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The Brussels Post, 1943-4-7, Page 7
ft our C soave T rrla``g o di THE BRUSSELS POST NOW that you have your 1943.1944 gasoline ration book, it is up to you to keep it at all times in a safe place. If it is lost, burned, or stolen, you will be deprived of coupons which will not be replaced. In this regard, the policy of the 011 Controller is as follows: • If, through negligence, you lose your gasoline ration book before October 1, 1943, you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than half the coupons to which you would be entitled If you were making an original application. • If, through negligence, you lose your ration book on or after October 1, 1943, you may be allowed no more, and perhaps less, than 25 per cent of the coupons to which you would be entitled if you were making an original application. The new gasoline rationing system, effective on April 1, will be strictly enforced. Under its provisions, the motorist, as well as the service station attendant, is held responsible if any infrac- tions occur. It is contrary to the orders of the 011 Controller: {.0 To purchase gasoline with 1942-1943 coupons: Aft To purchase gasoline unless you have the correct category TO sticker affixed to your windshield. © To have in your possession a gasoline to To detach coupons from your own is the duty of the attendant.) and forming a part of, a gasoline To have in your possession a gaso ® issued in respect of a vehicle you own, by you with the full consent of the book or coupon: book. (The removal of the coupons ration coupon not attached to, talion book. line ration book other than the book To alter, deface, obliterate, or mutilate or in respect of a vehicle driven real owner. ra any gasoline ration NO lei.... If you sell your motor vehicle, remember that before making delivery you must remove the windshield sticker or stickers. Remember also that after the sale is completed, you must mail to the nearest Regional 011 Control Office in your province the gasoline ration book or books issued for the vehicle. THE DEPARTMENT OF MUNITIONS AND SUPPLY' Honourable C: D. HOWE, Minister sift . CANADA IS SHORT OF GASOLINE • USE YOUR COUPONS SPARINGLY HONOR ROLL NI Those marked with a are o /enema. "" the Army— Alcock, "Buster" Alcock, Erie *Alcock, Thos, J. *Alderson, J. W. Bell, W. H. 'Bid' Bell, E. D. Bennett, 12. Rosa *Bendall, Charles H. *Bendall, T. A. Bewley, Waiter Birt, Leonard Bryans, Harvey Brothers, Lyle Bray, E. 0. Brewer, X. *Bowler, Harry Burchell, Fred *Cassidy, Frank *Cardiff, Clifford *Cardiff, Wm, Campbell, 'Bobs' *Campbell, John Coleman, Ken. *Coleman, Bill *Crawford, A. *Davidson, Cleve *Doll, Charles Dolil, 0. *Elliott, W. R. I1ltltott, George 0. Elliott, 0. S. Elliott, Dick Evans, Lyle A. *Farquharson, W. A, • Farrow, Jack ' Fischer, Howard *Fox, Russel • Fuller J. S. *Garniss, H. M. Garton, Ed, *Gillis, M. *Glassier, Stuart,, . Gordon, Jack • *dowing,' C. B, Granite; Stanley` F'- , *ITali,' T: Deb. ` *Hall, W. It. *Hall, Gordon 12aanlitoaty R. 0. I*amrilton, Allan O. !*Harman, J. K. Harman, G. *Huallaga, Dave. Holland, Gordo Hood, 1 Heed, S. *Hunter, Glen A. *Hulley, G. R. Humphries, Stewart *Lamont, L. *Lowrie, N. Ca. *Lowe, S. Looking, 'Wena Lowry, Jack MOM, Eiden, *McCauley, L. E. McCreath, Ted. McCutcheon, Frank *McDowell, M. 11. *McFarlane, T. N. *McFarlane, P, Walter McKay, Archie *McLaughlin, K. McLean, .Arthur Mitohell, Jaok *Myers, C. -k. (Dr.) Nichol, Wilfred *Nichol, G. I. Nichol, R. Gordon Nichol, Mac Nichol, Lloyd *Palmer, Jim *Palmer, Wm. *Pierce, Roy , Ritchie, Kenneth *Ritchie, Kenneth *Riley, Cliff. Ross Machan *Rooney, Leonard *Rutledge, Frank Rutledge, Ned *Sanderson, J. L. Saleanan, E. Scott' McLean *Smith, David Bruce Smith, Jas. E. Stephenson, Mac (Dick) Thompson, A. *Thompson, Mel, Thomas, H. Thompson, David Travis, A, Tunny, Chas. *Whittard, Roes F. *Whittard, Earl Wheeler, Glenn *Wilson, S. W. Workman, Lloyd Young, Eimer *Young, Norman R. Young, Ernest In the H. C. 13. Black, Bert Black, Douglas Bryan, Russell Bryans, Stuart *Black, Don A. Campbell, Stanley I, Cardiff, Clark('' *Cardiff;' Prank a. Davidson, Stott Galbraith, Bowman *Galbraith, J G. Gibson, '13arvey *Harrison, L. W. *Henderson, Archie. *Iluether, H. 1.. Meehan, Willie Manta, Donate *MAW, Allen C. Mitchell, F'nai *Murray, K. M. *Parker, IT. S. *Prost, T. A, Sterne, Stewart Prost, W, M, *Prest, R, H. *Rowland; W. 10, • Russel, Lewfe *I utledge, Jaok pluttedge, 1:fat'tltt —ted Scott, Frah+k Sellers, Elmer W. Snell, 'Verne *Spear, John Spear, Kenneth Stretton, Herb. Thompson, Norman Ward, Gordon T. Ward, Leonard Ward, Wray Wilson, Ruseeil Woodrow, Alec Young, Archie In the Navy ,— *Chapman, Joe :'Doll, Donald M. Elgin Smith Prest, Jim Mustard, Stanley Stiles, Buster *Workman, J. G. C. (Canadian Women's Army Corps; Mitchell, Betty Sanderson, Merle Rejected— Fischer, 'Wm. Gillis, 0. Harrison, Marshall Hawkins, Herb. Jamieson, Jack McDonald, Harald McDowell, Jack Pearson, Ralph Plum, Carl Plum, Ernie Pennington, J. Pollard, Geo. Stewart, Clarence NOTE—The following are really Brussels boys who had not resided Isere. some time previmis to enlist• rent:— Ballantyne, Archie Baeker, George Garniss, O. G. *Jermyn, J. It, *McIntyre, Bert *Parish, Jim Parish, Earl United Staves A.A.C. Enkmder, Wm. D. Best, Gordon ETHEL HONOR 1101..i: Alexander, Stanley Ames, Bryan Bateman, Cecil Beer, •Ohas. Cole, Fred .- Brown, D. S. Cunningham, t atvrenee Dunbar, Jack Hamilton, Allan 0. Malt, Norman Henry, Stuart Hewitt, Wilfred Hewitt, Frank Jardine, Lorne Jones, A, P. Kehler, Halbert Kreuter, Calvin' Michel, Willard . Mllla, Jaok Patterson, John Patterson, MINA Anne (Nu'lee) petdite; 'Everett WEDNESDAY, APRIL 7W1., It we all cut Our telephone talks by just one Minute ...it would fl save 110,000 hours far WAR COS e�y day NERE'SWHATTO DO You can take your fat drip pings, scrap fat and bones to your meat ,dealer. Ido will ppay you the epa ab aadp the for t tat dn11 you wish,, ycu scrap n this money over to can sur Salvage your local Voluntary edLoaal Coronaeoor3e3 War Charity, oz -- You can donate your fat drip• d bones to a your local Vfat unto Salvage Comimittee it they.,' a -- You your if: ntinue'to plant out 3 You can as and ones for' cob. your Fats oSheet Clean' leotio spa Y nuae em Join netfect. a Fuel ePw tt,Alt1j ulIIIib HIt10«u WMR Stt atli Roby, Mervin Sapwell, E, Speiran, Elsdon Sleighthonn, J. A. Walton Honor Roll In the Army Coutts, W. J. Sennett, Ross Ennis, Wm. Cosby Humphries, Stewart Marshall, Barry In the R.C.A.F, Marshall, Frank In the Navy Coutts, Earl Gas For Tourists The Ontairio Legislature's fish and game committee passed a resolution asking federal .authorities for a "snore equite.ble supply" of g isoline for the Duped States tourists com- ing to Canada., The resolution, which suggested that the present tourist al- lowance of 12 gallons of gasoline, be increased to 5 gallons, followed es- snrance from Premier Gordon Con- ant that he woulddo all in itis pow.. er to obtain a larger ration so the Ontario tourist trade would not be o'bl'iterated this summer, The tourist trade depended in the final analysis an the gasoline aitu*tion, said the Premier, who also heads the Depart- ment of Game and Fisheries. Convention Comes To Huron The Association of Manager's of Hones for the Aged and Infirm has accepted the invitation of Huron Count yto hold this year's conven- tion in Goderich. The convention, which will bring from 100 10 150 delegates to Goderich, will be held at Hotel Sunset on June 23, 24 and 25. :. Warden B. W. Tuckey, County Clerk, Normian Miller, Reeve W. J. Baker and Mrs. ,Tecobs, Matron of Huron'County Home, attended a meeting of the e:tectitive of the Aesooiation in Iiitohener on Tues- day, to extend the invitation and to Drees the china of Huron County, in which they were snceesetui. An invitation to hold the conven- tion. in Goderich was Brat extended at last year's meeting of the associsr thin, Ontario Extends Stibsidles On Cheese and Hogs For Year Hon, P. M, Dewan, agricultttro militate'', last week introduced into the Ontario Legislature a bill Pro- viding for extension or a one•year period of the Oheeee and Hog Sub. slily Act, 1941, Mr, Aesinna alm+i in- trtlditeed a bill Which would Provide War calls must cane first P 6 6 which means that we should reduce our non- essential use of the telephone to the minimum. Present facilities cannot be increased; your co- operation is needed if war calls are to go through promptly. €Please remember that the wasteful use of telephone ttime can hold up war business — and that every second you save counts. Se2occe a ' C(4 s &a/olds for the payment of a subsidy of 55 the distribution. Approximately tents a ton on sugar beets grown 10 tons of spray material will be. under contr'a'ct for a processor. The distributed to Huron Erupt growers. subsidywas announced some weeks ago and with a change in the excise payment set-up, the farmer will be allowed $10 a ton for sugar beets testing 14 per cent, In eonuection with lsceese and hog subsidies, the Government has been paying two cents a pound on cheese and $1 a hundredweight for grade No. 5 bogs and 50 cents for grade No. 71-1.. Huron Fruit Growers Elect CI JIQ'PJON, April 2—Officers of the Huron Fruit Growers Associa- tion for 1943 as presented it: the striking committees report, sub- mitted by Mas. D. A. Smith .and adopted by the members, are: Honorary presidents, George Leith- wsite, Goderich; Mrs. D. A. Smith, 1. R. Sterling, Bayfield; R. J. Mc- Lauchlan, Brussels; president, ;i W. Font, •Lucluiow; vice-president, Stewart G. Middleton Clinton; secretary -treasurer, J. G. Shearer, Clinton; directors, D. J. Lasealine, Bentson, Sowerby, Clayton Laith- watte, Goderich; Thomas Salkeld, Lucknow; George Johnston, Bay- field; Fred Middleton, Clinton, The election took place at the morning session in the agricultural board room, with J. VF, Joynt in the chair. The report of the seers tary-treasurer, J. C. Shearer, was 1 adopted. New business Included the appointment of J, R. Sterling and Clayton Laithwaite a commit- tee to .assist the Bayfield Agricul- tural Society to revise the fruit section of their show. The meeting adjourned for noon- day luncheon served by the Ladies' Guild of Sit. Paul's -church in the Parish hall. The luncheon guest speaker was H. D. Anderson of the Wartime Prices and Trade 13oard, Stratford. Other guests were Prof. J. E. Howitt, 04:0., Guelph; R. W. Thompson, Stanley Graze and Gor- don Blair, J. R. Sterling was song leader and Mrs. W. A, McGuire pianist. Returning to the agricultural room for the afternoon session, the following addresses were given: ",Spray Suggestions for Control of Fruit Diseases"; R. W. Thompson, "Mice and Rabbit Destruction Con - troll"; Gordon, Blair, "Eat Apples for Health"; Mrs. D. A. Sanitlt, re- port of Ontario Fruit Growers As• sociation meeting, Toronto. It was decided to distribute the 1943 spray material •on Monday and 'Tuesday, April 10 and 20, front George F. Elliott's garage. Mr. Blair will be Present and supervise Make Out Your Canning Sugar Applications Now Western Ontario Local Ratiarc Boards having fully recovered from the rush of issuing over a million Number Two Ration Books, are now prepared to care for applications for sugar needed for canning, states E. J, Farley, London, Regional Super- intendent uperintendent of Ration Offices, There applications should be filed with Local Ration Boards and not the regular Wartime Prices and Trade Board dikes, While reports from a few of the 57 Ration Boards in Western On- tario indicate a number of house- wives have already filled out their sugar application forme, and have attached thereto. the application cards at other members of the family, the great majority hav3 yet to be filed, says Mr. Farley. The deadline for filing canning' sugar applications is April 15. They should be mailed to the nearest Focal Ration Board 'It is not fair to neglect filling. out these applications until the last minute," states Mr. Farley. "Local Ration Boards should not be swamp- ed with sugar applications Just be- fore April 15th" "It is important to remember that the houeewife making application should attach the application forms from the ration books of other per- sons she will be feeding in her household Do not write anything but the serial number of the owners on these other forms These numbers should be copied from the front of their ration beaks," Mr Farley stated. GET YOUR PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERLESS THERMIQUE End Curls $1.25 and $1.75 and $2.25 InctudIng Shampoo Permanent $2.00, $2.50 and $5.00 Including finger wave- and shampoo Scalp treatments with steamer verb beneficial for dandruff. dry hair, oily, hair and etc. 6 Treatments Including Shampoo, and Finger Wave $6.00: Telephone 65x toir an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RESTAUSANT AN1MAL•s• DISABLED Quickly removed 1n 'deitaliiiry an ks., P1,.. ccHoos, 72 aitusaito William Stogy Sons Limiteding: rix,..