The Brussels Post, 1943-8-18, Page 3BRUSSELS POST
l?'edae-sday ,AnAndt 1Eih, 1043
01:1j Q'Q �r,14M N F
1 14 tD Ll a F01xt DEL/VERrD.
For the convenience of the public and to ensure
speedy distribution, Ration Book 3 will be issued
locally at the distribution centres fisted below.
Print In Block Lettnq In Ink
(Ecrire d Pence, en keen,' moulees)
Pron,c 6. Se(1:0100N
ial Number up u� �f
No da «6110 (0000 rateres):i!!!,R St .F..11.%,7
Last Name ileo RR 1 S 0 N
Nem de fmnitl' seukment
Arenom(') du aqua:ant ......................
Address or R.R. No. (7A R t/,.. A t f C ur, roan r vulage
eu OiL:Idol4TREAS.-RQ.
Date Au.G. 25.143.
ttao, 11 under I6
Aga,, si main... de l6 ana......................0...,
I declare I am the holder of the Ration
Book from which this reference card has
been taken, or that I am signing this In
good faith on behalf of tho holder, whose
name and address appear above.
Jo declare Attu to dotenteur du carnet
de ratlonnomont duquol sotto carte do
reference a 6t6 detaehee, ou quo lb sign.
de bonne fol pour le dotontour dont las
nom at adrosso apparalssent cl-600000.
11/ *diAl:44174
(S l g n of u re—Signa to re)
to get your new book
ITill in the application card—
which is the first postcard in
your present ration book. DO
2 PRINT clearly—do not write
,—the informations required,
and sign at the bottom with your
usual signature. Follow the method
on card illustrated.
If you are staying at a sum-
mer cottage, with friends or
relatives, or at a hotel as a
non -permanent guest, give
your usual or permanent
address on the application
3 Do not detach the card from
your ration book. This mus
be done by an official at the Local
Distributing Centre. If already de
tacked, it should be brought in
along with your present ration
4 Persons of 16 years or over
must sign their own cards.
Cards of persons under 16 years
must be signed by parents or guar-
dians. Children under 16 will not
be allowed to apply for new ration
books, either for themselves or for
other members of the family.
RESIDENTS OF RURAL AREAS may apply on behalf of their'neigh-
bours, providing Ration Book 2, and properly filled in application
cards, are presented.
RESIDENTS OF A TOWN OR CITY. Any senior or responsible
member of a household may apply for new Ration Books on behalf of
other members of the household, providing Ration Book 2 and properly
filled in application cards, are presented.
On presentation at a Distributing Centre of your present
ration book with properly completed application card,
you will be issued your new. Ration Book 3; and your
present Ration Book will be returned to you.
Volunteer Workers are giving their time to serve you at ti e Distri-
buting,Centres. Help them by following these instructions carefully.
'Public Library, Brussels Aug. 25, 27, 28 6.15 p.m. to 10.30 p.m.
Clerk's Office, Ethel Aug. 25, 28 1.30 p.m. to 6 p.m.
How Strategically Important
Camphor Can Be Obtained
From Pine Trees?
The 'United States today Uses
more than 6,000,000 pounds of
camphor annually - and practically
all of it cooled from 0111' 51:u11101'01
pine trees. The (6161.30' portion of
this camphor, is what is known . as
4echnial grade, Is *utilized in tll.e'
ttlanufeetui'e of canto,nitrate 'for
Pen ,and pencil seta, heels ter ' wo,
men's shoes, photographic film and
important war prodnots. In this
c011necti011 it may be interesting to
note That In 18'09 John Hysti mixed
camphor with 'titrated cotton ceila,
10861 and eventually produced the
first man-made plastic—celluloid;
Less than ten years ago japan had
a manepoly on natural camphor,
which they distilled from the wood
of camphor treat grown 011 the
island of Polmlosa.
Today, syntheltie 'camphor can be'
made from 31110 trees. The United
States Bureau of Stnndutt'tid, atter ex•
haustive tests, has declared It to be
identical with natural cant/tiler in
chemical proportlbs ae welt as in ap-
pearaitae, weight, 60161, and soent.
Ill Making synthetic ciampltnr, 1L
t f tarpon e
pinene is used as a base. This pro-
duct of the pine tree travels through
an intricate maze of pipes, 'auto- •
'claves, faults, and '011181' equipment
in the synthetic camphor plant, some
of the units of which are so tall that
they project noway', through two or
more floors of the edifice.
if you should visit the plant in ep-
ration, you would doubtless he
astol'ish.etl at the almost incomplete
absence of workmen handl" o; ma-
terials'along the ltrodaction lino. The.
processing operations .arecontinu-
ously maintained by a conga. a.tively
small staff of chemists and techn-
eians'Wh,o study their ehart.1 and oc'
eas10n(111y operate t11to control
Stripped of chemical terntinoloey
the process of making synthetic
camphor .involves changing pinetle
from a liquid to a Solid, and vice
versa, ceniphor flakes finally emerg-
ing to fall like snow into b,1rrels for
Blood Donors
Wanted Now!
Hove you haiIn your name to
Mrs. H. B: Allot secretary of the
Blood Donor% Clinic, or to the
Brussels Post? Blood Donors are,
utrgetltly needed. Ds you realize that
the blood you give may be the
Mena of saving tile life of 'one of
In times of stress a college or
university training is vital and
The University which is under
Provincial, municipal and pub-
lic control, undenominatlonol
and co-educational, offers the
following courses:
1. General Course In Arts.
2. Course in Secretarial Science.
3. Arts Course withTheolagical
4. Degree Course In Nursing,
5. Honour Courses in Arts in-
cluding BusinessAdministra-
tion and Secretarial Science.
6. Combination Course in Arts
and Medicine.
7. A standard Medical Course.
8. Public Health Courses for
graduate nurses and phy-
9. Special Courses for techni-
10. Army Course for selected
candidates (17 to 22 years).
Physical education, athletics,
military training (army, air force
and navy) and health insurance
are provided.
For announcements and informa-
tion concerning scholarships, loan
funds (provided on a liberal scale),
matriculation, e0nraes 6f study, eta.,
0 Write to -
week eo don t delay.
Onr boys ars prepared to give
their lives for us. We must donate
our blood for them.
Official Ration
Coupon Dates
Here are the dates on which
ration eotlpens become date:
Butter coupons 201 21, 22 and 23
are good. They expire August 31,
Coupons 24 and 25 are due August
Sugar, tea and coffee eouPons 1
to 12 aro vilid. They are good until
deelared invalid by the ]Ration Ad-
Canning sugar crnt,lons " Marked
June, July,, August and September
are valid now. They expire Septem-
ber 30.
Meat (brown ullace A") 001118ane
marked 8, 9, 10 and 11 are valid.
Ocupons 12 are due August 12.
They will expire August 31.
]Rev. Hugh Jack of Seaforth con,
ducted the service in the Presbyter -
Ian church on, Sunday afternoon and
took leis test from Psalm 86;11—
6;11"Teach me Thy way, 0 Lord,.I will
walls in Thy truth, unite my heart
to fear Thy haute." The girls'
choir sang a number.
In Trinity Anglican church, Rev,
L. W. Pocock, who :is spending his
holidays et the rectory, Blyth, was
in charge of the service and spoke
from Revelation: "His head and
his hairs were white ,like '+wool, as
white a,s snow and hie eyes were
like a flame of fire." •
Twenty members of the young
titer's Triple "V" class of the
United Church Sunday School tool:
Pm services in Brick. and Eelgrave
hunches Sunday morning, .under
tho direction of the;:* teacher
Stewart Procter, Title R,s the 11th
corseeutive year the clads has
taken these services :.during the
liinister's holiday. The singing `vas.
directed by Miss Velma Wheeler,
organist of the church, and included
a full choir number, 0150 a quar-
tette, composed of George"' John-
ston, Ross Procter, Norman Keat-
ing and'Aircraftman Roes Ander-,
Others, taking part Is the ser-
vice were Jack Higgins, George
M4c1dG. Willltanl Manning, 'William
11lcaterulghan, Harold . Vincent,
Nnrinnn Higgins, Robert Grasb•v
and S. Procter Eight members of
the class are now' .ill the armed
Mission Band Meets
The McKay Mt:alon Band of the
Presbyterian church, held its regu-
lar meeting in the church Satur•
day afternoon, The leader. Mrs.
J. Dunbar, condluated the streeting
and led in prayer. The Bibie r+sad•
ing was taken by Ldrna Dunbar.
Mrs. A. Young itoolt eha'ge of
0 0
Men 30
Want Normal. Pep, Vim, Vigor?
try Okras Tonle'raUletn. Centaas WNot, elites.'
IOetd,it0n•vltnmin rib cltlshlm,6h60p tIfiL4IN N,
)100061(111611, vim, Vl�bry'flth116y 6,1(01 e0, X10, 6Y
In16661661 Y 0166 OOia 3011, 110611 ttolyldlttod PW
r',teti3Nltd(85210t6. B0t$kstttnkiilg002110%Tebidtd toley,
oh' boys on the. field of battle?
Wotrkl yon life to lenru that your
Son, or your neighbour's son, died
because of the need of a blood transs,
fusion that . couldn't he given
:rectum the pe 10e of tlds Coturtiru-
ity failed t0 0111 some blood when
the opportunity was at hand, •
if a boy ware injured 'here at home
there isn't moue 'who would refuse
to give blood :1' 11' were needed but
because the llat:l of battle is Sar
removed maul oft us fail to realize
1116 desperate. ,16611 now,.
In order the. a clinic may be
bolain BrusselsssBrusselsin Septentbet• it is
necessary to have at least 70 names
immediately, Chose who are willing
todo their 1111 are 1.3110616 to stand
their names In at. once, Canvassers
for Brussels, Morris and Grey are
aelfe(l to sp3601 tip their work and
tarn in their lists to the eecrotary
as aeon as possible, Tile respc,nse
to the appeal for Blood Donors In
the village has been -..extremely
Poor. it is unfortiulats. that our
people fro not mon to realize the
great need for bleed for trans-
fusions for 011' boys in the armed
forces. We prefer to believe that
It has been neglect to hand in their
./T NOW.
There area great many Math! to
be arranged for it a r,Ht11ali6 1•1 be
held here hi Sliptbinbel' and lir.
the study periost and marl an In-
teresting Story entitled "Tate Col -
.1. , Gloves V'alIl ly. 'J'hll uivalllly
offering was receivoti end the meet-
* g
*:g 11186,011 10111 41 hymn ant pray+,r
after which 1) short ' praelt'11 11.'Uk
Personals; ouals lieu. W. J '11(1 1111,
Watt, Grimsby, with 11ir: tilirl'Y Me
('lhuaghan; Mr. and Mrs. Lyle
1I-11Jtler' and. Stanley with M.. and
Mrs. Lloyd Alcock, Brussels; Miss
Norma .and Dorothy* Nathery, Ham,
Ilion with Mr, and Mrs. George
Cook; Mrs. I=laroid Elliott and
daughter, Mary led1111, K113ghv111e
with Mr. and Mrs. R. McCree and
i'hor relatives; James McCrea To -
mete, with his parents, Mr, and
Mrs. R. McCrea; Private Roy Mac.
Sween, London, with hie ,wife at
the home of her peyote, Mr, and
1116. A. Vincent; Airpraftsinan Ross
Anderson and Charles Procter,
111uni1Lotl, Jark Armstrong, Celt-.
tralia, with their parents ? Alex
Young and daughter, Miss Eliz -
bah, London, with Mrs. Young and
Mrs. Thomas Irwin received word
that her son Gordon of the Royal
Cisnadian Ordnance Corps has
arrived overseas. With the arrival of
Gordon in Britain Mrs, Irwin now
has three sons serving in England.
Thl' other two boys, Howard and
William, are with an anti-aircraft
C. R. Coultes et Wingham has pur-
chased..the house and store proper-
ty of the late R. 13. McKenzie and
will take possession shortly.
Personals: Mrs, J1ohn Dalgleish
and gnandaughter Joyce, Mrs.
John Currie, Mrs, Harold • Mitchell
and twins Doris ant? Douglas, Wing.
ham, with Mr. and Mrs. Thomas
Brydges; Private .Pack McKenzie,
Petawawa, with his mother, Mrs. 11.,
Et McKenzie; Mrs. Andrew Fox, of
Whitechurch, and Miss Nettie
Sharpe, Hamilton with Mrs. J. A.
Brandon; Mrs. Orton Grain, Wing -
ham hes been engaged as teacher
of Section 13, 6t11 concession of Cast
Wawanosh. ,
The regular monthly meeting of
the 1J.F.W.O. will be held at the
home of Mrs. David Watson on Wed-
nesday, Aug. 1S+h. Mrs. Sas. F Scott
of Seaforth wi11 be guest speaker.
The regular meeting of the W.M.S.
Duff's Church, Walton was hekl
Wednesday afternoon with Mrs..
Jno. McDonald presiding. The meet-
ingopened by singing Hymn .676.
Psaim 742 was read responsively
followed by prayer. The minutes
were read and 18 ladies answered
the roll call 'The 16th. of Grey
group have the topic for the Sep-
tember meeting, The treasurer's
report Was given 'try Mrs. Wilson.
The Topic "Christian. Eilewardship of
Time" was In charge of Mfrs. Wilson
with Mrs. Hazelwood, Mrs G.
NlcGavin; Mrs. W. Davidson, Miss
Simpson, Mrs. S. Johnston and Mrs.
Fingiand' taking part. Hytrin 286
was then sung followed by prayer.
The meeting closed gy singing
hymn 500 and the Mizpall bene-
The W A. held its mist meeting
following the W 51,5, meeting with
Mrs. Shaw 3.'06iding. The Lith
Psalm was read followed by prayer
The minutes and treasurer's reports
were given. 5 was decided to re-
decorate the basement of the church,
The meeting closed by singing the
National Anthers and ,11i131ah bene
Give your .blood to save a fighting.
mans lifer Hand your name now to
Thursday, A,taust 5
Paid Radio Fines
Twenty-egiht out at twealty-uine
Exeter citizens- who've'e t.) have ap'
peered in police court far operating
radios without a 1943 license, paid
fines 0311 costs totalling $154 or $6,60
65011 to B. W. F. Beaver , J.P., which
with the purchase of the lacking per-
mit will bring' listening to $3 for the
Farmers in. Maler]ty
In New. Legislature—
NOR Via' fr2OLL
1 aa80 marked with 'k are o feyseae,
In the Army --
Alcock "Buster"
Alcoa, Eric
'::Alcock, Thos. J.
*Alderson, J. W.
13armal'd, Rus.
Bell, B. D.
Bell; W. H. 'Bid'
Bell, Barris
Brothers, Lyle
Bray, D. 0.
Brewer, J.
*Bowler, Harry
*Cassidy, Frank
*cardiff, Clifford
'Cardiff, 'William
'.Campbell, Sohn
Campbell, 'Bobs'
Coleman, Ken.
*Coleman, Bill
*Davidson, Cleve
*Doll, Charles
Doll, 0.
Dunn, Irwin
']'Elliott, W. R.
Elliott, George 0.
Elliott, Orwell S.
Elliott, Dick
Edger, Harvey
Farrow; Sack
Fischer, Howard
Gasniss, Thos.
'l'Glass4er, Stuart
*(9owiug, 0. 3i.
*Pox, Russell
Faller, J. S.
'1'Garltiss, H. M.
Garton, Ed.
*Gillis, M.
Gordon, Jack
Grainger, Stanley F.
*Hall, T. Deb.
* Hall, Gordon
Hamilton, R. C.
Hamilton, Allan C.
*Harman, J. K.
*Hastings, Dave
Hood, L.
Iibod, S.
*Hunter, Glenn A.
'l'sIulley, G. R.
Kerr, Stewart
*Lamont, L.
*Lowrie, E. 0.
*'Lowe, S.
Locking, Wm.
Lowry, Jack
Machan, Rose
Mann, Eldon
*McCauley, L. R.
McCreath, Ted.
McCutcheon, Frank
*McDowell, M. H.
*McFarlane, T. N.
*McFarlane, P. Walter
McKay, Archie
*McLaughlin, K.
McLean, Arthur
Mitchell, Jack
*Myers, C. A. (Dr.)
Nichol, R. Gordon
*Palmer, Jim
*Palmer, William
*Pierce, ROY
*Riley, Clifford
*Rooney, Leonard
*Rutledge, Frank
Rutledge, Ned
*Sanderson, J. L.
Saleman, E,
McLean, Scott
*Smith, David Bruce
Smith, Jas. E.
Stephenson, Mac "Dlclt!'
Thompson, A.
As a result of. August 4t11 111'ov-
inoial election 1910110rs will be in
tate majority In the new Legislature.
Eighteen agricttiturists Were elected,
thirteen businessmen, eleven law,
yel'6, seven merehaatts', three 'doct
tors, three school teachers, three
11111018 organisers, three machinists,.
two insurance brokers, tWs barlls's,
two auto brokers, two 6',08t workers,'
a ltotisewifo, dentist, insurance
agent, minister, journalist, arehI'
teat, accountant, aviator, street car
motorman, labor secretary, linotype
*Thompson, Mel.
Thomas, H.
Thompson, Davids
Tunny, Ohas.
Walker, Leonard
*Whittard, Rosa F.
*Whitford, Ear1
Wheeler, Glenn
gt Wilspn, S. W.
*War1tt11681. Lloyd
Young, Elmer
*Young, Norman R.
Young, Ernest
in the R.D.A,F.—
clacker, Alfred George
Bla.clt, Bert
Blaolt D0151a8
Bryan, Rn5se11
'].Black, Don A.
Campbell; Stanley I.
Clea diff, • Clarke
*Cardiff, Prank G.
Davidson, Scott
Galbraith, Bowman
*Galbraith, 5. George
Gibson, Harvey
''Harrison, L. W.
*Henderson, Archie
*another, I3. 1L.
*Maclmo, Willie
*McKay, Allen C.
M 'ttao, Donald.,
Mitchell, Prank
*Parker, It 9,
*Prost, T, A.
otierotor, upholster, station agent, I Pierre, Stewart
ttitok trivor, delegrepher, eh$lneer,
Prbst, aV,•M
machine 11851ternit1, eotttt'abtar still *Preet, It. ft.
retired business duan. *R6wlattd, 'r W
1'tei, Ler3u
Ik18us11eetlge, Jack
llufledge, I3lrtley
Scott, Frank
0101181'('5, 11)11)100' W.
Snell, v'erne
^%'51)101•, Toldt
Sptelt Kenuetk
Stratton, Herb
Thompson, Norman
Were', Gordan T,
Ward, Leonard
Ward, Wray
Wilson, 131180011
Woodrow, Alec
Young, Archie
In the Navy—
* Brest, ,Ilan
'6•Chapman, ,loo
'l'Do11, Donald M.
Smith, Elgin
Mustard, Stanley
Stiles, Buster
+:'Workman, T. G.
(Canadian 'Women's Army Corps)
Mitchell, Betty'
Sanderson, Merle
Fischer, Wm,
Gil, O.
Gi asbty, WJ.
Heistlis, Eddie
Harman, G.
Harrison, Marshall
Hawkins, Herb.
Henderson, Garfield
Jamieson, Jack
McDonald, Harold
McDowell, Jack
Pearson, Ralph
Plum, Carl
Plum, Ernie
g 3.
PollarPennind, Geo.ton,
Stewart, Clarence
Thornton, Thomas
NOTE—The following are roan
Brussels boys who had not res'idea
here some time previous to enlist
Ballantyiw, Archie
Beaker, George
Gamins, C. G.
*Jermyn, 3. R.
*McIntyre, Bert
*Parish, Jim
Parish, Earl
Yolleck, Harry
Yolleck, Ben
United States A.A.C.—
Eckmier, Wm. D.
Beat, Gordon
Reserve Army 99th f_atteFy
Baeltsr, Mac
Lawless, Ross
Pletch, W.
Mitchell," Ted
Riley, Oliver
Sanderson, Gordon
Scott, Mac
Sullivan. Bin
Willis, Jack
Willis, W. E.
Alexander, Stanley
Amos, Bryan
Bremner, Billie
Bateman, Cecil
Beer, Chas.
Brawn, D. 13.
Cole, Fred
Cunningham, Lawrence
Dunbar, Jack
Evans Lyle A.
Hamilton, Allan 0.
Haig, Norman
Henry, B'tuart :.
Hewitt, Wilfred
Hewitt, Prank
Sardine, Lorne
Jones, A, J..
Keifer, Ealburt
Kreuter, Albert
Kreuter, Calvin
Kreuter, Gordon
. Michel, Willard
Pattersonills;ac, John
Patterson, Miss Alma (Nurse
Perdue, 17verett
Roby, Mervin
Sripwell, 210
S0eiran, ]liigln
8.pelran, Venison
Sleightholni, 3, A.
Vodden, Larne �.
in the Anmy
*Bendall, Charles FI,
*Bendall, T. A.
Bennett, Ro50
Bewley, Walter
Bryans, Ilarvey
*Coutts, W. J.
. *Crawford, A.
*Farquharson, W. A.
holland, Gordon
33ump, art
I3um3ltrbrtesies, Stewart
Kelly. William
Marshall, Barry
Nichol, Wilfred
*Ntcllol, G. L
Niche', Mae
Nichol, Lloyd
s'R,itehie, ISennet
Shannon, Walt 88th
Travis, A.
In the R.C.A.F.
Marshall, Frani
111nnie, Wm, (l.*y
Bryans, Stuart
t'Mnrray, K. M,
In the Navy
Coutts, Ertel