HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-24, Page 1jos
Wednesday, February 24th, 1943
Butter Ration Going Up
To Half -Pound Per Week
OTTAWA, Feb. 22 — L 13. Unwin,
administrator rationing for the
Prices Hoard, announced tonight
that, barring bud weather or other
unforeseen c•ircunts'tances, the board
will be ahie to resume the regular
butter ration .allowance of half
a pound per person per week by
about the middle or March,
Donald Gordon, chairmen o,'. the
Prices Board, told The Cue achau
Press that "we hope to be able to
do something in the course of the
next two weeks—or not later than
March 15.".
The present butter ration, ao-
complished ,by the elimination of
two coupons which normally would
Sall due in.. February, amounts to
8% mom. per person per week.
Mr. Unwin said the temporary
reduction in the butter ration is
producing the desired results: "The
conservation of supplies which has
resulted will enable retailers in all 1
areas to honor butter coupon No, 9,
which becomes due next week,"
He said stores now are accuma-
Mating ,stoops for this purpose.;
"Current reports of production are
enoounaging, but as this ie the
period of lowest butter production,
supplies Have had to be conserve !
ed in order to avoid a serious r
shortage. The oancellation o'f two
coupons in February has assured
eu,fdcient reserves will be available i
March 1 to permit every person
to obtain the regular eight -ounce '
allowance for coupon No. 9." r
Tea, coffee and, sugar coupons in
the new ration book are dated, and
the first ones become tjegottab1e
March 6. Dates on which the but-
ter coupdh,s become valid and ex- v
Aire will tie announced shortly. '
Dates To Use
1 Ration Coupons
Brown spare O coupon 9 for the
Purchase of oue-half pound of butter
e01110e due ou March 1 and expires
March 14. Brown spare C coupons
5 and 6 for the pnschase of ouehalf
pound of butter each came due Jan -
teary 18 and expire on February 28
Brawn spare coupons 7 and 8 for the
purchase of one-half pound of
butter each came due on February 1
and are good until February 22,
Green coupon 13 for the linrehaso
of two ounces of tea or one-half
pound of coffee casae due Feb. 23,
Pink coupon 13 for the purchase of
one pound of sugar moue due on
Feb• 23.
Pink and green coupons 11 and 1
for the purchase of augur and tea •e
coffee are valid now. These coupons
have no expiry date.
For Sale—
Brier Pipes, Lighter Fuel, Light-
ers, 'Cigarette Holders — Limiter
Supply. Get Yours now. •
Phone 5
Skating, Party
The dilutor Red Civet; held as
slanting party et the Brussels Arena.
on Friday evening of last week A
.good crowd, attended and the re-
.fresneet counter was well patron-.
t' To Ration Beer
The Ontario Government plans to
ration beer for hone consumptlou af-
ter April 1st. Under ,the plan eaeh
person is assured of his or her fair
share of the available supply Instead
of a hit -and -ivies ,system as at pres-
ent. Beer purchases will be con-
trolled through permits . which will
also• cover wide and Nora. Formerly
pe n:Its wereeneeded only for liquor.
At the Churches
On Sunday the services in Mel-
ville Presbyterian church were in
charge of the minister, Rev. Samuel
Kerr. The sermon subject for the
morning service was "The Shield of
Faith." At the evening service the
sermon subject was, "What will you
do In wonse Days?"
A ladies' choir provided the music
at the morning service in the United
church. In the morning the min-
ster'e subject ,vary "Divine Inter-
vention,' 'and in the evening "The
Ohauged Man." An appeal was
node for contributions to the
Chinese Relief Fund,
The subject of the, sermon 111 St.
o11n's Church on Sunday evening'
was, "God the Creator of the Uzi.
rase." The sermon test was
ereaniah 51:15 "He hath. made the
earth for his power, he bath eetab-
A tea in aid of the Chinese h
Relief Fund will be held at the t
home of Mrs. J. H. Galbraith on a
from three to six o'clock ti
Committee in charge—Miss F..
Downing, Mrs. T. Prest, Mrs.
R. J. McLauchlin, Mrs. J. C.
,Baeker, Mrs. P. MArthur. i 11
Melville Y. -P. S.
At. Brussels Arena ,
O'n Friday, Feb 26th p
Ad*iission-10c & 15c I e
LiNiich Sold at Rink b
And whatsoever ye do In word
or deed, do all In the name of
the Lord Jesus, giving thanks
to God and the Father by Him•
Colossians 3:17.
fished the world by his wisdoln, and
nth stretched out - the heaven by
is understanding," The account of
he creation in Geneses 1 was given
nd the o,uler of things erected. On
he frost day Light; the second day
le- Firmament; the third clay land
and seas; the fourth day, lights In
the heavens, the fifth day, living
reatures in the seas. sixth day,
ring creatures ou the earth and
uan, the chief act of the Creator On
he seventb day Gori rested from His
work. We are to realize, the great
ower of God and give Hein our
raise and reverence. He has creat- ;
d things for His glory % and the
anent of man,. The great chant of '
rection, The Benedicite Omnia
pet'a. All ye worles, bless ye the
ord was also mentioned. This
not is the :Song. of the Three
Children as found .in the Apocrypha,
d is associated with the hoop of
aniel, where he and hie companions
ere put in the fiery furnace and
scuesl by God's, power.
Melville Church
11 AM, 'The Helmet of
12.15 P.M. Sunday School and
Bible Class
7 P.M. "A Searching Question
For A Bad Conscience"
United Church
Minister—Rev. Hugh C. Wilson
11 A.M. Morning Worship
"Good News"
Junior Congregation
12 Church School and
Bible Class
7 P.M. Evening Praise
"The�Vision and The Call" •
Church of England
Pariah of Brussels
Rebtor,-Rev: - M. F. Oldham
Sexagesima Sunday, Feb, 28
St. John's Church, Brussels--
11 A.M. Sunday -School
7 P.M. Evening Prayer -
and Sermon
St, George's Church, Walton
Sunday -School at 240 P. M.
Divine Service at 3 P. M.
on M,arch,,,7th
St. David's Ohuech, Henfryn
2 P.M. Evening Prayer
and. Sermon
S 1'. M; Sunday.School and
Bible Clans
1 eh
1 0n
Tap Trees
!PAJIKHILL, • Feb. 22 — George '
Horner: who lives a mile and to heli
north of Parkhill, tapped the trees
in his sugar bush on Satnrda;r.
Seaforth, Ont.
(2nd show starts at 8.45)
The Funniest Man in Films
George Formby
— i,N —
Feather Your Nest
Carole Landis George Montgomery
Cadet Girl
MOIL, Tues. and Wed.
(2nd show starts at 9.151
Marlene Dietrich Fred MacMurray
— 4N —
Mitcheli Lalsenfs
The Lady Is Willing
Aline MacMahon Stanley Ridges
Baby Corey
Next Thurs., Fri & ,Sat.-:
2hd Show Starts at 9.15
Ginger Rogers Ray Mtiland
—IN --,
Major And the Minor
Rita Johnston Robert Benchtey
Moon and Sixpence
Positively CHILDREN cannot be ad.
,milted to EVENING SHOWS unless
aocotnpanied by an adult.
Applications Wanted
Applications will be receive'l for i
the position of Co - t C t 11 f
Our sincere thanks? and gretitudo
Is expressed to neighbours and
friends for ihelr sympathetic kind -
nese and helpfulness at the time of
the death of our sister, M135 Ada
Searle. ,Special thanks to Rev.
Hazelwood of Walton.
Sisters and Brother
Inducted In Toronto
Rev. Jc P. McLeod, a former
United Ci1urcb minister of town, has
been recently inducted iule Em-
manuel Presbyterian Church, To.
ronto, and also Rev. J2as. K. West of
of Monklon has received a call to
St. Thomas. .
Notice To Subscribers
Due to the rationing of newsprint
it has become necessary to discon-
tinue all payees that are 3 years or
more in arrears. We ask subscrib-
ers to co-operate with us in this
matter. If yotfr label- bears the
date 1940, or earlier date, we ask
that you make at least a partial
payment so it win not be necessary
to remove your name front the
Western Outario County. Temporary mai tug riot.
employment for• six months with
possibility of permanent appoint.
relent at the: end of that time,
Applications to he submitted on or
before 12 o'clock noon, March 10,
Apply to Employment and Bettie.
tree ,Service Cffroe, Goderioh, On-
Local Distribution
Centre Busy
The Brussels Library, local dis-
tribution centre for No. 2 ration
books, hes been a hive of 'ndustry
since last Satenelee. Commencing
last Saturday and for the remainder
of this. week from the hour of 1:3'0
mail 6 p,m. the new ..ration books
are being distributed to the people
of .this dieted. -'-°On 'Tuesday evsn1
in( over 1500 books'. bad bean given
out in the three days, all average of
500 a day and 1t is anticipated that
over 4,000 books will be given out
here, Robt. J. Bowman, distributing
agent, And the other' members of the
ration board axe serving voluntarily.
Among those assisting are Robert
Warwick, Mrs, R. ,T. M1La.nchlin
Mrs, Ii. Parker, Miss Hattie Dower-
iwg, Mrs C. Matheson
Allen; Harvey Johnston, Harry smaller one behind it, and behind
Chaahvpion and W. S. Bcott.
Brother Of Brussels
Woman Dies At Conn
.Charles Duncan, brother of Mrs,
Isabella Coutts of Brussels, died on
Sunday at Conn, Ontario. Mr.
1}uncan was hl his 75th. year, Sur-
viving are his wife, the former Es-
tella Worry; three daughters, Mrs,
W. H. Howells (Irene), of Proton;
Mrs, 3. D. Coutts (Ada), of Fergus,,
and Mrs. D. 3. Mackenzie (Stella),
Woodstock; one son, •Stanley, o(1
Proton, and one sister, Mrs I.
Coutts, of 9ruesels. The funeral
service was held on Tuesday at I
2:00 p.m. at Westcott United church,
Conn, Interment followed in
Mount Forest cemetery. Q
Latest Poultry Oddity ' w
Is Four -Legged Chick n
Mr. Harold Mallett, of Riverside
FArnLS end Hatohery, was in the cl
Observer office on Wedneedale with
an oddity in the poultry world.
Harold had a day-old drink, a hybrid, s
New Hampshire -Barred Rook, that
had four Iege. The leet•leg' of the
chick was normal, but there were
three lege ou the right, side, one al- in
n suffered a fractue of
Cameddan Army Medical Corp over- . the third cervical vertebra, a frac-
seasv; j� Lured ankle and other injuries. Ile
Funeral services were conducts, claims he was totally incapacitated
by Ram. S. Kerr of Melville Presby- for fourteen weeks and le still
terian church from her late rest- suffering from the effects of his
dance at 2,30 p.m, on Welnesday, injuries,
Feb. 24112. Interment took place in Art the time of the accident the
Etrusgel•s cemetery. plaintiff's truck was loaded
, poultry feed, which it is allegel wasi
Sisters 90, 94 i a. total loss. Bills and accounts are
On Same Day r listed at p,822.91 and loss of busi-
• Mrs. Isaac Gill, London, Mrs, •ness and depreciation of truck at
I. M. Henry, •Ethel, Daughters $2,225. General. damages of $10 000
of Queen's Bush Pioneers also are asked.
I -Sisters, wbo reached their 94th McConnel and. Hays, •Seaforth, are
and 90th birthdays, respectively, on acting for the plaintiff and ,Campbell•
the same day, are Mrs. Isaac Gill, Grant, Walkerton, for the defendant.
dT London, and Mus, I. M. Henry,' The Corporation, in its statement
who has the honor to be the oldest of defence, denies faulty canatrnc-
resident of the village of Ht,he1,
of repair or inspeatiol4 of
The sisters, who - correspond the bridge, and maintains that the
rag—Weejy, Mrs, Gill writing . her accident was due to plaintiff's - own
0 " * * Brussels Trucker
Obituary Suing Huron County
* * '' * * * M ,i, Spring assizes anti sitting's of
Mre. A, Thompson Supreme Court of Ontario for - the
Mary Ann Campbell, widow of the county of Huron will epee In Genie.
late Archie Thompson, died ae her rich on Monday afternoon next, at
home here on Monday afternoon 2 o'clock, before Mr, Justine ' J. O,-
l'ebt•uary 22nd in her 71st yea" M.alains. There are no 1,i'hninai
Though not serloesly ill for' very cases listed and only one non -jury
long she had suffered with a heart civil action is set down for hearing,
condition for the past four yearn, as is an appeal case.
Her many friends were grieved to The civil ease is that of Charles
learn of bei demise. 12, Davidson, a truelaer, of I3rassels,
An only child, she was the daugh- who is suing the Corporation of the
ter of the late Mr. and Mrs Alex. County of Huron for $3647.91 aerate
Campbell of Lucknow, where sllc es allegedly incurred waren a County
was born on Feb. 8111, 1873. She had bridge spanning a creek cm the
resided here for the past 37 years, County Toad just senor of Ethel
Her husband predeceased lies here collapsed on May 29th, 1942. The'
nine ,years ago Feb. 27th. driver and his truck wore preclp!.
She leaves to mourn the death oe rated into the stream,
their mother, four daughters Mrs. The plaintiff alleges that the col-
W. E. Willis (Grace) Brussels; lapse of the bridge and the resulting
Catherine, at borne; Mamie, ^m on to tujuries and damages were caused
aucl Mrs. Ceoil Cook {Anna) Wing-, solely by faulty construction or back
bans and four sons Alex, of :legate of proper repair, or both. A,bsence of
Falls; ,Tohn, Chicago; Arthu», To- proper inspection also 3s alleged,
ionto; and Melvin with the Royal ' Davidso
letters without the ad
are daughters of a pioneer family
who came from Lower Canada
some 88 years ago to settle In the
neon's Bnsh, 'Sarah Jane Sharpe
bins. Henry), the younger sister,
as then but 18 months old. Nancy
ow Mrs. Gill, but a small girl.
T he latter resides with her son and
aughteren_law, Mr. and Mre.
Grover 0, Gi11, on Grosvenor
treat, London, where she - came
oni.e nine years ago from Ethel.
The sisters are the only surviving
ntem!bers of their' family of 13,
Mrs. Gill spent her 94th . birthday
bed, where she is confined by a
Mrs. H. most normal size with e. slightly
Having acted as Agent of the
Howick Farmers' Mutton Fire 1n -
mance Company in the Township increase Allowed
of M leillop and that portiou of the In Beef Prices
that ane, a still smaller one. The
chink travelled with difficulty but
i failed to live; dying that evening,
• —The Palmerston Obeerver
Township of Hullett south of the
Grey -McKillop boundary since the
fall of 1921. I am forced to re.
linquish my territory on account of
the gas and tire situation and
perhaps also my age. I want to
take this opportunity of thanking
our policy holders in this district
for the kindness shown me and also
the trust reposed In me during all
these years.
The Directors of the Company
have appointed Mr, Wilfred Dennis
of McKillop Township to take care
of policy holders in McKillop and
that portion of Hallett Townships.
For your Informatton Mr, Derange
phone number is 348-r-12 MIKillop
and his address Is Walton No, 1.
On behalf of Mr, Dennis I would
ask the sante loyal support you
have given me. I might also take
the opportunity to thank the policy
holders of Grey and Morris Town
ships for their kindness and support
and I trust that T may -be able .to
serve them for a time at le't.st.
lames Mcleadzean,
Brussels, Box 1
vwwHw.rw.�w...+..wV....Y..w,•try.i,r+.�N i
Now Is the Time
Here h the Place
Now is the time to have any
of tate following work atone in
readiness for Spoing,
Saws, Soissors and Knives
Repaired and Sharpened
Furnitut'e ,Repaired
Including Upholstering
Carpenter Work done.
Telephone 31, Bruseeis
Or Leave Your Order At
The Post Print Shop
From February 11 to Maich 24,
carcasses and sides of commercial
grade beef in Western Ontario,
' according tp W. Harold McPhillips,
' prices and supply representative of
the Wartime Prime and Trade
Board will not ,sell for 'More than
$18,25 per cwt. wholesale. This
means an increase of a half a. cent
a pound. Other grade both higher
and lower will conform to his in-
crease, which was authorized in re-
cognition of higher feeding costs for
mettle during the winter months,
A retailer is allowed the normal
meek up he established in the basic
Period but it must not exceed 7o
per pound on the total careens. Mr.
McPhillips said.
St. John's A. Y. P. A.
The A,Y,Te.A. of St. John's Church
held a sleigh ride party to the home
of Mr.. and Mrs. Wtn, McCuteheen,
caneeasiou 6, Morris towns'rlp on
Wednesday, Feb. 17. A very
pleasant evening was spent time
there was an attendance of 85.
Assembling at the Reotery. Mr.
Harry Worlonran oonveyed the party
to !their destination, • - Mrs. Roy
Cann My, !vice presidolnt, was in
cbaa'ge The meeting opened with
the hymn "Abide With Me," followed
by the Scripture Lesson, realm 91
pwahae dpraerMs isbsy HtheelenRecMo ":duRtecvh.
M, F. Oldlieni, and the minutes read
by Mrs. H. 21001ton. Community
simglttg, games, contests and mucic
provided the evening's eneertaiu-
ment. Lunch wee served and a vote
of thanks extelided to the hostess
and driver, The weather wee ideal
for the occasion and a very eleasttnt
evening teas silent.
temporary illness. She hopes -to be
out again when the, warm weather
Gomes. Mrs. Henry's eyestgbt is
falling but ebe made lace a,tently
for a. pair of pillow slips which she
donated to the Red Cross to help
raise funds. She has lived all her
life in tate lathe] community where
she is a beloved citizen. Her hus-
band, to whom she was married
67 years, died two years ago,
Mrs. Gill's only living child is the
son with whom she lives, Mrs.
Henry lives with her eon, Arthur
Henry. Her daughter is the wife
of Dr. Wardlaw, also of is,
* Mr,41
E.,a Nurse was•e a abusiness
visitor in Toronto on Monday,
8 # a
Mr. Jacob Fischer was in Tr:eolito,
Thautsclay of last week, on btksiness.
* M e
Miss Helen Sellers, Morris, is
visitors with his parents, Me and
Mise Gloria • Clark.
eH * *
Was Madelon Speiran, Reg. N„
Toronto, spent the week end at her
home here,
* * *
Mrs. J. W, Fischer is vis,t,ug
with relatives in Hespler and
•F * *
Pte, Ned Rutledge and Mrs. Rut-
ledge, Woodstook, were week end
visitors with his paints, Mr end
Mrs. .Alex. Rutledge.
b * *
Mrs. W. Clark, who recentiy under-
went am operation in Ltetowel hes•
petal, woe able to return home on
* d ,.
Milton •noir ' suffered a stroke
while in the store of H. 13. Allan in
Bruseeis an Tuesday attrtoolt
Atedtoal aid was trammelled and he
wee relnoved to the home of Wm.
negligence, maintaining ,that David-
son drove his heavily loaded truck
on to the bridge at a high rate of
speed off thetravelled portion of the
highway and into .the laterel -sup-
ports of the bridge, which were
broken, causing the bridge- to
—The Goderioh Signal -Star
Canadian Red Cross
To Launch Appeal For -'
$10,000,000 March 1
TORONTO—Dr. Fred W. Routley,
national commissioner of the Can-
adian Red Cross Society, announced
a three-week appeal for -$10000,000
voluntary contributions to carry on
humanitarian projects will be
launched throughout Canada March
'The Canadian Red ,Gross neer'
urgently a minimum of eio,000,0e
in order to continue its work in t'
mitigation of human suffering ea
Great Britain and throughout the
United Nations where aid is so
badly required in such countries as
China, Greece, Poland ,and Russia,"
Dr. Routley said.
The Red. Cross requirements this
Year will include $5,500,000' to pro.
vide food parcels for British and
Canadian prisoners of war in
Europe and for Canadian prisoners
in the Far East. The society now
is packing 100,000 of these parcels
every week in its five Canadian
"This year is likely to he the
gravest one in ,Canada's history and
the Rod Cross Is prepared Per all
eventualities at home and overseas,"
said the national commissioner
At the recent meeting of the
Huron County Council it was decid-
ed to eetoblishdistributing centree
for trees for re-forestration. Any-
nyone desiring trees should pla^.e their
order with any member of your
Township Council or the T•uwnship
Clerk before March let as the orders
must be forwarded to the County
Clerks by March 1st.
He w01 then order them shipped
to the different distributing centres
from where they will be dlseeibutea
to the persona having ordered them.
00 YOU NE£:D—
Furniture repaired, alp1015 Bring
etc, all worlc well done, Bring 11 in
or phone 31, The Post Print Slte%-
end have it called tor,