HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-3-10, Page 1r POST PUBLISHING HOUSE • SSEL Wednesday, March 10th 1943 BRUSSELS, ONTA4 ••....'�"... �� NOTES ON PUBLIC HEALTH �' * * y _ m b * War Saving Stamp .Drive MORRIS COUNCIL. CONCERT and DANCE SPECIAL FEATURE Com.'v tI'caar the teen age ladies chorus in 2, 3 and 4 part harmony to be held in Brans is ` '. wa Hall W d. Mar. ilth Span. Under auspices of Red Cross Circle 4th, Con. of Morris Draw for lucky ticket on quilt One quilt sold by dutch auction LUNCH FREE Music by Jackson's Orchestra Admission 35c -- 20c SKATING PARTY Melville Church Mission Band • • * • * • s • will hold a Skating Party at the PEOPLE WE KNOW Brussels Arena on FRIDAY, MARCH 12th Lunch Sold at Rink .Admission 10c & 15c CROKINOLE PARTY In Melville Church Basement FRIDAY, APRIL 9th This its to be sponsored by the Sunday School Fuller Announcement Later 'NOTICE All Accounts Must Be Paid By March 25th, 'Government Rul- ing No. 225. Please give this matter prompt attention as we will have to put it into court and costs will be - added If not paid. D. N. McDONALD Now Is the Time , Here Is the Place Now is the time to have any of the loiloveing Work done in readiness for Spring. Saws, Scissors and Knives Repaired and Sharpened Furniture Repaired Including Upholstering .Carpenter Work Done. Telephone 31, Brussels Or Leave Your Order At The Post Print Shop e Religion is necessary to pro- gress. Nothing else makes a man self-sacrificing and good. MelvilleChurch 11 A.M. "The Christian Soldier at Prayer" 12.15 P.M. Sunday School and Bible Class l 7 P. M. "The Twelve Spies" COME AND WORSHIP United Church MinisterRev. Hugh C. Moon 11 A.M. Morning Worship Beginning to -day a series of sermons based on "Personal- ities of the Crucifixion Subject This Morning— "Simon and Jesus Look at Mary of Magdala Junior Congregation 12 Church School and Bible Class 7 P.M, Evening Praise "When The Wind Is Against Us" EVERYONE WELGOM'E Church of England Parish of Brussels Rector.Rev, M. F. Oldham First Sunday in Lent, Mar. 14 St. Johnts Church, Brussels.- 11 russels-11 A.M. eunday-School` 7 P.M. Evening. Prayer and 3ertnon St. Georges. Church, Walton 2.80 P.M. Sunday -School 3 P. M. Evening Prayer and Senmsn ISt, .David's Church, Henfryn ,2,15 P.M. Sunday School 3 P. M. Divine Service Mar, 21 Wednesday, March 17th St. John's Brussels - 8 P, M, Weekly Lent Seevioe and Sermon, Lantern Slides , Ireland. i ,* * • •>k * * * t +Gordon Worlemen of the ft. C. N. ie Name an Mame. * $ * Mr. and Mrs, Ie. c. W'arwice, (Nen Sound, wereewwee1 and guests in town. s er Normans "T•halnpson, et,C.A,V., has returned .to Toaonto after spending his leave at 113 `home here. Mrs. Glen Huether and son Gerald are •visions at ,tlhe home of Mr. and Mrs. A. McTaggart. • Misses Manila and Catheerine Thompson were eaceatt visitors in Wingham with .their sister, Mrs. Cecil Cook. • *• • Pte. Dick ERMA, Montreal has been visiting with his parents. Mr, and Mrs, Geo. Mott. • * :w „ IP•te. Igen Coleman, Kingston, had only a brief visit with his percents this week, having been storm -stayed enroute. * * • .Pte. Ned Rutledge and Mrs. Rut- ledge, Woodstock, were home this week, Mrs, Jno, Logan has returned home after visiting with Mr. and Mrs. Alex •Spavling, St. Marys' * r • Mrs. Newman Forbes, is visiting with her mother Mee. George 13aeicer who recently observed her 93rd birthday. * M h Mr, and Mrs. Thomas Thornton have pauchased the Hanley house belong=ing to the estate of the late George Hanley. * * * Adjutant Mary Lott of . Brussels who had been visiting in Kincardine had to be taken to the hospital there when she became ill with pnelnnouia and a heart condition. REGENT THEATRE, Seafortb, Ont. Thur, Frl. Sat., Mar, lith, 12th, 13th Victor Mature Lucille Ball —IN-- Seven Days' Leave it the musical of the minute .. With ,laughter ,.every ..second . and "the Brough -and -tumble romance of ihe year. ;Mon. Tues. & Wed,, Mar. 15, 16, 17 ,Bing Crosby Bob Hope Dorothy Lamour IN Road To Morocco Jt's a Haremecarem riot of song and laughter! Next Thursday, Friday & Saturday March 18th, 19th, 20th ,Fibber McGee Edgar Bergen and. Molly Charlie McCarthy — IN — Here We Go Again ,There's no ceiling on ..laughs .. No ,laugh rationing here... with the two top fun teams of radio in one big screen shows ... COMING- My 'Favorite Spit Show starts at 7:.30 •p.m. when single features such as these are shown all patrons In by 9'15 will see, complete%how. Matinee each Saturday at 3 P.M, In (own there is a certain con cen'tt'a•t:on of population in a ental Obit F H c soles of War Sachet;„ GertIdeetes The column lust on the alaaheme;trXa^, uary ; or Huron aunty March S. J aeon and people live closer together, Wilma Jean Knight For 1 his 1141a011 certain prnWoes, . oven habits and often, 4h i The colnauuntiy Was )morel sadden - even p Vh are quits all right 111 country areased on Sunday, when people learned are reetrtcttd or even tabiddel. in 'hart little ,Wilma Jean Knight had 11. She was a very happy emieute0 little girl much beloved by alt who knew her. Besides her parents she Is survived by six brothers ami two sisters who deeply mourn the. passing of the little girl. a town because they may became either nuisances to your nelghboars er even dangerous to ]health The vegetal:on (1f such »loiters tomes under the geuera,l heading it Beni talon. 'Ph•ereforo we regulate the die Pose] of sewage and garbage that they may not be sources of eontam- 'nation of hater' supply by drainage, or a more general contamination of food or premises by flies establish- ing breeding places in waste matter and travelling from this sewage or garbage to food matter or Private premises. There are also a whole eerie of trades, ,businesses or practices which 'through odors, smoke, dirt, noises or such means are a nelsance to your neiglilrours and so cannot he allowed. Tlhei'e are several regulations go'swrning these matters." (1) "All putrid or decaying animal or vegetable matter shalt be romov- scl 'From cellars, buildings, outbuild- ings• or yards on or before MAY FEIST TN EACH TEAR." 121 "Every householder or other person shall dispose of all garbage for the cnsgosal'l of which he is respensible either by burning the same or 'by plating it in; a property covered receptacle, the contents of which shell be regularly removed at least TWICE A WEEK." (Please note that until we can 'heave a system of garbage eeliect'-on this duty falls on each individual no ]natter how inconvenient it may be, Part of another regulatrlon along the same line says 'No person shall within the municipality suffer the accumulation upon his Premises. 0, deposit, or perniit the doposte en ,n any land belonging to him, of anything which may endanger the ,public health or deposit upon, on, or 'Into, any street, lake, pond, river, ate., any manure or other re"ase or other filth. Fish and -Game 'Club'° )Dance and Euchre Owing to the inclement weather the crowd attending the Euchre and Dance sponsored by the . Fish. and Game Club in aid of the B f,1. & G. Cigarette Fund was not as large as was hoped for. Euchre and five hundred were played. The evening's entertainment was concluded with new an olct time deao'ng. • Pancake Supper The annual pancake supper head in Se Sohn',• church under the was - Woes of the Ladies' Guild on Shrove Tuesday was a splendid success, Delicious pancakes, also sandwiches, Jello, pie and pickles were served from five until eight o'•elock. The gratifying sum of forty-three dollnre was realized. St. John's Guilds The WOmen'Guild of St. John's cliurch sponsored a very suceessful sleeting party in the local arena on Friday evening, March5th. The lee was. in splendid condition arra over 100 people availed themselves for a fine evening's skating and also enjoyed the lunch provided. Pro• needs were over 916.00, The March ineeting of St, John's Wernea's Guild was held on Tues. day, March 2nd at 3 P.M., at thehome of Mrs. 13. Whlttard, with a splendid attendance, Mrs. J. Mee was in charge •of the meeting iter. 141. F, Oldham, Rector, opened the meeting with Scripture reading Luke 8:445' the .Parable of the soils followed try Prayer, A. considerable amount of business was transacted. Final arrange - Monts were made for the skating party on Friday March 6th, and the pancake supper on Shrove Tuesday, March 4the it was decided to bear tile expellee of a new hardwood floor for the chancel, Mr. John Fischer will lay same gratis, If oak cannot be procured,. birch Will be bought, Light buff was the colour detected on, for the walls of the chetah,Mss. Whittard egsleted by her dasigister Mns. C, Middleton of AtWOoc1 served a tasty lunch. asset away alter 11 few days bin lee. 1e titivates, Post Officer, in Hurn Comely report sales of Wer Sevin blames In ehc amount of $3,525. fon January as compared with93,015 for December, an increase of 9510 To simplify accounting procedurees Ottawa several postal distrlts have been combined, and Oertiflc1tr sales for Brussels, Walton and Tether avnmulted to $708. , In January as compared with $412, in December and 9972, in January, 1942. Concert And Dance Reserve nifty, April 2nd for a conceitand dance by CKNX Ranch Boys and Barn Derma Group. ,.Jituuals amounted to $17,107. s 1 Immo einem of over 94.000. c enpar 1 (+d will December. January wa the highes'( month slime lest. Mare) when $18,170. worth of Certificate we're solei, le, addition to tl) C(:r ,11 the '1 ownsbip Ball with all Hee, n members preseet except llau'agetir Johnston. The Reeve presie� a . s The minutes of the last tencolrglg. were react and adopted on motimer tit" Wm. Spear and Sass Michie. W.M.S. of Melville Church The regular monthly meeting of M, Melville W,S, was held on Friday at 3 P,M., In the Primary room The theme was "No East or Weat " Tho meeting was •opened by reading a poen' entitled, "No East Or West," Mrs. Little read the Scripture after which Mrs, Barry Walker led in prayer. The reports of the secre- tary and treasurer were read, The 'World Day of Prayer is to be held in the emitted church at 3 P.M., on Friday, March 12th. It wa•s decided to hold the Annual Expense Tea in the Manse on. Tuesday Meech 16th at 3 P.M. The Message, "The Chinese in Canada," was read by Mrs. Jaynes Armstrong, after which MTS. Allen read the Current ' vents. The meeting was. closed by repeat- ing the lord's Prayer in unison. At the Churches On :Sunday the morningsservice in Melville Preabyterian aural!was in charge of the minister. The sermon alibied at this service was "The Sword of the Spirit" On account of the storm the evening service was withdrawn. n Moved by C. IL Coulees sueoutivb1 gs by Jas, Michie that Jos, Smith are, re -hired to run the township gra'2mo . for 1943. —Carried. Moved by Jas. Michie seeottdas6 DIED by C. R. Coultas that the elerlc bee inetrncted to advertise for tens. fiat crushing and delivering. =ewe yarn of grave]. Tenders to be run by April 12, 1943.--Cerrie& Monod by C. it, Coulter SEWN:aie'rb, by Wm, Speir that tile nreetenteet- adjourn to meet again on AnriI alt;; 1948, at I p.m. —Carried. The following accounts were parr,: Dept, of Health, Insulin &ME Municipal. World, assessment • roil .., '. Ball and Zapfo, funeral K+N011F1T—in Grey Tawnsaip on expenses eafie 6 Sunday, March 7, Wilma Jean. in- fant daughter of Gordon and Mrs. pensee and telephone call. ITS Knight., age 4 months, 16 'lays Mrs. G'rss, relief ,.. . J .. Fred Logan; aftercare 'fir CARD OF THANKS SSelson Higgins, postage ...,,•. len"- • I am taking this way of thanking Geo. C. Martin, illi, my many friends and neighbors. for the many nice bruits and acts of kindness which I have received during my sickness. Mrs. Mary Lamont NOTICE ! Due to the failure of a shipment of newsprint to arrive • in time this issue of "The Post" contains four pages, The regular Pages will be printed next week( only eight!. CARD OF THANKS Our thanks is given toffiesaff end neighbors for all the acts 'gag kindness shown to n1y family: VIOD, S was in the hospital. and 'since saay return. Also for letters and cam•. sent nee, they surely helped; ,tim. brighten the days and were =Nib_• appreciated.. Mrs. D. N, M.cDons' 1 1 PORTa 4 T NOTICE TO ALL 11 LD RS OF SLAUGHTER PERMITS and of LICENCES TO SLAUGHTER HOGS Because of the urgent need of securing the quantities of BACON and other PORK PRODUCTS necessary to meet the wartime requirements of the United Kingdom, and the consequent necessity of curtailing slaughter for domestic use in Canada. the following action has been taken under a new Order of THE BACON .BOARD, concurred in by THE WARTIME PRICES, AND TRADE BOARD. ON AHD AFTER MARCH 1st, 11943 Persons not already licensed to siaughterhogs under previous orders of THE BACON BOARD but holding slaughter permits from THE WARTIME PRICES AND' TRADE BOARD, shall not exceed 75% of their 1941 average weekly number of hogs, slaughtered by or for them for sate or further processing in Canada. (See following paragraphs for, further explanation regarding areas Concerned.) THIS ®I€ b Ea APPLIES .. . to ell whohold slaughter permits from THE WARTIME PRICES 0AND TRADE BOARD and who are located in what is generally known as Old Ontario; to ell those holding such permits and located in orslaughtering for sale in any town or city with a population of over 5,000 in the Maritimes, Quebec, Manitoba, Saskatche. wen, and Alberta, and that part of British Columbia known as greater Vancouver, THIS (HIDER DOES NOT APPLY ▪ to holders of slaughter permits in any part of what Is generally known as New or Northern Ontario, or British Colunlbiaexcepting the greater •Vancouver area. • , it does not apply to farmers slaughtering hogs for consumption on their own farms only. (These do not require slaughter permits and ere . not subject to this new Order.) Persons already licensed to slaugbtorhogs under previous orders of THE BACON BOARD will continue operations under their present status, That Is, they are still restricted to 50% of their 1970 weekly average for distribution or sate in Canada. Approved anti Conourr'ed: ,Approved: D. Gordon, Chairman, The Wartime Prices and Trade Board.. 3..G. Taggart, Chairman The lsacou Board