great was the fell of hail that some remaiued on the ground for a cotiille of hours atter the storm. 11,Q.111aS, Walker claims no relation to Noah so that when the Quarter stores were eurronucled by water and in feet partially under he was excused for not being prepared by including boats In bit equipment, The Colonel In Solitary Confinement Just prier, to the hall storm 1.1, Sole Howson paid a vista to one of the buildings that are usually 100 yds. from the cook house, and by doing so placed hirnself in solitary conflnement, tat was meth per, ter -bed as to Which emit lie Wright have to use when the roof rote. n enced leaking, • Meals Are The Best "Me have alWayta appreetated ear wave's a1' tatothet"sl cooking at home, At can r' . our quartermaster Gee, 3Loss .is• doling a magnifeeeit job so that along Ode Brie wta - have hi excuse fir hoose eldiesetee possibly e i tion1 g fl t' If it sex net ter to we i h4 tT g expect, more abase helpings Of bacon, butter, suCsn3 ate, Whet we ETHEL Mr, and Mrs, fico, Dunbar and Donald visited Asltftetd• friable on Su eday, Miss Ann McMul elite aid Mese (1eorgla Dunbar rete sed leant with them after a week email there Commencing Sept, .1s1 the Ethel Public Library will ba open on L�cai News Items CARD • OF, .THANKS s 1 wish to exp're'ss sty, 11110 )' thanks to friends and ..neighbere who so kindly seat gifts, acts or kindness and words of sympathy tlu'ougltout Saturday alteruoone Crum 2 to 9 p,ut There is a good se'leatien Or ohlld eon's books on head. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. t1an'1ersou or London were visitors • With their uncle, _Me. Wen. McLeod on Sunday Miss Christina Campbell of To • the long Meese and peeling of my - dear h• usbanrl, aleo for ;Joao of care. Mrs. Chas. Worlcatait and fancily, To Celebrate 93rd )Birthday Congratulations are. ;e,zteuiled to - Mrs, George Seeker, wire on Satur- day, August 23th, will xetebrate her 03rd birthday. Her ton Garfield Baeker of Fort Fran•,?,1 is hero, to be present, with his 1 mother on that happy occasion. route visited with Mill's. R, Cochrane recently.. Miss Beatrice Mc''iVIllianis and Miss Riley of Mcun't Forest visited the farmer's sister Mrs Alex Pearson. Pte. Kenneth Thompson of Bramp- ton was a weep end guest at his home here. Miss Ada Wardlaw of Ajax was home over the week end. Rev, and Mrs. Carlton. Timmins, have •been visiting relatives in this vicinity and with her grandparents, Mrs. 13. F. Darr, LAC. Stanley Alexander of Tren- ton was a visitor with bis family. He had a friend with hint whose home was in. the West. Mrs. Winnirred Lucas, who has been visiting her Meter, Mrs, H. Dobson was visiting Mee. Geo. Edwards at Wroxeter and other friends itt Harristoa. Mr. E. L. sardine of Ajax is having a two weeks' vacation ae hie home, 14lies Helen Jardine, Torouto, is eni'ojeing a week% holiday at the same time. Mae, Alex Pearson and little son Jimmy a,re spending this week wits her parents Mr. and Mrs. McWil- liams at 9iIOiut Forest, Dr. C. R. Ric'hmo'nd' '.las returned home from his vacation at Sharbet Lake, Rev. Hugh Jack, B.A., of Seaforth was guest preacher at Ole Presbyter. Jan church Sunday evening and delivered a good se.rmett. Miss 4slaaele King of Brussels Savoured with a solo. 'There will bee ata service August 211th- The Wal' Workers committee wish to let the ladies in this vicinity know tihat knitters are urgelrtly needed for oto' own boys, as well as other help, Miss Jean McCreary of near Wroxeter has been spending a ween with her cousins Misses Jean and Doris Cochrane. Mrs. A. Ziegler, Billy and Mrs, Leitch ,Sr., visited' friends in Ford• with on Sunday. Wing Commander Candlelit). et Dart loubh, N.S., es vielttng Sirs, Golquhoun at present at the home of Mr. and Mes. J. H. Fear. Misses Violet and Ida Cole of Stratford are visiting eelattves here for the past week. No. 3 ration books are being lis, tributecl at the clerk's °Cade Wota uestlay afternoon from 1.80 to 6 o'clock, also Saturday afternoon pante time. Mr, and Mrs..GIordnn Long o'f Lon. don are guests with Mr. and Mrs. Glenn Eclunier. Local Bowlers Heid? Pot Luck Supper •-3; On Friday evening last the local bowling' club held a poit.lncic supper en the gfeens after which a mixed Jitney was held Tete winners were as follows: Mrs. Busolllen, Mrs, G. H. .Semis aria • Mrs. W. Cameron: A mixed bowling jitney Wa',4 lrekl Tuesday night with the following winners:- Ladies-1st,:Edith 390- Tavish; 2nd, Doris efulebnald; 3rd, Mrs. W. Cameron. Men" 1st, D. A. Rano; 2nd, Joe Belly; t iird, Rcbt Bowmsm, Engagement Announcement Mr, and Mrs. 'Wilbur "t Turnbull, Grey Township, wish tc announce the engagement o1 tattle eldest dateghter, Helen Jean to Mr. George Earl Metairie 'son of ME and Mrs, Ear 1 Habkirk, Metalline i Township, The marriage is to. take place in September. 1 United Church ( 1 ' At the morning sereice in the • United (Ohurch the sairtnen was based on Hebrews Ch. hJ verse 8, "The Changeless Christi Mrs. R. B. Cousin's and Mr. Lloyd Wheeler lavoni'ed with a duet. In theevening the Minister's eubieet was "T.he .old Paths." Miss -,Ielegstoncon- ttibuted a solo, "He's the Lily of the Valley:" "Char Post -War. Air World" By Major Alekander P. De Seversky Tentorrow's commute. will roll tats helicopter out of the garage and scoot away to business! Tomorraew's week -ender will board a silent Stro,toLiuer for a jaunt to Paris or Hawaii. with the ' speed of sound. Read about our poet -war air world, by the author of Victory Through Air Power," in The Amerrcan Week- ly in this Sunday's (Aug. 20e issue of The Detroit 'Sunday Times, Mobile Rezeuiting Unit Here The Army Mobile Reera,ting Unit made their usual stop Friday, August 2tic and reported that large numbers of category omen were required to fill the places left vacant by A-1 men taken out of the district tor' over- seas., Also there are some splendid openings for women in the 0.W,A.P. such as clerks, drivers and cools. Get information ou the above from The Post Office. Majest• ic Weft .en, s institute I The Majestic eVamens institute held oue or its most interesting meetings on Thursday, Aug, 12 at. the home of Mss, Thos. Davidson. The meeting was in ohal'ge o1 - the convenor of agriculture, airs. Carl Ii.emingway, the nieul'3ers meet at the Brussels Creamery and were taken on a personally' conducted tour oil the building by the owner Mr. Roy Cousins. March beformatton was gained by examining the pas teu:rization of t11e cream, churn; butter -malting,, pasteurized milk, eta.' The president thanked the owner for the •kindness. Of Mansel¢ and stag. The ladies then adjourned to t'he home of Mas. Davidson where the meeting was condurled by Mrs. Sherrie. The matter or a bazaar woe discussed. A demonstration- on the making of cottage cheese - was very capably given by nits. .Carl Hemingway. She had many delight- ful salads made with vegetables .combined with cottage cheese also fruit salads with the cheese. During the sooeial period the hostesses and helpers ee:ved .Lutich. The $eeptornber meeting will be held a,t, the hone of Mrs. Dan iG'dass4er, get back 110108, Smagdue, for break. fleet We teen had a ,glass of grttlle• fruit jtlite, uull8iaa'd o2, Nal 1• t, Is Your Sasbecription - Paid Up? Asalready pointed oat all sub- scribers in arrears must be paid in adveuce or we will be forced, to out off those In arrears and hand theta in for 'collection, This colo is n eaes- Nary to comply with regelations set down by the hewspriut controller of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board, - This now order' places all subs'crhers on the sane footing. We wish to thank a11'those who'itave peed their subscriptions, If there .is any error or ontmieeloai please notify us or phone 31. Public School Beginners The public" school will hat'o ex. c•onutrtatlou to admit beginners only who were five years of a,42 beifore February let, 1043, School Opening Brussels Continuation S,1hoo1 will open Tuesday, Sept, lth, Those who are engaged in urgent and i.1ec- essary farm or war wnru will be given special cousidera"io,i during the period when It is optional whether the school opens or not Engagement Announcement Tile engagement is announced of Margaret Mary, youngcs' daughter of Mrs. }Ionutih and the late John le. 1-lonc(h to Mr. Jobe Thomson Beeper, only sun of Mr. and .Mrs. J. C. Baeker of Brussels, The marriage to take place September et}i In Wingham, Received Commission Frank Scott Scott of the et C.A.F. received his wings et '1la;ea'sville on Friday afternoon -and also his Comm Iseion 1.0 become a pilot officer, . Cougratulatiens are ex• tended to Frank who passed second in his class at the Flying School. Tile renewing attended the, ceremony of the presenting of wings to the fliers: Mr, and Mrs. W. S. Scott and Graeme, Mr. D. A. i.ann, Miss Velma Little and Miss Nellie Jardine of Brussels; Jean Scott, Toronto and Mr. and Mrs. Teemiale of Concord. Ontario Will Have To Import Large Quanta" Of Feed Grain TORONTO, Aug. 24 - Alex A'1clein- ney. Jr., of Brampton, president of the Ontario Federation of Agricul- time, in an Interview yesterday said that "because of a reduced yield of field grains on Ontario farms this Year, 11 will be neoessery to import two and a half times as .ranch grain from western Canada as was brolfglrt east last year." Feed ;rain requirements, above what le home grown, are e-juivalent to 2,000 bueheks for every five On- tario farmers, be said. ":Milk; meat, particularly beige, and poultry pro- duction are dependent on feed graius. Unless we can o0tain what isneededsocia production will de- ,cline t'apidly . . . "To fill Ontario's gran demands will require 200 cars a clay from Fort William for six mouths, Yet tram. June 1 to mid-July there wore only 222 cars .a week handled." Last year, Mr. McKinney said, it was necessary to bring abntia 33,000,000 bushels of grain from the west Production of field grains in On- tario Met year totalled 190,000,000 bushels but "tire prospective pro. clu'c'tion . , this year appears to be about 05,000,000 busbels." Hold Two Men - As Deserters Pair Arrested Saturday Near Atwood Turned Over to M.D. 1 STRATFORD, August 22 - Two young men, wanted for - desertion from the Canadian Army were ar- rested Saturday meeniug near At. wood by Provincial Constable Jelin M, Douglas, nl Stratford, and- later turned over bo the militauy author - RI Eat front London,' The pair were , the twin brothers, Thomas William Proctor and William Thomas Proctor, 33 Chester street, St. Thomas. No Exceptions to Meatless Tuesdays Meat may not be served on Tues- days at meals er:rvided to the public at pleugiring rnat.:lies, menial eeb'ibi- tions and similar programs for which epecial ration cttbcessions ore permitted, aoonrdhtg to W. Harold Mo1�h41Ilhe, prices rend l %Imply Tepee, ssntative for the Westerlt Ontario region Answeaurg queries made by churches, ebbs and other mettle* Hans ssrving meds at these even'tif Mr. McPbillips said 130 exception will be made t0 the meatless Tues- day rifling. TJ 1i=r oertoii Scr eues- ata res redone/ goods are given if a they are to be us d for fell et tR'so Meals which the Batton Athiokilsira- tion lbelievet tree necessary. ee Early Saturday morning the P0' lice' wore nettled' by the station agent et Atwood that two wren, hancicaffed together, had been seen walkeeig along the track. Later a group o1 railway section men, en charge of .Adam Dahmer, of 'At- wood and Clifford Thornton, of Br'tssels, caught up with . the lugi- levee and held them until the pollee arrived, - The two deserter's inioa'ucnd the polio° that thew had escaped Prem an army station wave at Palma'- atop while being hake* to Cramp Bodies under antlet507 escort. The eafca.pe wee made aibout. 10 o'clock F+•itiay fright and the pair matte their WAS, along back roads to At- wood beftre being ca.Oght. They wee'e wearing civilian cleanse when a)Irrested: . Earner an the week the 'brothers were picked se near W., Thomas by 1'0 sic 1 is and n it wi la police, ]rid bee handed over to the ridlteey sutler Wee, - PEOPLE WE KNOW Fiyinf, officer J. Spur,' Misses le. and I•I, Downing ot'e Presumed Dead - spending a week in Tot'onb:o Mr, and Mrs, e. G. Speir, 13rtlsseis, i "' 'e * Hove received afficdal notification Hervey Gibson, R:O.Aele is Mime that their sang Fkylczg 02110PY 7chfs on leave rm.,. )'ancuuve". 13C• Garfield Speir, is now presumed •T. ,. dead, Mrs. A, Bather is visiting iter daughter. Mrs. Dunstan at Purest. as 1 e ,Stewart -Stiles had his-tnneils and adinoids removed at c'aafo,'th Hos- pital last week, Airs. Samuel - 33e11 and lino ,htee Wilma of Teeswater were recent visitors here. g * Mrs. Walter Lett el' ll:`lritirelearah spent Sunday with Mee and Mrs Charles McKay, n. a: a: , Major elergaret Wheeler of 9'lont- real was visiting her sister Mrs. Walter Rose last 'week, = a Mr's. Wm. Mitchell is i'c Clinton Hospital where she reoenely .uuder went an operation. * * s Miss 1. Lison, Reg.N., of Toronto is holidaying her'lTvilh.her parents, 111. and Mrs. John Gibsmr, ". * 4 Mr. and Mrs. Jack Rutledge and son Allan, Port Robinson were visiting friends and relettves here. * c * Private N. Rutledge, stationed al the East coast, is visiting leis wife and. parents, Mr. and Airs, Alex Rutledge. i s * x MT, and Mrs. George Datvsolr of 1 Port Stanley are holidaying' at the Mame of the latter's father Mr. Philip Anent. * The Poet and its eead'3ra will be glad to see Wilfred Willis back en the lob again after beteg laid un fee the past week, - z 9, At Rev. Mr. H. Mahoney 'and Mrs. Mahoney and daughter of Peterboro were visitors on. Saturday with 81i'. and Mrs. D. Denman and other friends. • ,a Mrs. Austin Mali' of Luedon Is a visitor at the heme of Mr. W. ' 3. McCracken. Mrs. Main' was formerly Miss Winnifred Morrie or the Con- tinuation School et'aff. Misses E. and 11. Dewniog ani Miss lilo Buchanan spelt a couple ct days last week at Point Clarke 1 the guests of their fri"ttls Mr. and i Mrs. Walter Rose and Mr's. C. le 1 Lewis and family. ' s t Mrs. R. H. Moore is visiting at a the home of her niece Mary Helen herr. The many old friends of Mrs. ' Moore (nee Nettie Brown) will be sorry to hear of the paasnig et 1101 husband a. few weeks age Appointed To New Position In Toronto (The Port Elgin Times) Saugeeu has had many of its native sone achieve prominence in rrnnrorous spheres of activities. The latest one to join the rank.e of those who have achieved suc- cess is .Robert el, .Matson who has been eppd/flted assistant gen_ eral manager of the United i arnters 0o -operative Company.. Mr, Pierson 3s well known throughout the Sarm and co•operativve moven ou' ea On- tario because of his work as. manager of. the bowlp. Feed Division, as manager of the Peterboro District Co-operative Service, and as pres- ident of the Ontario Division of the Canadian Feed Manufacturers Association, Mr. Pierson is a son o.". Mr: anti Mrs. Wm. Pierson of Between,. His grandfather, John Pierson, was reeve of the township aid was also warden of Bruce county, The entire district will Welcome the newe of Mr. Pttireoe's appoint- anent and will wish him - every cue cogs in his new and Important position. - - Dorn on May 2.4, 1922, to Morrie Township, near 13rus;sels, Plying Of- ficer ,Spear received his education in Brussels' schools. Oa leaving eltoo1 he enlisted in September, 1940, in Toronto with the R,C.A.F, training at Termite, 1-11. Hubert, Quo, Crumlin and Uplands. In May 1941, he gained his wings at Uplands arcl was rnmmissiioned as pilot officer. He went overseas the toliowin.g month and early in 1942 was promoted to the Ma IS of flying officer, On August 10th, 13.49, he was That reported [sassing. fo letters to bis pat'en'ts, Flying Offie: Speir told of being on operations 0511' enemy ter'r'itory and of partkripaticg in the four figure raids on 12seen and Cologne. Flying Officer Speir was married on ,July 1, 1942, to the firmer .Jean Fowler who resides in Ilaadon, near London, England. Surviving are his parents, bis wife, one brother,. Lead- ing Att'erattman Kenneth, now stationed. at Moncton, N.P. aai d • three, sisters: Miss Helen, Toronto and Misses Laura end Margaret at home.. New RationBooks To Be Distributed The new ration books are to be' distributed to the people of this - community at the Public Lib>,'ary, Brussels, on Wednesday, August-. 25th, Friday, August 27111 and Setae - day, August Mil, from 6:15 p.m, until 10 p.m. each evening. You mast bring your •present ration book with you in order to get a .new one. Ethel Community Ration books will be distributed at the .Clerk's Office in 13eIMI on Wed- nesday, August 95th and Saturday, August 2gth from 1:30 p.m. until • 6 p.m. Don't target to take your present ration book with you. Threatened By Severe Coal Shortage Canadians Face Another Hard Winter With wartime industrial - produa tion at its peat, and transportation facilities at a pronoun, .coal is go. ing to he hard to gat this coniine, winter. The cosi"y is threatened with a 2eiicir of several million tons. Railroads oansume 30 ' per cent of the Dominion's coal stipplies Cannot be expected to lower .their fuel requirements exempt, 'to the ex- tent that they -employ their own conservation methods. Nor can he Government had back deliveries, to such important users as ships which need 4 per pent of the supply, and coal mines themselves which re- quire 3 per cent of the supply to produce more ccal. Then again ' 13 per cent of-otcr coal reserves are needed to mannfaoture coke, the basic fuel for steel production, An- other 30 per cent is earmarked for industrial, Commercial, and other eatablishmonts, the majority of which will be asked to cooperate in reducing fuel consumption. About half of the tonnage will have to be alleviated by householders who are asked to save one ton in five. Witha out endangering their health nor causing serious dieeotnloet, they can conserve many thousand tone 11 they winterize their lianas immediately, The following suggestions will help to keep the hone flreS burning without wastage of boat and fuel; IIave the 'house thoroughly inspected for heating and insulation defects. CJeau the pipes and the furnace. See that grates are In perfect order. beneate the beating system when necessary. Install storm windows. putty all lease panes. Caulking around 'doors, windows, and in wail fissures will help slava much fuel. A great deal more oat be saved b9' having the house properly lneule.£ed. You should' lame also to fire your furnace properly. And don't etart your fire until the house becomes oold, not just cool. BORN ILUTLEJDq 3 -Te Private ansa Mi's, Ned R•atled'ge ea Friday, August 20tk, 1948, in Brussels --a son, MIDD4,IIITON--&Ire, and Mrs, N. J. Midd'i.etoct (nae Catharine Walker) Leaside, antennae Use arrival of their dtiit tter, Catharine Ann, a PriVate Patients to To Gtteee'al Hospital ell at r a l l S ar A August use 4t 946, xlax r Reri Cross 7.Veat'e. The monthly teas whish were lig- continued during the Stemmer,. win be held again it the Wo'rltk'oom. Tito date of tire first we le 'ttrednesday> September 1. W0* you show your interest by beteg preseset. A Three-Yoike Mr. Charles l,s Y.ib d Mc,L Y 1 0 p. tT t � d took pullet elm the other dee I roellb y tivtlll yY S yolks{ ata it, Tlhe egg Ivan longer Patau an ortdittary egg, but Thgt affil' Mgt* in'urrit& ,,tte•Icwrtb New* cc