The Brussels Post, 1943-3-24, Page 1TH
Hockey Slants Concert and Dance
Largely Attended
Wednesday, March 24th, 1943
Brussels Town all
Saturday, Mar. 27 at 2 p.m.
An Instructive Film Containing Valuable Hints For The Care
And Repair Of Your Farm Equipment
Massey -Harris Dealer J. W. Fischer
,,,,.,._....�....»........� LETTERS RECEIVED
Now Is the Time
Here Is the Place Canadian Legion,
Now is the time to hove any Brussels Branch,
of the following work done In Brussels, One.
readiness for $Pring• Dear Secretary: -
Saws, Sclesors and Knives Recently I received a parcel from
Repaired and Sharpened you for which I am deeply grateful
and weal to express my appreciation
to bath the Canadian Legion and
the Red Gross for it I'm ,•nre the
parcels you send out get the same
warm reception from all the boys
Respectfully yours,
'Bill Rowland
Furniture Repaired
Including Upholstering
Carpenter Work Done.
Telephone 31, Brussels
Or Leave Your Order At
The Post Print Shop
"Thy word is a lamp unto my
feet and a light unto my path.?
Psalm 119.
Melville. Church
11 A. ,M. "Jesus And The
Dying Thief"
Second Word From The Cross
12:15 P.M. Sunday School
and Bible Class
7 P.M. "Two Kinds Of Bread"
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A.M. Morning Worship
"Simon Peter—The Rock"
Junior Congregation
12 Church,School a Bible Class
7 P.M. Evening Praise
"The Strengthening
Church of England
Parish of Brussels
Rector. -Rev. M. F. Oldham
Third Sundayin Lent Mar, 28
St. John's Church, Brussels-'
11 A.M. Sunday -School
7 P,M. Evsninp Prayer
and Sermon
Christ Before Caraphas
St. George's Church, Walton
10.15 A.M. Sunday -School
11 A.M. Morning Prayer
and Sermon
St. David's Cnurota, Henfryn
2.15 Sunday -School
3 P.M. Evening Prayer
and Sermon
&t. John's Brussels—
Wed., March 31st
8 P.M. Weekly :Lent .Service,
Set of Lantern Slides--
Diocese of Saskatoon,
'Engagement Announcement
12r. and Mrs, Thomas E1kcote
Moneeton, announce the engage-
ment of their daughter, Myrtle
Aileen to Mr. Leslie Eldon elei{ay,
son .of Mrs. William MoKnee, Grey
township and the Into Mr. McKay,
the marriage to take place in the
near future.
I Srnall 13oy (in .chemist's .shop):
"Please, I want some powder for my
• sister."
Chemist (jokingly): "Something
that goes off with It bang "
Small Boy: "No, something that
goes on with a Puff."
Locai News Items
Lucky Winner
Sgt. Herbert Strettan reel as a
wire dated ..larch 20th inf n•niing
him lie wee evinner of two blue
tickets for all Leafs play-off home
genies. He was first in the Armed
Forces Draw sponsored by the Sport
Service League. Sgt, Stratton and
his wife will attend the To..,nto-
Detroit game in Toronto on Thurs-
day night,
Spring Has Arrived
The cheery sound of the robins
and other feathered songsters with
bright sunshine officially ushered 1n
the spring on. Sunday,.Marclr 21st.
Ater the bitter raw days preceding
Sunday, the snnshiee and birds'
songs gave assurance that spring
was on the way and soon now the
dieuppearing snow will reveal the
early spring blooms, snowdrops,
crocuses and how welcome they
will be!
Seaforth, Ont.
Thursday, Friday & Saturday
March 25th, 26th, 27th
Two Features
2nd show starts 8.45
Jon Ameche Joan Bennett
—IN —
Confirm or Deny
Roddy McDowall John Soder
The Battle Cry of China: Every in.
credible thrill is true.
Blood Donors Wanted
The Brussels Red Cross wishes to
Prepare a list of those willing to
donate blood to the Red Cros, at
next clinic at W.inghan. It is not
feasible to have a clinic in Brussels
but we want to do our share.
Will those from Brussels and
these parts of Morris and Grey not
yet covered who are willing to do
this phone their names and addrees-
es to Mrs. R. ,S, Warwick, •number
19x, As yet only men are used.
When the clinic is arranged they
will be notified.
Amy further information will be
gladly given by Mrs. Warwiea or
Dr. Jaaeleson.
Monday, Tuesday & Wednesday
March 29th, 30th, 31st
2nd show starts at 9.15
C!Ilford Evans Constance Cummings
First Commando
A magnificent blending of thrills
and adventure, dramatic suspense,
laughter and tears. a
Next Thursday, day, & Saturday,.
Aprll 1st, 2nd, 3rd
2nd show starts at 0,15
The Forest Rangers
The screens big technlcoiortriutnPhl
Great as the outdoors!
Invisible Agent
First show starts at 7;80
each evening.
Matinee each Saturday at 3 P.M.
To Arrive Shortly Car of
nv Shorts,
East Linton Produce Emporium
Phone' bb
Church Services
,Last Sunday
"The Disciple Whom Jesus Loved"
was the subject in the morning at
the 17m,lted Church. Miss Jean
SpeU'antook the solo part .in the
Anthem. In the evening the M•in-
ister'e subject was "Obedience and
Knowledge" John Ruskin once said,
We all know to do more thou we do,
and until we have done all are know
to do no further revelation is
possible;' We don't lack inst:rue-
teen these days we fail rather in
00 Sunday the services in Mel-
ville Presbyterian Church vera in
charge of the Minister. In the
morning Mr. Kerr preached un the
.prayer of Steens from the Cross:
"Father forgive them for they knew
not what they dd." In the veiling
the sermon subject was "The Re-
birth of a Nation."
The frust ina series of se.mons osr
bhe Trials of our Lord, was delivered
in St. John's Church on Sunday
evening, March 21st, The sermon
text. was St, Sohn 18:11, where we
;are told that Jesus was brought
bound before the pr:ofirgate and ttn-
scrupulous Antras. Nations aid
individals can learn• the lesson that
if they hinder the spread of Christ'
lenity, and the preaching of the
Gospel, they are talri'ng Jesus and
binding H,im. We are to give flim
free scope in our lives and do all
we can to extend Missionary work
and endeavour.
Red Cross Drive
Nearing Its Objective
The Red Cross Cauvae under
direction of Brussels Branc'r lies
reeche(i $1828,00 on March 23 with
Ethel and surrounding Country to
come in also three concession and
part of Brussels. The commitree
thanks ail who are doing so well. as
we will go over our quota,
Anglican Church Notes
The weekly Lent Service In St.
John's Church was held on Wednes-
day, March 17th at 8 p.m. The ser-
mon was on the life and work of St.
Patrick, bhe Patron Saint of Irelau(l.
Prayers were offered for Missionary
Work. St Patrick wee born In
Scotland near Glasgow, He nreach-
e(1 !n South Scotland, North England
and oovered most of the Irish Is_lo,
The .King's seat was then at Tara
near Dublin. Patrick christianized
most of Ireland. A beautiful set
of 50 lantern slides on Ireland were
shown depicting scenes in Dublin,
Central Ireland, Cork, St. Patrick s
Cathedral where the famous belle of
Shandon are situated in Cork. the
south-western coast and counties,
Killarney Lakes, Colleen Baun
Rock, Litneri'c'k,' Galway, Mayvo,
Kltkee and Cloise County.
' Rn Galway there is an ancient
sculptured stone inscribed is the
bottom row are the names of
Saints ' Clara, Anthony, Berthole-
mew, Simon, Matthew, Francis and
Michael. On the top row Saints
Peter and Patrick. The slides show•
ed Ireland in an instruotive manner
and were much enjoyed by those
Monday, March 7th awxs the start
Of the finals and the that o1 the 5- The concert and dance lit t
game series .,'acted with Al In1.s t1t.n 'flown 51011 on Wednesday eeui ng
Town (who recently put out High of last week sponsored by the fourfl,
School), A Petcod crowd atteude1 eoueeseion of Morris War 'workerse
the game. Mer i3 started the seer drew a large and apereniat1a
ing early in the firvt period with audience.
Lowe getting the counter, then Reeve Roibt, Bowman, c men:eon
Nichol playing for Morris came for the evening, irtb'oduced the
right back to make it two, Later in following program at the conclusion
the first Currie stored, Towu failed, ,of a brief address:- Young Ladies'
to count in the Jars. stanza. Chorus, directed by L. W. Del:niier;
In the second period Town being! duet, Harold and Donald 1l ts-
refreshed, Relies open •d the scoring! Cutcheon; goading, Miss Mary Helen.
netting a fast one past Morrie's' Eclnnier; Irish dance, Donelda Goss -
Johnny Mowers. Currie came right ing and Mary Bowman; mouth organ
hack to score again. Neither team duet, Harold and Donald McCnteh-
,Jnanaged to score for the rest of eon; Young ladies' chorus; solve.
the period. Penalties; Currie, Mary Bernard; Irish song by 011355ls
Gillis. of Miss Barbara Michie, ' ,S• dre
In the third, Town started first Morris; solo with guitar acrompazd-
with Ned Rutledge, an old ace, ment, Mrs. Nurse; a play "Rest
Room," was given by S..5. NO. 3,
Grey with the following cast pre-
senting the various characters preto
trayed in a, capable .manner,. Mas
Harvey Dennis, Mrs, Wm. Semite
Mrs. Harold Cardiff, Mrs, Rd,.
Morrow, Misses Mat+ie Deitnere
Isobel .Cardiff, 7lhelma Coeteer 3.
Mrs. Stanley Wheeler, Jean Seethe
Marlon Morrow Melville Lamont.
Norman Gowing, Eimer Armetronge
Mack Cardiff, Hervey Jaeklin acts.
Llo tl Wheeler.
The draw for the quilt wee conn-
ducted by Russel Currie while
Geraldine Stretton drew the lindeel •.
ticket held by Mrs. Leslie Oliver asp"
Grey. Dancing to . the muss. u6':
Jackson's orchestra was enfoyeilL.
Following lunch another quilt erns
dutch auctioned with Haree (
Stephenson as winner erf the gent.
centre, Rollos; wings, N, Rutledge, It realized the sum of $26 wedele.
G. Scott; subs, 0. Riley I was donated to the B. M. and a.
Referee—D. Lawi ass i cigarette fund. Door admisseenie
More games to follow in this amounted to $100. and sale eaff
final series tiokets on quilt $55, which Se 10 1DV
donated to the Red Cross. Toiaa£
proceeds $181.00.
The Department of Public Health
Provide means of imnruniziug
•children against certain diseases
One of these is compulsory, ore is
strongly urged and the rest are
a' eominended.
Small Pox
vaccination is compulsory.
The Vaccination Act requires the
parents or guardians of each (Mild
to present it for vaccination before
the age of ONE 'MAR and imposes
net obligation on the local Board of.
Health to see that facilities are
available for vaccinations of, the
toxoiding is strongly urged and
if is advised that it be carried oat
between 0 and 9 months of ege
Scarlet Fever, Whooping Cough
and Tetanus (lock Jaw)
. immunization is recommendee
and it to advised that for scarlet
fever this be done in between 1 and
2 years, For whooping cough be-
tveeen 6 months and 1 year and for
Tetanus between 6 months and 2
These articles have been 1 ublish-
ed for your information. The Board
of Health requests the hearty co-
operation of all in malting Brussels
a clean and healthy place in wlrieb
to live.
We are sorry to report. the illnese
of Miss M. Forrest.
CKNXbRanch Boys and Barn Dance Group
Will Present A
In Brussels Town Hall on
Friday, April ..,;2nd at 8.30 pan.
Under auspices of The Majestic Women's Institute
Adniissiont 35, 20c, Family; Tickets $ 1.00
Proceeds To Be Used For War Work
getting the goal. But Nichol for
Morris came right beck, then
Workman stored for Morris, follow-
ed by Rolies, The game was now
beginning to reach the rough usage.
Again Rutledge netted a beautiful
goal and Rollos folln wed hien. Then
Backer scored ant it looked pretty
good for Town. Workman doing a
greatjob of stick-bandliag scored
again. Nichol agoin to end
the game, The final seen, Morris -8
Town -6, Penalties, Lowe. Three
stars, Workman, Ni ihoi. Ned Rut
MORRIS—goal, G. St:ephenenn;
defence, H. Gillis, D. Duncan
centre, Nichol; wings, Curie. Lowe;
subs. Worirmnan.
TOWN—goal B. Stephenson; de.
fence, H. McDonatl, G; Baeker;
Reporter -MT, 1I. Bell
Friday, Murch 19 and' the second
game of the •final series in Town
league. Morris and Town provid-
ing the interest, In the first
stanza Town got away to a flying
start with Relies sniping two liot
ones. Then Morris score. with
Workmen the game .old veteran
getting the counter. He was _follow•
ed by two fast goals by King
Towards the end of the period
goalie 13. Stephenson for Town
received a nasty gash on the fore-
head and had to be given medical
attention. This ended the period.
Morris 3, Town 2. Penalties, H.
in the second period with D,
Lawless snbstittrtiiug foe Stephenson
Morris starting the scoring, Jim
Ireland, the big husky defence
soured a sizzler from the blue line.
Then Nichol came right hack to
make it two• Town couldn't seem
to get past Morris defence, D.
Duncan playing a magnificent game
on defence, He is small but they
can't get past itim, he is always
there sight in the thick of the play.
Then Town seemed to get their beer*
ing and Backer sniped a hot one,
followed by .Scott. Then 'Relies
clipped a fast one past "Doc 3roda."
.This "Dor" is a hot toy in the nets
Ro11es again drew a hard shot to
score. This was ai the bell to eat
the second. Penalties, Nichol and
in the third and final relinl Tnvu
seemed to go wild, Rolies sniped
one only to he followed by two from
Riley then Scott scorers follawecl by
that flashy boy Reties, Then Backer
sniped two more. Morris • couldn't
seem bo keep it out. Ro11es again
scored two beauties preying himself
a star. Then Scott pushed home
two more, Morris couldn't roll the
rubber past little Lawless who
proved himself outstanding. King
scored the last goal at the bell for
Morris. Game over, final score,
Town 17, Morris 6. Stars picked by
"Noted Authority," Rolfes, ficott, D.
* .* m x * a:
e a xs
Mrs, M. Wineberg is visiting tat
e 5
L. E. Cardiff, M.P., was home from
Ottawa for the week end,
* * 5
Pte. Jack Lowry was a recent
visitor at his home.
* ,e n
:Sgt. Donald McRae, R.C, AF. beef
been visiting with his mother.
s t
Miss Gladys Dovidson, Lentdteh
was home for the week end:
to w •
Mr. and Mrs. T. L. Pre8t wee'
week end visitors in Toronto.
c * *
Miss Nora Lowrie was visiting her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Lowrie„
' .,
Carl Plum of the R.C.A,F., Man-
ning Depot, Toronto, was a erode
end visitor with his mother, erre. T'7.
s a
Mr: W. E. Willis is attending the
bakers' convention In Toronto Ms.
Willis.accompanied him. Rog
P411101ey of Seaforth is doing the
baking while Mr. Willis is awar.'
* e e
Me. and Mrs. George Davidson and
rlaugiuter, Kitchener, were week end
guests with Melee parents, Mm' earl
Mrs. Robe, Davidson and" IVirroa
Mrs. Jeto. Rowland,
Former C.P.R. President;
Sir Edward Beatty, Dies
MOisITRI7AL, 'Werth 24—Sir Ed-
iliward Beatty, 65, a dominant figure
in the Oanadian. business world vrhot
resigned a. year"ago as president or
the Canadian Pacific Railway (;•our-
pany, died late Tuesday night in that
1503 51 Victoria Hospital here.
Death came suddenly In a lest:
brier iilness to Sir Hdwarti, Id -
The third game of the series though he had been ha indifferent
brought a big change from friday health for the past two 'years.
night. , Tlto seeming opened early A month ago he lied .been 6o11,
in the first period with King netting sidering a visit to Victoria, on the
a Trot one. Then . Workman came west toast, when he' was stricken„
back to make it two, 'Riley opened I'te entered the Ross IVletnoriai
the scoring for Town. Penalties in
first period. Lowe,
In the second . period 'Down got
ilio draw and Miles, loneleanded,
(Continued on Back Page)
vfflion of the loyal 'Victoria lies.
ritel and his condition began to
Improve until last Saturday whew
Ms heart, shaken • by complications
which set in, began to fen, $a
died about II o'clock Tuesday nigtot.