HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-4-7, Page 8SUNWO They Are Ready For Showing Many Right Up To -Date Patterns To Choose From If you have papering to do, whether it is one of the better papers, or just one of the cheaper ones, that is in mind, it will pay you to see our stock, as the patterns, colorings and prices are right, and will stand close comparison. Fresh Wall Paper brightens up the home, and gives a new outlook to surroundings. Nothing in the way of repairs, for the out- lay will give better returns. F. R, SMITH Sint* DRUGGIST and STATIONER TELEPHONE NO. 62 ' --. TELEPHONE IVO. 62 F. F. Homuth Optometrist Coming to Brussels, Thursday, April 8th Make an appointment now and arrange to have your Eyes Properly Cared for on the above date. Newest Equipment Newest Methods Newest Type Mountings '! SATISFACTORY RESULTS Frederick F. Homuth Optometrist Harriseon Phone 118 Brussels 26x Phone 6 G d F3,P ■ Ali Kinds of ying SOLD IN BRUSSELS AT ker Butcher Shop Brussels 1 tirerwcasammoranwingenonsmone Finest Quality Lowest Prices THE FINEST .EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD. No hit and miss methods here. Your eyes ire lherosgfly examined by Mr. Reid and you are told the truth abet than. Twenty-five year's experience in optometry alone is your guarantee of satisfaction,, R. A. REID,' R. 0. .EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Brum& Office in Miss Histgstoia's Stere. Mom IGl EVERY WEDNESDAY AFI'F1tNOON FROM 2:00 to 440 P.b1 You Roll There BefterWith FINE CUT CIGARE7`T`ETOBACCO TENDERSWANTED D Tenders will be rece1vc.l for supplying, crushing and del:vst•ing 7000 yards of gravel for the Town- ship of Morris. Gravel to be .rush• ed 94 -inch size. Marked cheque for $200.00 must accompany each tender. Tenders must be .in by 2:30 p.m., April 12, 1943. Geo. Martin, Clerk, TENDERS WANTED Tenders will be received by the County oi' Huron to supply 125 tons of Stoker Coal and 25 tons of Stove Coal for the County Home at Clinton, Au analysis of coal must accompany each tender. Lowest or any tender not neces- sarily accepted, Tenders to be in the bands of the County Clerk not later than noon, Saturday, April 17th, 1943. N. W. Miller, County Clerk Auction Sale Farm ',Stdck and Implements WILLIAM J. SMALLDON Lot 15, Con, 10, Grey Township on THURSDAY, APRIL 15th Sale Commences 1 P.M. HORSES— Matched Team 6 years old CATTLE - 1 Cow due to calf, time of sate 3 Heifers, 1 year old 1 Calf, 4 months old IMPLEMENTS - 1 Deering Binder, 7 ft. 1 Deering Mower, 6 ft. 1 International Hay Loader 1 Cultivator 1 Wheel Barrow 1 Seed Drill 12 Hose 1 Dump Rake 12 -ft. 1 Good High Wagon 1 Good Low Wagon 1 Hay Rack 1 Cutting Box 1 Pulper 4 -Section Drag Harrows • 3 -Section Drag Harrows 1 Twin •Plough 1 Walking Plough 1 Riding Plough, Good as new 1 Set of Sleighs 1 Massey -Harris Gasoline Engine (3 H.P.) 1 Set of Scales 1 Set of Team Harness 3 Horse Collars 1 Large Copper Kettle 4 Good Oak Barrels Quantity of2x4and 2x5 and 2 x 6, Hemlock GRAIN— Quantity of Oats Quantity of Buckwheat MISCELLAN EOUS 1 Kitchen Range 1 Heating Stove 1 Churn TERMS --CASH WILLIAM J. WALLOON, Prop. HAROLD JACKSON—Auctiloneer THE BRUSSELS POST Auction Sale of Farm Stock and Implements at the Residence of Philip Ament, Brussels, on THURSDAY, APRIL 22 • Sale commences at 1 o'clock sharp IMPLEMENTS 5 Walking 'Plows 2 Cockshutt Gang Plows 1 New Deere Gang Plow, high lift with 3 extra steel points and steel 3 -horse evener, in ..A-1 ..condition, equal to tractor plow 1 steel harrow cart 3 sets iron harrows, 4 -sections 1 Disc Harrow, In throw 1 Disc Harrow, out throw 1 steel Land Roller 1 Cultivator, stifftooth, with varying widths of cutting points 1 Manure Spreader 1 Binder 7 -ft. cut with fore carriage, extra knife and canvas 1 Dump Rake 1 Cutter 1 Fanning Mill with good. sieves 1 Heavy Team Wagon, good as new 1 Heavy Low -wheeled truck wagon 1 Cider Press, good as new 1 Seed Grain Treater, perfect 3 flat-bottomed Racks 150 feet 11/4 -inch Rope 3 flat-bottomed Racks for sleighs 1 Basket -rack 18 -ft, long 2 Lever Post -hole Diggers 1 Post hole Spoon 1 Gravel Box 1 Bath Tub 1 Stone -Boat with iron front 1 Heavy set Team Harness 1 Race Horse Equipment, boots 2 Wagon Jacks 1 Grind Stone Hand -power Horse Clippers and extra cutters 1 Churn • Single Harness Horse Collars 150 feet 11/4 -inch Rope 1 Scuffler 5 Wheel -barrows Chicken Crates 2 Earthen Jugs, large 2 tin 011 Tanks, 40 -gallon 50 feet of 7 -inch Stove Pipes 1 Bench, 7 -feet long 1 Grain Scoop Crowbars Neck Yokes, Doubletrees and Whiffletrees 1 Hay Car, rope, 90 -ft. *,Ip rope, 2 pulleys (used 1 season) 2 Hay Forks 4 Pitch Forks 2 Barley Forks 1 Brush Axe 1 pair of Pruning Clippers 1 long -handled Shovel 3 Scoop Shovels 1 Hay Knife 1 Manure Fork, heavy prongs 4 Tile Spades 1 Pea -harvester outfit MISCELLANEOUS 1 single Bed and Spring 2 Upholstered Chairs 1 Davenport, leather cover Leather and rubber Belting of ..var- ious widths and lengths and a host of other astieles too numer- ous to mention. TERMS—CASH PHILIP AMENT—Proprietor HAROLD JACKSON—Auctioneer ETHEL The following new hooks, front the Huron County Library Association have reccently been added to the Ethel public library; GLASSED BOOKS—Carr, The Book of ,Small.; Chase, Past Imperfect; Guedella., Mr. Churchill; Kozlenko, LIMMISISIN ere ae.arra inmems5raratricommernentswee BRING OR SEN. ,`" EAM T BRUSSELS CREAMERY 'OUR The Home of the Better Used Cars 1941 Dodge De Luxe Sedan 1940 Ford DeLuxe Coach 1938 Ford Coach 1931 Chev. Coach Massey -Harris 6 -foot Mower Massey -Harris Manure Spreader If in need of a car BUY NOW. , rommrsommgmeso G. E. NURSE RSE At The Cities Service Gas Station BR1USSELS ONTARIO �7 El:NE'1D-1Y, ,'d'lUL 71.1.1, 1043 Ottawa—Rt, lion. Anthony Eden 'British Secretary 0f State for Foreign Aftui'rs, is shown chat ling with Prince Minister W, L. Mac- I kenzie King a few moments after his arrival in Ottawa. Mr. Eden clew from the Lolled States in the same huge bonioer which carriel 111m across the ocean. He addressed A jpint session of the Canadian Scnate and the house of Commons during his brie2 stay. 100 non royalty, (one -act plays); 1Macliurray, And heal hint when he sneezes; Maurois, Tragedy in France; Morton, A doctor's holiday in Fran; Nutt, How to develop a good memory; VanPaasseu, That day alone. FICTION—Brand, Riders of the Plains; Bromfield, until the day break; Christie, N or M?; Cronin, The Keys .of the Kingdon; Eisen- berg, There's one in every family; Gallico, The secret front; Goudge, The middle window; Gregory, Dark Valley; Hauck, Whipporwill house; King, 'Murder masks Miami; Knight, This above a11; Loring, Lighted win- dows; Nacardle, The uninvited; Maelinnes, Assignment in Brittany; Norris, Lost Sunrise; Norris, You can't have everything; Raine The Yukon trail; Roberts, One small candle; Safford, Tristram Bent; Seton, (The V plan; Shute, Ordeal. ' CHILDREN'S BOOKS — Anderson lraiiry Tales; Bible, The great story; Burnett, The shoemaker's son; Crawford, Walking on Gold; Gran. nan, Just Mary Stories; Kane The tale of the bullfrog; Maizlish, Won- derful wings; Parker, Reptiles; Petersham, The story book of Air- craft; Potter, The tale of Peter Rabbit; Salten, Bambis' children,, Sondergaard, My first 6eograjliy of the America.; Turpin, Zlcklo's puppy dog; Worthington, Sally and her homemaking, Dr. and Miss, C. R. Richmond and Master Dick went to Torjnto on. Monday, Mrs. Richmond going on to visit hes' parents in Kirigston, Mrs, Maurice Hewitt visited 005 day last week in London with her. daughter Mary. A play entitled "Eyes of Love," will bo presented in the township hall, Ethel on Monday night, April 12, by the young people of Atwood United Church, under the auspices of Ethel United W,M.S. A two -Hour play, the curtain rises at 8,30. Western Ontario's Most Modern EYE SERVICE F. F. HOMUTH, PHM.B., R.O,. Eyesight Specialist Thursday each month) ) (Brussels Phone 26X 2nd Phone 118 Harristous Look At Your Label — 300 yards of English Dimity in New Spring Stripes and Checks, guaranteed fast colors 59c a yard. Women's and Misses Print Dresses, Sizes 14 to 44, $1.49 Men's Penman's No. 71 Shirts and Drawers Just The Right Weight For This Time Of The Year $1.25 a garment. Men's Penman's Ne. 71 Combinations, $2.25 a .suit Large Assortment of Men's Work Pants $1.98 to $2.98 Men are your Knee Boots in shape for the spring thaw our stock is getting low, come in now and get a pair to fit, sizes 6 to 11, $2.25 per pair. • A goon Assortment of Men's Wor) i� ,rl !q 6, Shirts $1.00 to $1.49. Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10.00 worth of these we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. mustememseesemonmemomonesseememmoostostommoormaaseme THE ARCADE STORE mum unimm Phone 61 * Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family