HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-3-3, Page 6ALL -BRAN TAUGHT ME SOMETHING ABOUT, CONSTIPATION: Have you, too, learned what Au - BRAN can do to relieve the cause of constipation duo to the lack of the right amount of"bulk" in the diet? It's •a'"better way" than forcing yourself to take harsh purgatives that offer only temporary relief. Just try eating delicious )(ELLocc'$ ALL -BRAN every morning. That's the simple means that thousands use to keep regular ... NATU8ALLYI Enjoy it as a cereal or in tasty muffins ... drink plenty of water . . , and see What it does foryou! Buy ALL -BRAN at your grocer's, sold in two conve- nient sizes; in individual serving packages at restaurants. Made by Kellogg's in London, Canada. Have You Heard? —o= A whimsical professor, trying to emphasize a point in logic, asked hts class: "If the United States is bounded on the east by the Atlantic Ocean, en the west by the Pacific Ocean, on the north by Canada and on the south by Mexico, how old am I?" The brighter students sat dumfound- ed, but the dopiest of them all spoke up: "You'd be 44." Dum- founded in turn, the professor. said, "That's right, young man, But how in the world did you know?" The student answered: "That's easy. I have a brother who is half nuts and he's 22," "How kind of you," said the girl, "to bring me those lovely flowers. They are so beautiful and fresh. I believe there is some dew on them yet." "Yes," stammered the young man, quite taken aback, "but I am going to pay it off tomorrow." At the close of .tis talk before a Sunday school the bishop invit- ed questions. A tiny boy with white, eager face at once raised his hand. "Please sir," said he, "why was Adam never a baby?" . The bishop coughed, in doubt as to what answer to give, but a little girl, the eldest of several brothers and sisters, came prompt- ly to his aid. "Please, sir," she answered, smartly, "there was nobody to nurse hila." "I hope you enjoyed your game with the major," said the hostess to one of her guests. "He's very clever at cards, isn't he?" "He certainly is," replied the guest. "He started by telling my fortune, and now he's counting it." "Tell me, Doctor, how do you really know whether a person is insane?" "Oh, we merely ask a few ques- tions which ordinary people can answer correctly," was the reply. "What type of question?" "Well," explained the alienist, "this is the sort of thing: Captain Cook made three voyages around the world and died during one of them. Which trip was it?" "Oh, S say," protested the of- ficial, "I think that is a bit steep. I'm not very good at history." Hitler's father once con- sulted an architect. The fam- ily couldn't quite decide whether to build a frame house or brick one.. When Adolf was born though, they got stucco. Fig trees which produce latex from which rubber is made have been found in Australia. Need More Wood To Free Metas For War Goods Owen Sound Firm's Wooden Pails Release Metal For Munitions Under the impact of war -born metal shortages, wood is filling an increasingly important role in Canada's war -time economy. The Dominion is immensely wealthy in this natural resource and is thus able to offset many of the disad- vantages which would normally follow a decrease in the quanti- ties of metal available for goods other than the actual machines and munitions of war, Many of these peace -time goods are equally essential in times of war. A case in point is the common pail. Formerly many of these were made of metal, Today, how- ever, wood is proving a wholly acceptable substitute: The Keenan Woodenware Manufacturing Co. Ltd., of Owen Sound is playing an important role in this release of metal for war purposes. by the production of wooden pails. This company has increased its produd- tion of wooden pails by approxi- mately T5 per cent. It is now manufacturing about 20,000 wooden pails every week. It is easy to visualize the amount of metal which this production re- leases for other purposes, whore wood ',would not prove an accept- able substitute. Need More Wood These. Wooden pails are manu- factured from poplar and bass- wood, which are plentiful in the Owen Sound district. Neverthe- less, there is a dangerous bottle- neck developing in wooden pail production. Increased production by the Keenan Woodenware Mfg. Co., has, of course, resulted in a greatly increased use of wood. A shortage of this raw material has now developed. Wood is available in the bush, but unless farmers and others in the district co-operate in getting this wood to the factory the production of wooden pails will decrease. This, in turn, will mean diverting preci- ous metal from the production of planes, tanks and guns. Farmers and bush owners in the district have been •doing a fine job in the supply of wood, but more is needed, Prices paid for timber are higher today than at any time in recent years; provid- ing an attractive return for this work. Higher prices coupled with the fact that every wooden pail produced is a distinct aid to the war effort of the Dominion, should provide incentive for increasing the production of wood. More than half the world's uranium ore, from which radium is derived, comes froin the 13sI- gias Congo. The first balloon ascension in America took place at Phila- delphia in 1793.. ' WEIRD SKIES OVER HAMBURG :'Lek ack in the night, sky, over Hamburg painted this weirdpat- tern of fire and light as Lancaster bombers soared over the German port on a raid. One of the bombers is seen in silhouette in this pic- ture taken front anotherplane at a -higher level, Modern Etiquette By Roberta Lee 1, Should a bride at her second wedding wear a veil" 2. Should one replace a dish that he brenlss while visiting, when it was purely an accident? 3. When ire company and a per- son is seized. with a fit of cough- ing, should he apologize? 4, If a girl does not care for a certain non's attentions, and this -man sends her an expensive gift, what should she do? 6.• How Should halved oranges lie eaten? 6. Is it necessary for the hostess to go to -the door with each de- parting guest at an afternoon af- fair? Answers 1. No; neither a veil nor a White gown should be worn, 2. Yes; he should make every effort to replace it as soon as possible; 3, No, When the coughing has ceased 'one may say, "I ani sorry." 4. Write a note thanking him, but telling hint she cannot accept. Then return the gift at once. 5. With a pointed spoon. 6. It is not necessary; she may go to the door with the last. guest. HOWCANI?? By Anne Ashley Q. How can I keep woolens soft? A. If the woolens are rinsed in water of the same temperature as that in which they were Washed. they will dry nicely and be as soft as originally. Q. How can I remove the flat taste in boiled water, A. If one is compelled to boil water for drinking• purposes, pour it from one pitcher to another three or four tunes before using. This will remove the flat taste from the water. Q. How can I prevent cracking when drying wet shoes? A. Do not place wet shoes on the register to - dry. They should be dried very slowly to prevent cracking. It is a good idea to stuff them with old paper to insure their: retaining their -shape as the? dry. Q. How can I make a potato poultice? A. Potatoes are often as extec- tiva as linseed for a poultice. Boil the potatoes in a bag, and wises soft, mash in the bag and apply as hot as can be borne. Qs How can I keep the glove clasp from pulling apart? A. Tap the little ball of • the clasp lightly with a tick hammer and there will be no trouble in keeping the glove fastened, A Censor As Cupid One of the town's glamorous young creatures, engaged to a sol- dier now in parts unknown, re- ceived a letter from him written in a tone ogloomy renunciation, says the New Yorker. With leis absence dragging' on into its sec- ond year, the lad wrote, ho would not blame her if she broke her engagemelft to him' and married somebody' else at home, This had apparently been too •much for the censor, -who had put his comment in the margin, in large block let- ters: "NONSENSE!' COUGHING COM AT WRONG TIMES Thousands use Lymoids to Stop Embarrassment "Tor a switchboard operator," writes a Toronto girl, "and LYMOIDS has helped me over many an embarrassing throat tickle. Now I dways carry them," If hoarseness or incessant coughing env berraesesyou .. try LYMOIDS. Feel how this excellent blend of medicinal oils soothes and relieves throat irritation. ds.s Most stores sell LYMOIDS In handy are 10c and 25c Inc,, If unobtainable, send 101 in stamps m coin, to LYMOIDS, 119 Pearl Street, Toronto, •••• navavreawoonesamesmalem HOW TO RELIEVE ' PILE TORTURE. QUICKLY AND EASILY if you are troubled With Itching . piles or rectal soreness, do not de- lay'treatinent and run the risk of totting this condition become chron- ' lc. A.ns Itching or soreness or pain- ful passage of stool ,las. nature's warningand proper treatment should be secured at once. For this purpose got a package of Hem -Roil from any druggist which is need directed. lly is a smal, easy to take tablet, will quickly relieve rho itching and soreness and aid in nettling the sore tender spots..Tlem-Road is pleasant to use, Is highly recommended and it seems the height or felly for any one to risk a painful and chronic pile condition when such a tine remedy may be had at such a small coat. 1r you try Hem -Reid and are not entirely plenaed with the results. Mir druggist will gladly return your money. • L AGE (' `r: E t (rS.1k1) HEED THIS PSDVICIGl1 It you're cross rostless NERVOUS— suffer hot flashes, dizziness—mined by this period in a woman's life-- try Lydia T'i.• Pinithatn's Vegetable Compound. ,Made espe02d.It11 for weeds t. Hundreds of thousands re- markabiy helped. Follow label (emo- tions. Made in Canada, WHAT SCIENCE IS DOING SURGICAL MIRACLE One night on the 191 Alanieln lisle I was ' asked to help at an operation. W. L Riegeimmn writes in Harper''. The patient bud got an sniti-tank shell fight through his tifi'oai.—and another through ' his shoulder and part of his Chest. There, at 1 a.m., in a1 little tent not more then seven to ten miles behind the actual fighting front, a surgeon began to , operate, He. finished two hours and forty min- utes later During that tine be completely reconstructed the man's entire larynx — tweet hur- ried, never hesitating, never los- ing' his patience or presence of mind despite the obvious fact that the ratan might easily die at any moment; he worked steadily and with Infinite care, Three times he gave blood transfusions (I incidentally hold- ing the needle in the vein because he didn't dare fasten it for fear it might have to be moved at any -moment in the event of a clot). Then he performed a tracheo- tomy in which he inserted all ar- tificial windpipe (perhaps one of your doctor• friends will describe it to you so that you can under- stand what I'm trying to picture), and then he had to do an intricate operation on the inan's shoulder and chest. Should Allies Police Germany After War? James W. Gerard, ambassador of the United States to Germany during the Great War, is out- spoken on a subject that is being widely discussed' today, the treat- ment of Germany after the war, says The Galt Reporter. Speaking at New York, be said: "International bankers make me sick. I heard one say that we need, after the war, a bappy, prosperous Germany. After the last war we kissed the good, kind Germans, gave them food and good United States money, and they repaid us by a gangster war to control the world and started a persecution of a peaceful people which has no parallel even in the , TRUCKING INTO TUNISIA Headed for the Mareth Line and RRommel's rear guard are these British Highland Division troops crossing the border from the Tri- politania section of Libya into Tunisia. .British attack on Mareth Line forced Germans to halt advance against U.S. troops. middle ages." Mr. Gerard tj)inl(s that it will be necessary for the Allied na- tions to police Germany after the war, "otherwise Germane will bo torn to pieces by the revenge of the outraged peoples of Europe." Maty people are thinking that the conflagration envisaged by Mr. Gerard, in his last quotation,. would not be a bad solutio) to the German problem. Why not leave the gangsters to the mercy of those whom they have despoil- ed in the worst outbreak of bru- tality and inhumanity that has ever been recorded in history? "Pop -out" Raft An automatic "pop -out" raft for shot -down planes is the latest life-saver for military pilots. Carried in a special compartment in the fuselage, the raft spring's out as soon as the plane hits the water, inflating itself by means of an attached bottle of carbon dioxide. • Relieve rfFeeSeratenint(Atiffia For quick relief from itching of mneme, pimples, oth. laws foot, stales, ambles, nachos and over catornsllC Gamed skin troubles, an world-famous, cooling, auto septic, liquid D.D. D. Prescription. Gre selew, detains', ;Soothes irritation and quickly etlpa mtdoo itching. Sha triol bottle vomit, or money bade, your druggist today for D. D. 0, PSESCSI PTIOIG ' TISMENT BAND 1NSTIIUa1ENTS WANTED BAND 45 URCIIESTRA 1NSTRU- ments ant In use may be turned into cash. Send 0,11 particulars to Whaley Royce & Company, 810 Visage Street, Toronto, Ont. WARY Cl{1C1 S HYBRIDS FOR EXTRA VIGOUR else popular purebreds. Complete list, all ages A'airvlew farms, St. Marys, Outailo. BRA.):diat RorNlaterldelivery, should be ordered now, giving second choice breed desired. Don't for- get eoekerels and capons for the 1L, toHatch- my, 185 J oho, Hamilton, Out. 1'IRS't STEP -Tu POULTRY PROF - its get Twaddle's Special Offer. Don 1. worry about selling; It looks as if -we're In for the big- gest egg and poultry market in history. Right now it's BUYING that demands your attention;— the right start ---the purchase of Government Approved stook from bloodtes tad breeders — sturdy, thrivlag chicks or unexcelled Chicks. oose frromt� ell of dthe "pven Ch best"' profit making breeds—also many hybrids. Order early. First step: send Por Tweddte catalogue and prlee list. Also turkeys and older pullets, Cockerels at low prices eriesdoLimited,e li ergua,elOntario.- 1100115 4 NOVEL'11ES MEN! SEND 10e FOR WORLD'S funniest joke novelty and cat- alogue or sundries, hooks, and • no Vel ties. Western Distributors, Box 24 FWL, Regina, Sask. (BUSINESS 1.011 SAIa1J ULAL2s.bMIT11 SHOP EQUIPl'FID and stocked,also Grist hull ociutppod with International en- gine noun roof.e tte flood grinder and lot included. Splendid farming district. Closing estate. Clarence Mallory, Bloomfield, Ont, CHICKS SEND FOR OUR RECORD CHART froo and catalogue. Six broods .chicks and alt ages growing ut- lets. Government approved. Savo money, early order discounts. Prompt deliveries. Satisfaction Farm,ttillonkton Ontario, Poultry 111(405 WANTED WANTED etTpovdGrad03,5rnAre1 13, flocks, ail breeds. Guaranteed premium paid ;Write for ftlll Sar- tleula rs, Box 01, 73 Ad el a ide. -W., Toronto. J'AD AI Lit WANTLU I'AltlUITt, (DWI :TA12D EXPERT anon, preferably bilingual, mar- ried fur Southern Quebec fat'ln, slate qua llt(rations and wages. l;ot 711, Family Gerald, Weekly Star, 0tnntrea 1.`011'1 IS ALAI 11.‘ 10191< A. '0 (1 Vf 11ALd1 destroys, nirrneivr odor 'Instui)tly, 46c bottle Ulinwb `.gent. Denman ore Si tura, (ill nwa,: PUBL. WOOD WANTED MAPLE, BI'RCH A N D - SII)ilgl) oordtvood. First or second growth. Also .Millwood. State Lull particulars and lowest prices. Walter Sciliess, 10 Melinda St., Toronto. Die EINE a (LEANING HAVE YUU ANYTIII.N14 NEEDS dyeing or Meaning'? Write to us tor Information. We are glad to answer your qusntiona. Depart. meat H, Parker's Dye Works Limited. 791" Yeago Street, To. ronto. HAIRDRESSING S('111001, LEARN IehodsCnfoTHE HAIRDRESSING rmin on request regarding classes. Robertson's Hairdressing Acad-. any,. 187 Avenue Road, Toronto. Pon 053,01 (VIDE • SELECTION . THRILLING' and 'exciting stol ies. Send only 25c for 4 back numbers; West- erns, Love, Candid Confessions, True. Detective Cases, Fun Par- ade, Fatuous Crime Cases,. etc., by one of Canada's largest Pub- lishers of Magazines. Send for Free catalogue' or Book Bargains. Post Office Bol 232, Department , W.P., Toronto, Ontario, OFFER 'VD INVENTORS AN OFFER TO EVERY INVENTOR List of Inventions and full Infor- mation- sent free. The Ramsay Co., R'Ogtstel'ed Patent Attorneys, 278 Battle Street. Ottawa, Cann du. ' PATENTS T'1n'PHI:]RSTl)'lI AUUEl & IIUMPANY Latent 'Solicitors, Established 18081 19 .Cling Woat, Toronto. Booklet Or InrormaHon On• re- quest. MILK CANS RENEWED RUSTY MILK CANS RL'TiNNED like new. We also buy old cans, Montreal Tithing 8c Rctinning Co. Ltd., Montreal. _.. MEDIC AL DON'T DELAT I EVERY SUF'Flllltr or of Rhountatic Pains or Neur- itis should try Dixons Remedy. Munro's Drug Store, 385 Elgin, Ottawa, Postpaid ...12,00. PERSOti A.1, ELI 7 A. Pi C.O' NI i N G BEFORE Chrlat. Wonderful book sent free, Megiddo MiaaIou, H00110.4(.01', NeW York, SKIN 'iltOiJt'LII Tffot8ANDs' NAVE BEEN 1100P - ed rho 'Herbal way. Why not yeti'? Write to the Thune Herbal- ists, for a free sample at our There -hind» tim'h, '(3f ilnnan West, Toronto. IlIIIeVaLiq'IC PAINS PROVEN REMEDY—EVERY SUE - rarer of • Rhemnatic Pales or Neuritis- should. try Dixon's Item. nrly. Munrb's Drug Stora 586 Elgin,' Ottawa. PdaiBRILL $t.00; ISSUE No. 10-43 81uoTGUN WANTED WANTED, DOUBLE BARREL Hammer Shotgun; pay good price. Wm. Little, Box 852, Ottawa, Ont. • outer tGRal11v DON'T TRUDGE THROUGH 'Phe- Lieut, Man, or Hall HAVE YOUR SNAPS Delivered by Mail Any IS or 8 exposure film perfectly, developed and printed for only 18v. Supreme -duality and , fast service guaranteed. IMPERIAL PHOTO SERVICE Station J. 'Toronto PATENTS & TRADE CLOVES EGERTON 1t. ,VASE, 111501STER.F4D United States, Canadian, British) Patent Attorney, Booklet gratts. Established over forty years. 82 Balsam Avenue, Toronto. POULTRY WANTED HENS AND PULLETS WANTED. good prices, Export Packers, 52 Clinton Street, Toronto—Grouch, Brussels, Ontario. ' POULTRY GOOD PRICES ASSURED, 12AISE Cockerels, help meat shortage. I3100d tested, heavy type White Hybrid Cockerels 2c, payment With order, Protnbt shipment. Live arrival, Frank Ldwer•ds, Watford, Ontario. TRAIN FOR NiffISES APPLICATIONS A 11 15 INVITED for girls who desire to train for nurses. September 1043. Cornwatt General Resultal, Cornwall, Ont. TRU CH WAiN'r511) HALF TON TRUCK ALSO MOTOR 1 ILP, Box 25, Kirk ton, Ontario. T11Aclipu i '1V"t5:'rali) WANTED, TRACTOR, FORD, PTIR- guson, cash. Charles Vayee. YlingawayP.O., Toronto, sVmsttre"UOU5 HAITI LADIL7S TROUBLED W1TH SUPER- filmsNair and especially talose who have been disappointed In Elcett'nlysls, will welcome the newel that wepossess an (1X - elusive, wale, new method which permanently, and completely, re- moves any growth, of superfluous hair,., slight or serious, without any reom'rnnco' whatsoever`, Please note particularly that ours- is the onlymethod carrying a Written • guarantee of. permanency.. Be- ware of 'guat'antoea" not In Writing, F'r'oo consultation. Free estimate, Dermot O1ln!o (851, year in Toronto), 220 Yonge St., To. `onto, • 1't1ACTOn I',l.xt'.IB TRACTOR PARTS N 13 W AND used, for all makes of tractors, 2 Frederick 00,, and Kitchener, or p 005