HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-3-24, Page 6THE BRUSSELS post Wednesday, March 24th, 184;1 sda - - , � ,,,,-,�,,,,�,,.,,...,., - --•- "'"^'��'�"' 1JEM1 g'r'ass must eo In earl/ as licit growth is made when the weather• is still cool and wet, Alter digging, tate ground should be allowed to settle or few days at least, and then levelled ahem, It is advleable to repeat this Process several tinges, The top soil should then bo raked fine and on a flay without wind the grass sown at a liberal nate, once across and once lengthwise, Thtb double sowing insures an even dietribntion. For perrnaneut lawns of deep green color end line texture, high quality Geed from a reputable Celled:be seed house is vital, LANA` A NEtog 40 , ml 4;04 00U$O a fiffOraleciriff 2r 0"'.wvSG AND (HELP 5MMMH THE 3i4f65 ! The next time you are frying or roasting something, just imagine the satisfaction it would give you to pour that hot fat right down the back of Adolph, Tojo or Benito. . You can even do better than that. Tate make glycerine, and glycerine makes high explosives to sink their submarines, destroy their aeroplanesglande tor war Bones produce fat, also industry. ' Every spoonful of dripping, every • ounce of scrap fat, and every bone, cooked, uncooked or dry, must be saved. Strain all drippings through an ordinary strainer into a clean wide•mouthed can. When you have collected a pound or. ._ / more of fat ilriwho faits it toyour the �� ® meat dealer who will pat y /?'�lti\'— establfehed price for the drippping and \ the eerap fat. Or you can dispose o! '� \\ them through any MnnlciPal os Salvage Committee collection sys• tem IN EFFECT in your com- munity. You can be a munition snakes right yourteasy wownay, tkee working So— every day, this for Victory by saving every drop of fat dripping, every piece of scrap fat, and every bone. This campaign is for the duration. ' z"s DEPARTMENT OF �L NATIONALSALVAGE�ISION WAR SERVICES NATION Creameries' Butter Enough For Rationing Stranding rumors of huge excess butter stocks in creameries as "ut- terly false," W. 1Iarold McPhillips. regional prices and supply repre, sentet[ve of the Wartime Prices and Trade Board explained that e, few thousands was a mere "drop in the bucket" when oue considered the rationed demands of 1,000,000 Western Ontario residents. Every time a ration coupon cones due the creameries must be prepared to supply let least 500,000 pintas of batter. Not only that, but butter must be shipped from. this Region to areas in short supP1Y. How Bumper Crop extra cost is small for the quantity GARDEN NOTES needed for planting, compared with !Potatoes Obtained the increased yields and better gnat Food is lust as demportant as ideal seed potatoes may be defined ity which may be expected eton the bullets in this war, and for that ns potatoes that are 01 good tYpe use of good seed and the crop insur- reason gardening may almost be seduced , classed as an essential- industry and pure to variety, p' ante it affords. this year. Seeds are not going from healthy, vigorous, heavy yield • When changing seed change to ing plants grown under favourable something better, advisee Mr. Tuck to be plentiful because formerly climatic conditions, harvested souse. er. Plaut only cretified seed %dentin- Cent da on depended foo a large anti what immature, reasonably ,ttliforri ed as such by the official tag No in size and shape, firm and sound, other potatoes should be adapted these, of course, are cut off. Prin- and with the first sprouts beginning as seed. All seed and feed storee cipal sources now are from those to develop at planting time. Seed of can obtain supplies of certified seed, limited sections of Oana.dti where this character, says Mr. Joh'a Tucker �{{ Lists of carrot growers and d 'tilers garden seeds are grown and from Manager, Seed Potato Section, Spec- I are supplied on request by the Plant . the United States. In both areas the sal Products Board, is now obtain- protection Division, Dominion De- weather was very unfavorable last able in quantity from growers who partment of Agricuture, Ottawa. � season due to the fact that there have specialized in the production o d f f Greatest Need Now To Use Good Seed •Shortage of labor is now oue of the great problems facing farmers, consequently it is necessary to cut down the amount of work involved in producing satisfactory crops. Under the circumstances there is grave danger of weeds increasing to such an extent that they may be- -come a more serious problems on fs0.tlTated land than ever before. The production of all crops is large- ly a battle with weeds. As weeds compete wiltcrops for water, light and the mineral nutriments found in the soil, the argument that a few more weeds cannot make any differ- ence to the resulting crop shows a lack of knowledge of the coo- petition whichthe crops have to meet in weed infested fields. was too lunch rain at, harvest time. Canadian seedstnen ho.vet er certified seed. Ontario Liquor permits ibees able to secure supplies in every province provision has To Cost Only $1.00 have have been made for the inspection ane rertiiloation of potatoes which will qualify to the rigid requirements of good seed. The service is provided tree of charge to seed growers to em courage seed production sufficient for prospective demands. It is 10- I ario will cost only $1.00 eomrared {' early and to avoid waste, tended as an aid to table potato with the present charge of $2. One growers, to counter diseases which of the reasons for the reductoin in In vegetables esPeotally, beginners are carried over he the seed princip- the cost et the annual permits 1s are urged to follow planting rlirec• ally, and to stimulate production 00 the decision to withdraw the sale of tions carefully, and to sow as thinly good yields of high quality table the c permit. lie said that the tas i possible. It is also important potatoes at reasonable Cost, new permits also could be reed for i that the garden soil be well prepar- The importance of using good seed the purchase of beer and wine "tf, era, and at least a Portion o,', the cannot be over -emphasize!. The as and when" it became bevelsrs. garden Planted early. To get maxi- bemem results one should spread plantings over several weeks. This will assure more protection ,tainst early frost and will also give a large total yield of vegetables. ll ' with verystns Those gardeners areas of land at their desposai are also urged to concentrate on those mends a reasonable premium over was likely to be made in this amount vegetables lilts beans, carrots, beets, table potatoes but is worth it. The I with the coming of the new permits. spinach, etc which give the largest sufficient for normal neerle if these Hon. A. St. Clair Gordon, Ortarie are used carefullY. There will not Provincial Treasruer and Chairman be the wide range of varieties of the liquor Control Beoard, made ' usually obtainable, but in standard an announcement over the we ; lines, it is expected that there will be the new annual permits for the Aur- i enough to go around. Gardeners, chase of spirituous liquors in Out- 1 however,,,are advised to order seeds Mrs. Jennings proudly goes to school! practice of using what is left over to ration e wine at present are r'atiou- best a crop acid, disposing df the Bed as to the quantity purchasable best of it is decidedly not a good praetice. Maximum yields of high at any one time but no permits are quality potatoes are never obtained needed. Amount of spirituous liquor et holders at present n permit It of ed to et allow p is 150 ounces a month and Mr Gor- don did not indtoate any change from inferior seer!, nature rhes not work that way. 'Certified seed necessarily cotn- 1943 QUOTA If Canada is to reach the goal of its 1943 quota of bacon for the Brit- ish ritish ministry of food, more hogs will have to be diverted, from the home market and turned into the proper e ort trade. To place _...---s,.---- .,,, 4 New Tractors, Plows and Cultivators 5 Good Used Cars well tired 2 Good Used Trucks HORSES FOR SALE AT ALL TIMES 5 Sows add! 5 Litters of Pigs For Sale -e..L. and W. ..,.ems• Jackson tors Ltd. - Phone 161 L.1 '" t owe t, Ont. possible yields for the space accupied. Things like corn, v otatoes, squash, etc., take up far more room, and where space is limited it :1 ad- viaelble to purchase these front regular sources, and to grow the smaller things in the home garden. r e s Scientists have been giving us many improvements in vetegables. Their work has been carried out in two directions; first, the 1n. troductton of vegetables untiemi11ar to most Canadians and, secon• and pnohalbly more important; vast 1m- provement in those varieties that lutve been grown in this conntr,y for years.. ' Cern is a good extumpie, At one time it was possible to get only one variety of 'Bantam. Cite were short and the season also, Now there are offerer! tbree or four different Bantam types, dome extra early,some regular season, some late.Cobs have been lengthened kernels made bigger, One,'aan Anf0Y the finest table corn for over a ninth in•etead of but a week t P two 0.0 in the Old dayse channels fog expel further restrictions on the slaughter of hogs for the home market, the Canadian bacon board, with the con- currence of the W,artinre Prices and Trade Board recently issued t. new order. A Rationing Comparison The order does not apply to farm- ers who slaughter hogs for use in Government food .authorities in their own households. Many opera- the United States said that the Proc- tors have been operating under pective ration allowance of two license from the bacon board. They I Pounds of moat a weep was about have been, and still are, restricted twice as mutat as the average avail - to frilling only 50 per cent. of their average weekly kill in 1940, for the home market. Many of those who slaughtered hogs. for sale during the past were not licensed by the bacon board but received a slaughtering permit from the Wartime' Prices board. Those who have been slaughtering only under the permit issued by the Wartime Prices board, will now be MRS. JENNINGS had been just managing to keep her family going. But things were look- ing brighter at last. Now with the children able to help with the housework, she had applied for the post of school teacher and had been accepted. But that meant she needed suitable clothes and clothes cost money. She took her problem to the manager of her bank. On the strength of her ability and character, he arranged a loan of $80. And so it was that she was able to take the position and greet her first class proudly. She paid off the loan after six months at a cost in interest of only $2.40. This is a true story. Only the name has been altered. It is typical of hundreds of human dramas in which the bank manager has been privileged to play a helping role. War's requirements hove Increased immensely the work of banks and bank staffs. At the same time more than one-thlrd of our experienced men have enlisted. Bank early. Pay small bilis by cash. It helps. limited by the bacon board to 75 Per cent. of their average weekly kill for the home market in 1941. all, These new rostrietions, first al apply to every person who slaugh- ters hogs for sale in the home market in what is known as "Old Ontario," Seeondly, they apply to those who slaughter hogs for sale to serve communities -of 5,000 peptile- tion or more in Quebec, the Marl - times and in the Prairie Provinces. Thirdly, they apply to the area known as greater Vancouver. These restrictions ere not enforc- ed in Northern Ontario, nor to any Part of ;British Columbia outelfe the greater Vancouver area. GET YOUR. PERMANENT ON THE NEW ZENITH HEATERIE88 THERMIQUE End curls $1.25 and 11.75 end $2.25 Including Shampoo Permanent 7112,00, $2.60 and $5,00 .Including Anger wave and shampoo Scalp treatments with steamer very beneficial for dandruff. dry hair, oily bait and etc, 6 Treatments Including Shampoo Mid i1leger Wave $5.00. Telephone 66x ror an Appointment IRENE PEASE OVER PROCTOR'S RES't'AURANI able to British conenumers. Both cottetries employ a point system in rationing meats. The combined al- lowance of buttes' and margarine is about the same in both countries -- approximately six ounces a week. However, the Aanegdcan allowance will include about four ounces of butter a week compared with two ounces for the British. The British rr r • .- ehoese ration is four ounces a week, while the American allowance will be bat 1.4 pounds for the three - mouth period of April through June. Subsidy For Cord Wood To meet the threat of a serious "wood -fuel famiue" which threetiteas to come to a head next winter, the Munitions Department announced last Thursday that a subsidy of $1 a cord will be paid to dealers on alt commercial fuel -wood contracted for and cut on or before June 30, 1948, and held to dealers' account on that date. MvertWmgRatesI Classified Ads - - 25c Ordered by Phone or Charged 35c Card of Thanks - Local Readers CorrRing Events In isi"Mem. riam - - 5Oc 50c 50e up 50c The Brussels Post I.50 per Year eereere