HomeMy WebLinkAboutThe Brussels Post, 1943-2-17, Page 8The in th- meml, sided Th. were Harv' Mo. by Ja, rerun.' Most by C. fee of Reada- the r. be hen 25. >Mor ended . auddto Lyle 'choice 'for 19. The _Irointe• Pow Jas. G McMu. Geo, l J. Clot Robt. McCal .Arthu. She, (1111>e+'' Fang .old P« Count% Robt. Gest, law, IVienni. 111.01114. War Mot, 'Vint. r lir ut,•. '2:00 The Ttn�sei ,. antes Kruschen Salts—after being without for some time New Stock has just arrived 75b pkg Mead's Pablu.n Broadway Poitfclios of Writing Paper and Envelopes .. • • • - 35c Rexall Branch al Syrup•. -•Helps break up congestion and Relieves Colds , . 50c bottles Saccharin Tablets—•—bottle of 100, 1/4Gr. Tablets • • , . • • • 25c A S A Cough Drops •• ....•..,..•••••••••,•••• ' 1Ocpkg Rexall Tasteless Extract Cod Liver Compocnd Fortfied with Vitamin D • $1.00 bottle Face -Elle Men's Size Cleansing Tissues Extra Heavy .. • • • • - -• • 25r. pkg Gillette Blue Razor Blades ••••.. • . , • . pkg of 5 • , . , --•, . 25c Rexall Kidney and Badder Pills .. , •• Puretest Extract of Malt with Cod Liver Oil • ... • • . • • 65c F. R, SMITH ,tune fFI.FPHONE NO. 62 DRUGGIST and STATIONER fFJ.FPHONE NC]. 62 TENDERS Tenders will be received by the undersigned for the painting of the walls and ceiling, also the varnish- ing of the woodwork of the Court Room, Goderich,, Ont. Particulars can be obtained at the office of the Ter -x County Clerk. The lowest or any tender not necessarily accepted, Tenders to be in the hands of the County Clerk not later than 12 o'c1oc11 noon, Feb, 26th, 1943. N.• W. MILLER County Clerk, na ug rf eta Df xp nn l Advertising Rates Classified Ade. - 25c Ordere - 4 y telephone t° ch rg d 35c Card of h _ nks 50c Local Reader a - 5c •Tei. ,' 1 Events Oc In Merno m m, 50c The :aiilil9sel Poet $1.50 per Year n.mxw •.,�.MIIEG61=...-.. ._.,_ .. ..,..� ......s:emmev mrncwansnmmmaxe:aecennm F inesi Quality THE BRUSSELS POST Havhig hstalled • System for Meat Persons a tirtg to store. meat. k ndiy have the y=i anile wrapped in wax paper and sappy own padlock. East Huron Produce Emporium russets, Ont Phone 66 LETTERS RECEIVED FROM BOYS OVERSEAS Dear Sirs; - I received your lovely parcel and wish to thank you very mac'.. All the articles were put to thole best use and sure enjoyed the eatables. We've been having fairly good winter weather but very damn and hope spring soon comes. Thanking you again I remain. Yours, Gua'. R E, Pierce * * * F'..r ..•,•err,"'-. .. _ _..�.� ing you all the Best of luck for 1943. Yours sincerely, Just Deb Dear Sirs Received your Xmas parcel in good condition and would like to take this opoprtunity to thank the members of the •Can. Legion fot this flue work. Your.kind thoughts were deeply appreciated. Sincerely Ken Murray. * * * To the Brussels Legion Just a line to let you know I received your parcel the other day and wish to thank you all as it was most gratefully received. and wish- . r-- Gur. Hall, T. D. ETHEL The February meeting of the Wom$t's Mdsstaua•1�y' Society of Ethel United 'Church was hell on Tuesday, Feb. 2nd at the hone of Mrs: Percy ,Stephenson. Mrs. Rev. Snell presided and the meeting opened by singing the hymn "Angel voices ever singing." Psalm 150 was read followed by prayer with a Drayer in unison for all our men overseas. The Worship • Service was led by Mrs. Edward Gtll, the service opened with verses 1, 8, and four of the hymn. "Father at man in whom are one," read by itlrs. Jos, Ames, after which the hymn "For the Beauty of the Earth, was sting, the scripture lesson was real by Mamie Hansuld. Mrs. Snell gave a splendid talk: on "Wholesome Recre- ation for all," we need to remember, that as we have received much. we CREM RODUCERS EF t OR El sl CREAM TO BRUSSELS CREAMERY G .,• iris d Ali Kip i c� cii BRUSSELS AT Raelkee Phone 6 Butcher Shop WidalmEtemiszemaaanravaornainsmaieralnosnamon THE FINES!' EYESIGHT SERVICE YOU EVER HAD! No hit and miss methods here. Your eyes are thoroughly examined by Mr. Reid and you are told the truth about them. Twetity-five year's experience in optometry alone is your guarantee of satisfaction. R. 00 EYESIGHT SPECIALIST Brussels Office in Miss Hingsfones Store. Mena 51 EVERY WEDNESDAY AFTERNOON ir"ROM 2:00 to 4t30 P.M; sed + r as � t Brussels ucts 1937 Chev. Coach 1935 Ford Sedan 1933 Chev. Coach 1931 Chev. Coach These cars are well tired and good sound automobiles no reasonable offer turned down. Jumper cutter and a Massey 6 -ft, Mower If needing any new implements, call in, we'll try and get them for you, G. o "n URSE ,t?l t At The Cities Service Gan Station RUSSELS ONTARIO Wednesday, February 1011, 1343 A ,-01 DISABLED 11 '' , Lbu '3 DEAD of 0.uickly removed in Clean Sanitary truckb. Phone collect. 72 BRUSSELS Wiliam `Tonle SOP1S ~l,iflmdted must give much, and youth is our responsibility and our opportunity. I3ymn "Land of our Birth" wa.+ sung and the meeting • closed 1>S all repeating the 14fispah Benediction. The annual congregational ban. :Met and meeting of 131hei 1 utte,l church was held on Friday ec••mhlg, Feb, 12, There was a good attend- ance despite the cold weather and poor road conditions. Ethel United Church Report a Successful Year Reports from every organ:.at:on of the church were given, inter. spersed with a variety of ,ausical numbers, The program was opeued. by selections from the Sunday School orchestra, Miss 12. Hen- suld reported for the W. A, showing a cash balance of $230. There followed a sextette by the' senior girls' class. Lesley Earl repertei for the Board of Stewards, all ecnt. mitments had been met and a small balance on hand, This report was responed to by a piano duet by Arnold Earl and Ronald Love, Mrs, Quest Dobson gave the report for the WAILS. The allocation of the W.M.S. has been met, $135 00 having been sent to Toronto, Mrs. John Icing read the report for the Trustee Board showing a cash bal- ance of $13$. Helen Bateman responded with a mouth organ solo. John Pearson reported for the Circuit in his usual interesting and Witty fashion, Mrs. M. Hewitt reported for the Sunday School. This was a splen- did report with a substantial balance for next year. The S.S. orchestra favoured with au seletcion. A 1'eport. Was made in canoe( tion with the splendid work done on the parsonage, As all bills had not yet been received a complete report vault' not be given. The Missionary and Malutenanee Fund Was fairly well subscribed aaid:. $81.00 had been raised for the Loan. and Gift Campaign, The report: of the Session • ,'as giv en by the minister and was •:•induct- ed with a memorial service for the ten members and adherents of this church who through 1942 were called by death. l'lishop John Lyons of Ktag•,ton spent a few days the guest of his slaughter Mrs, 0. 11, Richmond. The Presbyterian Mission Band was held on Saturday afternYon at the home of Miss Muriel I{tauter with an attendance of nine, Mos. Wm. Michel has been visiting her son Moyne and Mrs. Michel in Gorrde, tbe past two weeks. Messrs. 13111 Dobson and Murray Baker of 13rantfol'd were week end visitors at Mr. and. Mrs. Quest Dob - son's and Mr. Garr Baker's, 10 Con., Grey, There was a small attend -,lice at the various churches last Sunday, on• account of the cold day. The Pres. hyterian annual meebing had been postponed but wilt be held Monday. Feb. 22nd at 3 p.m, Mr. Jacob Jonas of near Moles- worth is visiting his daughter Mrs, Chas. Scheerer at present. The annual banquet of tbe United church was held Friday evening, Feb. 12th.wlth a good attendance. The different reports were given ac- companied with music .and songs and was a successfiul evening. We are now showing- New Spring Curtains Our advise is come in Now and choose your demand as the quantity is very small this year. White ruffled Curtains, tailored of fine marquisette, patterned with fine dots, $3:25 a pair. Owing to a shortage of 4, Pix:tt we have decided to take orders for future delivery as we are getting a limited quant- ity. 'Phis' is the only fair way to , distribute same to our customers. First on list will be served as they come in. Grey and Green Checked All Wool Blankets — Special $5,95 Women's every day Lisle Hose, Size 9 to 1V, 50c a pair Bleached Heavy Cotton ,Sheeting — Good Quality — 79c a yard Don't forget to ask for your sale-slips—For $10,00 worth of these 'we give you A War Savings Stamp Free. t=y:t tteUl0.Tr R'b A'aEnR6n5'cn; G 'ty ocom aGi61vozwad w THE ' D I. E r s. comemomMETEMSO • ' :ai,i i6i910'p,MS'Ait Phone 61 - '– Brussels, Ont. Store Wide Bargains for the Whole Family