HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-8-11, Page 1POST PUBLISHING HOUSE BIood Mono's Wanted Nov! Hare you balled in your name Rigs. H. 13, Alh•tt, secretary or th .Blood Donors Clinic, or to tit Brussels Post? Mood (Donors a urgently need:+d, 1)1 yon realise that the blood yon give may be lht means of savor:; the life of one of ole' boys 011 •Ito field of battle? Would you like to learn Ihn.t your son, or your eelghhonr's sou, died because of the reed of a binud trans• fusion that couldn't ire given been!' 1‘ the 1)er11e of this commun. ity failed to (:ire some blood when the opportunity Was at hand. If a boy waive injured here at hone there isn't an; nee who would refuse to give hioo(1 :1 it were uee(lyd but because the field of battle is far removed many of nr, fall 110 realize the desperate ,reed now. In order 111:1, a clinic may be held in Brussels lir September it is necessary to have at least 75 names immediately. Thorn who are willing to do their nn11 are liked to hand their names in at mire, Canvassers for Brussels, Morris and 'Grey are, asked to speed up their wort and turn in their iists to the secretary as soon as posi'c,l+. The eespr.nse to the appeal for Motel Donee, he the village has been extremely poor. it is unfortanata that our people do not seem to realize the great need for blood for trans- fusion,. for nu; boy. in the armed forces. We prefer to believe that it has been negl3et to hand in their IT NOW. There are a great many detaile to be arranged 'ear' if a clinic is to be held here in September end Dr. Jamieson must. arrange. for it next week so don t delay. Ohir boys aisi prcpars& to give Meir lives for us. We must (MAO* 0111' b10ed for them. .F r'1r f'1 v WE arid. `f O 5'Y •t- `• ref � ii � S� e •, 4 `1. J e. A(ntsiro,r, spout. flit week end in Toronto, to * ,1 Catptaitt ( R. Campbell wits Meme a 1'C Presentation To Bride-to-be Miss Jessie Pearson was hcnoured at the borne of Miss Telma Harrison on Wednesday evening last week' when about twenty of her g i.1 friends presented her with a beauti- ful mirror. (lance were enjoyed throughout the evening and a de - Helene lunch was served, -Wingbeua Oyezee-Times to be held at S.S. No. 6, Grey On Friday, August 20th Music by the Victor Orchestra Of Ethel Admission 25c Booth "Seek Ye The Lord Whsle He May Be Found" SVdelvllle Clurch Minister Rev. Samuel Kerr, B.A., B.D. 1C A. M. Sunday Sohool and Bible Class 11 A. M. Morning Worshlp. The morning service will be in charge of the Rev. Hugh jack of Seaforth, NO EVENING SERVICE Louie D. Thompson, Organist and Choirmaster. COME AND WORSHIP United Uhurch flinlster-'Rev. Hugh C. Wilson 13 A. M. Sunday School and Bible Class 11 A.M. Morning Worship The Minister 7 P. M. Evening Praise The Minister EVERYONE IA/El-COME Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector, -Rev. M. F. Oldham St. John's Brussels- 10 A.M. Sunday School 11 A.M. Morning Prayer and Sermon St, George's Weitere.- 1.30'P,M. Evening Prayer and Sermon 2.80 P.M. Sunday Sohool St. David's Hehfryn•.- 2.16 P. M. Sunday School 3,30 P.M. Evening Prayer and Sermon Important meeting of Honfryn Congreagattan at close of ser. vice, All members are urged to be presevtt R posslble. Wednesday, August lith, 194 ETHEL Fhl,ude of (George A. Mt'Lellau(1 will reagent to hoar 1)! hie pasei11g 111 Ni•W York oily 011 14011day, July 3rd, for a eonple of eny1 tele we+nk,• , al'Ier a short Illness, The deceased * * * 31rs. Muhh FE• 1 •: Was born in Paieley, Ho served 111 tentem of Ingere01;the Signal corm: of the 011101lian is visaing ill nr,I,::els. e '1' ,W Jack C. Gee.: of Montreal Is spanliug 11 13 v n •,,111'11 111 h1,; 1.0100 Hors: 11 ,k Mr. W, J. Motel -mem) told .Sistere spent lust 5,1o1 ty 11'1'11 1i l•'1 eve in Clht ton. e * * near 1111191, One heather Ilarve Mrs. C. 13,1s1ltlee and M'e. Kareu predeceased him twoago.y ore spending a eoupla of weeks at airs.Y=.us Rc1bt. henry and Hies Sharon 14auble 1letV011 ' ' 1 I1i1.n Ilton are visitiu'1 the former's * * ) parents, Mr. at1(1 Mrs, Bert Parker Airs. Dean Geo mei son 'it' Stl•at-' at present. ford spent 111a v1eek wit11 Mrs, Mr, and illi.,. Roy.. Drown and George Iienderson, family of Listowel were calling on * a friends to tba 3'I11'4113 on S outlay: Mr. Chteeir Miele1' is 111 l.istnw01 Mr, ant Mie. Lesley Earl and Miss bosplta1, tile f,ierds hope fel' a Laura spent a few days at }'melon sheerly reeov'' r, Falls, wIt11 Mr. and Mrs. Seal'so11, * `t' * Miss Rola Faarl returned iamne from Air. and Mr.s. ,J. I{ie,.tvvttoi, 111leh. a holiday with her sister there. ewer visited with relatives here over The sympathy 01 the commintdty is the week end. extended to Mrs. ,Jahn King in her Engineers of ills lust great .war, On Itis return front overseen he resided it Montreal for 0 1111113, lutes, ltoing 40 Now York, where he sward been in business for several years. Bettis his wife, he leaves one brother, :Maurice of California. Three sisters, 01r,. N. MoKoe of Toronto; airs. (leo. Menzies and Mrs, Jas, Pestes of * e " recent bereavement, alae The many friends :.f Mr. A. A t0 other relatives. Lamont reg,ez the tact that he 1s There Was a large attuneomee at quite ill at his house neve, the P1'es4)yte'ian chute)] Sunday e e evening to hear a former Mrs. Rm'•t. Strachan has returned pastor, it^v. W. A. 1i':ldirnus of Valetta. Fre from 'Li010111•1 whore 1,111) ova, a delivered a Patient in the hospital, good nd(trtlss and ibis. * * * ('otquhoun Cavourf?d with a sola, A numb.') of callers slaps, d i:, n Mrs, Eva Brown of Hamilton IS spending a two -weal(, vacation with M'onds.y to offe'• their t'- ogratula- frieucls here, (ions t'i Airs. W ST Kerr will Miss Myrtle Dunbar of Poronto is celebrated n^i bosh yirllvlaty, enjoying a holiday with her sister, Mrs. P. Lamont and her brother Mr. A1ek Dunbar and family. Mr. and Mr;.. 1'1. L, Jardine and family were happy to receive a cable reoen4.ity from their sal Trooper L. R. Jardine, advising of his safe arrival overseas. After spending an enjoyable 23 - clay furlough with his parents, John and Mrs. Kreuter and friends, Calvin Kreuter, R.C.N,V.R., who, for the past 8 months has been en Convey iklty, aboard the Cer✓ette Trail, left Saturday morning fo^ Ottawa, en- rollee to an Eaatel:n Pore, where 11'e Mr, and Mrs. Chas. 'McKay and rejoin his ship and restl:mie 31r. and Mrs A. Roy MrKay visited antics. relatives in s7in,.kn0r and Vtlt(te- Miss Ella Fraser of Brussels has been visiting with Miss Elisabeth church last Sunday. '' Bishop. * ac* Imogene Sanderson has returned to her hone, after spending two months at a tt"131'1lerelt0 Camp in Forest. * * * Mts. Ken. Gallaway and two sone of Corrie spent 11111 past week with their paireuts, .IIr, an'1 Mrs. Robert Farrow. s . Mrs. 11. 112. Clarice Is holidaying with her parents Mr, and Airs. J. Ii. Fulton and ter sister Mrs. J. ,S. Armstrong. * * e Mr . and Mrs, Lorne Stoney of Miss Sairley MoKay w'h', hat been spending the sunuuer with her Bluevale were visitors with friends grandpare.its, 11)', and 81re 1'11:1S,here on Sunday. weeny is vloitc13 nh Cnrbrtvil:e Dr. C, R. and Mrs, Richmond and boys are on vacatien at S'herhat Mrs. J. A. 'Phamson, Mrs. A. IC Lake. The Dr. expect,) to be back Zapfe and Mies Betty Lou around August 21st. Zama, or Toronto unci W.O.I. J, B. Miss Pearl Tillman, Toronto, spent Ashbourne •ti. Yarmouth, NM, • nee n week the guest of her sitter Mrs• visiting with Mrs. BeebeThorettot E14win Thompson reasutly. at Riverside 01.1 Sunday, Auh. 15th, Rev, I'1. A, * Thomson, B.A., .Secretary of Sunday Mr. H. Whitman of Winton 113 Schools and Young Teopia's Oorieties relieving at the C.N.R. station here. will have -charge of the service in 4B. W. 0 Derr, 1.31,1. agent, the Presbyterian clntrch et 11 tun. sugered a heart attack on Thursday `111 the congregation is Invited to of last ween, attend, There will be no other T service on that data On August Mr, and 114).. Russel Farrow of 22nd, Rev. Illlgh Jacic D.A., et Sea - Galt and Frau(t Farrow of the forth will conduct the service here R.C.A,F., Camp Borden, spent the at 3 o'clock. week enol wit,t their parents, Mr, Miss Martie Hanstlld 3e visiting and MIS. Robert Farrow, friends in Stratford. • * * Miss Ann McMurchie has ratline Ma and Mrs, J. W. Fischer and ed home from a week's visit with I-attley and Mr. N. Chapman and 'friends fn "Vilna" 1\7r, and.Mrs R. W. Kennedy attend- Oongratulatioas are due Mr. Arm- ed the Kieswettor-Chapinan wedding 0113 Earl who won a siil'ei• medal for 811 Kitchener on Thursday, August B. highest marks in Senior Counter- point in Toronto Conservatory of music examinations. He is a pupil o8 Miss Adix Hall, Listowel, REG'EN` 1 THEATRE, RE, S9ea'i'orth5 Ont. • Thursday, Frtaoy and Saturday, August 12th, 13th, ,14th Monty Wooley Roddy McDowell The Pied Piper The novel of our times becomes the picture of the year. Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Aug. 16th, 17th, 18th Mary Martin Dick Powell Happy Go Lucky In Technicolor The year's Happiest, Luckiest Vim - glen en the Magtosl Isle of Calyls, Thursday, Friday, Saturday, George Brom Pt lsoilla Lone Silver Queen coming-- These Nara Way -`s- Matinee each Saturday at 2:36 p.m. First show starts each oventng at 7.30, An patron In by 9136 wilt tee complete show When Shlgio features such as these era shown, Mrs. Eel, 0411 has returned home from the Listowel hospital after an operation. Sb.e wishes to thank the friends who visited Iter and sent cards, flowers and ililit, as it was greatly appreciated. Week end visitor's: Miss Ada Wardlaly of Ajax with her parents; Misses Helen Jardine and Wilma Woodcock. of Toronto and Mr, Ti. Jardine of Ajax at their home; 14.A.0.,Stanley Alexander of Trenton Witro his family; Mr, Cagenan Rich- ards of Hamilton with Mrs. Rich- ards. Mr, and Mies (Iilest Hobson, Mil and Lawrence, and Miss Cora ll.' Rowan of Toronto visited Dr. 0. H. McKee and $amity at .Soluble Beach on Sunday, Mies Cara 11, Rowan of Toronto le visiting wits,, M.r, and Mrs, Quest DobeOu. Give your blood to save a fighting man's Wel iiantl sour name Mew 0 the Brussel€ lilted Dews Clink, cal News i, 8 ,.�..+wu.wma,.a•••W,.. r1C.,,.,,,1 �,s •-_....- xxumc:,u z ,zrsera,,n,i,nrn-.•„a. mo,,..,wrwae.,uu,w "vs+,mmn„�br -•..-,uvvna��,.•.•-•^..,e._mr,..�„�r .• ..�xwaa.•,er Library To Be Closed The Public Library will h, closed from August 17111 till S -pt -tui,er lest, while the librarian ee 011 V.910 1011. Mixed Jitney Bowling Tournament Results of the mixed hording jitney lteld TUc t(: evening teem 11:1 hollows:- 161, . Jos. Kelly; 21(13, Mrs, 3. C. Bt•,kee; 3rd, Miss 1. Lowry, NOTICE i All members and adherents of St, David's church, Hen(rytt are urged to attend servile at 3.30 ]i.11l, en Sum day August 15th as en important meeting will he held at the close of the service. Prime Minister Churchill Arrives In Canada ferltish Prime Minister 001111111111 (..:AKI) OF 1 wish to a kliuwl 1 the many ,: of hind se. and pe 'si0 to nl tyulpa(lty extended by 1:t••nde a^1 eteighlnee ruling urs ree. et. bereave. merl. ,hay al ' c a ,prre.iauad. Mrs. Join, 1• -.leg Anglican Sunday School Picnic the ata nal Suess beol and ('0ugl,bat:daal picnic• of ti:. John's chime) Wail held on the ,'rn' teeng farm on the river Miele al the 3111 • nn.. of Morris Twp., 'e Friday. August. Mit with ideal wt clime eon. dittoes and a fine tare, attendance. The location was ideal for the 'vent and tvery:l:. had 0 gan(1 ,dole. (1110c- 111atc and orange delete.; wars peovel eel. (tares were be111, and val'3cue rolaests. Th,. hays ]tut (1) sw'nuuiilg tae-. Supper wile served and tie re was ahundal.ce for everyone. arrived in Queleni City ni Tuesday, • ( -1 August 10th at3Jmp.lnie(I by Mrs. Churchill and there daughter, subaltern Mary Ch.1rceill A. T. S. Brieleh, American and Cauadtan military leaders are conferring. Tke British leader accompanied by hie military advisers, 1331,1 shortly start his sixth and p10511117 meet portrut- ous strategy eoeferenave with Pres- ident Roosevelt of the Culled States, MORRIS COUNCIL Meeiieg August b, 11)1a The eounell mei on the above date in the Township .ttatl with all the members preeee2. The Reeve presided, The minutes of the last meeting were read and adopted on motion e1 Wm. Spelt. and Harvey Johuslon, Moved by Chas. Cuultes seconded by Jas. Michie that we acuept the tender of Joseph and Ciareuce Looby of Dublin for handing 2 bridges subject to the approval of municipal engineer. -Carried. Moved lay Chez Coultas seconded lop las. Michie that the nteetiug adjourn to meet again en Sept. 13, 1943, at 1 p.m. The following aca0unts were paid: Geo, Aleoek, 4aaaiotlt Drain $245.25 Richard Alcook, p mLaont Drain .............;.,,,,.,. ,, , .,,,,,, 90,00 Advance -Times, a4✓ertisreg 4.15 Airs. Geo, Gross, relic/ 15.00 Fred Logan, aftercare and medical check-up 14.00 Dr. Crawford, Ai,0.z1. ....... ,,,, 20.0•] Cecil Wheeler, 13,0 H. ...,,.,, John Craig, 8.0.11. Geo. Martin, B.O.H. Richard Aicootc, .hussare Drain en .,. 120,00 Geo. Martin, Clerk 3.00 300 3.00 GREY COUNCIL August 7, 1043 Municipal Liability Insurance was renewed with The General Accident Insurance CO. .Application was dada to the Un- employment insurance •Commission for certificates o[ Permancey as to the Township officers. Engineer Geo, A, McCubbin was instructed to have the termer assessment involving both Grey and ,Norris govern the work of repair at the Lamont Drain and a special assessment made against the Twp. Roads for change of location; from roadside. Engineer was instructed t0 survey the area of the MOKeh'ey Drain and report on Same as a muiticipal drain as per petition presorted, Engineer was instructed to extend the ldlsiop Drain or construct, a branch as' might be necessary to line between Lots 6 and 7, Con, 16. Clifford Rowland and Thomas Wil- son were appointed commissioners on the 14111 eon„ Drain, John Stevenson WAS given 804lay notice to commence work on the Close Drain and ':,rahanlSe Graham 90 -clay notion an the Chester Baker Drain If work Is want uuderway ill specified time weer e'111 be re -let and contl'acto1's clewed with any additional cost, The following accounts were paid: Roads, ,.., $ 474.69 Drains 108110 Sohool( ...,,e.,, ........... ..... 200.00 Nouraaace 103.80 ,Needs ........................•,,4.00 Sheep 38,00 Relief n ,.,..,. 29.29 Council adjonrnett to meat Sept. 4, at 1 p;i1i, J', ' St, Year, (".teak WEDDING Kieswetter - Chapman On ale occasi0: of the egret wedding anniversarg of bar parents. Miss Marie En1311ie Elizabeth Chap- man herein( 1153 bride of .lir. Joseph Peter Kieswetter. The Bride is a daughter of Mr- and Mrs, Haroid W. Chapman, 46 Strang,) street, Kitchen- er and the bridegroom a 800 of Mrs, Rose K3esweet•ee, Kitchener. Rev, A. G. Sac obi, pastor, performed the ceremony at St. lelarlee Lutheraa church at four o'clock, Mr. Fred ' Linke, organist, played the wedding nlllada. The bride, given in marriage by her lather, chose fm' tine °excision a doer -length gown of gardenia white bridal satin fettling into a eliglit train It was fashioned with a shirred bodice wi141 seif-covered buttons spa cod three the front, sweetheart neenarc and long puffed sleeves painted ova, the wrists, An embroidered veil was caught to a Mary, Queen eel Smits, headress of satin trimmed with aced pearls. Iter only ornament was a strand of pearls ,sed *he carr1113 a shower bouquet of Killarney roses. Miss Jean Chapman, slater of the bride, was meld of tumor. Site wore a floo•.length gown et new blue sheer crepe over tapeta. rut or lines similar to the bride':• but. with short sleeves. Her 101001al headdress of blue sheer au1 white net trl'nlnned with seaming heel fingertip veil. She carried a shower bouquet 0f Premier roses. Mise Madeline Krunter, cousin of the bride was bri,les.nraid. Shc, wore a sinner costume in pinlr, Butterfly roses formed her silotver bouquet, M. Earl Ca.velman officiated ss best man, Messrs. John 'Topham or Newbridge and Hartley Fischer of Brussels were ushers. A reception held at the shine of the bride's parents, was attended by 50 guests. For her going away costume, Mrs, Kieswetter selected a frock of printed sills jersey trimmed with plain soldier blue, and enttlehing accessories. - The couple left for a wedding trip to North Bay and other points. On their return they will reside at 33 St. George Street, Kitchener. .. w BRLJSSELS, ONTARIO Obituary Huron Comity Raises $66,750. For Depth Charges Charles Workman New Sales of 3V 1,' Savings rile 11 1F 1 Ce , • .r= t u e ,w l (n I hill ut I , u the the funeral of teen -r, li'orhma feel..place halt his ler leulne, Mil street, o11 Wednesday, August 4t11 Rev, M. 1', t)ldlts ,, ai tb. Joheti s Ame.lian church we, i.. 1, 0rimair wits not d( in 131'ossels metery, 1'1111 beaters were 11,3,,', I le. (',resift W S. Steel, I1. Il Aden, -'1. 1.. t. res t, 31. M•• a Her aid Ale -in. 111(11.1, ,,, The bt lutiinl flowers t, holed a pillow, w )le; 1111111115, rattily. Lloyd and .t,a+a; pelt} nultber, brother ani rieter, 31'. and Airs. Albert Baker a u', 100,11y, Mr, Clinton ii., 1 ., 1 month of ,July were appor (toned bj+ the Govto'nmeai for the p1ucliilec of 1.('plh Charges used in the d3strtie- I tion of enemy 1' II03te, .old rho i "Stamp Out the U -Boat' campaign 1 for this purpose was et•tried an inn- 21411 and ended Tiny 31et the ,lc ctl)1' allncut d w 11,11('11 Coull17 was til 13(1,)(1 ('gal.;0s at. $110 ('.11111." $0,030. The following An. the results obtained: Depth Charger, Amount. Gnderieh - 34 $3.000. 11 '1011. 3 „ 720, 7 G'10. 6 540. 4 e 360. A F 14 2711. 1 110. '1 75 $0,750. and Ails. Alvin Rutledge and family. t t)i n.=adl 85r. and Mrs. Glen G,ulr.er, Mr, and sear,„1.11, afnrth Isis. John Rutledge and Mr. and : \Vingha.nl :Mrs. Stanley Rutdetia, Mr. It d 11rs. 1, „a (eerie alt,( il., ace Mee, en, Wroxeter Smith, Walter Scott, Mrs, Raynaud 1 '1.urich and family, basket, 11. N. McTavish, 11. J. ,lieLaaohlin, E. Smith 7', L. 1'rest, 1I. B. Allen and I), A, Itsnn, The flowers Rees, marled by .8, (Jvington, Cl. Mark.. 11. (T'us'k Thu:;, Miller 13)13 Jack Clark Friends and relaiivice attending from a distance were Mrs. IP. Dumpily and Kenneth Workim:n, Leamington; Mr, and Mrs. Albert 13akar, Seaforth; M', *111(3 3frs, Ri, Kelly, Brucefteld, and ;firs, L. Work- man, Weston. - John King Dies At Ethel • Ou Thursday, August 5111, John I King passed peacefully away, he had been in failing health for the last five years but was able to be about. 3.311 last 0003)01% viten he took another slight stroke and bad been confined to his heel 1I11 death calve. 51'ith all the medical care and musing , nothing could be dote. The deceased was born in Markham in 1858, he farmed in Turnberry town- ship for eeveral years and in 18S5 he moved to the 9th can., of Grey where he fanned 4111 1919 when he sold his farm to tate late Roy Cum nighaul and moved to E4hel. in 1888 he was mart'll'd to Lucinda Lake who is left to mourn a faithful husband. He was a faithful member of the United church and although not able to attend the services for the last few years, he was always ready to help in any good cause and up pill death calve was always in- quiring how the ehuech was pro- gressing. He was t1'eo 01'3 and eaten. bee of the trustee board for years. He IS slurried by nue sister hire, Allen Hersey, A p1iva.Ce funeral wee held at his hone at a pan. and 2.30 pen. at the Patted church, the funeral rein( place Saturday afternoon. Intarment in Mount Pleasant cemetery, Pallbearers were Messrs. H. Fear, Geo. Dunbar. L. hlart, Geo. Addy, Wm. Patterson and Q. Dobson. Rev. 111'. Brenton preached em ap- propriate sermon, .St. John the 6th chapter and 08 verse, Lord to whom shall we go than hast the words of eternal life, A beautiful solo was rendered by Quest Dobson, "God Un d e's tands," Flower hearers were Ross and Percy Eire; Percy and Carol Willis; and Horace Bedwell, Friends from a 1lstanee Justns and Mrs. Lakeand Mrs. Eva Brown Hamilton; Ross and Mrs. King, Percy King, Mrs, CasiO', Mrs, R. S. Hamilton, Mrs, Leaver. Stewart and Mrs. McBurney, W'lngham; Wm. and Mrs. Willis and Carol, (Iowans - town, Perot' and Mrs. Willis; Horace and Mrs. Bedwe3l, Atwood; Mr. and Mrs, Davison, Honsall. e`sOCe[.Eit It The monthly Miesion Band meet- ing was hold during the afternoon of the annual Miasma Baud Both were held at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Valance Inglis, The mem• pars and leaders of Union Mission Band were invited to the pienic. A ball gorse was played. The Meeting was held as follows: "Tell me the stories of Jesus," was sung, Mrs. Luddinton follewsd this by prayer. The aulptare Wns lead by Clayton 1ate,itsn. A poen entitled "Beauty" was read by Verna Car- michael, Mrs. ]Hann clisenssod the business. The , leader of 'Union Maslen Band, 'Mary ltlacJni.csb, gave A splendid story centrad On "Honesty" is the beet policy" and it WAS ,enjoyed by 1311. Telae offering was taken and the offertory prayer read, Hymn 34 was sung. The tweeting closed with prau0:' by Margaret Inglis. The trigger girls then served lunch and the remainder et the 14fterst00n was 1331'1at elee'ittg ,),"antes A special tltarrlrlt le given to the members and leaner, of,Union M. Band gar coming 1r, thn picnie and also to Mr, and Mrs. V Inglis Who 1ea±ted their grotrs)ts for the (teens. ion, How sweet to sleep where all is p0505 Where sorrows cannot reach the breast Where all life's idle tlrobbltgs MAO And pain Is billed to rest, unr, Mr. •and MPs. Dave Bruce and Mq'. sod Mrs. &ell Plaice of llibbert; Mr, and Mrs. Lawrence Fulton of 9ltrstford; M", and Mrs Charters of Spa6orth, Mrs. (Mlles of Niagara Falls and Mrs. rlhesi.ey of Winnipeg were Sunday visitors with Mr, and Mrs. Win, Cardia. 8111 olio. of C4l1e7, Mrs. Gi11se of Nissan Falls, Is Visiting with there ter two weeks, Mrs, Adam 'St.elss of Edrans, Men., aid ger (laughter Mlse Vida of Stratford are visiting at tete haute of Jolin Stels.s, 9th 0011., (,i1'ey'. Give your Vinod to save a fighting man's Eifel Hatt your natno now to the ;;i'usecis Mood nonete (:lihis. Brussels Council Meeting Brussels, Atigu•'t 3rd 1,14:3' t 'The regular monthly, meeting of 31 910a Brussels Municipal Connell woes- !held as1held in the Public Library on the 1 above date. 11'. Willis being absent. The minutes of the last meeting being read it was moved. by F. Semis, seconded by R. B. Couslifs that the minutes he ((1017ted. -Carried. ' The following bills were presentees: Geo. Evans, July salary 75.00 G. McDowell, July salary 50.00 R. S. Warwick, July salary .-35.00 County Clerk, Rospitaii*ation 38.50 0, T, Davidson, Firemen's Insnrali0e 20,40 R, W. Kennedy, Printing 8.30 Brussels Hydro, street ligihts 09.00 Hall 1igits . 1,60 Wilton & G411espie, IS4oc. material 12.05 Relief for Jetty ... 18.00' Mobed by W. Cameron, seconded by F. Semis that the accounts be paid. -Carried. There being 110 further business the meeting adjouraed. Official Ration Coupon Dales Isere are the da'Ss on whiC' ration coupons be.•ent:, due: Butter coupons 3(•. 21, 22 and 23 are good, They expire August 31. Coupons 24 and 26 are due August 19. Sugar, tea and coffee ooagose 2 to 12 are ,'.,lid. They are good until {teetered invalid by the Ration Ad- ministration. (i:nlning ongar 11017ens marked. June, Jnly , August and September are valid now. They expire Septem- ber 30. Moat (brown Sps,e. A") 003131)00 marked 8, 9, 10 all 11 11 are valid, Cc aeons 12 are due -August 12, They will expire August 31. Red Cross Notes The following is take, from a letter recently received from lied Cross headquarters: This now order fnt' knitting quota, which eve enclose, 1)0osiste entirely of artioles for Prisoners -of -War Capture Parcels. Ali this -le the first parcel given each boy when reported captured -and as our own boys are now front-line fikhters---you can suit see that these comforts ars urgently c'eeded as quickly as possible. We know the difficulties involved in quotas in the summer but we must not fail our Armed Forrest So, please, accept these quotas, large though they may appear to be, and melte them as quickly as you oat. Please let us know as most as 'You can possibly accept a further quota. as these art. -toles are all needed in very large numbers Per Capture Par- cels, and for the Seoond Flout as . well as for use in 3Ing1.and, Canada., and Newfoundland. Our quota consists of 00 ribbed helmets 00 prs, service cooks. How To Be Youo'' Own - Robinson Ci uscoe An esclting, dotubl'e page artieie illustrated to IrUj-,i, COLOR . . 311 The American Weekly with this Sunday's (August 15) issue of The Detroit Sunday Tlriies, tolls a'boat the Ranger "Jungle" School tit • I.lonolulu, where American troops - are taught how to make a picnic out of a shipwreck. - Ost The Datrai#' Sunday' .Times this weak ansl every week. Give your stood to save a fighting man's ilfet Hand your name now to. ti"hvoetnly, ldlrfttdst 6