The Brussels Post, 1943-8-18, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE
August 18th, 1943
Blood Donors Wanted Now' I' PEOPLE WL KNOW E 1 EL
While the local appeal for blood
donor's has been respondeat to by
a number of people, eitlil more are
urgently needed, Our gallant Righting
men have taken up arms .for us who
remain in security at home, They
are fighting to protect us from the
horrors and privations of the dope -
Mated countries, 1$ IL on much to
ask that we give eome of our blood
to save the lives of 'tilde, wounded
in our defence,
- It should 1111 anyone of lel with a
warm glow of thankful satisfaction
to know that we had providedthe
vital necessity that will mean life
to those dying from tLe loss of
Give your name to Mrs. H B.
Allen, secretary 00 the !31oed Donors
Clinic, to -day. Yoi.u' blood may save
the life of some one dear' LO you!
Those in charge atiended the
clinic in Wingliam on Wednesday
of this week and are In touch. with
the organizer and trope to shortly
announce definite information es to
when the first clinic tivi11 be bald in
Gapfaiu ad. D. Bell bete armee The Wonteii's Institute hell their -
overseas, regular meeting Met Thursday alter-
Mrs, C. Clewing and',langlitrr
• been visiting in•Lolid'0n,
* * - the usual way, ,The minutes of the
Miss Patricia 'Stunkvisited in prevlons meeting were react b/ tho
Winghann last week, i secretary and approved business was
* * 'e discussed. The Boll was then called
"Alma Jermyn of tieafnl•th was answered by giving a milk wet egg
holidaying with line mother and recipe, Mary McIntosh read a
, Helen,
!noon in the 'L'uwnsbi.p 0-1ttl1 wile ten
VW ; members present, The Presld 111:. was
' In eitarge Tile meeting opened in
1 *
1121,5. I{en, Coleman, Monkton, is
visiting with Mr. .and Mrs A. Cole -
I portion from the study boost, : The
unknown country. The remainder of
the afternoon was *pent In quilting
and when the quilt was finished
men. I lunch was served by the eoalnlltLee
s- * �• t. in charge,
Kenneth Scott of Landon is hull•' The August meeting of the W,M.S.
dayinig with his friend Jimmie' of the Presbyterian church was held
Armstrong, • ' recently. at the home of Mrs, Jae,
Wright. The meeting mired bY
Ar, and Mrs. Camerae, Palmerston singing Hymn 723, 1lie.Scripture
were Sunday visitors with Mr. and .lesson was read by Mrs. G. Ii:auter,
I Mrs, W- Cameron.
* * *
Mr. and Mrs, Sinclair Hemingway
j and daughter Sheila Toronto, are
vision relatives here
g ,
Brussels, * * *
Mrs. Earl Somers is in Clinton
hosp'tial where she uneerwent an.
operation early this week.
ni •
Mr. and Mrs. Win, Mi00ate and son
o1 Sault Ste. Marie have been visit-
ing Mr, .curl Mrs. Wesley Kerr,
• * *
Mr, anti Mrs. T. A. Wii,•ia of For-
rest were week end visiters at the
home of Mr. and Mrs. FoLert 'Down.
Give your ileo' to save alighting
man's life! Hand your name now to
the Brussels ,Rleod Donors Clinic.
Seafforth, Ont.
Thursday, Frlaay and elatuidey, ing.
August 19th, 20th, 21st
2nd Show ;Starts 9.15 Rev. M. P. and Mrs, )Elinin. left
George Brent Priscilla Lane on. Monday for a few holttya at Gil -
Silver Queen ford on Lake .Simeoe, Mee. M. R.
A Beautiful girl and a professional
gambler play for love in this
romance of Old San Francisco
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,
August 23rd, 24th, 25th
2nd show starts 9:15
Ida Lupino Dennis Morgan
The Hard Way
Sisters face to face. .. one ..burning
• with love ... the other seething
with hatred 1
Thursday, Friday, Saturday,
August 26th, 27th, 28th,
Double 'feature -.2nd show starts 8;45
Flying Cadets.
Also Cousins,
Butch Minds The Baby
Matinee each Saturday at 2:30 p.m.
First show starts each evening at
7,30. Alt patrons In by 9:15 will
see complete show when single
features such as these are shown,
Oldham will 'join them.
* * *
Miss 1311a McLachlan of Guelph
visited last week with her friend
Mrs, Thomas Walker and called on.
friends in Brussels and, vicinity.
Mr. Robert Downing Ls taking an
enforced rest under do terra orders,
clue' to a heart condition. We hope
he•will make': a speedy recovery.
a * *
Mrs. R. N. Mitcb.eli and Jane have
returned to their home In Wood-
bridge after spending last week at
the home of Mr. and airs. R. B.
"Bless The Lord, 0 My 50111"
'Melville. Church,
• Minister
Rev. Sarnuei. Kerr, B.A., H,D.
16 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A.M. Morning Woshlp e
Rev. F. G. Fowler of Blueval
will have charge of the •moot-
ing service.
Louis D. Thompson, Organist
and Choirmaster.
'Minister -Rev. Hugh. C. Wilson
10 A. M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
11 A.MI Morning Worship
"The Changeless Christ"
7 P. M. Evening' Praise
"The Old Paths"
of En d
Parkin of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
$t. John's Brussels --
10 A.M. Sunday School
11 A.M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. George's Walton-•-'
1.38 P.M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
2.30 P.M. Sunday 8gheel
St. David's Hentryn•--
2.15 P. M. Sunday Sshoo1
3.30 P.M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
Mr, Arthur Peach, stcdent of
l•luron College London WIII he•
in charge of an servlces.
* * *
Mr, and Mrs. Gordon Adams and
son, Grant, Toronto, marl Mr. and
Hrs. Louis Hoy, Clinton were re-
cent visitors with Mr. and ales. Wni._
a. 0 4
Mrs. Pearson Young has returned
from Saint John, N. B., wbers she
was staying with her husband and
is with her parents Mr. and Mrs,
S. F. Davison,'
a * *
Mrs. Douglas R. Welker and chit.
droll who have been visiting the let-
ters' grandparents, Thomas and Mrs.
Walker. -returned last week to their
home in Timmins.
* *. P
$9,00 was raised last •Wednesday
by Donal(la Wi111s, Betty 'Cousins,.
Jane Mitchell and .7eao Matheson
tor the 'British War Vie'itu Fund.
Mardon Scott was the winning ticket
•e11n0 a
n D. S. . r
Dr. a d Mrs
Mrs, Webster of Wallacehurg were
week end guests with Mr and Mrs.
H, 15. Richardson, Mrs, Webster 1s
staying for a week.
• al *
Mrs. G. H. Samir and Miss Marlon
Semis were TetliiIto visitors last
week, Miss Joan Curtis oe Toronto
returned with them ani is visiting
with Mr. and Mrs. G. 14. Sinus.
elnry �
^�{4,f5 >.tr,Y 11) '1q
1 11' T
Mr. and Mrs. James Moses and
sons, Archie and; Billy, tittle Kath -
Ian and Miss Pearl. 'Slathers spent
.Sunday, with . Clarence ,Tohnston's,
T. 1,., McDonald shinned n car load
of cattle on Wednesday tor Mr. Alex
Armstrong, '7th eon. Ceeey.
Prayers were read by Mrs, Heath.
Mrs, Cunningham, Mrs, Weig"fit and
Mrs, Turnbull, The National An-
them w0s sung, The minutes of the
last 10500011t b t'
g were peat the
e seers•
tnry. Moll was called, answered by
by mining the birds of the Bible.
The Topic from the study book,
women of the Bible was taken by
9'lrs..Fear. hymn 721 was mina Mrs.
Alexander gave a reading, "Prayes
for Victory and !Peace." Hymn
273 was sung and the meetlue clos-
ed with the Beliedicti,on by the
President. At the close of the meet-
ing lunch was served and a social
hour spent.
George Albeit Kreutear of the
R.C:N.V.R., who spent a Pew days
with Geo. and Mrs. Kreuter and
Walton friends returned last week
'to Halifax, N.S., where he is
stationed at present. '
Mr. aid Mrs. Stanley Spei;an and
Maurice of Brantford; Mr. Chas.
Pletcher', Mr. •and -Mrs, John Dralnie
and Mr's. L. V. Matthews of Toronto
have been holiday guests with Mr.
and Mrs. H, C. iS:tevenson, 10th con.
Mrs. Wes, Armstrong and Miss
G4euna of Toronto were visiting
with Wm. and Mrs. MaAil100s 10th
Mi•s. A. Ziegler and Billie have
arrived home Rrom a two -weeks'
holiday at "Turkey Pointe' on Lame
Mars. Eva Brown, Mars, John King
and Mrs. Mary Smalldon, Ethel
were visitor on Friday last with
Mrs. Matt. Cameron, Cranbrook,
Mrs. Agnes Cameron joined the
ladies for the afternoon.
Miss Mary Ferguson of Hamilton
is visiting her aunt Mrs. Geo. A.
Mr. and Mrs, Wpm Flood of Brant -
toed visited over the week end with
.1r, GarrBaeker,
Mr, and Mrs. F. W. Bovis oC
Mount Pleasant and Mr, and Mrs.
R. Barron of near Woodstock visited
w'th Geo. sand Mrs. Addy.
Mr. and Mrs, Bert Bartter are gou0
ou a holiday. Mrs, Wes. SOnrers a110
Miss Ruth Franklin of Toronto are
caring Cor Mrs. Wen. Slermon In
their absence,
air. and Mrs Alf, Ring wee family
0.1 j3rantford Were x11101/ with
friends here, Mrs. King and
family remained for a week's visit.
There was a large aongregatton
out to hear Sev. A.13, Thomson, B.A„'
secretary of Sunday Schools and Y.
P, Societies ou, Sudsy Y ane
rnus. last
at the Presby'teria church Special
anise by the ohoir, Misses Estelle
Onnutdngham and Shirley Thompson
sang a - timet. Om August .22nd.. Rev.
Hugh Jaek, B.A., of Seafortli will be
guest speaker,
Norman Moran, R.C.N. d'.R. has
been visiting friends in.Bruesela and
called in iOthel Sunday to 509 a few
of 1116 friends.
to be held at
S.S. No. 6, Grey
Musk by the Victory Orchestra
On Friday, August 20th
Of Etheti
Adtittiesims 25c Booth
School Opens
Loca l NewstrA
September 7th
The °foetal date 'for tisc 1e<opeu-
seeee ee-ee....,,® gees -es eeseee �' Ing et elementary mellows i+ itept-
embax 7th as the aPOnhls day Is fix -
Received Word
From Italy
Mr, and Mrs. L. E. McCauley
recently received a eablveram froth
their son Lance Corpora Lorne
McCauley, from somewhere In Italy
sending best wishes to all at home.
and, informing them that he was
well and Rt, ,
Public School eel by statute for the fleet Tuesday
Beginners of aeptember following Labor Day,
The public school will have ac• d'nlese. outer instructions are issued
only cementation admit beginnersY by the Department o1 E<innation in
who were five -years of itse before the interval, parents may assume
February 1st, 1943. that elementary school chit,,en win
be expected to resume studies on
St. John's Church Notes Tuwnday,'September 7th.
The services in the local parish in
all four chuch on August 221111 will
be in charge of Mr. Gorcloo Peacii iib
Listowel, who is a student of 10211011
With your plekles this year, you
can't afford to lake a chance with th
Peer Vinegar, Heinz Vinegar is e
best, trek the Pelson that uses it.
Sold al Grewar's only in Brussels,
Insist on Heinz Vinegar,
Letter To The Editor
College, London, Rev. Oldham will London, Ont., lath Aimless 1043
be back for services on August 29011. The •Ilditet.
.- The Post,
CARD OF TrIA.:SKIS ,.r, ., ,..,.., , •.,.. I: i.sscas, Ont r 0
I wish to thank the people of Dear Sir:
Grey' Township for the lovely watch, 110deel'hells you have sena or
the War Workers of Ethel 'fol the heard that the eerie, ss faced wlt'h
knitted articles aid the Union a eery real and serious maupoirer
United Sunday School for the Testa- Problem. Tlnfardedeti ly this is not
ment T received lately. These gifts rumour, but a definite understate•
are greatly appreciated.
Soloist Enjoyed
At United Church
'tient of a situation which is rapidly
Billy Bremner, R,C.A,F. developing in precarious pl'opor-
tions. To make matters worse. the
At the morning service in the
United Church Mrs. J. C, Scott of
St. John's Ladies guild Sault Ste Marie, was the guest solo -
Mrs, A. Morrow Sr., was the est. She sang "Jest For Today" most
hostess for the August meetin g 211 effectively. The minister's subject.
the Women's Guild 'on Tuesday, was `Tlae Three Hills." fu the oven
Aug. 10th. Mrs. G. Davis was in ing Mr. Wilson had for his text
charge, Mrs. E. Somers road the Mark chapter 11, verse 11, "What
Scripture Lesson, The 1111 for Jesus sees in the Temple."
garage painting was passed. The -,••. '
Wardens will furnish half or cost Too Good To Last
trona General Funds, There was a
good attendance. Lunch was served A perfectly geed record wad
marred. on Tuesday evening when
Sgt. Overholt, of the municipal
Mice, lodged two women, one from
C1audeboye and one Crone S', Marys,
in Huron County jail, charged with
Provincial and muricipalI police vagrancy.
Foe .7111 ¢e days previous
are wholesale thefts o12 the white flag had been flying frons
ahicltens in neighboring counties of the jail's jag -pole, signifying that the
Grey •anal Wellington Farmers and jail was frac of prisoners, a fairly
chicken men are warned to keep a rare circumstance. The women in
close check on their flocks and to custody are on retnasd, pending
take license numbers of ears which trial: They had bean under p011ce
are suspicious in the vieleitp of observation Inc some days.
their . properties Notify the police
Goderich Sinal -Star.
immediately. -
bY the hostess.
Ser. and Mrs. Maurice Hewitt spent
the weep end in London with their
daughter Miss Mary.
Mr, and Mrs. Clifford Machan of
Wingliant visited with Wm. and Mrs,
Patterson, Sunday evening.
Tib's, Winritfred tacos of Mil-
waalkee is visiting her sister Mrs.
Harvey Dobson at present.
1111sa Jean Stephenson has return.
¢d• froma visit with her. sisters in
Congratulations are due Mr. Ron,
add 'wove having taken first class
iaonor0 in grade It Theory at the
Toronto Conservatory of Masse
Beware of
)Chicken Thieves
Used Fruit Crates
Needed For Crops •
Used fruit briskets, hampers and The St. James Anglican Guild
crates ore needed for packing the met at, the home o1 Mrs. Edwards on
current crop of fruit and vegetables, Tuesday. The president, Mrs. F.
the Wartime Prices. and Trade Scherk, opened the meeting with
Board announces, reiterating the the Lord's Prayer, In memory of the
ruling against destroying snail con- irate M•rs. Paulin, a valued member,
tainers. Shortages of wood and the henna "Lead Kindly Liglit" was
manpower have Tilade it necessary sung, The scripture lesson, taken
to supplement the supply of new from St. Mark, C'iiarnter 18, verses
containers with" salvaged boxes, 1.10, was read by Mrs. George GrlC•
baskets and hampers. lith and Mrs'. Edwards led in prayer.
Following the business period the
Mixed Jitney Bowling president gave n short topic. on "The
World of Churches." The roll -call
A mixed bowling jitney ayes held was answered by payment, of fees.
ou Friay nieSei with the following A hymn and the prayer• ler victory
winners Ladies-- closed the meeting; A. delicious
1st - Isabel Lowery, 2nd - Mrs. lunch was served by the hostess.
Roy Thuell, 3rd -]Mrs. W. Cameron. The quilting tine week Nile held at
Men: let George Evains, 2nd the home of. Mrs, Robert McMichael.
Harry Champion, Orel J. Retletige, , Fordwich Man Speaks
The bowlers plan holding a pot 'she Women's /•rissioBary Society;
luck supper at gree+. on 'Friday was in charge of the se, iice'in the
afternoon at 5 o'clock aid bowling United Church se Sunday morning
will start at 7;15. All howlers are whew Gordon Hargrave, Pordwfob,
was the guest speaker. An anthem
invited to be there,
Toronto Conservatory
Results -
In the recent Midsummer exam- basket orf gladioli brightened the
inations of the Toronto Conservatory frau. of the church.1)01'
of Music pupils of Arnold Earl re• Quito a number front baro at
et ire
u 1 t the Lions Frolic geld
ceived the following standing• •to cel1 s
Plano Gerrie on Friday sight.
•Menzies Gd, IT -Honors
Personals: Mr, and Mrs: Lloyd
To -
Gilberto Ilott•es.:GI-'TIT-Pi,st• Class
n00Miohael and daughter. Pat,
:Renews • ionto, with Mr. and Mrs. Robert
Everitt Ashton Gtl, lir-Honors McMiclutel; Mr. and Mee A. Meehan
Margaret Wearying Gd, V -first and Mr, and Wks. Gordon Gibson
Class Honors with their daughters et Grand. Bench
Helen 'Sawtell Gd. V. -Honors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sptoal, teeter,
Agnes Wearring-Gd. V7 -Honors with Mrs; H. Serest.1Mrs, Sproat re -
Theory turned to Exeter with then; Signal -
Ronald Love 01,'I! -First. Class nran Crawford Gibson, Prince
Honore ' George, with his parents Mr. and
was sung by the women's choir and
a duet, by Mrs. McNaughton and
Mrs. Charles McCut0heon A huge
Six -Year -Old Boy
Operates Tractor
M's, Gordon Gibson; Mt'. add Mrs.
Laurie Vain VOlsor, Hamilton, with
the fui•mer's parents, Ms. and Mrs.
W. D, Van Velsor; Mrs. Poll Durst
A six-year-old McMtllop township, and son, Larry, in Stratford and 'f.01"
boy, Jack Monteath, 'son of Mr, anti onto; Mrs, Harold Durst with her
Mrs, Harvey 1MclTwain, of the third sister, Mrs. Fraucesa Glossop, 7,istow•
concession, has been rueniiig his el•, Robert Paulin returned to Tor -
father's. tractor for the past two onto on Sunday alter spending two
summers. He started last year when weeks at his home here. Mr. and
five years cid Old drove Inc tractor Mrs. John McTavish, Goderidh, and
too' the hay 'loader, taking in thirty Mrs. M. McTavish. with Mr, and
loads of hay. A year ago when 11itrs, McMichael; Mia 'Edith Me-
threshing was finished he hunted the Donald has returned home after
last load of sacked wheal out of the speeding the past few weeks. in
field and the three gaiartereef a. mile Momtt Forrest.;; Miss Edith ,Martin,
to Lome. This year he can handle R, N„ Hamilton with tier mother,
the tractor with east and is trusted Mrs, Bert Martin. Those from this'
with driving the binder t eiin} hap- district attending camp iii Petawa'
vest. Reports have borne from vara wa with the 991d1 Battery, Winghain,
ions places about young boys (Mess are; P1041 rand Harold, t?nest, Jelin
Ming tractors, but, We belies this i$ and Allan Harrison, Doe. Milligan
i a record, iaekterth News, a'bd Lloyd ToWneoa*.
shortage of manpower is hitting
the Air Force'in a vital spot. WE
AIthl NOT G]pmild THE MEN WE
New Ratipn Books
To Be Distributed
The new ration books ate to be
distributed to the peopls of title
community at the Public Librt ry,
Brussels, os 'Wednesday, Magnet
25111, Friday, August, 27th Dari Satins `..
day, August 28111, from. 5:15 1) 01
until 10 pin. each weenies, Yes,
must bring your present. ration
book with you in order to get a
i110W 011e,
Ethel Community
Ration boons e"ii2 be eisLributed at
the Clerk's Office in Mel on Wed-
nesday, August 25th and Sliturday,
August 28tH from 1:30 p,10, until
0 Don't forget to cake your
Present ration book with you,
See advertisement elsewhere
in this issue.
Collect Cream Less Often,
Areas Also Restricted
Restricted areas for the collection
of cream, commencing August 16th,
was announced in Meaford recently
by 'A. S. Thurston, seoretarY-inan-
ages of the 'Ontario Creamery
Association. The new restrictions
are being placed in effect in coilab
NEED FOR AIRCREW. • ' oration with the Wartime Prices and
'fbe British Commonwealth Air Trade Board.
Training Plan was offtOially approv- , The new order will affect a total
ed by the member nations en De.
of 1,209 trucks and is expe^ted to
ember 16, 1939, after weeks of in- reduce the number on the 1004 by
trieate planning and organization 300. Trucks in Western Ontario will
worst. Canxlad's huge area, its out- be affected. A recent order making
standing record in the air. during the it illegal to make more than three
last war, the natural aptitude bi collections orf churning cream emit
young Ganadiaos for dying, anti our two weeks was recently placed into
proximity to the large source of effect ,and has 'brought about saving '
supply in the•TJnitetl States, resulted
of 2'5 per cent in tires, gasoline and
in Canada being ' selected for the , truck depreciatioSt Mr. Thurston
major role in the stiheme, said same Provinces and some parts
' That Oanada Lias discharged tines
of Ontario already have the new.
responsibility is acknowledged in all I zoning.
quarters However, Canada's part i E. D. Rowe, Mealord creamery`
in the training plan did not cud ' operator, did not favor the new'
with management of Graining regulation and stated that it would:
schools. She was expected to pro• have many drawbacks. Other owners)
vide her full share of young men to stated that it would disrupt their
train for flying duties with the youth business with regular -customers
Farmers will stile be allowed to
deliver their own cream to whatever
creamery they. wish, but only the
day of the week in daily news items truck alloted to their district may
which tell the story of the deeds et pick up their cream. at the farm.
Canadian boys on operation; with Mr. Thurston said . it had been
Ole R.C.A.F. in all parte of the pointed out by service adivinistra-
world. tors that the splitting of cream into.
But now, due to many faecolo, the , small shipments so that it could be
supply of aircrew recruits has run sold to more than one creamery
low - - dangerously law - • so law make necessary the use of an in -
indeed that unless the situation is creased number of cans. The in
corrected ininiedietely it may be- creased cost of handling is already a
creme necessary to close flying burden on the industry, Mr. Thu s -
schools now in operation THIS TN ton continued,adding that the,
THE OPINION OF THE 11.,U,A.F. IS industry already suffered from a
THE MOST SERIOUS FACT FAC- decided "squeeze." Ile stated that.
1NG CANADA TODAY. the reduced costs ander the new
The most logical, most economic system should allow the creameries
and most effective method by which to pay an in.creasel.price for butter.
Canada can contribute to the fat in relation to the market level of
United Nations' war effort is by butter.
maintaining. without fail full pro. The plan should save hundreds of -
duction of trained aircrew fighting thousands of miles, he said,
teams. No matter what the other If the creameries ha've objections
demands on the na:tion's manpower, they must accept their restrictions
this, we believe, must be done. for the period of one ul.onth, then
This is the story - - told very any corrections necessary may be
briefly - - that the Canadine public made,
bas a right to know. The time has It has been estimated that a fifty
come to state the case frankly and per cent reduction in mileage could
directly to the ' businessmen of be made it the farmers 'would carry -
Cannda. Heretofore there has their cream cans to the gates of the
beers a tendency on the part of farms, but the Board decided against
employers in. many oases to categor- compulsory action.
iza young then as key employees
sometimes after only a short period
of 'training on the ,job, frequently
ees ec
e ei 110 ,
whenever the 3
even rho 114
pressed a desire to enlist for flying Minim
duties. Milverton
In view of the existin:e situation Fergus .
now Caking the Rt,C.A,F. this is NOT Blyth ............. .....
right, Itis wrong, There 's no job 1 Cli00ortl
tie important in Canada'1y as Mel Texeter ,,,,, ,, ,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,
job of training for airlrew duty in./ Hanover ,.
the R;C.A•F. Dvery young pian w1t14 a. { Ktuoardine
desire to fight in the air MUST be Mildmay
given an opportunity to do so. Tli s New Hamburg
Air Force now strongly appsals to Orangeville ......... .........
all employers In ALL industries, to Palmerston
seek ways and means of replacing Strathroy
their employees who are of aircrew Drayton ,,,,•,.,.:-.,,,,
age and fitness% particularly those Ida.rriston
who desire to .tram' for flying duties, Listowel .,
so that they may feel free to enlist. Lucknow
it is urged that no potential pilot, paisley
airguneet, '• air -bomber, or wireless pert Mgin
operator be heli away from his Seat:sib '
most important dirty, No yenng man 'Stratford ,,..
is nearly essential at taus phase Sept, 27th, to Oct, find
of the war to any industry as he is ; Arthur Sept, 30, Oct. 1
Bay4leld ,.,,,, Sept, 28, Int -
Dungen non
!A'Dunge,nnon Sept 30, Pet. 1
Gorrie ,.,,, ,.,., , . „ ............ ... Oct, 1, !'
., ..,,,. , Sept. 23; 28'
Mount 'Forrest . Sept. 211, P0.
Owen Sound Sept 27, 29'
�tirieh ,.. Sept. 27, 28'
October 4th to NM
Commanding Officer, ,Astwood 9, 5
or other British Empire countries.
This also she bas dove - - admirably
- a fact that is attested to every
3, 6
9, 10
10, 11
14, 15.
15, '18
15, 18''
15, 18 -
16, 17
18, 14
17, 18
14, 15•
17, 18
19, 15
21, ,2s
23, 24-
22, 23
22, 29'
20, 21
24, 28
23, 24',
,.... 20, 23'
to the Air. Force. Come meths,*
itimOt be found to clear the was ter
him to enlist 'anti he s!uould he en.
conl'aged to do so. This ie the
most earnest appeal tot the public's
iinden'sta.uding and co -Operation that
can bo iri'ade at this time,
(H. Wensley) Sduadron Leader
Tiro. 2 Rewru1ting iberbtre, R„ C. A.1'.'1 Teeswater 8.
London, Ont. Wailltertele ...,,.,,., I'fov. 94.